static void AddCustomDependencies(Dictionary <string, Depend> references, string path, string spritePackingTag)
        string[] allFiles = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(path, "*", System.IO.SearchOption.AllDirectories);

        foreach (var dependPath in allFiles)
            AssetImporter assetImporter = AssetImporter.GetAtPath(dependPath);
            if (assetImporter && assetImporter is TextureImporter)
                var textureImporter = assetImporter as TextureImporter;
                if (textureImporter.textureType == TextureImporterType.Sprite)
                    if (textureImporter.spritePackingTag == spritePackingTag)
                        if (references.ContainsKey(dependPath) == false)
                            Depend depend = new Depend();
                            depend.owner = "common/" + System.IO.Path.GetFileName(dependPath);
                            depend.path  = dependPath;
                            references.Add(dependPath, depend);
Example #2
    static void GetDependencies(string file, Dictionary <string, Depend> references, List <string> rawResources)
        string[] dependencies = AssetDatabase.GetDependencies(file);
        for (int i = 0; i < dependencies.Length; i++)
            string dependPath = dependencies[i];
            if (references.ContainsKey(dependPath))
                references[dependPath].owner = "common/" + System.IO.Path.GetFileName(references[dependPath].path);
                Depend depend = new Depend();
                depend.owner = null;
                depend.path  = dependPath;
                references.Add(dependPath, depend);

            if (rawResources.Contains(dependPath))
                references[dependPath].owner = dependPath;
Example #3
        private void readPodMeta(FStore.Input input)
            // handle sys bootstrap specially using just java.util.Properties
            string metaName;

            if ("sys" == m_podName)
                Properties props = new Properties();
                metaName       = props.getProperty("");
                m_podVersion   = props.getProperty("pod.version");
                m_fcodeVersion = props.getProperty("fcode.version");
                m_depends      = new Depend[0];
                SysInStream sysIn = new SysInStream(input);
                this.m_meta = (Map)sysIn.readProps().toImmutable();

                metaName     = meta("");
                m_podVersion = meta("pod.version");

                m_fcodeVersion = meta("fcode.version");
                string dependsStr = meta("pod.depends").Trim();
                if (dependsStr.Length == 0)
                    m_depends = new Depend[0];
                    string[] toks = dependsStr.Split(';');
                    m_depends = new Depend[toks.Length];
                    for (int i = 0; i < m_depends.Length; ++i)
                        m_depends[i] = Depend.fromStr(toks[i].Trim());

            // check meta name matches podName passed to ctor
            if (m_podName == null)
                m_podName = metaName;
            if (m_podName != metaName)
                throw new System.IO.IOException("Pod name mismatch " + m_podName + " != " + metaName);

            // sanity checking
            if (FConst.FCodeVersion != m_fcodeVersion)
                throw new System.IO.IOException("Invalid fcode version " + m_fcodeVersion);
Example #4
         * Adds a dependency.
        public void addDepend(Path path)
            Depend depend = new Depend(path);


        public void ManufactureType_Class_With_Despendecies_Dependency_Passed_In_Created_Successfully()
            IClassFactory testClassFactory = new JunctionPointer.Helpers.OCInject.ClassFactory();

            testClassFactory.RegisterType <IDepend, Depend>();
            testClassFactory.RegisterType <ITestClassWithDepend, TestClassWithDepend>();

            IDepend newDepend = new Depend();
            ITestClassWithDepend manufacturedType = testClassFactory.ManufactureType <ITestClassWithDepend>(newDepend);

            Assert.AreSame(newDepend, manufacturedType.Depend);
Example #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets output data for the default values for GCSolar,
        /// equivalent to the third option on the windows start form.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Dictionary <string, object> GetOutput()
            DataTable dtDay = new DataTable();
            DataTable dtKL  = new DataTable();
            Depend    dp    = new Depend();

            dp.CalculatePhotolysisRatesHalfLivesTDay(out dtDay, out dtKL, common);
            object[] t1 = ToOutputArray(dtDay);
            object[] t2 = ToOutputArray(dtKL);
            Dictionary <string, object> result = new Dictionary <string, object>
                ["dtDay"] = t1,
                ["dtKL"]  = t2

        public void ManufactureType_Class_With_Despendecies_Dependency_Passed_In_Created_Successfully()
            IClassFactory testClassFactory = new JunctionPointer.Helpers.OCInject.ClassFactory();

            testClassFactory.RegisterType<IDepend, Depend>();
            testClassFactory.RegisterType<ITestClassWithDepend, TestClassWithDepend>();

            IDepend newDepend = new Depend();
            ITestClassWithDepend manufacturedType = testClassFactory.ManufactureType<ITestClassWithDepend>(newDepend);

            Assert.AreSame(newDepend, manufacturedType.Depend);