protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { ClientEntity client = Session[PageInfo.SessionKey_Client] as ClientEntity; if (client == null) { Response.Redirect(PageInfo.PathClientLogin + Request.Url.ToString()); return; } else if (client.Role.RoleName.Equals(PageInfo.RoleTypeAdmin)) { Response.Write("<script>alert('你没有权限!'); window.location.href = " + PageInfo.PathDefaultPage + "</script>"); return; } else if (client.Role.RoleName.Equals(PageInfo.RoleTypeSuperAdmin)) { IList <RoleEntity> roles = new RoleService().GetAllRoles(); foreach (var role in roles) { this.DropDownListRole.Items.Add(new ListItem(role.Description, role.RoleName)); } IList <CatalogEntity> catalogs = new CatalogService().getAll(); foreach (var catalog in catalogs) { this.CheckBoxListCatalog.Items.Add(new ListItem(catalog.CatalogName)); } IList <DepartmentEntity> departments = new DepartmentDao().getAllDepartments(); foreach (var department in departments) { this.DropDownListDepartment.Items.Add(new ListItem(department.Description, department.DepartmentName)); } } } }
public void initAdminClient() { ClientDao dao = new ClientDao(); ClientEntity temp = dao.getClientByUsername("admin"); if (temp != null) { dao.DeleteClient("admin"); } ClientEntity client = new ClientEntity(); RoleDao roleDao = new RoleDao(); DepartmentDao departmentDao = new DepartmentDao(); client.Username = "******"; client.Password = "******"; client.RealName = "yangtf"; client.Role = roleDao.getByName("superadmin"); client.Department = departmentDao.getByName("6"); client.encryptPassword(); IList <CatalogEntity> catalogs = new CatalogDao().getAll(); client.Catalogs = catalogs;; }
private string Service_ContentFormLoad(object sender, ContentFormLoadEventArgs e) { if (e.AttributeName == ContentAttribute.DepartmentId) { var departmentId = e.Form.GetString(nameof(ContentAttribute.DepartmentId)); var ddlDepartmentId = new DropDownList { ID = ContentAttribute.DepartmentId, CssClass = "form-control" }; var departmentInfoList = DepartmentDao.GetDepartmentInfoList(); foreach (var departmentInfo in departmentInfoList) { var listItem = new ListItem(departmentInfo.DepartmentName, departmentInfo.Id.ToString()); ddlDepartmentId.Items.Add(listItem); } Utils.SelectSingleItem(ddlDepartmentId, departmentId); return($@" <div class=""form-group form-row""> <label class=""col-sm-1 col-form-label text-right"">提交部门</label> <div class=""col-sm-6""> {Utils.GetControlRenderHtml(ddlDepartmentId)} </div> <div class=""col-sm-5""> </div> </div>"); } return(string.Empty); }
public IHttpActionResult Insert() { try { var request = Context.GetCurrentRequest(); var siteId = request.GetQueryInt("siteId"); if (!request.IsAdminLoggin || !request.AdminPermissions.HasSitePermissions(siteId, ApplicationUtils.PluginId)) { return(Unauthorized()); } var departmentInfo = new DepartmentInfo { Id = 0, SiteId = siteId, DepartmentName = request.GetPostString("departmentName"), UserNames = request.GetPostString("userNames").Trim(','), Taxis = request.GetPostInt("taxis") }; departmentInfo.Id = DepartmentDao.Insert(departmentInfo); return(Ok(new { Value = departmentInfo })); } catch (Exception ex) { return(InternalServerError(ex)); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { //Setting up objects as needed var depDao = new DepartmentDao(Properties.Settings.Default.conString); var dept = depDao.GetDepartments(); //Adding departments to a list using a foreach loop foreach (Department d in dept) { ListItem l = new ListItem(d.Name, depDao.GetDepartmentId(d.Name).ToString()); drpDepartment.Items.Add(l); } //Setting the dropdown to the list of departments as well as selecting //a default value from the start drpDepartment.DataTextField = "Name"; drpDepartment.DataValueField = "Id"; drpDepartment.DataSource = dept; drpDepartment.DataBind(); drpDepartment.SelectedIndex = 0; drpDepartment.SelectedIndex = 0; } }
private void PopulateControls() { string departmentId = Request.QueryString["DepartmentID"]; string categoryId = Request.QueryString["CategoryID"]; if (categoryId != null) { // Retrieve category and department details and display them Category cd = CatalogAccess.GetCategoryDetails(categoryId); catalogTitleLabel.Text = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(cd.Name); DepartmentDao dao = new DepartmentDao(); Department department = dao.Find(departmentId); catalogDescriptionLabel.Text = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(cd.Description); this.Title = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(CdShopConfiguration.SiteName + ": " + department.Name + ": " + cd.Name); } else if (departmentId != null) { DepartmentDao dao = new DepartmentDao(); Department department = dao.Find(departmentId); catalogTitleLabel.Text = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(department.Name); catalogDescriptionLabel.Text = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(department.Description); // Set the title of the page this.Title = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(CdShopConfiguration.SiteName + ": " + department.Name); } }
public List <User> findUserListByDepartmentId(int departmentId, string departmentName) { List <User> userList = new List <User>(); Department department = new Department(); department.Name = departmentName; // 传参,减少内部的new Department 操作 DataSet dataset = DepartmentDao.GetInstance().findUserListByDepartmentId(departmentId); if ((dataset != null) && (dataset.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)) { for (int i = 0; i < dataset.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++) { User user = new User(); user.Name = dataset.Tables[0].Rows[i]["name"].ToString().Trim(); user.Id = Convert.ToInt32(dataset.Tables[0].Rows[i]["id"].ToString()); user.Department = department; if (Convert.ToInt32(dataset.Tables[0].Rows[i]["id"].ToString()) == 1) // 1 -- 男 2--女 { user.Sex = "男"; } else { user.Sex = "女"; } user.Telephone = dataset.Tables[0].Rows[i]["telephone"].ToString().Trim(); user.Remarks = dataset.Tables[0].Rows[i]["remarks"].ToString().Trim(); userList.Add(user); } } return(userList); }
public JsonResult Delete(string listDeputy, string id, string dep) { if (dep == null || dep == "") { dep = mEmployee.employee.departmentName; } var updateDeputy = new DepartmentDao().UpdateDeputy(dep, listDeputy); // check and delete permisstion var check = new DepartmentDao().CheckApprovalPermisstion(id); var result = true; if (!check) // if not exists in deputy list or head => delete permisstion approval { result = new UserDao().DeleteUserRole(id, 3); } if (updateDeputy && result) { return(Json(new { status = true })); } else { return(Json(new { status = false })); } }
public JsonResult AddUser(string userId, string dep) { if (dep == null || dep == "") { dep = mEmployee.employee.departmentName; } var checkUser = adWebHelper.GetDetailUserInfo(mEmployee.employee.access_token, userId.Trim()); if (checkUser != null) { // Insert user to database InsertOrUpdateUser(checkUser); GrantPermisstion(checkUser.ad_user_employeeID, 3); // Insert new user to deputy list var listDepartment = new DepartmentDao().GetListDeputyByDepartment(dep); if (listDepartment == null || listDepartment == "") { listDepartment = userId; } else if (!listDepartment.Contains(userId)) { listDepartment = listDepartment + ";" + userId; } var updateResult = new DepartmentDao().UpdateDeputy(dep, listDepartment); if (updateResult) { return(Json(new { result = true })); } } return(Json(new { result = false })); }
private void RemoveDepartment(DEPARTMENT d) { DepartmentDao.Instace().Delete(d.DEPT_ID); DeparmentLists = null; DeparmentLists= new ObservableCollection<DEPARTMENT>(DepartmentDao.Instace().getAll()); }
private void FindDepartment(FrameworkElement p) { string id = ""; if (p != null) { var fe = p as Grid; if (fe != null) { foreach (var item in fe.Children) { var tx = item as TextBox; if (tx != null) { if (tx.Name.Equals("txtSearch")) { id = tx.Text; } } } } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(id)) DeparmentLists = new ObservableCollection<DEPARTMENT>(DepartmentDao.Instace().getListByName(id)); else DeparmentLists = new ObservableCollection<DEPARTMENT>(DepartmentDao.Instace().getAll()); }
public ActionResult Representative(int representativeId) { int departmentId = Convert.ToInt32(RouteData.Values["departmentId"]); DepartmentDao.UpdateDepartmentRepresentative(representativeId, departmentId); return(RedirectToAction("Delegate")); }
private void OKevent(Window p) { EMPLOYEE em = new EMPLOYEE(); em.FIRST_NAME = EmployeeViewObj.first_name; em.LAST_NAME = EmployeeViewObj.last_name; em.TITLE = EmployeeViewObj.title; em.START_DATE = EmployeeViewObj.start_date; em.END_DATE = EmployeeViewObj.end_date; em.ASSIGNED_BRANCH_ID = BranchDao.Instance().SelectbyName(EmployeeViewObj.branch).BRANCH_ID; em.DEPT_ID = DepartmentDao.Instace().SelectbyName(EmployeeViewObj.department).DEPT_ID; em.SUPERIOR_EMP_ID = null; if (cv == "insert") { EmployeeDao.Instance().Insert(em); evm.EmployeeViewLists = evm.UpdateListview(); } else { em.EMP_ID =; EmployeeDao.Instance().Update(em); evm.EmployeeViewLists = evm.UpdateListview(); } p.Close(); }
public async Task <Result> GetOrderList(In inData) { DBHelper db = new DBHelper(); List <int> position_list = await PositionDao.GetChildId(db, inData.user.position_id); position_list.Add(inData.user.position_id); position_list = position_list.Distinct().ToList(); List <t_procurement> order_list = await ProcurementDao.GetList(db, position_list.ToArray()); List <OrderItemResult> order_result_list = new List <OrderItemResult>(); foreach (var item in order_list) { order_result_list.Add(new OrderItemResult { add_time = item.add_time.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), department_name = await DepartmentDao.GetDepartmentName(db, item.department_id), position_name = await Dao.User.PositionDao.GetPositionName(db, item.position_id), name = await UserDao.GetUserRealName(db,, order_sn = item.order_sn, remark = item.remark, status = item.status }); } Result <List <OrderItemResult> > result = new Result <List <OrderItemResult> > { result = true, msg = "OK", data = order_result_list }; return(result); }
public ActionResult Index(string Department) { List <tbl_User> listDeputy = null; var deputyList = ""; // For admin config SelectList groupList = new SelectList((IEnumerable)GetDepartMent(), "Value", "Value"); ViewBag.GroupList = groupList; if (Department == null || Department == "") { Department = mEmployee.employee.departmentName; } ViewBag.HeadName = new DepartmentDao().GetHeadIdByDepartment(Department); ViewBag.Department = Department; deputyList = new DepartmentDao().GetListDeputyByDepartment(Department); // add to user // add list deputy if (deputyList != null && deputyList != "") { var listUser = deputyList.Split(';').ToList(); listDeputy = new UserDao().GetListUser(listUser); } ViewBag.ListDeputy = listDeputy; return(View()); }
public ActionResult PickupPoint(int pickupPointId) { int departmentId = Convert.ToInt32(RouteData.Values["departmentId"]); DepartmentDao.UpdatePickUpPoint(departmentId, pickupPointId); return(RedirectToAction("Delegate")); }
public ActionResult CreateRequest() { // Create GUIID Guid idRequest = Guid.NewGuid(); CreateRequestModel newRequest = new CreateRequestModel(); newRequest.Id = idRequest; newRequest.EmployeeId = mEmployee.employee.employee_id; var employeeInfor = adWebHelper.GetDetailUserInfo(mEmployee.employee.access_token, mEmployee.employee.employee_id); newRequest.SLM = adWebHelper.GetDetailUserInfoByID(mEmployee.employee.access_token, Convert.ToInt32(employeeInfor.parent_id[0].ToString())).ad_user_displayName; newRequest.FullName = mEmployee.employee.display_name; // Approver Information List <tbl_User> listApproval = null; var listApprov = new DepartmentDao().GetApproverName(mEmployee.employee.departmentName); if (listApprov != null && listApprov != "") { var listUser = listApprov.Split(';').ToList(); listApproval = new UserDao().GetListUser(listUser); } ViewBag.ApproverName = string.Join("; ", listApproval.Select(x => x.FullName.ToString()).ToArray()); // Information the requester return(View(newRequest)); }
private void NewEditForm() { DepartmentEdit depart = new DepartmentEdit("insert", this); depart.txtDepID.Text = (DepartmentDao.Instace().GetLastID() + 1).ToString(); depart.txtDepID.IsReadOnly = true; depart.Show(); }
public ActionResult Delete(string ma) { bool status = false; status = new DepartmentDao().Delete(ma); return(Json(new { status = status }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
public void SetViewDepartment(int?selectedId = null) { var session = (UserLogin)Session[CommonConstants.USER_SESSION]; var dao = new DepartmentDao(); ViewBag.Department_ID = new SelectList(dao.ListDepartment(session.DepartmentID), "ID", "Name", selectedId); }
public void Delete(string departmentID) { using (PersistentManager pm = new PersistentManager()) { DepartmentDao departmentDao = new DepartmentDao(); departmentDao.DeleteEntity(departmentID); } }
/// <summary> /// Constructor /// </summary> public DepartmentVM() { DeparmentLists = new ObservableCollection<DEPARTMENT>(DepartmentDao.Instace().getAll()); FindCommand = new RelayCommand<FrameworkElement>((p) => { return p != null ? true : false; }, (p) => { FindDepartment(p); }); EditFormCommand = new RelayCommand<DEPARTMENT>((p) => true, (p) => { ShowEditForm(p); }); DeleteRowCommand = new RelayCommand<DEPARTMENT>((p) => true, (p) => { RemoveDepartment(p); }); NewFormCommand = new RelayCommand<Window>((p) => true , (p) => { NewEditForm(); }); }
public void Save(string departmentID, string departmentName, string remark) { using (PersistentManager pm = new PersistentManager()) { DepartmentDao departmentDao = new DepartmentDao(); departmentDao.UpdateEntity(departmentID, departmentName, remark); } }
public void Insert(string departmentName, string remark) { using (PersistentManager pm = new PersistentManager()) { DepartmentDao departmentDao = new DepartmentDao(); departmentDao.InsertEntity(departmentName, remark); } }
public int GetRowCount(string filter) { using (PersistentManager persistentManager = new PersistentManager()) { DepartmentDao dao = new DepartmentDao(); return(dao.GetRowCount(strTableView, filter)); } }
public DataSet QueryDepartment(int pageIndex, int pageSize, string filter, string OrderByFields) { using (PersistentManager persistentManager = new PersistentManager()) { DepartmentDao dao = new DepartmentDao(); return(dao.Query(strTableView, strPrimaryKey, strQueryFields, pageIndex, pageSize, OrderByFields, filter, strTableView)); } }
public string GetNewDeptCode() { using (PersistentManager persistentManager = new PersistentManager()) { DepartmentDao dao = new DepartmentDao(); return(dao.GetNewDeptCode()); } }
public ActionResult Index(string searchString, int page = 1, int pageSize = 10) { var dao = new DepartmentDao(); var model = dao.ListAllPaging(searchString, page, pageSize); ViewBag.SearchString = searchString; return(View(model)); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { DepartmentDao dao = new DepartmentDao(); list.DataSource = dao.GetAll(); list.DataBind(); } }
// Populate the GridView with data private void BindGrid() { // Get a DataTable object containing the catalog departments DepartmentDao dao = new DepartmentDao(); grid.DataSource = dao.GetAll(); // Bind the data bound controls to the data source grid.DataBind(); }