/// <summary> /// Get the <see cref="DemoValue"/> entity with the given identifier. /// </summary> /// <param name="identifier">The <see cref="DemoValue"/> identifier.</param> /// <param name="filters">The parameters for entity selection.</param> /// <returns>The <see cref="DemoValue"/> entitie with the given identifier.</returns> public DemoValue GetDemoValue(Guid identifier, IDictionary <string, string> filters = null) { DemoValue entity = default(DemoValue); using (IEntityContext context = DependencyInjection.Get <IEntityContext>()) { using (IDemoValueRepository repository = DependencyInjection.Get <IDemoValueRepository>(InjectionParameter.Create("context", context))) { IQueryOver <DemoValue, DemoValue> query = repository .Query() .Where(x => x.ID == identifier); entity = query.List().SingleOrDefault(); // The next line is just for demo purposes. //set.ForEach(item => item.AddCollectionReference(Corporation.Metadata.SUBSIDUARIES_PROPERTY, item.Subsiduaries.Select(e => e.ID.ToString()).ToList())); } context.Commit(); } return(entity); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Hashtable ht = new Hashtable(); BaseEntity search111 = new BaseEntity() { Id = 111 }; BaseEntity search222 = new BaseEntity() { Id = 222 }; Console.WriteLine(search111.GetHashCode()); Console.WriteLine(search222.GetHashCode()); ht.Add(search111, 100); ht.Add(search222, 200); if (ht.ContainsKey(new BaseEntity() { Id = 111 })) { Console.WriteLine("contains"); } else { Console.WriteLine("not contains"); } return; Console.WriteLine(System.Web.Mvc.HttpVerbs.Get); return; string path_ = @"E:\Source\Repos\nopCommerce_3.80_Beta_Source\Libraries\Nop.Core\Html\1.txt"; File.WriteAllText(path_, "1231\n123\n12\r1123" + Environment.NewLine + "helo\r\n"); string value_ = File.ReadAllText(path_); return; string text = @"<b>Hellosdf>>>>sdfsdf</b>123"; var result = Regex.Replace(text, "(<[^>]*>)([^<]*)", "$2"); Console.WriteLine("result: " + result); foreach (Match item in Regex.Matches(text, "(<[^>]*>)([^<]*)")) { Console.WriteLine("group1: " + item.Groups[1].Value); Console.WriteLine("group2: " + item.Groups[2].Value); } return; DemoValue value = new DemoValue(); value.MyProperty = 123; DemoClass classV = new DemoClass(value); Console.WriteLine(classV.MyProperty); return; //Console.WriteLine("\nReflection.Parameterinfo"); //Type Mytype = Type.GetType("Nop.Core.Tests.Program"); //Console.WriteLine(Mytype); ////Get and display the method. //MethodBase Mymethodbase = Mytype.GetMethod("mymethod"); //Console.Write("\nMymethodbase = " + Mymethodbase); ////Get the ParameterInfo array. //ParameterInfo[] Myarray = Mymethodbase.GetParameters(); ////Get and display the ParameterInfo of each parameter. //foreach (ParameterInfo Myparam in Myarray) //{ // Console.Write("\nFor param eter # " + Myparam.Position // + ", the ParameterType is - " + Myparam.ParameterType + ", " + Myparam.GetType()); //} //return; //Demo1(22); //Demo1<string>(22); //Console.WriteLine(); //return; string an2 = @"C:\Users\Administrator\Source\Repos\_nopcommerceLocalDemo\Tests\Nop.Core.Tests\bin\Debug\Nop.Core.dll"; string an1 = @"E:\Source\Repos\nopCommerce_3.80_Beta_Source\Libraries\Nop.Core\bin\Debug\Autofac.dll"; Console.WriteLine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies().Count()); AssemblyName an = AssemblyName.GetAssemblyName(an1); Assembly.Load(an); Console.WriteLine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies().Count()); Console.WriteLine(an); Console.WriteLine(an.FullName); return; foreach (var item in AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies()) { Console.WriteLine(item.FullName); } Console.WriteLine("================"); System.Web.Compilation.BuildManager.AddReferencedAssembly(Assembly.Load(an)); Console.WriteLine(Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N")); Console.WriteLine(Guid.NewGuid().ToString()); var path = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + ("\\global.asax"); var path2 = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + ("\\global2.asax"); File.Copy(path, path2, true); var shadowCopiedPlug = new FileInfo(path); Console.WriteLine(shadowCopiedPlug.CreationTime); shadowCopiedPlug = new FileInfo(path2); Console.WriteLine(shadowCopiedPlug.CreationTime); return; foreach (var item in Environment.NewLine) { Console.WriteLine((int)item); } Nop.Core.Data.DataSettings setting = new Data.DataSettings(); Console.WriteLine(setting.DataProvider == null); return; long x = 123123; Console.WriteLine((x is int) ? "is int" : "not int"); Console.WriteLine(System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(typeof(int))); string[] arr2 = new string[1]; Console.WriteLine(arr2.Any()); return; TestClass t = new TestClass(); // Get the type and PropertyInfo. Type myType = t.GetType(); PropertyInfo pinfo = myType.GetProperty("Caption"); pinfo.SetValue(t, "HEllo WORK", new object[1]); Console.WriteLine(pinfo.GetValue(t)); return; string str = "\"Helo""; using (var sw = new StringWriter()) using (var xwr = new XmlTextWriter(sw)) { xwr.WriteString(str); Console.WriteLine(sw.ToString()); } return; BaseEntity1 be1 = new BaseEntity1(); BaseEntity1 be11 = new BaseEntity1(); Console.WriteLine(be1.GetHashCode()); Console.WriteLine(be11.GetHashCode()); return; BaseEntity2 be2 = new BaseEntity2(); Dictionary <BaseEntity1, int> dic = new Dictionary <BaseEntity1, int>(); dic.Add(be1, 1); dic.Add(be11, 2); }
public DemoClass(DemoValue value) { this._value = value; }
static void Main2(string[] args) { IEnumerable <int> array = new List <int> { 1, 2, 3 }; Type arrT = array.GetType(); Type arrT2 = arrT.GetElementType(); Console.WriteLine(arrT); Console.WriteLine(arrT2); Console.WriteLine("The element type of {0} is {1}.", array, arrT2); return; var builder = new ContainerBuilder(); builder.RegisterType <ConsoleOutput>().AsSelf().As <IOutput>().InstancePerRequest(); builder.RegisterType <TodayWriter>().As <IDateWriter>().InstancePerMatchingLifetimeScope(MatchingScopeLifetimeTags.RequestLifetimeScopeTag);; builder.RegisterType <MyComponent>(); builder.Register(c => new MyComponent()); var container = builder.Build(); using (var scopeContainer = container.BeginLifetimeScope(MatchingScopeLifetimeTags.RequestLifetimeScopeTag)) { //var myComponent = scopeContainer.Resolve<MyComponent>(); var myComponent = scopeContainer.Resolve <ConsoleOutput>(); } return; using (var scope = container.BeginLifetimeScope(MatchingScopeLifetimeTags.RequestLifetimeScopeTag)) { IOutput output; try { output = scope.Resolve <IOutput>(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } } return; // Create the scope, resolve your IDateWriter, // use it, then dispose of the scope. using (var scope = container.BeginLifetimeScope(MatchingScopeLifetimeTags.RequestLifetimeScopeTag)) { var writer = scope.Resolve <IDateWriter>(); writer.WriteDate(); } return; var demoC = TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(typeof(int?)); Console.WriteLine(demoC); var _inputValues = new NameValueCollection(); _inputValues.Add("a", "123123"); _inputValues.Add("a", "hello"); _inputValues.Add("a", "hello22"); _inputValues.Add("sdfs", "sdfsfewr"); Console.WriteLine(_inputValues["a"]); foreach (string item in _inputValues.Keys) { Console.WriteLine(item); string[] values = _inputValues.GetValues(item); foreach (var v in values) { Console.WriteLine(v); } Console.WriteLine(); } return; Console.WriteLine(3 / (float)2); return; List <int> all = new List <int>(); List <int> child = new List <int>(); all.AddRange(child); Console.WriteLine(all.Count); return; double price = 200; double percent = 40; var resultxx = price - (price) / (100 + percent) * percent; Console.WriteLine(resultxx); return; List <Pet> pets = new List <Pet> { new Pet { Name = "Barley", Age = 8 }, new Pet { Name = "Boots", Age = 4 }, new Pet { Name = "Whiskers", Age = 1 } }; List <Pet> pets2 = new List <Pet>(); foreach (Pet pet in pets2.DefaultIfEmpty()) { Console.WriteLine(pet.Name); } return; var a = new int[] { 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 99, 123123 }; DemoValue[] b = { new DemoValue { MyProperty = 3 }, new DemoValue { MyProperty = 7 }, new DemoValue { MyProperty = 99 }, new DemoValue { MyProperty = 13212 }, new DemoValue { MyProperty = 567 }, }; var resultff = from b1 in b join a1 in a on b1.MyProperty equals a1 //select b1; into ab //from sm in ab.DefaultIfEmpty() from sm in ab.DefaultIfEmpty() select sm; var query = from ax in resultff select ax; foreach (var item in resultff) { Console.WriteLine(item.GetType() + " " + item); } return; var caching = System.Runtime.Caching.MemoryCache.Default; int cacheTime = 10; CacheItemPolicy policy = new CacheItemPolicy(); policy.AbsoluteExpiration = DateTime.Now + TimeSpan.FromMinutes(cacheTime); caching.Add(new System.Runtime.Caching.CacheItem("123", null), policy); if (caching.Contains("123")) { if (caching["123"] == null) { Console.WriteLine("is null"); } } return; File.WriteAllText(@"unicode2.txt", ToUnichar("01F6"), Encoding.Unicode); return; char cc = 'δΈ'; Console.WriteLine(CharUnicodeInfo.GetUnicodeCategory(cc)); Console.WriteLine(typeof(Nop.Data.EfDataProviderManager)); Console.WriteLine(typeof(Nop.Data.EfDataProviderManager).Name); return; Hashtable ht = new Hashtable(); BaseEntity search111 = new BaseEntity() { Id = 111 }; BaseEntity search222 = new BaseEntity() { Id = 222 }; Console.WriteLine(search111.GetHashCode()); Console.WriteLine(search222.GetHashCode()); ht.Add(search111, 100); ht.Add(search222, 200); if (ht.ContainsKey(new BaseEntity() { Id = 111 })) { Console.WriteLine("contains"); } else { Console.WriteLine("not contains"); } return; Console.WriteLine(System.Web.Mvc.HttpVerbs.Get); return; string path_ = @"E:\Source\Repos\nopCommerce_3.80_Beta_Source\Libraries\Nop.Core\Html\1.txt"; File.WriteAllText(path_, "1231\n123\n12\r1123" + Environment.NewLine + "helo\r\n"); string value_ = File.ReadAllText(path_); return; string text = @"<b>Hellosdf>>>>sdfsdf</b>123"; var result = Regex.Replace(text, "(<[^>]*>)([^<]*)", "$2"); Console.WriteLine("result: " + result); foreach (Match item in Regex.Matches(text, "(<[^>]*>)([^<]*)")) { Console.WriteLine("group1: " + item.Groups[1].Value); Console.WriteLine("group2: " + item.Groups[2].Value); } return; DemoValue value = new DemoValue(); value.MyProperty = 123; DemoClass classV = new DemoClass(value); Console.WriteLine(classV.MyProperty); return; //Console.WriteLine("\nReflection.Parameterinfo"); //Type Mytype = Type.GetType("Nop.Core.Tests.Program"); //Console.WriteLine(Mytype); ////Get and display the method. //MethodBase Mymethodbase = Mytype.GetMethod("mymethod"); //Console.Write("\nMymethodbase = " + Mymethodbase); ////Get the ParameterInfo array. //ParameterInfo[] Myarray = Mymethodbase.GetParameters(); ////Get and display the ParameterInfo of each parameter. //foreach (ParameterInfo Myparam in Myarray) //{ // Console.Write("\nFor param eter # " + Myparam.Position // + ", the ParameterType is - " + Myparam.ParameterType + ", " + Myparam.GetType()); //} //return; //Demo1(22); //Demo1<string>(22); //Console.WriteLine(); //return; string an2 = @"C:\Users\Administrator\Source\Repos\_nopcommerceLocalDemo\Tests\Nop.Core.Tests\bin\Debug\Nop.Core.dll"; string an1 = @"E:\Source\Repos\nopCommerce_3.80_Beta_Source\Libraries\Nop.Core\bin\Debug\Autofac.dll"; Console.WriteLine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies().Count()); AssemblyName an = AssemblyName.GetAssemblyName(an1); Assembly.Load(an); Console.WriteLine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies().Count()); Console.WriteLine(an); Console.WriteLine(an.FullName); return; foreach (var item in AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies()) { Console.WriteLine(item.FullName); } Console.WriteLine("================"); System.Web.Compilation.BuildManager.AddReferencedAssembly(Assembly.Load(an)); Console.WriteLine(Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N")); Console.WriteLine(Guid.NewGuid().ToString()); var path = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + ("\\global.asax"); var path2 = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + ("\\global2.asax"); File.Copy(path, path2, true); var shadowCopiedPlug = new FileInfo(path); Console.WriteLine(shadowCopiedPlug.CreationTime); shadowCopiedPlug = new FileInfo(path2); Console.WriteLine(shadowCopiedPlug.CreationTime); return; foreach (var item in Environment.NewLine) { Console.WriteLine((int)item); } Nop.Core.Data.DataSettings setting = new Data.DataSettings(); Console.WriteLine(setting.DataProvider == null); return; long x = 123123; Console.WriteLine((x is int) ? "is int" : "not int"); Console.WriteLine(System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(typeof(int))); string[] arr2 = new string[1]; Console.WriteLine(arr2.Any()); return; TestClass t = new TestClass(); // Get the type and PropertyInfo. Type myType = t.GetType(); PropertyInfo pinfo = myType.GetProperty("Caption"); pinfo.SetValue(t, "HEllo WORK", new object[1]); Console.WriteLine(pinfo.GetValue(t)); return; string str = "\"Helo""; using (var sw = new StringWriter()) using (var xwr = new XmlTextWriter(sw)) { xwr.WriteString(str); Console.WriteLine(sw.ToString()); } return; BaseEntity1 be1 = new BaseEntity1(); BaseEntity1 be11 = new BaseEntity1(); Console.WriteLine(be1.GetHashCode()); Console.WriteLine(be11.GetHashCode()); return; BaseEntity2 be2 = new BaseEntity2(); Dictionary <BaseEntity1, int> dic = new Dictionary <BaseEntity1, int>(); dic.Add(be1, 1); dic.Add(be11, 2); }