Example #1
        // GET: Demands/Create
        public ActionResult Create(int?id)
            // ViewBag.YearBox = MyExtensions.MakeYrRq(1, 1, DateTime.Today.Year);

            //Depending on where this is called from, set the Citizen
            int CitID = id ?? 0;

            ViewBag.CitName = (CitID > 0) ? db.Citizens.Find(CitID).Name : "";
            DemandInitLoad dil = new DemandInitLoad {
                CitizenID = CitID

            ViewBag.PeriodID = new SelectList(db.PeriodSLs, "PeriodID", "PeriodSL1");
Example #2
        public ActionResult Create([Bind(Include = "DemandID,CitizenID,PeriodID, HouseNo, SubLedgerID, Amt, Remarks")] DemandInitLoad demand, FormCollection fm)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                Demand dmdID;                                     //If the Demand record doesnt exist create it.
                demand.HouseNo = demand.HouseNo.Trim().ToUpper(); //it is alphanumeric. To Upper avoids duplications due to lowercase

                if (db.DemandDetails.Any(dde => dde.Demand.CitizenID == demand.CitizenID && dde.Demand.HouseNo == demand.HouseNo && dde.SubLedgerID == demand.SubLedgerID))
                    throw new EAshowstopper("You are attempting to enter a duplicate record. Save aborted.");

                using (var dbt = db.Database.BeginTransaction())
                        if (db.Demands.Any(d => d.CitizenID == demand.CitizenID && d.HouseNo == demand.HouseNo))
                            dmdID = db.Demands.FirstOrDefault(d => d.CitizenID == demand.CitizenID && d.HouseNo == demand.HouseNo);

                            //If remarks are updated save it, else leave existing remarks
                            if (demand.Remarks?.Length > 0)
                                dmdID.Remarks         = demand.Remarks;
                                db.Entry(dmdID).State = EntityState.Modified;
                            dmdID = new Demand {
                                CitizenID = demand.CitizenID, HouseNo = demand.HouseNo, Remarks = demand.Remarks
                            dmdID.StopDate  = DateTime.Parse("31-Mar-3999");
                            dmdID.CreatedOn = DateTime.Today;

                        //Add the Demand Details Record
                        var dd = db.DemandDetails.Add(new DemandDetail {
                            DemandID = dmdID.DemandID, SubLedgerID = (int)demand.SubLedgerID

                        //Add the Demand Period record. Our PK will scream if duplicate. since this is a new record initialise the SysAmt too
                        var demP = db.DemandPeriods.Add(new DemandPeriod {
                            DDID = dd.DDID, Amount = demand.Amt, SysAmt = demand.Amt, PeriodID = GetCurrentPeriod()

                        db.DemandYears.Add(new DemandYear
                            DDID        = dd.DDID,
                            DemandYear1 = (System.DateTime.Today.Month > 3) ? System.DateTime.Today.Year : System.DateTime.Today.Year - 1,
                            PeriodID    = GetCurrentPeriod()

                        foreach (var item in fm)
                            if (item.ToString().Length > 5 && item.ToString().Substring(0, 5) == "data-")
                                int iLedDetID = int.Parse(item.ToString().Substring(item.ToString().LastIndexOf('-') + 1));

                                //Prevent overposting attack by checking that only valid LedgerDetails for the given subledger are saved
                                if (db.LedgerDetails.Any(l => l.LedgerDetailID == iLedDetID && l.SubLedgerID == demand.SubLedgerID))
                                    db.DemandLedgerDetails.Add(new DemandLedgerDetail {
                                        DDID = dd.DDID, LedgerDetailID = iLedDetID, DemandLedgerDetail1 = fm[item.ToString()]

                        return(RedirectToAction("Create", new { id = dmdID.CitizenID }));
                    catch (Exception)
