public ActionResult DiscountResult(DeliveryCheckModel dcm, BrowseHistory bh)
            ViewBag.success = string.Empty;
            string[] s          = base.GetAddressCityState(dcm.Address);
            string   approxtime = string.Empty;
            string   mysAddress = dcm.Address + " " + dcm.ZipCode;

            ViewBag.ValidateAddress = "Oops, feel like something wrong with you input. Please check it and try again.";
            if (!(string.IsNullOrEmpty(dcm.Address) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(dcm.ZipCode) || dcm.ZipCode.Length != 5 || string.IsNullOrEmpty(s[0]) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(s[1]) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(s[2])))
                decimal st = SearchFilter.GetDistance(mysAddress, "1291 Parkside Dr.,Walnut Creek, CA 94596", out approxtime);
                string  xx = approxtime;
                if (st >= 0.0m)
                    ViewBag.success         = "ok";
                    ViewBag.ValidateAddress = "";
                    bh.Address          = s[0];
                    bh.City             = s[1];
                    bh.State            = s[2];
                    bh.Zip              = dcm.ZipCode;
                    bh.AddressCityState = dcm.Address;
                    string goList = Url.Action("DiscountList", "Restaurants", new { vCity = s[1], vZip = dcm.ZipCode });
                    ViewBag.goList = goList;
        public ActionResult CheckDeliveryOKResult(DeliveryCheckModel dcm)
            BizInfo bi         = BizInfoRepository.GetBizInfoById(dcm.BizInfoId);
            string  approxtime = string.Empty;
            string  mysAddress = dcm.Address + ", " + dcm.ZipCode;

            ViewBag.ValidateAddress = "Oops, feel like something wrong with you input. Please check it and try again.";
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(dcm.Address) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(dcm.ZipCode) || dcm.ZipCode.Length != 5)
                ViewBag.ValidateAddress = "Oops, feel like something wrong with you input. Please check it and try again.";
                decimal st = SearchFilter.GetDistance(mysAddress, bi.BizAddressString, out approxtime);
                string  xx = approxtime;
                if (st < 0.0m)
                    ViewBag.ValidateAddress = "Oops, feel like something wrong with you input. Please check it and try again.";
                else if (st > bi.DeliveryRadius && bi.Delivery)
                    ViewBag.ValidateAddress = "Sorry, your address is beyond the area this restaurant deliveries to. Try other restaurants or you may need change your location to try again.";
                    ViewBag.ValidateAddress = "Yes, " + dcm.BizName + " delivers to your area : " + mysAddress + ".";
        public ActionResult Discount(BrowseHistory bh)
            DeliveryCheckModel dcm = new DeliveryCheckModel();

            dcm.Address = string.IsNullOrEmpty(bh.AddressCityState) ? "" : bh.AddressCityState;
            dcm.ZipCode = string.IsNullOrEmpty(bh.Zip) ? "" : bh.Zip;
        public ActionResult CheckDeliveryOK(int id, string bizname, BrowseHistory bh)
            DeliveryCheckModel dcm = new DeliveryCheckModel();

            ViewBag.bizid   = id.ToString();
            ViewBag.bizname = string.IsNullOrEmpty(bizname) ? "" : bizname;
            dcm.Address     = string.IsNullOrEmpty(bh.AddressCityState) ? "" : bh.AddressCityState;
            dcm.ZipCode     = string.IsNullOrEmpty(bh.Zip) ? "" : bh.Zip;
            dcm.BizInfoId   = id;
            dcm.BizName     = bizname;