/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the MainViewModel class. /// </summary> public MainViewModel() { if (IsInDesignMode) { // Code runs in Blend --> create design time data. } else { noLabel = new LabelViewModel(new LabelMock() { Text = "No label" }, this); openNote = new OpenNoteCommand(this); newNote = new NewNoteCommand(this); closeNote = new CloseNoteCommand(this); deleteNote = new DeleteNoteCommand(this); saveNote = new SaveNoteCommand(this); delayedSaveNote = new DelayedSaveNoteCommand(this); simpleSearch = new SimpleSearchCommand(this); search = new ComplexSearchCommand(this); toggleSearch = new ToggleAdvancedSearchCommand(this); hideSearch = new HideSearchViewCommand(this); hideComplexSearch = new HideComplexSearchCommand(this); OpenNotes.CollectionChanged += openNotes_CollectionChanged; SearchResults.CollectionChanged += searchResults_CollectionChanged; } }
public NotesVM() { NewNoteCommand = new NewNoteCommand(this); NewNotebookCommand = new NewNotebookCommand(this); ExitCommand = new ExitCommand(this); DeleteNoteCommand = new DeleteNoteCommand(this); DeleteNotebookCommand = new DeleteNotebookCommand(this); RenameNoteCommand = new RenameNoteCommand(this); RenameNotebookCommand = new RenameNotebookCommand(this); SaveNoteContentCommand = new SaveNoteContentCommand(this); Notes = new ObservableCollection <Note>(); Notebooks = new ObservableCollection <Notebook>(); //TODO: Implement genuine login functionality. CurrentUser = new User() { Id = 1, FirstName = "Alex", LastName = "Barker", Username = "******", Email = "*****@*****.**", Password = "******" }; ReadNotebooks(); }
public async Task DeleteNoteCommandHandler_InvalidLaneId_ThrowsNotFoundException() { // Given var handler = new DeleteNoteCommandHandler( this.Context, Substitute.For <ISecurityValidator>(), Substitute.For <IMediator>() ); var retro = new Retrospective { CurrentStage = RetrospectiveStage.Writing, FacilitatorHashedPassphrase = "whatever", Title = TestContext.CurrentContext.Test.FullName, CreationTimestamp = DateTimeOffset.Now, Participants = { new Participant { Name = "John" } } }; string retroId = retro.UrlId.StringId; this.Context.Retrospectives.Add(retro); await this.Context.SaveChangesAsync(); var command = new DeleteNoteCommand(retroId, -1); // When TestDelegate action = () => handler.Handle(command, CancellationToken.None).GetAwaiter().GetResult(); // Then Assert.That(action, Throws.InstanceOf <NotFoundException>()); }
public async Task Handle(DeleteNoteCommand command) { var id = command.Id; await noteRepository.Delete(id); notificationService.CancelScheduled(id); eventBus.Publish(new NoteDeletedEvent(id)); }
public async Task <IActionResult> DeleteAsync(Guid id) { var cmd = new DeleteNoteCommand { Id = id }; await DispatchAsync(cmd); return(Ok()); }
public WorkPageViewModel() { WPOpenProjectCommand = new WPOpenProjectCommand(this); BeginStopWorkCommand = new BeginStopWorkCommand(this); CompleteTaskCommand = new CompleteTaskCommand(this); AddNoteCommand = new AddNoteCommand(this); ToggleNotesCommand = new ToggleNotesCommand(); CloseProjectCommand = new CloseProjectCommand(this); DeleteNoteCommand = new DeleteNoteCommand(); EditNoteCommand = new EditNoteCommand(this); }
public NotesVM() { NewNoteCommand = new NewNoteCommand(this); NewNotebookCommand = new NewNotebookCommand(this); Notebooks = new ObservableCollection <Notebook>(); Notes = new ObservableCollection <Note>(); EditCommand = new EditCommand(this); EndEditCommand = new EndEditCommand(this); DeleteNotebookCommand = new DeleteNotebookCommand(this); DeleteNoteCommand = new DeleteNoteCommand(this); IsVisible = Visibility.Collapsed; GetNotebooks(); }
public async Task <IActionResult> DeleteAsync(DeleteNoteCommand command) { command.UserId = Guid.Parse(User.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier)?.Value); var result = await _mediator.Send(command); if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(BadRequest(new ErrorResource(result.Message))); } var notesResource = _mapper.Map <Note, NoteResource>(result.Note); return(Ok(notesResource)); }
public void DeleteNoteCommandHandler_InvalidRetroId_ThrowsNotFoundException() { // Given var handler = new DeleteNoteCommandHandler( this.Context, Substitute.For <ISecurityValidator>(), Substitute.For <IMediator>() ); var command = new DeleteNoteCommand("not found", (int)KnownNoteLane.Start); // When TestDelegate action = () => handler.Handle(command, CancellationToken.None).GetAwaiter().GetResult(); // Then Assert.That(action, Throws.InstanceOf <NotFoundException>()); }
public async Task DeleteNoteCommandHandler_ValidCommand_CreatesValidObjectAndBroadcast() { // Given var securityValidator = Substitute.For <ISecurityValidator>(); var mediatorMock = Substitute.For <IMediator>(); var handler = new DeleteNoteCommandHandler( this.Context, securityValidator, mediatorMock ); var note = new Note { Retrospective = new Retrospective { FacilitatorHashedPassphrase = "whatever", CurrentStage = RetrospectiveStage.Writing, Title = this.GetType().FullName }, Participant = new Participant { Name = "Tester" }, Lane = this.Context.NoteLanes.FirstOrDefault(), Text = "Derp" }; TestContext.WriteLine(note.Retrospective.UrlId); this.Context.Notes.Add(note); await this.Context.SaveChangesAsync(); var command = new DeleteNoteCommand(note.Retrospective.UrlId.StringId, note.Id); // When await handler.Handle(command, CancellationToken.None); // Then await securityValidator.Received().EnsureOperation(Arg.Is <Retrospective>(r => r.Id == note.Retrospective.Id), SecurityOperation.Delete, Arg.Any <Note>()); var broadcastedNote = mediatorMock.ReceivedCalls().FirstOrDefault()?.GetArguments()[0] as NoteDeletedNotification; if (broadcastedNote == null) { Assert.Fail("No broadcast has gone out"); } Assert.That(broadcastedNote.RetroId, Is.EqualTo(command.RetroId)); Assert.That(broadcastedNote.LaneId, Is.EqualTo((int?)note.Lane?.Id)); Assert.That(broadcastedNote.NoteId, Is.EqualTo(note.Id)); }
public NotesVM() { IsEditing = false; NewNoteBookCommand = new NewNotebookCommand(this); NewNoteCommand = new NewNoteCommand(this); BeginEditCommand = new BeginEditComand(this); HasEditedCommand = new HasEditedCommand(this); DeleteNotebookCommand = new DeleteNotebookCommand(this); DeleteNoteCommand = new DeleteNoteCommand(this); Notebooks = new ObservableCollection <Notebook>(); Notes = new ObservableCollection <Note>(); ReadNotebooks(); // ReadNotes(); }
public NotesViewModel() { IsEditedNotebook = false; NewNotebookCommand = new NewNotebookCommand(this); NewNoteCommand = new NewNoteCommand(this); beginEditCommand = new BeginEditCommand(this); hasEditedCommand = new HasEditedCommand(this); deleteNotebookCommand = new DeleteNotebookCommand(this); deleteNoteCommand = new DeleteNoteCommand(this); Notebooks = new ObservableCollection <Notebook>(); Notes = new ObservableCollection <Note>(); ReadNotebooks(); ReadNote(); }
public NotesWindowVM() { IsEditing = false; NewNoteBookCommand = new NewNoteBookCommand(this); NewNoteCommand = new NewNoteCommand(this); CloseProgramCommand = new CloseProgramCommand(this); BeginEditCommand = new BeginEditCommand(this); HasEditedCommand = new HasEditedCommand(this); DeleteNoteBookCommand = new DeleteNoteBookCommand(this); DeleteNoteCommand = new DeleteNoteCommand(this); Notebooks = new ObservableCollection <NoteBook>(); Notes = new ObservableCollection <Note>(); SelectedNote = new Note(); ReadNoteBooks(); ReadNotes(); }
public NotesVM() { IsEditing = false; IsNoteEditing = false; NewNotebookCommand = new NewNotebookCommand(this); NewNoteCommand = new NewNoteCommand(this); RenameNoteBookCommand = new RenameNoteBookCommand(this); HasNotebookRenamedCommand = new HasNotebookRenamedCommand(this); DeleteNotebookCommand = new DeleteNotebookCommand(this); RenameNoteCommand = new RenameNoteCommand(this); HasNoteRenamedCommand = new HasNoteRenamedCommand(this); DeleteNoteCommand = new DeleteNoteCommand(this); Notebooks = new ObservableCollection <NoteBook>(); Notes = new ObservableCollection <Note>(); ReadNoteBooks(); ReadNotes(); }
public MainViewModel() { ExitCommand = new ExitCommand(); NoteBookCommand = new NoteBookCommand(this); NoteCommand = new NoteCommand(this); NoteBookCollection = new ObservableCollection <NoteBook>(); NotesCollection = new ObservableCollection <Notes>(); //LoginVM loginvm = new LoginVM(); LoginVM.HasLoggedIn += Loginvm_HasLoggedIn; IsEditing = false; IsEditingNote = false; StartEditingCommand = new StartEditingCommand(this); HasEditedCommand = new HasEditedCommand(this); DeleteNoteCommand = new DeleteNoteCommand(this); DeleteNoteBookCommand = new DeleteNoteBookCommand(this); StartEditingNoteCommand = new StartEditingNoteCommand(this); HasEditedNoteCommand = new HasEditedNoteCommand(this); //getNotes(); }
public NotesVM() { IsEditing = false; IsEditingNote = false; NewNotebookCommand = new NewNotebookCommand(this); NewNoteCommand = new NewNoteCommand(this); DeleteNotebookCommand = new DeleteNotebookCommand(this); DeleteNoteCommand = new DeleteNoteCommand(this); BeginEditCommand = new BeginEditCommand(this); IsEditedCommand = new IsEditedCommand(this); BeginEditNoteCommand = new BeginEditNoteCommand(this); IsEditedNoteCommand = new IsEditedNoteCommand(this); Notebooks = new ObservableCollection <Notebook>(); Notes = new ObservableCollection <Note>(); FontSizes = new List <double>() { 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 28, 48, 72 }; ReadNotebooks(); ReadNotes(); }
public Task HandleAsync(DeleteNoteCommand command) => _genericCommandHandler.DeleteAsync <NoteDto>(command.Id);
public async Task <ActionResult <BoardViewModel> > Delete([FromBody] DeleteNoteCommand command) { return(Ok(await Mediator.Send(command))); }
public MainVM() { if (DesignerProperties.GetIsInDesignMode(new System.Windows.DependencyObject())) { Notes = new ObservableCollection <Note>(); Notes.Add(new Note() { Name = "note1", DateTime = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString() }); Notes.Add(new Note() { Name = "note2", DateTime = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString() }); Notes.Add(new Note() { Name = "note3", DateTime = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString() }); Pages = new ObservableCollection <Page>(); Pages.Add(new Page() { Name = "Screenshot", DateTime = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString() }); Pages.Add(new Page() { Name = "Screenshot", DateTime = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString() }); Pages.Add(new Page() { Name = "Screenshot", DateTime = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString() }); IsEditingNoteName = false; IsEditingVocab = false; Vocabs = new ObservableCollection <Vocab>(); Vocabs.Add(new Vocab() { PageId = 1, Word = "123", Explaination = "321", Pronounciation = "aaa" }); Vocabs.Add(new Vocab() { PageId = 1, Word = "456", Explaination = "654", Pronounciation = "bbb" }); Vocabs.Add(new Vocab() { PageId = 1, Word = "789", Explaination = "987", Pronounciation = "ccc" }); } else { WindowState = System.Windows.WindowState.Normal; NewNoteCommand = new NewNoteCommand(this); DeleteNoteCommand = new DeleteNoteCommand(this); NewPageCommand = new NewPageCommand(this); DeletePageCommand = new DeletePageCommand(this); RenameNoteCommand = new RenameNoteCommand(this); ScreenCapCommand = new ScreenCapCommand(this); HasEditedNoteNameCommand = new HasEditedNoteNameCommand(this); UsePreviousSelectionCommand = new UsePreviousSelectionCommand(this); DoNotUsePreviousSelectionCommand = new DoNotUsePreviousSelectionCommand(this); CheckDictionaryCommand = new CheckDictionaryCommand(this); GoogleTranslateCommand = new GoogleTranslateCommand(this); DeleteVocabCommand = new DeleteVocabCommand(this); NewVocabCommand = new NewVocabCommand(this); StartUpdateVocabCommand = new StartUpdateVocabCommand(this); EndUpdateVocabCommand = new EndUpdateVocabCommand(this); CropOriginalScreenshotCommand = new CropOriginalScreenshotCommand(this); NewPageViaScreenshotCommand = new NewPageViaScreenshotCommand(this); CaptureMoreTextCommand = new CaptureMoreTextCommand(this); StartRenamePageCommand = new StartRenamePageCommand(this); EndRenamePageCommand = new EndRenamePageCommand(this); ToggleUpdateVocabCommand = new ToggleUpdateVocabCommand(this); CheckDictionaryLittleDCommand = new CheckDictionaryLittleDCommand(this); SyncVocabsCommand = new SyncVocabsCommand(this); Notes = new ObservableCollection <Note>(); Pages = new ObservableCollection <Page>(); Vocabs = new ObservableCollection <Vocab>(); ReadNotes(); ReadPages(); IsEditingNoteName = false; IsEditingVocab = false; DisplayIndex = 0; DoUsePreviousSelection = false; browserAddress = ""; DictionaryBaseUrl_JapanDict = "https://www.japandict.com/"; DictionaryBaseUrl_littleD = "http://dict.hjenglish.com/jp/jc/"; SelectedPageIndex = 0; NoPreviousCropButtonIsSelected = true; IsRenamingPage = false; } }