public Defects Validate(FileModel file, List <YearlyData> records) { Defects defects = new Defects { FileName = file.Name }; if (records == null || !records.Any()) { defects.Errors.Add("No data found in file."); return(defects); } YearValidator yearValidator = new YearValidator(defects); foreach (var record in records) { defects = yearValidator.Validate(record); } ProductNameValidator productNameValidator = new ProductNameValidator(defects); foreach (var record in records) { defects = productNameValidator.Validate(record); } defects = new ProductName().FindDifferentCasing(defects, records); return(defects); }
//需要调用窗体名称 System.Windows.Forms.Control INetUserControl.CreateControl(UFSoft.U8.Framework.Login.UI.clsLogin login, string MenuID, string Paramters) { UFSoft.U8.Framework.LoginContext.UserData LoginInfo = new UFSoft.U8.Framework.LoginContext.UserData(); LoginInfo = login.GetLoginInfo(); string conn = LoginInfo.ConnString; conn = Utils.ConvertConn(conn); DbHelperSQL.connectionString = conn; string sLogUserid = LoginInfo.UserId; string sLogUserName = LoginInfo.UserName; string sLogDate = LoginInfo.operDate; string sAccID = LoginInfo.AccID; ClsUserRight clsUser = new ClsUserRight(); if (clsUser.chkRight(login, "TH_2_09")) { Defects fm = new Defects(); fm.Conn = conn; fm.sUserID = sLogUserid; fm.sUserName = sLogUserName; fm.sLogDate = sLogDate; fm.sAccID = sAccID; this._Title = "Defects"; return(fm); } else { return(null); } }
public void Reset() { defectCountBeforeCheck = 0; Defects.Clear(); SeverityBitmask.SetAll(); ConfidenceBitmask.SetAll(); }
public async Task <Defects> CreateDefectAsync(Defects defect) { _dbContext.Defects.Add(defect); await _dbContext.SaveChangesAsync(); return(defect); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Defects c = new Defects(); object o = c.maxSum(75, 20, new double[] { 0, 0, 35, 49, 75 }, new double[] { 15, 20, 0, 20, 6.2934 }); PrintObj(o, 0); System.Console.In.ReadLine(); }
public override string ToString() { return ($"--------------------------\n" + $"Id: {Id}\n" + $"Price: {Price}\n" + $"Uploader username: {UploaderUsername}\n" + $"Upload date: {UploadDate}\n" + $"Brand: {Brand}\n" + $"Model: {Model}\n" + $"Used: {Used}\n" + $"Date of purchase: {DateOfPurchase}\n" + $"Engine data:\n{Engine}\n" + // print all engine data: volume, hp, kw, type, fuel type $"Chassis type: {ChassisType}\n" + $"Color: {Color}\n" + $"Gearbox type: {GearboxType}\n" + // print all gearbox data: gearbox type, number of gears $"Kilometers driven: {TotalKilometersDriven}\n" + $"Drive wheels: {DriveWheels}\n" + $"Defects:\n{Defects.ToString<string>()}" + $"Steering wheel side: {SteeringWheelPosition}\n" + $"Number of doors: {NumberOfDoors}\n" + $"Seats: {Seats}\n" + $"Nex vehicle inspection date: {NextVehicleInspection}\n" + $"Wheel size: {WheelSize}\n" + $"Weight: {Weight}\n" + $"Euro emissions standard: {EuroStandard}\n" + $"Origin country: {OriginalPurchaseCountry}\n" + $"VIN: {Vin}\n" + $"Additional properties: \n{AdditionalProperties.ToString<string>()}" + $"Images: {Images.Count} (not shown)\n" + $"Comment: {Comment}\n" + $"Hidden: {Hidden}\n" + $"--------------------------"); }
public void ReturnsViewResultWithDefectsModel() { // Arrange var defects = new Defects(); // Act var result = (ViewResult)_target.Index(defects); // Arrange Assert.That(result, Is.TypeOf <ViewResult>()); Assert.That(result.Model, Is.TypeOf <Defects>()); }
public ActionResult Index(string inputID, string inputName, string inputPlaceN, string inputLine, string inputTurno) { Logger.InitLogger(); if (inputID == "" || inputName == "" || inputPlaceN == "" || inputLine == "" || inputTurno == "") { return(Content("<script language='javascript' type='text/javascript'>alert('Одно из полей пусто!');window.location.href = 'Index';</script>")); } else { try { using (SqlConnection cn = new SqlConnection()) { cn.ConnectionString = @"Data,1433;Initial Catalog=OIProject;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=sa;Password=18swlgnm"; cn.Open(); using (SqlCommand command = cn.CreateCommand()) { command.CommandText = string.Format("INSERT INTO Employee (ID, PlaceN, Line, Name, Turno) VALUES ('{0}','{1}','{2}','{3}','{4}')", inputID, inputPlaceN, inputLine, inputName, inputTurno); command.ExecuteNonQuery(); command.CommandText = string.Format("INSERT INTO Auth (ID, Password, Powers) VALUES ('{0}','{1}','{2}')", inputID, "0000", "Работник"); command.ExecuteNonQuery(); } cn.Close(); Employess load = new Employess(); Tablets load_tab = new Tablets(); Defects load_def = new Defects(); ArrayList allData = new ArrayList(); load.LoadData(); load_tab.PingAndLoadTablets(); load_def.LoadDefects(); allData.Add(load); allData.Add(load_def); allData.Add(load_tab); Logger.Log.Info("Добавление работника в БД"); return(View(allData)); } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Log.Error(ex.Message); return(Content("<script language='javascript' type='text/javascript'>alert('Ошибка в ходе добавления!" + ex.Message + "');window.location.href = 'Index';</script>")); } } }
public Defects CreateDefect() { var defect = new Defects { DefectTypeId = DefectTypeId, DefectQualifierTypeId = DefectQualifierId, DateCreatedOffset = DateTime.UtcNow, CreatedByUserId = CreatedByUserId, ProjectId = ProjectId, BugId = BugId, DefectModelTypeId = DefectModelTypeId, OriginDateCreatedOffset = OriginDateCreatedOffset }; return(defect); }
protected Lot CreateLot(out List <LotAttributeDefect> lotAttributeDefects, Defects defects = null, Attributes attributes = null) { lotAttributeDefects = new List <LotAttributeDefect>(); var lot = new Lot { LotDefects = new List <LotDefect>(), Attributes = (attributes ?? new Attributes()).Where(a => a.Value != null).Select(a => new LotAttribute { AttributeShortName = a.NameKey.AttributeNameKey_ShortName, AttributeValue = a.Value.Value }).ToList() }; foreach (var defect in defects ?? new Defects()) { LotDefect lotDefect; if (defect.Name != null) { lotDefect = lot.AddNewDefect(defect.Name.DefectType, defect.Name.Name); lotAttributeDefects.Add(new LotAttributeDefect { AttributeShortName = defect.Name.ShortName, DefectId = lotDefect.DefectId, OriginalAttributeValue = defect.Value, OriginalAttributeMinLimit = defect.Min, OriginalAttributeMaxLimit = defect.Max }); } else { lotDefect = lot.AddNewDefect(defect.DefectType, defect.Description); } if (defect.Resolution) { lotDefect.Resolution = new LotDefectResolution { ResolutionType = ResolutionTypeEnum.DataEntryCorrection, Description = "resolution" }; } } return(lot); }
public Defects FindDifferentCasing(Defects defects, List <YearlyData> records) { var distinctCaseSensitiveProductNames = GetAllDistinctCaseSensitiveProductNames(records); SortedSet <string> lowerCasedProductNames = new SortedSet <string>(); foreach (var product in distinctCaseSensitiveProductNames) { lowerCasedProductNames.Add(product.ToLower()); } if (lowerCasedProductNames.Count < distinctCaseSensitiveProductNames.Length) { int num = distinctCaseSensitiveProductNames.Length - lowerCasedProductNames.Count; defects.Warnings.Add("Found " + num + " cases where one record product name is the same name but with different case to another record product name."); } return(defects); }
public void Attacked(GameObject attacker, int damage, Defects.Defect defect) { damageShowTime=damageShowTimer; if(activeAbil!=Abilities.AbilityType.shield) { block=false; if(curDefect==null && defect!=null) { receivedDefect=true; curDefect=defect; earnedDefect=true; } receivedDamage+=damage; this.hp-=damage; if(this.hp<=0) this.Die(); } else block=true; }
public DefectCountByTypeCommand(Defects defects) { _defects = defects; }
/// <summary> /// 偏差修正 /// </summary> /// <param name="citFilePath">cit文件路径</param> /// <param name="iicFilePath">iic文件路径</param> /// <param name="listIC">里程修正结果集合</param> /// <param name="cyjg">采样点</param> /// <param name="gjtds">通道数量</param> /// <param name="sKmInc">增减里程</param> /// <param name="listETC">偏差类型</param> public void ExceptionFix(string citFilePath, string iicFilePath, List <IndexSta> listIC, List <ExceptionType> listETC) { List <Defects> listDC = new List <Defects>(); try { using (OleDbConnection sqlconn = new OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" + iicFilePath + ";Persist Security Info=True")) { string sqlCreate = "select RecordNumber,maxpost,maxminor from fix_defects where maxval2 is null or maxval2<>-200"; OleDbCommand sqlcom = new OleDbCommand(sqlCreate, sqlconn); sqlconn.Open(); OleDbDataReader oleDBdr = sqlcom.ExecuteReader(); while (oleDBdr.Read()) { Defects dc = new Defects(); dc.iRecordNumber = int.Parse(oleDBdr.GetValue(0).ToString()); dc.iMaxpost = int.Parse(oleDBdr.GetValue(1).ToString()); dc.dMaxminor = double.Parse(oleDBdr.GetValue(2).ToString()); listDC.Add(dc); } oleDBdr.Close(); sqlconn.Close(); } Application.DoEvents(); } catch { } FileInformation fi = citHelper.GetFileInformation(citFilePath); // List <Milestone> listMilestone = citHelper.GetAllMileStone(citFilePath); List <cPointFindMeter> listcpfm = new List <cPointFindMeter>(); for (int i = 0; i < listMilestone.Count; i++) { cPointFindMeter cpfm = new cPointFindMeter(); cpfm.lLoc = listMilestone[i].mFilePosition; cpfm.lMeter = Convert.ToInt64(listMilestone[i].mKm * 100000 + listMilestone[i].mMeter * 100); listcpfm.Add(cpfm); } for (int i = 0; i < listDC.Count; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < listcpfm.Count; j++) { if (listcpfm[j].lMeter == listDC[i].GetMeter()) { int iValue = PointToMeter(listIC, listcpfm[j].lLoc, fi.iChannelNumber, fi.iKmInc); if (iValue > 0) { listDC[i].bFix = true; listDC[i].iMaxpost = iValue / 1000; listDC[i].dMaxminor = iValue % 1000; } break; } } } //将修正后的偏差数据存储到iic中 try { using (OleDbConnection sqlconn = new OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" + iicFilePath + ";Persist Security Info=True")) { string sqlCreate = ""; OleDbCommand sqlcom = new OleDbCommand(sqlCreate, sqlconn); sqlconn.Open(); for (int i = 0; i < listDC.Count; i++) { if (listDC[i].bFix) { sqlcom.CommandText = "update fix_defects set maxpost=" + listDC[i].iMaxpost.ToString() + ",maxminor=" + listDC[i].dMaxminor.ToString() + ",maxval2=-200 where RecordNumber=" + listDC[i].iRecordNumber.ToString(); sqlcom.ExecuteNonQuery(); } } sqlconn.Close(); } Application.DoEvents(); } catch { } }
public ProductNameValidator(Defects defects) { _defects = defects; }
public ActionResult Defects(int?page) { try { Logger.InitLogger(); ClaimsIdentity user = (ClaimsIdentity)(User.Identity); string type = string.Empty; string right = string.Empty; IEnumerable <Claim> claims = user.Claims; try { type = claims.ElementAt(4).Type; right = claims.ElementAt(4).Value; } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Log.Error("Попытка несанкционированный доступ!" + ex.Message); return(Redirect("/Account/Login")); } if (type == "Rights" && right == "Администратор" || right == "Работник ОК" || right == "Ремонтная служба") { Defects load_def = new Defects(); bool check = load_def.CheckNewDefects(); if (check) { ViewBag.Message = "OK"; } ArrayList allData = new ArrayList(); load_def.LoadDefects(); IEnumerable <string> workplaces = new string[] {}; using (SqlConnection cn = new SqlConnection()) { cn.ConnectionString = @"Data,1433;Initial Catalog=OIProject;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=sa;Password=18swlgnm"; cn.Open(); using (SqlCommand command = cn.CreateCommand()) { command.CommandText = string.Format("SELECT NameWorkPlace,PlaceN FROM WorkPlaces WHERE WorkPlaces.NameWorkPlace IS NOT NULL"); using (SqlDataReader dr = command.ExecuteReader()) { while (dr.Read()) { workplaces = workplaces.Concat(new string[] { dr[0].ToString() + "—" + dr[1].ToString() }); } } } cn.Close(); } ViewBag.Notifications = workplaces; allData.Add(load_def); var model = load_def.Data2.ToList(); int pageNumber = page ?? 1; int pageSize = 5; return(View(model.ToPagedList(pageNumber, pageSize))); } else { return(View("ErrorRight")); } } catch (Exception ex) { return(Content("<script language='javascript' type='text/javascript'>alert('Ошибка в ходе загрузки страницы!" + ex.Message + "');window.location.href = 'Index';</script>")); } }
public IActionResult Index(Defects defects) { return(View(defects)); }
public YearValidator(Defects defects) { _defects = defects; }
public DefectCountByCreatorCommand(Defects defects) { _defects = defects; }
public DefectCountOfSeverityByCreatorCommand(Defects defects) { _defects = defects; }
public DefectCountByInjectionStageCommand(Defects defects) { _defects = defects; }
public ActionResult Index() { try { Logger.InitLogger(); ClaimsIdentity user = (ClaimsIdentity)(User.Identity); string type = string.Empty; string right = string.Empty; IEnumerable <Claim> claims = user.Claims; try { type = claims.ElementAt(4).Type; right = claims.ElementAt(4).Value; } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Log.Error("Попытка несанкционированного доступа!" + ex.Message); return(Redirect("/Account/Login")); } if (type == "Rights" && right == "Администратор" || right == "Работник ОК") { string browser = HttpContext.Request.Browser.Browser; string user_agent = HttpContext.Request.UserAgent; Employess load = new Employess(); Tablets load_tab = new Tablets(); Defects load_def = new Defects(); ArrayList allData = new ArrayList(); load.LoadData(); load_tab.PingAndLoadTablets(); load_def.LoadDefects(); allData.Add(load); allData.Add(load_def); allData.Add(load_tab); if (user_agent.Contains("Chrome") || (user_agent.Contains("Mozilla"))) { Logger.Log.Info("Загружена главная страница"); return(View(allData)); } else { return(Content("<script language='javascript' type='text/javascript'>alert('Сайт в данном браузере работает некорректно! Дальнейшая работа невозможна!');window.location.href = 'Index';</script>")); } } else { return(View("ErrorRight")); } } catch (Exception ex) { return(Content("<script language='javascript' type='text/javascript'>alert('Ошибка загрузки главной страницы!" + ex.Message + "');window.location.href = 'Index';</script>")); } }
public DefectCountOfSeverityByProductCommand(Defects defects) { _defects = defects; }
static void Main(string[] args) { // BasicConfigurator replaced with XmlConfigurator. XmlConfigurator.Configure(new System.IO.FileInfo(logConfigFile)); OptionSet optSet = new OptionSet() { { "t|task-id=", "the task Id.", v => taskId = v }, { "h|help", "show this message and exit", v => show_help = v != null }, }; // Parse the command line parameters. List <string> extra; try { extra = optSet.Parse(args); } catch (OptionException e) { log.Error(string.Format("An error occurred when parsing command line parameters: {0}", e.Message)); return; } // Show help or usage. if (show_help) { ShowHelp(optSet); return; } if (EmployeesReader.Employees == null || EmployeesReader.Employees.Count == 0) { log.Error("An error occurred when reading employee settings."); return; } if (EagleEyeSettingsReader.Settings == null || !EagleEyeSettingsReader.Settings.IsValid()) { log.Error("An error occurred when reading eagleeye settings."); return; } // ccollab data source ICcollabDataSource ccollabDataGenerator = new CcollabDataGenerator(); // ccollab reviews charts related Reviews reviews = new Reviews(ccollabDataGenerator); if (reviews.GetValidRecords() == null || reviews.GetValidRecords().Count == 0) { log.Info("No valid review records."); } else { ReviewsManager reviewsManager = new ReviewsManager ( new ReviewCountByMonthCommand(reviews), new ReviewCountByProductCommand(reviews), new ReviewCountByCreatorCommand(reviews), new CommentDensityUploadedByProductCommand(reviews), new CommentDensityChangedByProductCommand(reviews), new DefectDensityUploadedByProductCommand(reviews), new DefectDensityChangedByProductCommand(reviews), new InspectionRateByMonthFromProductCommand(reviews), new DefectDensityChangedByMonthCommand(reviews), new CommentDensityChangedByMonthCommand(reviews) ); reviewsManager.GenerateReviewCountByMonth(); reviewsManager.GenerateReviewCountByProduct(); reviewsManager.GenerateReviewCountByEmployeeOfProduct(); reviewsManager.GenerateCodeCommentDensityUploaded(); reviewsManager.GenerateCodeCommentDensityChanged(); reviewsManager.GenerateCodeDefectDensityUploaded(); reviewsManager.GenerateCodeDefectDensityChanged(); reviewsManager.GenerateInspectionRateByMonth(); reviewsManager.GenerateDefectDensityChangedByMonth(); reviewsManager.GenerateCommentDensityChangedByMonth(); } // ccollab defects charts related Defects defects = new Defects(ccollabDataGenerator); if (defects.GetValidRecords() == null || defects.GetValidRecords().Count == 0) { log.Info("No valid defect records."); } else { DefectsManager defectsManager = new DefectsManager ( new DefectCountByProductCommand(defects), new DefectCountByInjectionStageCommand(defects), new DefectCountByTypeCommand(defects), new DefectCountByCreatorCommand(defects), new DefectCountOfTypeByProductCommand(defects), new DefectCountOfTypeByCreatorCommand(defects), new DefectCountOfSeverityByProductCommand(defects), new DefectCountOfSeverityByCreatorCommand(defects) ); defectsManager.GenerateDefectCountByProduct(); defectsManager.GenerateDefectCountByInjectionStage(); defectsManager.GenerateDefectCountByType(); defectsManager.GenerateDefectCountByCreator(); defectsManager.GenerateDefectCountOfTypeByProduct(); defectsManager.GenerateDefectCountOfTypeByCreator(); defectsManager.GenerateDefectSeverityByProduct(); defectsManager.GenerateDefectSeverityCountByCreator(); } // notify task state if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(taskId)) { log.Error("No task id provided, so unable to notify EagleEye task state."); } else { NotifyTaskStatus(taskId, true); } Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue..."); Console.ReadKey(); }
public DefectCountOfTypeByProductCommand(Defects defects) { _defects = defects; }