Example #1
        // Converts .json file from parsing arguments into...
        // TODO: Refactor to remove references to fbx files as they are no
        // longer a part of the Luminaire workflow.
        private static void ConvertFile(string gfxbin, string gpubin)

            var readData       = File.ReadAllBytes(gfxbin);
            var gpubinReadData = File.ReadAllBytes(gpubin);

            // TODO don't hardcode
            var dependencies = new Dictionary <string, byte[]>
                { /* "data://character/nh/nh00/model_010/nh00_010.gpubin"*/ gpubin, gpubinReadData }

            var unpackContext = new LmGfxBinUnpackContext
                // Shorthand initialization for auto-implemented properties
                GpuBuffer = gpubinReadData // TODO don't hardcode

            var msgPck = new LmMsgPck(readData, unpackContext);

            var gmtlLoader = new LmGfxBinMaterialAssetLoader();
            var gmdlLoader = new LmGfxBinAssetLoader();

            // After tracing this dependencies variable as its passed through
            // various functions, it seems that the dictionary isn't actually
            // used anywhere. The reference in the deepest level of function
            // calls the place where this variable is used is commented out.
            gmdlLoader.BuildDependencyTable(unpackContext, msgPck, dependencies);
            var modelResourceNode = LmGfxBinAssetLoader.Convert(msgPck);

            var fbx = gpubin.Replace(gpubinExtension, fbxExtension);

            GmdlUnityAssetConverter.Convert(modelResourceNode, gfxbin, "");
Example #2
        public void LoadBinaryData(byte[] data, string filename, bool isShared)
            var magicStr = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(data.Take(12).ToArray());

            if (magicStr != "Bonamik_2_47")
                DefaultPrintFunction.Write($"Error loading Bonamik file. Please re-convert the bonamik file(file:{filename})");

            var solvers             = BitConverter.ToUInt32(data, 4 * sizeof(int));
            var bodies              = BitConverter.ToUInt32(data, 5 * sizeof(int));
            var links               = BitConverter.ToUInt32(data, 6 * sizeof(int));
            var planes              = BitConverter.ToUInt32(data, 7 * sizeof(int));
            var shapeMatchingGroups = BitConverter.ToUInt32(data, 8 * sizeof(int));

            DefaultPrintFunction.Write($"[Bonamik] Imported : Solvers({solvers}), Bodies({bodies}), Links({links}), Planes({planes}) SM({shapeMatchingGroups})");

            this.TotalKinematics          = BitConverter.ToUInt32(data, 9 * sizeof(int));
            this.TotalConstraints         = BitConverter.ToUInt32(data, 10 * sizeof(int));
            this.TotalCones               = BitConverter.ToUInt32(data, 11 * sizeof(int));
            this.TotalLinks               = BitConverter.ToUInt32(data, 12 * sizeof(int));
            this.TotalCollisions          = BitConverter.ToUInt32(data, 13 * sizeof(int));
            this.TotalSelfCollisions      = BitConverter.ToUInt32(data, 14 * sizeof(int));
            this.TotalChainRootParticles  = BitConverter.ToUInt32(data, 15 * sizeof(int));
            this.TotalGrassInteractBodies = BitConverter.ToUInt32(data, 16 * sizeof(int));
            this.TotalPossessions         = BitConverter.ToUInt32(data, 17 * sizeof(int));

            DefaultPrintFunction.Write($"----------------- Kinematics({this.TotalKinematics}), Constraints({this.TotalConstraints}), Cones({this.TotalCones}), Links({this.TotalLinks}), Collisions({this.TotalCollisions}), Self-collisions({this.TotalSelfCollisions})");
            DefaultPrintFunction.Write($"----------------- ChainRoot({this.TotalChainRootParticles}), GrassInteract.({this.TotalGrassInteractBodies}), Possessions({this.TotalPossessions})");

            // TODO read scene managers

            // Read solvers
            var startPosition = 620;

            for (var i = 0; i < solvers; i++)
                var position = startPosition;

                var groupId = BitConverter.ToUInt32(data, position);
                position += sizeof(uint);

                var groupName = ReadCString(data, position);
                position += groupName.Length + 1;

                // TODO
                startPosition += 296;
Example #3
        // Seems to be incomplete. Loads input .bnm file data into a bonamik
        // variable but doesn't do anything with that data after.
        private static void ConvertBonamik(string bnm)
            // Reads contents of gfxbin file (which is binary) into a
            // bytearray. This implies that readData is a byte[].
            var readData = File.ReadAllBytes(bnm);

            // bonamik.LoadBinaryData() contains a few TODO annotations. It
            // looks like Sai might have been using this to inspect the
            // contents of bonamik files/data structures.
            var bonamik = new BonamikBinaryResource();

            bonamik.LoadBinaryData(readData, bnm, false);

Example #4
        public bool Load(LmMsgPck msg, IDictionary <string, byte[]> dependencies)
            this.Version = (uint)msg.Read();
            if (this.Version < 1)
                DefaultPrintFunction.Write($"[LmGfxBin_V1]Version {this.Version}");
            else if (this.Version > 20160705)
                DefaultPrintFunction.Write($"[LmGfxBin_V1]Version {this.Version}");
            else if (this.Version < 20150713)
                DefaultPrintFunction.Write($"[LmGfxBin_V1]Version {this.Version}");

            var dependencyRefCount = msg.ReadMapCount();

            for (var _ = 0; _ < dependencyRefCount; _++)
                // TODO: This is actually Metadata, not Dependencies
                var dependencyRef = UnpackDependencyRef(msg);

                if (ulong.TryParse(dependencyRef.HashValue, out ulong parsedHash))
                    // msg.UserData.DependencyTable.Put(parsedHash, dependencies[dependencyRef.Path]);

            // Next up is a repeat of all the hashes; skip them
            // ReadArrayCount is the problem fyi
            msg.UnpackArraySize(out int hashArrayCount);
            var hashes = new List <ulong>();

            for (var _ = 0; _ < hashArrayCount; _++)
                var hash = msg.ReadUint64();

            //msg.Skip(hashArrayCount * 9);

Example #5
        // This function takes a gmtl file name as input and converts to
        // contents of that file to json format. It then writes that json
        // to a file in the same directory as the input file. The output
        // file will have the same name as the input file but with the
        // .json extension.
        private static void ConvertMaterial(string gfxbin)
            // Reads contents of gfxbin file (which is binary) into a
            // bytearray. This implies that readData is a byte[].
            var readData = File.ReadAllBytes(gfxbin);

            var unpackContext = new LmGfxBinUnpackContext();
            var msgPck        = new LmMsgPck(readData, unpackContext);

            // Loads the unpacked message data into a MaterialGmtl.
            var gmtlLoader = new LmGfxBinMaterialAssetLoader();
            var gmtl       = gmtlLoader.Initialize(unpackContext, msgPck, null);

            // Make a string for the file path of the input file, but with
            // a .json file extension. The output file should be stored in
            // the same directory as the input file.
            var jsonPath = gfxbin.Replace(gmtlExtension, "json");

            JsonConvert.Convert(gmtl, jsonPath);
Example #6
        private void Setup(LmGeometry geometry)
            // Create index buffer
            var indexBufferDescription = new IndexBufferDesc(geometry.IdxBufferSize, geometry.IdxType);

            this.IndexBuffer = new IndexBuffer(geometry.IdxBuffer, indexBufferDescription);

            // Create vertex buffers
            this.VertexCount        = geometry.VtxNum;
            this.TotalTriangleCount = geometry.IdxNum / 3;
            this.TriangleCount      = this.VertexCount;

            var meshVertexDeclaration = new MeshVertexDeclaration();
            var readFunctions         = MakeReadFunctions();

            for (byte i = 0; i < geometry.VtxStreamGroupDesc.VtxStreamDescs.Count; i++)
                var vtxStreamDesc    = geometry.VtxStreamGroupDesc.VtxStreamDescs[i];
                var structuredVBDesc = vtxStreamDesc.StructuredVBDesc;
                var vtxBufferDesc    = new VertexBufferDesc(structuredVBDesc.Stride * this.VertexCount);

                // Ugly hack
                var vtxBuffer = new VertexBuffer(null, vtxBufferDesc); // new VertexBuffer(new ArraySegment<byte>(geometry.VtxBuffer, (int)structuredVBDesc.StartOffset, (int)vtxBufferDesc.Size), vtxBufferDesc);

                if (i >= 8)

                // Add vertex elements
                foreach (var vtxElementDesc in structuredVBDesc.VtxElementDescs)
                    var usage         = LmVertexElementDesc.GetUsageFromSemantic(vtxElementDesc.Semantic);
                    var size          = LmVertexElementDesc.FormatToVertexComponentCount(vtxElementDesc.Format);
                    var type          = LmVertexElementDesc.FormatToVertexType(vtxElementDesc.Format);
                    var vertexElement = new VertexElement(i, type, usage, 0, (ushort)vtxElementDesc.Offset, (ushort)size, vtxElementDesc.Semantic, 0);

                    meshVertexDeclaration.AddVertexElement(vertexElement, vtxBuffer);

                // Parse vertex buffer
                //var vertexElementArrays = new Dictionary<string, IList>();
                foreach (var vtxElementDesc in structuredVBDesc.VtxElementDescs)
                    var values = CreateVertexElementArray(vtxElementDesc.Format);
                    VertexElementArrays.Add(vtxElementDesc.Semantic, values);

                var vertexBufferPosition = (int)structuredVBDesc.StartOffset;
                for (var j = 0; j < vtxBufferDesc.Size / structuredVBDesc.Stride; j++)
                    foreach (var vtxElementDesc in structuredVBDesc.VtxElementDescs)
                        var readFunction = readFunctions[vtxElementDesc.Format];
                        var size         = LmVertexElementDesc.FormatToVertexComponentCount(vtxElementDesc.Format);
                        for (var _ = 0; _ < size; _++)
                            var value = readFunction(geometry.VtxBuffer, vertexBufferPosition, out int componentSize);
                            vertexBufferPosition += componentSize;

                this.MainStreamSet     = meshVertexDeclaration;
                this.BoneInstanceCount = geometry.InstanceNum;

                if (this.BoneInstanceCount != 0)
                    // TODO instance buffer