Example #1
        public GenericFlagDialog(DbAttribute attribute, string text, Type enumType, FlagTypeData flagTypeData, string description) : base(description, "cde.ico", SizeToContent.WidthAndHeight, ResizeMode.CanResize)

            _value = text.ToLong();

            if (flagTypeData != null)
                List <long> valuesEnum = flagTypeData.Values.Where(p => (p.DataFlag & FlagDataProperty.Hide) == 0).Select(p => p.Value).ToList();
                var         values     = flagTypeData.Values.Where(p => (p.DataFlag & FlagDataProperty.Hide) == 0).ToList();

                GridIndexProvider provider = _findGrid(values);

                var toolTips = new string[values.Count];

                for (int i = 0; i < values.Count; i++)
                    toolTips[i] = _getTooltip(values[i].Description);

                AbstractProvider iProvider = new DefaultIndexProvider(0, values.Count);
                ToolTipsBuilder.Initialize(toolTips, this);

                int row;
                int col;

                for (int i = 0; i < values.Count; i++)
                    provider.Next(out row, out col);

                    int      index = (int)iProvider.Next();
                    CheckBox box   = new CheckBox {
                        Content = values[index].Name, Margin = new Thickness(3, 6, 3, 6), VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center

                    var      menu = new ContextMenu();
                    MenuItem item = new MenuItem();
                    item.Header     = "Restrict search to [" + values[index].Name + "]";
                    box.ContextMenu = menu;
                    item.Click += delegate {
                        var selected = SdeEditor.Instance.Tabs.FirstOrDefault(p => p.IsSelected);

                        if (selected != null)
                            selected._dbSearchPanel._searchTextBox.Text = "([" + attribute.AttributeName + "] & " + "Flags." + values[index].Name + ") != 0";

                    box.Tag = valuesEnum[index];
                    WpfUtilities.SetGridPosition(box, row, 2 * col);

                if (enumType.BaseType != typeof(Enum))
                    throw new Exception("Invalid argument type, excepted an enum.");

                if (enumType == typeof(MobModeType))
                    if (DbPathLocator.GetServerType() == ServerType.RAthena && !ProjectConfiguration.UseOldRAthenaMode)
                        enumType = typeof(MobModeTypeNew);

                List <long> valuesEnum = Enum.GetValues(enumType).Cast <int>().Select(p => (long)p).ToList();
                var         values     = Enum.GetValues(enumType).Cast <Enum>().ToList();

                string[] commands = Description.GetAnyDescription(enumType).Split('#');

                if (commands.Any(p => p.StartsWith("max_col_width:")))
                    _maxColWidth = Int32.Parse(commands.First(p => p.StartsWith("max_col_width")).Split(':')[1]);

                GridIndexProvider provider = _findGrid(values);

                var toolTips = new string[values.Count];

                if (!commands.Contains("disable_tooltips"))
                    for (int i = 0; i < values.Count; i++)
                        toolTips[i] = _getTooltip(Description.GetDescription(values[i]));

                AbstractProvider iProvider = new DefaultIndexProvider(0, values.Count);

                if (commands.Any(p => p.StartsWith("order:")))
                    List <int> order = commands.First(p => p.StartsWith("order:")).Split(':')[1].Split(',').Select(Int32.Parse).ToList();

                    for (int i = 0; i < values.Count; i++)
                        if (!order.Contains(i))

                    iProvider = new SpecifiedIndexProvider(order);

                ToolTipsBuilder.Initialize(toolTips, this);

                int        row;
                int        col;
                ServerType currentType = DbPathLocator.GetServerType();

                for (int i = 0; i < values.Count; i++)
                    provider.Next(out row, out col);

                    int      index = (int)iProvider.Next();
                    CheckBox box   = new CheckBox {
                        Content = _getDisplay(Description.GetDescription(values[index])), Margin = new Thickness(3, 6, 3, 6), VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center
                    ServerType type = _getEmuRestrition(Description.GetDescription(values[index]));

                    if ((type & currentType) != currentType)
                        box.IsEnabled = false;

                    var      menu = new ContextMenu();
                    MenuItem item = new MenuItem();
                    item.Header     = "Restrict search to [" + _getDisplay(Description.GetDescription(values[index])) + "]";
                    box.ContextMenu = menu;
                    item.Click += delegate {
                        var selected = SdeEditor.Instance.Tabs.FirstOrDefault(p => p.IsSelected);

                        if (selected != null)
                            selected._dbSearchPanel._searchTextBox.Text = "([" + attribute.AttributeName + "] & " + valuesEnum[index] + ") != 0";

                    box.Tag = valuesEnum[index];
                    WpfUtilities.SetGridPosition(box, row, 2 * col);

        public GenericFlagDialog(string text, Type enumType) : base(_getDisplay(Description.GetAnyDescription(enumType)), "cde.ico", SizeToContent.WidthAndHeight, ResizeMode.CanResize)

            _value = text.ToInt();

            if (enumType.BaseType != typeof(Enum))
                throw new Exception("Invalid argument type, excepted an enum.");

            if (enumType == typeof(MobModeType))
                if (DbPathLocator.GetServerType() == ServerType.RAthena && !ProjectConfiguration.UseOldRAthenaMode)
                    enumType = typeof(MobModeTypeNew);

            var values     = Enum.GetValues(enumType).Cast <Enum>().ToList();
            var valuesEnum = Enum.GetValues(enumType).Cast <int>().ToList();

            string[] commands = Description.GetAnyDescription(enumType).Split('#');

            if (commands.Any(p => p.StartsWith("max_col_width:")))
                _maxColWidth = Int32.Parse(commands.First(p => p.StartsWith("max_col_width")).Split(':')[1]);

            GridIndexProvider provider = _findGrid(values);

            var toolTips = new string[values.Count];

            if (!commands.Contains("disable_tooltips"))
                for (int i = 0; i < values.Count; i++)
                    toolTips[i] = _getTooltip(Description.GetDescription(values[i]));

            AbstractProvider iProvider = new DefaultIndexProvider(0, values.Count);

            if (commands.Any(p => p.StartsWith("order:")))
                List <int> order = commands.First(p => p.StartsWith("order:")).Split(':')[1].Split(',').Select(Int32.Parse).ToList();

                for (int i = 0; i < values.Count; i++)
                    if (!order.Contains(i))

                iProvider = new SpecifiedIndexProvider(order);

            ToolTipsBuilder.Initialize(toolTips, this);

            int        row;
            int        col;
            ServerType currentType = DbPathLocator.GetServerType();

            for (int i = 0; i < values.Count; i++)
                provider.Next(out row, out col);

                int      index = (int)iProvider.Next();
                CheckBox box   = new CheckBox {
                    Content = _getDisplay(Description.GetDescription(values[index])), Margin = new Thickness(3, 6, 3, 6), VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center
                ServerType type = _getEmuRestrition(Description.GetDescription(values[index]));

                if ((type & currentType) != currentType)
                    box.IsEnabled = false;

                box.Tag = valuesEnum[index];
                WpfUtilities.SetGridPosition(box, row, 2 * col);
