public async Task ActivateAsync(object args)
            if (args is IActivatedEventArgs)
                // Initialize things like registering background task before the app is loaded
                // Only when activation has UI
                await initialization?.Invoke();

            var activationHandler = handlers?.FirstOrDefault(h => h.CanHandle(args));

            // Default activation and ALL Normal activations (exclude Background, Hosted and Custom activations)
            if (activationHandler == null || activationHandler.Strategy == ActivationStrategy.Normal)
                // Do not repeat app initialization when the Window already has content,
                // just ensure that the window is active
                if (Window.Current.Content == null)
                    // Create a Frame to act as the navigation context and navigate to the first page
                    var rootFrame = new Frame();
                    if (shell != null)
                    Window.Current.Content = rootFrame;

                // If there is already a view showing, then the app is a multi-view
                if (args is IApplicationViewActivatedEventArgs viewArgs && viewArgs.CurrentlyShownApplicationViewId != 0)
                    // Since this is a Normal Activation, the app must make the MainView available first
                    await Window.Current.Dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, async() =>
                        int mainViewId = ApplicationView.GetApplicationViewIdForWindow(CoreApplication.MainView.CoreWindow);
                        await ApplicationViewSwitcher.TryShowAsStandaloneAsync(
            // Share Target, File Open Picker, File Save Picker, Contact Panel activation
            // Hosted handlers must be assured that they can use the current Window's content as a Frame for their navigation context
            else if (activationHandler.Strategy == ActivationStrategy.Hosted)
                Window.Current.Content = new Frame();
            // Background activations do not need UI so we are not going to initialize the current Window's content
            // Other activations must handle their own UI logic in their implementations (HandleAsync)

            if (activationHandler != null)
                // Normal activations can request for a navigation context (in this case, a Frame) to be used in their HandleAsync logic
                // Pickers can just use Window.Current.Content as Frame to have a navigation context
                // Background activation does not show any UI so can continue without navigation context
                // Custom activations must manually set the Window.Current.Content in their implementation
                if (activationHandler.Strategy == ActivationStrategy.Normal)
                    // We used a Lazy object for this because the navigation context is only relevant after
                    // setting the content of the current Window with a Shell or a Frame
                await activationHandler.Handle(args);

            // If no handler was found or a handler with a normal strategy was found but did not set a content to the navigation context, the default handler kicks in
            if (activationHandler == null || (activationHandler.Strategy == ActivationStrategy.Normal && navigationContext.Value?.Content == null))
                await defaultHandler.Handle(args);

            if (args is IActivatedEventArgs)
                // Ensure the current window is active

                // Default activation and All normal activations (exclude Background, Hosted and Custom activations)
                if (activationHandler == null || activationHandler.Strategy == ActivationStrategy.Normal)
                    // Tasks after activation
                    await startup?.Invoke();