Example #1
        public void DebuggerAttributesValid()
            DebuggerAttributes.ValidateDebuggerDisplayReferences(ImmutableDictionary.Create <int, int>());
            DebuggerAttributes.ValidateDebuggerTypeProxyProperties(ImmutableDictionary.Create <string, int>());

            object rootNode = DebuggerAttributes.GetFieldValue(ImmutableDictionary.Create <string, string>(), "_root");

        public void DebuggerAttributesValid()
            DebuggerAttributes.ValidateDebuggerDisplayReferences(ImmutableSortedSet.Create <int>());
            DebuggerAttributes.ValidateDebuggerTypeProxyProperties(ImmutableSortedSet.Create <string>("1", "2", "3"));

            object rootNode = DebuggerAttributes.GetFieldValue(ImmutableSortedSet.Create <object>(), "_root");

Example #3
        public void ValidateInternalDebuggerAttributes()
            Channel <int> c = CreateChannel();


            object queue = DebuggerAttributes.GetFieldValue(c, "_items");

        public void DebuggerAttributesValid()
            DebuggerAttributes.ValidateDebuggerDisplayReferences(ImmutableDictionary.Create<int, int>());
            ImmutableDictionary<string, int> dict = ImmutableDictionary.Create<string, int>().Add("One", 1).Add("Two", 2);
            DebuggerAttributeInfo info = DebuggerAttributes.ValidateDebuggerTypeProxyProperties(dict);

            object rootNode = DebuggerAttributes.GetFieldValue(ImmutableDictionary.Create<string, string>(), "_root");
            PropertyInfo itemProperty = info.Properties.Single(pr => pr.GetCustomAttribute<DebuggerBrowsableAttribute>().State == DebuggerBrowsableState.RootHidden);
            KeyValuePair<string, int>[] items = itemProperty.GetValue(info.Instance) as KeyValuePair<string, int>[];
            Assert.Equal(dict, items);
        public void DebuggerAttributesValid()
            DebuggerAttributes.ValidateDebuggerDisplayReferences(ImmutableSortedSet.Create <int>());
            ImmutableSortedSet <string> set  = ImmutableSortedSet.Create("1", "2", "3");
            DebuggerAttributeInfo       info = DebuggerAttributes.ValidateDebuggerTypeProxyProperties(set);

            object rootNode = DebuggerAttributes.GetFieldValue(ImmutableSortedSet.Create <object>(), "_root");

            PropertyInfo itemProperty = info.Properties.Single(pr => pr.GetCustomAttribute <DebuggerBrowsableAttribute>().State == DebuggerBrowsableState.RootHidden);

            string[] items = itemProperty.GetValue(info.Instance) as string[];
            Assert.Equal(set, items);
Example #6
        public void TestDebuggerDisplaysAndTypeProxies()
            // Test both canceled and non-canceled
            foreach (var ct in new[] { new CancellationToken(false), new CancellationToken(true) })
                // Some blocks have different code paths for whether they're greedy or not.
                // This helps with code-coverage.
                var dboBuffering   = new DataflowBlockOptions();
                var dboNoBuffering = new DataflowBlockOptions()
                    BoundedCapacity = 1
                var dboExBuffering = new ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions {
                    MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 2, CancellationToken = ct
                var dboExSpsc = new ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions {
                    SingleProducerConstrained = true
                var dboExNoBuffering = new ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions {
                    MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 2, BoundedCapacity = 1, CancellationToken = ct
                var dboGroupGreedy    = new GroupingDataflowBlockOptions();
                var dboGroupNonGreedy = new GroupingDataflowBlockOptions {
                    Greedy = false

                // Item1 == test DebuggerDisplay, Item2 == test DebuggerTypeProxy, Item3 == object
                var objectsToTest = new Tuple <bool, bool, object>[]
                    // Primary Blocks
                    // (Don't test DebuggerTypeProxy on instances that may internally have async operations in progress)
                    Tuple.Create <bool, bool, object>(true, true, new ActionBlock <int>(i => {})),
                    Tuple.Create <bool, bool, object>(true, true, new ActionBlock <int>(i => {}, dboExBuffering)),
                    Tuple.Create <bool, bool, object>(true, true, new ActionBlock <int>(i => {}, dboExSpsc)),
                    Tuple.Create <bool, bool, object>(true, false, SendAsyncMessages(new ActionBlock <int>(i => {}, dboExNoBuffering), 2)),
                    Tuple.Create <bool, bool, object>(true, true, new TransformBlock <int, int>(i => i)),
                    Tuple.Create <bool, bool, object>(true, true, new TransformBlock <int, int>(i => i, dboExBuffering)),
                    Tuple.Create <bool, bool, object>(true, false, SendAsyncMessages(new TransformBlock <int, int>(i => i, dboExNoBuffering), 2)),
                    Tuple.Create <bool, bool, object>(true, true, new TransformManyBlock <int, int>(i => new [] { i })),
                    Tuple.Create <bool, bool, object>(true, true, new TransformManyBlock <int, int>(i => new [] { i }, dboExBuffering)),
                    Tuple.Create <bool, bool, object>(true, false, SendAsyncMessages(new TransformManyBlock <int, int>(i => new [] { i }, dboExNoBuffering), 2)),
                    Tuple.Create <bool, bool, object>(true, true, new BufferBlock <int>()),
                    Tuple.Create <bool, bool, object>(true, true, new BufferBlock <int>(new DataflowBlockOptions()
                        NameFormat = "none"
                    Tuple.Create <bool, bool, object>(true, true, new BufferBlock <int>(new DataflowBlockOptions()
                        NameFormat = "foo={0}, bar={1}"
                    Tuple.Create <bool, bool, object>(true, true, new BufferBlock <int>(new DataflowBlockOptions()
                        NameFormat = "foo={0}, bar={1}, kaboom={2}"
                    Tuple.Create <bool, bool, object>(true, true, new BufferBlock <int>(dboBuffering)),
                    Tuple.Create <bool, bool, object>(true, false, SendAsyncMessages(new BufferBlock <int>(new DataflowBlockOptions {
                        BoundedCapacity = 10
                    }), 20)),
                    Tuple.Create <bool, bool, object>(true, true, new BroadcastBlock <int>(i => i)),
                    Tuple.Create <bool, bool, object>(true, true, new BroadcastBlock <int>(i => i, dboBuffering)),
                    Tuple.Create <bool, bool, object>(true, false, SendAsyncMessages(new BroadcastBlock <int>(i => i, dboNoBuffering), 20)),
                    Tuple.Create <bool, bool, object>(true, true, new WriteOnceBlock <int>(i => i)),
                    Tuple.Create <bool, bool, object>(true, false, SendAsyncMessages(new WriteOnceBlock <int>(i => i), 1)),
                    Tuple.Create <bool, bool, object>(true, true, new WriteOnceBlock <int>(i => i, dboBuffering)),
                    Tuple.Create <bool, bool, object>(true, true, new JoinBlock <int, int>()),
                    Tuple.Create <bool, bool, object>(true, true, new JoinBlock <int, int>(dboGroupGreedy)),
                    Tuple.Create <bool, bool, object>(true, true, new JoinBlock <int, int>(dboGroupNonGreedy)),
                    Tuple.Create <bool, bool, object>(true, true, new JoinBlock <int, int, int>()),
                    Tuple.Create <bool, bool, object>(true, true, new JoinBlock <int, int, int>(dboGroupGreedy)),
                    Tuple.Create <bool, bool, object>(true, true, new JoinBlock <int, int, int>(dboGroupNonGreedy)),
                    Tuple.Create <bool, bool, object>(true, true, new BatchedJoinBlock <int, int>(42)),
                    Tuple.Create <bool, bool, object>(true, true, new BatchedJoinBlock <int, int>(42, dboGroupGreedy)),
                    Tuple.Create <bool, bool, object>(true, true, new BatchedJoinBlock <int, int, int>(42, dboGroupGreedy)),
                    Tuple.Create <bool, bool, object>(true, true, new BatchBlock <int>(42)),
                    Tuple.Create <bool, bool, object>(true, true, new BatchBlock <int>(42, dboGroupGreedy)),
                    Tuple.Create <bool, bool, object>(true, true, new BatchBlock <int>(42, dboGroupNonGreedy)),
                    Tuple.Create <bool, bool, object>(true, true, DataflowBlock.Encapsulate <int, int>(new BufferBlock <int>(), new BufferBlock <int>())),
                    Tuple.Create <bool, bool, object>(true, true, new BufferBlock <int>().AsObservable()),

                    // Supporting and Internal Types
                    Tuple.Create <bool, bool, object>(true, false, DebuggerAttributes.GetFieldValue(new ActionBlock <int>(i => {}, dboExBuffering), "_defaultTarget")),
                    Tuple.Create <bool, bool, object>(true, false, DebuggerAttributes.GetFieldValue(new ActionBlock <int>(i => {}, dboExNoBuffering), "_defaultTarget")),
                    Tuple.Create <bool, bool, object>(true, false, DebuggerAttributes.GetFieldValue(DebuggerAttributes.GetFieldValue(new ActionBlock <int>(i => {}), "_defaultTarget"), "_messages")),
                    Tuple.Create <bool, bool, object>(true, false, DebuggerAttributes.GetFieldValue(new ActionBlock <int>(i => {}, dboExSpsc), "_spscTarget")),
                    Tuple.Create <bool, bool, object>(true, false, DebuggerAttributes.GetFieldValue(DebuggerAttributes.GetFieldValue(new ActionBlock <int>(i => {}, dboExSpsc), "_spscTarget"), "_messages")),
                    Tuple.Create <bool, bool, object>(true, false, DebuggerAttributes.GetFieldValue(new BufferBlock <int>(), "_source")),
                    Tuple.Create <bool, bool, object>(true, false, DebuggerAttributes.GetFieldValue(new BufferBlock <int>(new DataflowBlockOptions {
                        BoundedCapacity = 10
                    }), "_source")),
                    Tuple.Create <bool, bool, object>(true, false, DebuggerAttributes.GetFieldValue(new TransformBlock <int, int>(i => i, dboExBuffering), "_source")),
                    Tuple.Create <bool, bool, object>(true, true, DebuggerAttributes.GetFieldValue(new TransformBlock <int, int>(i => i, dboExNoBuffering), "_reorderingBuffer")),
                    Tuple.Create <bool, bool, object>(true, true, DebuggerAttributes.GetFieldValue(DebuggerAttributes.GetFieldValue(new TransformBlock <int, int>(i => i, dboExBuffering), "_source"), "_targetRegistry")),
                    Tuple.Create <bool, bool, object>(true, true, DebuggerAttributes.GetFieldValue(DebuggerAttributes.GetFieldValue(WithLinkedTarget <TransformBlock <int, int>, int>(new TransformBlock <int, int>(i => i, dboExNoBuffering)), "_source"), "_targetRegistry")),
                    Tuple.Create <bool, bool, object>(true, true, new JoinBlock <int, int>().Target1),
                    Tuple.Create <bool, bool, object>(true, true, new JoinBlock <int, int>(dboGroupGreedy).Target1),
                    Tuple.Create <bool, bool, object>(true, true, new JoinBlock <int, int>(dboGroupNonGreedy).Target1),
                    Tuple.Create <bool, bool, object>(true, false, DebuggerAttributes.GetFieldValue(new JoinBlock <int, int>().Target1, "_sharedResources")),
                    Tuple.Create <bool, bool, object>(true, true, new BatchedJoinBlock <int, int>(42).Target1),
                    Tuple.Create <bool, bool, object>(true, true, new BatchedJoinBlock <int, int>(42, dboGroupGreedy).Target1),
                    Tuple.Create <bool, bool, object>(true, false, DebuggerAttributes.GetFieldValue(new BatchBlock <int>(42), "_target")),
                    Tuple.Create <bool, bool, object>(true, false, DebuggerAttributes.GetFieldValue(new BatchBlock <int>(42, dboGroupGreedy), "_target")),
                    Tuple.Create <bool, bool, object>(true, false, DebuggerAttributes.GetFieldValue(new BatchBlock <int>(42, dboGroupNonGreedy), "_target")),
                    Tuple.Create <bool, bool, object>(true, false, new BufferBlock <int>().LinkTo(new ActionBlock <int>(i => {}))), // ActionOnDispose
                    Tuple.Create <bool, bool, object>(true, false, DebuggerAttributes.GetFieldValue(new BroadcastBlock <int>(i => i), "_source")),
                    Tuple.Create <bool, bool, object>(true, false, DebuggerAttributes.GetFieldValue(new BroadcastBlock <int>(i => i, dboGroupGreedy), "_source")),
                    Tuple.Create <bool, bool, object>(true, false, DebuggerAttributes.GetFieldValue(new BroadcastBlock <int>(i => i, dboGroupNonGreedy), "_source")),
                    Tuple.Create <bool, bool, object>(true, true, CreateNopLinkSource <int>()),
                    Tuple.Create <bool, bool, object>(true, true, CreateFilteringSource <int>()),
                    Tuple.Create <bool, bool, object>(true, true, CreateSendSource <int>()),
                    Tuple.Create <bool, bool, object>(true, false, CreateReceiveTarget <int>()),
                    Tuple.Create <bool, bool, object>(true, false, CreateOutputAvailableTarget()),
                    Tuple.Create <bool, bool, object>(true, false, CreateChooseTarget <int>()),
                    Tuple.Create <bool, bool, object>(true, false, new BufferBlock <int>().AsObservable().Subscribe(DataflowBlock.NullTarget <int>().AsObserver())),

                    // Other
                    Tuple.Create <bool, bool, object>(true, false, new DataflowMessageHeader(1)),

                // Test all DDAs and DTPAs
                foreach (var obj in objectsToTest)
                    if (obj.Item1)
                    if (obj.Item2)
        public void TestDequeueClass()
            var c = Channel.CreateBounded <int>(10);

            DebuggerAttributes.ValidateDebuggerDisplayReferences(DebuggerAttributes.GetFieldValue(c, "_items"));