public static IEnumerator DownloadPDF(Action callback, Action <string> callbackError) { DebugUnity.Log("Download PDF: " + GetStudy().pdf_url); Application.OpenURL(GetStudy().pdf_url); callback(); yield return(null); }
public static IEnumerator DownloadOFF(Action callbackSuccess, Action <string> callbackError) { if (GetStudy().off_url == null) { Debug.LogError("OFF download url not valid: " + GetStudy().off_url); if (callbackError != null) { callbackError("OFF download url not valid"); } } else { string downloadUrl = GetStudy().off_url; DebugUnity.Log("Start downloading OFF: " + downloadUrl); UnityWebRequest requestOff = UnityWebRequest.Get(GetStudy().off_url); yield return(requestOff.SendWebRequest()); if (requestOff.isNetworkError || requestOff.isHttpError) { Debug.LogError("Downloading OFF error: " + requestOff.error); } else { DebugUnity.Log("OFF downloaded - " + (requestOff.downloadedBytes / 1024f / 1024f).ToString("0.0") + "MB"); string fileString = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(; PointCloudManager.Instance.file = fileString; callbackSuccess(); } } }
public static IEnumerator LoginRequest(string _usuario, string _password, Action callbackSuccess, Action <string> callbackError) { LoginInfo newLogin = new LoginInfo(_usuario); if (currentLogin.user != newLogin.user || (currentLogin.user == newLogin.user && !currentLogin.isLoggedIn)) { DebugUnity.Log("Attempting Login for user: "******"..."); WWWForm form = new WWWForm(); form.AddField("email", _usuario); form.AddField("password", _password); ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = new System.Net.Security.RemoteCertificateValidationCallback(AcceptAllCertifications); UnityWebRequest requestLogin = UnityWebRequest.Post(URL + "/login", form); //requestLogin.SetRequestHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Credentials","true"); yield return(requestLogin.SendWebRequest()); if (requestLogin.isNetworkError || requestLogin.isHttpError) { string msg = ""; Debug.LogError("Login error: " + requestLogin.error); if (requestLogin.isNetworkError) { msg = "Error de conexión con el servidor"; } else { msg = "Usuario o contraseña incorrecto"; } if (callbackError != null) { callbackError(msg); } } else { DebugUnity.Log("Login Successful!"); DebugUnity.Log("Login response: " + requestLogin.downloadHandler.text); currentLogin = JsonUtility.FromJson <LoginInfo>(requestLogin.downloadHandler.text); currentLogin.isLoggedIn = true; if (callbackSuccess != null) { callbackSuccess(); } } } }
public static IEnumerator RequestManagedCorporations(Action callback) { string strResponseValue = string.Empty; DebugUnity.Log("Requesting managed corporations..."); ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = new System.Net.Security.RemoteCertificateValidationCallback(AcceptAllCertifications); UnityWebRequest corporationRequest = UnityWebRequest.Get(URL + "/search"); corporationRequest.SetRequestHeader("token", currentLogin.token); corporationRequest.SetRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); //corporationRequest.SetRequestHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Credentials","true"); DebugUnity.Log("Corporations test..."); yield return(corporationRequest.SendWebRequest()); if (corporationRequest.isNetworkError || corporationRequest.isHttpError) { Debug.LogError("Managed Corporations error: " + corporationRequest.error); } else { DebugUnity.Log("Managed Corporations Received!"); strResponseValue = corporationRequest.downloadHandler.text; DebugUnity.Log("Corporations response:\n" + strResponseValue); managedCorporations = JsonUtility.FromJson <ManagedCorporations>(strResponseValue); if (DebugUnity.IsEditor) { string debugData = "Managed Corporations: " + managedCorporations.corporations.Length; foreach (Corporation corporation in managedCorporations.corporations) { debugData += "\n\t- " +; } DebugUnity.Log(debugData); } if (managedCorporations.corporations.Length > 0) { corporationIndex = 0; } else { corporationIndex = -1; } } callback(); }
private IEnumerator LoadImage() { string url = null; if (TI_API.GetSubdependencie().images != null) { url = TI_API.GetSubdependencie().images[0].imageUrl; } if (url != null) { //WWWForm form = new WWWForm(); //form.AddField("email", _usuario); //form.AddField("password", _password); UnityWebRequest img = UnityWebRequestTexture.GetTexture(url.ToString()); //WWW img = new WWW(url); Debug.Log("Downloading Image"); Debug.Log("URL: " + url.ToString()); yield return(img.Send()); if (img.isNetworkError || img.isHttpError) { string msg = ""; Debug.LogError("Download error: " + img.error); if (img.isNetworkError) { msg = "Error de conexión con el servidor"; } } else { DebugUnity.Log("Scale Download Successful!"); DebugUnity.Log("Scale response: " + img.downloadHandler.text); } Debug.Log(img.downloadedBytes); Debug.Log(img.downloadedBytes.ToString()); //Texture a = new Texture(); DownloadHandlerTexture handler = (DownloadHandlerTexture)img.downloadHandler; Sprite sprt = Sprite.Create(handler.texture, new Rect(0, 0, handler.texture.width, handler.texture.height), new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f)); scaleView.sprite = sprt; scaleView.gameObject.SetActive(true); } else { Debug.LogWarning("No image attached"); scaleView.gameObject.SetActive(false); yield return(null); } }
public override void CargarLista(int id) { base.CargarLista(id); DebugUnity.Log("Load Corporations."); for (int i = 0; i < TI_API.CorporationsCount; i++) { AddBoton(TI_API.GetCorporation(i).name, i); } }
public override void CargarLista(int id) { base.CargarLista(id); Enterprise enterprise = TI_API.GetEnterprise(myIndex); DebugUnity.Log("Load dependencie: [" + myIndex + "] " +; if (enterprise.dependencies != null) { for (int i = 0; i < enterprise.dependencies.Length; i++) { AddBoton(enterprise.dependencies[i].name, i); } } }
public override void CargarLista(int id) { base.CargarLista(id); Corporation corporation = TI_API.GetCorporation(myIndex); DebugUnity.Log("Load Enterprises: [" + myIndex + "] " +; if ( != null) { for (int i = 0; i <; i++) { AddBoton([i].name, i); } } }
public override void CargarLista(int id) { base.CargarLista(id); Subdependencie subdependencie = TI_API.GetSubdependencie(myIndex); DebugUnity.Log("Load Studies: [" + myIndex + "] " +; if (subdependencie.studies != null) { for (int i = 0; i < subdependencie.studies.Length; i++) { ElementoLista el = AddBoton(subdependencie.studies[i].name + " " + subdependencie.studies[i].date + (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(subdependencie.studies[i].off_url) ? " (Scan)" : "") + (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(subdependencie.studies[i].pdf_url) ? " (PDF)" : ""), i); el.elegirEntregable = elegirEntregable; } } }
public override void CargarLista(int id) { base.CargarLista(id); Dependencie dependencie = TI_API.GetDependencie(myIndex); DebugUnity.Log("Load Subdependencie: [" + myIndex + "] " +; if (dependencie.subdependencies != null) { for (int i = 0; i < dependencie.subdependencies.Length; i++) { int a = dependencie.subdependencies[i].studies != null ? dependencie.subdependencies[i].studies.Length : 0; AddBoton(dependencie.subdependencies[i].name, i); } } }
// Start Coroutine of reading the points from the OFF file and creating the meshes IEnumerator LoadOFF() { DebugUnity.Log(file); StringReader sr = new StringReader(file); sr.ReadLine(); // OFF string firstLine = sr.ReadLine().Replace("# ", ""); string[] buffer = firstLine.Split(); // nPoints, nFaces //Debug.Log("\"" + buffer[0] + "\""); numPoints = int.Parse(buffer[0]); points = new Vector3[numPoints]; widths = new float[numPoints]; pointsDir = new Quaternion[numPoints]; colors = new Color[numPoints]; minValue = new Vector3(); for (int i = 0; i < numPoints; i++) { buffer = sr.ReadLine().Split(); if (!invertYZ) { points[i] = new Vector3(float.Parse(buffer[0]) - 1.9f, float.Parse(buffer[1]), float.Parse(buffer[2])); } else { points[i] = new Vector3(float.Parse(buffer[0]) - 1.9f, float.Parse(buffer[2]), float.Parse(buffer[1])); } if (buffer.Length >= 6) { colors[i] = new Color(int.Parse(buffer[3]) / 255.0f, int.Parse(buffer[4]) / 255.0f, int.Parse(buffer[5]) / 255.0f); } else { colors[i] = Color.cyan; } if (points[i].magnitude > maxLenght) { maxLenght = points[i].magnitude; } if (buffer.Length >= 7) { widths[i] = float.Parse(buffer[6]); // / 100f; } else { widths[i] = 0f; } pointsDir[i].w = i; // GUI if (i % Mathf.FloorToInt(numPoints / 20) == 0) { loadingBar.Show("Cargando Puntos", (i * 1f) / numPoints); yield return(null); } } loadingBar.Hide(); //Scale and recenter yield return(StartCoroutine(ReshapePoints())); yield return(StartCoroutine(OrderPoints())); // Instantiate Point Groups numPointGroups = Mathf.CeilToInt(numPoints * 1.0f / limitPoints * 1.0f); pointCloud = new GameObject("OFF"); for (int i = 0; i < numPointGroups - 1; i++) { InstantiateMesh(i, limitPoints); if (i % 10 == 0) { loadingBar.Show("Generando Malla", (i * 1f) / numPoints); yield return(null); } } loadingBar.Hide(); InstantiateMesh(numPointGroups - 1, numPoints - (numPointGroups - 1) * limitPoints); //pointCloud.transform.LookAt(pointCloud.transform.position + Vector3.up); //Store PointCloud //UnityEditor.PrefabUtility.CreatePrefab ("Assets/Resources/PointCloudMeshes/" + filename + ".prefab", pointCloud); //pointCloud.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(90f, 0f, 0f) * Quaternion.identity; loaded = true; }