/// <summary>
    /// Will fire off rays in the direction that it is traveling
    /// </summary>
    protected virtual void checkVerticalRays()
        Vector2 left  = allCorners.bottomLeft;
        Vector2 right = allCorners.bottomRight;

        if (rigid.velocity.y > 0)
            left  = allCorners.topLeft;
            right = allCorners.topRight;
        left.x  += verticalOffset;
        right.x -= verticalOffset;
        Ray2D ray = new Ray2D();

        rigid.inAir = true;
        for (int i = 0; i < verticalRayTraceCount; i++)
            ray.origin    = left + ((right - left) / (verticalRayTraceCount - 1)) * i;
            ray.direction = rigid.velocity.y <= 0 ? Vector2.down : Vector2.up;
            RaycastHit2D hit;
            float        distanctToCalculate = Mathf.Abs(rigid.velocity.y) * Time.deltaTime + (rigid.velocity.y == 0f ? Mathf.Abs(horizontalOffset) * 2 + .01f : 0);
            hit = Physics2D.Raycast(ray.origin, ray.direction, distanctToCalculate, LayerMask.GetMask(layerMask));
            if (hit)
                //print("I hit a thing");
                GroundColliders groundCollider = hit.collider.GetComponent <GroundColliders>();
                if (groundCollider)
                    Vector2 collisionPoint;
                    if (rigid.velocity.y <= 0)
                        collisionPoint     = groundCollider.getTopPosition(transform.position.x);
                        transform.position = new Vector3(collisionPoint.x, collisionPoint.y, transform.position.z);
                        collisionPoint = groundCollider.getBottomPosition(transform.position.x);

                    rigid.inAir      = false;
                    rigid.velocity.y = 0;

            if (DebugSettings.Instance.displayColliderRays)
                DebugSettings.DrawDebugRay(ray.origin, ray.origin + (ray.direction * distanctToCalculate));
                //DebugSettings.DrawDebugRay(ray.origin, ray.origin + Vector2.down * .2f);
    protected virtual void checkHorizontalRays()
        Vector2 top    = allCorners.topRight;
        Vector2 bottom = allCorners.bottomRight;
        float   xVel   = rigid.velocity.x;

        if (xVel < 0)
            top    = allCorners.topLeft;
            bottom = allCorners.bottomLeft;
        top.y    -= horizontalOffset;
        bottom.y += horizontalOffset;
        Ray2D ray = new Ray2D();

        for (int i = 0; i < horizontalRayTraceCount; i++)
            ray.origin    = bottom + ((top - bottom) / (horizontalRayTraceCount - 1)) * i;
            ray.direction = (Vector2.right * xVel).normalized;
            RaycastHit2D hit;
            hit = Physics2D.Raycast(ray.origin, ray.direction, Mathf.Abs(xVel) * Time.deltaTime, LayerMask.GetMask(layerMask));
            if (hit)
                GroundColliders groundCollider = hit.collider.GetComponent <GroundColliders>();
                if (groundCollider)
                    Vector2 collisionPoint;
                    if ((rigid.velocity.x) < 0)
                        collisionPoint = groundCollider.getRightPosition(transform.position.y);
                        collisionPoint = collisionPoint - new Vector2(Mathf.Abs(transform.position.x - allCorners.bottomLeft.x), 0);
                        collisionPoint = groundCollider.getLeftPosition(transform.position.y);
                        collisionPoint = collisionPoint + new Vector2(Mathf.Abs(transform.position.x - allCorners.bottomRight.x), 0);

                    //We are definitely coming back to this. This is too stupid to actually work consistently....
                    //transform.position = new Vector3(collisionPoint.x, collisionPoint.y, transform.position.z);
                    rigid.velocity.x = 0;//If we hit a wall, then more than likely we will be setting the velocity to 0
            if (DebugSettings.Instance.displayColliderRays)
                DebugSettings.DrawDebugRay(ray.origin, ray.origin + ray.direction * Mathf.Abs(xVel) * Time.deltaTime);