//Deserializer deserializer = new Deserializer(); public void ReceviceDebugMsg(DebugMsg msg, params object[] objs) { isDebug = true; debugList.Add(msg); return; }
public void sendEmailToO2Support(string subject, string text, bool sendSync) { sendMessageToolStripMenuItem1.Text = "Sending email...."; try { var screenShotToSend = new PictureBox { BackgroundImage = Screenshots.getScreenshotOfFormObjectAndItsControls(this) }; DI.log.debug("Sending email to O2 Support with: " + text); Mail.sendMail(PublicDI.sEmailHost, "*****@*****.**", PublicDI.sEmailToSendBugReportsTo, "", "Email from O2 User - " + subject, Mail.getUserDetailsAsEmailFormat() + Environment.NewLine + text, DebugMsg.createAttachmentsForRemoteSupport(DebugMsg.getFirstRtbObject(), screenShotToSend), sendSync, emailMessageSent); // } catch (Exception ex) { DI.log.ex(ex, "in sendEmailToO2Support"); DI.log.error( "Could not send support email, please ensure that this o2 module is connected to the Internet"); } }
public static bool launch(string parentFormTitle) { try { if (isGuiLoaded()) { PublicDI.log.error("There is already a GUI loaded and only one can be loaded"); return(false); } //parentFormTitle = ClickOnceDeployment.getFormTitle_forClickOnce(parentFormTitle); //new O2DockPanel(); O2Thread.staThread(() => new O2DockPanel()); var maxTimeToWaitForGuiCreation = 20000; if (O2DockPanel.guiLoaded.WaitOne(maxTimeToWaitForGuiCreation)) { O2AscxGUI.o2GuiWithDockPanel.invokeOnThread(() => O2AscxGUI.o2GuiWithDockPanel.Text = parentFormTitle); return(true); } if (false == DebugMsg.IsDebuggerAttached()) { //PublicDI.log.reportCriticalErrorToO2Developers(null, null, "from O2AscxGUI: GUI was not available after 20 seconds"); PublicDI.log.error("from O2AscxGUI: GUI was not available after 20 seconds"); } return(false); } catch (Exception) { return(false); } }
public void Init(Camera mainCamera, Camera landmarkCamera) { _main = mainCamera; _landmark = landmarkCamera; _saturation = _main.gameObject.GetComponent <UnsaturatePostEffect>(); if (!_saturation) { DebugMsg.ComponentNotFound(Debug.LogWarning, typeof(UnsaturatePostEffect)); } _outliner = _landmark.gameObject.GetComponent <OutlinerPostEffect>(); if (!_outliner) { DebugMsg.ComponentNotFound(Debug.LogWarning, typeof(OutlinerPostEffect)); } _depthOfField = _landmark.gameObject.GetComponent <DepthOfField>(); if (!_depthOfField) { DebugMsg.ComponentNotFound(Debug.LogWarning, typeof(DepthOfField)); } else { _depthOfField.enabled = false; } _shake = _main.GetComponent <CameraShake>(); if (!_shake) { DebugMsg.ComponentNotFound(Debug.LogWarning, typeof(CameraShake)); } }
void CheckHistotryFrame(DebugMsg msg) { //Debug.Log("CheckHistotryFrame"); for (int i = 0; i < msg.infos.Count; i++) { if (m_world.GetEntityIsExist(msg.infos[i].id)) { for (int j = 0; j < msg.infos[i].infos.Count; j++) { if (msg.infos[i].infos[j].m_compName == "CommandComponent") { CheckCommandLogic(msg, msg.infos[i], msg.infos[i].infos[j]); } else { CheckComponentLogic(msg, msg.infos[i], msg.infos[i].infos[j]); } } } else { //string log = "error not find entity frame " + msg.frame + " currentFrame:" + m_world.FrameCount + " id:" + msg.infos[i].id + "\n"; //Debug.LogWarning(log); } } for (int i = 0; i < msg.singleCompInfo.Count; i++) { CheckSingleComponentLogic(msg, msg.singleCompInfo[i]); } }
public override void Enter() { base.Enter(); DebugMsg.Log("进入战斗待机状态"); _time = 0; SetAgentState(KeyNameEnum.NEAR_ENEMY, false); }
public static O2DockContent addAscxControlToO2GuiWithDockPanelWithDockState(Type ascxControlToLoad, DockState dockState, String name, bool showControl) { if (O2AscxGUI.o2GuiWithDockPanel == null) { PublicDI.log.error(" in addAscxControlToO2GuiWithDockPanelWithDockState o2GuiWithDockPanel was null, so aborting load of {0}", ascxControlToLoad.FullName); return(null); } var o2DocContent = new O2DockContent(ascxControlToLoad, dockState, name); // add it as soon as possible to this list (in case there is a request for it from another thread) O2DockUtils.addO2DockContentToDIGlobalVar(o2DocContent); if (showControl) { //add content to DockPanel (in a thread safe way) showO2DockContentInDockPanel(o2DocContent); // wait for control to be loaded if (false == DebugMsg.IsDebuggerAttached()) { o2DocContent.controlLoadedIntoGui.WaitOne(); } else if (false == o2DocContent.controlLoadedIntoGui.WaitOne(10000)) { PublicDI.log.error("Failed to load control {0} in 10 sec", o2DocContent.name); } } return(o2DocContent); }
public static bool createCirDump(String sApplicationToScan, String sScanResultsFolder, Callbacks.dMethod_Object dProcessCompletionCallback, Callbacks.dMethod_String _logCallback, bool bDeleteAllRulesFromDbBeforeScan, bool bStoreControlFlowBlockRawDataInsideCirDataFile) { var srScanResults = new O2scanresults { bDeleteAllRulesForCirCreation = bDeleteAllRulesFromDbBeforeScan, dProcessCompletionCallback = dProcessCompletionCallback, logCallback = _logCallback, bCreateCirDataFile = true, bStoreControlFlowBlockRawDataInsideCirDataFile = bStoreControlFlowBlockRawDataInsideCirDataFile, bDeleteCreatedAssessmentFile = true }; // srScanResults.sPathToCirDumpFiles = sScanResultsFolder; // o2.rules.scan.CalculateCirDataFileNameInResultsFolder(sApplicationToScan, sScanResultsFolder); bool bScanResult = srScanResults.scanApplication(sApplicationToScan); //o2.rules.scan.SaveCirDataFile(srScanResults, sScanResultsFolder); DebugMsg.saveLogIntoFile(Path.Combine(sScanResultsFolder, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(sApplicationToScan) + " - CreateConsolidatedCirDump.txt")); return(bScanResult); }
void CheckSingleComponentLogic(DebugMsg msg, ComponentInfo info) { RecordSystemBase rsb = m_world.GetRecordSystemBase(info.m_compName); SingletonComponent sc = rsb.GetSingletonRecord(msg.frame); if (sc == null) { //Debug.LogWarning(""); return; } string content = Serializer.Serialize(sc); if (!content.Equals(info.content)) { string log = "error: frame" + msg.frame + " currentFrame:" + m_world.FrameCount + " HashCode " + sc.GetHashCode() + " singleComp:" + info.m_compName + "\n remote:" + info.content + "\n local:" + content + "\n"; Debug.LogWarning(log); rsb.PrintRecord(0); Time.timeScale = 0; Record(log); OutPutDebugRecord(); } else { //Debug.Log("singleComp correct ! frame " + msg.frame + " m_world:" + m_world.FrameCount + "\ncontent " + info.content); } }
public void Awake() { if (_instance == null) { _instance = this; _canvas = transform.FindChild("Canvas"); if (!_canvas) { DebugMsg.GameObjectNotFound(Debug.LogError, "Canvas"); } foreach (Transform child in _canvas.transform.GetComponentsInChildren <Transform>()) { if (child.name.Equals("Crosshair")) { _crosshair = child.gameObject; } } GameObject black = new GameObject("_blackImage"); black.transform.parent = _canvas.transform; black.transform.LocalReset(); _blackImage = black.AddComponent <Image>(); _blackImage.color = new Color(0, 0, 0, 0); DontDestroyOnLoad(this); } else { Destroy(gameObject); } }
public override void Enter() { base.Enter(); DebugMsg.Log("进入警戒状态"); OnComplete(); }
public void DebugLogic(DebugMsg msg) { //Debug.Log("DebugLogic "); if (msg.frame == m_world.FrameCount) { CheckCurrentFrame(msg); } else if (msg.frame < m_world.FrameCount) { Debug.Log("检查了历史数据 msg " + msg.frame + " world" + m_world.FrameCount); //CheckHistotryFrame(msg); } else { string log = "服务器超前 msg:" + msg.frame + " m_world:" + m_world.FrameCount + "\n"; Debug.LogWarning(log); //syncLog += log; } var dr = GetDebugMsg(msg.frame); if (dr != null && dr.msg != msg.msg) { //Time.timeScale = 0; //Debug.LogWarning("msg error! frame :" + msg.frame + "\nlocal :\n " + dr.msg + "\nremote :\n " + msg.msg); } else { //Debug.Log("msg " + msg.msg); } RecordDebugMsg(msg); }
public static void executeInAppDomain(string appDomainName, string scriptToExecute) { O2Thread.mtaThread( () => { var o2AppDomain = new O2.Kernel.Objects.O2AppDomainFactory(appDomainName); try { o2AppDomain.load("O2_XRules_Database"); o2AppDomain.load("O2_Kernel"); o2AppDomain.load("O2_DotNetWrappers"); var o2Proxy = (O2Proxy)o2AppDomain.getProxyObject("O2Proxy"); o2Proxy.InvokeInStaThread = true; o2Proxy.staticInvocation("O2_External_SharpDevelop", "FastCompiler_ExtensionMethods", "executeSourceCode", new object[] { scriptToExecute }); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.log("inside new AppDomain"); } DebugMsg.showMessageBox("Click OK to close the '{0}' AppDomain (and close all open windows)".format(appDomainName)); o2AppDomain.unLoadAppDomain(); }); }
//void CheckCurrentCommandLogic(DebugMsg msg, EntityBase entity, EntityInfo entityInfo, ComponentInfo compInfo) //{ //} void CheckCurrentComponentLogic(DebugMsg msg, EntityBase entity, EntityInfo entityInfo, ComponentInfo compInfo) { //Debug.Log("CheckCurrentComponentLogic"); if (!m_world.GetExistRecordSystem(compInfo.m_compName)) { return; } ComponentBase compLocal = entity.GetComp(compInfo.m_compName); if (IsFilter(compInfo.m_compName)) { string content = Serializer.Serialize(compLocal); if (!content.Equals(compInfo.content)) { RecordSystemBase rsb = m_world.GetRecordSystemBase(compInfo.m_compName); string log = "error: frame" + msg.frame + " currentFrame:" + m_world.FrameCount + " id:" + entity.ID + " msg.id " + entityInfo.id + " comp:" + compInfo.m_compName + "\n remote:" + compInfo.content + "\n local:" + content + "\n"; Debug.LogWarning(log); rsb.PrintRecord(entity.ID); //派发冲突 GlobalEvent.DispatchEvent(c_isConflict, msg.frame); Time.timeScale = 0; OutPutDebugRecord(); } else { //Debug.Log("ReceviceDebugMsg correct! frame " + msg.frame + " currentFrame:" + m_world.FrameCount + " id:" + entity.ID + " msg.id " + entityInfo.id + " comp:" + compInfo.m_compName + " content :" + compInfo.content); } } }
public async override void Enter() { DebugMsg.Log("进入受伤状态"); //模拟受伤状态的延时时间 await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2)); OnComplete(); }
public override void Enter() { base.Enter(); DebugMsg.Log("进入移动状态"); _self = (Transform)_agent.Maps.GetGameData(DataName.SELF_TRANS); _enemy = (Transform)_agent.Maps.GetGameData(DataName.ENEMY_TRANS); _controller = _self.GetComponent <CharacterController>(); }
//计划完成了当前动作 private void PlanActionComplete(TAction actionLabel) { DebugMsg.Log("下一步"); if (_planHandler.GetCurrentHandler().Label.ToString() == actionLabel.ToString()) { _planHandler.NextAction(); } }
public static string sayHellotoMe(string myName, bool showInMessageBox) { string message = string.Format("Hello {0}", myName); log.info(message); if (showInMessageBox) DebugMsg.showMessageBox(message); return message; }
public static ascx_LogViewer add_LogViewer <T>(this T control) where T : Control { var logControl = control.add_Control <ascx_LogViewer>(); DebugMsg.startShowThread(); //ensure the show thread is started return(logControl); }
public void UpdateData() { if (WhetherToReplan()) { DebugMsg.Log("制定新计划"); BuildPlanAndStart(); } }
public void RemoveInteraction(Interaction interaction) { try { AvailableInteractions.Remove(interaction); } catch (NoSuchItemException) { DebugMsg.NoExistantInteraction(Debug.LogWarning); } }
public static void sayHelloO2World() { var response = "Hello there, do you want me to say hello to you?".askUserQuestion(); if (response) { DebugMsg.showMessageBox("Thanks and Hello from the OWASP O2 Platform :)"); } }
public override void NoRecalcLateFixedUpdate(int deltaTime) { if (!isDebug) { return; } DebugMsg msg = new DebugMsg(); msg.frame = m_world.FrameCount; msg.infos = new List <EntityInfo>(); for (int i = 0; i < m_world.m_entityList.Count; i++) { EntityBase eb = m_world.m_entityList[i]; EntityInfo einfo = new EntityInfo(); einfo.id = eb.ID; einfo.infos = new List <ComponentInfo>(); foreach (var item in eb.m_compDict) { if (item.Value.GetType().IsSubclassOf(typeof(PlayerCommandBase))) { CommandComponent cc = (CommandComponent)item.Value; ComponentInfo info = new ComponentInfo(); cc.time = 0; info.m_compName = item.Value.GetType().Name; info.content = Serializer.Serialize(item.Value); einfo.infos.Add(info); } else if (IsFilter(item.Value.GetType().Name)) { ComponentInfo info = new ComponentInfo(); info.m_compName = item.Value.GetType().Name; info.content = Serializer.Serialize(item.Value); einfo.infos.Add(info); } } if (einfo.infos.Count > 0) { msg.infos.Add(einfo); } } List <EntityBase> list = GetEntityList(); for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { ConnectionComponent cc = list[i].GetComp <ConnectionComponent>(); ProtocolAnalysisService.SendMsg(cc.m_session, msg); } }
public void Start() { CurrentConfig = new LookConfig(); _camera = GetComponentInChildren <Camera>(); if (FixedForward == null) { DebugMsg.ComponentNotFound(Debug.LogWarning, typeof(Transform), "Initialized with <b>this</b> object transform instead."); FixedForward = transform; } }
protected void AddModel(T label, IModel model) { if (!_modelsDic.ContainsKey(label)) { _modelsDic.Add(label, model); } else { DebugMsg.LogError("缓存中未找到,未对该Model对象进行初始化,标签:" + label); } }
public void ExcuteState(T key) { if (_viewDic.ContainsKey(key)) { _fsm.ExcuteNewState(key); } else { DebugMsg.LogWarning("动作" + key + "不在当前动作缓存内"); } }
public void UpdateData() { if (_agent.IsAgentOver) { return; } if (WhetherToReplan()) { DebugMsg.Log("制定新计划"); BuildPlanAndStart(); } }
public override void Execute() { base.Execute(); if (_time < 2) { _time += Time.fixedDeltaTime; } else { DebugMsg.Log("战斗待机状态完成"); OnComplete(); } }
protected void AddView(IFsmState <T> state) { T key = state.Label; if (_viewDic.ContainsKey(key)) { DebugMsg.LogError("已包含当前键值"); } else { _viewDic.Add(key, state); } }
public static bool ScanWithNoRules(String sApplicationToScan, String sScanResultsFolder, Callbacks.dMethod_Object dProcessCompletionCallback) { var srScanResults = new O2scanresults(); srScanResults.bScanWithNoRules = true; bool bScanResult = srScanResults.scanApplication(sApplicationToScan); DebugMsg.saveLogIntoFile(Path.Combine(sScanResultsFolder, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(sApplicationToScan) + " - Scan_WithNoRules.txt")); return(bScanResult); }