public void level_is_info_only() { var listener = new DebugListener(Level.InfoOnly); listener.IsDebugEnabled.ShouldBeFalse(); listener.IsInfoEnabled.ShouldBeTrue(); }
void Start() { MessageNetworkManager = (MessageNetworkManager)FindObjectOfType(typeof(MessageNetworkManager)); if (MessageNetworkManager == null) { Debug.LogError("Could not find MessageNetworkManager."); return; } // Register listeners foreach (GameObject go in VoipListeners) { VoipListener listener = go.GetComponent <VoipListener>(); if (listener != null) { voipListeners.Add(listener); } } foreach (GameObject go in DebugListeners) { DebugListener listener = go.GetComponent <DebugListener>(); if (listener != null) { debugListeners.Add(listener); } } MessageNetworkManager.RegisterMessageNode(this); }
public void level_is_all() { var listener = new DebugListener(Level.All); listener.IsDebugEnabled.ShouldBeTrue(); listener.IsInfoEnabled.ShouldBeTrue(); }
public void listen_by_exact_type() { var listener = new DebugListener(Level.InfoOnly); listener.ListenFor<Log1>(); listener.ListensFor(typeof(Log1)).ShouldBeTrue(); listener.ListensFor(typeof(Log2)).ShouldBeFalse(); }
public void listens_for_type_with_no_filters() { var listener = new DebugListener(Level.InfoOnly); listener.ListensFor(GetType()).ShouldBeTrue(); listener.ListensFor(typeof(Log1)).ShouldBeTrue(); listener.ListensFor(typeof(Log2)).ShouldBeTrue(); listener.ListensFor(typeof(Log3)).ShouldBeTrue(); }
public void listens_for_with_multiple_matches() { var listener = new DebugListener(Level.InfoOnly); listener.ListenFor<Log1>().ListenFor<Log2>(); listener.ListensFor(typeof(Log1)).ShouldBeTrue(); listener.ListensFor(typeof(Log2)).ShouldBeTrue(); listener.ListensFor(typeof(Log3)).ShouldBeFalse(); }
public void listen_by_exact_type() { var listener = new DebugListener(Level.InfoOnly); listener.ListenFor <Log1>(); listener.ListensFor(typeof(Log1)).ShouldBeTrue(); listener.ListensFor(typeof(Log2)).ShouldBeFalse(); }
public void listens_for_with_multiple_matches() { var listener = new DebugListener(Level.InfoOnly); listener.ListenFor <Log1>().ListenFor <Log2>(); listener.ListensFor(typeof(Log1)).ShouldBeTrue(); listener.ListensFor(typeof(Log2)).ShouldBeTrue(); listener.ListensFor(typeof(Log3)).ShouldBeFalse(); }
public void listen_for_implementing() { var listener = new DebugListener(Level.All) .ListenForAnythingImplementing <LogRecord>(); listener.ListensFor(GetType()).ShouldBeFalse(); listener.ListensFor(typeof(Log1)).ShouldBeTrue(); listener.ListensFor(typeof(Log2)).ShouldBeTrue(); listener.ListensFor(typeof(Log3)).ShouldBeTrue(); }
public MainLoop(IInternalMainLoop mainLoop) { FMainLoop = mainLoop; FPrepareGraphListener = new PrepareGraphListener(this); FUpdateViewListener = new UpdateViewListener(this); FRenderListener = new RenderListener(this); FPresentListener = new PresentListener(this); FDebugListener = new DebugListener(this); FNetworkSyncListener = new NetworkSyncListener(this); FResetCacheListener = new ResetCacheListener(this); }
public void listen_for_implementing() { var listener = new DebugListener(Level.All) .ListenForAnythingImplementing<LogRecord>(); listener.ListensFor(GetType()).ShouldBeFalse(); listener.ListensFor(typeof(Log1)).ShouldBeTrue(); listener.ListensFor(typeof(Log2)).ShouldBeTrue(); listener.ListensFor(typeof(Log3)).ShouldBeTrue(); }
private void inicio() { EnterRule_inicio(); EnterRule("inicio", 2); TraceIn("inicio", 2); try { DebugEnterRule(GrammarFileName, "inicio"); DebugLocation(8, 29); if (RuleLevel == 0) { DebugListener.Commence(); } IncRuleLevel(); try { // C:\\Users\\dany_\\Desktop\\antlr2020.g:8:8: ( NOMBRE START DIR '\\n' ) DebugEnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\dany_\\Desktop\\antlr2020.g:8:10: NOMBRE START DIR '\\n' { DebugLocation(8, 10); Match(input, NOMBRE, Follow._NOMBRE_in_inicio51); DebugLocation(8, 17); Match(input, START, Follow._START_in_inicio53); DebugLocation(8, 23); Match(input, DIR, Follow._DIR_in_inicio55); DebugLocation(8, 26); Match(input, 17, Follow._17_in_inicio56); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { ReportError(re); Recover(input, re); } finally { TraceOut("inicio", 2); LeaveRule("inicio", 2); LeaveRule_inicio(); } DebugLocation(8, 29); } finally { DebugExitRule(GrammarFileName, "inicio"); } DecRuleLevel(); if (RuleLevel == 0) { DebugListener.Terminate(); } return; }
private void directiva() { EnterRule_directiva(); EnterRule("directiva", 6); TraceIn("directiva", 6); try { DebugEnterRule(GrammarFileName, "directiva"); DebugLocation(20, 1); if (RuleLevel == 0) { DebugListener.Commence(); } IncRuleLevel(); try { // C:\\Users\\dany_\\Desktop\\antlr2020.g:21:2: ( NOMBRE TIPODIRECTIVA OPDIRECTIVA ) DebugEnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\dany_\\Desktop\\antlr2020.g:21:4: NOMBRE TIPODIRECTIVA OPDIRECTIVA { DebugLocation(21, 4); Match(input, NOMBRE, Follow._NOMBRE_in_directiva119); DebugLocation(21, 11); Match(input, TIPODIRECTIVA, Follow._TIPODIRECTIVA_in_directiva121); DebugLocation(21, 25); Match(input, OPDIRECTIVA, Follow._OPDIRECTIVA_in_directiva123); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { ReportError(re); Recover(input, re); } finally { TraceOut("directiva", 6); LeaveRule("directiva", 6); LeaveRule_directiva(); } DebugLocation(22, 1); } finally { DebugExitRule(GrammarFileName, "directiva"); } DecRuleLevel(); if (RuleLevel == 0) { DebugListener.Terminate(); } return; }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new plan executor. Turns off System.Diagnostics.Debug.Listeners /// so assertion failures in the tested code don't interrrupt randoop. Enlists a /// Randoop.DebugListener listener so that such assertion failures can /// still be detected. /// </summary> static CodeExecutor() { // Remove all debug listeners--otherwise randoop may be interrupted. // Store them, in case the user wants to add them back. originalListeners = new Collection <TraceListener>(); System.Diagnostics.Trace.Listeners.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < Debug.Listeners.Count; i++) { originalListeners.Add(Debug.Listeners[i]); Debug.Listeners.RemoveAt(i); } // Add our own debug listener instead. fdebugListener = new DebugListener(); Debug.Listeners.Add(fdebugListener); usingRandoopDebugListener = true; }
protected override async Task InitializeAsync(CancellationToken CancellationToken, IProgress <ServiceProgressData> Progress) { await JoinableTaskFactory.SwitchToMainThreadAsync(CancellationToken); Instance = this; DTE = GetGlobalService(typeof(DTE)) as DTE; KnownUIContexts.ShellInitializedContext.WhenActivated(() => { ThreadHelper.ThrowIfNotOnUIThread(); DebugListener.Initialize(); ThemeListener.Initialize(GetService(typeof(SVsShell)) as IVsShell); ProjectListener.Initialize(); NuGetListener.Initialize(); PackageInstaller = (GetService(typeof(SComponentModel)) as IComponentModel2)?.GetService <IVsPackageInstaller>(); }); await Commands.ShowDumpWindowCommand.InitializeAsync(this); await OptionContainer.InitializeAsync(); VisualDumpContainer.Initialize(); }
private void instruccion() { EnterRule_instruccion(); EnterRule("instruccion", 5); TraceIn("instruccion", 5); try { DebugEnterRule(GrammarFileName, "instruccion"); DebugLocation(16, 1); if (RuleLevel == 0) { DebugListener.Commence(); } IncRuleLevel(); try { // C:\\Users\\dany_\\Desktop\\antlr2020.g:17:2: ( ( NOMBRE )? OPERACION ( NOMBRE )? ( ',X' )? '\\n' ) DebugEnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\dany_\\Desktop\\antlr2020.g:17:4: ( NOMBRE )? OPERACION ( NOMBRE )? ( ',X' )? '\\n' { DebugLocation(17, 4); // C:\\Users\\dany_\\Desktop\\antlr2020.g:17:4: ( NOMBRE )? int alt6 = 2; try { DebugEnterSubRule(6); try { DebugEnterDecision(6, decisionCanBacktrack[6]); int LA6_0 = input.LA(1); if ((LA6_0 == NOMBRE)) { alt6 = 1; } } finally { DebugExitDecision(6); } switch (alt6) { case 1: DebugEnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\dany_\\Desktop\\antlr2020.g:17:4: NOMBRE { DebugLocation(17, 4); Match(input, NOMBRE, Follow._NOMBRE_in_instruccion97); } break; } } finally { DebugExitSubRule(6); } DebugLocation(17, 12); Match(input, OPERACION, Follow._OPERACION_in_instruccion100); DebugLocation(17, 22); // C:\\Users\\dany_\\Desktop\\antlr2020.g:17:22: ( NOMBRE )? int alt7 = 2; try { DebugEnterSubRule(7); try { DebugEnterDecision(7, decisionCanBacktrack[7]); int LA7_0 = input.LA(1); if ((LA7_0 == NOMBRE)) { alt7 = 1; } } finally { DebugExitDecision(7); } switch (alt7) { case 1: DebugEnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\dany_\\Desktop\\antlr2020.g:17:22: NOMBRE { DebugLocation(17, 22); Match(input, NOMBRE, Follow._NOMBRE_in_instruccion102); } break; } } finally { DebugExitSubRule(7); } DebugLocation(17, 29); // C:\\Users\\dany_\\Desktop\\antlr2020.g:17:29: ( ',X' )? int alt8 = 2; try { DebugEnterSubRule(8); try { DebugEnterDecision(8, decisionCanBacktrack[8]); int LA8_0 = input.LA(1); if ((LA8_0 == 15)) { alt8 = 1; } } finally { DebugExitDecision(8); } switch (alt8) { case 1: DebugEnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\dany_\\Desktop\\antlr2020.g:17:29: ',X' { DebugLocation(17, 29); Match(input, 15, Follow._15_in_instruccion104); } break; } } finally { DebugExitSubRule(8); } DebugLocation(17, 35); Match(input, 17, Follow._17_in_instruccion107); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { ReportError(re); Recover(input, re); } finally { TraceOut("instruccion", 5); LeaveRule("instruccion", 5); LeaveRule_instruccion(); } DebugLocation(18, 1); } finally { DebugExitRule(GrammarFileName, "instruccion"); } DecRuleLevel(); if (RuleLevel == 0) { DebugListener.Terminate(); } return; }
private void final() { EnterRule_final(); EnterRule("final", 4); TraceIn("final", 4); try { DebugEnterRule(GrammarFileName, "final"); DebugLocation(14, 27); if (RuleLevel == 0) { DebugListener.Commence(); } IncRuleLevel(); try { // C:\\Users\\dany_\\Desktop\\antlr2020.g:14:7: ( 'END' ( NOMBRE )? ( '\\n' )? ) DebugEnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\dany_\\Desktop\\antlr2020.g:14:9: 'END' ( NOMBRE )? ( '\\n' )? { DebugLocation(14, 9); Match(input, 16, Follow._16_in_final82); DebugLocation(14, 15); // C:\\Users\\dany_\\Desktop\\antlr2020.g:14:15: ( NOMBRE )? int alt4 = 2; try { DebugEnterSubRule(4); try { DebugEnterDecision(4, decisionCanBacktrack[4]); int LA4_0 = input.LA(1); if ((LA4_0 == NOMBRE)) { alt4 = 1; } } finally { DebugExitDecision(4); } switch (alt4) { case 1: DebugEnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\dany_\\Desktop\\antlr2020.g:14:15: NOMBRE { DebugLocation(14, 15); Match(input, NOMBRE, Follow._NOMBRE_in_final84); } break; } } finally { DebugExitSubRule(4); } DebugLocation(14, 23); // C:\\Users\\dany_\\Desktop\\antlr2020.g:14:23: ( '\\n' )? int alt5 = 2; try { DebugEnterSubRule(5); try { DebugEnterDecision(5, decisionCanBacktrack[5]); int LA5_0 = input.LA(1); if ((LA5_0 == 17)) { alt5 = 1; } } finally { DebugExitDecision(5); } switch (alt5) { case 1: DebugEnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\dany_\\Desktop\\antlr2020.g:14:23: '\\n' { DebugLocation(14, 23); Match(input, 17, Follow._17_in_final87); } break; } } finally { DebugExitSubRule(5); } } } catch (RecognitionException re) { ReportError(re); Recover(input, re); } finally { TraceOut("final", 4); LeaveRule("final", 4); LeaveRule_final(); } DebugLocation(14, 27); } finally { DebugExitRule(GrammarFileName, "final"); } DecRuleLevel(); if (RuleLevel == 0) { DebugListener.Terminate(); } return; }
private void proposicion() { EnterRule_proposicion(); EnterRule("proposicion", 3); TraceIn("proposicion", 3); try { DebugEnterRule(GrammarFileName, "proposicion"); DebugLocation(10, 1); if (RuleLevel == 0) { DebugListener.Commence(); } IncRuleLevel(); try { // C:\\Users\\dany_\\Desktop\\antlr2020.g:11:2: ( ( instruccion | directiva ) ( '\\n' )? ) DebugEnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\dany_\\Desktop\\antlr2020.g:11:4: ( instruccion | directiva ) ( '\\n' )? { DebugLocation(11, 4); // C:\\Users\\dany_\\Desktop\\antlr2020.g:11:4: ( instruccion | directiva ) int alt2 = 2; try { DebugEnterSubRule(2); try { DebugEnterDecision(2, decisionCanBacktrack[2]); int LA2_0 = input.LA(1); if ((LA2_0 == NOMBRE)) { int LA2_1 = input.LA(2); if ((LA2_1 == TIPODIRECTIVA)) { alt2 = 2; } else if ((LA2_1 == OPERACION)) { alt2 = 1; } else { NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 2, 1, input); DebugRecognitionException(nvae); throw nvae; } } else if ((LA2_0 == OPERACION)) { alt2 = 1; } else { NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 2, 0, input); DebugRecognitionException(nvae); throw nvae; } } finally { DebugExitDecision(2); } switch (alt2) { case 1: DebugEnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\dany_\\Desktop\\antlr2020.g:11:5: instruccion { DebugLocation(11, 5); PushFollow(Follow._instruccion_in_proposicion66); instruccion(); PopFollow(); } break; case 2: DebugEnterAlt(2); // C:\\Users\\dany_\\Desktop\\antlr2020.g:11:17: directiva { DebugLocation(11, 17); PushFollow(Follow._directiva_in_proposicion68); directiva(); PopFollow(); } break; } } finally { DebugExitSubRule(2); } DebugLocation(11, 27); // C:\\Users\\dany_\\Desktop\\antlr2020.g:11:27: ( '\\n' )? int alt3 = 2; try { DebugEnterSubRule(3); try { DebugEnterDecision(3, decisionCanBacktrack[3]); int LA3_0 = input.LA(1); if ((LA3_0 == 17)) { alt3 = 1; } } finally { DebugExitDecision(3); } switch (alt3) { case 1: DebugEnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\dany_\\Desktop\\antlr2020.g:11:27: '\\n' { DebugLocation(11, 27); Match(input, 17, Follow._17_in_proposicion70); } break; } } finally { DebugExitSubRule(3); } } } catch (RecognitionException re) { ReportError(re); Recover(input, re); } finally { TraceOut("proposicion", 3); LeaveRule("proposicion", 3); LeaveRule_proposicion(); } DebugLocation(12, 1); } finally { DebugExitRule(GrammarFileName, "proposicion"); } DecRuleLevel(); if (RuleLevel == 0) { DebugListener.Terminate(); } return; }
private void programa() { EnterRule_programa(); EnterRule("programa", 1); TraceIn("programa", 1); try { DebugEnterRule(GrammarFileName, "programa"); DebugLocation(6, 36); if (RuleLevel == 0) { DebugListener.Commence(); } IncRuleLevel(); try { // C:\\Users\\dany_\\Desktop\\antlr2020.g:6:9: ( inicio ( proposicion )* final ) DebugEnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\dany_\\Desktop\\antlr2020.g:6:12: inicio ( proposicion )* final { DebugLocation(6, 12); PushFollow(Follow._inicio_in_programa38); inicio(); PopFollow(); DebugLocation(6, 19); // C:\\Users\\dany_\\Desktop\\antlr2020.g:6:19: ( proposicion )* try { DebugEnterSubRule(1); while (true) { int alt1 = 2; try { DebugEnterDecision(1, decisionCanBacktrack[1]); int LA1_0 = input.LA(1); if ((LA1_0 == NOMBRE || LA1_0 == OPERACION)) { alt1 = 1; } } finally { DebugExitDecision(1); } switch (alt1) { case 1: DebugEnterAlt(1); // C:\\Users\\dany_\\Desktop\\antlr2020.g:6:19: proposicion { DebugLocation(6, 19); PushFollow(Follow._proposicion_in_programa40); proposicion(); PopFollow(); } break; default: goto loop1; } } loop1: ; } finally { DebugExitSubRule(1); } DebugLocation(6, 32); PushFollow(Follow._final_in_programa43); final(); PopFollow(); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { ReportError(re); Recover(input, re); } finally { TraceOut("programa", 1); LeaveRule("programa", 1); LeaveRule_programa(); } DebugLocation(6, 36); } finally { DebugExitRule(GrammarFileName, "programa"); } DecRuleLevel(); if (RuleLevel == 0) { DebugListener.Terminate(); } return; }
private AstParserRuleReturnScope <object, IToken> simple() { EnterRule_simple(); EnterRule("simple", 3); TraceIn("simple", 3); AstParserRuleReturnScope <object, IToken> retval = new AstParserRuleReturnScope <object, IToken>(); retval.Start = (IToken)input.LT(1); int simple_StartIndex = input.Index; object root_0 = default(object); IToken set6 = default(IToken); object set6_tree = default(object); try { DebugEnterRule(GrammarFileName, "simple"); DebugLocation(26, 55); if (RuleLevel == 0) { DebugListener.Commence(); } IncRuleLevel(); try { if (state.backtracking > 0 && AlreadyParsedRule(input, 3)) { return(retval); } // D:\\Data\\Projects\\Brainfucker\\Brainfucker\\Brainfucker.g:26:8: ( MVLEFT | MVRIGHT | INCR | DECR | PRINT | INPUT ) DebugEnterAlt(1); // D:\\Data\\Projects\\Brainfucker\\Brainfucker\\Brainfucker.g: { root_0 = (object)adaptor.Nil(); DebugLocation(26, 8); set6 = (IToken)input.LT(1); if ((input.LA(1) >= DECR && input.LA(1) <= PRINT)) { input.Consume(); if (state.backtracking == 0) { adaptor.AddChild(root_0, (object)adaptor.Create(set6)); } state.errorRecovery = false; state.failed = false; } else { if (state.backtracking > 0) { state.failed = true; return(retval); } MismatchedSetException mse = new MismatchedSetException(null, input); DebugRecognitionException(mse); throw mse; } } retval.Stop = (IToken)input.LT(-1); if (state.backtracking == 0) { retval.Tree = (object)adaptor.RulePostProcessing(root_0); adaptor.SetTokenBoundaries(retval.Tree, retval.Start, retval.Stop); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { ReportError(re); Recover(input, re); retval.Tree = (object)adaptor.ErrorNode(input, retval.Start, input.LT(-1), re); } finally { TraceOut("simple", 3); LeaveRule("simple", 3); LeaveRule_simple(); if (state.backtracking > 0) { Memoize(input, 3, simple_StartIndex); } } DebugLocation(26, 55); } finally { DebugExitRule(GrammarFileName, "simple"); } DecRuleLevel(); if (RuleLevel == 0) { DebugListener.Terminate(); } return(retval); }
private AstParserRuleReturnScope <object, IToken> complex() { EnterRule_complex(); EnterRule("complex", 2); TraceIn("complex", 2); AstParserRuleReturnScope <object, IToken> retval = new AstParserRuleReturnScope <object, IToken>(); retval.Start = (IToken)input.LT(1); int complex_StartIndex = input.Index; object root_0 = default(object); IToken WHILE3 = default(IToken); IToken RBRACKET5 = default(IToken); AstParserRuleReturnScope <object, IToken> simple4 = default(AstParserRuleReturnScope <object, IToken>); object WHILE3_tree = default(object); object RBRACKET5_tree = default(object); try { DebugEnterRule(GrammarFileName, "complex"); DebugLocation(25, 36); if (RuleLevel == 0) { DebugListener.Commence(); } IncRuleLevel(); try { if (state.backtracking > 0 && AlreadyParsedRule(input, 2)) { return(retval); } // D:\\Data\\Projects\\Brainfucker\\Brainfucker\\Brainfucker.g:25:9: ( WHILE ( ( simple )* ) RBRACKET ) DebugEnterAlt(1); // D:\\Data\\Projects\\Brainfucker\\Brainfucker\\Brainfucker.g:25:11: WHILE ( ( simple )* ) RBRACKET { root_0 = (object)adaptor.Nil(); DebugLocation(25, 11); WHILE3 = (IToken)Match(input, WHILE, Follow._WHILE_in_complex178); if (state.failed) { return(retval); } if (state.backtracking == 0) { WHILE3_tree = (object)adaptor.Create(WHILE3); adaptor.AddChild(root_0, WHILE3_tree); } DebugLocation(25, 17); // D:\\Data\\Projects\\Brainfucker\\Brainfucker\\Brainfucker.g:25:17: ( ( simple )* ) DebugEnterAlt(1); // D:\\Data\\Projects\\Brainfucker\\Brainfucker\\Brainfucker.g:25:19: ( simple )* { DebugLocation(25, 19); // D:\\Data\\Projects\\Brainfucker\\Brainfucker\\Brainfucker.g:25:19: ( simple )* try { DebugEnterSubRule(3); while (true) { int alt3 = 2; try { DebugEnterDecision(3, false); int LA3_0 = input.LA(1); if (((LA3_0 >= DECR && LA3_0 <= PRINT))) { alt3 = 1; } } finally { DebugExitDecision(3); } switch (alt3) { case 1: DebugEnterAlt(1); // D:\\Data\\Projects\\Brainfucker\\Brainfucker\\Brainfucker.g:25:19: simple { DebugLocation(25, 19); PushFollow(Follow._simple_in_complex182); simple4 = simple(); PopFollow(); if (state.failed) { return(retval); } if (state.backtracking == 0) { adaptor.AddChild(root_0, simple4.Tree); } } break; default: goto loop3; } } loop3: ; } finally { DebugExitSubRule(3); } } DebugLocation(25, 29); RBRACKET5 = (IToken)Match(input, RBRACKET, Follow._RBRACKET_in_complex187); if (state.failed) { return(retval); } if (state.backtracking == 0) { RBRACKET5_tree = (object)adaptor.Create(RBRACKET5); adaptor.AddChild(root_0, RBRACKET5_tree); } } retval.Stop = (IToken)input.LT(-1); if (state.backtracking == 0) { retval.Tree = (object)adaptor.RulePostProcessing(root_0); adaptor.SetTokenBoundaries(retval.Tree, retval.Start, retval.Stop); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { ReportError(re); Recover(input, re); retval.Tree = (object)adaptor.ErrorNode(input, retval.Start, input.LT(-1), re); } finally { TraceOut("complex", 2); LeaveRule("complex", 2); LeaveRule_complex(); if (state.backtracking > 0) { Memoize(input, 2, complex_StartIndex); } } DebugLocation(25, 36); } finally { DebugExitRule(GrammarFileName, "complex"); } DecRuleLevel(); if (RuleLevel == 0) { DebugListener.Terminate(); } return(retval); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new plan executor. Turns off System.Diagnostics.Debug.Listeners /// so assertion failures in the tested code don't interrrupt randoop. Enlists a /// Randoop.DebugListener listener so that such assertion failures can /// still be detected. /// </summary> static CodeExecutor() { // Remove all debug listeners--otherwise randoop may be interrupted. // Store them, in case the user wants to add them back. originalListeners = new Collection<TraceListener>(); System.Diagnostics.Trace.Listeners.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < Debug.Listeners.Count; i++) { originalListeners.Add(Debug.Listeners[i]); Debug.Listeners.RemoveAt(i); } // Add our own debug listener instead. fdebugListener = new DebugListener(); Debug.Listeners.Add(fdebugListener); usingRandoopDebugListener = true; }
private AstParserRuleReturnScope <object, IToken> file() { EnterRule_file(); EnterRule("file", 1); TraceIn("file", 1); AstParserRuleReturnScope <object, IToken> retval = new AstParserRuleReturnScope <object, IToken>(); retval.Start = (IToken)input.LT(1); int file_StartIndex = input.Index; object root_0 = default(object); AstParserRuleReturnScope <object, IToken> simple1 = default(AstParserRuleReturnScope <object, IToken>); AstParserRuleReturnScope <object, IToken> complex2 = default(AstParserRuleReturnScope <object, IToken>); try { DebugEnterRule(GrammarFileName, "file"); DebugLocation(24, 24); if (RuleLevel == 0) { DebugListener.Commence(); } IncRuleLevel(); try { if (state.backtracking > 0 && AlreadyParsedRule(input, 1)) { return(retval); } // D:\\Data\\Projects\\Brainfucker\\Brainfucker\\Brainfucker.g:24:6: ( simple | ( complex )? ) int alt2 = 2; try { DebugEnterDecision(2, false); int LA2_0 = input.LA(1); if (((LA2_0 >= DECR && LA2_0 <= PRINT))) { alt2 = 1; } else if ((LA2_0 == EOF || LA2_0 == WHILE)) { alt2 = 2; } else { if (state.backtracking > 0) { state.failed = true; return(retval); } NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 2, 0, input); DebugRecognitionException(nvae); throw nvae; } } finally { DebugExitDecision(2); } switch (alt2) { case 1: DebugEnterAlt(1); // D:\\Data\\Projects\\Brainfucker\\Brainfucker\\Brainfucker.g:24:8: simple { root_0 = (object)adaptor.Nil(); DebugLocation(24, 8); PushFollow(Follow._simple_in_file166); simple1 = simple(); PopFollow(); if (state.failed) { return(retval); } if (state.backtracking == 0) { adaptor.AddChild(root_0, simple1.Tree); } } break; case 2: DebugEnterAlt(2); // D:\\Data\\Projects\\Brainfucker\\Brainfucker\\Brainfucker.g:24:17: ( complex )? { root_0 = (object)adaptor.Nil(); DebugLocation(24, 17); // D:\\Data\\Projects\\Brainfucker\\Brainfucker\\Brainfucker.g:24:17: ( complex )? int alt1 = 2; try { DebugEnterSubRule(1); try { DebugEnterDecision(1, false); int LA1_0 = input.LA(1); if ((LA1_0 == WHILE)) { alt1 = 1; } } finally { DebugExitDecision(1); } switch (alt1) { case 1: DebugEnterAlt(1); // D:\\Data\\Projects\\Brainfucker\\Brainfucker\\Brainfucker.g:24:17: complex { DebugLocation(24, 17); PushFollow(Follow._complex_in_file170); complex2 = complex(); PopFollow(); if (state.failed) { return(retval); } if (state.backtracking == 0) { adaptor.AddChild(root_0, complex2.Tree); } } break; } } finally { DebugExitSubRule(1); } } break; } retval.Stop = (IToken)input.LT(-1); if (state.backtracking == 0) { retval.Tree = (object)adaptor.RulePostProcessing(root_0); adaptor.SetTokenBoundaries(retval.Tree, retval.Start, retval.Stop); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { ReportError(re); Recover(input, re); retval.Tree = (object)adaptor.ErrorNode(input, retval.Start, input.LT(-1), re); } finally { TraceOut("file", 1); LeaveRule("file", 1); LeaveRule_file(); if (state.backtracking > 0) { Memoize(input, 1, file_StartIndex); } } DebugLocation(24, 24); } finally { DebugExitRule(GrammarFileName, "file"); } DecRuleLevel(); if (RuleLevel == 0) { DebugListener.Terminate(); } return(retval); }