Example #1
        public void Upsert_All_Frames_At_The_Current_Position()
            var options = new IndexOptions()
                MemoryRanges = new []
                    new MemoryRange(0x100, 0x200),
            var indexMethod = new IndexMethod();
            var sc          = new ServerClientBuilder();

            sc.WithUpsertFrames(() =>
            var ttf = new TimeTravelFacadeBuilder();

            ttf.WithPositions(new PositionsResult(new[]
                new PositionsRecord(1, new Position(1, 1), true),
                new PositionsRecord(2, new Position(1, 1), false),
            var dbg = new DebugEngineProxyBuilder();

            dbg.WithReadVirtualMemory(new byte[] { 0x00, 0x11 });
            indexMethod.ServerClient     = sc.Build();
            indexMethod.TimeTravelFacade = ttf.Build();
            indexMethod.DebugEngineProxy = dbg.Build();

            sc.Mock.Verify(client => client.UpsertFrames(It.Is <IEnumerable <Frame> >(frames => frames.Count() == 2)), Times.Once);
            sc.Mock.Verify(client => client.AddMemoryRange(It.IsAny <MemoryChunk>()), Times.Once);
        public void Get_The_Correct_Current_Position()
            // arrange
            var builder = new DebugEngineProxyBuilder();

                                      @">Thread ID=0x7590 - Position: 35:0
 Thread ID=0x12A0 - Position: 246A:0
 Thread ID=0x6CDC - Position: 21D59:0
 Thread ID=0x2984 - Position: 21DFE:0
 Thread ID=0x3484 - Position: 21ECA:0
 Thread ID=0x60B4 - Position: 2414F:0
 Thread ID=0x1F54 - Position: 241DE:0
            var facade = new TimeTravelFacade {
                DebugEngineProxy = builder.Build()

            // act
            var position       = facade.GetCurrentPosition();
            var threadPosition = facade.GetCurrentPosition(0x60b4);

            // assert
            position.Should().Be(new Position(0x35, 0));
            threadPosition.Should().Be(new Position(0x2414f, 0));
        public void Disassemble_The_Correct_Number_Of_Instructions()
            // arrange
            var builder = new DebugEngineProxyBuilder();

            builder.WithExecuteResult("u rip L2", @"KERNEL32!GetTimeFormatWWorker+0xc43:
00007ffa`51315543 6645898632010000 mov     word ptr [r14+132h],r8w
00007ffa`5131554b 498d8630010000  lea     rax,[r14+130h]
            var facade = new DisassemblyFacade {
                DebugEngineProxy = builder.Build()
            var expected = new[]
                new DisassemblyLine(0x00007ffa51315543, ByteArrayBuilder.StringToByteArray("6645898632010000"), "mov",
                                    "word ptr [r14+132h],r8w"),
                new DisassemblyLine(0x00007ffa5131554b, ByteArrayBuilder.StringToByteArray("498d8630010000"), "lea",

            // act
            var lines = facade.GetDisassemblyLines(2);

            // assert
Example #4
        public void Print_Command_Listing_When_No_Args()
            var    helpMethod = new HelpMethod();
            var    dbg        = new DebugEngineProxyBuilder();
            string output     = null;

            dbg.WithWriteLine(s => output = s);
            helpMethod.DebugEngineProxy   = dbg.Build();
            helpMethod.Methods            = new IMcFlyMethod[]
                new IndexMethod(),
                new InitMethod(),
                new HelpMethod(),
                new SettingsMethod(),
                new StartMethod()
            var expected = @"5 Available commands:
index                    Record the state of registers, memory, etc for further analysis
init                     Create a new project using the loaded trace file
help                     Get help and find commands
settings                 Manage application settings
start                    Start the local server

Get extended help:
!mf help command

            helpMethod.Process("".Split(' '));

        public void Get_The_Ending_Position()
            // arrange
            var builder = new DebugEngineProxyBuilder();

            builder.WithExecuteResult("!tt 100",
                                      @"Setting position to the end of the trace
Setting position: 2D164:0
ModLoad: 00007ffa`4cc00000 00007ffa`4cc95000   C:\WINDOWS\system32\uxtheme.dll
ModLoad: 00007ffa`4cec0000 00007ffa`4ceea000   C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\dwmapi.dll
ModLoad: 00007ffa`4fc30000 00007ffa`4fd97000   C:\WINDOWS\System32\MSCTF.dll
ModLoad: 00007ffa`51a80000 00007ffa`51b1e000   C:\WINDOWS\System32\clbcatq.dll
ModLoad: 00007ffa`4d750000 00007ffa`4d781000   C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ntmarta.dll
ModLoad: 00007ffa`4c1e0000 00007ffa`4c2bc000   C:\WINDOWS\System32\CoreMessaging.dll
ModLoad: 00007ffa`49f70000 00007ffa`4a0a6000   C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\wintypes.dll
ModLoad: 00007ffa`48270000 00007ffa`4855e000   C:\WINDOWS\System32\CoreUIComponents.dll
ModLoad: 00007ffa`33e40000 00007ffa`33ed8000   C:\WINDOWS\System32\TextInputFramework.dll
(9b04.7590): Break instruction exception - code 80000003 (first/second chance not available)
Time Travel Position: 2D164:0
00007ffa`523603f2 0f05            syscall");
            var facade = new TimeTravelFacade {
                DebugEngineProxy = builder.Build()

            // act
            var position = facade.GetEndingPosition();

            // assert
            position.Should().Be(new Position(0x2D164, 0));
Example #6
        public void Identify_32_And_64_Bit_Arch()
            // Arrange
            var builder = new DebugEngineProxyBuilder();

            builder.WithExecuteResult("!peb", @"PEB at 00000000003b9000
    InheritedAddressSpace:    No
    ReadImageFileExecOptions: No
    BeingDebugged:            No
    ImageBaseAddress:         0000000140000000        _NT_SYMBOL_PATH=SRV*c:\symbols*http://msdl.microsoft.com/download/symbols");
            var proxy = builder.Build();

            // Act
            var indexMethod = new IndexMethod();

            indexMethod.DebugEngineProxy = builder.Build();
            var is32 = indexMethod.Is32Bit();

            // Assert
            is32.Should().BeFalse("00000000003b9000 is 16 characters and thus 64bit");
Example #7
        public void Set_Breakpoint_By_Mask_Correctly()
            // arrange
            var facade  = new BreakpointFacade();
            var builder = new DebugEngineProxyBuilder();

            facade.DebugEngineProxy = builder.Build();

            // act
            facade.SetBreakpointByMask("kernel32", "createprocess*");

            // assert
            builder.Mock.Verify(proxy => proxy.Execute("bm kernel32!createprocess*"), Times.Once);
Example #8
        public void Set_Write_Breakpoint_Correctly()
            // arrange
            var facade  = new BreakpointFacade();
            var builder = new DebugEngineProxyBuilder();

            facade.DebugEngineProxy = builder.Build();

            // act
            facade.SetWriteAccessBreakpoint(8, 0x100);

            // assert
            builder.Mock.Verify(proxy => proxy.Execute("ba w8 100"), Times.Once);
Example #9
        public void Clear_Breakpoints()
            // arrange
            var facade  = new BreakpointFacade();
            var builder = new DebugEngineProxyBuilder();

            facade.DebugEngineProxy = builder.Build();

            // act

            // assert
            builder.Mock.Verify(proxy => proxy.Execute("bc *"), Times.Once);
        public void Set_The_Position_Correctly()
            // arrange
            var facade   = new TimeTravelFacade();
            var position = new Position(0, 0);
            var builder  = new DebugEngineProxyBuilder();

            facade.DebugEngineProxy = builder.Build();

            // act

            // assert
            builder.Mock.Verify(proxy => proxy.Execute("!tt 0:0"), Times.Once);
        public void Get_The_Current_Frame_Correctly()
            // arrange
            var engBuilder = new DebugEngineProxyBuilder();

            engBuilder.WithExecuteResult("!positions", @">Thread ID=0x7590 - Position: 168CC:0
 Thread ID=0x12A0 - Position: 211F5:0
 Thread ID=0x6CDC - Position: 21D59:0
 Thread ID=0x2984 - Position: 21DFE:0
 Thread ID=0x3484 - Position: 21ECA:0
 Thread ID=0x60B4 - Position: 2414F:0
 Thread ID=0x1F54 - Position: 241DE:0
            var stackBuilder = new StackFacadeBuilder();
            var stackTrace   = new StackTrace(new List <StackFrame>());


            var registerSet     = new RegisterSet();
            var registerBuilder = new RegisterFacadeBuilder();

            registerBuilder.WithGetCurrentRegisterSet(Register.All, registerSet);

            var disassemblyLine = new DisassemblyLine(0x00007ffa51315595, ByteArrayBuilder.StringToByteArray("4d3bd1"),
                                                      "cmp", "r10,r9");
            var disBuilder = new DisassemblyFacadeBuilder();

            disBuilder.WithGetDisassemblyLines(1, new[] { disassemblyLine });
            var facade = new TimeTravelFacade
                DebugEngineProxy  = engBuilder.Build(),
                StackFacade       = stackBuilder.Build(),
                RegisterFacade    = registerBuilder.Build(),
                DisassemblyFacade = disBuilder.Build()

            // act
            var frame = facade.GetCurrentFrame();

            // assert
            frame.Position.Should().Be(new Position(0x168CC, 0));
Example #12
        public void Enforce_Length_Restrictions()
            // arrange
            var facade  = new BreakpointFacade();
            var builder = new DebugEngineProxyBuilder();

            facade.DebugEngineProxy = builder.Build();
            Action shouldThrow  = () => facade.SetReadAccessBreakpoint(10, 0x100);
            Action shouldThrow2 = () => facade.SetWriteAccessBreakpoint(10, 0x100);

            // act
            // assert
            shouldThrow.Should().Throw <ArgumentOutOfRangeException>();
            shouldThrow2.Should().Throw <ArgumentOutOfRangeException>();
Example #13
        public void Throw_If_Time_Travel_Position_Cant_Be_Determined()
            var facade   = new TimeTravelFacade();
            var position = new Position(0, 0);
            var builder  = new DebugEngineProxyBuilder();

            builder.WithExecuteResult(@"Setting position to the beginning of the trace
Setting position: E:0
Breakpoint 0 hit
Time Travel Position E:0
00007ffc`f0ee3554 c3              ret");
            facade.DebugEngineProxy = builder.Build();

            Action a = () => facade.SetPosition(position);

            a.Should().Throw <ApplicationException>();
Example #14
        public void Upsert_Frames_From_Breaks()
            var dbg = new DebugEngineProxyBuilder();
            var tt  = new TimeTravelFacadeBuilder(dbg);
            var sc  = new ServerClientBuilder();
            var bp  = new BreakpointFacadeBuilder();

            var count = 0;

            dbg.SetRunUntilBreakCallback(() =>
                if (count++ > 0)
            var dbgEngProxy      = dbg.Build();
            var timeTravelFacade = tt.Build();
            var serverClient     = sc.Build();
            var bpFacade         = bp.Build();

            dbg.CurrentThreadId = MockFrames.SingleThreaded0.First().ThreadId;
            sc.WithUpsertFrames(() => { });

            var indexMethod = new IndexMethod
                DebugEngineProxy = dbgEngProxy,
                TimeTravelFacade = timeTravelFacade,
                ServerClient     = serverClient,
                BreakpointFacade = bpFacade

            indexMethod.ProcessInternal(new Position(0, 0), MockFrames.SingleThreaded0.Max(x => x.Position),
                                        new IndexOptions());
            sc.Mock.Verify(client =>
                               It.Is <IEnumerable <Frame> >(frames => frames.SequenceEqual(MockFrames.SingleThreaded0))));
        public void Get_The_Starting_Position()
            // arrange
            var builder = new DebugEngineProxyBuilder();

            builder.WithExecuteResult("!tt 0",
                                      @"Setting position to the beginning of the trace
Setting position: 35:0
(9b04.7590): Break instruction exception - code 80000003 (first/second chance not available)
Time Travel Position: 35:0
00007ffa`52363104 c3              ret");
            var facade = new TimeTravelFacade {
                DebugEngineProxy = builder.Build()

            // act
            var position = facade.GetStartingPosition();

            // assert
            position.Should().Be(new Position(0x35, 0));
Example #16
        public void Set_The_Position_Correctly()
            // arrange
            var facade   = new TimeTravelFacade();
            var position = new Position(0, 0);
            var builder  = new DebugEngineProxyBuilder();

            builder.WithExecuteResult(@"Setting position to the beginning of the trace
Setting position: E:0
Breakpoint 0 hit
Time Travel Position: E:0
00007ffc`f0ee3554 c3              ret");
            facade.DebugEngineProxy = builder.Build();

            // act
            var posResult = facade.SetPosition(position);

            // assert
            builder.Mock.Verify(proxy => proxy.Execute("!tt 0:0"), Times.Once);
            posResult.ActualPosition.Should().Be(new Position(0xe, 0));
Example #17
        public void Get_The_Current_StackTrace_Correctly()
            // arrange
            var builder = new DebugEngineProxyBuilder();

            builder.WithExecuteResult("k", @"Child-SP          RetAddr           Call Site
00000000`0014d180 00007ffa`513150ed KERNEL32!GetTimeFormatWWorker+0xc43
00000000`0014d1d0 00007ffa`513138e6 KERNEL32!GetTimeFormatWWorker+0x7ed
00000000`0014ff90 00000000`00000000 ntdll!RtlUserThreadStart+0x21");
            builder.WithExecuteResult("~~[7590] k", @"Child-SP          RetAddr           Call Site
00000000`0014d180 00007ffa`513150ed KERNEL32!GetTimeFormatWWorker+0xc43
00000000`0014d1d0 00007ffa`513138e6 KERNEL32!GetTimeFormatWWorker+0x7ed
00000000`0014ff90 00000000`00000000 ntdll!RtlUserThreadStart+0x21");

            var stackFacade = new StackFacade {
                DebugEngineProxy = builder.Build()

            // act
            var stackTrace  = stackFacade.GetCurrentStackTrace();
            var stackTrace2 = stackFacade.GetCurrentStackTrace(0x7590);

            // assert
            stackTrace.Should().Be(new StackTrace(new[]
                new StackFrame(0x000000000014d180, 0x00007ffa513150ed, "KERNEL32", "GetTimeFormatWWorker", 0xc43),
                new StackFrame(0x000000000014d1d0, 0x00007ffa513138e6, "KERNEL32", "GetTimeFormatWWorker", 0x7ed),
                new StackFrame(0x000000000014ff90, 0x0000000000000000, "ntdll", "RtlUserThreadStart", 0x21)
            stackTrace2.Should().Be(new StackTrace(new[]
                new StackFrame(0x000000000014d180, 0x00007ffa513150ed, "KERNEL32", "GetTimeFormatWWorker", 0xc43),
                new StackFrame(0x000000000014d1d0, 0x00007ffa513138e6, "KERNEL32", "GetTimeFormatWWorker", 0x7ed),
                new StackFrame(0x000000000014ff90, 0x0000000000000000, "ntdll", "RtlUserThreadStart", 0x21)
Example #18
        public void Identify_Correct_Starting_Position()
            // Arrange
            var options = new IndexOptions
                Start = new Position(0x35, 0x1)

            var dbg         = new DebugEngineProxyBuilder();
            var indexMethod = new IndexMethod();

            indexMethod.DebugEngineProxy = dbg.Build();
            var builder = new TimeTravelFacadeBuilder(dbg);

            builder.WithGetStartingPosition(new Position(0x35, 0));
            indexMethod.TimeTravelFacade = builder.Build();

            // Act
            var startingPosition = indexMethod.GetStartingPosition(options);

            // Assert
            startingPosition.Should().Be(new Position(0x35, 1),
                                         "35:1 means that the high portion is 35 and the low portion is 1");
Example #19
        public void Print_Command_Help_If_A_Single_Command_Is_Specified()
            var    helpMethod = new HelpMethod();
            var    dbg        = new DebugEngineProxyBuilder();
            string output     = null;

            dbg.WithWriteLine(s => output = s);
            helpMethod.DebugEngineProxy   = dbg.Build();
            helpMethod.Methods            = new IMcFlyMethod[]
                new TestMethod()
            var expected = @"test
Testing method

	-weird                           Weird switch
	--double                         Double switch

	test sub1                        First subcommand
	test sub2                        Second subcommand

	Example 1
	test -weird something --double 2
	Test weird something with 2
	Example 2
	Run default test

            helpMethod.Process("test".Split(' '));
