//The game states have to feed the UI Input!!! This is to allow more flexibility.
        //Maybe this should be handled in the main methods for input. But then the state wouldnt have power over
        //this and things like the chat might get difficult.
        //Other Notes: When a component returns true to an input event the loop stops and so only that control recieves the input.
        //             That way we don't have all components reacting to one event.

        /// <summary>
        ///  Handles MouseDown event. Returns true if a component accepted and handled the event.
        /// </summary>
        public virtual bool MouseDown(MouseButtonEventArgs e)
            if (_console.IsVisible())
                if (_console.MouseDown(e))

            if (moveMode)
                foreach (IGuiComponent comp in _components)
                    if (comp.ClientArea.Contains(e.X, e.Y))
                        movingComp = comp;
                        dragOffset = (new Vector2i(e.X, e.Y)) -
                                     new Vector2i(comp.ClientArea.Left, comp.ClientArea.Top);
                IOrderedEnumerable <IGuiComponent> inputList = from IGuiComponent comp in _components
                                                               where comp.RecieveInput
                                                               orderby comp.ZDepth ascending
                                                               orderby comp.IsVisible() descending
                                                               //Invisible controls still recieve input but after everyone else. This is mostly for the inventory and other toggleable components.
                                                               orderby comp.Focus descending
                                                               select comp;

                foreach (IGuiComponent current in inputList)
                    if (current.MouseDown(e))