public void initializeVKApi(string key = "") { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(key)) { privateKey = key; } if (initialized) { Debug2.LogWarning("vk api already initialized, init method will be ignored"); } else { initialized = true; callbackPool = CallbackPool.instance; callbackPool.initialize(); initVKApi(privateKey, delegate(object obj, Callback callback){ inputData = HTTPUtility.ParseQueryString((string)obj); Debug2.LogDebug("viewer id =" + inputData["viewer_id"]); callbackPool.releaseDisposableCallback(callbackOnInitError); if (onApiReady != null) { onApiReady(true); } Debug2.LogDebug("VK api is ready"); }, delegate(object obj, Callback callback){ onApiReady(false); callbackPool.releaseDisposableCallback(callBackOnInitDone); Debug2.LogError("problem with vk initialization\n" + Json.Serialize(obj)); }); } }
public Callback createNewCallback() { currentPoolSize++; if (warningOnCallbackExceedLimit && currentPoolSize >= callbackLimit) { Debug2.LogWarning("total amount of callback is " + currentPoolSize + "\n" + " probably you forget to destroy some permanent callback \n" + " if you want to increase amount of callback limit change [callbackLimit] in CallbackPool \n" + " If you want to disable this check, please make [warningOnCallbackExceedLimit] = false"); } Callback c = new Callback(); callbackDict.Add(, c); return(c); }
void createNewAblum() { Dictionary <string, object> paramsObject = new Dictionary <string, object>(); paramsObject.Add("name", text); MRUController.instance.callMailruByObjectMailruListenerAndCallback( "", paramsObject, "", delegate(object obj, Callback callback){ Dictionary <string, object> result = obj as Dictionary <string, object>; string status = (string)result["status"]; if (status.Equals("opened")) { Debug2.LogDebug("album window has opened"); } else if (status.Equals("closed")) { Debug2.LogDebug("album window has closed without creation. Need to unsubscribe from event"); CallbackPool.instance.releasePermanentCallback(callback); } else if (status.Equals("createSuccess")) { Debug2.LogDebug("album created id = " + (string)result["aid"] + " Need to unsubscribe from event"); CallbackPool.instance.releasePermanentCallback(callback); if (albumsMetadata != null) { getAlbums(); } } else { Debug2.LogWarning("unknown status [" + status + "]"); } }); }