Example #1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string str  = "";
            bool   stop = false;
            var    debounceDispatcher = new DebounceDispatcher(1000);

                var key = Console.ReadKey(true);

                //trigger when to stop and exit
                if (key.Key == ConsoleKey.Escape)
                    stop = true;

                str += key.KeyChar;

                //every keypress iteration call dispatcher but the Action will be invoked only after stop pressing and waiting 1000 milliseconds
                debounceDispatcher.Debounce(() =>
                    Console.WriteLine($"{str} - {DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("hh:mm:ss.fff")}");
                    str = "";
            }while (!stop); //wait trigger to stop and exit
Example #2
 void Start()
     debounceDispatcher = new DebounceDispatcher(1000);
     TypeEventSystem.Register <FileDragIn>((fileDragIn) =>
         var path = fileDragIn.Path;
         System.IO.FileInfo file = new System.IO.FileInfo(path);
         if (file.Extension == ".csb")
             Paths = GetPaths();
         else if (file.Extension == ".png")
     TypeEventSystem.Register <DeleteItem>((t) =>
         if (t.Extension == ".csb")
             Paths = GetPaths();
        public CanvasOverlaySvc(CanvasView canvasView)
            _canvasView       = canvasView;
            _redrawDispatcher = new DebounceDispatcher();
            _shapes           = new ConcurrentDictionary <string, BaseShape>();

            _canvasViewModel = _canvasView.DataContext as CanvasViewModel;

            _canvasView.SizeChanged += CanvasViewSizeChanged;

            _redrawCts  = new CancellationTokenSource();
            _redrawTask = Task.Run(RedrawTask);
        public AsyncDataListBox(Func <string, Task <IEnumerable <Option> > > queryOptions, Func <object, Task <Option> > findOption = null, int debounceInterval = 250, string placeholder = "Search")
            _debounceDispatcher = new DebounceDispatcher(debounceInterval);
            _queryOptions = queryOptions;
            _findOption   = findOption;


            _textBox.HtmlElement["list"]         = _dataList.HtmlElement.ID;
            _textBox.HtmlElement["autocomplete"] = "off";
            _textBox.HtmlElement["spellcheck"]   = "false";
            _textBox.HtmlElement["placeholder"]  = placeholder;
            _textBox.TextInput += (sender, args) => OnTextInput();

Example #5
        public MainViewModel()
            RefreshCommand     = new RelayCommand(() => RaisePropertyChanged(nameof(CommonItems)));
            ClearBmCommand     = new RelayCommand(ClearBm);
            ClearItemBmCommand = new RelayCommand <CommonItem>(ClearItemBm);
            ClearItemCommand   = new RelayCommand <CommonItem>(ClearItem);
            OpenItemCommand    = new RelayCommand <CommonItem>(OpenItem);

            Tirs = Enumerable.Repeat(new Tuple <string, int?>("-", null), 1)
                   .Concat(Enumerable.Range(1, 8).Select(x => Tuple.Create(x.ToString(), (int?)x)));
            Enchants = Enumerable.Repeat(new Tuple <string, int?>("-", null), 1)
                       .Concat(Enumerable.Range(0, 4).Select(x => Tuple.Create(x.ToString(), (int?)x)));
            Qualities = Enumerable.Repeat(new Tuple <string, int?>("-", null), 1)
                        .Concat(Enumerable.Range(1, 5).Select(x => Tuple.Create(x.ToString(), (int?)x)));

            ShopCategories = Enumerable.Repeat(new Tuple <string, ShopCategory?>("-", null), 1).Concat(Enum
                                                                                                       .GetValues(typeof(ShopCategory)).Cast <ShopCategory?>()
                                                                                                       .Select(x => Tuple.Create(x.Value.ToString(), x)));
            ShopSubCategories = Enumerable.Repeat(new Tuple <string, ShopSubCategory?>("-", null), 1)
                                .Concat(Enum.GetValues(typeof(ShopSubCategory)).Cast <ShopSubCategory?>()
                                        .Select(x => Tuple.Create(x.Value.ToString(), x)));

            BuyTownManager     = new TownManager();
            SellTownManager    = new TownManager();
            CraftTownManager   = new TownManager();
            AuctionTownManager = new TownManager();

            _mdm = new MarketDataManager();
            _bdm = new BuildingDataManager(CraftTownManager);

            var loader = new XmlLoader(_bdm, CraftTownManager, BuyTownManager, SellTownManager);


            Items = loader.Items.Values.Where(x => x.ShopSubCategory != Model.Items.Categories.ShopSubCategory.Event)
                    .ToDictionary(k => k.Id + (k.QualityLevel > 1 ? $"_{k.QualityLevel}" : ""));


            Artefacts = loader.Artefacts;

            _debounceDispatcher = new DebounceDispatcher();
//            foreach (var item in Items.Values)
//            {
//                item.PropertyChanged += (sender, args) =>
//                {
//                     //if (args.PropertyName == "Pos")
//                     RefreshTree();
//                };
//            }

            BuildingsViewModel = new BuildingsViewModel(loader.CraftBuildings, CraftTownManager);

            _albionParser = new AlbionParser();

            BuyTownManager.Town     = Location.None;
            SellTownManager.Town    = Location.None;
            CraftTownManager.Town   = Location.None;
            AuctionTownManager.Town = Location.None;

            AuctionTownManager.TownChanged += p =>
                if (BuyTownManager.Town == Location.None)
                    BuyTownManager.Town = p.Town;
                if (SellTownManager.Town == Location.None)
                    SellTownManager.Town = p.Town;
                if (CraftTownManager.Town == Location.None)
                    CraftTownManager.Town = p.Town;


            CostCalcOptions.Instance.ProfitsChanged += RefreshTree;
            CostCalcOptions.Instance.Changed        += RefreshTree;
 protected override void OnInitialized()
     debounceTimer = new();