Example #1
        private async Task ValidateRelation(DeathDoc deathDoc)
            var allDocTypeRelations = await _lookupsService.GetLookups <DocumentTypeRelation>();

            var docType = await GetDocType();

            if (!allDocTypeRelations.Any(a => a.DocumentTypeId == docType.Id && a.RelationId == deathDoc.RelationId && a.GenderId == deathDoc.GenderId))
                throw new DomainException($"The relation of the requester and the death document owner is not valid.\r\nDeathDoc Name: {deathDoc?.Name?.FullName}, RelationId:{deathDoc?.RelationId}");
Example #2
        public void AddDeathRecordDoc_ReturnsRequestWithCorrectCount()
            var      req = CreateRequestInstance();
            DeathDoc doc = new DeathDoc();


            Assert.Equal(1, req.DeathDocs.Count);
Example #3
 private void SetDefaultNID(DeathDoc deathDoc)
      * This is a workaround:
      * We have the NID as DDD value object and to handle value objects in ef core we use OwnsOne in fluent api
      * OwnsOne doesn't allow null properties for values objects except if you are saving it in a deparate table
      * We can avoid this be setting NID prop to an empty new instance with the value of NationalIdenNumber = null
      * but this will through an exception in the constructor of NID value object
     if (deathDoc.NID == null)
         deathDoc.NID = new NID(Constants.DEFAULT_NID_NUMBER);
Example #4
        public async Task CreateAndGetDoc()
            var doc = new DeathDoc()
                MotherFullName = "Fatema"
            await _deathDocRepository.CreateDeathDoc(doc);

            await _deathDocRepository.UnitOfWork.CommitChangesAsync();

            Assert.True(doc.Id > 0);

            var docFromDB = _moisContext.DeathDocs.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Id == doc.Id);

            Assert.Equal(doc.MotherFullName, docFromDB.MotherFullName);
Example #5
        public async Task <IEnumerable <DeathDocResponse> > CreateDeathDocsAsync(IEnumerable <DeathDoc> deathRecords, bool autoSave = false)
            for (int i = 0; i < deathRecords.Count(); i++)
                DeathDoc deathRecord = deathRecords.ElementAt(i);
                await ValidateRelation(deathRecord);
                await SetDefaultStateId(deathRecord);

                deathRecord.Price = await GetDocPrice();

                await _deathDocRepository.CreateDeathDoc(deathRecord);
            if (autoSave)
                await SaveChangesAsync();

            return(deathRecords.Select(a => new DeathDocResponse(a)));
Example #6
 public async Task CreateDeathDoc(DeathDoc deathDoc)
     await _dbContext.DeathDocs.AddAsync(deathDoc);
Example #7
 private DeathDocResponse(bool success, string message, DeathDoc deathRecord) : base(success, message)
     => DeathDoc = deathRecord;
Example #8
        private async Task SetDefaultStateId(DeathDoc deathRecord)
            var defaultState = await _lookupsService.FindWhere <State>(a => a.Code == "NEW");

            deathRecord.StateId = defaultState?.Id;