public void ArithmeticTest() // ComColumnDefinition. Defining new columns and evaluate them { CreateSampleData(schema); DcTable t1 = schema.GetSubTable("Table 1"); DcColumn c11 = t1.GetColumn("Column 11"); DcColumn c12 = t1.GetColumn("Column 12"); DcColumn c13 = t1.GetColumn("Column 13"); DcColumn c14 = t1.GetColumn("Column 14"); // // Define a derived column with a definition // DcColumn c15 = space.CreateColumn("Column 15", t1, schema.GetPrimitiveType("Double"), false); c15.GetData().Formula = "([Column 11]+10.0) * this.[Column 13]"; // Evaluate column c15.GetData().Evaluate(); Assert.AreEqual(600.0, c15.GetData().GetValue(0)); Assert.AreEqual(200.0, c15.GetData().GetValue(1)); Assert.AreEqual(1200.0, c15.GetData().GetValue(2)); }
public void TableDataTest() // ComTableData. Manually read/write data to/from tables { CreateSampleData(schema); DcTable t1 = schema.GetSubTable("Table 1"); DcColumn c11 = t1.GetColumn("Column 11"); DcColumn c12 = t1.GetColumn("Column 12"); DcColumn c13 = t1.GetColumn("Column 13"); DcTableWriter w1 = t1.GetData().GetTableWriter(); // // Data manipulations // Assert.AreEqual(3, t1.GetData().Length); Offset input = w1.Find(new DcColumn[] { c11 }, new object[] { 10 }); Assert.AreEqual(1, input); input = w1.Find(new DcColumn[] { c12 }, new object[] { "Record 1" }); Assert.AreEqual(1, input); input = w1.Find(new DcColumn[] { c12 }, new object[] { "Record Does Not Exist" }); Assert.AreEqual(-1, input); }
public void ProjectionTest() // Defining new tables via function projection and populate them { CreateSampleData(schema); DcTable t2 = schema.GetSubTable("Table 2"); DcColumn c21 = t2.GetColumn("Column 21"); DcColumn c22 = t2.GetColumn("Column 22"); DcColumn c23 = t2.GetColumn("Column 23"); // // Project "Table 2" along "Column 21" and get 2 unique records in a new set "Value A" (3 references) and "Value B" (1 reference) // DcTable t3 = space.CreateTable(DcSchemaKind.Dc, "Table 3", schema.Root); DcColumn c31 = space.CreateColumn(c21.Name, t3, c21.Output, true); // Create a generating column DcColumn c24 = space.CreateColumn("Project", t2, t3, false); c24.GetData().Formula = "(( [String] [Column 21] = [Column 21] ))"; c24.GetData().IsAppendData = true; t3.GetData().Populate(); Assert.AreEqual(2, t3.GetData().Length); Assert.AreEqual(0, c24.GetData().GetValue(0)); Assert.AreEqual(0, c24.GetData().GetValue(1)); Assert.AreEqual(0, c24.GetData().GetValue(2)); Assert.AreEqual(1, c24.GetData().GetValue(3)); // // Defining a combination of "Column 21" and "Column 22" and project with 3 unique records in a new set // DcTable t4 = space.CreateTable(DcSchemaKind.Dc, "Table 4", schema.Root); DcColumn c41 = space.CreateColumn(c21.Name, t4, c21.Output, true); DcColumn c42 = space.CreateColumn(c22.Name, t4, c22.Output, true); DcColumn c25 = space.CreateColumn("Project", t2, t4, false); c25.GetData().Formula = "(( [String] [Column 21] = [Column 21], [Integer] [Column 22] = [Column 22] ))"; c25.GetData().IsAppendData = true; t4.GetData().Populate(); Assert.AreEqual(3, t4.GetData().Length); Assert.AreEqual(0, c25.GetData().GetValue(0)); Assert.AreEqual(1, c25.GetData().GetValue(1)); Assert.AreEqual(1, c25.GetData().GetValue(2)); Assert.AreEqual(2, c25.GetData().GetValue(3)); }
public void AggregationTest() // Defining new aggregated columns and evaluate them { CreateSampleData(schema); DcTable t1 = schema.GetSubTable("Table 1"); DcTable t2 = schema.GetSubTable("Table 2"); DcColumn c23 = t2.GetColumn("Column 23"); DcColumn c24 = t2.GetColumn("Table 1"); // // Define aggregated column // /* We do not use non-syntactic (object) formulas * DcColumn c15 = schema.CreateColumn("Agg of Column 23", t1, schema.GetPrimitive("Double"), false); * c15.Definition.DefinitionType = DcColumnDefinitionType.AGGREGATION; * * c15.Definition.FactTable = t2; // Fact table * c15.Definition.GroupPaths = new List<DimPath>(new DimPath[] { new DimPath(c24) }); // One group path * c15.Definition.MeasurePaths = new List<DimPath>(new DimPath[] { new DimPath(c23) }); // One measure path * c15.Definition.Updater = "SUM"; // Aggregation function * * c15.Add(); * * // * // Evaluate expression * // * c15.Data.SetValue(0.0); * c15.Definition.Evaluate(); // {40, 140, 0} * * Assert.AreEqual(40.0, c15.Data.GetValue(0)); * Assert.AreEqual(140.0, c15.Data.GetValue(1)); * Assert.AreEqual(0.0, c15.Data.GetValue(2)); // In fact, it has to be NaN or null (no values have been aggregated) */ // // Aggregation via a syntactic formula // DcColumn c16 = space.CreateColumn("Agg2 of Column 23", t1, schema.GetPrimitiveType("Double"), false); c16.GetData().Formula = "AGGREGATE(facts=[Table 2], groups=[Table 1], measure=[Column 23]*2.0 + 1, aggregator=SUM)"; c16.GetData().SetValue(0.0); c16.GetData().Translate(); c16.GetData().Evaluate(); // {40, 140, 0} Assert.AreEqual(81.0, c16.GetData().GetValue(0)); Assert.AreEqual(283.0, c16.GetData().GetValue(1)); Assert.AreEqual(0.0, c16.GetData().GetValue(2)); }
public void LinkTest() { CreateSampleData(schema); DcTable t1 = schema.GetSubTable("Table 1"); DcColumn c11 = t1.GetColumn("Column 11"); // 20, 10, 30 DcTable t2 = schema.GetSubTable("Table 2"); DcColumn c22 = t2.GetColumn("Column 22"); // 20, 30, 30, 30 // // Define a derived column with a definition // DcColumn link = space.CreateColumn("Column Link", t2, t1, false); link.GetData().Formula = "(( [Integer] [Column 11] = this.[Column 22], [Double] [Column 14] = 20.0 ))"; // Tuple structure corresponds to output table // Evaluate column link.GetData().Evaluate(); Assert.AreEqual(0, link.GetData().GetValue(0)); Assert.AreEqual(2, link.GetData().GetValue(1)); Assert.AreEqual(2, link.GetData().GetValue(2)); Assert.AreEqual(2, link.GetData().GetValue(3)); }
public void ColumnDataTest() // DcColumnData. Manually read/write data { DcTable t1 = schema.GetSubTable("Table 1"); DcColumn c11 = t1.GetColumn("Column 11"); DcColumn c12 = t1.GetColumn("Column 12"); DcColumn c13 = t1.GetColumn("Column 13"); DcTable t2 = schema.GetSubTable("Table 2"); DcColumn c21 = t2.GetColumn("Column 21"); DcColumn c22 = t2.GetColumn("Column 22"); // // Data // t1.GetData().Length = 3; // 2. Write/read individual column data by using column data methods (not table methods) Assert.AreEqual(true, c11.GetData().IsNull(1)); // Initially, all outputs must be null c11.GetData().SetValue(1, 10); c11.GetData().SetValue(0, 20); c11.GetData().SetValue(2, 30); Assert.AreEqual(false, c11.GetData().IsNull(1)); Assert.AreEqual(10, c11.GetData().GetValue(1)); Assert.AreEqual(true, c13.GetData().IsNull(2)); // Initially, all outputs must be null c13.GetData().SetValue(1, 10.0); c13.GetData().SetValue(0, 20.0); c13.GetData().SetValue(2, 30.0); Assert.AreEqual(false, c13.GetData().IsNull(1)); Assert.AreEqual(10.0, c13.GetData().GetValue(1)); t2.GetData().Length = 2; c21.GetData().SetValue(0, "Value A"); c21.GetData().SetValue(1, "Value B"); c22.GetData().SetValue(0, 10); c22.GetData().SetValue(1, 20); Assert.AreEqual(10, c22.GetData().GetValue(0)); Assert.AreEqual(20, c22.GetData().GetValue(1)); }
public void CsvWriteTest() // Store schema and data to a CSV file as a result of evaluation { DcSpace space = new Space(); DcSchema schema = space.CreateSchema("My Schema", DcSchemaKind.Dc); CoreTest.CreateSampleSchema(schema); CoreTest.CreateSampleData(schema); DcTable t2 = schema.GetSubTable("Table 2"); DcColumn c21 = t2.GetColumn("Column 21"); DcColumn c22 = t2.GetColumn("Column 22"); DcColumn c23 = t2.GetColumn("Column 23"); // // Create schema for a remote db // SchemaCsv top = (SchemaCsv)space.CreateSchema("My Files", DcSchemaKind.Csv); // Create a remote file description TableCsv table = (TableCsv)space.CreateTable(DcSchemaKind.Csv, "Table_1", top.Root); table.FilePath = CsvWrite; // Manually create column to be imported (we need an automatic mechanism for appending missing columns specified in the formula) DcColumn p1 = space.CreateColumn("Column 11", table, top.GetPrimitiveType("String"), true); DcColumn p2 = space.CreateColumn("Column 12", table, top.GetPrimitiveType("String"), true); DcColumn p3 = space.CreateColumn("Custom Column 13", table, top.GetPrimitiveType("String"), true); DcColumn p4 = space.CreateColumn("Constant Column", table, top.GetPrimitiveType("String"), true); // Define export column DcColumn col = space.CreateColumn("Export", schema.GetSubTable("Table 1"), table, false); col.GetData().IsAppendData = true; col.GetData().Formula = "(( [String] [Column 11] = this.[Column 11], [String] [Column 12] = [Column 12], [String] [Custom Column 13] = [Column 13], [String] [Constant Column] = 20.02 ))"; // Tuple structure corresponds to output table col.GetData().IsAppendData = true; col.GetData().IsAppendSchema = true; table.Populate(); }
public void NativeFunctionTest() // Call native function in column definition { CreateSampleData(schema); DcTable t1 = schema.GetSubTable("Table 1"); DcColumn c11 = t1.GetColumn("Column 11"); DcColumn c12 = t1.GetColumn("Column 12"); DcColumn c13 = t1.GetColumn("Column 13"); DcColumn c14 = t1.GetColumn("Column 14"); // // Define a derived column with a definition // DcColumn c15 = space.CreateColumn("Column 15", t1, schema.GetPrimitiveType("String"), false); c15.GetData().Formula = "call:System.String.Substring( [Column 12], 7, 1 )"; // Evaluate column c15.GetData().Evaluate(); Assert.AreEqual("0", c15.GetData().GetValue(0)); Assert.AreEqual("1", c15.GetData().GetValue(1)); Assert.AreEqual("2", c15.GetData().GetValue(2)); // // Define a derived column with a definition // DcColumn c16 = space.CreateColumn("Column 15", t1, schema.GetPrimitiveType("Double"), false); c16.GetData().Formula = "call:System.Math.Pow( [Column 11] / 10.0, [Column 13] / 10.0 )"; c16.GetData().Evaluate(); Assert.AreEqual(4.0, c16.GetData().GetValue(0)); Assert.AreEqual(1.0, c16.GetData().GetValue(1)); Assert.AreEqual(27.0, c16.GetData().GetValue(2)); }
public void SchemaTest() // ComColumn. Manually add/remove tables/columns { DcTable t1 = schema.GetSubTable("Table 1"); DcTable t2 = schema.GetSubTable("Table 2"); // Finding by name and check various properties provided by the schema Assert.AreEqual(schema.GetPrimitiveType("Decimal").Name, "Decimal"); Assert.AreEqual(t1.Name, "Table 1"); Assert.AreEqual(t2.Name, "Table 2"); Assert.AreEqual(schema.GetSubTable("Table 2"), t2); Assert.AreEqual(t1.GetColumn("Column 11").Name, "Column 11"); Assert.AreEqual(t2.GetColumn("Column 21").Name, "Column 21"); Assert.AreEqual(t2.GetColumn("Super").IsSuper, true); Assert.AreEqual(t2.SuperColumn.Input, t2); Assert.AreEqual(t2.SuperColumn.Output, schema.Root); // Test path enumerator var pathEnum = new PathEnumerator(t2, t1, ColumnType.IDENTITY_ENTITY); Assert.AreEqual(1, pathEnum.Count()); }
public void JsonReadTest() // Serialize/deserialize schema elements { DcSpace ds = new Space(); DcSchema schema = ds.CreateSchema("My Schema", DcSchemaKind.Dc); CoreTest.CreateSampleSchema(schema); // Add table definition DcTable t = schema.GetSubTable("Table 2"); t.GetData().WhereFormula = "[Column 22] > 20.0 && this.Super.[Column 23] < 50"; // Add column definition DcColumn c = t.GetColumn("Column 22"); c.GetData().Formula = "([Column 11]+10.0) * this.[Column 13]"; JObject space = Utils.CreateJsonFromObject(ds); ds.ToJson(space); // Serialize into json string string jsonDs = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(space, Newtonsoft.Json.Formatting.Indented, new Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializerSettings { }); // De-serialize from json string: dynamic objDs = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(jsonDs); //dynamic obj = JObject/JValue/JArray.Parse(json); // // Instantiate and initialize // ds = (Space)Utils.CreateObjectFromJson(objDs); ((Space)ds).FromJson(objDs, ds); Assert.AreEqual(5, ds.GetSchemas()[0].GetSubTable("Table 1").Columns.Count); Assert.AreEqual(5, ds.GetSchemas()[0].GetSubTable("Table 2").Columns.Count); Assert.AreEqual("Table 1", ds.GetSchemas()[0].GetSubTable("Table 2").GetColumn("Table 1").Output.Name); c = t.GetColumn("Column 22"); //Assert.AreEqual(DcColumnDefinitionType.ARITHMETIC, c.Definition.FormulaExpr.DefinitionType); //Assert.AreEqual(2, c.GetData().FormulaExpr.Children.Count); // // 2. Another sample schema with several schemas and inter-schema columns // string jsonDs2 = @"{ 'type': 'Space', 'schemas': [ { 'type': 'Schema', 'name': 'My Schema', 'tables': [ { 'type': 'Set', 'name': 'My Table' } ], 'columns': [ { 'type': 'Dim', 'name': 'My Column', 'lesser_table': {schema_name:'My Schema', table_name:'My Table'}, 'greater_table': {schema_name:'My Schema', table_name:'Double'} }, { 'type': 'Dim', 'name': 'Import Column', 'lesser_table': {schema_name: 'Rel Schema', table_name:'Rel Table'}, 'greater_table': {schema_name: 'My Schema', table_name: 'My Table'} } ] }, { 'type': 'SchemaCsv', 'name': 'Rel Schema', 'tables': [ { 'type': 'SetRel', 'name': 'Rel Table' } ], 'columns': [ { 'type': 'DimRel', 'name': 'My Column', 'lesser_table': {schema_name:'Rel Schema', table_name:'Rel Table'}, 'greater_table': {schema_name:'Rel Schema', table_name:'String'} }, ] } ] }"; /* * dynamic objWs2 = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(jsonWs2); * * Workspace ws2 = Utils.CreateObjectFromJson(objWs2); * ws2.FromJson(objWs2, ws2); * * Assert.AreEqual(2, ws2.Schemas.Count); * Assert.AreEqual("My Schema", ws2.Mashup.Name); * Assert.AreEqual("My Table", ws2.Schemas[1].FindTable("Rel Table").GetGreaterDim("Import Column").Output.Name); */ }
public static void CreateSampleData(DcSchema schema) { // // Fill sample data in "Table 1" // DcTable t1 = schema.GetSubTable("Table 1"); DcColumn c11 = t1.GetColumn("Column 11"); DcColumn c12 = t1.GetColumn("Column 12"); DcColumn c13 = t1.GetColumn("Column 13"); DcColumn c14 = t1.GetColumn("Column 14"); DcColumn[] cols = new DcColumn[] { c11, c12, c13, c14 }; object[] vals = new object[4]; DcTableWriter w1 = t1.GetData().GetTableWriter(); vals[0] = 20; vals[1] = "Record 0"; vals[2] = 20.0; vals[3] = 20.0; w1.Append(cols, vals); vals[0] = 10; vals[1] = "Record 1"; vals[2] = 10.0; vals[3] = 20.0; w1.Append(cols, vals); vals[0] = 30; vals[1] = "Record 2"; vals[2] = 30.0; vals[3] = 20.0; w1.Append(cols, vals); // // Fill sample data in "Table 2" // DcTable t2 = schema.GetSubTable("Table 2"); DcColumn c21 = t2.GetColumn("Column 21"); DcColumn c22 = t2.GetColumn("Column 22"); DcColumn c23 = t2.GetColumn("Column 23"); DcColumn c24 = t2.GetColumn("Table 1"); cols = new DcColumn[] { c21, c22, c23, c24 }; vals = new object[4]; DcTableWriter w2 = t2.GetData().GetTableWriter(); vals[0] = "Value A"; vals[1] = 20; vals[2] = 40.0; vals[3] = 0; w2.Append(cols, vals); vals[0] = "Value A"; vals[1] = 30; vals[2] = 40.0; vals[3] = 1; w2.Append(cols, vals); vals[0] = "Value A"; vals[1] = 30; vals[2] = 50.0; vals[3] = 1; w2.Append(cols, vals); vals[0] = "Value B"; vals[1] = 30; vals[2] = 50.0; vals[3] = 1; w2.Append(cols, vals); }
public static object ResolveJsonRef(JObject json, DcSpace ws) // Resolve a json reference to a real object { if (json == null) { return(null); } string element_type = (string)json["element_type"]; if (element_type == null) { if (json["schema_name"] == null) { return(null); } else if (json["table_name"] == null) { element_type = "schema"; } else if (json["column_name"] == null) { element_type = "table"; } else { element_type = "column"; } } if (element_type == "schema") // Find schema { return(ws.GetSchema((string)json["schema_name"])); } else if (element_type == "table") // Find table { DcSchema schema = ws.GetSchema((string)json["schema_name"]); if (schema == null) { return(null); } return(schema.GetSubTable((string)json["table_name"])); } else if (element_type == "column") // Find column { DcSchema schema = ws.GetSchema((string)json["schema_name"]); if (schema == null) { return(null); } DcTable table = schema.GetSubTable((string)json["table_name"]); if (table == null) { return(null); } return(table.GetColumn((string)json["column_name"])); } else { throw new NotImplementedException("Unknown element type in the reference."); } }