public void DownloadItemSerializationSaveTest()
            var engine  = new DcEngine();
            var manager = new DownloadManager(engine);

Example #2
        public TransferManager(DcEngine engine)
            ConnectionWaitTimeout     = 30;
            DownloadInactivityTimeout = 60;
            UploadInactivityTimeout   = 30;

            _engine = engine;
Example #3
        public SearchManager(DcEngine engine)
            _engine = engine;

            _engine.Hubs.HubAdded   += Hubs_HubAdded;
            _engine.Hubs.HubRemoved += Hubs_HubRemoved;

            _engine.ActiveStatusChanged += (sender, args) => _lastSearchAt = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(-10);

            MinimumSearchInterval = 20;
Example #4
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // DcEngine is the main thing we will work with
            // use EngineSettings structure to set various settings of the engine
            Engine = new DcEngine();

            // we need to have at least one hub connection to work with
            var hubSettings = new HubSettings {
                HubAddress = "_write_your_hub_address_here_",
                HubName    = "My hub",
                Nickname   = "sharpdc"

            var hubConnection = new HubConnection(hubSettings);

            // we want to see the hub connection status changes for debug puropses
            hubConnection.ConnectionStatusChanged += (sender, e) => Console.WriteLine("Hub " + e.Status);

            // add this connection to the engine

            // this event will be called when at least one hub will be connected and logged in
            Engine.ActiveStatusChanged += delegate {
                // to download a file we need to have a magnet-link
                var magnet = new Magnet("magnet:?xt=urn:tree:tiger:3UOKTPAQUGWGKWFIL75ZDMTTQLWF5AM2BAXBVEA&xl=63636810&dn=TiX_1_zvukovoy_barrier.avi");

                Console.WriteLine("Downloading the " + magnet.FileName);

                // the file will be saved in the current folder by default
                // you can provide custom file name:
                // engine.DownloadFile(magnet, "C:\\Temp\\my_name.avi");


            // we want to know when we have download complete
            Engine.DownloadManager.DownloadCompleted += (sender, e) => Console.WriteLine("Download is complete! Press enter to exit.");

            Console.WriteLine("Welcome to the sharpdc example");
            Console.WriteLine("We try to download a file");
            Console.WriteLine("Press enter to exit");

            // the engine to work needs Update() method to be called periodically
            // we can call it manually or use built-in method StartAsync()
            // that will use System.Threading.Timer to call Update() with 200 msec interval

            // would be cool to see download progress if any
            // so we call DisplayDownloadInfo method in other thread
            new ThreadStart(DisplayDownloadInfo).BeginInvoke(null, null);

Example #5
        public StatisticsManager(DcEngine engine, bool decayRates = true)
            _engine = engine;
            engine.TransferManager.TransferAdded   += TransferManager_TransferAdded;
            engine.TransferManager.TransferRemoved += TransferManager_TransferRemoved;

            if (decayRates)
                var updateInterval = TimeSpan.FromHours(12);
                _updateTimer = new Timer(PeriodicAction, null, updateInterval, updateInterval);
Example #6
        public void Initialize()
            var settings = EngineSettings.Default;

            settings.ActiveMode       = Settings.ActiveMode;
            settings.UseSparseFiles   = true;
            settings.AutoSelectPort   = true;
            settings.ReconnectTimeout = 45;

            if (Settings.TCPPort != 0)
                settings.TcpPort = Settings.TCPPort;

            if (Settings.UDPPort != 0)
                settings.UdpPort = Settings.UDPPort;

            _engine = new DcEngine(settings);
            _engine.TagInfo.Version = "livedc";

            _hubManager = new DcHubManager(this, _client);

            if (File.Exists(SharePath))
                    _engine.Share = MemoryShare.CreateFromXml(SharePath);
                catch (Exception x)
                    logger.Error("Unable to load share from {0} because {1}", SharePath, x.Message);

            if (_engine.Share == null)
                _engine.Share = new MemoryShare();

            if (Settings.StorageAutoSelect)
                _engine.Settings.PathDownload = StorageHelper.GetBestSaveDirectory();
                _engine.Settings.PathDownload = Settings.StoragePath;

            if (File.Exists(IncompletePath))
                catch (Exception x)
                    logger.Error("Unable to load downloads {0}", x.Message);

            Settings.Nickname = "livedc" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString().GetMd5Hash().Substring(0, 8);

            _engine.ActiveStatusChanged += delegate { OnStatusChanged(); };


            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Settings.PortCheckUrl))
                LiveApi.PortCheckUri = Settings.PortCheckUrl;

            ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(o => AutoConfiguration());
Example #7
 public DownloadManager(DcEngine engine)
     _engine = engine;
 public UploadCacheManager(DcEngine engine)
     _engine          = engine;
     CacheUseSpeed    = new SpeedAverage();
     CacheReadAverage = new MovingAverage(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10));