Example #1
 public static IRasterDataset createFileRasterDataset(IRasterWorkspace2 irasterWorkspace2_0, string string_0,
                                                      int int_0, rstPixelType rstPixelType_0, ISpatialReference ispatialReference_0)
         IRasterDataset dataset = null;
         IPoint         origin  = new Point();
         origin.PutCoords(0.0, 0.0);
         if (ispatialReference_0 == null)
             ispatialReference_0 = new UnknownCoordinateSystem() as ISpatialReference;
         dataset = irasterWorkspace2_0.CreateRasterDataset(string_0, "IMAGINE Image", origin, 200, 100, 1.0, 1.0,
                                                           int_0, rstPixelType_0, ispatialReference_0, true);
         IRawPixels            pixels = null;
         IPixelBlock3          block  = null;
         IPnt                  tlc    = null;
         IPnt                  size   = null;
         IRasterBandCollection bands  = (IRasterBandCollection)dataset;
         pixels = (IRawPixels)bands.Item(0);
         IRasterProps props = (IRasterProps)pixels;
         tlc = new DblPnt();
         tlc.SetCoords(0.0, 0.0);
         size = new DblPnt();
         size.SetCoords((double)props.Width, (double)props.Height);
         block = (IPixelBlock3)pixels.CreatePixelBlock(size);
         pixels.Read(tlc, (IPixelBlock)block);
         object[,] objArray = (object[, ])block.get_PixelDataByRef(0);
         for (int i = 0; i < props.Width; i++)
             for (int j = 0; j < props.Height; j++)
                 objArray[i, j] = (i * j) % 255;
         object cache = pixels.AcquireCache();
         pixels.Write(tlc, (IPixelBlock)block);
     catch (Exception exception)
Example #2
        public static double GetPixelVal(IRaster pRaster, IPoint pPoint)
            IPixelBlock       pPixelBlock;
            IPnt              pPnt;
            IPnt              pCurrentPnt;
            ISpatialReference pSR;

            pSR  = pPoint.SpatialReference;
            pPnt = new DblPnt();
            pPnt.SetCoords(1.0, 1.0);

            pPixelBlock = pRaster.CreatePixelBlock(pPnt);
            pCurrentPnt = GetCurrPnt(pRaster, pPoint.X, pPoint.Y, pSR);
            pRaster.Read(pCurrentPnt, pPixelBlock);

            return(Convert.ToDouble(string.Format("{0,10:###0.0000}", pPixelBlock.GetVal(0, 0, 0))));
Example #3
        public void Reclassify()
            IRasterWorkspace  pRWS;
            IWorkspaceFactory pWorkspaceFactory;

            pWorkspaceFactory = new RasterWorkspaceFactory();
            String wsp;
            int    r;
            int    l;

            r    = ComboBoxInLayer.Text.LastIndexOf("\\");
            l    = ComboBoxInLayer.Text.LastIndexOf(".");
            wsp  = ComboBoxInLayer.Text.Substring(0, r);
            pRWS = (IRasterWorkspace)pWorkspaceFactory.OpenFromFile(wsp, 0);
                string ws  = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(ComboBoxInLayer.Text);
                string fbs = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(ComboBoxInLayer.Text);

                IWorkspaceFactory pWork     = new RasterWorkspaceFactory();
                IRasterWorkspace  pRasterWs = pWork.OpenFromFile(ws, 0) as IRasterWorkspace;
                pRster = pRasterWs.OpenRasterDataset(fbs).CreateDefaultRaster();

                IRasterBandCollection pRasterBandCol;
                pRasterBandCol = (IRasterBandCollection)pRster;

                IRawPixels pRawpixel;
                pRawpixel = (IRawPixels)pRasterBandCol.Item(0);
                IRasterProps pRasterProps;
                pRasterProps = (IRasterProps)pRawpixel;
                IPnt pSize;
                pSize = new DblPnt();
                pSize.SetCoords(pRasterProps.Width, pRasterProps.Height);
                IPixelBlock pPixelBlock;
                pPixelBlock = pRawpixel.CreatePixelBlock(pSize);
                IPnt pPnt;
                pPnt   = new DblPnt();
                pPnt.X = 0; //the origin (top left corner) of the PixelBlock
                pPnt.Y = 0;
                pRawpixel.Read(pPnt, pPixelBlock);
                float PixelValue;

                minValue = 10000000;
                maxValue = 0;
                List <double> allValue = new List <double>();
                for (int i = 0; i < pPixelBlock.Width; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < pPixelBlock.Height; j++)
                        PixelValue = (float)pPixelBlock.GetVal(0, i, j);
                        if (PixelValue != null)
                            if (PixelValue > maxValue)
                                maxValue = PixelValue;
                            if (PixelValue < minValue)
                                minValue = PixelValue;

                IRasterBand pRasterBand = new RasterBand();
                pRasterBand = pRasterBandCol.Item(0);

                IRasterStatistics pRasterStatistic;
                //double[] amount = pRasterBand.Histogram.Counts;
                pRasterStatistic = pRasterBand.Statistics;
                maxValue         = (float)pRasterStatistic.Maximum;
                minValue         = (float)pRasterStatistic.Minimum;

                //if (comboBox1.Text.Trim() == "等间隔")
                float   Tmpincrement;
                DataRow FilterRow;
                Tmpincrement = (maxValue - minValue) / Convert.ToInt16(CmbLineCount.Text);
                for (int i = 1; i <= Convert.ToInt16(CmbLineCount.Text); i++)
                    FilterRow    = FilterDataTable.NewRow();
                    FilterRow[0] = Convert.ToString(minValue + Tmpincrement * (i - 1)) + "~" + Convert.ToString(minValue + Tmpincrement * i);
                    FilterRow[1] = i;
                    FilterRow[2] = i;
                DataGridFilterData.DataSource = FilterDataTable;
                // }
                // {
                ////List<double> valuesort = new List<double>();
                ////valuesort = BublleSort(allValue);
                //int amount = pPixelBlock.Width * pPixelBlock.Height;
                //int Tmpincrement;
                //DataRow FilterRow;
                //Tmpincrement = (amount) / Convert.ToInt16(CmbLineCount.Text);
                //for (int i = 1; i < Convert.ToInt16(CmbLineCount.Text); i++)
                //    FilterRow = FilterDataTable.NewRow();
                //    if (allValue[Tmpincrement * (i - 1)] == allValue[Tmpincrement * (i)])
                //        break;
                //    FilterRow[0] = Convert.ToString(allValue[Tmpincrement * (i - 1)]) + "~" + Convert.ToString(allValue[Tmpincrement * (i)]);
                //    FilterRow[1] = i;
                //    FilterDataTable.Rows.Add(FilterRow);
                //if (allValue[Tmpincrement * Convert.ToInt16(CmbLineCount.Text)] != maxValue)
                //    FilterRow = FilterDataTable.NewRow();
                //    FilterRow[0] = Convert.ToString(allValue[Tmpincrement * Convert.ToInt16(CmbLineCount.Text)]) + "~" + Convert.ToString(maxValue);
                //    FilterRow[1] = Convert.ToInt16(CmbLineCount.Text);
                //    FilterDataTable.Rows.Add(FilterRow);
                //DataGridFilterData.DataSource = FilterDataTable;
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString(), "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
        public string GetCellValueOrig_MayNotBeRight(string layerName, IPoint pLoc, IMap pMap)
                IPnt pBlockSize = new DblPnt();

                pBlockSize.SetCoords(1.0, 1.0);

                IRasterLayer pLayer = null;
                IPixelBlock pPixelBlock;
                object vValue;

                //   string sPixelVals;
                // sPixelVals = "No Raster";
                IRasterProps pRasterProps;
                double dXSize;
                double dYSize;
                IPnt pPixel;
                pPixel = new DblPnt();

                pLayer = GetRasterLayer(pMap, layerName);
                if (pLayer == null) return "";

                pPixelBlock = pLayer.Raster.CreatePixelBlock(pBlockSize);
                pRasterProps = pLayer.Raster as IRasterProps;
                dXSize = pRasterProps.Extent.XMax - pRasterProps.Extent.XMin;
                dYSize = pRasterProps.Extent.YMax - pRasterProps.Extent.YMin;

                dXSize = dXSize / pRasterProps.Width;
                dYSize = dYSize / pRasterProps.Height;

                pPixel.X = (pLoc.X - pRasterProps.Extent.XMin) / dXSize;
                pPixel.Y = (pRasterProps.Extent.YMax - pLoc.Y) / dYSize;

                pLayer.Raster.Read(pPixel, pPixelBlock);

                for (int j = 0; j < pPixelBlock.Planes; j++)
                    vValue = pPixelBlock.GetVal(j, 0, 0);

                    if (vValue.ToString() != "No Raster")
                        return vValue.ToString(); //= sPixelVals + ", ";

                //if (sPixelVals != "No Raster")
                //      return "";
                return "No Raster";

            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show("GetView: " + ex.Message);
                return "No Raster";
        public string GetCellValue(string layerName, IPoint pLoc, IMap pMap)

                IRasterLayer pLayer = null;
                double dblX = pLoc.X;
                double dblY = pLoc.Y;

                pLayer = GetRasterLayer(pMap, layerName);
                if (pLayer == null) return "";

                TransformDataXYToPixelXY(pLayer.Raster, ref dblX, ref dblY);

                IPnt pBlockSize = new DblPnt();
                pBlockSize.SetCoords(1.0, 1.0);

                IPixelBlock pPixelBlock;
                pPixelBlock = pLayer.Raster.CreatePixelBlock(pBlockSize);

                IPnt pPixel;
                pPixel = new DblPnt();
                pPixel.X = dblX;
                pPixel.Y = dblY;

                pLayer.Raster.Read(pPixel, pPixelBlock);
                object vValue;

                for (int j = 0; j < pPixelBlock.Planes; j++)
                    vValue = pPixelBlock.GetVal(j, 0, 0);

                    if (vValue.ToString() != "No Raster")
                        return vValue.ToString(); //= sPixelVals + ", ";

                //if (sPixelVals != "No Raster")
                //      return "";
                return "No Raster";

            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show("GetView: " + ex.Message);
                return "No Raster";
Example #6
        private void ShowRasterInfo(IRasterLayer rLayer)

            rtxbRasterInfo.Text = "Boand Number is " + rLayer.BandCount.ToString();// "\r\n" +"Resolution is " + rLayer.DisplayResolutionFactor.ToString() + "\r\n" + "Row number is " + rLayer.RowCount.ToString();
            IRaster raster = rLayer.Raster;
            //Raster Data
            IRasterBandCollection rBandCon = raster as IRasterBandCollection;
            int numBands = rBandCon.Count;

            for (int i = 0; i < numBands; i++)
                IRasterBand  rBand      = rBandCon.Item(i);
                IRasterProps rasterData = rBand as IRasterProps;
                //Raster Height
                int height = rasterData.Height;
                //Raster Width
                int width = rasterData.Width;
                //Raster Cell Size
                IPnt         cell  = rasterData.MeanCellSize();
                rstPixelType rType = rasterData.PixelType;
                if (rType == rstPixelType.PT_LONG)
                    //Error code
                    //Read Raster
                    //Wrong QI
                    //IRaster pRaster = rBand as IRaster;
                    ITable       rasterTable = rBand.AttributeTable;
                    IQueryFilter qFilter     = new QueryFilter();
                    for (int j = 0; j < rasterTable.Fields.FieldCount; j++)
                        IField aField = rasterTable.Fields.get_Field(j);

                    ICursor cursor = rasterTable.Search(qFilter, true);
                    IRow    aRow   = cursor.NextRow();
                    if (aRow != null)
                        MessageBox.Show(cell.X.ToString() + "x" + cell.Y + ":" + aRow.get_Value(0).ToString());
                        //Read Raster
                        // rBand.
                // Create pixelblock
                IRawPixels rawPixels = rBand as IRawPixels;
                //cannot be used as  follows
                //IRawPixels rawPixels = raster as IRawPixels;
                IPnt pixelBlockOrigin = new DblPnt();
                pixelBlockOrigin.SetCoords(0, 0);

                IPnt pixelBlockSize = new DblPnt();
                pixelBlockSize.SetCoords(rasterData.Width, rasterData.Height);
                IPixelBlock3 pixelBlock3 = (IPixelBlock3)rawPixels.CreatePixelBlock(pixelBlockSize);
                rawPixels.Read(pixelBlockOrigin, (IPixelBlock)pixelBlock3);
                //GetVal( int brand, int X, int Y); brand=0
                int    x     = 3600;
                int    y     = 800;
                object cellD = pixelBlock3.GetVal(0, x, y);

                rtxbRasterInfo.Text = rtxbRasterInfo.Text + "\r\n" + rBand.Bandname.ToString() + ":" + width.ToString() + "x" + height.ToString() + ":(" + x.ToString() + "," + y.ToString() + ")=" + cellD.ToString();
Example #7
        private void BtnInput_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            OpenFileDialog OpenFileDlg = new OpenFileDialog();
            String         strPath; //  '文件名

            OpenFileDlg.FileName    = "";
            OpenFileDlg.Filter      = "tif files (*.tif)|*.tif|All files (*.*)|*.*"; //过滤文件类型
            OpenFileDlg.FilterIndex = 2;

            strPath = OpenFileDlg.FileName.Trim();

            layerpath.Text = strPath;
            IRasterWorkspace  pRWS;
            IWorkspaceFactory pWorkspaceFactory;

            pWorkspaceFactory = new RasterWorkspaceFactory();
            String wsp;
            int    r;
            int    l;

            r    = layerpath.Text.LastIndexOf("\\");
            l    = layerpath.Text.LastIndexOf(".");
            wsp  = layerpath.Text.Substring(0, r);
            pRWS = (IRasterWorkspace)pWorkspaceFactory.OpenFromFile(wsp, 0);

                string ws  = Path.GetDirectoryName(layerpath.Text);
                string fbs = Path.GetFileName(layerpath.Text);

                IWorkspaceFactory pWork     = new RasterWorkspaceFactory();
                IRasterWorkspace  pRasterWs = pWork.OpenFromFile(ws, 0) as IRasterWorkspace;
                pRster = pRasterWs.OpenRasterDataset(fbs).CreateDefaultRaster();

                //pRster = pRWS.OpenRasterDataset(sp)
                IRasterBandCollection pRasterBandCol;
                pRasterBandCol = (IRasterBandCollection)pRster;

                IRawPixels pRawpixel;
                pRawpixel = (IRawPixels)pRasterBandCol.Item(0);
                IRasterProps pRasterProps;
                pRasterProps = (IRasterProps)pRawpixel;
                IPnt pSize;
                pSize = new DblPnt();
                pSize.SetCoords(pRasterProps.Width, pRasterProps.Height);
                IPixelBlock pPixelBlock;
                pPixelBlock = pRawpixel.CreatePixelBlock(pSize);
                IPnt pPnt;
                pPnt   = new DblPnt();
                pPnt.X = 0; //the origin (top left corner) of the PixelBlock
                pPnt.Y = 0;
                pRawpixel.Read(pPnt, pPixelBlock);
                float PixelValue;

                minValue = 10000000;
                maxValue = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < pPixelBlock.Width; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < pPixelBlock.Height; j++)
                        PixelValue = (float)pPixelBlock.GetVal(0, i, j);
                        if (PixelValue != null)
                            if (PixelValue > maxValue)
                                maxValue = PixelValue;
                            if (PixelValue < minValue)
                                minValue = PixelValue;

                IRasterBand pRasterBand;
                pRasterBand = pRasterBandCol.Item(0);
                IRasterStatistics pRasterStatistic;
                pRasterStatistic = pRasterBand.Statistics;
                maxValue         = (float)pRasterStatistic.Maximum;
                minValue         = (float)pRasterStatistic.Minimum;

                float   Tmpincrement;
                DataRow FilterRow;
                Tmpincrement = (maxValue - minValue) / Convert.ToInt16(CmbLineCount.Text);
                for (int i = 1; i < Convert.ToInt16(CmbLineCount.Text); i++)
                    FilterRow    = FilterDataTable.NewRow();
                    FilterRow[0] = Convert.ToString(minValue + Tmpincrement * (i - 1)) + "~" + Convert.ToString(minValue + Tmpincrement * i);
                    FilterRow[1] = i;
                DataGridFilterData.DataSource = FilterDataTable;
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString(), "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);