public async Task <IActionResult> MoveToNextFlight(int id) { var currentFlight = await ctx.Flights.FindAsync(id); Flight nextFlight = null; // Check if there is a flight with the same dep and dest + a later departure date foreach (var flight in ctx.Flights) { if (flight.Departure == currentFlight.Departure && flight.Arrival == currentFlight.Arrival && flight.DepartureTime > currentFlight.DepartureTime) { nextFlight = flight; break; } } if (nextFlight != null) { // check if the next flight is already overbooked if (nextFlight.FreeSeats < 0 || nextFlight.FreeSeats < ctx.GetOverbookedUsersFromFlight(currentFlight).Count) { return(View("/Views/Errors/NextFlightOverbookedError.cshtml")); } else { // if not, move the overbooked users there List <string> overbookedEmails = new List <string>(); // list of overbooked users from this flight var overbookedUsers = ctx.GetOverbookedUsersFromFlight(currentFlight); // Removes all overbooked users and replaces them to the next available flight for (int i = 0; i < overbookedUsers.Count; i++) { overbookedEmails.Add(overbookedUsers.ElementAt(i).Email); ctx.UserFlights.Add(new UserFlights { User = ctx.GetUserFromEmail(overbookedUsers.ElementAt(i).Email), Flight = nextFlight }); --nextFlight.FreeSeats; ctx.UserFlights.Remove(ctx.GetSpecificUserFlight(currentFlight, ctx.GetUserFromEmail(overbookedUsers.ElementAt(i).Email))); ctx.OverbookedUsers.Remove(overbookedUsers.ElementAt(i)); ++currentFlight.FreeSeats; await ctx.SaveChangesAsync(); } return(RedirectToAction("SendEmail", "Email", new { emails = overbookedEmails })); } } else { return(View("/Views/Errors/NoNextFlightError.cshtml")); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> SendEmail(List <string> emails) { MimeMessage msg = new MimeMessage(); msg.Subject = "Flight Postponing"; msg.From.Add(new MailboxAddress("Admin", "*****@*****.**")); BodyBuilder bodyBuilder = new BodyBuilder(); foreach (var email in emails) { using (var emailClient = new SmtpClient()) { await emailClient.ConnectAsync("", 587, false); await emailClient.AuthenticateAsync("*****@*****.**", "Iamadmin~"); var currentUser = ctx.GetUserFromEmail(email); string FirstName = currentUser.FirstName; string LastName = currentUser.LastName; MailboxAddress to = new MailboxAddress(FirstName, email); bodyBuilder.TextBody = "Dear " + FirstName + " " + LastName + ",\nDue to overbooked seats, we have decided to postpone your current flight.\nSincerely,\n\nThe Administrator"; msg.To.Add(to); msg.Body = bodyBuilder.ToMessageBody(); emailClient.Send(msg); emailClient.Disconnect(true); emailClient.Dispose(); } } return(View());; }