internal static void SetupForTestExplorerMode() { var servTypeStr = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ServerTypeForTestExplorer"]; DbServerType servType = ReflectionHelper.ParseEnum <DbServerType>(servTypeStr); Reset(servType); }
private string GetConnectionString(DbServerType serverType) { string connectionString = string.Empty; SQLiteConnectionStringBuilder sqliteStringBuilder; switch (DbInfoOption) { case DbInfoOption.ConnectionString: connectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings[SelectedConnectionStringItem].ConnectionString; break; case DbInfoOption.Manually: if (serverType == DbServerType.Sqlite) { sqliteStringBuilder = new SQLiteConnectionStringBuilder(); sqliteStringBuilder.DataSource = SqliteFile; connectionString = sqliteStringBuilder.ConnectionString; } else { connectionString = BuildConnectionString(serverType); } break; case DbInfoOption.File: sqliteStringBuilder = new SQLiteConnectionStringBuilder(); sqliteStringBuilder.DataSource = SqliteFile; connectionString = sqliteStringBuilder.ConnectionString; break; } return(connectionString); }
/// <summary> /// This class represents a provier class to get right schema reader based on database type. /// </summary> public static SchemaReader GetReader(DbServerType dbServerType) { SchemaReader schemaReader = null; switch (dbServerType) { case DbServerType.MsSql: schemaReader = new SqlServerSchemaReader(); break; case DbServerType.Sqlite: schemaReader = new SqliteSchemaReader(); break; case DbServerType.MySql: schemaReader = new MySqlSchemaReader(); break; case DbServerType.Postgres: schemaReader = new PostgreSqlSchemaReader(); break; } return(schemaReader); }
public static DbSettings CreateDbSettings(DbServerType serverType, string connectionString = null) { var driver = CreateDriver(serverType, connectionString); var options = GetDefaultOptions(serverType); var dbStt = new DbSettings(driver, options, connectionString); return dbStt; }
/// <summary> /// 引发 <see cref="DbServerStateScanner"/> 类型对象的 <see cref="Scanned"/> 事件。 /// </summary> /// <param name="connectionString"></param> /// <param name="serverType"></param> /// <param name="serverState"></param> protected void OnScanned(string connectionString, DbServerType serverType, DbServerState serverState) { if (this.Scanned != null) { DbServerStateScanEventArgs e = new DbServerStateScanEventArgs(connectionString, serverType, serverState); this.Scanned(this, e); } }
} //method public static DbSettings CreateDbSettings(DbServerType serverType, string connectionString) { var driver = CreateDriver(serverType); var options = driver.GetDefaultOptions(); var dbStt = new DbSettings(driver, options, connectionString); return(dbStt); }
public string Translate(Expression expression, DbServerType dbServerType) { _dbServer = dbServerType; = new StringBuilder(); this.Visit(expression); _whereClause =; return(_whereClause); }
/// <summary> /// 以指定的属性值初始化类型 <see cref="DbServerStateScanEventArgs"/> 的新实例。 /// </summary> /// <param name="connectionString"></param> /// <param name="serverType"></param> /// <param name="serverState"></param> public DbServerStateScanEventArgs(string connectionString, DbServerType serverType, DbServerState serverState) : this() { connectionString = Check.EmptyCheck(connectionString); this.ConnectionString = connectionString; this.DbServerType = serverType; this.DbServerState = serverState; }
public static bool TryParseServerType(string str, out DbServerType serverType) { if (Enum.TryParse <DbServerType>(str, true, out serverType)) { return(true); } return(false); }
public static string GetSqlUpdate(DbServerType DSType, string TableName, List <CSqlNameValueKeepValue> aNameValueKeepValue, string Where) { string Sql = GetSqlTemplateUpdate(DSType, TableName, aNameValueKeepValue, Where); Sql = GetSqlTemplateReplaced(Sql, DSType, aNameValueKeepValue); return(Sql); }
internal static void SetupForTestExplorerMode() { InitAppConfig(); var servTypeStr = AppConfig["ServerTypeForTestExplorer"]; DbServerType servType = StringHelper.ParseEnum <DbServerType>(servTypeStr); Reset(servType); }
public static string GetSqlInsertSelect(DbServerType DSType, string TableName, List <CSqlNameValueKeepValue> aNameValueKeepValue, string TableNameFrom, string Where) { string Sql = GetSqlTemplateInsertSelect(DSType, TableName, aNameValueKeepValue, TableNameFrom, Where); Sql = GetSqlTemplateReplaced(Sql, DSType, aNameValueKeepValue); return(Sql); }
public static void GetTableColumnAndComment(DbServerType DbType, string Script, out Dictionary <string, string> dicTableIs, out Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, string> > dicColumnIs) { dicTableIs = new Dictionary <string, string>(); dicColumnIs = new Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, string> >(); string PatternTable = ""; string PatternColumn = ""; switch (DbType) { case DbServerType.SQLServer: string PatternCommon = @"sp_addextendedproperty.*@value=N'(?<Description>[^']*)'.*@level1name=N'(?<Table>[^']*)'"; PatternTable = PatternCommon + @"[\r\n]"; PatternColumn = PatternCommon + @".*@level2name=N'(?<Column>[^']*)'"; break; case DbServerType.Oracle: PatternTable = @"COMMENT\sON\sTABLE\s(?<Table>\w+)\sIS\s'(?<Description>[^']+)';"; PatternColumn = @"COMMENT\sON\sCOLUMN\s(?<Table>\w+)\.(?<Column>\w+)\sIS\s'(?<Description>[^']+)';"; break; default: throw new Exception(string.Format("{0} is not supported.", DbType)); } { Regex r = new Regex(PatternTable, CRegex.Options.Compiled_Multiline_IgnoreCase_IgnorePatternWhitespace); foreach (Match m in r.Matches(Script)) { string Table = m.Groups["Table"].Value; string Description = m.Groups["Description"].Value; dicTableIs.Add(Table, Description); } } { Regex r = new Regex(PatternColumn, CRegex.Options.Compiled_Multiline_IgnoreCase_IgnorePatternWhitespace); foreach (Match m in r.Matches(Script)) { string Table = m.Groups["Table"].Value; string Column = m.Groups["Column"].Value; string Description = m.Groups["Description"].Value; if (dicColumnIs.ContainsKey(Table)) { dicColumnIs[Table].Add(Column, Description); } else { Dictionary <string, string> dicSub = new Dictionary <string, string>(); dicSub.Add(Column, Description); dicColumnIs.Add(Table, dicSub); } } } }
//Prepares for full run with a specified server public static void Reset(DbServerType serverType) { DeleteLocalLogFiles(); InitAppConfig(); ServerType = serverType; if (ServerType == DbServerType.SQLite) { DeleteSqliteDbFile(); //it will be created on connect, creat-option in conn string } Driver = DataUtility.CreateDriver(ServerType); //Load connection string var connStringName = ServerType.ToString() + "ConnectionString"; // For SQLite we can use either provider var useMsSqlite = AppConfig["UseMsSqliteProvider"] == "true"; if (ServerType == DbServerType.SQLite && useMsSqlite) { var sqliteDriver = (Data.SQLite.SQLiteDbDriver)Driver; sqliteDriver.ConnectionFactory = (s) => new Microsoft.Data.Sqlite.SqliteConnection(s); sqliteDriver.CommandFactory = () => new Microsoft.Data.Sqlite.SqliteCommand(); connStringName += "_MS"; } var connString = AppConfig[connStringName]; Util.Check(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(connString), "Connection string not found for key: {0}.", connStringName); if (connString.Contains("{bin}")) { var asmPath = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location; var binFolder = Path.GetDirectoryName(asmPath); connString = connString.Replace("{bin}", binFolder); } ConnectionString = connString; DbOptions = Driver.GetDefaultOptions(); //enable batch var useBatch = AppConfig["useBatchMode"] == "true"; if (useBatch && Driver.Supports(DbFeatures.BatchedUpdates)) { DbOptions |= DbOptions.UseBatchMode; } else { DbOptions &= ~DbOptions.UseBatchMode; } //check connection if (!DataUtility.TestConnection(Driver, ConnectionString, out var error)) { Util.Throw("Failed to connect to the database: {0} \r\n Connection string: {1}", error, ConnectionString); } }
public static DbOptions GetDefaultOptions(DbServerType serverType) { switch(serverType) { case DbServerType.MsSql: return Data.MsSql.MsSqlDbDriver.DefaultMsSqlDbOptions; case DbServerType.SqlCe: return Vita.Data.SqlCe.SqlCeDbDriver.DefaultDbOptions; case DbServerType.MySql: return Vita.Data.MySql.MySqlDbDriver.DefaultMySqlDbOptions; case DbServerType.Postgres: return Vita.Data.Postgres.PgDbDriver.DefaultPgDbOptions; case DbServerType.Sqlite: return Vita.Data.SQLite.SQLiteDbDriver.DefaultSQLiteDbOptions; default: return DbOptions.Default; } }
private static string GetSqlTemplateReplaced(string Sql, DbServerType DSType, List <CSqlNameValueKeepValue> aNameValueKeepValue) { foreach (CSqlNameValueKeepValue nvk in aNameValueKeepValue) { string FieldName = nvk.Name; bool KeepValue = nvk.KeepValue; string Value = ""; if (nvk.Value == null) { Value = "null"; } else if (KeepValue) { //함수나 연산자가 사용된 경우엔 변형하지 않음. Value = nvk.Value.ToString(); } else { SqlColumnTypeSimple ColumnType = GetColumnTypeSimple(nvk.Value); switch (ColumnType) { case SqlColumnTypeSimple.DateTime: case SqlColumnTypeSimple.String: Value = nvk.Value.ToString(); Value = "'" + Value.Replace("'", "''"); if (DSType == DbServerType.MySQL) { Value = Value.Replace(@"\", @"\\"); } Value += "'"; break; case SqlColumnTypeSimple.Boolean: Value = CFindRep.IfTrueThen1FalseThen0((bool)nvk.Value); break; case SqlColumnTypeSimple.Numeric: Value = nvk.Value.ToString(); break; } } Sql = Sql.Replace("{{" + FieldName + "}}", Value); } return(Sql); }
private static string ReplaceFunction(DbServerType DbServerFrom, DbServerType DbServerTo, string Sql) { Dictionary <string, string> dicFromTo = new Dictionary <string, string>(); if ((DbServerFrom == DbServerType.SQLite) && (DbServerTo == DbServerType.SQLServer)) { dicFromTo.Add("datetime('now')", "getdate()"); } bool IsStartQuot = false; StringBuilder sbNew = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < Sql.Length; i++) { char c = Sql[i]; if (c == '\'') { IsStartQuot = !IsStartQuot; } bool IsFound = false; foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> kv in dicFromTo) { string From = kv.Key; string To = kv.Value; if ((i + From.Length) > Sql.Length) { continue; } if (Sql.Substring(i, From.Length) != From) { continue; } IsFound = true; sbNew.Append(To); i += From.Length - 1; } if (IsFound) { continue; } sbNew.Append(c); } return(sbNew.ToString()); }
//Prepares for full run with a specified server internal static void Reset(TestConfig config) { if (BooksApp != null) { BooksApp.Flush(); } Thread.Sleep(100); //to allow log dump of buffered messages DeleteLogFiles(); //it will happen only once WriteLog("\r\n------------------------ " + config.ToString() + "---------------------------------------------\r\n\r\n"); ServerType = config.ServerType; CacheEnabled = config.EnableCache; UseBatchMode = config.UseBatchMode; BooksApp = null; _initFailed = false; var protectedSection = (NameValueCollection)ConfigurationManager.GetSection("protected"); //Load connection string ConnectionString = ReplaceBinFolderToken(protectedSection[ServerType + "ConnectionString"]); Util.Check(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ConnectionString), "Connection string not found for server: {0}.", ServerType); LogConnectionString = ReplaceBinFolderToken(protectedSection[ServerType + "LogConnectionString"]); LogConnectionString = LogConnectionString ?? ConnectionString; LoginCryptoKey = protectedSection["LoginInfoCryptoKey"]; Driver = ToolHelper.CreateDriver(ServerType, ConnectionString); var dbOptions = ToolHelper.GetDefaultOptions(ServerType); if (config.UseStoredProcs) { dbOptions |= DbOptions.UseStoredProcs; } else { dbOptions &= ~DbOptions.UseStoredProcs; } if (config.UseBatchMode) { dbOptions |= DbOptions.UseBatchMode; } else { dbOptions &= ~DbOptions.UseBatchMode; } // dbOptions |= DbOptions.ForceArraysAsLiterals; -- just to test this flag DbSettings = new DbSettings(Driver, dbOptions, ConnectionString, upgradeMode: DbUpgradeMode.Always); //Test: remap login schema into login2 // if (ServerType == DbServerType.MsSql) // DbSettings.ModelConfig.MapSchema("login", "login2"); }
private static string GetSqlTemplateInsert(DbServerType DSType, string TableName, List <CSqlNameValueKeepValue> aNameValueKeepValue) { string SqlTmpHeader = ""; switch (DSType) { case DbServerType.MySQL: SqlTmpHeader = "insert into " + TableName + " set "; break; default: SqlTmpHeader = "insert into " + TableName + "("; break; } string SqlTmpBody = "", SqlTmpBody2 = ""; foreach (CSqlNameValueKeepValue nvk in aNameValueKeepValue) { string FieldName = nvk.Name; switch (DSType) { case DbServerType.MySQL: SqlTmpBody += ",\n" + FieldName + " = {{" + FieldName + "}}"; break; default: SqlTmpBody += ",\n" + FieldName; SqlTmpBody2 += ",\n{{" + FieldName + "}}"; break; } } string SqlTmp = ""; switch (DSType) { case DbServerType.MySQL: SqlTmp = SqlTmpHeader + " " + SqlTmpBody.Substring(2); break; default: SqlTmp = SqlTmpHeader + SqlTmpBody.Substring(2) + ")" + "\nvalues(" + SqlTmpBody2.Substring(2) + ")"; break; } return(SqlTmp); }
public static object GetValue <T>(PropertyInfo item, T obj, DbServerType dbServerType) where T : class, new() { var value = item.GetValue(obj); switch (item.PropertyType.Name) { case "String": if (value is null) { return("null"); } else { return($"'{value.ToString().Replace("'", "''")}'"); } case "Boolean": if (dbServerType == DbServerType.Hana || dbServerType == DbServerType.PostGres) { return(((bool)item.GetValue(obj)) == true ? "true" : "false"); } else { return(((bool)item.GetValue(obj)) == true ? "1" : "0"); } case "DateTime": return($"'{((DateTime)item.GetValue(obj)).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")}'"); case "Nullable`1": return(GetNullableValue(item, obj, dbServerType)); case "Double": var nfiDouble = new NumberFormatInfo(); nfiDouble.NumberDecimalSeparator = "."; return(Convert.ToDouble(item.GetValue(obj)).ToString(nfiDouble)); case "Decimal": var nfiDecimal = new NumberFormatInfo(); nfiDecimal.NumberDecimalSeparator = "."; return(Convert.ToDecimal(item.GetValue(obj)).ToString(nfiDecimal)); case "Byte[]": return(item.GetValue(obj)); default: return(item.GetValue(obj)); } }
public static DbDriver CreateDriver(DbServerType serverType) { var className = GetDriverClassName(serverType); var type = Type.GetType(className); if (type == null) { var asm = TryLoadingDriverAssembly(className); type = asm.GetType(className); } Util.Check(type != null, "Failed to locate driver class {0}; load (instantiate) driver explicitly.", className); var driver = (DbDriver)Activator.CreateInstance(type); return(driver); }
private static string MakeInsertOrUpdate(DbServerType DbServer, CSqlInfoInsert Info) { string Sql = ""; if (DbServer == DbServerType.SQLServer) { string Table = Info.Table; string FieldValue = ""; for (int i = 0; i < Info.Value.Length; i++) { if (!Info.IsPrimaryKey[i]) { FieldValue += ", " + Info.Field[i] + " = " + Info.Delim[i] + Info.Value[i] + Info.Delim[i]; } } FieldValue = FieldValue.Substring(2); string Where = Info.WhereByPrimaryKey; string FieldList = string.Join(", ", Info.Field); string ValueList = ""; for (int i = 0; i < Info.Value.Length; i++) { ValueList += ", " + Info.Delim[i] + Info.Value[i] + Info.Delim[i]; } ValueList = ValueList.Substring(2); Sql = @" update {{Table}} set {{FieldValue}} where {{Where}}; if (@@rowcount = 0) insert into {{Table}} ({{FieldList}}) values ({{ValueList}})" .Replace("{{Table}}", Table) .Replace("{{FieldValue}}", FieldValue) .Replace("{{Where}}", Where) .Replace("{{FieldList}}", FieldList) .Replace("{{ValueList}}", ValueList); } return(Sql); }
private string BuildConnectionString(DbServerType serverType) { string connectionString = string.Empty; switch (serverType) { case DbServerType.MsSql: var msSqlStringBuilder = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder(); if (UseWindowsAuthentication) { msSqlStringBuilder.DataSource = Server; msSqlStringBuilder.InitialCatalog = Database; msSqlStringBuilder.IntegratedSecurity = true; } else { msSqlStringBuilder.DataSource = Server; msSqlStringBuilder.InitialCatalog = Database; msSqlStringBuilder.UserID = Username; msSqlStringBuilder.Password = Password; msSqlStringBuilder.IntegratedSecurity = false; } connectionString = msSqlStringBuilder.ConnectionString; break; case DbServerType.MySql: var mySqlStringBuilder = new MySqlConnectionStringBuilder(); mySqlStringBuilder.Server = Server; mySqlStringBuilder.Database = Database; mySqlStringBuilder.Port = (uint)Convert.ToInt32(Port); mySqlStringBuilder.UserID = Username; mySqlStringBuilder.Password = Password; connectionString = mySqlStringBuilder.ConnectionString; break; case DbServerType.Postgres: var postgresStringBuilder = new NpgsqlConnectionStringBuilder(); postgresStringBuilder.Host = Server; postgresStringBuilder.Database = Database; postgresStringBuilder.Port = Convert.ToInt32(Port); postgresStringBuilder.UserName = Username; postgresStringBuilder.Password = Password; connectionString = postgresStringBuilder.ConnectionString; break; } return(connectionString); }
} //method public static DbOptions GetDefaultOptions(DbServerType serverType) { switch (serverType) { case DbServerType.MsSql: return(Data.MsSql.MsSqlDbDriver.DefaultMsSqlDbOptions); case DbServerType.SqlCe: return(Vita.Data.SqlCe.SqlCeDbDriver.DefaultSqlCeDbOptions); case DbServerType.MySql: return(Vita.Data.MySql.MySqlDbDriver.DefaultMySqlDbOptions); case DbServerType.Postgres: return(Vita.Data.Postgres.PgDbDriver.DefaultPgDbOptions); case DbServerType.Sqlite: return(Vita.Data.SQLite.SQLiteDbDriver.DefaultSQLiteDbOptions);// & ~DbOptions.AddSchemaToTableNames; default: return(DbOptions.Default); } }
//Prepares for full run with a specified server internal static void Reset(TestRunConfig config) { CurrentConfig = config; ServerType = config.ServerType; if (BooksApp != null) { BooksApp.Flush(); } Thread.Sleep(100); //to allow log dump of buffered messages DeleteLogFiles(); //it will happen only once WriteLog("\r\n------------------------ " + config.ToString() + "---------------------------------------------\r\n\r\n"); ServerType = config.ServerType; UseBatchMode = config.UseBatchMode; BooksApp = null; _initFailed = false; //Check connection string Util.Check(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(config.ConnectionString), "Connection string not found for server: {0}.", ServerType); Driver = DataUtility.CreateDriver(ServerType); var dbOptions = Driver.GetDefaultOptions(); if (config.UseBatchMode) { dbOptions |= DbOptions.UseBatchMode; } else { dbOptions &= ~DbOptions.UseBatchMode; } // Custom naming policy. Uncomment below to see how all-lower case policy works for Postgres IDbNamingPolicy customNamingPolicy = null; //if(ServerType == DbServerType.Postgres) //customNamingPolicy = new AllLowCaseNamingPolicy("books", "login"); DbSettings = new DbSettings(Driver, dbOptions, config.ConnectionString, upgradeMode: DbUpgradeMode.Always, namingPolicy: customNamingPolicy); //Test: remap login schema into login2 // Remapping schemas might used in MySql, where schemas are actually databases // if (ServerType == DbServerType.MsSql) // DbSettings.ModelConfig.MapSchema("login", "login2"); }
private static string GetSqlTemplateUpdate(DbServerType DSType, string TableName, List <CSqlNameValueKeepValue> aNameValueKeepValue, string Where) { string SqlTmpHeader = "update " + TableName + " set "; string SqlTmpBody = ""; foreach (CSqlNameValueKeepValue nvk in aNameValueKeepValue) { string FieldName = nvk.Name; SqlTmpBody += ",\n" + FieldName + " = {{" + FieldName + "}}"; } string SqlTmpWhere = "\nwhere " + Where; string SqlTmp = SqlTmpHeader + "\n" + SqlTmpBody.Substring(2) + "\n" + SqlTmpWhere; return(SqlTmp); }
private static object GetNullableValue <T>(PropertyInfo item, T obj, DbServerType dbServerType) where T : class, new() { var nfiDecimal = new NumberFormatInfo(); nfiDecimal.NumberDecimalSeparator = "."; var value = item.GetValue(obj); if (value is int) { return(value); } else if (value == null) { return("null"); } else if (value is true && (dbServerType == DbServerType.SqlServer || dbServerType == DbServerType.Sqlite)) { return("1"); }
private async void Generate() { try { // Reset content FileItems = new ObservableCollection <string>(); SelectedFile = string.Empty; ShowBuildrogress = true; var request = new GeneratePocoRequest(); DbServerType serverType = (DbServerType)Enum.Parse(typeof(DbServerType), SelectedDatabaseTypeItem); request.ServerType = serverType; request.Namespace = Namespace; request.FolderLocation = ModelsFolderLocation; request.IncludeRelationship = IncludeRelationship; request.ConnectionString = GetConnectionString(serverType); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.ConnectionString)) { throw new Exception("Invalid database info provided!"); } var pocoResponse = await GeneratePocoModels.Generate(request); if (pocoResponse != null && pocoResponse.Filenames != null) { var fileNames = pocoResponse.Filenames; FileItems = new ObservableCollection <string>(fileNames); SelectedFile = string.Empty; if (fileNames.Count > 0) { SelectedFile = fileNames[0]; FileSelectionChanged(); } } } finally { ShowBuildrogress = false; } }
public static string ConvertSql(string Sql, Dictionary <string, string[]> dicPrimaryKey, DbServerType DbServerFrom, DbServerType DbServerTo) { Sql = ReplaceFunction(DbServerFrom, DbServerTo, Sql); List <string> aSqlNew = new List <string>(); Dictionary <int, string> dicIdxSql = SplitSqlBySemicolon(Sql); foreach (KeyValuePair <int, string> kv in dicIdxSql) { string SqlCur = kv.Value; CParagraph p = new CParagraph(CParagraph.DelimWord.NoUnderbar); List <string> aWord = p.GetWords(SqlCur, false); string Sql2 = string.Join(" ", aWord.ToArray()); if (DbServerFrom == DbServerType.SQLite) { bool IsInsertOrReplace = (Sql2.IndexOf("insert or replace") != -1); if (IsInsertOrReplace) { CSqlInfoInsert InfoInsert = GetSqlInfoInsert(DbServerFrom, SqlCur); if (dicPrimaryKey.ContainsKey(InfoInsert.Table)) { InfoInsert.PrimaryKey = dicPrimaryKey[InfoInsert.Table]; } SqlCur = MakeInsertOrUpdate(DbServerTo, InfoInsert); aSqlNew.Add(SqlCur); } else { aSqlNew.Add(SqlCur); } } } return(string.Join(";", aSqlNew.ToArray())); }
//Prepares for full run with a specified server public static void Reset(DbServerType serverType) { ServerType = serverType; //Load connection string var connStringName = ServerType.ToString() + "ConnectionString"; var connString = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[connStringName]; Util.Check(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(connString), "Connection string not found for key: {0}.", connStringName); if (connString.Contains("{bin}")) { var asmPath = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location; var binFolder = Path.GetDirectoryName(asmPath); connString = connString.Replace("{bin}", binFolder); } ConnectionString = connString; Driver = ToolHelper.CreateDriver(ServerType); DbOptions = ToolHelper.GetDefaultOptions(ServerType); //enable stored procs DbOptions &= ~DbOptions.UseStoredProcs; //it is on by default var useSp = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["useStoredProcs"] == "true"; if (useSp && Driver.Supports(DbFeatures.StoredProcedures)) { DbOptions |= Data.DbOptions.UseStoredProcs; } //enable batch var useBatch = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["useBatchMode"] == "true"; if (useBatch && Driver.Supports(DbFeatures.BatchedUpdates)) { DbOptions |= DbOptions.UseBatchMode; } //check connection string error; if (!ToolHelper.TestConnection(Driver, ConnectionString, out error)) { Util.Throw("Failed to connection to the database: {0} \r\n Connection string: {1}", error, ConnectionString); } }
private static string GetSqlTemplateInsertSelect(DbServerType DSType, string TableName, List <CSqlNameValueKeepValue> aNameValueKeepValue, string TableNameFrom, string Where) { string SqlTmpHeader = "insert into " + TableName + "("; string SqlTmpBody = "", SqlTmpBody2 = ""; foreach (CSqlNameValueKeepValue nvk in aNameValueKeepValue) { string FieldName = nvk.Name; SqlTmpBody += ",\n" + FieldName; SqlTmpBody2 += ",\n{{" + FieldName + "}}"; } string SqlTmp = SqlTmpHeader + SqlTmpBody.Substring(2) + ")" + "\nselect\n" + SqlTmpBody2.Substring(2) + "\nfrom " + TableNameFrom + (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Where) ? "\nwhere " + Where : ""); return(SqlTmp); }
/// <summary> /// Get reader based on database type /// </summary> /// <param name="dbserverType">Database type [MsSql, Sqlite, MySql PostgreSQL]</param> /// <returns>SchemaReader object</returns> public static SchemaReader GetReader(DbServerType dbserverType) { SchemaReader schemaReader = null; switch (dbserverType) { case DbServerType.MsSql: throw new NotImplementedException(); case DbServerType.Sqlite: throw new NotImplementedException(); case DbServerType.MySql: schemaReader = new MySqlSugarSchemaReader(); break; case DbServerType.Postgres: throw new NotImplementedException(); } return(schemaReader); }
public static DbDriver CreateDriver(DbServerType serverType, string connectionString = null) { return CreateDriver(serverType.ToString(), connectionString); }
public DbDriver(DbServerType serverType, DbFeatures features) { ServerType = serverType; Features = features; }
internal void DbServerStateScanned(string connectionString, DbServerType serverType, DbServerState serverState, Type contextType) { this.Dispatch( interceptor => interceptor.DbServerStateScanned(connectionString, serverType, serverState), contextType); }
//Prepares for full run with a specified server public static void Reset(DbServerType serverType) { ServerType = serverType; //Load connection string var connStringName = ServerType.ToString() + "ConnectionString"; var connString = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[connStringName]; Util.Check(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(connString), "Connection string not found for key: {0}.", connStringName); if(connString.Contains("{bin}")) { var asmPath = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location; var binFolder = Path.GetDirectoryName(asmPath); connString = connString.Replace("{bin}", binFolder); } ConnectionString = connString; Driver = ToolHelper.CreateDriver(ServerType); //, ConnectionString); DbOptions = ToolHelper.GetDefaultOptions(ServerType); //enable stored procs DbOptions &= ~DbOptions.UseStoredProcs; //it is on by default var useSp = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["useStoredProcs"] == "true"; if (useSp && Driver.Supports(DbFeatures.StoredProcedures)) DbOptions |= Data.DbOptions.UseStoredProcs; //enable batch var useBatch = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["useBatchMode"] == "true"; if(useBatch && Driver.Supports(DbFeatures.BatchedUpdates)) DbOptions |= DbOptions.UseBatchMode; //check connection string error; if(!ToolHelper.TestConnection(Driver, ConnectionString, out error)) { Util.Throw("Failed to connection to the database: {0} \r\n Connection string: {1}", error, ConnectionString); } }
//Prepares for full run with a specified server internal static void Reset(TestConfig config) { if(BooksApp != null) BooksApp.Flush(); Thread.Sleep(100); //to allow log dump of buffered messages DeleteLogFiles(); //it will happen only once WriteLog("\r\n------------------------ " + config.ToString() + "---------------------------------------------\r\n\r\n"); ServerType = config.ServerType; CacheEnabled = config.EnableCache; UseBatchMode = config.UseBatchMode; BooksApp = null; _initFailed = false; var protectedSection = (NameValueCollection)ConfigurationManager.GetSection("protected"); //Load connection string ConnectionString = ReplaceBinFolderToken(protectedSection[ServerType + "ConnectionString"]); Util.Check(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ConnectionString), "Connection string not found for server: {0}.", ServerType); LogConnectionString = ReplaceBinFolderToken(protectedSection[ServerType + "LogConnectionString"]); LogConnectionString = LogConnectionString ?? ConnectionString; LoginCryptoKey = protectedSection["LoginInfoCryptoKey"]; Driver = ToolHelper.CreateDriver(ServerType, ConnectionString); var dbOptions = ToolHelper.GetDefaultOptions(ServerType); if (config.UseStoredProcs) dbOptions |= DbOptions.UseStoredProcs; else dbOptions &= ~DbOptions.UseStoredProcs; if (config.UseBatchMode) dbOptions |= DbOptions.UseBatchMode; else dbOptions &= ~DbOptions.UseBatchMode; // dbOptions |= DbOptions.ForceArraysAsLiterals; -- just to test this flag DbSettings = new DbSettings(Driver, dbOptions, ConnectionString, upgradeMode: DbUpgradeMode.Always); //Test: remap login schema into login2 DbSettings.ModelConfig.MapSchema("login", "login2"); }
public SqlConnectionFactory(string connectionString, DbServerType serverType) { _connectionString = connectionString; _serverType = serverType; }