/// <summary> /// Activate this method when a login is successful to navigate to a MainPage and remove the /// Former pages for the Navigation. /// It will also update all the search filter for the app, and its crucial that they are in this /// method and not just the startup method. /// </summary> public static void SuccessfulLoginAction() { // NavPage.Navigation.PopModalAsync(); DbLocation dbLocation = new DbLocation(); StudyGroupsController sgc = new StudyGroupsController(); LocationsController lc = new LocationsController(); JobTypesController jtc = new JobTypesController(); CoursesController cc = new CoursesController(); NavPage.Navigation.InsertPageBefore(new MainPage(), NavPage.Navigation.NavigationStack.First()); NavPage.Navigation.PopToRootAsync(); if (dbLocation.GetAllLocations().Count != 0) { lc.CompareServerHash(); sgc.CompareServerHash(); jtc.CompareServerHash(); cc.CompareServerHash(); } else { cc.UpdateCoursesFromServer(); jtc.UpdateJobTypesFromServer(); sgc.UpdateStudyGroupsFromServer(); lc.UpdateLocationsFromServer(); } }
private string CreateLocalHash() { DbLocation db = new DbLocation(); List <Location> locations = db.GetAllLocations(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var loc in locations) { sb.Append(Hasher.Base64Decode(loc.id)); } return(Hasher.CalculateMd5Hash(sb.ToString())); }
private async void GetAllFilters(object sender, EventArgs e) { DbLocation lc = new DbLocation(); DbCourse cc = new DbCourse(); DbStudyGroup sgc = new DbStudyGroup(); DbJobType jtc = new DbJobType(); List <Location> locationsFilter = lc.GetAllLocations(); List <Course> coursesFilter = cc.GetAllCourses(); List <StudyGroup> studyGroupsFilter = sgc.GetAllStudyGroups(); List <JobType> jobTypesJobFilter = jtc.GetJobTypeFilterJob(); List <JobType> jobTypesProjectFilter = jtc.GetJobTypeFilterProject(); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("GetAllFilters: locationsFilter.Count: " + locationsFilter.Count); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("GetAllFilters: coursesFilter.Count: " + coursesFilter.Count); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("GetAllFilters: studyGroupsFilter.Count: " + studyGroupsFilter.Count); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("GetAllFilters: jobTypesJobFilter.Count: " + jobTypesJobFilter.Count); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("GetAllFilters: jobTypesProjectFilter.Count: " + jobTypesProjectFilter.Count); }
private void UpdateAllFilters() { // This is to make sure that the app got the study groups that is used as search filters. DbLocation dbLocation = new DbLocation(); StudyGroupsController sgc = new StudyGroupsController(); LocationsController lc = new LocationsController(); JobTypesController jtc = new JobTypesController(); CoursesController cc = new CoursesController(); if (dbLocation.GetAllLocations().Count != 0) { lc.CompareServerHash(); sgc.CompareServerHash(); jtc.CompareServerHash(); cc.CompareServerHash(); } else { cc.UpdateCoursesFromServer(); jtc.UpdateJobTypesFromServer(); sgc.UpdateStudyGroupsFromServer(); lc.UpdateLocationsFromServer(); } }