/* * Pre: * Post: Update the list of available students */ private void updateStudentDropdown() { ddlStudent.DataSource = null; ddlStudent.DataBind(); ddlStudent.Items.Clear(); if (ddlTeacher.SelectedIndex > 0 || HighestPermissionTeacher()) { int teacherId = Convert.ToInt32(ddlTeacher.SelectedValue); DataTable table = DbInterfaceStudent.GetStudentSearchResultsForTeacher("", "", "", teacherId); if (table != null) { //add empty item ddlStudent.Items.Add(new ListItem("", "")); //add students for teacher ddlStudent.DataSource = table; ddlStudent.DataTextField = "ComboName"; ddlStudent.DataValueField = "StudentId"; ddlStudent.DataBind(); } else { showErrorMessage("Error: The students for the selected teacher could not be retrieved."); } } }
/* * Pre: * Post: The information associated with the selected audition is loaded to the page */ protected void cboAudition_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { rblLength.SelectedIndex = -1; lblCurrentLength.Text = ""; //load associated audition information if (!cboAudition.SelectedValue.ToString().Equals("")) { if (!txtStudentId.Text.Equals("")) { Student student = DbInterfaceStudent.LoadStudentData(Convert.ToInt32(txtStudentId.Text)); if (student != null) { DistrictAudition districtAudition = DbInterfaceStudentAudition.GetStudentDistrictAudition( Convert.ToInt32(cboAudition.SelectedValue), student); if (districtAudition != null) { lblCurrentLength.Text = districtAudition.auditionLength.ToString(); } else { showErrorMessage("Error: An error occurred while loading the audition information."); } } else { showWarningMessage("Please reselect the student"); } } } }
/* * Pre: * Post: Loads the information of the selected audition and saves it to a session variable */ private void resetAuditionVar() { try { int auditionId = Convert.ToInt32(cboAudition.SelectedValue); int studentId = Convert.ToInt32(Convert.ToInt32(txtStudentId.Text)); Student student = DbInterfaceStudent.LoadStudentData(studentId); //get all audition info associated with audition id and save as session variable if (student != null) { audition = new StateAudition(auditionId, student, false); audition = DbInterfaceStudentAudition.GetStudentStateAudition(audition.districtAudition, auditionId); if (audition != null) { Session[auditionVar] = audition; //if the audition was a duet, show label to inform user that the points for the //partner will also be updated if (audition.auditionType.ToUpper().Equals("DUET")) { showInfoMessage("The composition points of the student's duet partner will also be updated."); } setPoints(); } } } catch (Exception e) { Utility.LogError("Badger Point Entry", "resetAuditionVar", "", "Message: " + e.Message + " Stack Trace: " + e.StackTrace, -1); } }
/* * Pre: * Post: Get audition information for the input year, audition type, and student * if a matching audition exists * @param studentId is the unique id of the student * @year is the year of the audition * @auditionType signifies whether the points are being entered for HS Virtuoso * or Composition */ private void loadAudition(int studentId, int year, string auditionType) { //get student Student student = DbInterfaceStudent.LoadStudentData(studentId); //get audition if (student != null) { audition = DbInterfaceStudentAudition.GetStudentHsOrCompositionAudition(student, year, auditionType); Session[auditionVar] = audition; //set points on screen if (audition != null) { setPoints(); } else { rblAttendance.SelectedIndex = 1; ddlRoomAward.SelectedIndex = 0; lblPoints.InnerText = "0"; btnSubmit.Text = "Submit"; ddlRoomAward.Enabled = true; } } else { lblErrorMsg.Text = "There was an error loading the student data"; lblErrorMsg.Visible = true; } }
/* * Pre: * Post: The information for the selected student is loaded to the page */ protected void gvStudent2Search_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { int index = gvStudent2Search.SelectedIndex; lblStudent2SearchError.Visible = false; if (index >= 0 && index < gvStudent2Search.Rows.Count) { string id = gvStudent2Search.Rows[index].Cells[1].Text; string firstName = gvStudent2Search.Rows[index].Cells[2].Text; string lastName = gvStudent2Search.Rows[index].Cells[3].Text; //load student data to avoid the bug where ' shows up as ' if the data is just taken from the gridview Student student = DbInterfaceStudent.LoadStudentData(Convert.ToInt32(id)); if (student != null) { firstName = student.firstName; lastName = student.lastName; } //load search fields txtStudent2Id.Text = id; txtFirstName2.Text = firstName; txtLastName2.Text = lastName; lblStudent2Id.InnerText = id; //select student from dropdown ddlStudent2.SelectedValue = txtStudent2Id.Text; //hide search area pnlStudent2Search.Visible = false; clearStudent2Search(); btnStudent2Search.Visible = true; } }
/* * Pre: txtStudentId must contain a student id that exists in the system * Post: The student's information is loaded to the page */ private Student loadStudentData(int id) { Student student = DbInterfaceStudent.LoadStudentData(id); //get general student information if (student != null) { //load rest of search fields txtFirstNameSearch.Text = student.firstName; txtLastNameSearch.Text = student.lastName; //load student data lblId.Text = id.ToString(); txtFirstName.Text = student.firstName; txtMiddleInitial.Text = student.middleInitial; txtLastName.Text = student.lastName; cboDistrict.SelectedIndex = cboDistrict.Items.IndexOf(cboDistrict.Items.FindByValue(student.districtId.ToString())); txtGrade.Text = student.grade; cboCurrTeacher.SelectedIndex = cboCurrTeacher.Items.IndexOf(cboCurrTeacher.Items.FindByValue(student.currTeacherId.ToString())); cboPrevTeacher.SelectedIndex = cboPrevTeacher.Items.IndexOf(cboPrevTeacher.Items.FindByValue(student.prevTeacherId.ToString())); } else { lblStudentSearchError.Text = "The student's information could not be loaded"; lblStudentSearchError.Visible = true; } return(student); }
/* * Pre: * Post: If the current user is not an administrator, the district * dropdown is filtered to contain only the current * user's district */ private void loadDistrictDropdown() { User user = (User)Session[Utility.userRole]; if (!user.permissionLevel.Contains('A')) //if the user is a district admin, add only their district { //get own district dropdown info string districtName = DbInterfaceStudent.GetStudentDistrict(user.districtId); //add new items to dropdown ddlDistrictSearch.Items.Add(new ListItem(districtName, user.districtId.ToString())); ddlDistrictSearch.SelectedIndex = 1; //load the audition selectAudition(); } else //if the user is an administrator, add all districts { ddlDistrictSearch.DataSource = DbInterfaceAudition.GetDistricts(); ddlDistrictSearch.DataTextField = "GeoName"; ddlDistrictSearch.DataValueField = "GeoId"; ddlDistrictSearch.DataBind(); } }
/* * Pre: The student must have an entry in the DataStudentYearHistory table * for the current year. * Post: The year id is set for the current student */ private void setYearId() { //if (!reason.ToUpper().Equals("DUET")) yearId = DbInterfaceStudent.GetStudentYearId(student.id); //else // yearId = -1; }
/* * Pre: There must exist a contact with the input contact id * Post: The informatin of the contact with the input contact id is loaded to the page * @param contactId is the contact id of the contact to load */ private void loadContact(int contactId) { Contact contact = new Contact(contactId); if (contact.id != -1) { Session[contactVar] = contact; //load contact data to form lblId.Text = contact.id.ToString(); txtFirstNameSearch.Text = contact.firstName; txtLastNameSearch.Text = contact.lastName; lblName.Text = contact.firstName + " " + contact.middleInitial + " " + contact.lastName; lblDistrict.Text = DbInterfaceStudent.GetStudentDistrict(contact.districtId); lblContactType.Text = contact.contactTypeId; string mtnaId = DbInterfaceContact.GetMtnaId(contact.id); if (!mtnaId.Equals("")) { txtMtnaId.Text = mtnaId; txtMtnaId.Enabled = false; } } else { lblContactSearchError.Text = "An error occurred during the search"; lblContactSearchError.Visible = true; } }
/* * Pre: * Post: Get audition information for the input year, audition type, and student * if a matching audition exists * @param studentId is the unique id of the student * @year is the year of the audition * @auditionType signifies whether the points are being entered for HS Virtuoso * or Composition */ private void loadAudition(int studentId, int year, string auditionType) { //get student Student student = DbInterfaceStudent.LoadStudentData(studentId); //get audition if (student != null) { audition = DbInterfaceStudentAudition.GetStudentHsOrCompositionAudition(student, year, auditionType); Session[auditionVar] = audition; //set points on screen if (audition != null) { setPoints(); } else { rblAttendance.SelectedIndex = 0; ddlRoomAward.SelectedIndex = 0; ddlRoomAward.Enabled = true; lblPoints.Text = "10"; } } else { showErrorMessage("Error: There was an error loading the student data."); } }
private void LoadYearsLegacyPoints() { int studentId = Convert.ToInt32(lblId.Text); int points = DbInterfaceStudent.GetLegacyPointsForYear(studentId, Convert.ToInt32(ddlLegacyPtsYear.SelectedValue)); txtLegacyPoints.Text = points.ToString(); }
/* * Pre: The selected index must be a positive number less than the number of rows * in the gridView * Post: The information for the selected student is loaded to the page */ protected void gvStudentSearch_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { lblStudentError.Visible = false; clearAllExceptSearch(); int index = gvStudentSearch.SelectedIndex; if (index >= 0 && index < gvStudentSearch.Rows.Count) { string id = gvStudentSearch.Rows[index].Cells[1].Text; string firstName = gvStudentSearch.Rows[index].Cells[2].Text; string lastName = gvStudentSearch.Rows[index].Cells[3].Text; //load student data to avoid the bug where ' shows up as ' if the data is just taken from the gridview Student student = DbInterfaceStudent.LoadStudentData(Convert.ToInt32(id)); if (student != null) { firstName = student.firstName; lastName = student.lastName; } txtStudentId.Text = id; txtFirstName.Text = firstName; txtLastName.Text = lastName; lblStudent.InnerText = firstName + " " + lastName; lblStudId.InnerText = id; } }
/* * Pre: * Post: Loads the information of the selected audition and saves it to a session variable */ private void resetAuditionVar() { int studentId; try { if (Int32.TryParse(txtStudentId.Text, out studentId)) { Student student = DbInterfaceStudent.LoadStudentData(studentId); int year = Convert.ToInt32(ddlYear.SelectedValue); string auditionType = ddlAuditionType.SelectedValue; //get all audition info associated with audition id and save as session variable if (student != null) { audition = new HsVirtuosoCompositionAudition(student, year, auditionType); Session[auditionVar] = audition; } } } catch (Exception e) { Utility.LogError("HS Virtuoso Composition Point Entry", "resetAuditionVar", "", "Message: " + e.Message + " Stack Trace: " + e.StackTrace, -1); } }
/* * Pre: * Post: If the entered data is valid, the coordination is set between the two students */ protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { bool success = true; if (dataIsValid()) { string reason = ddlReason.SelectedValue; bool isDistrictAudition = ddlAuditionType.SelectedValue.Equals("District"); // Put all students into a list List <Tuple <Student, StudentCoordinate> > students = new List <Tuple <Student, StudentCoordinate> >(); for (int i = 1; i < tblCoordinates.Rows.Count; i++) { Student student = DbInterfaceStudent.LoadStudentData(Convert.ToInt32(tblCoordinates.Rows[i].Cells[1].Text)); // Get the student's coordinates and add to list if (student != null) { StudentCoordinate coordinate = new StudentCoordinate(student, reason, true, isDistrictAudition); students.Add(new Tuple <Student, StudentCoordinate>(student, coordinate)); } else { success = false; } } // Coordinate all students for (int i = 0; i < students.Count - 1; i++) { StudentCoordinate student1Coordinates = students.ElementAt(i).Item2; for (int j = i + 1; j < students.Count; j++) // Coordinate student1 with all of the remaining students in the list { StudentCoordinate student2Coordinates = students.ElementAt(j).Item2; foreach (int student1Id in student1Coordinates.auditionIds) { foreach (int student2Id in student2Coordinates.auditionIds) { success = success && DbInterfaceStudentAudition.CreateAuditionCoordinate(student1Id, student2Id, reason); } } } } //display message depending on whether or not the operation was successful if (success) { showSuccessMessage("The students were successfully coordinated."); clearPage(); } else { showErrorMessage("Error: An error occurred while coordinating the students."); } } }
/* * Pre: id must be an integer or the empty string * Post: The input parameters are used to search for existing students for the currently logged * in teacher. Matching student information is displayed in the input gridview. * @param gridView is the gridView in which the search results will be displayed * @param id is the id being searched for - must be an integer or the empty string * @param firstName is all or part of the first name being searched for * @param lastName is all or part of the last name being searched for * @param teacherContactId is the id of the current teacher * @returns true if results were found and false otherwise */ private bool searchOwnStudents(GridView gridView, string id, string firstName, string lastName, string session, int teacherContactId) { bool result = true; try { DataTable table = DbInterfaceStudent.GetStudentSearchResultsForTeacher(id, firstName, lastName, teacherContactId); //If there are results in the table, display them. Otherwise clear current //results and return false if (table != null && table.Rows.Count > 0) { gridView.DataSource = table; gridView.DataBind(); //save the data for quick re-binding upon paging Session[session] = table; } else if (table != null && table.Rows.Count == 0) { clearGridView(gridView); result = false; } else if (table == null) { if (gridView == gvStudent1Search) { lblStudent1SearchError.Text = "An error occurred during the search"; lblStudent1SearchError.Visible = true; } else { lblStudent2SearchError.Text = "An error occurred during the search"; lblStudent2SearchError.Visible = true; } } } catch (Exception e) { if (gridView == gvStudent1Search) { lblStudent1SearchError.Text = "An error occurred during the search"; lblStudent1SearchError.Visible = true; } else { lblStudent2SearchError.Text = "An error occurred during the search"; lblStudent2SearchError.Visible = true; } Utility.LogError("Coordinate Students", "searchOwnStudents", "gridView: " + gridView.ID + ", id: " + id + ", firstName: " + firstName + ", lastName: " + lastName + ", session: " + session, "Message: " + e.Message + " Stack Trace: " + e.StackTrace, -1); } return(result); }
/* * Pre: The current user's highest permission level is teacher * Post: The only student's shown in the student dropdowns belong to th current teacher * @param contactId is the id of the teachers whose students should be shown */ private void showTeacherStudentsOnly(int contactId) { DataTable table = DbInterfaceStudent.GetStudentSearchResultsForTeacher("", "", "", contactId); ddlStudent1.DataSourceID = null; ddlStudent1.DataSource = table; ddlStudent1.DataBind(); ddlStudent2.DataSourceID = null; ddlStudent2.DataSource = table; ddlStudent2.DataBind(); }
/* * Pre: The current user's highest permission level is district admin * Post: The only student's shown in the student dropdowns belong to th current district admin * @param districtId is the id of the district to get students from */ private void showDistrictStudentsOnly(int districtId) { DataTable table = DbInterfaceStudent.GetStudentSearchResults("", "", "", districtId); ddlStudent1.DataSourceID = null; ddlStudent1.DataSource = table; ddlStudent1.DataBind(); ddlStudent2.DataSourceID = null; ddlStudent2.DataSource = table; ddlStudent2.DataBind(); }
/* * Pre: * Post: Determines whether or not the student being added is a duplicate * @returns true if the student is a duplicate and false otherwise */ private bool studentIsDuplicate(string firstName, string lastName) { bool duplicate = false; DataTable duplicateStudentsTbl = DbInterfaceStudent.StudentExists(firstName, lastName); if (duplicateStudentsTbl != null && duplicateStudentsTbl.Rows.Count > 0) { duplicate = true; } return(duplicate); }
/* * Pre: studentId must exist as a StudentId in the system * Post: The existing data for the student associated to the studentId * is loaded to the page. * @param studentId is the StudentId of the student being registered */ private Student loadStudentData(int studentId, bool initialLoad) { Student student = null; try { student = DbInterfaceStudent.LoadStudentData(studentId); //get eligible auditions if (student != null) { DataTable table = DbInterfaceStudentAudition.GetStateAuditionsForPointEntryDropdown(student, Convert.ToInt32(ddlYear.SelectedValue)); cboAudition.DataSource = null; cboAudition.Items.Clear(); cboAudition.DataSourceID = ""; //load student name txtFirstName.Text = student.firstName; txtLastName.Text = student.lastName; lblStudent.Text = student.firstName + " " + student.lastName; if (table.Rows.Count > 0) { cboAudition.DataSource = table; cboAudition.DataTextField = "DropDownInfo"; cboAudition.DataValueField = "AuditionId"; cboAudition.Items.Add(new ListItem("")); cboAudition.DataBind(); } else if (!initialLoad) { showWarningMessage("The student has no eligible auditions for the selected year."); } upStudentSearch.Visible = false; pnlInfo.Visible = true; } else { showErrorMessage("Error: An error occurred while loading the student data."); } } catch (Exception e) { showErrorMessage("Error: An error occurred while loading the student data."); Utility.LogError("Badger Point Entry", "loadStudentData", "studentId: " + studentId, "Message: " + e.Message + " Stack Trace: " + e.StackTrace, -1); } return(student); }
/* * Pre: studentId must exist as a StudentId in the system * Post: The existing data for the student associated to the studentId * is loaded to the page. * @param studentId is the StudentId of the student being registered * @returns the student information */ private Student LoadStudentData(int studentId) { Student student = null; try { student = DbInterfaceStudent.LoadStudentData(studentId); //get general student information if (student != null) { lblStudentId.Text = studentId.ToString(); txtFirstName.Text = student.firstName; txtLastName.Text = student.lastName; lblName.Text = student.lastName + ", " + student.firstName + " " + student.middleInitial; // Get editable auditions DataTable table = DbInterfaceStudentAudition.GetDistrictAuditionsForDropdown(student, false); cboAudition.DataSource = null; cboAudition.Items.Clear(); cboAudition.DataSourceID = ""; if (table.Rows.Count > 0 && (student.grade.Equals("11") || student.grade.Equals("12"))) { cboAudition.DataSource = table; cboAudition.Items.Add(new ListItem("")); cboAudition.DataBind(); } else if (!(student.grade.Equals("11") || student.grade.Equals("12"))) { showWarningMessage("The selected student is not in 11/12th grade, the audition length cannot be adjusted."); } else { showWarningMessage("This student has no editable auditions. Add a new registration for this student with the 'Add Registration' option"); } } else { showErrorMessage("An error occurred loading the student data"); } } catch (Exception e) { showErrorMessage("An error occurred loading the student data"); Utility.LogError("Add Extra Audition Time", "LoadStudentData", "studentId: " + studentId, "Message: " + e.Message + " Stack Trace: " + e.StackTrace, -1); } return(student); }
/* * Pre: * Post: If the entered data is valid, the coordination is set between the two students */ protected void btnRegister_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { bool success = true; clearErrors(); if (dataIsValid()) { string reason = ddlReason.SelectedValue; bool isDistrictAudition = ddlAuditionType.SelectedValue.Equals("District"); //get student data Student student1 = DbInterfaceStudent.LoadStudentData(Convert.ToInt32(lblStudent1Id.InnerText)); Student student2 = DbInterfaceStudent.LoadStudentData(Convert.ToInt32(lblStudent2Id.InnerText)); //get coordinate data if (student1 != null & student2 != null) { StudentCoordinate coord1 = new StudentCoordinate(student1, reason, true, isDistrictAudition); StudentCoordinate coord2 = new StudentCoordinate(student2, reason, true, isDistrictAudition); //coordinate each audition between the two students foreach (int i in coord1.auditionIds) { foreach (int j in coord2.auditionIds) { success = success && DbInterfaceStudentAudition.CreateAuditionCoordinate(i, j, reason); } } } else { success = false; } } //display message depending on whether or not the operation was successful if (success) { displaySuccessMessageAndOptions(); } else { lblMainError.Text = "An error occurred while coordinating the students."; lblMainError.Visible = true; } }
/* * Pre: * Post: Loads the information of the selected audition and saves it to a session variable */ private void resetAuditionVar() { try { int auditionId = Convert.ToInt32(cboAudition.SelectedValue); int studentId = Convert.ToInt32(Convert.ToInt32(txtStudentId.Text)); Student student = DbInterfaceStudent.LoadStudentData(studentId); //get all audition info associated with audition id and save as session variable if (student != null) { audition = DbInterfaceStudentAudition.GetStudentDistrictAudition(auditionId, student); if (audition != null) { Session[auditionVar] = audition; //if the audition was a duet, show label to inform user that the points for the //partner will also be updated if (audition.auditionType.ToUpper().Equals("DUET")) { lblDuetPartnerInfo.Visible = true; } else { lblDuetPartnerInfo.Visible = false; } loadCompositions(); txtTheoryPoints.Text = audition.theoryPoints.ToString(); calculatePointTotal(); } } } catch (Exception e) { lblErrorMsg.Text = "An error occurred"; lblErrorMsg.Visible = true; Utility.LogError("District Point Entry", "resetAuditionVar", "", "Message: " + e.Message + " Stack Trace: " + e.StackTrace, -1); } }
/* * Pre: studentId must exist as a StudentId in the system * Post: The existing data for the student associated to the studentId * is loaded to the page. * @param studentId is the StudentId of the student being registered */ private Student loadStudentData(int studentId, bool initialLoad) { Student student = DbInterfaceStudent.LoadStudentData(studentId); //get eligible auditions if (student != null) { DataTable table = DbInterfaceStudentAudition.GetDistrictAuditionsForPointEntryDropdown(student, Convert.ToInt32(ddlYear.SelectedValue)); cboAudition.DataSource = null; cboAudition.Items.Clear(); cboAudition.DataSourceID = ""; //load student name txtFirstName.Text = student.firstName; txtLastName.Text = student.lastName; lblStudent.Text = student.firstName + " " + student.lastName; if (table.Rows.Count > 0) { cboAudition.DataSource = table; cboAudition.DataTextField = "DropDownInfo"; cboAudition.DataValueField = "AuditionId"; cboAudition.Items.Add(new ListItem("")); cboAudition.DataBind(); } else if (!initialLoad) { showWarningMessage("This student has no district auditions to award points to for the selected year."); } pnlInfo.Visible = true; upStudentSearch.Visible = false; } else { showErrorMessage("An error occurred while loading the student's audition data."); } return(student); }
/* * Pre: id must be an integer or the empty string * Post: The input parameters are used to search for existing students. Matching student * information is displayed in the input gridview. * @param gridView is the gridView in which the search results will be displayed * @param id is the id being searched for - must be an integer or the empty string * @param firstName is all or part of the first name being searched for * @param lastName is all or part of the last name being searched for * @returns true if results were found and false otherwise */ private bool searchStudents(GridView gridView, string id, string firstName, string lastName, string session) { bool result = true; try { DataTable table = DbInterfaceStudent.GetStudentSearchResults(id, firstName, lastName, -1); //If there are results in the table, display them. Otherwise clear current //results and return false if (table != null && table.Rows.Count > 0) { gridView.DataSource = table; gridView.DataBind(); //save the data for quick re-binding upon paging Session[session] = table; } else if (table != null && table.Rows.Count == 0) { clearGridView(gridView); result = false; } else if (table == null) { showWarningMessage("An error occurred during the search."); } } catch (Exception e) { showWarningMessage("An error occurred during the search."); Utility.LogError("Badger Point Entry", "searchStudents", "gridView: " + gridView.ID + ", id: " + id + ", firstName: " + firstName + ", lastName: " + lastName + ", session: " + session, "Message: " + e.Message + " Stack Trace: " + e.StackTrace, -1); } return(result); }
/* * Pre: studentId must exist as a StudentId in the system * Post: The existing data for the student associated to the studentId * is loaded to the page. * @param studentId is the StudentId of the student being registered */ private Student loadStudentData(int studentId) { Student student = DbInterfaceStudent.LoadStudentData(studentId); //get eligible auditions if (student != null) { DataTable table = DbInterfaceStudentAudition.GetDistrictAuditionsForDropdownByYear(student, Convert.ToInt32(ddlYear.SelectedValue)); cboAudition.DataSource = null; cboAudition.Items.Clear(); cboAudition.DataSourceID = ""; //load student name txtFirstName.Text = student.firstName; txtLastName.Text = student.lastName; lblStudent.Text = student.firstName + " " + student.lastName; if (table.Rows.Count > 0) { cboAudition.DataSource = table; cboAudition.DataTextField = "DropDownInfo"; cboAudition.DataValueField = "AuditionId"; cboAudition.Items.Add(new ListItem("")); cboAudition.DataBind(); } else { lblAuditionError.InnerText = "This student has no district auditions to award points to for the selected year"; lblAuditionError.Visible = true; } } else { lblErrorMsg.Text = "An error occurred while loading the student's audition data"; lblErrorMsg.Visible = true; } return(student); }
/* * Pre: txtStudentId must contain a student id that exists in the system * Post: The student's information is loaded to the page */ private Student loadStudentData(int id) { Student student = DbInterfaceStudent.LoadStudentData(id); //get general student information if (student != null) { //load rest of search fields txtFirstNameSearch.Text = student.firstName; txtLastNameSearch.Text = student.lastName; //bind dropdowns in case it hasn't been done yet ddlDistrict.DataBind(); cboCurrTeacher.DataBind(); cboPrevTeacher.DataBind(); //load student data lblId.Text = id.ToString(); txtFirstName.Text = student.firstName; txtMiddleInitial.Text = student.middleInitial; txtLastName.Text = student.lastName; ddlDistrict.SelectedIndex = ddlDistrict.Items.IndexOf(ddlDistrict.Items.FindByValue(student.districtId.ToString())); txtGrade.Text = student.grade; cboCurrTeacher.SelectedIndex = cboCurrTeacher.Items.IndexOf(cboCurrTeacher.Items.FindByValue(student.currTeacherId.ToString())); cboPrevTeacher.SelectedIndex = cboPrevTeacher.Items.IndexOf(cboPrevTeacher.Items.FindByValue(student.prevTeacherId.ToString())); lblLegacyPoints.Text = student.legacyPoints.ToString(); lblTotalPoints.Text = student.getTotalPoints().ToString(); pnlButtons.Visible = true; pnlFullPage.Visible = true; pnlStudentSearch.Visible = false; } else { showErrorMessage("Error: The student's information could not be loaded"); } return(student); }
/* * Pre: * Post: If the current user is not an administrator, the district * dropdowns are filtered to containing only the current * user's district */ private void loadDistrictDropdown() { User user = (User)Session[Utility.userRole]; ddlDistrictSearch.DataSource = null; ddlDistrictSearch.DataBind(); ddlDistrictSearch.Items.Clear(); ddlDistrictSearch.Items.Add(new ListItem("")); if (!user.permissionLevel.Contains('A') && !user.permissionLevel.Contains('T')) //if the user is a district admin add only their district { //get own district dropdown info string districtName = DbInterfaceStudent.GetStudentDistrict(user.districtId); //add new item to dropdown and select it ddlDistrictSearch.Items.Add(new ListItem(districtName, user.districtId.ToString())); ddlDistrictSearch.SelectedIndex = 1; updateTeacherDropdown(); } else if (user.permissionLevel.Contains('T')) // Get all districts the teacher registered students for in the selected year { ddlDistrictSearch.DataSource = DbInterfaceAudition.GetTeacherDistrictsForYear(user.contactId, Convert.ToInt32(ddlYear.SelectedValue)); ddlDistrictSearch.DataTextField = "GeoName"; ddlDistrictSearch.DataValueField = "GeoId"; ddlDistrictSearch.DataBind(); } else //if the user is an administrator, add all districts { ddlDistrictSearch.DataSource = DbInterfaceAudition.GetDistricts(); ddlDistrictSearch.DataTextField = "GeoName"; ddlDistrictSearch.DataValueField = "GeoId"; ddlDistrictSearch.DataBind(); } }
/* * Pre: * Post: The selected student is added to the list of coordinates */ protected void gvStudentSearch_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { int index = gvStudentSearch.SelectedIndex; if (index >= 0 && index < gvStudentSearch.Rows.Count) { string id = gvStudentSearch.Rows[index].Cells[1].Text; string firstName = gvStudentSearch.Rows[index].Cells[2].Text; string lastName = gvStudentSearch.Rows[index].Cells[3].Text; // Add the student to the table if they aren't already there if (!StudentExists(id)) { //load student data to avoid the bug where ' shows up as ' if the data is just taken from the gridview Student student = DbInterfaceStudent.LoadStudentData(Convert.ToInt32(id)); if (student != null) { firstName = student.firstName; lastName = student.lastName; } //load search fields txtStudentId.Text = id; txtFirstName.Text = firstName; txtLastName.Text = lastName; // Add student to table AddCoordinate(id, firstName, lastName); clearStudentSearch(); } else { showWarningMessage("The student has already been added."); } } }
/* * Pre: * Post: If the entered data is valid, the students of the From teacher are associated with the To teacher */ protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { bool success = true; if (dataIsValid()) { int fromTeacherId = Convert.ToInt32(ddlFrom.SelectedValue); int toTeacherId = Convert.ToInt32(ddlTo.SelectedValue); //do student transfer success = DbInterfaceStudent.TransferStudents(fromTeacherId, toTeacherId); //display message depending on whether or not the operation was successful if (success) { showSuccessMessage("The students were successfully transferred."); clearPage(); } else { showErrorMessage("Error: An error occurred while transferring the students."); } } }
/* * Pre: studentId must exist as a StudentId in the system * Post: The existing data for the student associated to the studentId * is loaded to the page. * @param studentId is the StudentId of the student being registered */ private Student loadStudentData(int studentId, bool initialLoad) { Student student = DbInterfaceStudent.LoadStudentData(studentId); //get eligible auditions if (student != null) { //load student name lblStudId.InnerText = student.id.ToString(); txtFirstName.Text = student.firstName; txtLastName.Text = student.lastName; lblStudent.Text = student.firstName + " " + student.lastName; upAuditions.Visible = true; pnlButtons.Visible = true; upStudentSearch.Visible = false; } else { showErrorMessage("An error occurred while loading the student's audition data."); } return(student); }