Example #1
        protected override Expression VisitUnary(UnaryExpression node)
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print("VisitUnary: {0}", node);

            var expression = base.VisitUnary(node) as UnaryExpression;

            DbExpression operandExpression = GetDbExpressionForExpression(expression.Operand);

            switch (expression.NodeType)
            case ExpressionType.Not:
                MapExpressionToDbExpression(expression, DbExpressionBuilder.Not(operandExpression));

            case ExpressionType.Convert:
                MapExpressionToDbExpression(expression, DbExpressionBuilder.CastTo(operandExpression, TypeUsageForPrimitiveType(expression.Type)));

                throw new NotImplementedException(string.Format("Unhandled NodeType of {0} in LambdaToDbExpressionVisitor.VisitUnary", expression.NodeType));

        protected override Expression VisitUnary(UnaryExpression node)
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print("VisitUnary: {0}", node);

            var expression = base.VisitUnary(node) as UnaryExpression;

            DbExpression operandExpression = GetDbExpressionForExpression(expression.Operand);

            switch (expression.NodeType)
            case ExpressionType.Not:
                if (operandExpression is DbPropertyExpression)
                    //  Special case to handle "!boolFlag": operandExpression is the property for "boolFlag".
                    //  In order for the sql to generate correct, we need to turn this into "boolFlag = 0"
                    //  (or we could translate it literally as "not (@noolFlag = 1)")
                    //  Figuring out the defaultValue like this should produce the default (0, false, empty) value for the type
                    //  we are working with.  So checking for "@var = defaultValue" should produce the correct condition.
                    var defaultValue = DbExpressionBuilder.Constant(operandExpression.ResultType, Activator.CreateInstance(expression.Operand.Type));
                    MapExpressionToDbExpression(expression, DbExpressionBuilder.Equal(operandExpression, defaultValue));
                    MapExpressionToDbExpression(expression, DbExpressionBuilder.Not(operandExpression));

            case ExpressionType.Convert:
                MapExpressionToDbExpression(expression, DbExpressionBuilder.CastTo(operandExpression, TypeUsageForPrimitiveType(expression.Type)));

                throw new NotImplementedException(string.Format("Unhandled NodeType of {0} in LambdaToDbExpressionVisitor.VisitUnary", expression.NodeType));

Example #3
            public override DbExpression Visit(DbScanExpression expression)
                var table = (EntityType)expression.Target.ElementType;

                if (table.Properties.All(p => p.Name != IsDeletedColumnName))

                DbExpression newConditionExpression = null;
                var          binding = expression.Bind();

                if (table.Properties.Any(p => p.Name == IsDeletedColumnName))
                    var param          = DbExpression.FromBoolean(false);
                    var columnProperty = DbExpressionBuilder.Property(DbExpressionBuilder.Variable(binding.VariableType, binding.VariableName), IsDeletedColumnName);

                    if ((columnProperty.ResultType.EdmType.FullName == "Edm.Boolean") &&
                        param.ResultType.EdmType.FullName.StartsWith("Oracle", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) && (param.ResultType.EdmType.Name == "number"))
                        newConditionExpression = DbExpressionBuilder.Equal(DbExpressionBuilder.CastTo(columnProperty, param.ResultType), param);
                        newConditionExpression = DbExpressionBuilder.Equal(columnProperty, param);

                return(DbExpressionBuilder.Filter(binding, newConditionExpression));

                //return binding.Filter(
                //    binding.VariableType
                //        .Variable(binding.VariableName)
                //        .Property(IsDeletedColumnName)
                //        .Equal(DbExpression.FromBoolean(false)));
Example #4
        private DbFilterExpression BuildFilterExpressionWithDynamicFilters(string entityName, IEnumerable <DynamicFilterDefinition> filterList, DbExpressionBinding binding, DbExpression predicate)
            if (!filterList.Any())

            var edmType = binding.VariableType.EdmType as EntityType;

            if (edmType == null)

            List <DbExpression> conditionList = new List <DbExpression>();

            HashSet <string> processedFilterNames = new HashSet <string>();

            foreach (var filter in filterList)
                if (processedFilterNames.Contains(filter.FilterName))
                    continue;       //  Already processed this filter - attribute was probably inherited in a base class

                DbExpression dbExpression;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filter.ColumnName))
                    //  Single column equality filter
                    //  Need to map through the EdmType properties to find the actual database/cspace name for the entity property.
                    //  It may be different from the entity property!
                    var edmProp = edmType.Properties.Where(p => p.MetadataProperties.Any(m => m.Name == "PreferredName" && m.Value.Equals(filter.ColumnName))).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (edmProp == null)
                        continue;       //  ???
                    //  database column name is now in edmProp.Name.  Use that instead of filter.ColumnName

                    var columnProperty = DbExpressionBuilder.Property(DbExpressionBuilder.Variable(binding.VariableType, binding.VariableName), edmProp.Name);
                    var param          = columnProperty.Property.TypeUsage.Parameter(filter.CreateDynamicFilterName(filter.ColumnName));

                    if ((columnProperty.ResultType.EdmType.FullName == "Edm.Boolean") &&
                        param.ResultType.EdmType.FullName.StartsWith("Oracle", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) && (param.ResultType.EdmType.Name == "number"))       //  Don't trust Oracle's type name to stay the same...
                        //  Special handling needed for columnProperty boolean.  For some reason, the Oracle EF driver does not correctly
                        //  set the ResultType to a number(1) in columnProperty like it does in columnProperty.Property.TypeUsage.  That
                        //  results in us trying to do a comparison of a Boolean to a number(1) which causes DbExpressionBuilder.Equal
                        //  to throw an exception.  To get this to process correctly, we need to do a cast on the columnProperty to
                        //  "number(1)" so that it matches the param.ResultType.  And that results in the sql sent to Oracle converting
                        //  the column to the type that it already is...
                        dbExpression = DbExpressionBuilder.Equal(DbExpressionBuilder.CastTo(columnProperty, param.ResultType), param);
                        dbExpression = DbExpressionBuilder.Equal(columnProperty, param);
                else if (filter.Predicate != null)
                    //  Lambda expression filter
                    dbExpression = LambdaToDbExpressionVisitor.Convert(filter, binding, _ObjectContext);
                    throw new System.ArgumentException(string.Format("Filter {0} does not contain a ColumnName or a Predicate!", filter.FilterName));

                //  Create an expression to check to see if the filter has been disabled and include that check with the rest of the filter expression.
                //  When this parameter is null, the filter is enabled.  It will be set to true (in DynamicFilterExtensions.GetFilterParameterValue) if
                //  the filter has been disabled.
                var boolPrimitiveType = LambdaToDbExpressionVisitor.TypeUsageForPrimitiveType(typeof(bool?), _ObjectContext);
                var isDisabledParam   = boolPrimitiveType.Parameter(filter.CreateFilterDisabledParameterName());

                conditionList.Add(DbExpressionBuilder.Or(dbExpression, DbExpressionBuilder.Not(DbExpressionBuilder.IsNull(isDisabledParam))));

            int          numConditions = conditionList.Count;
            DbExpression newPredicate;

            switch (numConditions)
            case 0:

            case 1:
                newPredicate = conditionList.First();

                //  Have multiple conditions.  Need to append them together using 'and' conditions.
                newPredicate = conditionList.First();

                for (int i = 1; i < numConditions; i++)
                    newPredicate = newPredicate.And(conditionList[i]);

            //  'and' the existing Predicate if there is one
            if (predicate != null)
                newPredicate = newPredicate.And(predicate);

            return(DbExpressionBuilder.Filter(binding, newPredicate));
Example #5
            //public override DbExpression Visit(DbFilterExpression expression)
            //    //  If the query contains it's own filter condition (in a .Where() for example), this will be called
            //    //  before Visit(DbScanExpression).  And it will contain the Predicate specified in that filter.
            //    //  Need to inject our dynamic filters here and then 'and' the Predicate.  This is necessary so that
            //    //  the expressions are properly ()'d.
            //    //  It also allows us to attach our dynamic filter into the same DbExpressionBinding so it will avoid
            //    //  creating a new sub-query in MS SQL Server.
            //    var predicate = VisitExpression(expression.Predicate);      //  Visit the predicate so filters will be applied to any child properties inside it (issue #61)

            //    string entityName = expression.Input.Variable.ResultType.EdmType.Name;
            //    //var containers = _ObjectContext.MetadataWorkspace.GetItems<EntityContainer>(DataSpace.SSpace).First();
            //    // var filterList = FindFiltersForEntitySet(expression.Input.Variable.ResultType.EdmType.MetadataProperties, containers);

            //    var newFilterExpression = BuildFilterExpressionWithDynamicFilters(entityName, new List<string>() { IsDeletedColumnName }, expression.Input, predicate);
            //    if (newFilterExpression != null)
            //    {
            //        //  If not null, a new DbFilterExpression has been created with our dynamic filters.
            //        return newFilterExpression;
            //    }

            //    return base.Visit(expression);
            //public override DbExpression Visit(DbScanExpression expression)
            //    var table = (EntityType)expression.Target.ElementType;
            //    if (table.Properties.All(p => p.Name != IsDeletedColumnName))
            //    {
            //        return base.Visit(expression);
            //    }

            //    string entityName = expression.Target.Name;
            //    var baseResult = base.Visit(expression);
            //    var binding = DbExpressionBuilder.Bind(baseResult);
            //    var newFilterExpression = BuildFilterExpressionWithDynamicFilters(entityName, new List<string>() { IsDeletedColumnName }, binding, null);
            //    if (newFilterExpression != null)
            //    {
            //        //  If not null, a new DbFilterExpression has been created with our dynamic filters.
            //        return newFilterExpression;
            //    }
            //    return baseResult;


            //public override DbExpression Visit(DbJoinExpression expression)
            //    DbExpressionBinding left = this.VisitExpressionBinding(expression.Left);
            //    DbExpressionBinding right = this.VisitExpressionBinding(expression.Right);

            //    var rightProperty = DbExpressionBuilder.Property(right.Variable, IsDeletedColumnName);
            //    var predicateExpression = DbExpressionBuilder.Equal(rightProperty, DbExpression.FromBoolean(false));
            //    var joinCondition = DbExpressionBuilder.And(expression.JoinCondition, predicateExpression);

            //    DbExpression newExpression = expression;

            //    //only re-create the join if something changed
            //    //if (!ReferenceEquals(expression.Left, left)
            //    //    || !ReferenceEquals(expression.Right, right)
            //    //    || !ReferenceEquals(expression.JoinCondition, joinCondition))
            //    //{
            //    switch (expression.ExpressionKind)
            //    {
            //        case DbExpressionKind.InnerJoin:
            //            newExpression = DbExpressionBuilder.InnerJoin(left, right, joinCondition);
            //            break;
            //        case DbExpressionKind.LeftOuterJoin:
            //            newExpression = DbExpressionBuilder.LeftOuterJoin(left, right, joinCondition);
            //            break;
            //        case DbExpressionKind.FullOuterJoin:
            //            newExpression = DbExpressionBuilder.FullOuterJoin(left, right, joinCondition);
            //            break;
            //    }
            //    //}

            //    return newExpression;

            private DbFilterExpression BuildFilterExpressionWithDynamicFilters(string entityName, IEnumerable <string> filterList, DbExpressionBinding binding, DbExpression predicate)
                if (!filterList.Any())

                var edmType = binding.VariableType.EdmType as EntityType;

                if (edmType == null)

                List <DbExpression> conditionList = new List <DbExpression>();

                HashSet <string> processedFilterNames = new HashSet <string>();

                foreach (var filter in filterList)
                    if (processedFilterNames.Contains(filter))
                        continue;       //  Already processed this filter - attribute was probably inherited in a base class

                    DbExpression dbExpression;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filter))
                        //  Single column equality filter
                        //  Need to map through the EdmType properties to find the actual database/cspace name for the entity property.
                        //  It may be different from the entity property!
                        var edmProp = edmType.Properties.Where(p => p.MetadataProperties.Any(m => m.Name == "PreferredName" && m.Value.Equals(filter))).FirstOrDefault();
                        if (edmProp == null)
                            continue;       //  ???
                        //  database column name is now in edmProp.Name.  Use that instead of filter.ColumnName

                        var columnProperty = DbExpressionBuilder.Property(DbExpressionBuilder.Variable(binding.VariableType, binding.VariableName), edmProp.Name);
                        //var param = columnProperty.Property.TypeUsage.Parameter(filter.CreateDynamicFilterName(filter.ColumnName, DataSpace.SSpace));
                        var param = DbExpression.FromBoolean(false);

                        //  When using SSpace, need some special handling for an Oracle Boolean property.
                        //  Not necessary when using CSpace since the translation into the Oracle types has not happened yet.
                        if ((columnProperty.ResultType.EdmType.FullName == "Edm.Boolean") &&
                            param.ResultType.EdmType.FullName.StartsWith("Oracle", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) && (param.ResultType.EdmType.Name == "number"))       //  Don't trust Oracle's type name to stay the same...
                            //  Special handling needed for columnProperty boolean.  For some reason, the Oracle EF driver does not correctly
                            //  set the ResultType to a number(1) in columnProperty like it does in columnProperty.Property.TypeUsage.  That
                            //  results in us trying to do a comparison of a Boolean to a number(1) which causes DbExpressionBuilder.Equal
                            //  to throw an exception.  To get this to process correctly, we need to do a cast on the columnProperty to
                            //  "number(1)" so that it matches the param.ResultType.  And that results in the sql sent to Oracle converting
                            //  the column to the type that it already is...
                            dbExpression = DbExpressionBuilder.Equal(DbExpressionBuilder.CastTo(columnProperty, param.ResultType), param);
                            dbExpression = DbExpressionBuilder.Equal(columnProperty, param);


                int          numConditions = conditionList.Count;
                DbExpression newPredicate;

                switch (numConditions)
                case 0:

                case 1:
                    newPredicate = conditionList.First();

                    //  Have multiple conditions.  Need to append them together using 'and' conditions.
                    newPredicate = conditionList.First();

                    for (int i = 1; i < numConditions; i++)
                        newPredicate = newPredicate.And(conditionList[i]);

                //  'and' the existing Predicate if there is one
                if (predicate != null)
                    newPredicate = newPredicate.And(predicate);

                return(DbExpressionBuilder.Filter(binding, newPredicate));