Example #1
        public virtual object ExecuteCommand(IDbCommand command, DbExecutionType executionType)
            try {
                var conn = command.Connection;
                if (conn.State != ConnectionState.Open)
                switch (executionType)
                case DbExecutionType.Reader:

                case DbExecutionType.NonQuery:

                case DbExecutionType.Scalar:
                return(null); //never happens
            } catch (System.Data.Common.DbException dbExc) {
                // Important: in some cases exception on invalid SQL is not thrown immediately but is thrown later when we try to read the results
                // ex (MS SQL): WHERE "Name" LIKE 'ABC%' ESCAPE '' - with empty ESCAPE arg string.
                Debug.WriteLine("Failed SQL: \r\n" + command.CommandText);
                var dex = ConvertToDataAccessException(dbExc, command);
                throw dex;
Example #2
        public DataCommand CreateCommand(DataConnection connection,
                                         DbExecutionType executionType, IDataCommandResultProcessor resultProcessor)
            _dbCommand.CommandText = string.Join(string.Empty, _sqlStrings);
            var cmd = new DataCommand(connection, _dbCommand, executionType, resultProcessor, _records);

            _dbCommand = null;
Example #3
 public override void CommandExecuted(DataConnection connection, IDbCommand command, DbExecutionType executionType)
     //If there is transaction started only for this command (see ExecuteCommand method above), then commit it
       if(command.CommandType == CommandType.StoredProcedure && executionType == DbExecutionType.Reader &&
     command.Transaction != null && command.Transaction != connection.DbTransaction) {
     command.Transaction = null;
Example #4
 public override object ExecuteCommand(IDbCommand command, DbExecutionType executionType)
     // Oracle does not allow ending semicolon in single statement.
     // But... batches start with BEGIN; and end with "END;"
     if (!command.CommandText.StartsWith("BEGIN "))
         command.CommandText = command.CommandText.TrimEnd(' ', ';', '\r', '\n');
     return(base.ExecuteCommand(command, executionType));
Example #5
 public DataCommand(DataConnection connection, IDbCommand dbCommand, DbExecutionType executionType,
                    IDataCommandResultProcessor resultsProcessor, IList <EntityRecord> records,
                    IList <BatchParamCopy> paramCopyList = null)
     Connection      = connection;
     DbCommand       = dbCommand;
     ExecutionType   = executionType;
     ResultProcessor = resultsProcessor;
     Records         = records;
     ParamCopyList   = paramCopyList;
Example #6
 public SqlStatement(SqlKind kind, SqlFragment sql, SqlPlaceHolderList placeHolders, DbExecutionType executionType,
                     SqlPrecedenceHandler precedenceHandler = null, QueryOptions options = QueryOptions.None)
     Kind          = kind;
     ExecutionType = executionType;
     Options       = options;
     Append(sql, placeHolders, precedenceHandler);
     if (placeHolders == null)
Example #7
 public override DbCommandInfo CreateDbCommandInfo(EntityCommand entityCommand, string name, DbTableInfo mainTable, DbExecutionType executionType, string sql)
     var cmdInfo = base.CreateDbCommandInfo(entityCommand, name, mainTable, executionType, sql);
       var ent = entityCommand.TargetEntityInfo;
       if (cmdInfo.Kind == EntityCommandKind.Insert && ent.Flags.IsSet(EntityFlags.HasIdentity)) {
     //Add actions to read identity value
     var idPrm = cmdInfo.Parameters.FirstOrDefault(p => p.SourceColumn.Flags.IsSet(DbColumnFlags.Identity));
     if (idPrm != null)
       return cmdInfo;
Example #8
 public override object ExecuteCommand(IDbCommand command, DbExecutionType executionType)
     try {
         return(base.ExecuteCommand(command, executionType));
     } catch (Exception) {
         //Strange behavior in MySql - sometimes, right exception thrown from db, the next (insert?) statement is not executed properly,
         // and in effect ignored. To see this behavior, comment the following line and run TestUniqueKey test in UnitTests.Basic assembly.
         // The second part of the test fails, because the first insert statement for driver Mindy is ignored, Mindy is not inserted,
         // and then next insert of Molly driver succeeds and does not throw 'Unique index violation' exception.
         // Did not find any clues why it happens.
Example #9
 public object ExecuteDbCommand(IDbCommand command, DataConnection connection, DbExecutionType executionType,
     Func<IDataReader, int> resultsReader = null)
     object result;
       IDataReader reader = null;
       try {
     command.Connection = connection.DbConnection;
     command.Transaction = connection.DbTransaction;
     var start = CurrentTickCount;
     int recordCount = -1;
     result = _driver.ExecuteCommand(command, executionType);
     if(executionType == DbExecutionType.Reader) {
       reader = (IDataReader)result;
       if(resultsReader != null)
     recordCount = resultsReader(reader);
     _driver.CommandExecuted(connection, command, executionType);
     var end = CurrentTickCount;
     var timeMs = (int)(end - start);
     LogCommand(connection.Session, command, timeMs, recordCount);
     return result;
       } catch(Exception ex) {
     // Important: in some cases exception on invalid SQL is not thrown immediately but is thrown later when we try to read the results
     // ex (MS SQL): WHERE "Name" LIKE 'ABC%' ESCAPE '' - with empty ESCAPE arg string.
     // So driver.ExecuteDbCommand does NOT catch it, it is thrown only here in call to resultsReader
     var dex = ex as DataAccessException;
     if(dex == null)
       dex = _driver.ConvertToDataAccessException(ex, command);
     if (connection.DbTransaction != null) {
       connection.Session.LogMessage(" -- Aborting transaction on error");
     connection.Session.LogMessage(" -- Failed command text: ");
     LogCommand(connection.Session, command, 0);
     LogException(connection.Session, dex);
     if(reader != null)
     throw dex;
       } finally {
     command.Transaction = null;
     command.Connection = null;
Example #10
 public override object ExecuteCommand(IDbCommand command, DbExecutionType executionType)
     // this is one strange thing about PostGres - 'select-like' stored proc returns cursor,
     // which is immediately disposed after trans is committed.
     // As any standalone SQL command is auto-wrapped into transation, then simply calling stored proc (function) returns a deallocated cursor.
     // You have to wrap the call in explicit transation, finish reading the data and then commit transaction
     // Here we only begin transaction, it will be committed after reading the data
     if (command.CommandType == CommandType.StoredProcedure && executionType == DbExecutionType.Reader && command.Transaction == null)
         var conn = command.Connection;
         if (conn.State != ConnectionState.Open)
         command.Transaction = conn.BeginTransaction();
     return(base.ExecuteCommand(command, executionType));
Example #11
 public override DbCommandInfo CreateDbCommandInfo(EntityCommand entityCommand, string name, DbTableInfo mainTable, DbExecutionType executionType, string sql)
     var cmdInfo = base.CreateDbCommandInfo(entityCommand, name, mainTable, executionType, sql);
       var ent = entityCommand.TargetEntityInfo;
       if (cmdInfo.Kind == EntityCommandKind.Insert && ent.Flags.IsSet(EntityFlags.HasIdentity)) {
     //Add actions to read identity value
     var idPrm = cmdInfo.Parameters.FirstOrDefault(p => p.SourceColumn.Flags.IsSet(DbColumnFlags.Identity));
     if (idPrm != null) {
       cmdInfo.PostUpdateActions.Add((conn, cmd, rec) => {
     var idCmd = conn.DbConnection.CreateCommand();
     idCmd.CommandText = "Select @@IDENTITY;";
     idCmd.Transaction = conn.DbTransaction;
     var id =  conn.Database.ExecuteDbCommand(idCmd, conn, DbExecutionType.Scalar); //it is decimal
     var intId = Convert.ChangeType(id, idPrm.SourceColumn.Member.DataType);
     rec.SetValueDirect(idPrm.SourceColumn.Member, intId);
     }//if IdPrm ...
       return cmdInfo;
Example #12
        public DbCommandInfo(EntityCommand entityCommand, string commandName, DbTableInfo table, DbExecutionType executionType, string sql, string tag)
            : base(table.DbModel, table.Schema, DbObjectType.Command, entityCommand)
            EntityCommand  = entityCommand;
            CommandName    = commandName;
            Table          = table;
            ExecutionType  = executionType;
            Sql            = sql;
            Description    = EntityCommand.Description;
            DescriptiveTag = tag;
            //derived entities
            FullCommandName = Table.DbModel.Driver.FormatFullName(Schema, CommandName);
            Kind            = entityCommand.Kind;
            var dbModel = table.DbModel;

            if (Table != null)
            base.GlobalName = DbModelHelper.GetGlobalName(Schema, commandName);
Example #13
        public virtual DbCommandInfo CreateDbCommandInfo(EntityCommand entityCommand, string name, DbTableInfo mainTable, DbExecutionType executionType, string sql)
            var descrTag = GetDbCommandDescriptiveTag(entityCommand);
            var cmdInfo  = new DbCommandInfo(entityCommand, name, mainTable, executionType, sql, descrTag);
            //Create parameters from entity command parameters
            var policy    = DbModel.Config.NamingPolicy;
            var prmPrefix = GetParameterPrefix();

            for (int i = 0; i < entityCommand.Parameters.Count; i++)
                var         entParam  = entityCommand.Parameters[i];
                var         paramName = prmPrefix + policy.GetDbParameterName(entParam.Name);
                DbParamInfo prmInfo;
                if (entParam.SourceMember != null)
                    var col = mainTable.Columns.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Member == entParam.SourceMember);
                    Util.Check(col != null, "Failed to find Db column for member {0}, entity {1}.", entParam.SourceMember.MemberName, mainTable.Entity.Name);
                    prmInfo = cmdInfo.AddParameter(entParam, paramName, col, i);
                    var typeInfo = GetDbTypeInfo(entParam.DataType, entParam.Size);
                    prmInfo = cmdInfo.AddParameter(entParam, paramName, typeInfo, i);
                // SQL CE does not support output parameters
                if (!this.DbModel.Driver.Supports(DbFeatures.OutputParameters))
                    prmInfo.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input;
                if (prmInfo.Direction == ParameterDirection.Output || prmInfo.Direction == ParameterDirection.InputOutput)
                    cmdInfo.PostUpdateActions.Add((con, cmd, rec) => {
                        var prm = (IDbDataParameter)cmd.Parameters[prmInfo.Name];
                        rec.SetValueDirect(prmInfo.SourceColumn.Member, prm.Value);
            }//foreach entParam
Example #14
 public virtual void CommandExecuted(DataConnection connection, IDbCommand command, DbExecutionType executionType)
Example #15
 public override object ExecuteCommand(IDbCommand command, DbExecutionType executionType)
     try {
     return base.ExecuteCommand(command, executionType);
       } catch(Exception) {
     //Strange behavior in MySql - sometimes, right exception thrown from db, the next (insert?) statement is not executed properly,
     // and in effect ignored. To see this behavior, comment the following line and run TestUniqueKey test in UnitTests.Basic assembly.
     // The second part of the test fails, because the first insert statement for driver Mindy is ignored, Mindy is not inserted,
     // and then next insert of Molly driver succeeds and does not throw 'Unique index violation' exception.
     // Did not find any clues why it happens.
Example #16
        public object ExecuteDbCommand(IDbCommand command, DataConnection connection, DbExecutionType executionType,
                                       Func <IDataReader, int> resultsReader = null)
            object      result;
            IDataReader reader = null;

            try {
                command.Connection  = connection.DbConnection;
                command.Transaction = connection.DbTransaction;
                var start       = CurrentTickCount;
                int recordCount = -1;
                result = _driver.ExecuteCommand(command, executionType);
                if (executionType == DbExecutionType.Reader)
                    reader = (IDataReader)result;
                    if (resultsReader != null)
                        recordCount = resultsReader(reader);
                _driver.CommandExecuted(connection, command, executionType);
                var end    = CurrentTickCount;
                var timeMs = (int)(end - start);
                LogCommand(connection.Session, command, timeMs, recordCount);
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                // Important: in some cases exception on invalid SQL is not thrown immediately but is thrown later when we try to read the results
                // ex (MS SQL): WHERE "Name" LIKE 'ABC%' ESCAPE '' - with empty ESCAPE arg string.
                // So driver.ExecuteDbCommand does NOT catch it, it is thrown only here in call to resultsReader
                var dex = ex as DataAccessException;
                if (dex == null)
                    dex = _driver.ConvertToDataAccessException(ex, command);
                if (connection.DbTransaction != null)
                    connection.Session.LogMessage(" -- Aborting transaction on error");
                connection.Session.LogMessage(" -- Failed command text: ");
                LogCommand(connection.Session, command, 0);
                LogException(connection.Session, dex);
                if (reader != null)
                throw dex;
            } finally {
                command.Transaction = null;
                command.Connection  = null;
Example #17
 public object ExecuteDirectDbCommand(IDbCommand command, DataConnection connection, DbExecutionType execType) {
   object result;
   try {
     command.Connection = connection.DbConnection;
     command.Transaction = connection.DbTransaction;
     var start = _timeService.ElapsedMilliseconds;
     int recordCount = -1;
     result = _driver.ExecuteCommand(command, execType);
     // if (execType == DbExecutionType.Reader)
     connection.ActiveReader = result as IDataReader; // if it is reader, save it in connection
     _driver.CommandExecuted(connection, command, execType);
     var end = _timeService.ElapsedMilliseconds;
     var timeMs = (int)(end - start);
     LogCommand(connection.Session, command, timeMs, recordCount);
     return result;
   } catch (Exception ex) {
     // Important: in some cases exception on invalid SQL is not thrown immediately but is thrown later when we try to read the results
     // ex (MS SQL): WHERE "Name" LIKE 'ABC%' ESCAPE '' - with empty ESCAPE arg string.
     // So driver.ExecuteDbCommand does NOT catch it, it is thrown only here in call to resultsReader
     var dex = ex as DataAccessException;
     if (dex == null)
       dex = _driver.ConvertToDataAccessException(ex, command);
     if (connection.DbTransaction != null) {
       connection.Session.LogMessage(" -- Aborting transaction on error");
     connection.Session.LogMessage(" -- Failed command text: ");
     LogCommand(connection.Session, command, 0);
     LogException(connection.Session, dex);
     if (connection.ActiveReader != null)
     throw dex;
   } finally {
     /* //SQLite does not like this
     command.Transaction = null;
     command.Connection = null;
     connection.ActiveReader = null;
Example #18
 object IDirectDbConnector.ExecuteDbCommand(IDbCommand command, DbExecutionType executionType, Func<IDataReader, int> resultsReader)
     return this.Database.ExecuteDbCommand(command, this, executionType, resultsReader);
Example #19
 public DbCommandInfo(EntityCommand entityCommand, string commandName, DbTableInfo table, DbExecutionType executionType, string sql, string tag)
     : base(table.DbModel, table.Schema, DbObjectType.Command, entityCommand)
     EntityCommand = entityCommand;
       CommandName = commandName;
       Table = table;
       ExecutionType = executionType;
       Sql = sql;
       Description = EntityCommand.Description;
       DescriptiveTag = tag;
       //derived entities
       FullCommandName = Table.DbModel.Driver.GetFullName(Schema, CommandName);
       Kind = entityCommand.Kind;
       var dbModel = table.DbModel;
       if(Table != null)
       base.GlobalName = DbModelHelper.GetGlobalName(Schema, commandName);
Example #20
 public override void CommandExecuted(DataConnection connection, IDbCommand command, DbExecutionType executionType)
     //If there is transaction started only for this command (see ExecuteCommand method above), then commit it
     if (command.CommandType == CommandType.StoredProcedure && executionType == DbExecutionType.Reader &&
         command.Transaction != null && command.Transaction != connection.DbTransaction)
         command.Transaction = null;
Example #21
 public virtual object ExecuteCommand(IDbCommand command, DbExecutionType executionType)
     try {
     var conn = command.Connection;
     if(conn.State != ConnectionState.Open)
     switch (executionType) {
       case DbExecutionType.Reader:
     return command.ExecuteReader();
       case DbExecutionType.NonQuery:
     return command.ExecuteNonQuery();
       case DbExecutionType.Scalar:
     return command.ExecuteScalar();
     return null; //never happens
       } catch (System.Data.Common.DbException dbExc) {
     // Important: in some cases exception on invalid SQL is not thrown immediately but is thrown later when we try to read the results
     // ex (MS SQL): WHERE "Name" LIKE 'ABC%' ESCAPE '' - with empty ESCAPE arg string.
     var dex = ConvertToDataAccessException(dbExc, command);
     throw dex;
Example #22
        public override DbCommandInfo CreateDbCommandInfo(EntityCommand entityCommand, string name, DbTableInfo mainTable, DbExecutionType executionType, string sql)
            var cmdInfo = base.CreateDbCommandInfo(entityCommand, name, mainTable, executionType, sql);
            var ent     = entityCommand.TargetEntityInfo;

            if (cmdInfo.Kind == EntityCommandKind.Insert && ent.Flags.IsSet(EntityFlags.HasIdentity))
                //Add actions to read identity value
                var idPrm = cmdInfo.Parameters.FirstOrDefault(p => p.SourceColumn.Flags.IsSet(DbColumnFlags.Identity));
                if (idPrm != null)
Example #23
 public override object ExecuteCommand(IDbCommand command, DbExecutionType executionType)
     // this is one strange thing about PostGres - 'select-like' stored proc returns cursor,
       // which is immediately disposed after trans is committed.
       // As any standalone SQL command is auto-wrapped into transation, then simply calling stored proc (function) returns a deallocated cursor.
       // You have to wrap the call in explicit transation, finish reading the data and then commit transaction
       // Here we only begin transaction, it will be committed after reading the data
       if(command.CommandType == CommandType.StoredProcedure && executionType == DbExecutionType.Reader && command.Transaction == null) {
     var conn = command.Connection;
     if(conn.State != ConnectionState.Open)
     command.Transaction = conn.BeginTransaction();
       return base.ExecuteCommand(command, executionType);
Example #24
        public override DbCommandInfo CreateDbCommandInfo(EntityCommand entityCommand, string name, DbTableInfo mainTable, DbExecutionType executionType, string sql)
            var cmdInfo = base.CreateDbCommandInfo(entityCommand, name, mainTable, executionType, sql);
            var ent     = entityCommand.TargetEntityInfo;

            if (cmdInfo.Kind == EntityCommandKind.Insert && ent.Flags.IsSet(EntityFlags.HasIdentity))
                //Add actions to read identity value
                var idPrm = cmdInfo.Parameters.FirstOrDefault(p => p.SourceColumn.Flags.IsSet(DbColumnFlags.Identity));
                if (idPrm != null)
                    cmdInfo.PostUpdateActions.Add((conn, cmd, rec) => {
                        var idCmd         = conn.DbConnection.CreateCommand();
                        idCmd.CommandText = "Select @@IDENTITY;";
                        idCmd.Transaction = conn.DbTransaction;
                        var id            = conn.Database.ExecuteDbCommand(idCmd, conn, DbExecutionType.Scalar); //it is decimal
                        var intId         = Convert.ChangeType(id, idPrm.SourceColumn.Member.DataType);
                        rec.SetValueDirect(idPrm.SourceColumn.Member, intId);
                }//if IdPrm ...
        } //method
Example #25
 object IDirectDbConnector.ExecuteDbCommand(IDbCommand command, DbExecutionType executionType, Func <IDataReader, int> resultsReader)
     return(this.Database.ExecuteDbCommand(command, this, executionType, resultsReader));
Example #26
 public virtual void CommandExecuted(DataConnection connection, IDbCommand command, DbExecutionType executionType)
Example #27
 public virtual DbCommandInfo CreateDbCommandInfo(EntityCommand entityCommand, string name, DbTableInfo mainTable, DbExecutionType executionType, string sql)
     var descrTag = GetDbCommandDescriptiveTag(entityCommand);
       var cmdInfo = new DbCommandInfo(entityCommand, name, mainTable, executionType, sql, descrTag);
       //Create parameters from entity command parameters
       var policy = DbModel.Config.NamingPolicy;
       var prmPrefix = GetParameterPrefix();
       for(int i=0; i< entityCommand.Parameters.Count; i++) {
     var entParam = entityCommand.Parameters[i];
     var paramName = prmPrefix + policy.ConstructDbParameterName(entParam.Name);
     DbParamInfo prmInfo;
     if (entParam.SourceMember != null) {
       var col = mainTable.Columns.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Member == entParam.SourceMember);
       Util.Check(col != null, "Failed to find Db column for member {0}, entity {1}.", entParam.SourceMember.MemberName, mainTable.Entity.Name);
       prmInfo = cmdInfo.AddParameter(entParam, paramName, col, i);
     } else {
       var typeInfo = GetDbTypeInfo(entParam.DataType, entParam.Size);
       prmInfo = cmdInfo.AddParameter(entParam, paramName, typeInfo, i);
     // SQL CE does not support output parameters
     if (!this.DbModel.Driver.Supports(DbFeatures.OutputParameters))
       prmInfo.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input;
     if (prmInfo.Direction == ParameterDirection.Output || prmInfo.Direction == ParameterDirection.InputOutput) {
       cmdInfo.PostUpdateActions.Add((con, cmd, rec) => {
     var prm = (IDbDataParameter) cmd.Parameters[prmInfo.Name];
     rec.SetValueDirect(prmInfo.SourceColumn.Member, prm.Value);
       }//foreach entParam
       return cmdInfo;