private void CreateUpdateStoredProcedure(DbUtilities dbConn)
            string comma;
            string attributes;

            List <DataAccessDef> accessDefs  = Common.GetDataAccessDefinition(_env);
            DbDataTypes          dbDataTypes = new DbDataTypes();

            for (int j = 0; j < dbDataTypes.DataTypes.Length; j++)
                string dataType   = dbDataTypes.DataTypes[j];
                string sqlCommand = $"DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS spUpdate{dataType} ";
                sqlCommand = "";

                DataAccessDef accessDef = accessDefs.First(x => x.DataType == dataType);
                string        sql       = accessDef.Select;
                string[]      keys      = accessDef.Keys.Split(',');

                string           table = GetTable(sql);
                ColumnProperties attributeProperties = GetColumnSchema(dbConn, sql);
                string[]         tableAttributes     = Common.GetAttributes(sql);

                sqlCommand = sqlCommand + $"CREATE PROCEDURE spUpdate{dataType} ";
                sqlCommand = sqlCommand + "@json NVARCHAR(max) ";
                sqlCommand = sqlCommand + "AS ";
                sqlCommand = sqlCommand + "BEGIN ";

                sqlCommand = sqlCommand + $"SELECT ";
                comma      = "    ";
                attributes = "";
                foreach (var word in tableAttributes)
                    string attribute = word.Trim();
                    attributes = attributes + comma + attribute;
                    comma      = ",";
                sqlCommand = sqlCommand + attributes;

                sqlCommand = sqlCommand + " INTO #TempJson ";
                sqlCommand = sqlCommand + $" FROM OPENJSON(@json) ";
                comma      = "";
                attributes = "    WITH (";
                foreach (var word in tableAttributes)
                    string attribute    = word.Trim();
                    string dataProperty = attributeProperties[attribute];
                    attributes = attributes + comma + attribute + " " + dataProperty +
                                 " '$." + attribute + "'";
                    comma = ",";
                sqlCommand = sqlCommand + attributes;
                sqlCommand = sqlCommand + ") AS jsonValues ";

                sqlCommand = sqlCommand + $" UPDATE A ";
                sqlCommand = sqlCommand + $" SET ";
                comma      = "    ";
                attributes = "";
                foreach (var word in tableAttributes)
                    if (word != "Id")
                        string attribute = word.Trim();
                        attributes = attributes + comma + "A." + attribute + " = " + "B." + attribute;
                        comma      = ",";
                sqlCommand = sqlCommand + attributes;
                sqlCommand = sqlCommand + $" FROM ";
                sqlCommand = sqlCommand + $" {table} AS A ";
                sqlCommand = sqlCommand + " INNER JOIN #TempJson AS B ON ";
                comma      = "    ";
                attributes = "";
                foreach (string key in keys)
                    attributes = attributes + comma + "A." + key.Trim() + " = " + "B." + key.Trim();
                    comma      = " AND ";
                sqlCommand = sqlCommand + attributes;
                sqlCommand = sqlCommand + " END";

        private void CreateInsertStoredProcedure(DbUtilities dbConn)
            string comma;
            string attributes;

            List <DataAccessDef> accessDefs  = Common.GetDataAccessDefinition(_env);
            DbDataTypes          dbDataTypes = new DbDataTypes();

            for (int j = 0; j < dbDataTypes.DataTypes.Length; j++)
                string dataType   = dbDataTypes.DataTypes[j];
                string sqlCommand = $"DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS spInsert{dataType} ";
                sqlCommand = "";

                DataAccessDef accessDef = accessDefs.First(x => x.DataType == dataType);
                string        sql       = accessDef.Select;
                string[]      keys      = accessDef.Keys.Split(',');

                string           table = GetTable(sql);
                ColumnProperties attributeProperties = GetColumnSchema(dbConn, sql);
                string[]         tableAttributes     = Common.GetAttributes(sql);
                tableAttributes = tableAttributes.Where(w => w != "Id").ToArray();

                sqlCommand = sqlCommand + $"CREATE PROCEDURE spInsert{dataType} ";
                sqlCommand = sqlCommand + " @json NVARCHAR(max) ";
                sqlCommand = sqlCommand + " AS ";
                sqlCommand = sqlCommand + " BEGIN ";

                sqlCommand = sqlCommand + $" INSERT INTO {table }";
                attributes = " (";
                comma      = "";
                foreach (var word in tableAttributes)
                    string attribute = word.Trim();
                    attributes = attributes + comma + "[" + attribute + "]";
                    comma      = ",";
                attributes = attributes + ")";
                sqlCommand = sqlCommand + attributes;

                sqlCommand = sqlCommand + $"  SELECT";
                comma      = "    ";
                attributes = "";
                foreach (var word in tableAttributes)
                    string attribute = word.Trim();
                    attributes = attributes + comma + attribute;
                    comma      = ",";
                sqlCommand = sqlCommand + attributes;
                sqlCommand = sqlCommand + $" FROM OPENJSON(@json)";

                comma      = "";
                attributes = "    WITH (";
                foreach (var word in tableAttributes)
                    string attribute    = word.Trim();
                    string dataProperty = attributeProperties[attribute];
                    attributes = attributes + comma + attribute + " " + dataProperty +
                                 " '$." + attribute + "'";
                    comma = ",";
                sqlCommand = sqlCommand + attributes;
                sqlCommand = sqlCommand + ") AS jsonValues ";

                sqlCommand = sqlCommand + " END";