private void Store_Load(String id) { try { isEdit = true; this.titlePanel.Text = "Edit Product"; db = new DbConnectorClass(); SqlDataReader dbReader = db.RunQuery("select * from where store_id = " + id); if (dbReader.Read()) { this.dbId = id; this.storeNameTxt.Text = db.NullToNA(dbReader, "store_name"); this.storePhoneTxt.Text = db.NullToNA(dbReader, "store_phone"); this.storeAddressTxt.Text = db.NullToNA(dbReader, "store_address"); this.storeFaxTxt.Text = db.NullToNA(dbReader, "store_fax"); this.contactNameTxt.Text = db.NullToNA(dbReader, "contact_name"); this.contactPhoneTxt.Text = db.NullToNA(dbReader, "contact_phone"); this.storeDetailTxt.Text = db.NullToNA(dbReader, "store_detail"); Object isMarketValue = db.NullToNA(dbReader, "isMarket"); this.isMarket.Checked = (isMarketValue.Equals("1")) ? true : false; } SyncData(); dbReader.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } }
public void OrderLoad(String id) { try { db = new DbConnectorClass(); adapter = new SqlDataAdapter("SELECT Product, Box, Each, Pound," + "Price, ((Box+Each+Pound) * price) AS Amount, Market, Route, Note " + "FROM dbo.cart where (Box+Each+Pound) > 0 and order_id = " + id, db.GetConnection()); // Create one DataTable with one column. this.DS = new DataSet(); adapter.Fill(DS); this.orderDataView.Rows.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < DS.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++) { DataRow myRow = DS.Tables[0].Rows[i]; this.orderDataView.Rows.Add(myRow[PRODUCT], myRow[BOX], myRow[EACH], myRow[POUND], myRow[PRICE], myRow[AMOUNT], myRow[MARKET], myRow[ROUTE], myRow[NOTE]); double qty = getQty(myRow[BOX], myRow[EACH], myRow[POUND]); qtyList.Add(myRow[PRODUCT], myRow[BOX]); if (myRow[ROUTE] != null) { String routeVal = myRow[ROUTE].ToString(); this.RouteComboBox.SelectedItem = myRow[ROUTE].ToString(); } } dbReader = db.RunQuery("select * from as s inner join dbo.order_list as o " + "on s.store_id = o.store_id where order_id = " + id + ";"); if (dbReader.Read()) { this.StoreList.SelectedIndex = this.StoreList.FindString( db.NullToNA(dbReader, "store_id") + ": " + db.NullToNA(dbReader, "store_name") + ", (Contact: " + db.NullToNA(dbReader, "contact_name") + ")"); this.DeliveryDate.Value = Convert.ToDateTime(db.NullToNA(dbReader, "delivery_date")); this.isMarket = db.NullToNA(dbReader, "isMarket").Equals('1') ? true: false; } dbReader.Close(); //this.orderDataView.DataSource = DS.Tables[0]; this.orderDataView.AutoGenerateColumns = true; this.orderDataView.AutoResizeColumns(); UpdateBalance(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } }
public void OrderLoad(bool isBuy, bool isSell, DateTime searchDate, String storeId) { InitializeComponent(); if (!searchDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd").Equals("0001-01-01")) { this.DeliveryDate.Value = searchDate; } this.OrderSearchDate = searchDate; this.store_id = storeId; OrderLoad(isBuy, isSell); if (storeId != null && !storeId.Equals("")) { SqlDataReader dbReader = db.RunQuery("select * from where store_id = " + storeId + ";"); if (dbReader.Read()) { this.StoreList.SelectedIndex = this.StoreList.FindString(db.NullToNA(dbReader, "store_name")); } dbReader.Close(); } }
private void SetComboBox() { try { db = new DbConnectorClass(); dbReader = db.RunQuery("select * from dbo.product order by product asc"); while (dbReader.Read()) { (this.orderDataView.Columns[0] as DataGridViewComboBoxColumn) .Items.Add(db.NullToNA(dbReader, "product")); } dbReader.Close(); //use count to get order by popular store dbReader = db.RunQuery("select s.store_id, store_name, store_phone, store_address, contact_name, contact_phone, store_detail, store_fax, isMarket, count(*) as count " + " from as s full outer join dbo.order_list as o on s.store_id = o.store_id " + " group by s.store_id, store_name, store_phone, store_address, contact_name, contact_phone, store_detail, store_fax, isMarket order by count(*) desc; "); while (dbReader.Read()) { ComboboxItem comboItem = new ComboboxItem { Text = db.NullToNA(dbReader, "store_id") + ": " + db.NullToNA(dbReader, "store_name") + ", (Contact: " + db.NullToNA(dbReader, "contact_name") + ")", Value = db.NullToNA(dbReader, "isMarket") }; this.StoreList.Items.Add(comboItem); } this.StoreList.AutoCompleteMode = AutoCompleteMode.Append; this.StoreList.DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList; this.StoreList.AutoCompleteSource = AutoCompleteSource.ListItems; dbReader.Close(); this.orderDataView.EditingControlShowing += new DataGridViewEditingControlShowingEventHandler(DataGridView_EditingControlShowing); this.orderDataView.CellValueChanged += new DataGridViewCellEventHandler(DataGridView1_CellValueChanged); this.orderDataView.AutoSizeColumnsMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnsMode.Fill; } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } }
private void MyStore_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { db = new DbConnectorClass(); SqlDataReader dbReader = db.RunQuery("select * from where store_id = 1"); if (dbReader.Read()) { this.storeNameTxt.Text = db.NullToNA(dbReader, "store_name"); this.storePhoneTxt.Text = db.NullToNA(dbReader, "store_phone"); this.storeAddressTxt.Text = db.NullToNA(dbReader, "store_address"); this.storeFaxTxt.Text = db.NullToNA(dbReader, "store_fax"); this.storeDetailTxt.Text = db.NullToNA(dbReader, "store_detail"); } SyncData(); dbReader.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } }
private void SelectedCatagory(DataGridViewRow row, string catagoryName) { row.Cells[5].Value = 0; (row.Cells[5] as DataGridViewComboBoxCell).Items.Clear(); if (!row.Cells[4].Value.Equals("")) { SqlDataReader dbReader = db.RunQuery("select distinct SubCatagory from dbo.Catagory where Catagory = '" + catagoryName.Trim() + "'"); while (dbReader.Read()) { (row.Cells[5] as DataGridViewComboBoxCell).Items.Add(db.NullToNA(dbReader, "SubCatagory").Trim()); } dbReader.Close(); } }
private void ProductSelectionChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { String prodName = (String)((ComboBox)sender).SelectedItem; int rowIndex = (int)((DataGridViewComboBoxEditingControl)sender).EditingControlRowIndex; try { db = new DbConnectorClass(); dbReader = db.RunQuery("select * from dbo.product where product ='" + prodName + "';"); if (dbReader.Read()) { //product, qty, price, amount, market, note Object[] values = { db.NullToNA(dbReader, "product"), 0, "$" + db.NullToNA(dbReader, "price"), 0,"",db.NullToNA(dbReader, "note") }; orderDataView.Rows[rowIndex].SetValues(values); } dbReader.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } }
public ProductList() { InitializeComponent(); //ProductApi.GetProducts(); db = new DbConnectorClass(); SqlDataReader dbReader = db.RunQuery("select Catagory from dbo.Catagory group by Catagory order by CASE Catagory " + "WHEN 'MEAT' THEN 1 WHEN 'FROZEN' THEN 2 WHEN 'PRODUCE' THEN 3 WHEN 'GROCERY' THEN 4 WHEN 'FRUIT' THEN 5 ELSE 6 END, Catagory"); (this.ProductDataView.Columns[4] as DataGridViewComboBoxColumn).Items.Clear(); while (dbReader.Read()) { (this.ProductDataView.Columns[4] as DataGridViewComboBoxColumn).Items.Add(db.NullToNA(dbReader, "Catagory").Trim()); this.CatagoryBox.Items.Add(db.NullToNA(dbReader, "Catagory").Trim()); } dbReader.Close(); GetProductList(); AddBtns(); this.MaximizedBounds = Screen.GetWorkingArea(this); }
private void saveBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { CheckedListBox[] boxList = new CheckedListBox[5]; boxList.SetValue(this.MeatListBox, 0); boxList.SetValue(this.FrozenListBox, 1); boxList.SetValue(this.GroceryListBox, 2); boxList.SetValue(this.ProduceListBox, 3); boxList.SetValue(this.EtcListBox, 4); DataGridView dataView =; //use products to figure out deleted product for (int b = 0; b < boxList.Length; b++) { CheckedListBox listBox = boxList[b]; for (int i = 0; i < listBox.CheckedItems.Count; i++) { DataRowView item = (DataRowView)listBox.CheckedItems[i]; String prodName = (String)item.Row.ItemArray[1]; try { bool isFound = false; for (int k = 0; k < dataView.Rows.Count; k++) { DataGridViewCellCollection cells = dataView.Rows[k].Cells; if (cells[0].Value.Equals(prodName)) { this.products.Remove(prodName); isFound = true; break; } } if (!isFound) { db = new DbConnectorClass(); SqlDataReader dbReader = db.RunQuery("select * from dbo.product where product ='" + prodName + "';"); if (dbReader.Read()) { int box = 0; int each = 0; int pound = 0; String price = "$" + db.NullToNA(dbReader, "price"); int amount = 0; String market = ""; String note = db.NullToNA(dbReader, "note"); //add only new items dataView.Rows.Add(prodName, box, each, pound, price, amount, market, this.routeValue, note); } dbReader.Close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } } } //remove unchecked item from order list for (int k = 0; k < this.products.Count; k++) { for (int u = 0; u < dataView.Rows.Count; u++) { if (dataView.Rows[u].Cells[0].Value.Equals(this.products[k])) { dataView.Rows.RemoveAt(u); break; } } } this.Close(); }
private void saveData(bool saveFromBtn) { try { if (IsWeekend()) { MessageBox.Show("You cannot make an order on Weekend ", "Choose Again!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); } else { var x = DialogResult.None; if (saveFromBtn) { x = MessageBox.Show("Do you want to save? ", "Save", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question); } else { x = DialogResult.Yes; } if (DialogResult.Yes == x && !CheckIfEmpty()) { String sqlQuery = ""; String routeIdx = "" + (this.RouteComboBox.SelectedIndex + 1); if (this.orderId == null) { sqlQuery = "INSERT INTO dbo.order_list " + "(store_id, ordered_date, delivery_date, total) VALUES " + "('" + (this.StoreList.Text.Split(':')[0]) + "', " + " getDATE(), " + " '" + Convert.ToDateTime(this.DeliveryDate.Value.ToString()).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "', " + " '" + this.TotalTxt.Text + "') "; db.RunQuery(sqlQuery).Close(); SqlDataReader dbReader = db.RunQuery("Select top 1 order_id from dbo.order_list order by order_id desc"); if (dbReader.Read()) { //product, qty, price, amount, market, note this.orderId = (String)db.NullToNA(dbReader, "order_id"); } dbReader.Close(); for (int i = 0; i < this.orderDataView.Rows.Count - 1; i++) { DataGridViewRow row = this.orderDataView.Rows[i]; String product = row.Cells[PRODUCT].Value.ToString(); String box = row.Cells[BOX].Value.ToString(); String each = row.Cells[EACH].Value.ToString(); String pound = row.Cells[POUND].Value.ToString(); String price = row.Cells[PRICE].Value.ToString().Substring(1); String market = row.Cells[MARKET].Value.ToString(); String note = row.Cells[NOTE].Value.ToString(); String route = ""; if (row.Cells[ROUTE].Value != null) { route = row.Cells[ROUTE].Value.ToString(); } else if (!routeIdx.Equals("0")) { route = routeIdx; } string InsertSql = "INSERT INTO dbo.cart(box, each, pound, product, price, market, note, route, order_id) VALUES(" + "'" + box + "', '" + each + "', '" + pound + "', N'" + product + "', '" + price + "', N'" + market + "', N'" + note + "', '" + route + "', '" + this.orderId + "')"; db.RunQuery(InsertSql).Close(); String buyOrSell = this.isMarket ? "+" : "-"; string updateQuantity = "UPDATE dbo.product set quantity = (quantity " + buyOrSell + " " + box + ") where product ='" + product + "'"; db.RunQuery(updateQuantity).Close(); } } else { sqlQuery = "UPDATE dbo.order_list set " + "delivery_date = '" + Convert.ToDateTime(this.DeliveryDate.Value.ToString()).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "', " + "total = '" + this.TotalTxt.Text + "' WHERE order_id= " + this.orderId; adapter.Update(this.DS); db.RunQuery(sqlQuery).Close(); for (int i = 0; i < this.orderDataView.Rows.Count; i++) { DataGridViewRow row = this.orderDataView.Rows[i]; String product = row.Cells[PRODUCT].Value.ToString(); String box = row.Cells[BOX].Value.ToString(); String each = row.Cells[EACH].Value.ToString(); String pound = row.Cells[POUND].Value.ToString(); String price = row.Cells[PRICE].Value.ToString().Substring(1); String market = row.Cells[MARKET].Value.ToString(); String note = row.Cells[NOTE].Value.ToString(); String route = ""; if (row.Cells[ROUTE].Value != null) { route = row.Cells[ROUTE].Value.ToString(); } else if (!routeIdx.Equals("0")) { route = routeIdx; } string whereStr = " WHERE product='" + product + "' and order_id='" + this.orderId + "'"; string checkExist = "SELECT * FROM dbo.cart " + whereStr; dbReader = db.RunQuery(checkExist); string InsertSql = ""; if (!dbReader.Read()) { InsertSql = "INSERT INTO dbo.cart(box, each, pound, product, price, market, note, route, order_id) VALUES(" + "'" + box + "','" + each + "','" + pound + "', N'" + product + "', '" + price + "', N'" + market + "', N'" + note + "', '" + route + "', '" + this.orderId + "')"; } else { InsertSql = "UPDATE dbo.cart set box='" + box + "', price='" + price + "', market=N'" + market + "', note=N'" + note + "', route='" + route + "' " + whereStr; } dbReader.Close(); db.RunQuery(InsertSql).Close(); String updateQuantity = ""; String buyOrSell = this.isMarket ? "-" : "+"; int diff = Int32.Parse(box); if (qtyList.ContainsKey(product)) { diff = Int32.Parse(box) - Int32.Parse(qtyList[product].ToString()); } if (diff != 0) { updateQuantity = "UPDATE dbo.product set quantity = (quantity " + buyOrSell + " " + diff + ") where product ='" + product + "'"; db.RunQuery(updateQuantity).Close(); } } } // need to close createStore form after click 'OK' button isSave = true; if (saveFromBtn) { if (this.ol != null) { this.ol.OrderLoad(true, true); } this.Close(); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } }
private void reportViewer1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string storeIdLbl = ""; string orderIdLbl = ""; string totalLbl = ""; string custNameLbl = ""; string custAddrLbl = ""; string custPhoneLbl = ""; string storeNameLbl = ""; string addressLbl = ""; string telLabel = ""; string faxLbl = ""; db = new DbConnectorClass(); dbReader = db.RunQuery("select * from as s inner join dbo.order_list as o " + "on s.store_id = o.store_id where order_id = " + orderId + ";"); if (dbReader.Read()) { storeIdLbl = db.NullToNA(dbReader, "store_id").PadLeft(5, '0'); orderIdLbl = this.orderId.PadLeft(5, '0'); delieveryDateLbl = db.NullToNA(dbReader, "delivery_date"); totalLbl =; custNameLbl = db.NullToNA(dbReader, "store_name"); custAddrLbl = db.NullToNA(dbReader, "store_address"); custPhoneLbl = db.NullToNA(dbReader, "store_phone"); } dbReader.Close(); dbReader = db.RunQuery("select * from where store_id = 1;"); if (dbReader.Read()) { storeNameLbl = db.NullToNA(dbReader, "store_name"); addressLbl = db.NullToNA(dbReader, "store_address"); telLabel = db.NullToNA(dbReader, "store_phone"); faxLbl = db.NullToNA(dbReader, "store_fax"); } dbReader.Close(); DateTime parsedDate = DateTime.Parse(delieveryDateLbl); delieveryDateLbl = parsedDate.ToString("MM-dd-yyyy"); Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms.ReportParameter[] param = new Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms.ReportParameter[] { new Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms.ReportParameter("orderId", orderIdLbl), new Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms.ReportParameter("storeId", storeIdLbl), new Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms.ReportParameter("delieveryDate", delieveryDateLbl), new Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms.ReportParameter("total", totalLbl), new Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms.ReportParameter("custName", custNameLbl), new Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms.ReportParameter("custAddr", custAddrLbl), new Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms.ReportParameter("custPhone", custPhoneLbl), new Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms.ReportParameter("storeName", storeNameLbl), new Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms.ReportParameter("storeAddr", addressLbl), new Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms.ReportParameter("storeTel", telLabel), new Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms.ReportParameter("storeFax", faxLbl) }; this.reportViewer1.LocalReport.SetParameters(param); try { db = new DbConnectorClass(); adapter = new SqlDataAdapter("SELECT Product, Box, Each, Pound," + "Price, (price * (Box + Each + Pound)) AS Amount, Note " + "FROM dbo.cart where (box + each + pound) > 0 and order_id = " + orderId, db.GetConnection()); // Create one DataTable with one column. this.DS = new DataSet(); adapter.Fill(DS); ReportDataSource rds = new ReportDataSource("Order", DS.Tables[0]); this.reportViewer1.LocalReport.DataSources.Clear(); this.reportViewer1.LocalReport.DataSources.Add(rds); this.reportViewer1.LocalReport.Refresh(); this.reportViewer1.RefreshReport(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } this.reportViewer1.RefreshReport(); }