Example #1
        public async override Task HandleMessageAsync(Vocalia.ServiceBus.Types.Podcast.Podcast message)
            using (var scope = ServiceScope.CreateScope())
                using (var DbContext = scope.ServiceProvider.GetService <PodcastContext>())
                    //Update database of editor.
                    if (!DbContext.Podcasts.Any(x => x.UID == message.UID))
                        var podcast = new Db.Podcast
                            Title      = message.Title,
                            ImageUrl   = message.ImageUrl,
                            RSS        = message.RssUrl,
                            IsExplicit = message.IsExplicit,
                            CategoryID = message.CategoryID,
                            LanguageID = message.LanguageID,
                            Active     = true,
                            UID        = message.UID

                        await DbContext.SaveChangesAsync();
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Inserts a new podcast into the database.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="userUid">UID of the user.</param>
        /// <param name="podcast">Podcast to insert.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private async Task CreateNewPodcast(string userUid, DomainModels.Podcast podcast)
            var unassignedPodcast = await DbContext.UnassignedPodcasts.Include(c => c.Members).FirstOrDefaultAsync(c => c.UID == podcast.UID && c.Members.Any(x => x.UserUID == userUid));

            if (unassignedPodcast == null)

            var dbPodcast = new Db.Podcast
                UID         = podcast.UID,
                Title       = podcast.Title,
                Description = podcast.Description,
                CategoryID  = podcast.CategoryID,
                LanguageID  = podcast.LanguageID,
                ImageUrl    = podcast.ImageUrl,
                IsActive    = podcast.IsActive,
                IsExplicit  = podcast.IsExplicit,
                RssUrl      = Config["RssPath"] + podcast.UID


            var dbMembers = unassignedPodcast.Members.Select(c => new Db.Member
                UserUID   = c.UserUID,
                PodcastID = dbPodcast.ID

            unassignedPodcast.IsCompleted = true;

            await ListenBus.SendAsync(new Vocalia.ServiceBus.Types.Podcast.Podcast
                UID        = dbPodcast.UID,
                Title      = dbPodcast.Title,
                ImageUrl   = dbPodcast.ImageUrl,
                IsExplicit = dbPodcast.IsExplicit,
                RssUrl     = string.Concat(Config["RssPath"], dbPodcast.UID),
                CategoryID = dbPodcast.CategoryID,
                LanguageID = dbPodcast.LanguageID

            await DbContext.SaveChangesAsync();
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new podcast for the specified user using the provided information.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="userUID">ID to create the podcast for.</param>
        /// <param name="podcast">Podcast info to add.</param>
        /// <param name="fileType">File type of the image being uploaded.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task CreatePodcastAsync(string userUID, PodcastUpload podcast)
            var imageDataByteArray = Convert.FromBase64String(podcast.ImageData);

            var dbPodcast = new Db.Podcast
                Name        = podcast.Name,
                Description = podcast.Description,
                ImageUrl    = await ImageStorage.UploadImageAsync(imageDataByteArray, podcast.FileType)

            await DbContext.Podcasts.AddAsync(dbPodcast);

            var dbPodcastUsers = new Db.PodcastUser
                PodcastID = dbPodcast.ID,
                UserUID   = userUID,
                IsAdmin   = true

            await DbContext.PodcastUsers.AddAsync(dbPodcastUsers);

            await DbContext.SaveChangesAsync();

            await PodcastBus.SendAsync(new ServiceBus.Types.Editor.Podcast
                Name     = dbPodcast.Name,
                UID      = dbPodcast.UID,
                ImageUrl = dbPodcast.ImageUrl,
                Members  = new List <Member>()
                    new Member()
                        IsAdmin = true, UserUID = userUID
        public async override Task HandleMessageAsync(Vocalia.ServiceBus.Types.Editor.Podcast message)
            using (var scope = ServiceScope.CreateScope())
                using (var DbContext = scope.ServiceProvider.GetService <EditorContext>())
                    //Pass onto next service bus.
                    var publishServiceBus = scope.ServiceProvider.GetService <IObjectBus <Vocalia.ServiceBus.Types.Publishing.Podcast> >();
                    await publishServiceBus.SendAsync(new Vocalia.ServiceBus.Types.Publishing.Podcast
                        UID      = message.UID,
                        ImageUrl = message.ImageUrl,
                        Name     = message.Name,
                        Members  = message.Members

                    //Update database of editor.
                    if (!DbContext.Podcasts.Any(x => x.UID == message.UID))
                        var podcast = new Db.Podcast
                            Name     = message.Name,
                            ImageUrl = message.ImageUrl,
                            UID      = message.UID

                        var members = message.Members.Select(x => new Member
                            PodcastID = podcast.ID,
                            IsAdmin   = x.IsAdmin,
                            UserUID   = x.UserUID

                        await DbContext.SaveChangesAsync();