Example #1
        private string ConstructIndividualValue(string dataType, string value)
            switch (dataType)
            case "BIT":

            case "INT":
            case "TINYINT":
            case "SMALLINT":
            case "MEDIUMINT":
            case "BIGINT":
            case "FLOAT":
            case "DOUBLE":
            case "DECIMAL":
                return(string.Format("{0}", value));

            case "CHAR":
            case "VARCHAR":
            case "BLOB":
            case "TEXT":
            case "TINYBLOB":
            case "TINYTEXT":
            case "MEDIUMBLOB":
            case "MEDIUMTEXT":
            case "LONGBLOB":
            case "LONGTEXT":
            case "ENUM":
                return(string.Format("'{0}'", MySqlHelper.EscapeString(value)));

            case "DATE":
                return(String.Format("'{0:yyyy-MM-dd}'", (DateTime)DateTimeDecider.Parse(value)));

            case "TIMESTAMP":
            case "DATETIME":
                return(String.Format("'{0:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss}'", (DateTime)DateTimeDecider.Parse(value)));

            case "TIME":
                return(String.Format("'{0:HH:mm:ss}'", (DateTime)DateTimeDecider.Parse(value)));

            case "YEAR2":
                return(String.Format("'{0:yy}'", value));

            case "YEAR4":
                return(String.Format("'{0:yyyy}'", value));

                // we don't understand the format. to safegaurd the code, just enclose with ''
                return(string.Format("'{0}'", MySqlHelper.EscapeString(value)));
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Replaces all string representations destined to end up in DateTime or TimeSpan fields in the target database
        /// into hard typed objects (using <see cref="DateTimeDecider"/>)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dt"></param>
        protected void ConvertStringDatesToDateTime(DataTable dt)
            var dict = GetMapping(dt.Columns.Cast <DataColumn>(), out _);

            //for each column in the destination
            foreach (var kvp in dict)
                //if the destination column is a date based column
                var dataType = kvp.Value.DataType.GetCSharpDataType();
                if (dataType == typeof(DateTime) || dataType == typeof(TimeSpan))
                    //if it's already not a string then that's fine (hopefully its a DateTime!)
                    if (kvp.Key.DataType != typeof(string))

                    //create a new column hard typed to DateTime
                    var newColumn = dt.Columns.Add(kvp.Key.ColumnName + "_" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), dataType);

                    //guess the DateTime culture based on values in the table
                    DateTimeDecider.GuessDateFormat(dt.Rows.Cast <DataRow>().Take(500).Select(r => r[kvp.Key] as string));

                    foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                        //parse the value

                        var val = DateTimeDecider.Parse(dr[kvp.Key] as string) ?? DBNull.Value;
                        if (dataType == typeof(DateTime))
                            dr[newColumn] = val;
                            dr[newColumn] = val == DBNull.Value? val:((DateTime)val).TimeOfDay;

                    //if the DataColumn is part of the Primary Key of the DataTable (in memory)
                    //then we need to update the primary key to include the new column not the old one
                    if (dt.PrimaryKey != null && dt.PrimaryKey.Contains(kvp.Key))
                        dt.PrimaryKey = dt.PrimaryKey.Except(new [] { kvp.Key }).Union(new [] { newColumn }).ToArray();

                    //drop the original column

                    //rename the hard typed column to match the old column name
                    newColumn.ColumnName = kvp.Key.ColumnName;
Example #3
        public override int UploadImpl(DataTable dt)
            //don't run an insert if there are 0 rows
            if (dt.Rows.Count == 0)

            var syntaxHelper = _server.GetQuerySyntaxHelper();
            var tt           = syntaxHelper.TypeTranslater;

            //if the column name is a reserved keyword e.g. "Comment" we need to give it a new name
            Dictionary <DataColumn, string> parameterNames = syntaxHelper.GetParameterNamesFor(dt.Columns.Cast <DataColumn>().ToArray(), c => c.ColumnName);

            int affectedRows = 0;

            var mapping = GetMapping(dt.Columns.Cast <DataColumn>());

            var dateColumns = new HashSet <DataColumn>();

            var sql = string.Format("INSERT INTO " + TargetTable.GetFullyQualifiedName() + "({0}) VALUES ({1})",
                                    string.Join(",", mapping.Values.Select(c => '"' + c.GetRuntimeName() + '"')),
                                    string.Join(",", mapping.Keys.Select(c => parameterNames[c]))

            using (OracleCommand cmd = (OracleCommand)_server.GetCommand(sql, Connection))
                //send all the data at once
                cmd.ArrayBindCount = dt.Rows.Count;

                foreach (var kvp in mapping)
                    var p = _server.AddParameterWithValueToCommand(parameterNames[kvp.Key], cmd, DBNull.Value);
                    p.DbType = tt.GetDbTypeForSQLDBType(kvp.Value.DataType.SQLType);

                    if (p.DbType == DbType.DateTime)

                var values = new Dictionary <DataColumn, List <object> >();

                foreach (DataColumn c in mapping.Keys)
                    values.Add(c, new List <object>());

                foreach (DataRow dataRow in dt.Rows)
                    //populate parameters for current row
                    foreach (var col in mapping.Keys)
                        var val = dataRow[col];

                        if (val is string && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace((string)val))
                            val = null;
                        if (val == null || val == DBNull.Value)
                            val = null;
                        else if (dateColumns.Contains(col))
                            if (val is string s)
                                val = (DateTime)DateTimeDecider.Parse(s);
                                val = Convert.ToDateTime(dataRow[col]);


                foreach (DataColumn col in mapping.Keys)
                    var param = cmd.Parameters[parameterNames[col]];
                    param.Value = values[col].ToArray();

                //send query
                affectedRows += cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();