Example #1
        public void GetDate_WithFormAnswers_ReturnCorrectDate()
            var formAnswers = new FormAnswers
                Pages = new List <PageAnswers>
                    new PageAnswers
                        Answers = new List <Answers>
                            new Answers
                                QuestionId = "test-date",
                                Response   = "01/01/2020"

            var result = DatePicker.GetDate(formAnswers, "test-date");

            Assert.True(result.Value == new DateTime(2020, 1, 1));
Example #2
        public void GetDate_ReturnNull_IfKeyNotPresent()
            var      viewModel = new Dictionary <string, dynamic>();
            DateTime?result    = DatePicker.GetDate(viewModel, "test-date");

         * \brief <b>Brief Description</b> - Execute <b><i>class method</i></b> - Entry point into the reconcile month menu
         * \details <b>Details</b>
         * This takes in the scheduling, demographics and billing libraries
         * \return <b>void</b>
        public void Execute(Scheduling scheduling, Demographics demographics, Billing billing)
            // display a clear screen
            Container.DisplayContent(new List <Pair <string, string> >()
                { new Pair <string, string>("", "") }
                                     1, 1, MenuCodes.BILLING, "Billing", Description);

            // get the month to generate the report for
            DateTime getMonth = DatePicker.GetDate(scheduling, DateTime.Today, false);

            // check if the user didnt cancel the month selection
            if (getMonth.Ticks != 0)
                // format the name of the text file
                string date = string.Format("{0}{1}govFile.txt", getMonth.Year, getMonth.Month);

                // generate the report for the reconciled month
                List <string> report = billing.ReconcileMonthlyBilling(date);

                // display the success message
                Container.DisplayContent(new List <KeyValuePair <string, string> > {
                    new KeyValuePair <string, string>("Report successfully generated!", "")
                }, 1, -1, MenuCodes.BILLING, "Billing", Description);

                // wait for confirmation from user that they read the message
         * \brief <b>Brief Description</b> - Execute <b><i>class method</i></b> - An overload of the entry point into the reconcile summary viewing menu
         * \details <b>Details</b>
         * This takes in the existing patient information, if it should return a patient and the demographics library
         * \return <b>void</b>
        public void Execute(Scheduling scheduling, Demographics demographics, Billing billing)
            Container.DisplayContent(new List <Pair <string, string> >()
                { new Pair <string, string>("", "") }
                                     2, 1, MenuCodes.BILLING, "Billing", Description);

            // let the user pick a month
            DateTime getMonth = DatePicker.GetDate(scheduling, DateTime.Today, false);

            // check if user did not cancel during month selection screen
            if (getMonth.Ticks != 0)
                // generate the government file name
                string date = string.Format("{0}{1}govFile.txt", getMonth.Year, getMonth.Month);

                // get the list of the report contents
                List <string> report = billing.ReconcileMonthlyBilling(date);
                List <Pair <string, string> > content = new List <Pair <string, string> >();

                // create the content using the lines in the report
                foreach (string line in report)
                    content.Add(new Pair <string, string>(line, ""));

                // display the contents of the report
                Container.DisplayContent(content, 2, -1, MenuCodes.BILLING, "Billing", Description);

Example #5
         * \brief <b>Brief Description</b> - Execute <b><i>class method</i></b> - Entry point into the generate monthly report menu
         * \details <b>Details</b>
         * This takes in the scheduling, demographics and billing libraries
         * \return <b>void</b>
        public void Execute(Scheduling scheduling, Demographics demographics, Billing billing)
            // display a clear screen
            Container.DisplayContent(new List <Pair <string, string> >()
                { new Pair <string, string>("", "") }
            }, 0, -1, MenuCodes.BILLING, "Billing", Description);

            // get the month to generate the report for
            DateTime getMonth = DatePicker.GetDate(scheduling, DateTime.Today, false);

            // check if the user didnt cancel the month selection
            if (getMonth.Ticks != 0)
                // check if the report generation was successful
                if (billing.GenerateMonthlyBillingFile(scheduling, demographics, getMonth.Year, getMonth.Month))
                    Container.DisplayContent(new List <Pair <string, string> >()
                        { new Pair <string, string>("Report successfuly generated!", "") }
                    }, 0, -1, MenuCodes.BILLING, "Billing", Description);
                    Container.DisplayContent(new List <Pair <string, string> >()
                        { new Pair <string, string>("Report failed to generate.", "") }
                    }, 0, -1, MenuCodes.BILLING, "Billing", Description);

                // wait for confirmation from user that they read the message
Example #6
        public void GetDate_ShouldThrowException_IfDateIsIncorrectlyFormatted()
            var viewModel = new Dictionary <string, dynamic>()
                { "test-date", "ABC123" }

            Assert.Throws <FormatException>(() => DatePicker.GetDate(viewModel, "test-date"));
Example #7
        public void GetDate_ReturnNull_IfKeyPresentButValueIsEmpty()
            var viewModel = new Dictionary <string, dynamic>
                { "test-date", "" }

            DateTime?result = DatePicker.GetDate(viewModel, "test-date");

Example #8
        public void GetDate_ReturnCorrectDate()
            var viewModel = new Dictionary <string, dynamic>()
                { "test-date", "01/01/2020" }

            var result = DatePicker.GetDate(viewModel, "test-date");

            Assert.True(result.Value == new DateTime(2020, 1, 1));
        public ValidationResult Validate(Element element, Dictionary <string, dynamic> viewModel, FormSchema baseForm)
            if ((!element.Type.Equals(EElementType.DatePicker) &&
                 !element.Type.Equals(EElementType.DateInput)) ||
                return(new ValidationResult {
                    IsValid = true

            DateTime?dateValue = new DateTime();

            if (element.Type.Equals(EElementType.DatePicker))
                dateValue = DatePicker.GetDate(viewModel, element.Properties.QuestionId);

            if (element.Type.Equals(EElementType.DateInput))
                dateValue = DateInput.GetDate(viewModel, element.Properties.QuestionId);

            if (!dateValue.HasValue)
                return new ValidationResult {
                           IsValid = true

            if (!DateTime.TryParse(element.Properties.IsDateBeforeAbsolute, out DateTime comparisonDateValue))
                throw new FormatException("IsDateBeforeAbsoluteValidator: The comparison date format was incorrect");

            if (dateValue < comparisonDateValue)
                return new ValidationResult {
                           IsValid = true

            return(new ValidationResult {
                IsValid = false,
                Message = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(element.Properties.IsDateBeforeValidationMessage)
                    ? element.Properties.IsDateBeforeValidationMessage
                    : string.Format(ValidationConstants.IS_DATE_BEFORE_VALIDATOR_DEFAULT, element.Properties.IsDateBeforeAbsolute)
Example #10
        public void GetDate_WithFormAnswers_ShouldReturnNull_IfAnswersIsNotPresent()
            var formAnswers = new FormAnswers
                Pages = new List <PageAnswers>
                    new PageAnswers {
                        Answers = new List <Answers>()

            Assert.False(DatePicker.GetDate(formAnswers, "test-date").HasValue);
Example #11
        public void GetDate_WithFormAnswers_ShouldReturnNull_IfAnswersPresent_AndEmpty()
            var formAnswers = new FormAnswers
                Pages = new List <PageAnswers>
                    new PageAnswers
                        Answers = new List <Answers>
                            new Answers {
                                QuestionId = "test-date"

            Assert.False(DatePicker.GetDate(formAnswers, "test-date").HasValue);
Example #12
        public void GetDate_WithFormAnswers_ShouldThrowException_IfDateIsIncorrectlyFormatted()
            var formAnswers = new FormAnswers
                Pages = new List <PageAnswers>
                    new PageAnswers {
                        Answers = new List <Answers>
                            new Answers
                                QuestionId = "test-date",
                                Response   = "ABC123"

            Assert.Throws <FormatException>(() => DatePicker.GetDate(formAnswers, "test-date"));
         * \brief <b>Brief Description</b> - Get <b><i>class method</i></b> - main method used by outside methods to get the appointment
         * \details <b>Details</b>
         * This takes in the scheduling and demographics libraries
         * \return <b>Pair<Day, int></b> - the appointment slot
        public static Pair <Day, int> Get(Scheduling scheduling, Demographics demographics)
            Console.CursorVisible = true;
            Container.DisplayContent(new List <KeyValuePair <string, string> >(), 0, -1, MenuCodes.SCHEDULING, "Scheduling", Description);
            DateTime date = DateTime.Today;

            while (true)
                // get the month from the user
                date = DatePicker.GetDate(scheduling, date, false);

                // check if the user didnt cancel the date selection
                if (date != new DateTime(0))
                        // get the day from the user
                        DateTime selectedDate = DatePicker.GetDate(scheduling, date, true);

                        // check if the user canceled the date selection
                        if (selectedDate == new DateTime(0))

                        // get the selected day
                        Day selectedDay = scheduling.GetScheduleByDay(selectedDate);

                        // get a list of appointments on that day
                        List <Appointment> apptList = selectedDay.GetAppointments();

                        List <Pair <string, string> > apptContent = new List <Pair <string, string> >();

                        // loop through all appointments on that day
                        foreach (Appointment appointment in apptList)
                            string line = "";

                            // if the appointment slot is not taken, sets it to be displayed as (EMPTY)
                            if (appointment.AppointmentID == -1 && appointment.PatientID == -1)
                                line = "(EMPTY)";
                                // get information about the main patient
                                Patient mainPatient = demographics.GetPatientByID(appointment.PatientID);

                                // get information about the dependant of the main patient
                                Patient dependantPatient = demographics.GetPatientByID(appointment.DependantID);

                                // format the main patient information
                                line = string.Format("{0}, {1} - {2}", mainPatient.LastName, mainPatient.FirstName, mainPatient.HCN);

                                // if the patient has a dependant, adds it to the patient information line
                                if (dependantPatient != null)
                                    line += string.Format(" > {0}, {1} - {2}", dependantPatient.LastName, dependantPatient.FirstName, dependantPatient.HCN);

                            // adds the patient line to the appointment content that will be displayed
                            apptContent.Add(new Pair <string, string>(line, ""));

                        int selectedIndex = 1;

                        // display all appointments
                        Container.DisplayContent(apptContent, 0, selectedIndex, MenuCodes.SCHEDULING, "Scheduling", Description);
                        ConsoleKey keyPressed = new ConsoleKey();
                        Console.CursorVisible = false;

                        // loop until user cancels
                            keyPressed = Console.ReadKey(true).Key;
                            switch (keyPressed)
                            // down arrow pressed therefore go to appt below
                            case ConsoleKey.DownArrow:
                                if (selectedIndex < apptContent.Count)

                            // up arrow pressed therefore go to appt above
                            case ConsoleKey.UpArrow:
                                if (selectedIndex > 1)

                            // enter pressed therefore return the selected appointment
                            case ConsoleKey.Enter:
                                return(new Pair <Day, int>(selectedDay, selectedIndex - 1));

                            // re-display the appointment selection
                            Container.DisplayContent(apptContent, 0, selectedIndex, MenuCodes.SCHEDULING, "Scheduling", Description);
                        } while (keyPressed != ConsoleKey.Escape);
                    } while (true);
                // exit because user canceled date selection

            // user canceled therefore return a blank selection
            return(new Pair <Day, int>(null, -1));