Example #1
        // Displays all the orders based off of order date
        public OrdersDisplayResponse DisplayOrders(string orderDate)
            OrdersDisplayResponse response = new OrdersDisplayResponse {
                Orders = _orderRepository.LoadOrders(orderDate)

            // Checks the date is valid
            if (!DateHandler.IsValidDate(orderDate))
                response.Success = false;
                response.Code    = ErrorCode.NotAValidDate;

            // LoadOrders returns null if it can't find a file
            if (response.Orders == null)
                response.Success = false;
                response.Code    = ErrorCode.CouldNotFindFile;

            // LoadOrders returns an order with number -1 if the file it's reading from is corrupt
            if (response.Orders.Any(x => x.Number == -1))
                response.Success = false;
                response.Code    = ErrorCode.CorruptFile;

            // If no orders were added to the list, the file is empty
            if (response.Orders.Count() == 0)
                response.Success = false;
                response.Code    = ErrorCode.FileIsEmpty;

            response.Success = true;

Example #2
        // Gets an order from a file based off of order date and order number
        public GetOrderResponse GetOrder(string orderDate, int orderNumber)
            bool _foundMatch = false;
            // Sets the Orders list in the class to the orders loaded from the file
            GetOrderResponse response = new GetOrderResponse {
                Orders = _orderRepository.LoadOrders(orderDate),
                Order  = new Order()

            // Edit order and Remove order use the GetOrder method, so, I'm storing the loaded orders in a List
            // to keep from reopening the file when using EditOrder and RemoveOrder
            _loadedOrders = response.Orders;

            // Checks that the date provided is a valid date
            if (!DateHandler.IsValidDate(orderDate))
                response.Success     = false;
                response.Code        = ErrorCode.NotAValidDate;
                response.IsValidDate = false;

            // Checks that the date is in the future (dates not in the future can't be edited or removed)
            if (!DateHandler.IsFutureDate(orderDate))
                response.Success      = false;
                response.Code         = ErrorCode.NotAFutureDate;
                response.IsFutureDate = false;

            // Checks if a file exists with the given order date
            if (!File.Exists(Paths.ordersFolderFilePath + orderDate + ".txt"))
                response.Success = false;
                response.Code    = ErrorCode.CouldNotFindFile;

            // Looks for an order matching the order number if file isn't empty
            if (response.Orders != null)
                foreach (var o in response.Orders)
                    if (o.Number == orderNumber)
                        response.Order   = o;
                        response.Success = true;
                        _foundMatch      = true;
                response.Success = false;
                response.Code    = ErrorCode.FileIsEmpty;

            // If no match was found, return
            if (!_foundMatch)
                response.Success = false;
                response.Code    = ErrorCode.OrderNumberDoesNotExist;

Example #3
        // Takes the neccessary information and creates an order with it.
        public ValidateAddOrderResponse ValidateAddOrder(string orderDate, string customerName, string state, string productType, decimal area)
            ValidateAddOrderResponse response = new ValidateAddOrderResponse {
                Orders = _orderRepository.LoadOrders(orderDate), // LoadOrders takes the order date and attempts to find and open a file with the same order date, then assigns it to the response's order list.
                Order  = new Order()

            if (response.Orders != null && response.Orders.Any(x => x.Number == -1))   //LoadOrders returns null if the file does not exist.
                response.Success = false;
                response.Code    = ErrorCode.CorruptFile;

            if (response.Orders == null || response.Orders.Count() == 0)   // LoadOrders returns null if the file does not exist.
                response.Order.Number = 1;
                response.Order.Number = response.Orders.Last().Number + 1; // Sets the order number to 1 greater than the last order number

            // Checks if the date is a valid date
            if (!DateHandler.IsValidDate(orderDate))
                response.Success = false;
                response.Code    = ErrorCode.NotAValidDate;

            // Checks that the date is in the future
            if (!DateHandler.IsFutureDate(orderDate))
                response.Success = false;
                response.Code    = ErrorCode.NotAFutureDate;

            // Checks that the customer name is valid
            if (!IsValidCustomerName(customerName))
                response.Success = false;
                response.Code    = ErrorCode.NameIsInvalid;

            // STATES is an array with every state's abbreviations in it, this will take the given state and run it through the array looking for a match.
            // This is done so that if the user makes a simple typo (ie ih instead of oh), it will let them know that they entered an abbreviation that isn't
            // a state abbreviation. So, mainly, it's just for more precise error messaging.
            for (int i = 0; i < ImportantValues.STATES.Length; i++)
                if (state == ImportantValues.STATES[i])

                // If it gets to the last iteration and it still hasn't found a match, the given state abbreviation is invalid.
                if (i + 1 == ImportantValues.STATES.Length)
                    response.Success = false;
                    response.Code    = ErrorCode.InvalidState;

            // Get all the information from the state and then validate the information.
            _state      = GetStateInfo(state);
            _validation = ValidateState(_state.Abbreviation);
            if (_validation != ErrorCode.NoError)
                response.Success = false;
                response.Code    = _validation;

            // Get all the information from the product and then validate the information.
            _product    = GetProductInfo(productType);
            _validation = ValidateProduct(_product);
            if (_validation != ErrorCode.NoError)
                response.Success = false;
                response.Code    = _validation;

            // Checks that the area isn't less than the min.
            if (area < ImportantValues.MIN_AREA)
                response.Success = false;
                response.Code    = ErrorCode.AreaTooSmall;

            // Assigns all the information to the order and performs calculations on it.
            response.Order.CustomerName           = customerName;
            response.Order.State                  = _state.Abbreviation;
            response.Order.TaxRate                = _state.TaxRate;
            response.Order.ProductType            = _product.ProductName;
            response.Order.Area                   = area;
            response.Order.CostPerSquareFoot      = _product.CostPerSquareFoot;
            response.Order.LaborCostPerSquareFoot = _product.LaborCostPerSquareFoot;
            response.Order = PerformCalculation(response.Order);

            response.Success = true;
