Example #1
         *   NAME
         *        IO::Import - Imports the data from a file
         *   SYNOPSIS
         *        void Import(string filename);
         *             filename      --> the name of the file to import
         *   DESCRIPTION
         *        This function contains the brunt of the importing work. It takes a filename,
         *        reads the file line by line and converts it into data to be stored on the database.
        private static void Import(string filename)
            StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(filename);
            int          count  = 0;
            string       line;

            while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null) //https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/programming-guide/file-system/how-to-read-a-text-file-one-line-at-a-time
                if (count == 0)                        //if we are on the first line, then it is student data
                        Student import_student = String_To_Student(line);
                    catch (Exception e)
                        new Log(e, "IO.cs: Import.", "Could not import file.");
                        MessageBox.Show("Error importing student.");
                else if (line.Substring(0, 4).ToLower() == "note")
                    Note import_note = String_To_Note(line);
                else if (line.Substring(0, 4).ToLower() == "hist")
                    History_Entry import_entry = String_To_History_Entry(line);
         * NAME
         *       Conference_Form::Add_Note_Click - event that triggers when the user clicks the Add Note button.
         * SYNOPSIS
         *        void Add_Note_Click(object sender, EventArgs e);
         *          sender           --> the object sending the event.
         *          e                --> the event arguments.
         * DESCRIPTION
         *      This function triggers when the user clicks the Add Note button.
         *      The function first verifies that a student has been selected.
         *      Then, the function creates a new note and sends it to the database.
        private void Add_Note_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!(Student_Select.SelectedIndex > -1))
                MessageBox.Show("Please select a student.", "Error");

            using (New_Note_Form new_note = new New_Note_Form())
                if (new_note.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                    string category = new Conference_Types(new_note.Category).Type;
                    Database_Interface.Add_Note(current_student_id, new_note.Note, category);