public static string DaywiseScheduleMessage(string profileId, string socialprofileName, string weekdays, string shareMessage, Domain.Socioboard.Enum.SocialProfileType profiletype, long userId, string link, string url, string picUrl, string localscheduletime, AppSettings _AppSettings, Cache _redisCache, DatabaseRepository dbr, ILogger _logger) { DaywiseSchedule scheduledMessage = new DaywiseSchedule(); scheduledMessage.shareMessage = shareMessage; //scheduledMessage.calendertime = Convert.ToDateTime(localscheduletime); string userlocalscheduletime = localscheduletime; try { // _logger.LogError("ScheduleMessageHelperscheduleTime>>>>" + scheduleTime); // var dt = DateTime.Parse(scheduleTime); // scheduledMessage.scheduleTime = Convert.ToDateTime(TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeToUtc(dt)); //scheduledMessage.scheduleTime = Convert.ToDateTime(scheduleTime) ; // scheduledMessage.scheduleTime = Convert.ToDateTime(CompareDateWithclient(DateTime.UtcNow.ToString(),scheduleTime)); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.LogError(ex.StackTrace); } DateTime fromTime = scheduledMessage.scheduleTime.AddMinutes(-scheduledMessage.scheduleTime.Minute); DateTime toTime = scheduledMessage.scheduleTime.AddMinutes(-scheduledMessage.scheduleTime.Minute).AddHours(1); try { int count = dbr.Find <ScheduledMessage>(t => t.scheduleTime > fromTime && t.scheduleTime <= toTime && t.profileId == profileId).Count(); if (count > _AppSettings.FacebookScheduleMessageMaxLimit) { _logger.LogError("Facebook Max limit Reached."); return("Max limit Reached."); } } catch (Exception) { } scheduledMessage.status = Domain.Socioboard.Enum.ScheduleStatus.Pending; scheduledMessage.userId = userId; scheduledMessage.profileType = profiletype; scheduledMessage.profileId = profileId; scheduledMessage.weekdays = weekdays; scheduledMessage.url = url; = link; scheduledMessage.picUrl = picUrl; scheduledMessage.createTime = DateTime.UtcNow; scheduledMessage.clientTime = DateTime.Now; scheduledMessage.scheduleTime = Convert.ToDateTime(userlocalscheduletime); scheduledMessage.localscheduletime = userlocalscheduletime; // scheduledMessage.localscheduletime = userlocalscheduletime; scheduledMessage.socialprofileName = socialprofileName; int ret = dbr.Add <DaywiseSchedule>(scheduledMessage); if (ret == 1) { return("Scheduled."); } else { return("Not Scheduled."); } }
public IActionResult AddAdsUrl(long userId, string url) { try { var ads = new AdsOffers(); var dbr = new DatabaseRepository(_logger, _env); var match = Regex.Match(url, @"^(?:\w+://)?([^/?]*)"); var homePageUrl = match.Value; var lstAdsOffers = dbr.Find <AdsOffers>(t => t.UserId == userId || t.WebsiteUrl.Contains(homePageUrl)); if (lstAdsOffers.Count != 0) { return(BadRequest("Sorry, Either user or given url already register for this offer!")); } var contents = AdsOffersRepository.FindUrlForAds(homePageUrl); if (contents != "Ads found on website") { return(BadRequest("Ads not found on website")); } var lstUser = dbr.Find <User>(t => t.Id == userId); var mailId = lstUser.First().EmailId; if (lstUser.Count > 0) { ads.adsaccountstatus = AdsOfferAccountStatus.Active; ads.adcreateddate = DateTime.UtcNow; ads.UserId = userId; ads.Verified = AdsStatus.Verified; ads.WebsiteUrl = homePageUrl; ads.EmailId = mailId; ads.Verifieddate = DateTime.UtcNow.Date; var savedStatus = dbr.Add(ads); if (savedStatus != 1) { return(Ok("Ads found on website")); } lstUser.First().Adsstatus = AdsStatus.Verified; lstUser.First().TrailStatus =; lstUser.First().PaymentType = PaymentType.paypal; lstUser.First().PayPalAccountStatus = PayPalAccountStatus.added; lstUser.First().AccountType = SBAccountType.Standard; lstUser.First().PaymentStatus = SBPaymentStatus.Paid; dbr.Update(lstUser.First()); } return(Ok("Ads found on website")); } catch (Exception) { return(BadRequest("Something went wrong please try after sometime")); } }
public async Task <string> FBPlugingCreateBoard(string boardName, string twitterHashTag, string instagramHashTag, string gplusHashTag, long userId, Helper.Cache _redisCache, Helper.AppSettings settings, ILogger _logger, DatabaseRepository dbr) { if (boardName.Contains("~") || boardName.Contains("@") || boardName.Contains("$") || boardName.Contains("%") || boardName.Contains("^") || boardName.Contains("*") || boardName.Contains("(") || boardName.Contains(")") || boardName.Contains("'") || boardName.Contains("?") || boardName.Contains("+") || boardName.Contains("'\'") || boardName.Contains("| ") || boardName.Contains("/")) { return("You cannot create board with special characters"); } else { IList <Domain.Socioboard.Models.MongoBoards> boards = new List <Domain.Socioboard.Models.MongoBoards>(); try { boards = dbr.Find <Domain.Socioboard.Models.MongoBoards>(t => t.boardName.Equals(boardName.ToLower())); } catch (Exception e) { } string Bid = string.Empty; if (boards == null || boards.Count() == 0) { Domain.Socioboard.Models.MongoBoards board = new Domain.Socioboard.Models.MongoBoards(); board.isActive =; board.boardName = boardName.ToLower(); board.createDate = DateTime.UtcNow; board.userId = userId; board.trendingtype = Domain.Socioboard.Enum.TrendingType.facebook; board.boardId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); if (board.boardName.ToLower().Contains(" ")) { board.TempboardName = board.boardName.Replace(" ", "_"); } else { board.TempboardName = boardName.ToLower(); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(twitterHashTag) && twitterHashTag != "undefined") { TwitterRepository tr = new TwitterRepository(); board.twitterHashTag = await tr.AddTwitterHashTagFBPlugin(twitterHashTag, board.boardId, _redisCache, settings, _logger); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(instagramHashTag) && instagramHashTag != "undefined") { InstagramRepository instRepo = new InstagramRepository(); board.instagramHashTag = await instRepo.AddInstagramHashTagFBPlugin(instagramHashTag, board.boardId, _redisCache, settings, _logger); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(gplusHashTag) && gplusHashTag != "undefined") { GplusRepository gplusRepo = new GplusRepository(); board.gplusHashTag = await gplusRepo.AddGplusHashTagFBPlugin(gplusHashTag, board.boardId, _redisCache, settings, _logger); } dbr.Add <Domain.Socioboard.Models.MongoBoards>(board); return("successfulyy added."); } else { Bid = boards.First().boardId; Domain.Socioboard.Models.MongoBoards board = dbr.Single <Domain.Socioboard.Models.MongoBoards>(t => t.boardId == Bid); //TwitterRepository tr = new TwitterRepository(); //board.twitterHashTag = await tr.AddTwitterHashTagFBPlugin(twitterHashTag, board.boardId, _redisCache, settings, _logger); //InstagramRepository instRepo = new InstagramRepository(); //board.instagramHashTag = await instRepo.AddInstagramHashTagFBPlugin(instagramHashTag, board.boardId, _redisCache, settings, _logger); //GplusRepository gplusRepo = new GplusRepository(); //board.gplusHashTag = await gplusRepo.AddGplusHashTagFBPlugin(gplusHashTag, board.boardId, _redisCache, settings, _logger); //board.isActive =; board.createDate = DateTime.UtcNow; dbr.Update <Domain.Socioboard.Models.MongoBoards>(board); return("successfulyy Updated Board."); } } }
public static string PostTwitterMessage(AppSettings _AppSettings, Cache _redisCache, string message, string profileid, long userid, string url, bool isScheduled, DatabaseRepository dbr, ILogger _logger, string sscheduledmsgguid = "") { bool rt = false; string ret = ""; string str = ""; int Twtsc = 0; Domain.Socioboard.Models.TwitterAccount objTwitterAccount = Api.Socioboard.Repositories.TwitterRepository.getTwitterAccount(profileid, _redisCache, dbr); oAuthTwitter OAuthTwt = new oAuthTwitter(_AppSettings.twitterConsumerKey, _AppSettings.twitterConsumerScreatKey, _AppSettings.twitterRedirectionUrl); OAuthTwt.AccessToken = objTwitterAccount.oAuthToken; OAuthTwt.AccessTokenSecret = objTwitterAccount.oAuthSecret; OAuthTwt.TwitterScreenName = objTwitterAccount.twitterScreenName; OAuthTwt.TwitterUserId = objTwitterAccount.twitterUserId; Tweet twt = new Tweet(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(url)) { try { PhotoUpload ph = new PhotoUpload(); string res = string.Empty; rt = ph.NewTweet(url, message, OAuthTwt, ref res); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.LogError("PostTwitterMessageWithImage" + ex.StackTrace); _logger.LogError("PostTwitterMessageWithImage" + ex.Message); } } else { try { JArray post = twt.Post_Statuses_Update(OAuthTwt, message); ret = post[0]["id_str"].ToString(); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.LogError("PostTwitterMessage" + ex.StackTrace); _logger.LogError("PostTwitterMessage" + ex.Message); } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ret) || rt == true) { ScheduledMessage scheduledMessage = new ScheduledMessage(); scheduledMessage.createTime = DateTime.UtcNow; scheduledMessage.picUrl = objTwitterAccount.profileImageUrl; scheduledMessage.profileId = profileid; scheduledMessage.profileType = Domain.Socioboard.Enum.SocialProfileType.Twitter; scheduledMessage.scheduleTime = DateTime.UtcNow; scheduledMessage.shareMessage = message; scheduledMessage.socialprofileName = objTwitterAccount.twitterScreenName; scheduledMessage.userId = userid; scheduledMessage.status = Domain.Socioboard.Enum.ScheduleStatus.Compleated; scheduledMessage.url = url; dbr.Add <ScheduledMessage>(scheduledMessage); } else { str = "Message not posted"; } return(str); }
public static string ComposeTwitterMessage(string message, string profileid, long userid, string picurl, bool isScheduled, DatabaseRepository dbr, Domain.Socioboard.Models.TwitterAccount TwitterAccount, Domain.Socioboard.Models.ScheduledMessage schmessage, Domain.Socioboard.Models.User _user) { bool rt = false; string ret = ""; string str = "Message posted"; if (message.Length > 140) { message = message.Substring(0, 135); } Domain.Socioboard.Models.TwitterAccount objTwitterAccount = TwitterAccount; oAuthTwitter OAuthTwt = new oAuthTwitter(AppSettings.twitterConsumerKey, AppSettings.twitterConsumerScreatKey, AppSettings.twitterRedirectionUrl); OAuthTwt.AccessToken = objTwitterAccount.oAuthToken; OAuthTwt.AccessTokenSecret = objTwitterAccount.oAuthSecret; OAuthTwt.TwitterScreenName = objTwitterAccount.twitterScreenName; OAuthTwt.TwitterUserId = objTwitterAccount.twitterUserId; Tweet twt = new Tweet(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(picurl)) { try { PhotoUpload ph = new PhotoUpload(); string res = string.Empty; rt = ph.NewTweet(picurl, message, OAuthTwt, ref res); } catch (Exception ex) { apiHitsCount = MaxapiHitsCount; } } else { try { JArray post = twt.Post_Statuses_Update(OAuthTwt, message); ret = post[0]["id_str"].ToString(); } catch (Exception ex) { apiHitsCount = MaxapiHitsCount; } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ret) || rt == true) { schmessage.status = Domain.Socioboard.Enum.ScheduleStatus.Compleated; //schmessage.url = ret; dbr.Update <ScheduledMessage>(schmessage); Domain.Socioboard.Models.Notifications notify = new Notifications(); Notifications lstnotifications = dbr.Single <Notifications>(t => t.MsgId ==; if (lstnotifications == null) { notify.MsgId =; notify.MsgStatus = "Scheduled"; notify.notificationtime = schmessage.localscheduletime; notify.NotificationType = "Schedule Successfully"; notify.ReadOrUnread = "Unread"; notify.UserId = userid; dbr.Add <Notifications>(notify); if (_user.scheduleSuccessUpdates) { string sucResponse = SendMailbySendGrid(AppSettings.from_mail, "", _user.EmailId, "", "", "", "", _user.FirstName, schmessage.localscheduletime, true, AppSettings.sendGridUserName, AppSettings.sendGridPassword); } } else { //if (_user.scheduleSuccessUpdates) //{ // string sucResponse = SendMailbySendGrid(AppSettings.from_mail, "", _user.EmailId, "", "", "", "", _user.FirstName, schmessage.localscheduletime, true, AppSettings.sendGridUserName, AppSettings.sendGridPassword); //} } } else { str = "Message not posted"; Domain.Socioboard.Models.Notifications notify = new Notifications(); Notifications lstnotifications = dbr.Single <Notifications>(t => t.MsgId ==; if (lstnotifications == null) { notify.MsgId =; notify.MsgStatus = "Failed"; notify.notificationtime = schmessage.localscheduletime; notify.NotificationType = "Schedule Failed"; notify.ReadOrUnread = "Unread"; notify.UserId = userid; dbr.Add <Notifications>(notify); if (_user.scheduleFailureUpdates) { string falResponse = SendMailbySendGrid(AppSettings.from_mail, "", _user.EmailId, "", "", "", "", _user.FirstName, schmessage.localscheduletime, false, AppSettings.sendGridUserName, AppSettings.sendGridPassword); } } else { //if (_user.scheduleFailureUpdates) //{ // string falResponse = SendMailbySendGrid(AppSettings.from_mail, "", _user.EmailId, "", "", "", "", _user.FirstName, schmessage.localscheduletime, false, AppSettings.sendGridUserName, AppSettings.sendGridPassword); //} } } return(str); }
public static string DaywiseComposeMessage(Domain.Socioboard.Enum.FbProfileType profiletype, string accessToken, string fbUserId, string message, string profileId, long userId, string imagePath, string link, Domain.Socioboard.Models.DaywiseSchedule schmessage, Domain.Socioboard.Models.User _user) { string ret = ""; var dbr = new DatabaseRepository(); try { var pageAccessToken = FacebookApiHelper.GetPageAccessToken(fbUserId, accessToken, string.Empty); var response = FacebookApiHelper.PublishPostOnPage(pageAccessToken, fbUserId, message, imagePath, link); var isPublished = response.Contains("id"); if (isPublished) { var selectDayObject = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <string> >(schmessage.weekdays); schmessage.scheduleTime = DateTimeHelper.GetNextScheduleDate(selectDayObject, schmessage.scheduleTime); if (schmessage.scheduleTime.Date == DateTime.Today) { schmessage.scheduleTime = schmessage.scheduleTime.AddDays(7); } dbr.Update(schmessage); var notify = new Notifications(); var notifications = dbr.Single <Notifications>(t => t.MsgId ==; if (notifications == null) { notify.MsgId =; notify.MsgStatus = "Scheduled"; notify.notificationtime = schmessage.localscheduletime.ToString(); notify.NotificationType = "Schedule Successfully"; notify.ReadOrUnread = "Unread"; notify.UserId = userId; dbr.Add(notify); if (_user.scheduleSuccessUpdates) { var sucResponse = SendMailbySendGrid(AppSettings.from_mail, "", _user.EmailId, "", "", "", "", _user.FirstName, schmessage.localscheduletime.ToString(), true, AppSettings.sendGridUserName, AppSettings.sendGridPassword); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { apiHitsCount = MaxapiHitsCount; var notify = new Notifications(); var notifications = dbr.Single <Notifications>(t => t.MsgId ==; if (notifications == null) { notify.MsgId =; notify.MsgStatus = "Failed"; notify.notificationtime = schmessage.localscheduletime.ToString(); notify.NotificationType = "Schedule Failed"; notify.ReadOrUnread = "Unread"; notify.UserId = userId; dbr.Add(notify); if (_user.scheduleFailureUpdates) { string falResponse = SendMailbySendGrid(AppSettings.from_mail, "", _user.EmailId, "", "", "", "", _user.FirstName, schmessage.localscheduletime.ToString(), false, AppSettings.sendGridUserName, AppSettings.sendGridPassword); } } } return(ret); }
public static string ComposeMessage(Domain.Socioboard.Enum.FbProfileType profiletype, string accessToken, string fbUserId, string message, string profileId, long userId, string imagePath, string link, Domain.Socioboard.Models.ScheduledMessage schmessage, Domain.Socioboard.Models.User _user) { string ret = ""; DatabaseRepository dbr = new DatabaseRepository(); FacebookClient fb = new FacebookClient(); fb.AccessToken = accessToken; System.Net.ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = System.Net.SecurityProtocolType.Tls; var args = new Dictionary <string, object>(); if (profiletype == Domain.Socioboard.Enum.FbProfileType.FacebookProfile) { args["privacy"] = FbUser.SetPrivacy("Public", fb, profileId); } try { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(link)) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(imagePath)) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(message)) { args["message"] = message; } if (!imagePath.Contains("mp4") && !imagePath.Contains("mov") && !imagePath.Contains("mpeg") && !imagePath.Contains("wmv") && !imagePath.Contains("avi") && !imagePath.Contains("flv") && !imagePath.Contains("3gp")) { Uri u = new Uri(imagePath); string filename = string.Empty; string extension = string.Empty; extension = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(u.AbsolutePath).Replace(".", ""); var media = new FacebookMediaObject { FileName = "filename", ContentType = "image/" + extension }; var webClient = new WebClient(); byte[] img = webClient.DownloadData(imagePath); media.SetValue(img); args["source"] = media; ret = fb.Post("v2.7/" + fbUserId + "/photos", args).ToString(); } else { Uri u = new Uri(imagePath); string filename = string.Empty; string extension = string.Empty; filename = imagePath.Substring(imagePath.IndexOf("get?id=") + 7); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(filename)) { extension = filename.Substring(filename.IndexOf(".") + 1); } var media = new FacebookMediaObject { FileName = filename, ContentType = "video/" + extension }; //byte[] img = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(imagepath); var webClient = new WebClient(); byte[] img = webClient.DownloadData(imagePath); media.SetValue(img); args["title"] = message; args["description"] = message; args["source"] = media; ret = fb.Post("v2.7/" + fbUserId + "/videos", args).ToString();//v2.1 } } else { args["message"] = message; ret = fb.Post("v2.7/" + fbUserId + "/feed", args).ToString(); } } else { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(link)) { if (message.Contains("https://") || message.Contains("http://")) { link = message; if (link.Contains("https://")) { string links = getBetween(link + "###", "https", "###"); links = "https" + links; try { link = links.Split(' ')[0].ToString(); } catch (Exception) { link = links; } } if (link.Contains("http://")) { string links = getBetween(link + "###", "http", "###"); links = "http" + links; try { link = links.Split(' ')[0].ToString(); } catch (Exception) { link = links; } } message = message.Replace(link, ""); args["message"] = message; } else { args["message"] = message; } } else { args["message"] = message; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(link)) { args["link"] = link; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(imagePath)) { args["picture"] = imagePath.Replace("&", "&"); } ret = fb.Post("v2.7/" + fbUserId + "/feed", args).ToString(); } schmessage.status = Domain.Socioboard.Enum.ScheduleStatus.Compleated; //schmessage.url = ret; dbr.Update <ScheduledMessage>(schmessage); Domain.Socioboard.Models.Notifications notify = new Notifications(); Notifications lstnotifications = dbr.Single <Notifications>(t => t.MsgId ==; if (lstnotifications == null) { notify.MsgId =; notify.MsgStatus = "Scheduled"; notify.notificationtime = schmessage.localscheduletime; notify.NotificationType = "Schedule Successfully"; notify.ReadOrUnread = "Unread"; notify.UserId = userId; dbr.Add <Notifications>(notify); if (_user.scheduleSuccessUpdates) { string sucResponse = SendMailbySendGrid(AppSettings.frommail, "", _user.EmailId, "", "", "", "", _user.FirstName, schmessage.localscheduletime, true, AppSettings.sendGridUserName, AppSettings.sendGridPassword); } } else { if (_user.scheduleSuccessUpdates) { string sucResponse = SendMailbySendGrid(AppSettings.frommail, "", _user.EmailId, "", "", "", "", _user.FirstName, schmessage.localscheduletime, true, AppSettings.sendGridUserName, AppSettings.sendGridPassword); } } } catch (Exception ex) { apiHitsCount = MaxapiHitsCount; Domain.Socioboard.Models.Notifications notify = new Notifications(); Notifications lstnotifications = dbr.Single <Notifications>(t => t.MsgId ==; if (lstnotifications == null) { notify.MsgId =; notify.MsgStatus = "Failed"; notify.notificationtime = schmessage.localscheduletime; notify.NotificationType = "Schedule Failed"; notify.ReadOrUnread = "Unread"; notify.UserId = userId; dbr.Add <Notifications>(notify); if (_user.scheduleFailureUpdates) { string falResponse = SendMailbySendGrid(AppSettings.frommail, "", _user.EmailId, "", "", "", "", _user.FirstName, schmessage.localscheduletime, false, AppSettings.sendGridUserName, AppSettings.sendGridPassword); } } else { if (_user.scheduleFailureUpdates) { string falResponse = SendMailbySendGrid(AppSettings.frommail, "", _user.EmailId, "", "", "", "", _user.FirstName, schmessage.localscheduletime, false, AppSettings.sendGridUserName, AppSettings.sendGridPassword); } } } return(ret); }
public IActionResult Register(User user) { user.CreateDate = DateTime.UtcNow; user.ExpiryDate = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(1); user.EmailValidateToken = SBHelper.RandomString(20); user.ValidateTokenExpireDate = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(1); user.ActivationStatus = Domain.Socioboard.Enum.SBUserActivationStatus.MailSent; user.Password = SBHelper.MD5Hash(user.Password); user.UserName = "******"; user.PayPalAccountStatus = Domain.Socioboard.Enum.PayPalAccountStatus.notadded; if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(BadRequest(ModelState)); } DatabaseRepository dbr = new DatabaseRepository(_logger, _appEnv); IList <User> lstUser = dbr.Find <User>(t => t.EmailId.Equals(user.EmailId)); if (lstUser != null && lstUser.Count() > 0) { return(BadRequest("EmailID Exist")); } IList <User> lstUser1 = dbr.Find <User>(a => a.PhoneNumber.Equals(user.PhoneNumber)); if (lstUser1 != null && lstUser1.Count() > 0) { return(BadRequest("Phone Number Exist")); } int SavedStatus = dbr.Add <Domain.Socioboard.Models.User>(user); User nuser = dbr.Single <User>(t => t.EmailId.Equals(user.EmailId)); if (SavedStatus == 1 && nuser != null) { Groups group = new Groups(); group.adminId = nuser.Id; // = nuser.Id; group.createdDate = DateTime.UtcNow; group.groupName = Domain.Socioboard.Consatants.SocioboardConsts.DefaultGroupName; SavedStatus = dbr.Add <Groups>(group); if (SavedStatus == 1) { long GroupId = dbr.FindSingle <Domain.Socioboard.Models.Groups>(t => t.adminId == group.adminId && t.groupName.Equals(group.groupName)).id; GroupMembersRepository.createGroupMember(GroupId, nuser, _redisCache, dbr); } try { string path = _appEnv.WebRootPath + "\\views\\mailtemplates\\registrationmail.html"; string html = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(path); html = html.Replace("[FirstName]", nuser.FirstName); html = html.Replace("[AccountType]", nuser.AccountType.ToString()); html = html.Replace("[ActivationLink]", _appSettings.Domain + "/Home/Active?Token=" + nuser.EmailValidateToken + "&id=" + nuser.Id); _emailSender.SendMailSendGrid(_appSettings.frommail, "", nuser.EmailId, "", "", "Socioboard Email conformation Link", html, _appSettings.SendgridUserName, _appSettings.SendGridPassword); } catch { return(Ok()); } } else { return(BadRequest("Can't create user")); } return(Ok("Email verification mail sent successfully.")); }
public IActionResult AddAdsUrl(long userId, string url) { try { Domain.Socioboard.Models.AdsOffers ads = new AdsOffers(); DatabaseRepository dbr = new DatabaseRepository(_logger, _env); IList <AdsOffers> lstAdsOffers = dbr.Find <AdsOffers>(t => t.UserId == userId); if (lstAdsOffers.Count == 0) { Match match = Regex.Match(url, @"^(?:\w+://)?([^/?]*)"); //string domain = match.Groups[1].Value; string homepageurl = match.Value; IList <AdsOffers> lstwebsites = dbr.Find <AdsOffers>(t => t.WebsiteUrl.Contains(homepageurl)); if (lstwebsites.Count == 0) { string lstcontent = Repositories.AdsOffersRepository.findUrlForAds(homepageurl); //string lstcontents = Repositories.AdsOffersRepository.GetHomePage(url); if (lstcontent == "Ads found on website") { IList <User> lstUser = dbr.Find <User>(t => t.Id == userId); string mailid = lstUser.First().EmailId; if (lstUser != null && lstUser.Count() > 0) { ads.adsaccountstatus = Domain.Socioboard.Enum.AdsOfferAccountStatus.Active; ads.adcreateddate = DateTime.UtcNow; ads.UserId = userId; ads.Verified = Domain.Socioboard.Enum.AdsStatus.Verified; ads.WebsiteUrl = homepageurl; ads.EmailId = mailid; ads.Verifieddate = DateTime.UtcNow.Date; int SavedStatus = dbr.Add <Domain.Socioboard.Models.AdsOffers>(ads); if (SavedStatus == 1) { lstUser.First().Adsstatus = Domain.Socioboard.Enum.AdsStatus.Verified; lstUser.First().TrailStatus =; lstUser.First().PaymentType = Domain.Socioboard.Enum.PaymentType.paypal; lstUser.First().PayPalAccountStatus = Domain.Socioboard.Enum.PayPalAccountStatus.added; lstUser.First().AccountType = Domain.Socioboard.Enum.SBAccountType.Standard; lstUser.First().PaymentStatus = Domain.Socioboard.Enum.SBPaymentStatus.Paid; //int SavedUserStatus = dbr.Add<Domain.Socioboard.Models.User>(user); int SavedUserStatus = dbr.Update <User>(lstUser.First()); // int SavedUserStatus = dbr.Update<User>(user); } } return(Ok("Ads found on website")); } else { return(BadRequest("Ads not found on website")); } } else { return(BadRequest("website already register for this offer")); } } else { return(BadRequest("you already register for this offer")); } } catch (Exception ex) { return(BadRequest("Something went wrong please try after sometime")); } // return Ok(); }
public IActionResult InviteGroupMembers(long groupId, string members) { List <Groupmembers> lstGrpMembers = new List <Groupmembers>(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(members)) { return(BadRequest("members should not be null.")); } else { string[] lstmem = members.Split(';'); foreach (var item in lstmem) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item)) { Groupmembers grpMember = new Groupmembers(); string[] memData = item.Split(':'); = memData[2]; grpMember.firstName = memData[0]; grpMember.lastName = memData[1]; lstGrpMembers.Add(grpMember); } } } DatabaseRepository dbr = new DatabaseRepository(_logger, _appEnv); Domain.Socioboard.Models.Groups grp = dbr.Find <Domain.Socioboard.Models.Groups>(t => == groupId).FirstOrDefault(); if (grp == null) { return(BadRequest("wrong group Id")); } else if (grp.groupName.Equals(Domain.Socioboard.Consatants.SocioboardConsts.DefaultGroupName)) { return(BadRequest("you can't invite members to default group.")); } foreach (var member in lstGrpMembers) { User inMemUser = _redisCache.Get <User>(; if (inMemUser == null) { inMemUser = dbr.Find <User>(t => t.EmailId.Equals(; } member.groupid = groupId; member.memberCode = Domain.Socioboard.Helpers.SBHelper.RandomString(15); member.isAdmin = false; member.memberStatus = Domain.Socioboard.Enum.GroupMemberStatus.MailSent; if (inMemUser != null) { member.userId = inMemUser.Id; member.profileImg = inMemUser.ProfilePicUrl; //todo : code to add in user notification list. } Groupmembers temp = dbr.Find <Groupmembers>(t => t.groupid == groupId && ==; if (temp == null) { dbr.Add <Groupmembers>(member); _redisCache.Delete(Domain.Socioboard.Consatants.SocioboardConsts.CacheGroupMembers + groupId); string path = _appEnv.WebRootPath + "\\views\\mailtemplates\\groupinvitation.html"; string html = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(path); html = html.Replace("[FirstName]", member.firstName); html = html.Replace("[JoinLink]", _appSettings.Domain + "/Home/GroupInvite?Token=" + member.memberCode + "&email=" +; _emailSender.SendMailSendGrid(_appSettings.frommail, "",, "", "", "Socioboard Team Invitation Link", html, _appSettings.SendgridUserName, _appSettings.SendGridPassword); } } return(Ok()); }
public IActionResult GoogleLogin(string code, SBAccountType accType) { var refreshToken = string.Empty; string accessToken; var objoAuthTokenGPlus = new oAuthTokenGPlus(_appSettings.GoogleConsumerKey, _appSettings.GoogleConsumerSecret, _appSettings.GoogleRedirectUri); var objToken = new oAuthToken(_appSettings.GoogleConsumerKey, _appSettings.GoogleConsumerSecret, _appSettings.GoogleRedirectUri); JObject userInfo; try { var objRefresh = objoAuthTokenGPlus.GetRefreshToken(code); var objAccessToken = JObject.Parse(objRefresh); _logger.LogInformation(objAccessToken.ToString()); try { refreshToken = objAccessToken["refresh_token"].ToString(); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.LogError(ex.StackTrace); } accessToken = objAccessToken["access_token"].ToString(); var user = objToken.GetUserInfo("self", accessToken); _logger.LogInformation(user); userInfo = JObject.Parse(JArray.Parse(user)[0].ToString()); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.LogError(ex.StackTrace); return(Ok("Access Token Not Found")); } var emailId = string.Empty; try { emailId = Convert.ToString(userInfo["email"]); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.LogError(ex.StackTrace); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(emailId)) { return(Ok("Google not returning Email")); } try { var inMemUser = _redisCache.Get <User>(emailId); if (inMemUser != null) { return(Ok(inMemUser)); } } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.LogError(ex.StackTrace); } var dbr = new DatabaseRepository(_logger, _appEnv); var signedInUser = dbr.FindFirstMatch <User>(t => t.EmailId.Equals(emailId)); if (signedInUser != null) { if (!signedInUser.SocialLoginEnableGo) { return(Ok("Account isn't sign-up with google!")); } CustomTaskFactory.Instance.Start(() => { if (signedInUser.RefrralCode == null) { signedInUser.RefrralCode = $"{SocioboardApiConstants.ApplicationName}" + signedInUser.Id; } signedInUser.LastLoginTime = DateTime.UtcNow; dbr.Update(signedInUser); _redisCache.Set(signedInUser.EmailId, signedInUser); }); return(Ok(signedInUser)); } var googleUser = new User { AccountType = accType, PaymentType = PaymentType.paypal, ActivationStatus = SBUserActivationStatus.Active, CreateDate = DateTime.UtcNow, EmailId = emailId, ExpiryDate = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(1), UserName = $"{SocioboardApiConstants.ApplicationName}", EmailValidateToken = "Google", UserType = "User", LastLoginTime = DateTime.UtcNow, SocialLoginEnableGo = true, SocialLoginEnableFb = false, PaymentStatus = SBPaymentStatus.UnPaid, RegistrationType = SBRegistrationType.Google, TrailStatus = }; if (googleUser.AccountType == SBAccountType.Free) { googleUser.ExpiryDate = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(15); } try { googleUser.FirstName = Convert.ToString(userInfo["name"]); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.LogError(ex.StackTrace); } var savedStatus = dbr.Add(googleUser); var googleUserAccount = dbr.FindFirstMatch <User>(t => t.EmailId.Equals(googleUser.EmailId)); CustomTaskFactory.Instance.Start(() => { if (savedStatus != 1 || googleUserAccount == null) { return; } _redisCache.Set(emailId, googleUserAccount); var group = new Groups(); group.adminId = googleUserAccount.Id; group.createdDate = DateTime.UtcNow; group.groupName = SocioboardConsts.DefaultGroupName; savedStatus = dbr.Add(group); if (savedStatus != 1) { return; } var groupDetails = dbr.Find <Groups>(t => t.adminId == googleUserAccount.Id && t.groupName.Equals(SocioboardConsts.DefaultGroupName)) .FirstOrDefault(); if (groupDetails == null) { return; } GroupMembersRepository.CreateGroupMember(, googleUserAccount, _redisCache, dbr); GplusRepository.AddGplusAccount(userInfo, dbr, googleUserAccount.Id,, accessToken, refreshToken, _redisCache, _appSettings, _logger); }); return(Ok(googleUserAccount)); }
public IActionResult GoogleLoginPhone(string refreshToken, string accessToken, SBAccountType accType) { var ret = string.Empty; var objRefresh = string.Empty; var ObjoAuthTokenGPlus = new oAuthTokenGPlus(_appSettings.GoogleConsumerKey, _appSettings.GoogleConsumerSecret, _appSettings.GoogleRedirectUri); var objToken = new oAuthToken(_appSettings.GoogleConsumerKey, _appSettings.GoogleConsumerSecret, _appSettings.GoogleRedirectUri); var userinfo = new JObject(); try { var user = objToken.GetUserInfo("self", accessToken); _logger.LogInformation(user); userinfo = JObject.Parse(JArray.Parse(user)[0].ToString()); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.LogInformation(ex.Message); _logger.LogError(ex.StackTrace); ret = "Access Token Not Found"; return(Ok(ret)); } var EmailId = string.Empty; try { EmailId = Convert.ToString(userinfo["email"]); } catch { } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(EmailId)) { return(Ok("Google Not retuning Email")); } try { var inMemUser = _redisCache.Get <User>(EmailId); if (inMemUser != null) { return(Ok(inMemUser)); } } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.LogInformation(ex.Message); _logger.LogError(ex.StackTrace); } var dbr = new DatabaseRepository(_logger, _appEnv); var lstUser = dbr.Find <User>(t => t.EmailId.Equals(EmailId)); if (lstUser != null && lstUser.Count() > 0) { var d1 = DateTime.UtcNow; //User userTable = dbr.Single<User>(t => t.EmailId == EmailId); //userTable.LastLoginTime = d1; lstUser.First().LastLoginTime = d1; dbr.Update(lstUser.First()); _redisCache.Set(lstUser.First().EmailId, lstUser.First()); return(Ok(lstUser.First())); } { var gplusAcc = GplusRepository.getGPlusAccount(Convert.ToString(userinfo["id"]), _redisCache, dbr); if (gplusAcc != null && gplusAcc.IsActive) { return(BadRequest("GPlus account added by other user.")); } var user = new User(); if (accType == SBAccountType.Free) { user.AccountType = SBAccountType.Free; } else if (accType == SBAccountType.Deluxe) { user.AccountType = SBAccountType.Deluxe; } else if (accType == SBAccountType.Premium) { user.AccountType = SBAccountType.Premium; } else if (accType == SBAccountType.Topaz) { user.AccountType = SBAccountType.Topaz; } else if (accType == SBAccountType.Platinum) { user.AccountType = SBAccountType.Platinum; } else if (accType == SBAccountType.Gold) { user.AccountType = SBAccountType.Gold; } else if (accType == SBAccountType.Ruby) { user.AccountType = SBAccountType.Ruby; } else if (accType == SBAccountType.Standard) { user.AccountType = SBAccountType.Standard; } user.PaymentType = PaymentType.paypal; user.ActivationStatus = SBUserActivationStatus.Active; user.CreateDate = DateTime.UtcNow; user.EmailId = EmailId; user.ExpiryDate = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(30); user.UserName = "******"; user.EmailValidateToken = "Google"; user.UserType = "User"; user.LastLoginTime = DateTime.UtcNow; user.PaymentStatus = SBPaymentStatus.UnPaid; user.SocialLoginEnableGo = true; try { user.FirstName = Convert.ToString(userinfo["name"]); } catch { } user.RegistrationType = SBRegistrationType.Google; var SavedStatus = dbr.Add(user); var nuser = dbr.Single <User>(t => t.EmailId.Equals(user.EmailId)); if (SavedStatus == 1 && nuser != null) { var group = new Groups(); group.adminId = nuser.Id; group.createdDate = DateTime.UtcNow; group.groupName = SocioboardConsts.DefaultGroupName; SavedStatus = dbr.Add(group); if (SavedStatus == 1) { var ngrp = dbr.Find <Groups>(t => t.adminId == nuser.Id && t.groupName.Equals(SocioboardConsts.DefaultGroupName)) .FirstOrDefault(); GroupMembersRepository.CreateGroupMember(, nuser, _redisCache, dbr); // Adding GPlus Profile GplusRepository.AddGplusAccount(userinfo, dbr, nuser.Id,, accessToken, refreshToken, _redisCache, _appSettings, _logger); } } return(Ok(nuser)); } }
public void GetLatestTrendsFromTwiter() { try { string homepageUrl = ""; string trendsUrl = ""; string homePageResponse = getHtmlfromUrl(trendsUrl); try { string[] GetTrends = Regex.Split(homePageResponse, "data-trend-name="); GetTrends = GetTrends.Skip(1).ToArray(); foreach (string item in GetTrends) { try { string temptrend = string.Empty; string trend = getBetween(item, "\"", "\\\"").Replace("'", "'"); trend = Regex.Replace(trend, @"\\u[\d\w]{4}", String.Empty); trend = trend.Replace("#", ""); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(trend) && !trend.Contains("_") && !trend.Contains("__")) { if (trend.ToLower().Contains(" ")) { temptrend = trend.Replace(" ", "_"); } else if (trend.ToLower().Contains("/")) { temptrend = trend.Replace("/", "_"); } else if (trend.ToLower().Contains("'\'")) { temptrend = trend.Replace("'\'", "_"); } else { temptrend = trend.ToLower(); } //Trendingkeyword _Trendingkeyword = new Trendingkeyword(); //_Trendingkeyword.Id = ObjectId.GenerateNewId(); //_Trendingkeyword.strId = ObjectId.GenerateNewId().ToString(); //_Trendingkeyword.keyword = trend; //_Trendingkeyword.TrendingType = Domain.Socioboard.Enum.TrendingType.twitter; //_Trendingkeyword.trendingdate= SBHelper.ConvertToUnixTimestamp(DateTime.UtcNow); //MongoRepository mongorepo = new MongoRepository("Trendingkeyword"); //var ret=mongorepo.Find<Trendingkeyword>(t => t.keyword == trend && t.TrendingType==Domain.Socioboard.Enum.TrendingType.twitter); //var task = Task.Run(async () => //{ // return await ret; //}); //int count = task.Result.Count; //if(count<1) //{ // mongorepo.Add<Trendingkeyword>(_Trendingkeyword); // AddTwittertrendingHashTagFeeds(trend, _Trendingkeyword.strId, ""); //} DatabaseRepository dbr = new DatabaseRepository(); List <Domain.Socioboard.Models.MongoBoards> boards = new List <Domain.Socioboard.Models.MongoBoards>(); try { boards = dbr.Find <Domain.Socioboard.Models.MongoBoards>(t => t.boardName.Equals(trend.ToLower()) && t.isActive ==; string Bid = string.Empty; if (boards == null || boards.Count() == 0) { //Bid = boards.First().boardId; Domain.Socioboard.Models.MongoBoards board = new Domain.Socioboard.Models.MongoBoards(); board.TempboardName = temptrend.ToLower(); board.isActive =; board.boardName = trend.ToLower(); board.trendingtype = Domain.Socioboard.Enum.TrendingType.twitter; board.createDate = DateTime.UtcNow; board.boardId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); board.twitterHashTag = AddTwitterHashTag(trend, board.boardId); board.instagramHashTag = AddInstagramHashTag(trend, board.boardId); board.gplusHashTag = AddGplusHashTag(trend, board.boardId); dbr.Add <Domain.Socioboard.Models.MongoBoards>(board); string boardcreation = getHtmlfromUrl("" + board.boardName); if (boardcreation.Contains("true")) { Console.WriteLine("created new sitemap for twitter trending keyword" + boardcreation); } Console.WriteLine("created new bord for twitter trending keyword" + board.boardName); } else { Bid = boards.First().boardId; Domain.Socioboard.Models.MongoBoards board = dbr.Single <Domain.Socioboard.Models.MongoBoards>(t => t.boardId == Bid); // board.TempboardName = temptrend; board.isActive =; board.createDate = DateTime.UtcNow; //board.boardId = board.boardId; //board.facebookHashTag = AddFacebookHashTag(trds[0], trds[1], board.boardId, ref HttpHelper, ref facebookUser); //board.twitterHashTag = AddTwitterHashTag(trend, board.boardId); //board.instagramHashTag = AddInstagramHashTag(trend, board.boardId); //board.gplusHashTag = AddGplusHashTag(trend, board.boardId); dbr.Update <Domain.Socioboard.Models.MongoBoards>(board); string boardcreation = getHtmlfromUrl("" + board.boardName); if (boardcreation.Contains("true")) { Console.WriteLine("created new sitemap for twitter trending keyword" + boardcreation); } Console.WriteLine("created new bord for twitter trending keyword" + board.boardName); } } catch (Exception e) { } } } catch (Exception ex) { } } } catch (Exception ex) { } } catch (Exception ex) { } }
public static string ComposeMessage(Domain.Socioboard.Enum.FbProfileType profiletype, string accessToken, string fbUserId, string message, string profileId, long userId, string imagePath, string link, DatabaseRepository dbr, ILogger _logger) { string ret = ""; FacebookClient fb = new FacebookClient(); fb.AccessToken = accessToken; System.Net.ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = System.Net.SecurityProtocolType.Tls; var args = new Dictionary <string, object>(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(message)) { args["message"] = message; } if (profiletype == Domain.Socioboard.Enum.FbProfileType.FacebookProfile) { args["privacy"] = FbUser.SetPrivacy("Public", fb, profileId); } try { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(imagePath)) { Uri u = new Uri(imagePath); string filename = string.Empty; string extension = string.Empty; extension = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(u.AbsolutePath).Replace(".", ""); var media = new FacebookMediaObject { FileName = "filename", ContentType = "image/" + extension }; //byte[] img = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(imagepath); var webClient = new WebClient(); byte[] img = webClient.DownloadData(imagePath); media.SetValue(img); args["source"] = media; ret = fb.Post("v2.7/" + fbUserId + "/photos", args).ToString();//v2.1 } else { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(link)) { args["link"] = link; } ret = fb.Post("v2.7/" + fbUserId + "/feed", args).ToString();//v2.1 } ScheduledMessage scheduledMessage = new ScheduledMessage(); scheduledMessage.createTime = DateTime.UtcNow; scheduledMessage.picUrl = "" + fbUserId + "/picture?type=small";//imagePath; scheduledMessage.profileId = profileId; scheduledMessage.profileType = Domain.Socioboard.Enum.SocialProfileType.Facebook; scheduledMessage.scheduleTime = DateTime.UtcNow; scheduledMessage.shareMessage = message; scheduledMessage.userId = userId; scheduledMessage.status = Domain.Socioboard.Enum.ScheduleStatus.Compleated; scheduledMessage.url = imagePath;//""+ fbUserId + "/picture?type=small"; dbr.Add <ScheduledMessage>(scheduledMessage); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.LogError(ex.Message); _logger.LogError(ex.StackTrace); } return(ret); }
public IActionResult GoogleLogin(string code, Domain.Socioboard.Enum.SBAccountType accType) { string ret = string.Empty; string objRefresh = string.Empty; string refreshToken = string.Empty; string access_token = string.Empty; oAuthTokenGPlus ObjoAuthTokenGPlus = new oAuthTokenGPlus(_appSettings.GoogleConsumerKey, _appSettings.GoogleConsumerSecret, _appSettings.GoogleRedirectUri); oAuthToken objToken = new oAuthToken(_appSettings.GoogleConsumerKey, _appSettings.GoogleConsumerSecret, _appSettings.GoogleRedirectUri); JObject userinfo = new JObject(); try { objRefresh = ObjoAuthTokenGPlus.GetRefreshToken(code); JObject objaccesstoken = JObject.Parse(objRefresh); _logger.LogInformation(objaccesstoken.ToString()); try { refreshToken = objaccesstoken["refresh_token"].ToString(); } catch { } access_token = objaccesstoken["access_token"].ToString(); string user = objToken.GetUserInfo("self", access_token.ToString()); _logger.LogInformation(user); userinfo = JObject.Parse(JArray.Parse(user)[0].ToString()); } catch (Exception ex) { //access_token = objaccesstoken["access_token"].ToString(); //ObjoAuthTokenGPlus.RevokeToken(access_token); _logger.LogInformation(ex.Message); _logger.LogError(ex.StackTrace); ret = "Access Token Not Found"; return(Ok(ret)); } string EmailId = string.Empty; try { EmailId = (Convert.ToString(userinfo["email"])); } catch { } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(EmailId)) { return(Ok("Google Not retuning Email")); } try { User inMemUser = _redisCache.Get <User>(EmailId); if (inMemUser != null) { return(Ok(inMemUser)); } } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.LogInformation(ex.Message); _logger.LogError(ex.StackTrace); } DatabaseRepository dbr = new DatabaseRepository(_logger, _appEnv); IList <User> lstUser = dbr.Find <User>(t => t.EmailId.Equals(EmailId)); IList <Googleplusaccounts> lstgacc = dbr.Find <Googleplusaccounts>(t => t.EmailId.Equals(EmailId)); IList <User> userTable = dbr.Find <User>(t => t.Id == lstgacc.First().UserId); if (lstUser != null && lstUser.Count() > 0) { if (lstUser.FirstOrDefault().SocialLoginEnableGo == true) { if (lstUser.First().ActivationStatus == Domain.Socioboard.Enum.SBUserActivationStatus.Active) { if (lstUser.First().RefrralCode == null) { lstUser.First().RefrralCode = "SOCIOBOARD_" + lstUser.First().Id; } DateTime d1 = DateTime.UtcNow; //User userTable = dbr.Single<User>(t => t.EmailId == EmailId); //userTable.LastLoginTime = d1; lstUser.First().LastLoginTime = d1; dbr.Update <User>(lstUser.First()); _redisCache.Set <User>(lstUser.First().EmailId, lstUser.First()); return(Ok(lstUser.First())); } else if (lstUser.First().ActivationStatus == Domain.Socioboard.Enum.SBUserActivationStatus.Disable) { return(Ok("Your account is disabled. Please contact socioboard support for more assistance")); } else { return(Ok("Something went wrong please try after sometime")); } } else { return(Ok(" Oh! it's look like social signin with google has disabled")); } } else if (lstgacc != null && lstgacc.Count() > 0 && lstUser.Count() == 0) { if (lstgacc.First().IsActive == true) { if (userTable.First().SocialLoginEnableGo == true) { DateTime d1 = DateTime.UtcNow; //IList<User> userTable = dbr.Find<User>(t => t.Id == lstgacc.First().UserId); userTable.First().LastLoginTime = d1; dbr.Update <User>(userTable.First()); _redisCache.Set <User>(userTable.First().EmailId, userTable.First()); return(Ok(userTable.First())); } else { return(Ok("it's look like you have disable your social signin option for gplus acc.")); } } else { return(Ok("Google account added by other user")); } } else { Domain.Socioboard.Models.Googleplusaccounts gplusAcc = Api.Socioboard.Repositories.GplusRepository.getGPlusAccount(Convert.ToString(userinfo["id"]), _redisCache, dbr); if (gplusAcc != null && gplusAcc.IsActive == true) { return(BadRequest("GPlus account added by other user.")); } Domain.Socioboard.Models.User user = new Domain.Socioboard.Models.User(); if (accType == Domain.Socioboard.Enum.SBAccountType.Free) { user.AccountType = Domain.Socioboard.Enum.SBAccountType.Free; } else if (accType == Domain.Socioboard.Enum.SBAccountType.Deluxe) { user.AccountType = Domain.Socioboard.Enum.SBAccountType.Deluxe; } else if (accType == Domain.Socioboard.Enum.SBAccountType.Premium) { user.AccountType = Domain.Socioboard.Enum.SBAccountType.Premium; } else if (accType == Domain.Socioboard.Enum.SBAccountType.Topaz) { user.AccountType = Domain.Socioboard.Enum.SBAccountType.Topaz; } else if (accType == Domain.Socioboard.Enum.SBAccountType.Platinum) { user.AccountType = Domain.Socioboard.Enum.SBAccountType.Platinum; } else if (accType == Domain.Socioboard.Enum.SBAccountType.Gold) { user.AccountType = Domain.Socioboard.Enum.SBAccountType.Gold; } else if (accType == Domain.Socioboard.Enum.SBAccountType.Ruby) { user.AccountType = Domain.Socioboard.Enum.SBAccountType.Ruby; } else if (accType == Domain.Socioboard.Enum.SBAccountType.Standard) { user.AccountType = Domain.Socioboard.Enum.SBAccountType.Standard; } user.PaymentType = Domain.Socioboard.Enum.PaymentType.paypal; user.ActivationStatus = Domain.Socioboard.Enum.SBUserActivationStatus.Active; user.CreateDate = DateTime.UtcNow; user.EmailId = EmailId; user.ExpiryDate = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(1); user.UserName = "******"; user.EmailValidateToken = "Google"; user.UserType = "User"; user.LastLoginTime = DateTime.UtcNow; user.PaymentStatus = Domain.Socioboard.Enum.SBPaymentStatus.UnPaid; try { user.FirstName = (Convert.ToString(userinfo["name"])); } catch { } user.RegistrationType = Domain.Socioboard.Enum.SBRegistrationType.Google; int SavedStatus = dbr.Add <Domain.Socioboard.Models.User>(user); User nuser = dbr.Single <User>(t => t.EmailId.Equals(user.EmailId)); if (SavedStatus == 1 && nuser != null) { Groups group = new Groups(); group.adminId = nuser.Id; group.createdDate = DateTime.UtcNow; group.groupName = Domain.Socioboard.Consatants.SocioboardConsts.DefaultGroupName; SavedStatus = dbr.Add <Groups>(group); if (SavedStatus == 1) { Groups ngrp = dbr.Find <Domain.Socioboard.Models.Groups>(t => t.adminId == nuser.Id && t.groupName.Equals(Domain.Socioboard.Consatants.SocioboardConsts.DefaultGroupName)).FirstOrDefault(); GroupMembersRepository.createGroupMember(, nuser, _redisCache, dbr); // Adding GPlus Profile Api.Socioboard.Repositories.GplusRepository.AddGplusAccount(userinfo, dbr, nuser.Id,, access_token, refreshToken, _redisCache, _appSettings, _logger); } } return(Ok(nuser)); } }
public IActionResult FacebookLogin(string AccessToken, Domain.Socioboard.Enum.SBAccountType accType) { dynamic profile = FbUser.getFbUser(AccessToken); if (Convert.ToString(profile) == "Invalid Access Token") { return(Ok("Invalid Access Token")); } try { string EmailId = string.Empty; try { EmailId = (Convert.ToString(profile["email"])); } catch { } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(EmailId)) { return(Ok("Facebook Not retuning Email")); } try { User inMemUser = _redisCache.Get <User>(EmailId); if (inMemUser != null) { return(Ok(inMemUser)); } } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.LogInformation(ex.Message); _logger.LogError(ex.StackTrace); } DatabaseRepository dbr = new DatabaseRepository(_logger, _appEnv); IList <User> lstUser = dbr.Find <User>(t => t.EmailId.Equals(EmailId)); if (lstUser != null && lstUser.Count() > 0) { DateTime d1 = DateTime.UtcNow; //User userTable = dbr.Single<User>(t => t.EmailId == EmailId); //userTable.LastLoginTime = d1; lstUser.First().LastLoginTime = d1; dbr.Update <User>(lstUser.First()); _redisCache.Set <User>(lstUser.First().EmailId, lstUser.First()); return(Ok(lstUser.First())); } else { Domain.Socioboard.Models.Facebookaccounts fbacc = Api.Socioboard.Repositories.FacebookRepository.getFacebookAccount(Convert.ToString(profile["id"]), _redisCache, dbr); if (fbacc != null && fbacc.IsActive == true) { return(Ok("Facebook account added by other user.")); } Domain.Socioboard.Models.User user = new Domain.Socioboard.Models.User(); if (accType == Domain.Socioboard.Enum.SBAccountType.Free) { user.AccountType = Domain.Socioboard.Enum.SBAccountType.Free; } else if (accType == Domain.Socioboard.Enum.SBAccountType.Deluxe) { user.AccountType = Domain.Socioboard.Enum.SBAccountType.Deluxe; } else if (accType == Domain.Socioboard.Enum.SBAccountType.Premium) { user.AccountType = Domain.Socioboard.Enum.SBAccountType.Premium; } else if (accType == Domain.Socioboard.Enum.SBAccountType.Topaz) { user.AccountType = Domain.Socioboard.Enum.SBAccountType.Topaz; } else if (accType == Domain.Socioboard.Enum.SBAccountType.Platinum) { user.AccountType = Domain.Socioboard.Enum.SBAccountType.Platinum; } else if (accType == Domain.Socioboard.Enum.SBAccountType.Gold) { user.AccountType = Domain.Socioboard.Enum.SBAccountType.Gold; } else if (accType == Domain.Socioboard.Enum.SBAccountType.Ruby) { user.AccountType = Domain.Socioboard.Enum.SBAccountType.Ruby; } else if (accType == Domain.Socioboard.Enum.SBAccountType.Standard) { user.AccountType = Domain.Socioboard.Enum.SBAccountType.Standard; } user.ActivationStatus = Domain.Socioboard.Enum.SBUserActivationStatus.Active; user.CreateDate = DateTime.UtcNow; user.EmailId = EmailId; user.ExpiryDate = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(1); user.PaymentType = Domain.Socioboard.Enum.PaymentType.paypal; user.UserName = "******"; user.EmailValidateToken = "Facebook"; try { user.ProfilePicUrl = "" + Convert.ToString(profile["id"]) + "/picture?type=small"; } catch { } user.PaymentStatus = Domain.Socioboard.Enum.SBPaymentStatus.UnPaid; try { user.FirstName = (Convert.ToString(profile["name"])); } catch { } user.RegistrationType = Domain.Socioboard.Enum.SBRegistrationType.Faceboook; int SavedStatus = dbr.Add <Domain.Socioboard.Models.User>(user); User nuser = dbr.Single <User>(t => t.EmailId.Equals(user.EmailId)); if (SavedStatus == 1 && nuser != null) { Groups group = new Groups(); group.adminId = nuser.Id; group.createdDate = DateTime.UtcNow; group.groupName = Domain.Socioboard.Consatants.SocioboardConsts.DefaultGroupName; SavedStatus = dbr.Add <Groups>(group); if (SavedStatus == 1) { Groups ngrp = dbr.Find <Domain.Socioboard.Models.Groups>(t => t.adminId == nuser.Id && t.groupName.Equals(Domain.Socioboard.Consatants.SocioboardConsts.DefaultGroupName)).FirstOrDefault(); GroupMembersRepository.createGroupMember(, nuser, _redisCache, dbr); // Adding Facebook Profile Api.Socioboard.Repositories.FacebookRepository.AddFacebookAccount(profile, FbUser.getFbFriends(AccessToken), dbr, nuser.Id,, Domain.Socioboard.Enum.FbProfileType.FacebookProfile, AccessToken, _redisCache, _appSettings, _logger); } } return(Ok(nuser)); } } catch { return(Ok("Invalid Access Token")); } }
public IActionResult SaveImageforPrivate(long userId, string imgName, IFormFile files) { try { DatabaseRepository dbr = new DatabaseRepository(_logger, _env); double imgsize = dbr.Find <Domain.Socioboard.Models.ImgLibrary>(t => t.UserId == userId).Sum(t => t.ImageSize); if (imgsize <= 20971520) { long imglength = 0; var filename = ""; var apiimgPath = ""; var uploads = string.Empty; string imgPath = string.Empty; string imagePath = string.Empty; string localpath = string.Empty; string extension = string.Empty; if (files != null) { if (files.Length > 0) { var fileName = Microsoft.Net.Http.Headers.ContentDispositionHeaderValue.Parse(files.ContentDisposition).FileName.Trim('"'); // await file.s(Path.Combine(uploads, fileName)); filename = Microsoft.Net.Http.Headers.ContentDispositionHeaderValue .Parse(files.ContentDisposition) .FileName .Trim('"'); var tempName = Domain.Socioboard.Helpers.SBHelper.RandomString(10) + '.' + fileName.Split('.')[1]; filename = _env.WebRootPath + "\\upload\\UserImages" + $@"\{tempName}"; localpath = filename; imgPath = filename; uploads = _appSettings.ApiDomain + "/api/Media/getUserImages?id=" + $@"{tempName}"; extension = Path.GetExtension(fileName).ToUpper(); if (extension != ".JFIF" && extension != ".JPG" && extension != ".JPEG" && extension != ".Exif" && extension != ".GIF" && extension != ".TIFF" && extension != ".PNG" && extension != ".PPM" && extension != ".BMP" && extension != ".PGM" && extension != ".PBM" && extension != ".PNM") { return(BadRequest("Please select only image file")); } //imglength = new System.IO.FileInfo(filenameforlength).Length; // size += file.Length; try { using (FileStream fs = System.IO.File.Create(filename)) { files.CopyTo(fs); fs.Flush(); } imglength = new System.IO.FileInfo(filename).Length; double totallength = imgsize + imglength; if (totallength > 20971520) { return(BadRequest("You have reached maximum library sapce")); } filename = uploads; // long imglength = new System.IO.FileInfo(imagelocalPath).Length; } catch (System.Exception ex) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(imagePath)) { uploads = imagePath; } } } } else { } Domain.Socioboard.Models.ImgLibrary lstImglibrary = new ImgLibrary(); //long len = (new System.IO.FileInfo(filename)).Length; lstImglibrary.UserId = userId; lstImglibrary.ImageName = imgName; lstImglibrary.ImagePath = filename; lstImglibrary.ImageSize = imglength; lstImglibrary.Imageuploadeddate = DateTime.UtcNow; lstImglibrary.Tags = ""; lstImglibrary.FolderType = "Private"; lstImglibrary.LocalImagePath = localpath; lstImglibrary.Fileextension = extension; int SavedStatus = dbr.Add <Domain.Socioboard.Models.ImgLibrary>(lstImglibrary); if (SavedStatus == 1) { return(Ok("Image saved successfully")); } else { return(BadRequest("Something went wrong")); } } else { return(BadRequest("You have reached maximum library sapce")); } } catch (Exception ex) { return(BadRequest("Something went wrong")); } }
public IActionResult SaveImage(long userId, string imgName, IFormFile files) { var filename = ""; var apiimgPath = ""; var uploads = string.Empty; string imgPath = string.Empty; string imagePath = string.Empty; if (files != null) { if (files.Length > 0) { var fileName = Microsoft.Net.Http.Headers.ContentDispositionHeaderValue.Parse(files.ContentDisposition).FileName.Trim('"'); // await file.s(Path.Combine(uploads, fileName)); filename = Microsoft.Net.Http.Headers.ContentDispositionHeaderValue .Parse(files.ContentDisposition) .FileName .Trim('"'); var tempName = Domain.Socioboard.Helpers.SBHelper.RandomString(10) + '.' + fileName.Split('.')[1]; //apiimgPath = _appSettings.ApiDomain + "/api/Media/get?id=" + $@"{tempName}"; filename = _env.WebRootPath + "\\upload\\UserImages" + $@"\{tempName}"; imgPath = filename; uploads = _appSettings.ApiDomain + "/api/Media/getUserImages?id=" + $@"{tempName}"; // size += file.Length; try { using (FileStream fs = System.IO.File.Create(filename)) { files.CopyTo(fs); fs.Flush(); } filename = uploads; long length = new System.IO.FileInfo(fileName).Length; } catch (System.Exception ex) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(imagePath)) { uploads = imagePath; } } } } else { } Domain.Socioboard.Models.AssestLibrary Imglibrary = new AssestLibrary(); DatabaseRepository dbr = new DatabaseRepository(_logger, _env); //long len = (new System.IO.FileInfo(filename)).Length; Imglibrary.UserId = userId; Imglibrary.ImageName = imgName; Imglibrary.ImagePath = filename; Imglibrary.ImageSize = 25; Imglibrary.Imageuploadeddate = DateTime.UtcNow; int SavedStatus = dbr.Add <Domain.Socioboard.Models.AssestLibrary>(Imglibrary); if (SavedStatus == 1) { return(Ok("Image saved successfully")); } else { return(BadRequest("Something went wrong")); } }
public IActionResult AddProfileToGroup(string profileId, long groupId, long userId, Domain.Socioboard.Enum.SocialProfileType profileType) { DatabaseRepository dbr = new DatabaseRepository(_logger, _appEnv); List <Domain.Socioboard.Models.Groupprofiles> lstGroupProfiles = GroupProfilesRepository.getGroupProfiles(groupId, _redisCache, dbr); if (lstGroupProfiles.Where(t => t.profileId.Equals(profileId)).Count() > 0) { return(BadRequest("profile already added")); } else { Domain.Socioboard.Models.Groups grp = dbr.Find <Domain.Socioboard.Models.Groups>(t => == groupId).FirstOrDefault(); if (grp == null) { return(BadRequest("Invalid groupId")); } else { Domain.Socioboard.Models.Groupprofiles grpProfile = new Domain.Socioboard.Models.Groupprofiles(); if (profileType == Domain.Socioboard.Enum.SocialProfileType.Facebook || profileType == Domain.Socioboard.Enum.SocialProfileType.FacebookFanPage || profileType == Domain.Socioboard.Enum.SocialProfileType.FacebookPublicPage) { Domain.Socioboard.Models.Facebookaccounts fbAcc = Repositories.FacebookRepository.getFacebookAccount(profileId, _redisCache, dbr); if (fbAcc == null) { return(BadRequest("Invalid profileId")); } if (fbAcc.UserId != userId) { return(BadRequest("profile is added by other user")); } grpProfile.profileName = fbAcc.FbUserName; grpProfile.profileOwnerId = userId; grpProfile.profilePic = "" + fbAcc.FbUserId + "/picture?type=small"; grpProfile.profileType = profileType; } else if (profileType == Domain.Socioboard.Enum.SocialProfileType.Twitter) { Domain.Socioboard.Models.TwitterAccount twtAcc = Repositories.TwitterRepository.getTwitterAccount(profileId, _redisCache, dbr); if (twtAcc == null) { return(BadRequest("Invalid profileId")); } if (twtAcc.userId != userId) { return(BadRequest("profile is added by other user")); } grpProfile.profileName = twtAcc.twitterScreenName; grpProfile.profileOwnerId = userId; grpProfile.profilePic = twtAcc.profileImageUrl; grpProfile.profileType = Domain.Socioboard.Enum.SocialProfileType.Twitter; } else if (profileType == Domain.Socioboard.Enum.SocialProfileType.GPlus) { Domain.Socioboard.Models.Googleplusaccounts gplusAccount = Repositories.GplusRepository.getGPlusAccount(profileId, _redisCache, dbr); if (gplusAccount == null) { return(BadRequest("Invalid ProfileId")); } if (gplusAccount.UserId != userId) { return(BadRequest("profile is added by other user")); } grpProfile.profileName = gplusAccount.GpUserName; grpProfile.profileOwnerId = userId; grpProfile.profilePic = gplusAccount.GpProfileImage; } else if (profileType == Domain.Socioboard.Enum.SocialProfileType.GoogleAnalytics) { Domain.Socioboard.Models.GoogleAnalyticsAccount gplusAccount = Repositories.GplusRepository.getGAAccount(profileId, _redisCache, dbr); if (gplusAccount == null) { return(BadRequest("Invalid ProfileId")); } if (gplusAccount.UserId != userId) { return(BadRequest("profile is added by other user")); } grpProfile.profileName = gplusAccount.GaProfileName; grpProfile.profileOwnerId = userId; grpProfile.profilePic = gplusAccount.ProfilePicUrl; } else if (profileType == Domain.Socioboard.Enum.SocialProfileType.Instagram) { Domain.Socioboard.Models.Instagramaccounts _Instagramaccounts = Repositories.InstagramRepository.getInstagramAccount(profileId, _redisCache, dbr); if (_Instagramaccounts == null) { return(BadRequest("Invalid ProfileId")); } if (_Instagramaccounts.UserId != userId) { return(BadRequest("profile is added by other user")); } grpProfile.profileName = _Instagramaccounts.InsUserName; grpProfile.profileOwnerId = userId; grpProfile.profilePic = _Instagramaccounts.ProfileUrl; } else if (profileType == Domain.Socioboard.Enum.SocialProfileType.LinkedIn) { Domain.Socioboard.Models.LinkedInAccount _LinkedInAccount = Repositories.LinkedInAccountRepository.getLinkedInAccount(profileId, _redisCache, dbr); if (_LinkedInAccount == null) { return(BadRequest("Invalid ProfileId")); } if (_LinkedInAccount.UserId != userId) { return(BadRequest("profile is added by other user")); } grpProfile.profileName = _LinkedInAccount.LinkedinUserName; grpProfile.profileOwnerId = userId; grpProfile.profilePic = _LinkedInAccount.ProfileImageUrl; } else if (profileType == Domain.Socioboard.Enum.SocialProfileType.LinkedInComapanyPage) { Domain.Socioboard.Models.LinkedinCompanyPage _LinkedInAccount = Repositories.LinkedInAccountRepository.getLinkedinCompanyPage(profileId, _redisCache, dbr); if (_LinkedInAccount == null) { return(BadRequest("Invalid ProfileId")); } if (_LinkedInAccount.UserId != userId) { return(BadRequest("profile is added by other user")); } grpProfile.profileName = _LinkedInAccount.LinkedinPageName; grpProfile.profileOwnerId = userId; grpProfile.profilePic = _LinkedInAccount.LogoUrl; } else if (profileType == Domain.Socioboard.Enum.SocialProfileType.YouTube) { Domain.Socioboard.Models.YoutubeChannel _YoutubeChannel = Repositories.GplusRepository.getYTChannel(profileId, _redisCache, dbr); if (_YoutubeChannel == null) { return(BadRequest("Invalid ProfileId")); } if (_YoutubeChannel.UserId != userId) { return(BadRequest("profile is added by other user")); } grpProfile.profileName = _YoutubeChannel.YtubeChannelName; grpProfile.profileOwnerId = userId; grpProfile.profilePic = _YoutubeChannel.ChannelpicUrl; } if (profileType == Domain.Socioboard.Enum.SocialProfileType.Pinterest) { Domain.Socioboard.Models.PinterestAccount pinAcc = dbr.Find <Domain.Socioboard.Models.PinterestAccount>(t => t.username.Equals(profileId)).FirstOrDefault(); if (pinAcc == null) { return(BadRequest("Invalid profileId")); } if (pinAcc.userid != userId) { return(BadRequest("profile is added by other user")); } grpProfile.profileName = pinAcc.firstname + " " + pinAcc.lastname; grpProfile.profileOwnerId = userId; grpProfile.profilePic = pinAcc.profileimgaeurl; grpProfile.profileType = profileType; } grpProfile.entryDate = DateTime.UtcNow; grpProfile.groupId =; grpProfile.profileId = profileId; grpProfile.profileType = profileType; dbr.Add <Domain.Socioboard.Models.Groupprofiles>(grpProfile); //codes to clear cache _redisCache.Delete(Domain.Socioboard.Consatants.SocioboardConsts.CacheGroupProfiles + groupId); //end codes to clear cache return(Ok("Added Successfully")); } } }
public IActionResult ComposeMessage(string message, string profileId, long userId, string imagePath, string link) { if (profileId != null) { string[] lstProfileIds = profileId.Split(','); profileId = lstProfileIds[0]; } else { return(Ok("profileId required")); } string ret = ""; DatabaseRepository dbr = new DatabaseRepository(_logger, _env); Domain.Socioboard.Models.Facebookaccounts objFacebookAccount = Api.Socioboard.Repositories.FacebookRepository.getFacebookAccount(profileId, _redisCache, dbr); FacebookClient fb = new FacebookClient(); fb.AccessToken = objFacebookAccount.AccessToken; System.Net.ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = System.Net.SecurityProtocolType.Tls; var args = new Dictionary <string, object>(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(message)) { args["message"] = message; } args["privacy"] = FbUser.SetPrivacy("Public", fb, profileId); try { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(imagePath)) { Uri u = new Uri(imagePath); string filename = string.Empty; string extension = string.Empty; extension = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(u.AbsolutePath).Replace(".", ""); var media = new FacebookMediaObject { FileName = "filename", ContentType = "image/" + extension }; //byte[] img = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(imagepath); var webClient = new WebClient(); byte[] img = webClient.DownloadData(imagePath); media.SetValue(img); args["source"] = media; ret = fb.Post("v2.0/" + objFacebookAccount.FbUserId + "/photos", args).ToString(); } else { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(link)) { args["link"] = link; } ret = fb.Post("v2.0/" + objFacebookAccount.FbUserId + "/feed", args).ToString(); } ScheduledMessage scheduledMessage = new ScheduledMessage(); scheduledMessage.createTime = DateTime.UtcNow; scheduledMessage.picUrl = imagePath; scheduledMessage.profileId = profileId; scheduledMessage.profileType = Domain.Socioboard.Enum.SocialProfileType.Facebook; scheduledMessage.scheduleTime = DateTime.UtcNow; scheduledMessage.shareMessage = message; scheduledMessage.userId = userId; scheduledMessage.status = Domain.Socioboard.Enum.ScheduleStatus.Compleated; scheduledMessage.url = ret; dbr.Add <ScheduledMessage>(scheduledMessage); ret = "success"; } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.LogError(ex.Message); ret = "failure"; } return(Ok(ret)); }
public static string UrlComposeMessage(Domain.Socioboard.Enum.FbProfileType profiletype, string accessToken, string fbUserId, string message, string profileId, long userId, string imagePath, string link, Domain.Socioboard.Enum.MediaType mediaType, string profileName, DatabaseRepository dbr, ILogger _logger) { string ret = ""; FacebookClient fb = new FacebookClient(); fb.AccessToken = accessToken; System.Net.ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = System.Net.SecurityProtocolType.Tls; var args = new Dictionary <string, object>(); //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(message)) //{ // args["message"] = message; //} if (profiletype == Domain.Socioboard.Enum.FbProfileType.FacebookProfile) { args["privacy"] = FbUser.SetPrivacy("Public", fb, profileId); } try { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(link)) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(imagePath)) { if (!imagePath.Contains("mp4") && !imagePath.Contains("mov") && !imagePath.Contains("mpeg") && !imagePath.Contains("wmv") && !imagePath.Contains("avi") && !imagePath.Contains("flv") && !imagePath.Contains("3gp")) { Uri u = new Uri(imagePath); string filename = string.Empty; string extension = string.Empty; extension = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(u.AbsolutePath).Replace(".", ""); var media = new FacebookMediaObject { FileName = "filename", ContentType = "image/" + extension }; var webClient = new WebClient(); byte[] img = webClient.DownloadData(imagePath); media.SetValue(img); args["source"] = media; ret = fb.Post("v2.7/" + fbUserId + "/photos", args).ToString(); } else { Uri u = new Uri(imagePath); string filename = string.Empty; string extension = string.Empty; filename = imagePath.Substring(imagePath.IndexOf("get?id=") + 7); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(filename)) { extension = filename.Substring(filename.IndexOf(".") + 1); } var media = new FacebookMediaObject { FileName = filename, ContentType = "video/" + extension }; //byte[] img = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(imagepath); var webClient = new WebClient(); byte[] img = webClient.DownloadData(imagePath); media.SetValue(img); // args["title"] = message; // args["description"] = message; args["source"] = media; ret = fb.Post("v2.7/" + fbUserId + "/videos", args).ToString();//v2.1 } } else { // args["message"] = message; // ret = fb.Post("v2.7/" + fbUserId + "/feed", args).ToString(); } } else { //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(link)) //{ // args["link"] = link; //} if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(imagePath)) { args["picture"] = imagePath.Replace("&", "&"); } try { ret = fb.Post("v2.7/" + fbUserId + "/feed", args).ToString();//v2.1 } catch (Exception ex) { } } ScheduledMessage scheduledMessage = new ScheduledMessage(); scheduledMessage.createTime = DateTime.UtcNow; scheduledMessage.picUrl = "" + fbUserId + "/picture?type=small";//imagePath; scheduledMessage.profileId = profileId; if (profiletype == Domain.Socioboard.Enum.FbProfileType.FacebookProfile) { scheduledMessage.profileType = Domain.Socioboard.Enum.SocialProfileType.Facebook; } else { scheduledMessage.profileType = Domain.Socioboard.Enum.SocialProfileType.FacebookFanPage; } scheduledMessage.scheduleTime = DateTime.UtcNow; scheduledMessage.shareMessage = link; scheduledMessage.userId = userId; scheduledMessage.status = Domain.Socioboard.Enum.ScheduleStatus.Compleated; scheduledMessage.url = imagePath;//""+ fbUserId + "/picture?type=small"; scheduledMessage.mediaType = mediaType; scheduledMessage.socialprofileName = profileName; dbr.Add <ScheduledMessage>(scheduledMessage); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.LogError(ex.Message); _logger.LogError(ex.StackTrace); } return(ret); }