Example #1
        // *****************************************************************
        // ****                     Constructors                        ****
        // *****************************************************************
        public HedgeOptionsDatabaseWriterTest()
            m_Log = new LogHub("BRELibLog", string.Format("{0}{1}", UV.Lib.Application.AppInfo.GetInstance().BasePath,
                                                          UV.Lib.Application.AppInfo.GetInstance().LogDirectory), true, LogLevel.ShowAllMessages);
            m_UIDispatcher = Dispatcher.CurrentDispatcher;

            DatabaseInfo dbInfo = DatabaseInfo.Create(DatabaseInfo.DatabaseLocation.bredev);

            dbInfo.UserName        = "******";
            dbInfo.UserPW          = "test";
            m_DatabaseReaderWriter = new DatabaseReaderWriter(dbInfo);
            m_DatabaseReaderWriter.QueryResponse += new EventHandler(DatabaseReaderWriter_QueryResponse);

            this.textBoxExchangeName.Text = "CME";
            this.textBoxProductName.Text  = "GE";
            this.textBoxProductType.Text  = "Spread";

            m_TTAPIService = TTApiService.GetInstance();
            m_TTAPIService.ServiceStateChanged += new EventHandler(TTApiService_ServiceStateChanged);

            m_Market = new MarketTTAPI();
            m_Market.MarketStatusChanged += new EventHandler(MarketTTAPI_MarketStatusChanged);
            m_Market.FoundResource       += new EventHandler(MarketTTAPI_MarketFoundServiceResource);
            m_Market.Connect();                             // initialize connection to API.
        // *****************************************************************
        // ****                     Constructors                        ****
        // *****************************************************************
        /// <summary>
        /// Caller would like to create a new Instrument matrix for a given list of
        /// instruments.  This class will use the provided DatabaseReaderWriter to submit
        /// queries and create the need matrix of quote and hedge legs as well as there hedge
        /// ratios.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="instruments"></param>
        /// <param name="dbReaderWriter"></param>
        public InstrumentMatrix(List <InstrumentName> instruments, DatabaseReaderWriter dbReaderWriter)
            m_Instruments          = instruments;
            m_DatabaseReaderWriter = dbReaderWriter;
            m_Log = dbReaderWriter.Log;

            //m_DatabaseReaderWriter.QueryResponse += new EventHandler();
            // Need to think about threading issues here...who is going to own
            // this object and how the collections will be accessed
Example #3
 private void InstrumentMatrixTest_FormClosed(object sender, FormClosedEventArgs e)
     if (m_DatabaseReaderWriter != null)
         m_DatabaseReaderWriter = null;
     if (m_Log != null)
         m_Log = null;
Example #4
        // *****************************************************************
        // ****                     Constructors                        ****
        // *****************************************************************
        public Test1()

            // Create the database connection.
            DatabaseInfo dbInfo = DatabaseInfo.Create(DatabaseInfo.DatabaseLocation.apastor);

            m_DBReaderWriter = new DatabaseReaderWriter(dbInfo);
            m_DBReaderWriter.QueryResponse += new EventHandler(DatabaseReaderWriter_QueryResponse);

            // Request info
            //Queries.Instruments instrQ = new Queries.Instruments();
            //instrQ.InstrumentName = new InstrumentName(new Product("CME", "ZT", ProductTypes.Future), "H4");
Example #5
        // *****************************************************************
        // ****                     Constructors                        ****
        // *****************************************************************
        public InstrumentMatrixTest()
            //BRELibLog.Log.NewEntry(LogLevel.Minor, "");
            m_Log = new LogHub("BRELibLog", string.Format("{0}{1}", UV.Lib.Application.AppInfo.GetInstance().BasePath,
                                                          UV.Lib.Application.AppInfo.GetInstance().LogDirectory), true, LogLevel.ShowAllMessages);

            DatabaseInfo dbInfo = DatabaseInfo.Create(DatabaseInfo.DatabaseLocation.bredev);

            dbInfo.UserName        = "******";
            dbInfo.UserPW          = "test";
            m_DatabaseReaderWriter = new DatabaseReaderWriter(dbInfo);
            m_DatabaseReaderWriter.QueryResponse += new EventHandler(DatabaseReaderWriter_QueryResponse);

            this.textBoxInstrument1.Text = "CME.GE (Spread) Calendar: 1xGE Sep14:-1xJun15";
            this.textBoxInstrument2.Text = "CME.GE (Spread) Calendar: 1xGE Dec14:-1xMar15";
        }// TryCreateFromFile()

        // ********************************************************
        // ****              TryCreateFromDatabase             ****
        // ********************************************************
        /// <summary>
        /// Called by the strategy hub thread to create strategies for a given group id.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="groupId">List of groups from which strategies are to be created. If null, no groups are loaded.</param>
        /// <param name="strategyIds">List of strategy ids to be created. If null, no strategyIds added.</param>
        /// <param name="aLog"></param>
        /// <param name="dataBaseReader"></param>
        /// <param name="strategyList"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool TryCreateFromDatabase(List <int> groupId, List <int> strategyIds, LogHub aLog, DatabaseReaderWriter dataBaseReader, out List <Strategy> strategyList)
            strategyList = new List <Strategy>();                                    // place to put new strategies
            List <int> strategyIdList = new List <int>();                            // List of strategy ids we are going to create.

                // Request strategy Ids from groupIds provided by user.
                StrategiesQuery strategyQuery = new StrategiesQuery(groupId, strategyIds);
                if (!dataBaseReader.SubmitSync(strategyQuery))
                    aLog.NewEntry(LogLevel.Error, "TryCreateFromDatabase: StrategiesQuery failed, cannot create strategies.");
                foreach (StrategyQueryItem aStrategyResult in strategyQuery.Results)
                    strategyIdList.Add(aStrategyResult.StrategyId);                 // create list of all id's we care about.
                // Request all engines for those strategy ids.
                StrategyEnginesQuery engineQuery = new StrategyEnginesQuery(strategyIdList);
                if (!dataBaseReader.SubmitSync(engineQuery))
                    aLog.NewEntry(LogLevel.Error, "TryCreateFromDatabase: query failed try to find engines for {0} strategies, cannot create strategy", strategyIdList.Count);

                // Workspace
                Dictionary <int, IStringifiable> enginesWithIds                = new Dictionary <int, IStringifiable>();
                List <IStringifiable>            enginesWithOutIds             = new List <IStringifiable>();
                Dictionary <IStringifiable, StrategyEnginesQueryItem> itemList = new Dictionary <IStringifiable, StrategyEnginesQueryItem>();
                Dictionary <string, string> attributes = new Dictionary <string, string>();

                // Now create each strategy
                foreach (StrategyQueryItem strategyItem in strategyQuery.Results)
                    int strategyId = strategyItem.StrategyId;

                    // Search for its engines, create them.
                    foreach (StrategyEnginesQueryItem item in engineQuery.Results)// Now create all its engines.
                        if (item.StrategyId == strategyId)
                        {   // This is an engine for this strategy.
                            // Validate that we can create this object.
                            Type type;
                            if (!Stringifiable.TryGetType(item.EngineType, out type))
                                aLog.NewEntry(LogLevel.Error, "TryCreateFromDatabase: {0} unknown type in strategy {1}.", item.EngineType, strategyId);
                            if (!typeof(IStringifiable).IsAssignableFrom(type))
                                aLog.NewEntry(LogLevel.Error, "TryCreateFromDatabase: Type {0} does not implement IStringifiable!", type.FullName);
                            // Create the new engine now.
                            IStringifiable newObj = (IStringifiable)Activator.CreateInstance(type);
                            attributes.Clear();                             // empty this for next use.
                            StringifiableReader.TryAddAllAttributes(item.AttributeString, ref attributes);
                            newObj.SetAttributes(attributes);               // load its attributes.

                            // Store this engine in appropriate list.
                            if (item.EngineId >= 0)
                            {   // This engine has Id#
                                if (enginesWithIds.ContainsKey(item.EngineId))
                                    aLog.NewEntry(LogLevel.Error, "TryCreateFromDatabase: EngineIds must be unique. Found dupe engineIds in strategy #{0}.", strategyId);
                                    enginesWithIds.Add(item.EngineId, newObj);
                                    itemList.Add(newObj, item);              // store the info about this new object
                            {                               // This engine has NO Id#.  (Which only means it can't be someone's parent.)
                                itemList.Add(newObj, item); // store the info about this new object
                        }// strategyId
                    }// next engine in list

                    // Now create the strategy.
                    Strategy newStrategy = new Strategy();
                    attributes.Clear();                                                                    // empty this now
                    StringifiableReader.TryAddAllAttributes(strategyItem.AttributeString, ref attributes); // extract attributes from string.
                    ((IStringifiable)newStrategy).SetAttributes(attributes);                               // load its attributes.
                    newStrategy.QueryItem = strategyItem;                                                  // give the strategy his database row, rather than giving him its contents.
                    //newStrategy.SqlId = strategyItem.StrategyId;
                    //newStrategy.StartTime = strategyItem.StartTime;
                    //newStrategy.EndTime = strategyItem.EndTime;
                    newStrategy.Name = strategyItem.Name;

                    // Add engines to their parents.
                    // Now that we have the strategy AND collected all of its engines,
                    // add engines to their parents, and then finally add engines without parents to the strategy.
                    // Notes:
                    //      1) Engines without a parent, have strategy as its parent.
                    //      2) Parent engines NEED to have an id, otherwise we couldn't know who their children are!
                    //      3) Children can have Id numbers or not... who knows.
                    // Search both lists for children.
                    foreach (IStringifiable engine in enginesWithOutIds)
                        StrategyEnginesQueryItem item;
                        IStringifiable           parentEngine;
                        if (itemList.TryGetValue(engine, out item) && item.ParentEngineId >= 0)
                        {   // This engine has a parent.
                            if (enginesWithIds.TryGetValue(item.ParentEngineId, out parentEngine))
                                parentEngine.AddSubElement(engine);         // added child to parent!
                        {   // This engine has NO parent!  It's parent is therefore the strategy!
                    }// next engine
                    foreach (IStringifiable engine in enginesWithIds.Values)
                        StrategyEnginesQueryItem item;
                        IStringifiable           parentEngine;
                        if (itemList.TryGetValue(engine, out item) && item.ParentEngineId >= 0)
                        {   // This engine has a parent.
                            if (enginesWithIds.TryGetValue(item.ParentEngineId, out parentEngine))
                                parentEngine.AddSubElement(engine);         // added child to parent!
                    }// next engine

                    strategyList.Add(newStrategy);                          // Store new strategy for output.

                    // Clean up
                }//next strategyId
            catch (Exception e)
                StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder();
                msg.AppendFormat("Exception: {0}\r\nContinue?", e.Message);
                System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult result = System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(msg.ToString(),
                                                                                                "StrategyMaker.TryCreateFromFile", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel);
                if (aLog != null)
                    aLog.NewEntry(LogLevel.Major, "StrategyMaker: Exception {0}", e.Message);
                return(result == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK);
Example #7
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="_selectedSetupViewModel"></param>
        /// <param name="_dialogs"></param>
        public MifareUltralightSetupViewModel(object _selectedSetupViewModel, ObservableCollection <IDialogViewModel> _dialogs)
                MefHelper.Instance.Container.ComposeParts(this);                 //Load Plugins

                databaseReaderWriter = new DatabaseReaderWriter();

                chipModel = new MifareUltralightChipModel(string.Format("Task Description: {0}", SelectedTaskDescription), CARD_TYPE.MifareUltralight);

                pageModel            = new MifareUltralightPageModel(new byte[4], 0);
                pageModel.PageNumber = selectedUltralightPageCurrentAsInt;

                childNodeViewModelFromChip = new RFiDChipChildLayerViewModel(pageModel, null, CARD_TYPE.MifareUltralight, null, true);
                childNodeViewModelTemp     = new RFiDChipChildLayerViewModel(pageModel, null, CARD_TYPE.MifareUltralight, null, true);

                if (_selectedSetupViewModel is MifareUltralightSetupViewModel)
                    PropertyInfo[] properties = typeof(MifareUltralightSetupViewModel).GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);

                    foreach (PropertyInfo p in properties)
                        // If not writable then cannot null it; if not readable then cannot check it's value
                        if (!p.CanWrite || !p.CanRead)

                        MethodInfo mget = p.GetGetMethod(false);
                        MethodInfo mset = p.GetSetMethod(false);

                        // Get and set methods have to be public
                        if (mget == null)
                        if (mset == null)

                        p.SetValue(this, p.GetValue(_selectedSetupViewModel));

                    SelectedTaskIndex       = "0";
                    SelectedTaskDescription = "Enter a Description";

                MifareUltralightPages = CustomConverter.GenerateStringSequence(0, 15).ToArray();

                SelectedUltralightPageCurrent = "0";

                HasPlugins = items != null?items.Any() : false;

                if (HasPlugins)
                    SelectedPlugin = Items.FirstOrDefault();
            catch (Exception e)
                LogWriter.CreateLogEntry(string.Format("{0}: {1}; {2}", DateTime.Now, e.Message, e.InnerException != null ? e.InnerException.Message : ""));
Example #8
        /// <summary>
        /// init main
        /// </summary>
        public MainWindowViewModel()
            RunMutex(this, null);

                dialogs = new ObservableCollection <IDialogViewModel>();
                updater = new Updater();

                updater.isUserNotified = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs().Contains <string>("IAmNotified_DoUpdate");

                runSilent = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs().Contains <string>("runSilent");

            catch (Exception e) {
                LogWriter.CreateLogEntry(string.Format("{0}\n{1}", e.Message, e.InnerException != null ? e.InnerException.Message : ""));

            if (!updater.isUserNotified)
                settingsReaderWriter = new SettingsReaderWriter();
                dbReaderWriter       = new DatabaseReaderWriter();
                updater.allowUpdate = true;
                firstRun            = false;


                resLoader          = new ResourceLoader();
                pipeServer         = new PipeServer();
                eventObjectHandler = new EventObjectHandler();

                tb = (TaskbarIcon)Application.Current.FindResource("TrayNotifyIcon");
            catch (Exception e) {
                LogWriter.CreateLogEntry(string.Format("{0}\n{1}", e.Message, e.InnerException != null ? e.InnerException.Message : ""));

            mainWindowIcon = new BitmapImage();
            mainWindowIcon.UriSource = new Uri("pack://application:,,,/EventMessenger;component/Resources/logo.ico");


            tb.IconSource = mainWindowIcon;

            //logReader = new LogFileReaderWriter(10000, true); // just for testing purposes

            _cmdDeleteEntry    = new RelayCommand(DeleteRow);
            _cmdAddNewEvent    = new RelayCommand(AddNewEvent);
            _cmdAddNewResponse = new RelayCommand(AddNewResponse);

            rowContextMenuItems        = new ObservableCollection <MenuItem>();
            emptySpaceContextMenuItems = new ObservableCollection <MenuItem>();

            emptySpaceContextMenuItems.Add(new MenuItem()
                Header  = resLoader.getResource("contextMenuItemAddNewEvent"),
                Command = _cmdAddNewEvent

            rowContextMenuItems.Add(new MenuItem()
                Header  = resLoader.getResource("contextMenuItemAddOrEditResponse"),
                Command = _cmdAddNewResponse
            rowContextMenuItems.Add(new MenuItem()
                Header = resLoader.getResource("contextMenuItemEditEvent"),
                //ToolTip = "this will be the helptext",
                Command = _cmdAddNewEvent

            rowContextMenuItems.Add(new MenuItem()
                Header  = resLoader.getResource("contextMenuItemDeleteSelectedItem"),
                Command = _cmdDeleteEntry

            //dataGridSource = new ObservableCollection<EventObjectModel>();

            Application.Current.MainWindow.Closing   += new CancelEventHandler(CloseThreads);
            Application.Current.MainWindow.Activated += new EventHandler(LoadCompleted);
            updater.newVersionAvailable += new EventHandler(AskForUpdateNow);
            tb.TrayLeftMouseDown        += new RoutedEventHandler(RestoreMainWindow);
            tb.MouseDown += new MouseButtonEventHandler(RestoreMainWindow);
            //any dialog boxes added in the constructor won't appear until DialogBehavior.DialogViewModels gets bound to the Dialogs collection.