protected override void EndExecute(AsyncCodeActivityContext context, IAsyncResult result) { DatabaseConnectionLog DatabaseConnectionLog = this.ExistingDbConnection.Get((ActivityContext)context); if (DatabaseConnectionLog == null) { this.DbConnection.Dispose(); } }
protected override IAsyncResult BeginExecute(AsyncCodeActivityContext context, AsyncCallback callback, object state) { string connString = (string)null; string provName = (string)null; string sql = string.Empty; int commandTimeout = this.TimeoutMS.Get((ActivityContext)context); if (commandTimeout < 0) { throw new ArgumentException("TimeoutMS"); } try { //string sads = DatabaseConnectionLog.TransactionId; this.DbConnection = this.ExistingDbConnection.Get((ActivityContext)context); sql = "INSERT INTO UiPathStats.dbo.Logs ([TimeStamp], [Level], [WindowsIdentity] ,[ProcessName] ,[JobKey],[RobotName],[CaseIdentifier],[Message]) VALUES ('" + timeStamp + "', 2, '" + WindowsIdentity + "', '[-[ProcessName]-]', '" + JobId + "','" + MachineName + "','[-[CaseIdentifier]-]','" + this.Message.Get((ActivityContext)context) + "')"; } catch (Exception ex) { this.HandleException(ex, false); } Func <System.Data.DataTable> func = (Func <System.Data.DataTable>)(() => { if (this.DbConnection == null) { this.DbConnection = new DatabaseConnectionLog(connString, provName, "", ""); } if (this.DbConnection == null) { return((System.Data.DataTable)null); } return(this.DbConnection.InsertLog(sql, commandTimeout, CommandType.Text)); }); context.UserState = (object)func; return(func.BeginInvoke(callback, state)); }
/// <summary> /// allows to prepare the execution environnement by creating a unique temp folder /// and copying every critical files into it /// Then execute the progress program /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public bool Do(ExecutionType executionType) { if (ListToCompile == null) { ListToCompile = new List <FileToCompile>(); } ExecutionType = executionType; // check prowin32.exe if (!File.Exists(ProEnv.ProwinPath)) { UserCommunication.NotifyUnique("ProExecutionChecks", "The file path to Prowin.exe is incorrect : <div class='ToolTipcodeSnippet'>" + ProEnv.ProwinPath + "</div>You must provide a valid path before executing this action<br><i>You can change this path in the <a href='go'>set environment page</a></i>", MessageImg.MsgWarning, "Execution error", "Invalid file path", args => { Appli.Appli.GoToPage(PageNames.SetEnvironment); UserCommunication.CloseUniqueNotif("ProExecutionChecks"); args.Handled = true; }, 10); return(false); } // check compilation dir if (executionType == ExecutionType.Compile && !ProEnv.CompileLocally && (!Path.IsPathRooted(ProEnv.BaseCompilationPath))) { UserCommunication.NotifyUnique("ProExecutionChecks", "The path for the compilation base directory is incorrect : <div class='ToolTipcodeSnippet'>" + (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ProEnv.BaseCompilationPath) ? "it's empty!" : ProEnv.BaseCompilationPath) + "</div>You must provide a valid path before executing this action :<br><br><i>1. Either change the compilation directory<br>2. Or toggle the option to compile next to the source file!<br><br>The options are configurable in the <a href='go'>set environment page</a></i>", MessageImg.MsgWarning, "Execution error", "Invalid file path", args => { Appli.Appli.GoToPage(PageNames.SetEnvironment); UserCommunication.CloseUniqueNotif("ProExecutionChecks"); args.Handled = true; }, 10); return(false); } // create a unique temporary folder LocalTempDir = Path.Combine(Config.FolderTemp, _proExecutionCounter + "-" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyMMdd_HHmmssfff")); if (!Utils.CreateDirectory(LocalTempDir)) { return(false); } // for each file of the list var filesListPath = Path.Combine(LocalTempDir, "files.list"); StringBuilder filesListcontent = new StringBuilder(); var count = 1; foreach (var fileToCompile in ListToCompile) { if (!File.Exists(fileToCompile.InputPath)) { UserCommunication.Notify("Couldn't find the following file :<br>" + fileToCompile.InputPath, MessageImg.MsgError, "Execution error", "File not found", 10); return(false); } // if current file and the file has unsaved modif, we copy the content to a temp file, otherwise we just use the input path (also use the input path for .cls files!) if (fileToCompile.InputPath.Equals(Plug.CurrentFilePath) && (Npp.GetModify || (fileToCompile.BaseFileName ?? "").StartsWith("_")) && !Path.GetExtension(fileToCompile.InputPath).Equals(".cls")) { fileToCompile.CompInputPath = Path.Combine(LocalTempDir, "tmp_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyMMdd_HHmmssfff_") + count + Path.GetExtension(fileToCompile.InputPath)); Utils.FileWriteAllText(fileToCompile.CompInputPath, Npp.Text, Encoding.Default); } else { fileToCompile.CompInputPath = fileToCompile.InputPath; } if (executionType != ExecutionType.Compile) { continue; } // we set where the *.lst and *.r files will be generated by the COMPILE command var baseFileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fileToCompile.CompInputPath); var lastDeployment = ProEnv.Deployer.GetTargetDirsNeededForFile(fileToCompile.InputPath, 0).Last(); // for *.cls files, as many *.r files are generated, we need to compile in a temp directory // we need to know which *.r files were generated for each input file // so each file gets his own sub tempDir if ((lastDeployment.DeployType != DeployType.Move) || Config.Instance.CompileForceUseOfTemp || Path.GetExtension(fileToCompile.InputPath).Equals(".cls") ) { var subTempDir = Path.Combine(LocalTempDir, count.ToString()); // if the deployment dir is not on the same disk as the temp folder, we create a temp dir // as close to the final deployment as possible (= in the deployment base dir!) if (lastDeployment.DeployType != DeployType.Ftp && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(DistantRootTempDir) && DistantRootTempDir.Length > 2 && !DistantRootTempDir.Substring(0, 2).EqualsCi(LocalTempDir.Substring(0, 2))) { if (Utils.CreateDirectory(DistantRootTempDir, FileAttributes.Hidden)) { DistantTempDir = Path.Combine(DistantRootTempDir, _proExecutionCounter + "-" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyMMdd_HHmmssfff")); } else { DistantTempDir = LocalTempDir; } subTempDir = Path.Combine(DistantTempDir, count.ToString()); } if (!Utils.CreateDirectory(subTempDir)) { return(false); } fileToCompile.CompOutputDir = subTempDir; fileToCompile.CompOutputLst = Path.Combine(subTempDir, baseFileName + ".lst"); fileToCompile.CompOutputR = Path.Combine(subTempDir, baseFileName + ".r"); } else { // if we want to move the r-code somewhere during the deployment, then we will compile the r-code // directly there, because it's faster than generating it in a temp folder and moving it afterward fileToCompile.CompOutputDir = lastDeployment.TargetDir; if (!Utils.CreateDirectory(fileToCompile.CompOutputDir)) { return(false); } fileToCompile.CompOutputLst = Path.Combine(fileToCompile.CompOutputDir, baseFileName + ".lst"); fileToCompile.CompOutputR = Path.Combine(fileToCompile.CompOutputDir, baseFileName + ".r"); } // feed files list filesListcontent.AppendLine(fileToCompile.CompInputPath.ProQuoter() + " " + fileToCompile.CompOutputDir.ProQuoter() + " " + fileToCompile.CompOutputLst.ProQuoter()); count++; } Utils.FileWriteAllText(filesListPath, filesListcontent.ToString(), Encoding.Default); // when running a procedure, check that a .r is not hiding the program, if that's the case we warn the user if (executionType == ExecutionType.Run && !_dontWarnAboutRCode && ListToCompile.Count >= 1) { if (File.Exists(Path.ChangeExtension(ListToCompile.First().InputPath, ".r"))) { UserCommunication.NotifyUnique("rcodehide", "Friendly warning, an <b>r-code</b> <i>(i.e. *.r file)</i> is hiding the current program<br>If you modified it since the last compilation you might not have the expected behavior...<br><br><i>" + "stop".ToHtmlLink("Click here to not show this message again for this session") + "</i>", MessageImg.MsgWarning, "Execution warning", "An Rcode hides the program", args => { _dontWarnAboutRCode = true; UserCommunication.CloseUniqueNotif("rcodehide"); }, 5); } } // Move ini file into the execution dir var baseIniPath = ""; if (File.Exists(ProEnv.IniPath)) { baseIniPath = Path.Combine(LocalTempDir, "base.ini"); // we need to copy the .ini but we must delete the PROPATH= part, as stupid as it sounds, if we leave a huge PROPATH // in this file, it increases the compilation time by a stupid amount... unbelievable i know, but trust me, it does... var encoding = TextEncodingDetect.GetFileEncoding(ProEnv.IniPath); var fileContent = Utils.ReadAllText(ProEnv.IniPath, encoding); var regex = new Regex("^PROPATH=.*$", RegexOptions.Multiline | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); var matches = regex.Match(fileContent); if (matches.Success) { fileContent = regex.Replace(fileContent, @"PROPATH="); } Utils.FileWriteAllText(baseIniPath, fileContent, encoding); } // Move pf file into the execution dir var basePfPath = ""; if (File.Exists(ProEnv.GetPfPath())) { basePfPath = Path.Combine(LocalTempDir, ""); File.Copy(ProEnv.GetPfPath(), basePfPath); } // set common info on the execution LogPath = Path.Combine(LocalTempDir, "run.log"); ProcessStartDir = executionType == ExecutionType.Run ? Path.GetDirectoryName(ListToCompile.First().InputPath) ?? LocalTempDir : LocalTempDir; ProgressWin32 = ProEnv.ProwinPath; if (executionType == ExecutionType.Database) { ExtractDbOutputPath = Path.Combine(LocalTempDir, ExtractDbOutputPath); } ProgressionFilePath = Path.Combine(LocalTempDir, "compile.progression"); DatabaseConnectionLog = Path.Combine(LocalTempDir, "db.ko"); NotificationOutputPath = Path.Combine(LocalTempDir, "postExecution.notif"); var propathToUse = string.Join(",", ProEnv.GetProPathDirList); string fileToExecute = ""; if (executionType == ExecutionType.Appbuilder) { fileToExecute = ListToCompile.First().InputPath; } else if (executionType == ExecutionType.Database) { // for database extraction, we need to copy the DumpDatabase program fileToExecute = "db_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyMMdd_HHmmssfff") + ".p"; if (!Utils.FileWriteAllBytes(Path.Combine(LocalTempDir, fileToExecute), DataResources.DumpDatabase)) { return(false); } } else if (executionType == ExecutionType.Prolint) { // prolint, we need to copy the StartProlint program fileToExecute = "prolint_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyMMdd_HHmmssfff") + ".p"; ProlintOutputPath = Path.Combine(LocalTempDir, "prolint.log"); StringBuilder prolintProgram = new StringBuilder(); prolintProgram.AppendLine("&SCOPED-DEFINE PathFileToProlint " + ListToCompile.First().CompInputPath.ProQuoter()); prolintProgram.AppendLine("&SCOPED-DEFINE PathProlintOutputFile " + ProlintOutputPath.ProQuoter()); prolintProgram.AppendLine("&SCOPED-DEFINE PathToStartProlintProgram " + Config.FileStartProlint.ProQuoter()); prolintProgram.AppendLine("&SCOPED-DEFINE UserName " + Config.Instance.UserName.ProQuoter()); prolintProgram.AppendLine("&SCOPED-DEFINE PathActualFilePath " + ListToCompile.First().InputPath.ProQuoter()); var filename = Path.GetFileName(Plug.CurrentFilePath); if (FileTag.Contains(filename)) { var fileInfo = FileTag.GetLastFileTag(filename); prolintProgram.AppendLine("&SCOPED-DEFINE FileApplicationName " + fileInfo.ApplicationName.ProQuoter()); prolintProgram.AppendLine("&SCOPED-DEFINE FileApplicationVersion " + fileInfo.ApplicationVersion.ProQuoter()); prolintProgram.AppendLine("&SCOPED-DEFINE FileWorkPackage " + fileInfo.WorkPackage.ProQuoter()); prolintProgram.AppendLine("&SCOPED-DEFINE FileBugID " + fileInfo.BugId.ProQuoter()); prolintProgram.AppendLine("&SCOPED-DEFINE FileCorrectionNumber " + fileInfo.CorrectionNumber.ProQuoter()); prolintProgram.AppendLine("&SCOPED-DEFINE FileDate " + fileInfo.CorrectionDate.ProQuoter()); } var encoding = TextEncodingDetect.GetFileEncoding(Config.FileStartProlint); Utils.FileWriteAllText(Path.Combine(LocalTempDir, fileToExecute), Utils.ReadAllText(Config.FileStartProlint, encoding).Replace(@"/*<inserted_3P_values>*/", prolintProgram.ToString()), encoding); } else if (executionType == ExecutionType.DeploymentHook) { fileToExecute = "hook_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyMMdd_HHmmssfff") + ".p"; StringBuilder hookProc = new StringBuilder(); hookProc.AppendLine("&SCOPED-DEFINE ApplicationName " + ProEnv.Name.ProQuoter()); hookProc.AppendLine("&SCOPED-DEFINE ApplicationSuffix " + ProEnv.Suffix.ProQuoter()); hookProc.AppendLine("&SCOPED-DEFINE StepNumber " + DeploymentStep); hookProc.AppendLine("&SCOPED-DEFINE SourceDirectory " + DeploymentSourcePath.ProQuoter()); hookProc.AppendLine("&SCOPED-DEFINE DeploymentDirectory " + ProEnv.BaseCompilationPath.ProQuoter()); var encoding = TextEncodingDetect.GetFileEncoding(Config.FileDeploymentHook); Utils.FileWriteAllText(Path.Combine(LocalTempDir, fileToExecute), Utils.ReadAllText(Config.FileDeploymentHook, encoding).Replace(@"/*<inserted_3P_values>*/", hookProc.ToString()), encoding); } else if (executionType == ExecutionType.DataDigger || executionType == ExecutionType.DataReader) { // need to init datadigger? if (!File.Exists(Path.Combine(Config.FolderDataDigger, "DataDigger.p"))) { if (!Utils.FileWriteAllBytes(Path.Combine(Config.FolderDataDigger, ""), DataResources.DataDigger)) { return(false); } if (!Utils.ExtractAll(Path.Combine(Config.FolderDataDigger, ""), Config.FolderDataDigger)) { return(false); } } // add the datadigger folder to the propath propathToUse = Config.FolderDataDigger + "," + propathToUse; } else { if (ListToCompile.Count == 1) { fileToExecute = ListToCompile.First().CompInputPath; } } // prepare the .p runner var runnerPath = Path.Combine(LocalTempDir, "run_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyMMdd_HHmmssfff") + ".p"); StringBuilder runnerProgram = new StringBuilder(); runnerProgram.AppendLine("&SCOPED-DEFINE ExecutionType " + executionType.ToString().ToUpper().ProQuoter()); runnerProgram.AppendLine("&SCOPED-DEFINE ToExecute " + fileToExecute.ProQuoter()); runnerProgram.AppendLine("&SCOPED-DEFINE LogFile " + LogPath.ProQuoter()); runnerProgram.AppendLine("&SCOPED-DEFINE ExtractDbOutputPath " + ExtractDbOutputPath.ProQuoter()); runnerProgram.AppendLine("&SCOPED-DEFINE propathToUse " + (LocalTempDir + "," + propathToUse).ProQuoter()); runnerProgram.AppendLine("&SCOPED-DEFINE ExtraPf " + ProEnv.ExtraPf.Trim().ProQuoter()); runnerProgram.AppendLine("&SCOPED-DEFINE BasePfPath " + basePfPath.Trim().ProQuoter()); runnerProgram.AppendLine("&SCOPED-DEFINE CompileWithLst " + ProEnv.CompileWithListing); runnerProgram.AppendLine("&SCOPED-DEFINE ToCompileListFile " + filesListPath.ProQuoter()); runnerProgram.AppendLine("&SCOPED-DEFINE CreateFileIfConnectFails " + DatabaseConnectionLog.ProQuoter()); runnerProgram.AppendLine("&SCOPED-DEFINE CompileProgressionFile " + ProgressionFilePath.ProQuoter()); runnerProgram.AppendLine("&SCOPED-DEFINE DbConnectionMandatory " + NeedDatabaseConnection); runnerProgram.AppendLine("&SCOPED-DEFINE NotificationOutputPath " + NotificationOutputPath.ProQuoter()); runnerProgram.Append(Encoding.Default.GetString(DataResources.ProgressRun)); Utils.FileWriteAllText(runnerPath, runnerProgram.ToString(), Encoding.Default); // preferably, we use the batch mode because it's faster than the client mode var batchMode = (executionType == ExecutionType.CheckSyntax || executionType == ExecutionType.Compile || executionType == ExecutionType.Database); // no batch mode option? batchMode = batchMode && !Config.Instance.NeverUseProwinInBatchMode; // multiple compilation, we don't want to show all those Prowin in the task bar... batchMode = batchMode && !NoBatch; // Parameters StringBuilder Params = new StringBuilder(); if (executionType == ExecutionType.DataDigger || executionType == ExecutionType.DataReader) { Params.Append(" -s 10000 -d dmy -E -rereadnolock -h 255 -Bt 4000 -tmpbsize 8"); } if (executionType != ExecutionType.Run) { Params.Append(" -T " + LocalTempDir.Trim('\\').ProQuoter()); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(baseIniPath)) { Params.Append(" -ini " + baseIniPath.ProQuoter()); } if (batchMode) { Params.Append(" -b"); } Params.Append(" -p " + runnerPath.ProQuoter()); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ProEnv.CmdLineParameters)) { Params.Append(" " + ProEnv.CmdLineParameters.Trim()); } ExeParameters = Params.ToString(); // we supress the splashscreen if (!batchMode) { MoveSplashScreenNoError(Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(ProgressWin32) ?? "", "splashscreen.bmp"), Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(ProgressWin32) ?? "", "splashscreen-3p-disabled.bmp")); } // Start a process var pInfo = new ProcessStartInfo { FileName = ProEnv.ProwinPath, Arguments = ExeParameters, WorkingDirectory = ProcessStartDir }; if (batchMode) { pInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden; pInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; } Process = new Process { StartInfo = pInfo, EnableRaisingEvents = true }; Process.Exited += ProcessOnExited; try { Process.Start(); } catch (Exception e) { UserCommunication.NotifyUnique("ProwinFailed", "Couldn't start a new prowin process!<br>Please check that the file path to prowin32.exe is correct in the <a href='go'>set environment page</a>.<br><br>Below is the technical error that occured :<br><div class='ToolTipcodeSnippet'>" + e.Message + "</div>", MessageImg.MsgError, "Execution error", "Can't start a prowin process", args => { Appli.Appli.GoToPage(PageNames.SetEnvironment); UserCommunication.CloseUniqueNotif("ProwinFailed"); args.Handled = true; }, 10); } //UserCommunication.Notify("New process starting...<br><br><b>FileName :</b><br>" + ProEnv.ProwinPath + "<br><br><b>Parameters :</b><br>" + ExeParameters + "<br><br><b>Temporary directory :</b><br><a href='" + TempDir + "'>" + TempDir + "</a>"); return(true); }