public ActionResult ViewPlaylist() { DB.Start(); String PName = Request.Form["playListDropdown"]; string queryViewSongs = "UPDATE [dbo].[Song] "; queryViewSongs += "SET [dbo].[Song].[PLIST_ID] = (SELECT [dbo].[Playlist].[PLIST_ID] FROM [dbo].[Playlist] "; SqlCommand commandViewSongs = new SqlCommand(queryViewSongs, DB.cnn); if (PName == "") { //If no playlist name enterred, don't do anything ... MessageBox.Show("Please complete required fields."); //Close data readers DB.CloseDB(DB.cnn); //Redirect to Login return(RedirectToAction("Index", "ViewPlaylist")); } else { //If playlist name is valid, add the song to the table MessageBox.Show("Playlist loaded successfully. :-)"); //Close data readers DB.CloseDB(DB.cnn); //Redirect to Login return(RedirectToAction("Index", "ViewPlaylist")); } }
public ActionResult CreateUser() { DB.Start(); String FName = Request.Form["firstName"]; String LName = Request.Form["lastName"]; String EMail = Request.Form["eMail"]; String UName = Request.Form["userName"]; String PWord = Request.Form["passWord"]; String PNumber = Request.Form["phoneNumber"]; String BDay = Request.Form["birthDay"]; SqlCommand queryUsername = new SqlCommand("Select * From [dbo].[User] Where [dbo].[User].[USER_UNAME] = '" + UName + "';", DB.cnn); string insertString = "Insert into [dbo].[User] (USER_UNAME, USER_PASSWORD, USER_FNAME, USER_LNAME, USER_BIRTHDAY, USER_PHONE, USER_EMAIL)"; insertString += "Values('" + UName + "', '" + PWord + "', '" + FName + "', '" + LName + "', '" + BDay + "', '" + PNumber + "', '" + EMail + "');"; SqlCommand insertQuery = new SqlCommand(insertString, DB.cnn); SqlDataReader tableReader = queryUsername.ExecuteReader(); //SqlDataReader insertUser = insertQuery.ExecuteReader(); if (tableReader.HasRows) { //If a username exists, don't do anything MessageBox.Show("The username '" + UName + "' is already taken."); //Close data readers tableReader.Close(); DB.CloseDB(DB.cnn); //Redirect to Login return(RedirectToAction("Index", "SignUp")); } else { //If username doesn't exist, add them to the User table MessageBox.Show("Congratulations! Sign up successful."); //Close data readers tableReader.Close(); SqlDataReader insertUser = insertQuery.ExecuteReader(); insertUser.Close(); DB.CloseDB(DB.cnn); //Redirect to Login return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Login")); } }
public ActionResult MoveSong() { DB.Start(); String SName = Request.Form["songName"]; String AName = Request.Form["artistName"]; String CurrPName = Request.Form["currPlaylistName"]; String NewPName = Request.Form["newPlaylistName"]; string queryMoveSong = "UPDATE [dbo].[Song] "; queryMoveSong += "SET [dbo].[Song].[PLIST_ID] = (SELECT [dbo].[Playlist].[PLIST_ID] FROM [dbo].[Playlist] "; queryMoveSong += "WHERE '" + NewPName + "' = [dbo].[Playlist].[PLIST_PNAME]) WHERE [dbo].[Song].[SONG_NAME] = '" + SName + "';"; queryMoveSong += "UPDATE [dbo].[Catalog] "; queryMoveSong += "SET [dbo].[Catalog].[PLIST_ID] = (SELECT [dbo].[Playlist].[PLIST_ID] FROM [dbo].[Playlist] WHERE '" + NewPName + "' = [dbo].[Playlist].[PLIST_PNAME]) "; queryMoveSong += "WHERE [dbo].[Catalog].[SONG_ID] = (SELECT [dbo].[SONG].[SONG_ID] FROM [dbo].[Song] WHERE '" + SName + "' = [dbo].[SONG].[SONG_NAME]);"; SqlCommand commandMoveSong = new SqlCommand(queryMoveSong, DB.cnn); if (CurrPName == "" || NewPName == "" || AName == "" || SName == "") { //If no playlist name enterred, don't do anything ... MessageBox.Show("Please complete required fields."); //Close data readers DB.CloseDB(DB.cnn); //Redirect to Login return(RedirectToAction("Index", "UpdatePlaylist")); } else { //If playlist name is valid, add the song to the table MessageBox.Show(SName + " has been moved from playlist " + CurrPName + " to " + NewPName + "."); //Close data readers SqlDataReader moveSong = commandMoveSong.ExecuteReader(); moveSong.Close(); DB.CloseDB(DB.cnn); //Redirect to Login return(RedirectToAction("Index", "UpdatePlaylist")); } }
public ActionResult CreateSong() { DB.Start(); String SName = Request.Form["songName"]; String AName = Request.Form["artistName"]; String PName = Request.Form["playlistNameDropdown"]; String PDesc = Request.Form["playlistDescr"]; //string queryAddSong = "INSERT INTO [dbo].[Playlist] (PLIST_PNAME, PLIST_DESC) VALUES('" + PName +"', '" + PDesc + "');"; string queryAddSong = "INSERT INTO [dbo].[Song] (SONG_NAME, PLIST_ID) VALUES('" + SName + "', (SELECT [dbo].[Playlist].[PLIST_ID] FROM [dbo].[Playlist] WHERE'" + PName + "' = [dbo].[Playlist].[PLIST_PNAME]));"; queryAddSong += "INSERT INTO [dbo].[Artist] (ARTIST_NAME, SONG_ID) VALUES('" + AName + "', (SELECT [dbo].[Song].[SONG_ID] FROM [dbo].[Song] WHERE '" + SName + "' = [dbo].[Song].[SONG_NAME]));"; queryAddSong += "INSERT INTO [dbo].[Catalog] (SONG_ID, PLIST_ID) VALUES((SELECT [dbo].[Song].[SONG_ID] FROM [dbo].[Song] WHERE '" + SName + "' = [dbo].[Song].[SONG_NAME]), "; queryAddSong += "(SELECT [dbo].[Playlist].[PLIST_ID] FROM [dbo].[Playlist] WHERE '" + PName + "' = [dbo].[Playlist].[PLIST_PNAME]));"; SqlCommand commandAddSong = new SqlCommand(queryAddSong, DB.cnn); if (PName == "" || AName == "" || SName == "") { //If no playlist name enterred, don't do anything ... MessageBox.Show("Please complete required fields."); //Close data readers DB.CloseDB(DB.cnn); //Redirect to Login return(RedirectToAction("Index", "AddSong")); } else { //If playlist name is valid, add the song to the table MessageBox.Show(SName + " has been added to playlist: " + PName + "."); //Close data readers SqlDataReader addSong = commandAddSong.ExecuteReader(); addSong.Close(); DB.CloseDB(DB.cnn); //Redirect to Login return(RedirectToAction("Index", "AddSong")); } }