Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// This method does the actual comparison; it is called by the RemoteCompare and the normal comparison
        /// </summary>
        private void CompareDatabaseStructure(Database sourceDatabase, Database targetDatabase)
            // local
            SchemaComparison schemaComparison = new SchemaComparison();

            // verify both objects exist
            if (NullHelper.Exists(sourceDatabase, targetDatabase))
                // test if any data was loaded before showing 'The target database is up to date message incorrectly'
                if (sourceDatabase.Tables.Count > 0)
                    // Get the value for IgnoreDiagramProcedures
                    bool ignoreDiagramProcedures = this.IgnoreDiagramProceduresCheckBox.Checked;

                    // Create a new database comparer
                    DatabaseComparer comparer = new DatabaseComparer(sourceDatabase, targetDatabase, ignoreDiagramProcedures);

                    // Compare the two database schemas
                    schemaComparison = comparer.Compare();
                    // Add this as a message
                    schemaComparison.SchemaDifferences.Add("The source database does not contain any tables; the comparison cannot continue.");

                // compare the two schemas
                if (schemaComparison != null)
                    // if the two database are equal
                    if (schemaComparison.IsEqual)
                        // Show the two databases are equal
                        this.ResultsTextBox.Text = "The target database is up to date.";
                        // Display the count
                        this.CountLabel.Text = "Count: " + schemaComparison.SchemaDifferences.Count;

                        // Create a string builder
                        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("The target database is not valid.");

                        // Append a new line

                        // iterate the errors
                        foreach (string schemaDifference in schemaComparison.SchemaDifferences)
                            // Append an indention
                            sb.Append("    ");

                        // Show the schema differences
                        this.ResultsTextBox.Text = sb.ToString();

                        // This is a stub for an update for Version 3.0 that isn't ready to be released
                        //// create a message for how to
                        //message = "Would you like to attempt to fix any errors if possible?";

                        //// Get the users response
                        //DialogResult result = MessageBoxHelper.GetUserResponse(message, "Fix Schema Differences?", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question);

                        //// if the user choose yes
                        //if (result == DialogResult.Yes)
                        //    // attempt to fix any schema differences
                        //    int fixedCount = SqlUpdater.FixSchemaDifferences(schemaComparison.SchemaDifferences, targetDatabaseConnector, sourceDatabase);
            else if (NullHelper.IsNull(sourceDatabase))
                // Show the user a message
                this.ResultsTextBox.Text = "The source database could not be loaded.";
            else if (NullHelper.IsNull(targetDatabase))
                // Show the user a message
                this.ResultsTextBox.Text = "The target database could not be loaded.";