public int CUDclientinfo(ClientRegistrationEntity clientinfo, char Operation) { Hashtable hashtable = new Hashtable(); if (Operation == 'i') { hashtable.Add("@ClientRegistartionID", 0); hashtable.Add("@VerifiedBy", DBNull.Value); hashtable.Add("@VerifiedOn", DBNull.Value); hashtable.Add("@VerifiedThough", DBNull.Value); hashtable.Add("@Status", 1); } else { hashtable.Add("@ClientRegistartionID", clientinfo.ClientRegistartionID); hashtable.Add("@VerifiedBy", DBNull.Value); hashtable.Add("@VerifiedOn", DBNull.Value); hashtable.Add("@VerifiedThough", DBNull.Value); hashtable.Add("@Status", clientinfo.Status); } hashtable.Add("@SAID", clientinfo.SAID); hashtable.Add("@Title", clientinfo.Title); hashtable.Add("@FirstName", clientinfo.FirstName); hashtable.Add("@LastName", clientinfo.LastName); hashtable.Add("@EmailID", clientinfo.EmailID); hashtable.Add("@MobileNumber", clientinfo.MobileNumber); hashtable.Add("@Province", clientinfo.Province); hashtable.Add("@City", clientinfo.City); hashtable.Add("@Operation", Operation); DataUtilities dataUtilities = new DataUtilities(); int result = dataUtilities.ExecuteNonQuery("ClientCRUD", hashtable); return(result); }
public void OutputCanvasCnvRelevantField() { var vcfLine = "1 9314201 Canvas:GAIN:1:9314202:9404148 N <CNV> 36 PASS SVTYPE=CNV;END=9404148;ensembl_gene_id=ENSG00000049239,ENSG00000252841,ENSG00000171621 RC:BC:CN:MCC . 151:108:6:4"; var annotatedVariant = DataUtilities.GetVariant(Resources.CacheGRCh37("ENST00000377403_chr1_Ensembl84"), null, vcfLine); Assert.NotNull(annotatedVariant); JsonUtilities.AlleleEquals(annotatedVariant, "{\"altAllele\":\"CNV\",\"refAllele\":\"N\",\"begin\":9314202,\"chromosome\":\"1\",\"end\":9404148,\"variantType\":\"copy_number_variation\",\"vid\":\"1:9314202:9404148:6\",\"overlappingGenes\":[\"H6PD\"],\"transcripts\":{\"ensembl\":[{\"transcript\":\"ENST00000377403.2\",\"bioType\":\"protein_coding\",\"exons\":\"4-5/5\",\"introns\":\"3-4/4\",\"geneId\":\"ENSG00000049239\",\"hgnc\":\"H6PD\",\"consequence\":[\"copy_number_increase\"],\"isCanonical\":true,\"proteinId\":\"ENSP00000366620.1\"}]}}"); var cols = vcfLine.Split('\t'); var extractor = new SampleFieldExtractor(cols); var samples = extractor.ExtractSamples(); Assert.Equal(2, samples.Count); var sample = samples[1]; var observedCn = sample?.CopyNumber; Assert.Equal("6", observedCn); }
public void SpliceVariants() { var sa = new SupplementaryAnnotationPosition(889158) { IsRefMinorAllele = true, GlobalMajorAllele = "G", GlobalMajorAlleleFrequency = "0.8239" }; var saReader = new MockSupplementaryAnnotationReader(sa); var annotatedVariant = DataUtilities.GetVariant(Resources.CacheGRCh37("ENST00000327044_chr1_Ensembl84"), saReader, "chr1 889158 . C . 1243.00 PASS SNVSB=-130.5;SNVHPOL=3;CSQ=C|ENSG00000188976|ENST00000327044|Transcript|splice_region_variant&intron_variant|||||||CCDS3.1|ENST00000327044.6:c.888+4C>G|||YES|||ENSP00000317992|||8/18|NOC2L||||| GT:GQ:GQX:DP:DPF:AD 1/1:313:26:105:9:0,105"); Assert.NotNull(annotatedVariant); Assert.Contains("\"isReferenceMinorAllele\":true", annotatedVariant.ToString()); var transcriptAllele = annotatedVariant.AnnotatedAlternateAlleles.FirstOrDefault()?.EnsemblTranscripts.FirstOrDefault(); Assert.NotNull(transcriptAllele); // ReSharper disable once PossibleNullReferenceException Assert.Equal("splice_region_variant&intron_variant", string.Join("&", transcriptAllele.Consequence)); }
public void AnnotationCarryover() { var annotatedVariant = DataUtilities.GetVariant(DataUtilities.EmptyCachePrefix, Resources.MiniSuppAnnot("chr2_90472571_90472592.nsa"), "2 90472571 . AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGTCC AGTCT 177 PASS CIGAR=1M21D4I;RU=.;REFREP=.;IDREP=. GT:GQ:GQX:DPI:AD 0/1:220:177:46:40,7"); Assert.NotNull(annotatedVariant); var altAllele = JsonUtilities.GetFirstAlleleJson(annotatedVariant); Assert.NotNull(altAllele); Assert.Equal("{\"altAllele\":\"GTCT\",\"refAllele\":\"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGTCC\",\"begin\":90472572,\"chromosome\":\"2\",\"end\":90472592,\"variantType\":\"indel\",\"vid\":\"2:90472572:90472592:GTCT\"}", altAllele); var annotatedVariant2 = DataUtilities.GetVariant(DataUtilities.EmptyCachePrefix, Resources.MiniSuppAnnot("chr2_90472571_90472592.nsa"), "2 90472592 . C . . PASS RefMinor GT:GQX:DP:DPF:AD 0:96:33:15:33"); Assert.NotNull(annotatedVariant2); var altAllele2 = JsonUtilities.GetFirstAlleleJson(annotatedVariant2); Assert.NotNull(altAllele2); Assert.Equal("{\"refAllele\":\"C\",\"begin\":90472592,\"chromosome\":\"2\",\"end\":90472592,\"globalMinorAllele\":\"C\",\"gmaf\":0.006989,\"isReferenceMinorAllele\":true,\"variantType\":\"SNV\",\"vid\":\"2:90472592:C\"}", altAllele2); }
public static List <string> GetAutoCompleteData(string prefixText, int count) { const int minPrefixLength = 3; List <string> valuesList = new List <string>(); if (prefixText.Length >= minPrefixLength) { try { List <Drug_Information> drugs = EF_Data.GetDrugsInfoQuery(prefixText); foreach (Drug_Information drug in drugs) { valuesList.Add(drug.Drug_Name_for_Pull_Down_Menu); } } catch (Exception) { throw; } } return(DataUtilities.FilterDropdownList(valuesList)); }
protected void Chart_Vars_MSD() //(string div_name, int width, int height, string x1, string x2) { DataTable dt_vars = getData_Vars_MSD(); AddGV(dt_vars); //DataTable dt_m1 = GetData("variable", "groupname", "mean"); //DataTable dt_m2 = GetData("variable", "groupname", "n"); //AddGV(dt_m1); //AddGV(dt_m2); //lblInfo.Text += "<br/><b>1</b>"; //foreach (DataColumn c in dt_m1.Columns) //{ // lblInfo.Text += "<br/>" + c.ColumnName + " - " + c.DataType.ToString(); //} //lblInfo.Text += "<br/><b>2</b>"; //foreach (DataColumn c in dt_m2.Columns) //{ // lblInfo.Text += "<br/>" + c.ColumnName + " - " + c.DataType.ToString(); //} ////dt_m1.Merge(dt_m2); //AddGV(dt_m1); foreach (DataColumn c in dt_vars.Columns) { lblInfo.Text += c.ColumnName + "..."; } AddGV(DataUtilities.PivotLINQ(dt_vars, dt_vars.Columns[1], dt_vars.Columns[2], dt_vars.Columns[3])); AddGV(DataUtilities.PivotLINQ(dt_vars, dt_vars.Columns[1], dt_vars.Columns[3], dt_vars.Columns[2])); }
public OptionsParser(string options) { if (options == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(options)); } if (options.Length > 0) { string[] optionsArray = SplitAt(options, ";"); foreach (string opt in optionsArray) { int index = opt.IndexOf('='); if (index < 0) { throw new ArgumentException("Invalid options string: " + options); } string key = DataUtilities.ToLowerCaseAscii(opt.Substring(0, index)); string value = opt.Substring(index + 1); this.dict[key] = value; } } }
public static bool GiftRevertAdjust(Hashtable requestParams, out TVerificationResultCollection AMessages) { AMessages = new TVerificationResultCollection(); Int32 ALedgerNumber = (Int32)requestParams["ALedgerNumber"]; Boolean batchSelected = (Boolean)requestParams["NewBatchSelected"]; Int32 ANewBatchNumber = 0; bool TaxDeductiblePercentageEnabled = Convert.ToBoolean( TSystemDefaults.GetSystemDefault(SharedConstants.SYSDEFAULT_TAXDEDUCTIBLEPERCENTAGE, "FALSE")); if (batchSelected) { ANewBatchNumber = (Int32)requestParams["NewBatchNumber"]; } String Function = (String)requestParams["Function"]; Int32 AGiftDetailNumber = (Int32)requestParams["GiftDetailNumber"]; Int32 AGiftNumber = (Int32)requestParams["GiftNumber"]; Int32 ABatchNumber = (Int32)requestParams["BatchNumber"]; //decimal batchHashTotal = 0; decimal batchGiftTotal = 0; GiftBatchTDS MainDS = new GiftBatchTDS(); TDBTransaction Transaction = null; DateTime ADateEffective; Transaction = DBAccess.GDBAccessObj.BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel.Serializable); try { ALedgerTable LedgerTable = ALedgerAccess.LoadByPrimaryKey(ALedgerNumber, Transaction); AGiftBatchRow giftBatch; if (!batchSelected) { ADateEffective = (DateTime)requestParams["GlEffectiveDate"]; AGiftBatchAccess.LoadByPrimaryKey(MainDS, ALedgerNumber, ABatchNumber, Transaction); AGiftBatchRow oldGiftBatch = MainDS.AGiftBatch[0]; TGiftBatchFunctions.CreateANewGiftBatchRow(ref MainDS, ref Transaction, ref LedgerTable, ALedgerNumber, ADateEffective); giftBatch = MainDS.AGiftBatch[1]; giftBatch.BankAccountCode = oldGiftBatch.BankAccountCode; giftBatch.BankCostCentre = oldGiftBatch.BankCostCentre; giftBatch.CurrencyCode = oldGiftBatch.CurrencyCode; giftBatch.ExchangeRateToBase = oldGiftBatch.ExchangeRateToBase; giftBatch.MethodOfPaymentCode = oldGiftBatch.MethodOfPaymentCode; giftBatch.HashTotal = 0; if (giftBatch.MethodOfPaymentCode.Length == 0) { giftBatch.SetMethodOfPaymentCodeNull(); } giftBatch.BankCostCentre = oldGiftBatch.BankCostCentre; giftBatch.GiftType = oldGiftBatch.GiftType; if (Function.Equals("AdjustGift")) { giftBatch.BatchDescription = Catalog.GetString("Gift Adjustment"); } else { giftBatch.BatchDescription = Catalog.GetString("Reverse Gift"); } } else { AGiftBatchAccess.LoadByPrimaryKey(MainDS, ALedgerNumber, ANewBatchNumber, Transaction); giftBatch = MainDS.AGiftBatch[0]; ADateEffective = giftBatch.GlEffectiveDate; //If into an existing batch, then retrive the existing batch total batchGiftTotal = giftBatch.BatchTotal; } if (Function.Equals("ReverseGiftBatch")) { AGiftAccess.LoadViaAGiftBatch(MainDS, ALedgerNumber, ABatchNumber, Transaction); foreach (AGiftRow gift in MainDS.AGift.Rows) { AGiftDetailAccess.LoadViaAGift(MainDS, ALedgerNumber, ABatchNumber, gift.GiftTransactionNumber, Transaction); } } else { AGiftAccess.LoadByPrimaryKey(MainDS, ALedgerNumber, ABatchNumber, AGiftNumber, Transaction); if (Function.Equals("ReverseGiftDetail")) { AGiftDetailAccess.LoadByPrimaryKey(MainDS, ALedgerNumber, ABatchNumber, AGiftNumber, AGiftDetailNumber, Transaction); } else { AGiftDetailAccess.LoadViaAGift(MainDS, ALedgerNumber, ABatchNumber, AGiftNumber, Transaction); } } //assuming new elements are added after these static borders int cycle = 0; MainDS.AGift.DefaultView.Sort = string.Format("{0}, {1}", AGiftTable.GetBatchNumberDBName(), AGiftTable.GetGiftTransactionNumberDBName()); MainDS.AGiftDetail.DefaultView.Sort = string.Format("{0}, {1}, {2}", AGiftDetailTable.GetBatchNumberDBName(), AGiftDetailTable.GetGiftTransactionNumberDBName(), AGiftDetailTable.GetDetailNumberDBName()); do { foreach (DataRowView giftRow in MainDS.AGift.DefaultView) { AGiftRow oldGift = (AGiftRow)giftRow.Row; if ((oldGift.BatchNumber == ABatchNumber) && (oldGift.LedgerNumber == ALedgerNumber) && (Function.Equals("ReverseGiftBatch") || (oldGift.GiftTransactionNumber == AGiftNumber))) { AGiftRow gift = MainDS.AGift.NewRowTyped(true); DataUtilities.CopyAllColumnValuesWithoutPK(oldGift, gift); gift.LedgerNumber = giftBatch.LedgerNumber; gift.BatchNumber = giftBatch.BatchNumber; gift.DateEntered = ADateEffective; gift.GiftTransactionNumber = giftBatch.LastGiftNumber + 1; giftBatch.LastGiftNumber++; gift.LastDetailNumber = 0; MainDS.AGift.Rows.Add(gift); foreach (DataRowView giftDetailRow in MainDS.AGiftDetail.DefaultView) { AGiftDetailRow oldGiftDetail = (AGiftDetailRow)giftDetailRow.Row; if ((oldGiftDetail.GiftTransactionNumber == oldGift.GiftTransactionNumber) && (oldGiftDetail.BatchNumber == ABatchNumber) && (oldGiftDetail.LedgerNumber == ALedgerNumber) && (!Function.Equals("ReverseGiftDetail") || (oldGiftDetail.DetailNumber == AGiftDetailNumber))) { if ((cycle == 0) && oldGiftDetail.ModifiedDetail) { AMessages.Add(new TVerificationResult( String.Format(Catalog.GetString("Cannot reverse or adjust Gift {0} with Detail {1} in Batch {2}"), oldGiftDetail.GiftTransactionNumber, oldGiftDetail.DetailNumber, oldGiftDetail.BatchNumber), String.Format(Catalog.GetString("It was already adjusted or reversed.")), TResultSeverity.Resv_Critical)); DBAccess.GDBAccessObj.RollbackTransaction(); return(false); } AGiftDetailRow giftDetail = MainDS.AGiftDetail.NewRowTyped(true); DataUtilities.CopyAllColumnValuesWithoutPK(oldGiftDetail, giftDetail); giftDetail.DetailNumber = ++gift.LastDetailNumber; giftDetail.LedgerNumber = gift.LedgerNumber; giftDetail.BatchNumber = giftBatch.BatchNumber; giftDetail.GiftTransactionNumber = gift.GiftTransactionNumber; //Identify the reversal source giftDetail.ModifiedDetailKey = "|" + oldGiftDetail.BatchNumber.ToString() + "|" + oldGiftDetail.GiftTransactionNumber.ToString() + "|" + oldGiftDetail.DetailNumber.ToString(); decimal signum = (cycle == 0) ? -1 : 1; giftDetail.GiftTransactionAmount = signum * oldGiftDetail.GiftTransactionAmount; batchGiftTotal += giftDetail.GiftTransactionAmount; giftDetail.GiftAmount = signum * oldGiftDetail.GiftAmount; giftDetail.GiftAmountIntl = signum * oldGiftDetail.GiftAmountIntl; if (TaxDeductiblePercentageEnabled) { giftDetail.TaxDeductibleAmount = signum * oldGiftDetail.TaxDeductibleAmount; giftDetail.TaxDeductibleAmountBase = signum * oldGiftDetail.TaxDeductibleAmountBase; giftDetail.TaxDeductibleAmountIntl = signum * oldGiftDetail.TaxDeductibleAmountIntl; giftDetail.NonDeductibleAmount = signum * oldGiftDetail.NonDeductibleAmount; giftDetail.NonDeductibleAmountBase = signum * oldGiftDetail.NonDeductibleAmountBase; giftDetail.NonDeductibleAmountIntl = signum * oldGiftDetail.NonDeductibleAmountIntl; } giftDetail.GiftCommentOne = (String)requestParams["ReversalCommentOne"]; giftDetail.GiftCommentTwo = (String)requestParams["ReversalCommentTwo"]; giftDetail.GiftCommentThree = (String)requestParams["ReversalCommentThree"]; giftDetail.CommentOneType = (String)requestParams["ReversalCommentOneType"]; giftDetail.CommentTwoType = (String)requestParams["ReversalCommentTwoType"]; giftDetail.CommentThreeType = (String)requestParams["ReversalCommentThreeType"]; // This is used to mark both as a Reverted giftDetails, except the adjusted (new) gift giftDetail.ModifiedDetail = (cycle == 0); oldGiftDetail.ModifiedDetail = (cycle == 0); MainDS.AGiftDetail.Rows.Add(giftDetail); } } } } cycle++; } while ((cycle < 2) && Function.Equals("AdjustGift")); //When reversing into a new or existing batch, set batch total if (!Function.Equals("AdjustGift")) { giftBatch.BatchTotal = batchGiftTotal; } // save everything at the end AGiftBatchAccess.SubmitChanges(MainDS.AGiftBatch, Transaction); ALedgerAccess.SubmitChanges(LedgerTable, Transaction); AGiftAccess.SubmitChanges(MainDS.AGift, Transaction); AGiftDetailAccess.SubmitChanges(MainDS.AGiftDetail, Transaction); MainDS.AGiftBatch.AcceptChanges(); DBAccess.GDBAccessObj.CommitTransaction(); return(true); } catch (Exception Exc) { TLogging.Log("An Exception occured while performing Gift Reverse/Adjust:" + Environment.NewLine + Exc.ToString()); DBAccess.GDBAccessObj.RollbackTransaction(); throw new EOPAppException(Catalog.GetString("Gift Reverse/Adjust failed."), Exc); } }
// We have to have our own handler for the delete button because we need to check references // while making an allowance for any reference to PDataLabelUse. // All the UsedBy checkboxes are backed by the PdataLLabel Use table so we know that these references exist. // The DeleteRecordManual method test for reference conflicts but allows for PDataLabelUse. // If all is ok it calls the standard code, which does NOT check for conflicts. private void DeleteRecordManual(Object sender, EventArgs e) { if ((FPreviouslySelectedDetailRow == null) || (FPrevRowChangedRow == -1)) { return; } DataRowView[] HighlightedRows = grdDetails.SelectedDataRowsAsDataRowView; if ((HighlightedRows.Length == 1) && (!TVerificationHelper.IsNullOrOnlyNonCritical(FPetraUtilsObject.VerificationResultCollection))) { // If we only have 1 row highlighted and it has validation errors we can quit because the standard code will work fine return; } List <string> listConflicts = new List <string>(); this.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor; foreach (DataRowView rv in HighlightedRows) { TVerificationResultCollection VerificationResults = null; // Get the number of references for the row, and the number of rows in PDataLabelUse int NumReferences = TRemote.MCommon.ReferenceCount.WebConnectors.GetCacheableRecordReferenceCount( "DataLabelList", DataUtilities.GetPKValuesFromDataRow(rv.Row), FPetraUtilsObject.MaxReferenceCountOnDelete, out VerificationResults); int NumDataLabelUses = rv.Row[UsedByColumnOrdinal].ToString().Split(new char[] { ',' }).Length; // If there are more references we need to build a message and add it to our list if ((NumReferences > NumDataLabelUses) && (VerificationResults != null) && (VerificationResults.Count > 0)) { string groupName = rv.Row[FMainDS.PDataLabel.ColumnGroup].ToString(); string labelName = rv.Row[FMainDS.PDataLabel.ColumnText].ToString(); string strRowID = groupName; if (strRowID != String.Empty) { strRowID += " - "; } strRowID += labelName; string msg = Messages.BuildMessageFromVerificationResult( String.Format( Catalog.GetString("The record '{0}' cannot be deleted!{1}{2}"), strRowID, Environment.NewLine, Catalog.GetPluralString("Reason:", "Reasons:", VerificationResults.Count)), VerificationResults); msg += Catalog.GetString( "You can ignore the references to the 'Data Label Use' table. They will be removed automatically. But you must resolve the other references before this row can be deleted."); listConflicts.Add(msg); } } this.Cursor = Cursors.Default; // Did we get any conflicts? for (int i = 0; i < listConflicts.Count; i++) { if (i < listConflicts.Count - 1) { // There is another one to show after this so include a chance for the user to quit... if (MessageBox.Show(listConflicts[i] + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + "Do you want to see the next conflict?", Catalog.GetString("Record Deletion"), MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.No) { break; } } else { MessageBox.Show(listConflicts[i], Catalog.GetString("Record Deletion")); } } if (listConflicts.Count == 0) { // All OK to delete the highlighted row(s) so call the standard method DeletePDataLabel(); } }
/// <summary> /// Standard method to delete the Data Row whose Details are currently displayed. /// There is full support for multi-row deletion. /// Optional manual code can be included to take action prior, during or after each deletion. /// When the row(s) have been deleted the highlighted row index stays the same unless the deleted row was the last one. /// The Details for the newly highlighted row are automatically displayed - or not, if the grid has now become empty. /// </summary> private void DeletePPostcodeRegionRange() { string CompletionMessage = String.Empty; if ((FPreviouslySelectedRangeRow == null) || (FPrevRangeRowChangedRow == -1)) { return; } DataRowView[] HighlightedRows = grdRanges.SelectedDataRowsAsDataRowView; if (HighlightedRows.Length == 1) { TVerificationResultCollection VerificationResults = null; if (TVerificationHelper.IsNullOrOnlyNonCritical(FPetraUtilsObject.VerificationResultCollection)) { this.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor; TRemote.MPartner.ReferenceCount.WebConnectors.GetNonCacheableRecordReferenceCount( FMainDS.PPostcodeRegionRange, DataUtilities.GetPKValuesFromDataRow(FPreviouslySelectedRangeRow), FPetraUtilsObject.MaxReferenceCountOnDelete, out VerificationResults); this.Cursor = Cursors.Default; } if ((VerificationResults != null) && (VerificationResults.Count > 0)) { MessageBox.Show(Messages.BuildMessageFromVerificationResult( Catalog.GetString("Record cannot be deleted!") + Environment.NewLine + Catalog.GetPluralString("Reason:", "Reasons:", VerificationResults.Count), VerificationResults), Catalog.GetString("Record Deletion")); return; } string DeletionQuestion = Catalog.GetString("Are you sure you want to delete the current row?"); if ((FPrimaryKeyControl != null) && (FPrimaryKeyLabel != null)) { DeletionQuestion += String.Format("{0}{0}({1} {2})", Environment.NewLine, "Range Name:", FPreviouslySelectedRangeRow.Range); } bool AllowDeletion = true; bool DeletionPerformed = false; if (AllowDeletion) { if ((MessageBox.Show(DeletionQuestion, Catalog.GetString("Confirm Delete"), MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button2) == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes)) { try { FPreviouslySelectedRangeRow.Delete(); DeletionPerformed = true; } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(String.Format(Catalog.GetString("An error occurred while deleting this record.{0}{0}{1}"), Environment.NewLine, ex.Message), Catalog.GetString("Error"), MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } if (DeletionPerformed) { FPetraUtilsObject.SetChangedFlag(); } // Select and display the details of the nearest row to the one previously selected grdRanges.SelectRowInGrid(FPrevRangeRowChangedRow, true); // Clear any errors left over from the deleted row FPetraUtilsObject.VerificationResultCollection.Clear(); } } if (DeletionPerformed && (CompletionMessage.Length > 0)) { MessageBox.Show(CompletionMessage, Catalog.GetString("Deletion Completed")); } } else { string DeletionQuestion = String.Format(Catalog.GetString( "Do you want to delete the {0} highlighted rows?{1}{1}"), HighlightedRows.Length, Environment.NewLine); DeletionQuestion += Catalog.GetString("Each record will be checked to confirm that it can be deleted."); if (MessageBox.Show(DeletionQuestion, Catalog.GetString("Confirm Delete"), MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button2) == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes) { int recordsDeleted = 0; int recordsUndeletable = 0; int recordsDeleteDisallowed = 0; List <TMultiDeleteResult> listConflicts = new List <TMultiDeleteResult>(); List <TMultiDeleteResult> listExceptions = new List <TMultiDeleteResult>(); this.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor; foreach (DataRowView drv in HighlightedRows) { PPostcodeRegionRangeRow rowToDelete = (PPostcodeRegionRangeRow)(drv.Row); string rowDetails = MakePKValuesStringManual(rowToDelete); TVerificationResultCollection VerificationResults = null; TRemote.MPartner.ReferenceCount.WebConnectors.GetNonCacheableRecordReferenceCount( FMainDS.PPostcodeRegionRange, DataUtilities.GetPKValuesFromDataRow(rowToDelete), FPetraUtilsObject.MaxReferenceCountOnDelete, out VerificationResults); if ((VerificationResults != null) && (VerificationResults.Count > 0)) { TMultiDeleteResult result = new TMultiDeleteResult(rowDetails, Messages.BuildMessageFromVerificationResult(String.Empty, VerificationResults)); listConflicts.Add(result); continue; } bool AllowDeletion = true; bool DeletionPerformed = false; if (AllowDeletion) { try { rowToDelete.Delete(); DeletionPerformed = true; } catch (Exception ex) { TMultiDeleteResult result = new TMultiDeleteResult(rowDetails, ex.Message); listExceptions.Add(result); } } else { recordsDeleteDisallowed++; } if (DeletionPerformed) { FPetraUtilsObject.SetChangedFlag(); recordsDeleted++; } } this.Cursor = Cursors.Default; // Select and display the details of the nearest row to the one previously selected grdRanges.SelectRowInGrid(FPrevRangeRowChangedRow, true); if ((recordsDeleted > 0) && (CompletionMessage.Length > 0)) { MessageBox.Show(CompletionMessage, Catalog.GetString("Deletion Completed")); } // Show the results of the multi-deletion string results = null; if (recordsDeleted > 0) { string s1 = Catalog.GetPluralString("record", "records", recordsDeleted); string s2 = Catalog.GetPluralString("was", "were", recordsDeleted); results = String.Format(Catalog.GetString("{0} {1} {2} successfully deleted."), recordsDeleted, s1, s2); } else { results = "No records were deleted."; } if (recordsUndeletable > 0) { string s1 = Catalog.GetPluralString("record", "records", recordsUndeletable); string s2 = Catalog.GetPluralString("it is marked", "they are marked", recordsUndeletable); results += String.Format(Catalog.GetString("{0}{1} {2} could not be deleted because {3} as non-deletable."), Environment.NewLine, recordsUndeletable, s1, s2); } if (recordsDeleteDisallowed > 0) { string s1 = Catalog.GetPluralString("record was not be deleted", "records were not be deleted", recordsUndeletable); results += String.Format(Catalog.GetString("{0}{1} {2} because deletion was not allowed."), Environment.NewLine, recordsDeleteDisallowed, s1); } bool showCancel = false; if (listConflicts.Count > 0) { showCancel = true; string s1 = Catalog.GetPluralString("record", "records", listConflicts.Count); string s2 = Catalog.GetPluralString("it is referenced", "they are referenced", listConflicts.Count); results += String.Format(Catalog.GetString("{0}{1} {2} could not be deleted because {3} by at least one other table."), Environment.NewLine, listConflicts.Count, s1, s2); } if (listExceptions.Count > 0) { showCancel = true; string s1 = Catalog.GetPluralString("record", "records", listExceptions.Count); results += String.Format(Catalog.GetString("{0}{1} {2} could not be deleted because the delete action failed unexpectedly."), Environment.NewLine, listExceptions.Count, s1); } if (showCancel) { results += String.Format(Catalog.GetString("{0}{0}Click OK to review the details, or Cancel to return direct to the data screen"), Environment.NewLine); if (MessageBox.Show(results, Catalog.GetString("Delete Action Summary"), MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Warning) == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) { ReviewMultiDeleteResults(listConflicts, Catalog.GetString("Rows in this table that are referenced by other tables")); ReviewMultiDeleteResults(listExceptions, Catalog.GetString("Unexpected Exceptions")); } } else { MessageBox.Show(results, Catalog.GetString("Delete Action Summary"), MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } } } }
public static bool SavePartner(PartnerEditTDS AMainDS, List <string> ASubscriptions, List <string> APartnerTypes, bool ASendMail, string ADefaultEmailAddress, string ADefaultPhoneMobile, string ADefaultPhoneLandline, out TVerificationResultCollection AVerificationResult) { List <string> Dummy1, Dummy2; string Dummy3, Dummy4, Dummy5; PartnerEditTDS SaveDS; AVerificationResult = new TVerificationResultCollection(); if (AMainDS.PPartner[0].ModificationId == DateTime.MinValue) { // this is a new partner SaveDS = AMainDS; if (SaveDS.PPartner[0].PartnerKey == -1) { SaveDS.PPartner[0].PartnerKey = NewPartnerKey(); } if (SaveDS.PFamily.Count > 0) { SaveDS.PFamily[0].PartnerKey = SaveDS.PPartner[0].PartnerKey; } else if (SaveDS.PPerson.Count > 0) { SaveDS.PPerson[0].PartnerKey = SaveDS.PPartner[0].PartnerKey; } else if (SaveDS.PChurch.Count > 0) { SaveDS.PChurch[0].PartnerKey = SaveDS.PPartner[0].PartnerKey; } else if (SaveDS.POrganisation.Count > 0) { SaveDS.POrganisation[0].PartnerKey = SaveDS.PPartner[0].PartnerKey; } PPartnerLocationRow partnerlocation = SaveDS.PPartnerLocation.NewRowTyped(); partnerlocation.PartnerKey = SaveDS.PPartner[0].PartnerKey; partnerlocation.LocationKey = SaveDS.PLocation[0].LocationKey; partnerlocation.SiteKey = SaveDS.PLocation[0].SiteKey; partnerlocation.SendMail = ASendMail; SaveDS.PPartnerLocation.Rows.Add(partnerlocation); } else { SaveDS = GetPartnerDetails(AMainDS.PPartner[0].PartnerKey, out Dummy1, out Dummy2, out Dummy3, out Dummy4, out Dummy5); DataUtilities.CopyDataSet(AMainDS, SaveDS); } List <string> ExistingPartnerTypes = new List <string>(); foreach (PPartnerTypeRow partnertype in SaveDS.PPartnerType.Rows) { if (!APartnerTypes.Contains(partnertype.TypeCode)) { partnertype.Delete(); } else { ExistingPartnerTypes.Add(partnertype.TypeCode); } } // add new partner types foreach (string partnertype in APartnerTypes) { if (!ExistingPartnerTypes.Contains(partnertype)) { PPartnerTypeRow partnertypeRow = SaveDS.PPartnerType.NewRowTyped(); partnertypeRow.PartnerKey = AMainDS.PPartner[0].PartnerKey; partnertypeRow.TypeCode = partnertype; SaveDS.PPartnerType.Rows.Add(partnertypeRow); } } List <string> ExistingSubscriptions = new List <string>(); foreach (PSubscriptionRow subscription in SaveDS.PSubscription.Rows) { if (!ASubscriptions.Contains(subscription.PublicationCode)) { subscription.Delete(); } else { ExistingSubscriptions.Add(subscription.PublicationCode); } } // add new subscriptions foreach (string subscription in ASubscriptions) { if (!ExistingSubscriptions.Contains(subscription)) { PSubscriptionRow subscriptionRow = SaveDS.PSubscription.NewRowTyped(); subscriptionRow.PartnerKey = AMainDS.PPartner[0].PartnerKey; subscriptionRow.PublicationCode = subscription; subscriptionRow.ReasonSubsGivenCode = "FREE"; SaveDS.PSubscription.Rows.Add(subscriptionRow); } } bool foundDefaultEmailAddress = false; bool foundDefaultPhoneLandLine = false; bool foundDefaultMobileLandLine = false; foreach (PPartnerAttributeRow partnerattr in SaveDS.PPartnerAttribute.Rows) { if (partnerattr.AttributeType == MPartnerConstants.ATTR_TYPE_EMAIL) { partnerattr.Value = ADefaultEmailAddress; foundDefaultEmailAddress = true; } else if (partnerattr.AttributeType == MPartnerConstants.ATTR_TYPE_PHONE) { partnerattr.Value = ADefaultPhoneLandline; foundDefaultPhoneLandLine = true; } else if (partnerattr.AttributeType == MPartnerConstants.ATTR_TYPE_MOBILE_PHONE) { partnerattr.Value = ADefaultPhoneMobile; foundDefaultMobileLandLine = true; } } if (!foundDefaultEmailAddress) { PPartnerAttributeRow partnerattr = SaveDS.PPartnerAttribute.NewRowTyped(); partnerattr.PartnerKey = SaveDS.PPartner[0].PartnerKey; partnerattr.AttributeType = MPartnerConstants.ATTR_TYPE_EMAIL; partnerattr.Value = ADefaultEmailAddress; SaveDS.PPartnerAttribute.Rows.Add(partnerattr); } if (!foundDefaultPhoneLandLine) { PPartnerAttributeRow partnerattr = SaveDS.PPartnerAttribute.NewRowTyped(); partnerattr.PartnerKey = SaveDS.PPartner[0].PartnerKey; partnerattr.AttributeType = MPartnerConstants.ATTR_TYPE_PHONE; partnerattr.Value = ADefaultPhoneLandline; SaveDS.PPartnerAttribute.Rows.Add(partnerattr); } if (!foundDefaultMobileLandLine) { PPartnerAttributeRow partnerattr = SaveDS.PPartnerAttribute.NewRowTyped(); partnerattr.PartnerKey = SaveDS.PPartner[0].PartnerKey; partnerattr.AttributeType = MPartnerConstants.ATTR_TYPE_MOBILE_PHONE; partnerattr.Value = ADefaultPhoneMobile; SaveDS.PPartnerAttribute.Rows.Add(partnerattr); } // TODO: either reuse Partner Edit UIConnector // or check for changed partner key, or changed Partner Class, etc. // set Partner Short Name if (SaveDS.PPartner[0].PartnerClass == MPartnerConstants.PARTNERCLASS_PERSON) { SaveDS.PPartner[0].PartnerShortName = Calculations.DeterminePartnerShortName( SaveDS.PPerson[0].FamilyName, SaveDS.PPerson[0].Title, SaveDS.PPerson[0].FirstName, SaveDS.PPerson[0].MiddleName1); } else if (SaveDS.PPartner[0].PartnerClass == MPartnerConstants.PARTNERCLASS_FAMILY) { SaveDS.PPartner[0].PartnerShortName = Calculations.DeterminePartnerShortName( SaveDS.PFamily[0].FamilyName, SaveDS.PFamily[0].Title, SaveDS.PFamily[0].FirstName); } else if (SaveDS.PPartner[0].PartnerClass == MPartnerConstants.PARTNERCLASS_UNIT) { SaveDS.PPartner[0].PartnerShortName = SaveDS.PUnit[0].UnitName; } else if (SaveDS.PPartner[0].PartnerClass == MPartnerConstants.PARTNERCLASS_ORGANISATION) { SaveDS.PPartner[0].PartnerShortName = SaveDS.POrganisation[0].OrganisationName; } else if (SaveDS.PPartner[0].PartnerClass == MPartnerConstants.PARTNERCLASS_BANK) { SaveDS.PPartner[0].PartnerShortName = SaveDS.PBank[0].BranchName; } // TODO: check if location 0 (no address) was changed. we don't want to overwrite that // alternative: check if somebody else uses that location, and split the locations. or ask if others should be updated??? if (SaveDS.PLocation[0].RowState == DataRowState.Modified && SaveDS.PLocation[0].LocationKey == 0) { TLogging.Log("we cannot update addresses of people with location 0"); AVerificationResult.Add(new TVerificationResult("error", "we cannot update addresses of people with location 0", TResultSeverity.Resv_Critical)); return(false); } DataSet ResponseDS = new PartnerEditTDS(); TPartnerEditUIConnector uiconnector = new TPartnerEditUIConnector(SaveDS.PPartner[0].PartnerKey); try { TSubmitChangesResult result = uiconnector.SubmitChanges( ref SaveDS, ref ResponseDS, out AVerificationResult); return(result == TSubmitChangesResult.scrOK); } catch (Exception e) { TLogging.Log(e.ToString()); AVerificationResult.Add(new TVerificationResult("error", e.Message, TResultSeverity.Resv_Critical)); return(false); } }
public static bool SavePartner(PartnerEditTDS AMainDS, List <string> ASubscriptions, List <string> APartnerTypes, bool ASendMail, string ADefaultEmailAddress, string ADefaultPhoneMobile, string ADefaultPhoneLandline, out TVerificationResultCollection AVerificationResult) { List <string> Dummy1, Dummy2; string Dummy3, Dummy4, Dummy5; PartnerEditTDS SaveDS; AVerificationResult = new TVerificationResultCollection(); if (AMainDS.PPartner[0].ModificationId == DateTime.MinValue) { // this is a new partner SaveDS = AMainDS; if (SaveDS.PPartner[0].PartnerKey == -1) { SaveDS.PPartner[0].PartnerKey = NewPartnerKey(); } if (SaveDS.PFamily.Count > 0) { SaveDS.PFamily[0].PartnerKey = SaveDS.PPartner[0].PartnerKey; } else if (SaveDS.PPerson.Count > 0) { SaveDS.PPerson[0].PartnerKey = SaveDS.PPartner[0].PartnerKey; } else if (SaveDS.PChurch.Count > 0) { SaveDS.PChurch[0].PartnerKey = SaveDS.PPartner[0].PartnerKey; } else if (SaveDS.POrganisation.Count > 0) { SaveDS.POrganisation[0].PartnerKey = SaveDS.PPartner[0].PartnerKey; } PPartnerLocationRow partnerlocation = SaveDS.PPartnerLocation.NewRowTyped(); partnerlocation.PartnerKey = SaveDS.PPartner[0].PartnerKey; partnerlocation.LocationKey = SaveDS.PLocation[0].LocationKey; partnerlocation.SiteKey = SaveDS.PLocation[0].SiteKey; partnerlocation.SendMail = ASendMail; SaveDS.PPartnerLocation.Rows.Add(partnerlocation); } else { SaveDS = GetPartnerDetails(AMainDS.PPartner[0].PartnerKey, out Dummy1, out Dummy2, out Dummy3, out Dummy4, out Dummy5); DataUtilities.CopyDataSet(AMainDS, SaveDS); } List <string> ExistingPartnerTypes = new List <string>(); foreach (PPartnerTypeRow partnertype in SaveDS.PPartnerType.Rows) { if (!APartnerTypes.Contains(partnertype.TypeCode)) { partnertype.Delete(); } else { ExistingPartnerTypes.Add(partnertype.TypeCode); } } // add new partner types foreach (string partnertype in APartnerTypes) { if (!ExistingPartnerTypes.Contains(partnertype)) { PPartnerTypeRow partnertypeRow = SaveDS.PPartnerType.NewRowTyped(); partnertypeRow.PartnerKey = AMainDS.PPartner[0].PartnerKey; partnertypeRow.TypeCode = partnertype; SaveDS.PPartnerType.Rows.Add(partnertypeRow); } } List <string> ExistingSubscriptions = new List <string>(); foreach (PSubscriptionRow subscription in SaveDS.PSubscription.Rows) { if (!ASubscriptions.Contains(subscription.PublicationCode)) { subscription.Delete(); } else { ExistingSubscriptions.Add(subscription.PublicationCode); } } // add new subscriptions foreach (string subscription in ASubscriptions) { if (!ExistingSubscriptions.Contains(subscription)) { PSubscriptionRow subscriptionRow = SaveDS.PSubscription.NewRowTyped(); subscriptionRow.PartnerKey = AMainDS.PPartner[0].PartnerKey; subscriptionRow.PublicationCode = subscription; subscriptionRow.ReasonSubsGivenCode = "FREE"; SaveDS.PSubscription.Rows.Add(subscriptionRow); } } bool foundDefaultEmailAddress = false; bool foundDefaultPhoneLandLine = false; bool foundDefaultMobileLandLine = false; foreach (PPartnerAttributeRow partnerattr in SaveDS.PPartnerAttribute.Rows) { if (partnerattr.AttributeType == MPartnerConstants.ATTR_TYPE_EMAIL) { partnerattr.Value = ADefaultEmailAddress; foundDefaultEmailAddress = true; } else if (partnerattr.AttributeType == MPartnerConstants.ATTR_TYPE_PHONE) { partnerattr.Value = ADefaultPhoneLandline; foundDefaultPhoneLandLine = true; } else if (partnerattr.AttributeType == MPartnerConstants.ATTR_TYPE_MOBILE_PHONE) { partnerattr.Value = ADefaultPhoneMobile; foundDefaultMobileLandLine = true; } } if (!foundDefaultEmailAddress) { PPartnerAttributeRow partnerattr = SaveDS.PPartnerAttribute.NewRowTyped(); partnerattr.PartnerKey = SaveDS.PPartner[0].PartnerKey; partnerattr.AttributeType = MPartnerConstants.ATTR_TYPE_EMAIL; partnerattr.Value = ADefaultEmailAddress; partnerattr.Index = 0; SaveDS.PPartnerAttribute.Rows.Add(partnerattr); } if (!foundDefaultPhoneLandLine) { PPartnerAttributeRow partnerattr = SaveDS.PPartnerAttribute.NewRowTyped(); partnerattr.PartnerKey = SaveDS.PPartner[0].PartnerKey; partnerattr.AttributeType = MPartnerConstants.ATTR_TYPE_PHONE; partnerattr.Value = ADefaultPhoneLandline; partnerattr.Index = 0; SaveDS.PPartnerAttribute.Rows.Add(partnerattr); } if (!foundDefaultMobileLandLine) { PPartnerAttributeRow partnerattr = SaveDS.PPartnerAttribute.NewRowTyped(); partnerattr.PartnerKey = SaveDS.PPartner[0].PartnerKey; partnerattr.AttributeType = MPartnerConstants.ATTR_TYPE_MOBILE_PHONE; partnerattr.Value = ADefaultPhoneMobile; partnerattr.Index = 0; SaveDS.PPartnerAttribute.Rows.Add(partnerattr); } // TODO: either reuse Partner Edit UIConnector // or check for changed partner key, or changed Partner Class, etc. // set Partner Short Name if (SaveDS.PPartner[0].PartnerClass == MPartnerConstants.PARTNERCLASS_PERSON) { SaveDS.PPartner[0].PartnerShortName = Calculations.DeterminePartnerShortName( SaveDS.PPerson[0].FamilyName, SaveDS.PPerson[0].Title, SaveDS.PPerson[0].FirstName, SaveDS.PPerson[0].MiddleName1); } else if (SaveDS.PPartner[0].PartnerClass == MPartnerConstants.PARTNERCLASS_FAMILY) { // check if we have a valid family name if (SaveDS.PFamily[0].FamilyName.Trim().Length == 0) { AVerificationResult.Add(new TVerificationResult("error", "Please specify the family name", "", "MaintainPartners.ErrMissingFamilyName", TResultSeverity.Resv_Critical)); return(false); } // check if we have a valid title if (SaveDS.PFamily[0].Title.Trim().Length == 0) { AVerificationResult.Add(new TVerificationResult("error", "Please specify the title", "", "MaintainPartners.ErrMissingTitle", TResultSeverity.Resv_Critical)); return(false); } SaveDS.PPartner[0].PartnerShortName = Calculations.DeterminePartnerShortName( SaveDS.PFamily[0].FamilyName, SaveDS.PFamily[0].Title, SaveDS.PFamily[0].FirstName); } else if (SaveDS.PPartner[0].PartnerClass == MPartnerConstants.PARTNERCLASS_UNIT) { SaveDS.PPartner[0].PartnerShortName = SaveDS.PUnit[0].UnitName; } else if (SaveDS.PPartner[0].PartnerClass == MPartnerConstants.PARTNERCLASS_ORGANISATION) { // check if we have a valid organisation name if (SaveDS.POrganisation[0].OrganisationName.Trim().Length == 0) { AVerificationResult.Add(new TVerificationResult("error", "Please specify the organisation name", "", "MaintainPartners.ErrMissingOrganisationName", TResultSeverity.Resv_Critical)); return(false); } SaveDS.PPartner[0].PartnerShortName = SaveDS.POrganisation[0].OrganisationName; } else if (SaveDS.PPartner[0].PartnerClass == MPartnerConstants.PARTNERCLASS_BANK) { SaveDS.PPartner[0].PartnerShortName = SaveDS.PBank[0].BranchName; } // change legacy addresses. create a new separate location for each partner if (SaveDS.PLocation[0].LocationKey == 0) { PLocationRow location = SaveDS.PLocation.NewRowTyped(); DataUtilities.CopyAllColumnValues(SaveDS.PLocation[0], location); location.SiteKey = DomainManager.GSiteKey; location.LocationKey = -1; SaveDS.PLocation.Rows.Clear(); SaveDS.PLocation.Rows.Add(location); PPartnerLocationRow plocation = SaveDS.PPartnerLocation.NewRowTyped(); DataUtilities.CopyAllColumnValues(SaveDS.PPartnerLocation[0], plocation); plocation.LocationKey = -1; plocation.SiteKey = DomainManager.GSiteKey; SaveDS.PPartnerLocation[0].Delete(); SaveDS.PPartnerLocation.Rows.Add(plocation); } // check if we have a valid country code if (SaveDS.PLocation[0].CountryCode.Trim().Length == 0) { AVerificationResult.Add(new TVerificationResult("error", "The country code is missing", TResultSeverity.Resv_Critical)); return(false); } TDBTransaction Transaction = new TDBTransaction(); bool WrongCountryCode = false; DBAccess.ReadTransaction(ref Transaction, delegate { WrongCountryCode = !PCountryAccess.Exists(SaveDS.PLocation[0].CountryCode, Transaction); }); if (WrongCountryCode) { AVerificationResult.Add(new TVerificationResult("error", "The country code does not match a country", TResultSeverity.Resv_Critical)); return(false); } DataSet ResponseDS = new PartnerEditTDS(); TPartnerEditUIConnector uiconnector = new TPartnerEditUIConnector(SaveDS.PPartner[0].PartnerKey); try { TSubmitChangesResult result = uiconnector.SubmitChanges( ref SaveDS, ref ResponseDS, out AVerificationResult); return(result == TSubmitChangesResult.scrOK); } catch (Exception e) { TLogging.Log(e.ToString()); AVerificationResult.Add(new TVerificationResult("error", e.Message, TResultSeverity.Resv_Critical)); return(false); } }
public static bool GiftRevertAdjust( Int32 ALedgerNumber, Int32 ABatchNumber, Int32 AGiftDetailNumber, bool ABatchSelected, Int32 ANewBatchNumber, DateTime?ANewGLDateEffective, GiftAdjustmentFunctionEnum AFunction, bool ANoReceipt, Decimal ANewPct, out int AAdjustmentBatchNumber) { AAdjustmentBatchNumber = 0; int AdjustmentBatchNo = AAdjustmentBatchNumber; GiftBatchTDS GiftDS = new GiftBatchTDS(); decimal batchGiftTotal = 0; ANewBatchNumber = ABatchSelected ? ANewBatchNumber : 0; TDBTransaction Transaction = new TDBTransaction(); TDataBase db = DBAccess.Connect("GiftRevertAdjust"); bool SubmissionOK = false; try { db.WriteTransaction( ref Transaction, ref SubmissionOK, delegate { // load the original gifts and gift details AGiftAccess.LoadViaAGiftBatch(GiftDS, ALedgerNumber, ABatchNumber, Transaction); AGiftDetailAccess.LoadViaAGiftBatch(GiftDS, ALedgerNumber, ABatchNumber, Transaction); ALedgerTable ledgerTable = ALedgerAccess.LoadByPrimaryKey(ALedgerNumber, Transaction); AGiftBatchRow giftBatch; DateTime DateEffective; if (ANewGLDateEffective.HasValue) { DateEffective = ANewGLDateEffective.Value; } else { AGiftBatchTable OriginalGiftBatch = AGiftBatchAccess.LoadByPrimaryKey(ALedgerNumber, ABatchNumber, Transaction); DateEffective = OriginalGiftBatch[0].GlEffectiveDate; } // if we need to create a new gift batch if (!ABatchSelected) { giftBatch = CreateNewGiftBatch( ALedgerNumber, ABatchNumber, DateEffective, AFunction, ref GiftDS, ref ledgerTable, Transaction); } else // using an existing gift batch { AGiftBatchAccess.LoadByPrimaryKey(GiftDS, ALedgerNumber, ANewBatchNumber, Transaction); giftBatch = GiftDS.AGiftBatch[0]; DateEffective = giftBatch.GlEffectiveDate; //If into an existing batch, then retrieve the existing batch total batchGiftTotal = giftBatch.BatchTotal; } AdjustmentBatchNo = giftBatch.BatchNumber; //assuming new elements are added after these static borders GiftDS.AGift.DefaultView.Sort = string.Format("{0}, {1}", AGiftTable.GetBatchNumberDBName(), AGiftTable.GetGiftTransactionNumberDBName()); GiftDS.AGiftDetail.DefaultView.Sort = string.Format("{0}, {1}, {2}", AGiftDetailTable.GetBatchNumberDBName(), AGiftDetailTable.GetGiftTransactionNumberDBName(), AGiftDetailTable.GetDetailNumberDBName()); foreach (DataRowView giftRow in GiftDS.AGift.DefaultView) { int cycle = 0; // first cycle creates gift reversal; second cycle creates new adjusted gift (if needed) do { AGiftRow oldGift = (AGiftRow)giftRow.Row; if (oldGift.RowState != DataRowState.Added) { AGiftRow gift = GiftDS.AGift.NewRowTyped(true); DataUtilities.CopyAllColumnValuesWithoutPK(oldGift, gift); gift.LedgerNumber = giftBatch.LedgerNumber; gift.BatchNumber = giftBatch.BatchNumber; // keep the same DateEntered as in the original gift if it is in the same period as the batch if ((gift.DateEntered.Year != DateEffective.Year) || (gift.DateEntered.Month != DateEffective.Month)) { gift.DateEntered = DateEffective; } gift.GiftTransactionNumber = giftBatch.LastGiftNumber + 1; giftBatch.LastGiftNumber++; gift.LinkToPreviousGift = (cycle != 0); gift.LastDetailNumber = 0; gift.FirstTimeGift = false; // do not print a receipt for reversed gifts if (cycle == 0) { gift.ReceiptPrinted = true; gift.PrintReceipt = false; } else { gift.ReceiptPrinted = false; gift.PrintReceipt = !ANoReceipt; } GiftDS.AGift.Rows.Add(gift); foreach (DataRowView giftDetailRow in GiftDS.AGiftDetail.DefaultView) { AGiftDetailRow oldGiftDetail = (AGiftDetailRow)giftDetailRow.Row; // if gift detail belongs to gift if ((oldGiftDetail.GiftTransactionNumber == oldGift.GiftTransactionNumber) && (oldGiftDetail.BatchNumber == oldGift.BatchNumber) && (AFunction != GiftAdjustmentFunctionEnum.ReverseGiftDetail) || (oldGiftDetail.DetailNumber == AGiftDetailNumber)) { AddDuplicateGiftDetailToGift(ref GiftDS, ref gift, oldGiftDetail, cycle == 0, Transaction, AFunction, ANewPct); batchGiftTotal += ((cycle == 0) ? 0 : oldGiftDetail.GiftTransactionAmount); // original gift also gets marked as a reversal oldGiftDetail.ModifiedDetail = true; } } } cycle++; } while ((cycle < 2) && (AFunction.Equals(GiftAdjustmentFunctionEnum.AdjustGift) || AFunction.Equals(GiftAdjustmentFunctionEnum.FieldAdjust) || AFunction.Equals(GiftAdjustmentFunctionEnum.TaxDeductiblePctAdjust))); } //When reversing into a new or existing batch, set batch total giftBatch.BatchTotal = batchGiftTotal; // save everything at the end AGiftBatchAccess.SubmitChanges(GiftDS.AGiftBatch, Transaction); ALedgerAccess.SubmitChanges(ledgerTable, Transaction); AGiftAccess.SubmitChanges(GiftDS.AGift, Transaction); AGiftDetailAccess.SubmitChanges(GiftDS.AGiftDetail, Transaction); GiftDS.AGiftBatch.AcceptChanges(); SubmissionOK = true; }); } catch (Exception ex) { TLogging.LogException(ex, Utilities.GetMethodSignature()); throw new EOPAppException(Catalog.GetString("Gift Reverse/Adjust failed."), ex); } AAdjustmentBatchNumber = AdjustmentBatchNo; db.CloseDBConnection(); return(SubmissionOK); }
/// <summary> /// Called from a delegate set up by my constructor. /// Or if you're not using a reporting UI, you can call this directly, once the data and params have been set up. /// </summary> /// <param name="ACalc"></param> public void DesignReport(TRptCalculator ACalc) { ACalc.GetParameters().Add("param_design_template", true); if (FSelectedTemplate != null) { if (FDataGetter != null) { if (!FDataGetter(ACalc)) { return; } } FFastReportType.GetMethod("LoadFromString", new Type[] { FSelectedTemplate.XmlText.GetType() }).Invoke(FfastReportInstance, new object[] { FSelectedTemplate.XmlText }); LoadReportParams(ACalc); FFastReportType.GetMethod("Design", new Type[0]).Invoke(FfastReportInstance, null); // // The user can change the report template - if it's changed I'll update the server // (unless the template is read-only, in which case I'll need to make a copy.) object ret = FFastReportType.GetMethod("SaveToString", new Type[0]).Invoke(FfastReportInstance, null); String XmlString = (String)ret; // // I only want to check part of the report to assess whether it's changed, otherwise it always detects a change // (the modified date is changed, and the parameters may also be different.) Boolean TemplateChanged = false; Int32 Page1Pos = XmlString.IndexOf("<ReportPage"); Int32 PrevPage1Pos = FSelectedTemplate.XmlText.IndexOf("<ReportPage"); if ((Page1Pos < 1) || (PrevPage1Pos < 1)) { TemplateChanged = true; } else { if (XmlString.Substring(Page1Pos) != FSelectedTemplate.XmlText.Substring(PrevPage1Pos)) { TemplateChanged = true; } } if (TemplateChanged) { Boolean MakeACopy = false; if (FSelectedTemplate.Readonly) { if (MessageBox.Show( String.Format(Catalog.GetString("{0} cannot be ovewritten.\r\nMake a copy instead?"), FSelectedTemplate.ReportVariant), Catalog.GetString("Design Template"), MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.No) { return; } MakeACopy = true; } else { if (MessageBox.Show( String.Format(Catalog.GetString("Save changes to {0}?"), FSelectedTemplate.ReportVariant), Catalog.GetString("Design Template"), MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.No) { return; } } SReportTemplateTable TemplateTable = new SReportTemplateTable(); SReportTemplateRow NewRow = TemplateTable.NewRowTyped(); DataUtilities.CopyAllColumnValues(FSelectedTemplate, NewRow); TemplateTable.Rows.Add(NewRow); if (MakeACopy) { NewRow.TemplateId = -1; // The value will come from the sequence NewRow.ReportVariant = "Copy of " + TemplateTable[0].ReportVariant; NewRow.Readonly = false; NewRow.Default = false; NewRow.PrivateDefault = false; } else { TemplateTable.AcceptChanges(); // Don't allow this one-row table to be seen as "new" } NewRow.XmlText = XmlString; SReportTemplateTable Tbl = TRemote.MReporting.WebConnectors.SaveTemplates(TemplateTable); Tbl.AcceptChanges(); SetTemplate(Tbl[0]); } } if (FPetraUtilsObject != null) { FPetraUtilsObject.UpdateParentFormEndOfReport(); } }
public void Should_Add_Coin() { _coinService.AddCoin(DataUtilities.GetCoin()); _unitOfWorkMock.Verify(r => r.Coins.Add(It.IsAny <Coin>())); }
private int GetChangedRecordCountManual(out string AMessage) { //For Gift Batch we will get a mix of some batches, gifts and gift details. // Only check relevant tables. List <string> TablesToCheck = new List <string>(); TablesToCheck.Add(FMainDS.AGiftBatch.TableName); TablesToCheck.Add(FMainDS.AGift.TableName); TablesToCheck.Add(FMainDS.AGiftDetail.TableName); List <Tuple <string, int> > TableAndCountList = new List <Tuple <string, int> >(); int AllChangesCount = 0; if (FMainDS.HasChanges()) { foreach (DataTable dt in FMainDS.GetChanges().Tables) { string currentTableName = dt.TableName; if ((dt != null) && TablesToCheck.Contains(currentTableName) && (dt.Rows.Count > 0)) { int tableChangesCount = 0; DataTable dtChanges = dt.GetChanges(); foreach (DataRow dr in dtChanges.Rows) { if (DataUtilities.DataRowColumnsHaveChanged(dr)) { tableChangesCount++; AllChangesCount++; } } if (tableChangesCount > 0) { TableAndCountList.Add(new Tuple <string, int>(currentTableName, tableChangesCount)); } } } } // Now build up a sensible message AMessage = String.Empty; if (TableAndCountList.Count > 0) { if (TableAndCountList.Count == 1) { Tuple <string, int> TableAndCount = TableAndCountList[0]; string tableName = TableAndCount.Item1; if (TableAndCount.Item1.Equals(AGiftBatchTable.GetTableName())) { AMessage = String.Format(Catalog.GetString(" You have made changes to the details of {0} {1}.{2}"), TableAndCount.Item2, Catalog.GetPluralString("batch", "batches", TableAndCount.Item2), Environment.NewLine); } else if (TableAndCount.Item1.Equals(AGiftTable.GetTableName())) { AMessage = String.Format(Catalog.GetString(" You have made changes to the details of {0} {1}.{2}"), TableAndCount.Item2, Catalog.GetPluralString("gift", "gifts", TableAndCount.Item2), Environment.NewLine); } else //if (TableAndCount.Item1.Equals(AGiftDetailTable.GetTableName())) { AMessage = String.Format(Catalog.GetString(" You have made changes to {0} {1}.{2}"), TableAndCount.Item2, Catalog.GetPluralString("gift detail", "gift details", TableAndCount.Item2), Environment.NewLine); } } else { int nBatches = 0; int nGifts = 0; int nGiftDetails = 0; foreach (Tuple <string, int> TableAndCount in TableAndCountList) { if (TableAndCount.Item1.Equals(AGiftBatchTable.GetTableName())) { nBatches = TableAndCount.Item2; } else if (TableAndCount.Item1.Equals(AGiftTable.GetTableName())) { nGifts = TableAndCount.Item2; } else //if (TableAndCount.Item1.Equals(AGiftDetailTable.GetTableName())) { nGiftDetails = TableAndCount.Item2; } } if ((nBatches > 0) && (nGifts > 0) && (nGiftDetails > 0)) { AMessage = String.Format(Catalog.GetString(" You have made changes to {0} {1}, {2} {3} and {4} {5}.{6}"), nBatches, Catalog.GetPluralString("batch", "batches", nBatches), nGifts, Catalog.GetPluralString("gift", "gifts", nGifts), nGiftDetails, Catalog.GetPluralString("gift detail", "gift details", nGiftDetails), Environment.NewLine); } else if ((nBatches > 0) && (nGifts > 0) && (nGiftDetails == 0)) { AMessage = String.Format(Catalog.GetString(" You have made changes to {0} {1} and {2} {3}.{4}"), nBatches, Catalog.GetPluralString("batch", "batches", nBatches), nGifts, Catalog.GetPluralString("gift", "gifts", nGifts), Environment.NewLine); } else if ((nBatches > 0) && (nGifts == 0) && (nGiftDetails > 0)) { AMessage = String.Format(Catalog.GetString(" You have made changes to {0} {1} and {2} {3}.{4}"), nBatches, Catalog.GetPluralString("batch", "batches", nBatches), nGiftDetails, Catalog.GetPluralString("gift detail", "gift details", nGiftDetails), Environment.NewLine); } else if ((nBatches > 0) && (nGifts == 0) && (nGiftDetails == 0)) { AMessage = String.Format(Catalog.GetString(" You have made changes to {0} {1}.{2}"), nBatches, Catalog.GetPluralString("batch", "batches", nBatches), Environment.NewLine); } else if ((nBatches == 0) && (nGifts > 0) && (nGiftDetails > 0)) { AMessage = String.Format(Catalog.GetString(" You have made changes to {0} {1} and {2} {3}.{4}"), nGifts, Catalog.GetPluralString("gift", "gifts", nGifts), nGiftDetails, Catalog.GetPluralString("gift detail", "gift details", nGiftDetails), Environment.NewLine); } else if ((nBatches == 0) && (nGifts > 0) && (nGiftDetails == 0)) { AMessage = String.Format(Catalog.GetString(" You have made changes to {0} {1}.{2}"), nGifts, Catalog.GetPluralString("gift", "gifts", nGiftDetails), Environment.NewLine); } else if ((nBatches == 0) && (nGifts == 0) && (nGiftDetails > 0)) { AMessage = String.Format(Catalog.GetString(" You have made changes to {0} {1}.{2}"), nGiftDetails, Catalog.GetPluralString("gift detail", "gift details", nGiftDetails), Environment.NewLine); } } AMessage += Catalog.GetString("(some of the changes may include related background items)"); AMessage += Environment.NewLine; AMessage += String.Format(TFrmPetraEditUtils.StrConsequenceIfNotSaved, Environment.NewLine); } return(AllChangesCount); }
/// <summary> /// Determine best location for partner out of a list of possible locations. Or simply find best one /// if no suggestion is made. /// </summary> /// <param name="APartnerKey"></param> /// <param name="ALocationKeyList"></param> /// <param name="APartnerLocationKeysTable"></param> /// <param name="ATransaction"></param> /// <returns>True if the address was found and added, otherwise false.</returns> private static Boolean DetermineAndAddBestLocationKey( Int64 APartnerKey, List <TLocationPK> ALocationKeyList, ref PPartnerLocationTable APartnerLocationKeysTable, TDBTransaction ATransaction) { PPartnerLocationTable AllPartnerLocationTable; PPartnerLocationTable FilteredPartnerLocationTable = new PPartnerLocationTable(); TLocationPK LocationPK = new TLocationPK(); PPartnerLocationRow PartnerLocationKeyRow; PPartnerLocationRow PartnerLocationRowCopy; TLocationPK BestLocationPK; if (ALocationKeyList.Count == 0) { // no list suggested: find best address in db for this partner BestLocationPK = TMailing.GetPartnersBestLocation(APartnerKey); } else if (ALocationKeyList.Count == 1) { // only one location suggested: take this one BestLocationPK = ALocationKeyList[0]; } else { // Process location key list related to partner. // In order to use Calculations.DetermineBestAddress we need to first retrieve full data // for all suggested records from the db. Therefore load all locations for this partner // and then create a table of the ones that are suggested. AllPartnerLocationTable = PPartnerLocationAccess.LoadViaPPartner(APartnerKey, ATransaction); foreach (PPartnerLocationRow PartnerLocationRow in AllPartnerLocationTable.Rows) { LocationPK.SiteKey = PartnerLocationRow.SiteKey; LocationPK.LocationKey = PartnerLocationRow.LocationKey; if (ALocationKeyList.Contains(LocationPK)) { PartnerLocationRowCopy = (PPartnerLocationRow)FilteredPartnerLocationTable.NewRow(); DataUtilities.CopyAllColumnValues(PartnerLocationRow, PartnerLocationRowCopy); FilteredPartnerLocationTable.Rows.Add(PartnerLocationRowCopy); } } BestLocationPK = Calculations.DetermineBestAddress(FilteredPartnerLocationTable); } // create new row, initialize it and add it to the table if (BestLocationPK.LocationKey != -1) { PartnerLocationKeyRow = (PPartnerLocationRow)APartnerLocationKeysTable.NewRow(); PartnerLocationKeyRow[PPartnerLocationTable.GetPartnerKeyDBName()] = APartnerKey; PartnerLocationKeyRow[PPartnerLocationTable.GetSiteKeyDBName()] = BestLocationPK.SiteKey; PartnerLocationKeyRow[PPartnerLocationTable.GetLocationKeyDBName()] = BestLocationPK.LocationKey; // only add row if it does not already exist if (!APartnerLocationKeysTable.Rows.Contains( new object[] { PartnerLocationKeyRow.PartnerKey, PartnerLocationKeyRow.SiteKey, PartnerLocationKeyRow.LocationKey })) { APartnerLocationKeysTable.Rows.Add(PartnerLocationKeyRow); } return(true); } else { return(false); } }
static void CheckMail(object source, System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs e) { NotesUtils pNotesUtils = null; Console.WriteLine("Notes Check:"); System.Timers.Timer pp = (System.Timers.Timer)source; pp.Enabled = false; try { //pNotesUtils = new NotesUtils(pNotesSession, "mail9you/runstar", "mail\\费亚平.nsf"); pNotesUtils = new NotesUtils(pNotesSession, "mail9you/runstar", "mail\\netadmin.nsf"); if (pNotesUtils.OpenDataBase("netadmin", "12341234")) { if (pNotesUtils.GetMailInfo()) { MSSQLOperate pSaveMail = new MSSQLOperate(strAnalyse); CustomDataCollection pMailStruct = (CustomDataCollection)pNotesUtils.Records; CustomData[,] pMailInfo = pMailStruct[-1]; for (int i = 0; i < pMailStruct.RowCount; i++) { pSaveMail.Connect(false); string strProcParams = "SP_PUT_NOTESCONTENT"; DbParameter[] paramCache = DataUtilities.GetParameters(strProcParams); #region if (paramCache == null) { paramCache = new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("@iFailure", SqlDbType.Int, 4), new SqlParameter("@iCategory", SqlDbType.Int, 4), new SqlParameter("@strUID", SqlDbType.VarChar, 100), new SqlParameter("@strPUID", SqlDbType.VarChar, 100), new SqlParameter("@strSubject", SqlDbType.VarChar, 100), new SqlParameter("@dtPost", SqlDbType.DateTime), new SqlParameter("@strSender", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50), new SqlParameter("@strRecive", SqlDbType.Text), new SqlParameter("@strContent", SqlDbType.Text), new SqlParameter("@strCount", SqlDbType.VarChar, 100), new SqlParameter("@iView", SqlDbType.Int, 4), new SqlParameter("@iGroup", SqlDbType.Int, 4) }; DataUtilities.SetParameters(strProcParams, paramCache); } paramCache[0].Value = 0; paramCache[1].Value = 0; paramCache[2].Value = pMailInfo[i, 0].Content; paramCache[3].Value = pMailInfo[i, 1].Content; paramCache[4].Value = pMailInfo[i, 2].Content; paramCache[5].Value = pMailInfo[i, 4].Content; paramCache[6].Value = pMailInfo[i, 3].Content; paramCache[7].Value = pMailInfo[i, 5].Content; paramCache[8].Value = pMailInfo[i, 6].Content; paramCache[9].Value = pMailInfo[i, 7].Content; paramCache[10].Value = 0; paramCache[11].Value = 2; #endregion pSaveMail.ExecuteQuery(false, strProcParams, paramCache); pSaveMail.GetResult(RecordStyle.NONE); } #region Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow; Console.WriteLine("Notes Recive Count : " + pMailStruct.RowCount); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Gray; Console.WriteLine(""); #endregion } else { #region Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow; Console.WriteLine("Notes Recive Exception : " + pNotesUtils.Message); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Gray; Console.WriteLine(""); #endregion } } else { #region Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow; Console.WriteLine("Notes Connect Exception : " + pNotesUtils.Message); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Gray; Console.WriteLine(""); #endregion } } catch (Exception ex) { #region Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow; Console.WriteLine("Notes Save Exception : " + ex.Message); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Gray; Console.WriteLine(""); #endregion } finally { if (pNotesUtils != null) { pNotesUtils.Dispose(); } } pp.Enabled = true; }
/// <summary> /// Adds a duplicate Gift Detail (or reversed duplicate GiftDetail) to Gift. /// </summary> /// <param name="AMainDS"></param> /// <param name="AGift"></param> /// <param name="AOldGiftDetail"></param> /// <param name="AReversal">True for reverse or false for straight duplicate</param> /// <param name="ATransaction"></param> /// <param name="AFunction"></param> /// <param name="ANewPct"></param> /// <param name="AAutoCompleteComments"></param> /// <param name="AReversalCommentOne"></param> /// <param name="AReversalCommentTwo"></param> /// <param name="AReversalCommentThree"></param> /// <param name="AReversalCommentOneType"></param> /// <param name="AReversalCommentTwoType"></param> /// <param name="AReversalCommentThreeType"></param> /// <param name="AUpdateTaxDeductiblePctRecipients"></param> /// <param name="AGeneralFixedGiftDestination"></param> /// <param name="AFixedGiftDestination"></param> private static void AddDuplicateGiftDetailToGift(ref GiftBatchTDS AMainDS, ref AGiftRow AGift, AGiftDetailRow AOldGiftDetail, bool AReversal, TDBTransaction ATransaction, GiftAdjustmentFunctionEnum AFunction, Decimal ANewPct, bool AAutoCompleteComments = false, string AReversalCommentOne = "", string AReversalCommentTwo = "", string AReversalCommentThree = "", string AReversalCommentOneType = "", string AReversalCommentTwoType = "", string AReversalCommentThreeType = "", List <string[]> AUpdateTaxDeductiblePctRecipients = null, bool AGeneralFixedGiftDestination = false, List <string> AFixedGiftDestination = null ) { bool TaxDeductiblePercentageEnabled = new TSystemDefaults(ATransaction.DataBaseObj).GetBooleanDefault(SharedConstants.SYSDEFAULT_TAXDEDUCTIBLEPERCENTAGE, false); AGiftDetailRow giftDetail = AMainDS.AGiftDetail.NewRowTyped(true); DataUtilities.CopyAllColumnValuesWithoutPK(AOldGiftDetail, giftDetail); giftDetail.DetailNumber = AGift.LastDetailNumber + 1; AGift.LastDetailNumber++; giftDetail.LedgerNumber = AGift.LedgerNumber; giftDetail.BatchNumber = AGift.BatchNumber; giftDetail.GiftTransactionNumber = AGift.GiftTransactionNumber; giftDetail.IchNumber = 0; decimal signum = (AReversal) ? -1 : 1; giftDetail.GiftTransactionAmount = signum * AOldGiftDetail.GiftTransactionAmount; giftDetail.GiftAmount = signum * AOldGiftDetail.GiftAmount; giftDetail.GiftAmountIntl = signum * AOldGiftDetail.GiftAmountIntl; if (TaxDeductiblePercentageEnabled) { if (!AReversal && AFunction.Equals(GiftAdjustmentFunctionEnum.TaxDeductiblePctAdjust)) { giftDetail.TaxDeductiblePct = ANewPct; TaxDeductibility.UpdateTaxDeductibiltyAmounts(ref giftDetail); } else if (!AReversal) { if (AUpdateTaxDeductiblePctRecipients != null) { string[] Result = AUpdateTaxDeductiblePctRecipients.Find(x => x[0] == giftDetail.RecipientKey.ToString()); // true if a new percentage is available and the user wants to use it if (Result != null) { giftDetail.TaxDeductiblePct = Convert.ToDecimal(Result[1]); TaxDeductibility.UpdateTaxDeductibiltyAmounts(ref giftDetail); } } } else { giftDetail.TaxDeductibleAmount = signum * AOldGiftDetail.TaxDeductibleAmount; giftDetail.TaxDeductibleAmountBase = signum * AOldGiftDetail.TaxDeductibleAmountBase; giftDetail.TaxDeductibleAmountIntl = signum * AOldGiftDetail.TaxDeductibleAmountIntl; giftDetail.NonDeductibleAmount = signum * AOldGiftDetail.NonDeductibleAmount; giftDetail.NonDeductibleAmountBase = signum * AOldGiftDetail.NonDeductibleAmountBase; giftDetail.NonDeductibleAmountIntl = signum * AOldGiftDetail.NonDeductibleAmountIntl; } } if (AAutoCompleteComments) // only used for tax deductible pct gift adjustments { AGiftRow OldGiftRow = (AGiftRow)AMainDS.AGift.Rows.Find( new object[] { AOldGiftDetail.LedgerNumber, AOldGiftDetail.BatchNumber, AOldGiftDetail.GiftTransactionNumber }); giftDetail.GiftCommentThree = Catalog.GetString("Original gift date: " + OldGiftRow.DateEntered.ToString("dd-MMM-yyyy")); giftDetail.CommentThreeType = "Both"; } else // user defined { giftDetail.GiftCommentOne = AReversalCommentOne; giftDetail.GiftCommentTwo = AReversalCommentTwo; giftDetail.GiftCommentThree = AReversalCommentThree; giftDetail.CommentOneType = AReversalCommentOneType; giftDetail.CommentTwoType = AReversalCommentTwoType; giftDetail.CommentThreeType = AReversalCommentThreeType; } // If reversal: mark the new gift as a reversal if (AReversal) { giftDetail.ModifiedDetail = true; //Identify the reversal source giftDetail.ModifiedDetailKey = "|" + AOldGiftDetail.BatchNumber.ToString() + "|" + AOldGiftDetail.GiftTransactionNumber.ToString() + "|" + AOldGiftDetail.DetailNumber.ToString(); } else { giftDetail.ModifiedDetail = false; // Make sure the motivation detail is still active. If not then we need a new one. AMotivationDetailTable MotivationDetailTable = AMotivationDetailAccess.LoadViaAMotivationGroup( giftDetail.LedgerNumber, giftDetail.MotivationGroupCode, ATransaction); DataRow CurrentMotivationDetail = MotivationDetailTable.Rows.Find( new object[] { giftDetail.LedgerNumber, giftDetail.MotivationGroupCode, giftDetail.MotivationDetailCode }); // Motivation detail has been made inactive (or doesn't exist) then use default if (!((MotivationDetailTable != null) && (MotivationDetailTable.Rows.Count > 0) && (CurrentMotivationDetail != null)) || !Convert.ToBoolean(CurrentMotivationDetail[AMotivationDetailTable.GetMotivationStatusDBName()])) { bool ActiveRowFound = false; // search for first alternative active detail that is part of the same group foreach (AMotivationDetailRow Row in MotivationDetailTable.Rows) { if ((Row.MotivationDetailCode != giftDetail.MotivationDetailCode) && Row.MotivationStatus) { ActiveRowFound = true; giftDetail.MotivationGroupCode = Row.MotivationGroupCode; giftDetail.MotivationDetailCode = Row.MotivationDetailCode; break; } } // if none found then use default group and detail if (!ActiveRowFound) { giftDetail.MotivationGroupCode = MFinanceConstants.MOTIVATION_GROUP_GIFT; giftDetail.MotivationDetailCode = MFinanceConstants.GROUP_DETAIL_SUPPORT; } } // if the gift destination should be fixed if ((AFunction.Equals(GiftAdjustmentFunctionEnum.TaxDeductiblePctAdjust) && AGeneralFixedGiftDestination) || ((AFixedGiftDestination != null) && (AFixedGiftDestination.Exists(x => x == giftDetail.RecipientKey.ToString())))) { giftDetail.FixedGiftDestination = true; } else { giftDetail.FixedGiftDestination = false; } } AMainDS.AGiftDetail.Rows.Add(giftDetail); }
static void ServerEvent(object pObject) { if (pObject.GetType() == typeof(SocketEventArgs)) { SocketEventArgs pSocketEvent = (SocketEventArgs)pObject; #region if (pSocketEvent.Link) { Console.Write("※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※"); Console.WriteLine("Client [{0}] Connected!", pSocketEvent.Connection.SocketEndPoint.Address.ToString()); } else { string strProcParams = "SP_VERIFY_LOGOUT"; DbParameter[] paramCache = DataUtilities.GetParameters(strProcParams); if (paramCache == null) { paramCache = new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("@strSession", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50) }; DataUtilities.SetParameters(strProcParams, paramCache); } paramCache[0].Value = pSocketEvent.Connection.Session; MSSQLOperate pLogout = new MSSQLOperate(strAnalyse); pLogout.Connect(false); pLogout.ExecuteQuery(false, strProcParams, paramCache); pLogout.GetResult(RecordStyle.NONE); Console.WriteLine("Client [{0}, {1}] Disconnected!", pSocketEvent.Connection.SocketEndPoint.Address.ToString(), pSocketEvent.Connection.Session); if (null != pSocketEvent.SocketException) { Console.WriteLine("Socket Exception : {0}", pSocketEvent.SocketException.Message); } Console.Write("※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※"); } #endregion ((SocketEventArgs)pObject).Connection.OnRecive(); } else if (pObject.GetType() == typeof(MessageEventArgs)) { DateTime tStartTime = DateTime.Now; TaskParser pTaskParser = new TaskParser(pNotesSession, (MessageEventArgs)pObject, strAnalyse, strOnline, strAccess); if (!pTaskParser.Parser()) { Console.WriteLine(pTaskParser.Error); } pTaskParser.Dispose(); #region 发送/保存消息 /*TaskService pMessageID = pTaskParser.SocketMessage; * * MSSQLOperate pMessageADO = new MSSQLOperate(strMessage); * * if (pMessageADO.Connect(false)) * { * string strProcParams = "SP_SEND_INSTANTMESSAGE"; * DbParameter[] paramCache = DataUtilities.GetParameters(strProcParams); * * if (paramCache == null) * { * paramCache = new SqlParameter[]{ * new SqlParameter("@strCommand",SqlDbType.VarChar, 50), * new SqlParameter("@strSession",SqlDbType.VarChar, 50) * }; * DataUtilities.SetParameters(strProcParams, paramCache); * } * * paramCache[0].Value = pMessageID.ToString(); * paramCache[1].Value = ((MessageEventArgs)pObject).Connection.Session; * * pMessageADO.ExecuteQuery(false, strProcParams, paramCache); * pMessageADO.GetResult(RecordStyle.DATASET); * DataSet pMessageData = (DataSet)pMessageADO.RecordData; * * if (pMessageADO.AffectRow > 0) * { * for (int i = 0; i < pMessageData.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++) * { * if (pMessageData.Tables[0].Rows[i][1].ToString() != "") * { * //离线消息 * if (pMessageData.Tables[0].Rows[i][3].ToString() == "N/A") * { * string strInput = @"INSERT INTO Message_Content(Content_Message, Content_Sender, Content_Recive, Content_Desc) * VALUES(" + pMessageData.Tables[0].Rows[i][0].ToString() + "," + pMessageData.Tables[0].Rows[i][1].ToString() + "," + pMessageData.Tables[0].Rows[i][2].ToString(); + + pMessageADO.ExecuteQuery(strInput); + pMessageADO.GetResult(RecordStyle.NONE); + } + //及时消息 + else + { + CustomDataCollection mSendContent = new CustomDataCollection(StructType.CUSTOMDATA); + + mSendContent.Add("用户:" + pMessageData.Tables[0].Rows[i][4].ToString() + "触发了命令:" + pMessageData.Tables[0].Rows[i][5].ToString() + "内容为:"); + + SocketPacket pSourcePacket = new SocketPacket(pMessageID, mSendContent); + byte[] pSendBuffer = pSourcePacket.CoalitionInfo(); + + //byte[] pSendBuffer = mSocketDate.setSocketData(CEnum.ServiceKey.INSTANT_CONTENT_RECIVE, CEnum.Msg_Category.INSTANT, mSendContent).bMsgBuffer; + + //((MessageEventArgs)pObject).SocketConnection.OnSend(pMessageData.Tables[0].Rows[i][3].ToString(), pSendBuffer); + } + } + } + } + pMessageADO.DisConnected(); + } + else + { + Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; + Console.WriteLine(String.Format(" DB Connect Error!")); + Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Gray; + Console.WriteLine(); + }*/ #endregion ((MessageEventArgs)pObject).Connection.OnRecive(); //Print Message Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine(String.Format(" Total Times : {0}", DateTime.Now.Subtract(tStartTime))); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Gray; Console.WriteLine(); } }
public int Del(int id) { return(DataUtilities.ExcuteNonQuery("Account_Delete", CommandType.StoredProcedure, "@ID", id)); }
/// <summary> /// Print a receipt for each gift (one page for each donor) in the batch /// </summary> /// <param name="AGiftTDS"></param> public void PrintGiftBatchReceipts(GiftBatchTDS AGiftTDS) { AGiftBatchRow GiftBatchRow = AGiftTDS.AGiftBatch[0]; DataView GiftView = new DataView(AGiftTDS.AGift); //AGiftTDS.AGift.DefaultView.RowFilter GiftView.RowFilter = String.Format("{0}={1} and {2}={3}", AGiftTable.GetLedgerNumberDBName(), GiftBatchRow.LedgerNumber, AGiftTable.GetBatchNumberDBName(), GiftBatchRow.BatchNumber); String ReceiptedDonorsList = ""; List <Int32> ReceiptedGiftTransactions = new List <Int32>(); SortedList <Int64, AGiftTable> GiftsPerDonor = new SortedList <Int64, AGiftTable>(); foreach (DataRowView rv in GiftView) { AGiftRow GiftRow = (AGiftRow)rv.Row; bool ReceiptEachGift; String ReceiptLetterFrequency; bool EmailGiftStatement; bool AnonymousDonor; TRemote.MPartner.Partner.ServerLookups.WebConnectors.GetPartnerReceiptingInfo( GiftRow.DonorKey, out ReceiptEachGift, out ReceiptLetterFrequency, out EmailGiftStatement, out AnonymousDonor); if (ReceiptEachGift) { // I want to print a receipt for this gift, // but if there's already one queued for this donor, // I'll add this gift onto the existing receipt. if (!GiftsPerDonor.ContainsKey(GiftRow.DonorKey)) { GiftsPerDonor.Add(GiftRow.DonorKey, new AGiftTable()); } AGiftRow NewRow = GiftsPerDonor[GiftRow.DonorKey].NewRowTyped(); DataUtilities.CopyAllColumnValues(GiftRow, NewRow); GiftsPerDonor[GiftRow.DonorKey].Rows.Add(NewRow); } // if receipt required } // foreach gift String HtmlDoc = ""; OpenFileDialog DialogOpen = new OpenFileDialog(); if (Directory.Exists(TAppSettingsManager.GetValue("Formletters.Path"))) { DialogOpen.InitialDirectory = TAppSettingsManager.GetValue("Formletters.Path"); } DialogOpen.Filter = Catalog.GetString("HTML file (*.html)|*.html;*.htm"); DialogOpen.RestoreDirectory = true; DialogOpen.Title = Catalog.GetString("Select the template for the gift receipt"); if (DialogOpen.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) { return; } string HTMLTemplateFilename = DialogOpen.FileName; foreach (Int64 DonorKey in GiftsPerDonor.Keys) { String DonorShortName; TPartnerClass DonorClass; TRemote.MPartner.Partner.ServerLookups.WebConnectors.GetPartnerShortName(DonorKey, out DonorShortName, out DonorClass); DonorShortName = Calculations.FormatShortName(DonorShortName, eShortNameFormat.eReverseShortname); string HtmlPage = TRemote.MFinance.Gift.WebConnectors.PrintGiftReceipt( GiftBatchRow.CurrencyCode, DonorShortName, DonorKey, DonorClass, GiftsPerDonor[DonorKey], HTMLTemplateFilename ); TFormLettersTools.AttachNextPage(ref HtmlDoc, HtmlPage); ReceiptedDonorsList += (DonorShortName + "\r\n"); foreach (AGiftRow GiftRow in GiftsPerDonor[DonorKey].Rows) { ReceiptedGiftTransactions.Add(GiftRow.GiftTransactionNumber); } } TFormLettersTools.CloseDocument(ref HtmlDoc); if (ReceiptedGiftTransactions.Count > 0) { TFrmReceiptControl.PreviewOrPrint(HtmlDoc); if (MessageBox.Show( Catalog.GetString( "Press OK if receipts to these recipients were printed correctly.\r\nThe gifts will be marked as receipted.\r\n") + ReceiptedDonorsList, Catalog.GetString("Receipt Printing"), MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel) == DialogResult.OK) { foreach (Int32 Trans in ReceiptedGiftTransactions) { TRemote.MFinance.Gift.WebConnectors.MarkReceiptsPrinted( GiftBatchRow.LedgerNumber, GiftBatchRow.BatchNumber, Trans); } } } }
public CBORObject ReadForFirstByte( int firstbyte, CBORTypeFilter filter) { if (this.depth > 500) { throw new CBORException("Too deeply nested"); } if (firstbyte < 0) { throw new CBORException("Premature end of data"); } if (firstbyte == 0xff) { throw new CBORException("Unexpected break code encountered"); } int type = (firstbyte >> 5) & 0x07; int additional = firstbyte & 0x1f; int expectedLength = CBORObject.GetExpectedLength(firstbyte); // Data checks if (expectedLength == -1) { // if the head byte is invalid throw new CBORException("Unexpected data encountered"); } if (filter != null) { // Check for valid major types if asked if (!filter.MajorTypeMatches(type)) { throw new CBORException("Unexpected data type encountered"); } if (firstbyte >= 0xe0 && firstbyte <= 0xff && firstbyte != 0xf9 && firstbyte != 0xfa && firstbyte != 0xfb) { if (!filter.NonFPSimpleValueAllowed()) { throw new CBORException("Unexpected data type encountered"); } } } // Check if this represents a fixed object CBORObject fixedObject = CBORObject.GetFixedObject(firstbyte); if (fixedObject != null) { return(fixedObject); } // Read fixed-length data byte[] data = null; if (expectedLength != 0) { data = new byte[expectedLength]; // include the first byte because GetFixedLengthObject // will assume it exists for some head bytes data[0] = unchecked ((byte)firstbyte); if (expectedLength > 1 &&, 1, expectedLength - 1) != expectedLength - 1) { throw new CBORException("Premature end of data"); } CBORObject cbor = CBORObject.GetFixedLengthObject(firstbyte, data); if (this.stringRefs != null && (type == 2 || type == 3)) { this.stringRefs.AddStringIfNeeded(cbor, expectedLength - 1); } return(cbor); } var uadditional = (long)additional; EInteger bigintAdditional = EInteger.Zero; var hasBigAdditional = false; data = new byte[8]; var lowAdditional = 0; switch (firstbyte & 0x1f) { case 24: { int tmp =; if (tmp < 0) { throw new CBORException("Premature end of data"); } lowAdditional = tmp; uadditional = lowAdditional; break; } case 25: { if (, 0, 2) != 2) { throw new CBORException("Premature end of data"); } lowAdditional = ((int)(data[0] & (int)0xff)) << 8; lowAdditional |= (int)(data[1] & (int)0xff); uadditional = lowAdditional; break; } case 26: { if (, 0, 4) != 4) { throw new CBORException("Premature end of data"); } uadditional = ((long)(data[0] & (long)0xff)) << 24; uadditional |= ((long)(data[1] & (long)0xff)) << 16; uadditional |= ((long)(data[2] & (long)0xff)) << 8; uadditional |= (long)(data[3] & (long)0xff); break; } case 27: { if (, 0, 8) != 8) { throw new CBORException("Premature end of data"); } if ((((int)data[0]) & 0x80) != 0) { // Won't fit in a signed 64-bit number var uabytes = new byte[9]; uabytes[0] = data[7]; uabytes[1] = data[6]; uabytes[2] = data[5]; uabytes[3] = data[4]; uabytes[4] = data[3]; uabytes[5] = data[2]; uabytes[6] = data[1]; uabytes[7] = data[0]; uabytes[8] = 0; hasBigAdditional = true; bigintAdditional = EInteger.FromBytes(uabytes, true); } else { uadditional = ((long)(data[0] & (long)0xff)) << 56; uadditional |= ((long)(data[1] & (long)0xff)) << 48; uadditional |= ((long)(data[2] & (long)0xff)) << 40; uadditional |= ((long)(data[3] & (long)0xff)) << 32; uadditional |= ((long)(data[4] & (long)0xff)) << 24; uadditional |= ((long)(data[5] & (long)0xff)) << 16; uadditional |= ((long)(data[6] & (long)0xff)) << 8; uadditional |= (long)(data[7] & (long)0xff); } break; } } // The following doesn't check for major types 0 and 1, // since all of them are fixed-length types and are // handled in the call to GetFixedLengthObject. if (type == 2) // Byte string { if (additional == 31) { // Streaming byte string using (var ms = new MemoryStream()) { // Requires same type as this one while (true) { int nextByte =; if (nextByte == 0xff) { // break if the "break" code was read break; } long len = ReadDataLength(, nextByte, 2); if ((len >> 63) != 0 || len > Int32.MaxValue) { throw new CBORException("Length" + ToUnsignedBigInteger(len) + " is bigger than supported "); } if (nextByte != 0x40) { // NOTE: 0x40 means the empty byte string ReadByteData(, len, ms); } } if (ms.Position > Int32.MaxValue) { throw new CBORException("Length of bytes to be streamed is bigger than supported "); } data = ms.ToArray(); return(new CBORObject( CBORObject.CBORObjectTypeByteString, data)); } } else { if (hasBigAdditional) { throw new CBORException("Length of " + CBORUtilities.BigIntToString(bigintAdditional) + " is bigger than supported"); } if (uadditional > Int32.MaxValue) { throw new CBORException("Length of " + CBORUtilities.LongToString(uadditional) + " is bigger than supported"); } data = ReadByteData(, uadditional, null); var cbor = new CBORObject(CBORObject.CBORObjectTypeByteString, data); if (this.stringRefs != null) { int hint = (uadditional > Int32.MaxValue || hasBigAdditional) ? Int32.MaxValue : (int)uadditional; this.stringRefs.AddStringIfNeeded(cbor, hint); } return(cbor); } } if (type == 3) // Text string { if (additional == 31) { // Streaming text string var builder = new StringBuilder(); while (true) { int nextByte =; if (nextByte == 0xff) { // break if the "break" code was read break; } long len = ReadDataLength(, nextByte, 3); if ((len >> 63) != 0 || len > Int32.MaxValue) { throw new CBORException("Length" + ToUnsignedBigInteger(len) + " is bigger than supported"); } if (nextByte != 0x60) { // NOTE: 0x60 means the empty string if (PropertyMap.ExceedsKnownLength(, len)) { throw new CBORException("Premature end of data"); } switch ( DataUtilities.ReadUtf8(, (int)len, builder, false)) { case -1: throw new CBORException("Invalid UTF-8"); case -2: throw new CBORException("Premature end of data"); } } } return(new CBORObject( CBORObject.CBORObjectTypeTextString, builder.ToString())); } else { if (hasBigAdditional) { throw new CBORException("Length of " + CBORUtilities.BigIntToString(bigintAdditional) + " is bigger than supported"); } if (uadditional > Int32.MaxValue) { throw new CBORException("Length of " + CBORUtilities.LongToString(uadditional) + " is bigger than supported"); } if (PropertyMap.ExceedsKnownLength(, uadditional)) { throw new CBORException("Premature end of data"); } var builder = new StringBuilder(); switch ( DataUtilities.ReadUtf8(, (int)uadditional, builder, false)) { case -1: throw new CBORException("Invalid UTF-8"); case -2: throw new CBORException("Premature end of data"); } var cbor = new CBORObject( CBORObject.CBORObjectTypeTextString, builder.ToString()); if (this.stringRefs != null) { int hint = (uadditional > Int32.MaxValue || hasBigAdditional) ? Int32.MaxValue : (int)uadditional; this.stringRefs.AddStringIfNeeded(cbor, hint); } return(cbor); } } if (type == 4) // Array { CBORObject cbor = CBORObject.NewArray(); if (additional == 31) { var vtindex = 0; // Indefinite-length array while (true) { int headByte =; if (headByte < 0) { throw new CBORException("Premature end of data"); } if (headByte == 0xff) { // Break code was read break; } if (filter != null && !filter.ArrayIndexAllowed(vtindex)) { throw new CBORException("Array is too long"); } ++this.depth; CBORObject o = this.ReadForFirstByte( headByte, filter == null ? null : filter.GetSubFilter(vtindex)); --this.depth; cbor.Add(o); ++vtindex; } return(cbor); } if (hasBigAdditional) { throw new CBORException("Length of " + CBORUtilities.BigIntToString(bigintAdditional) + " is bigger than supported"); } if (uadditional > Int32.MaxValue) { throw new CBORException("Length of " + CBORUtilities.LongToString(uadditional) + " is bigger than supported"); } if (filter != null && !filter.ArrayLengthMatches(uadditional)) { throw new CBORException("Array is too long"); } if (PropertyMap.ExceedsKnownLength(, uadditional)) { throw new CBORException("Remaining data too small for array length"); } ++this.depth; for (long i = 0; i < uadditional; ++i) { cbor.Add( this.Read(filter == null ? null : filter.GetSubFilter(i))); } --this.depth; return(cbor); } if (type == 5) // Map, type 5 { CBORObject cbor = CBORObject.NewMap(); if (additional == 31) { // Indefinite-length map while (true) { int headByte =; if (headByte < 0) { throw new CBORException("Premature end of data"); } if (headByte == 0xff) { // Break code was read break; } ++this.depth; CBORObject key = this.ReadForFirstByte(headByte, null); CBORObject value = this.Read(null); --this.depth; if (this.policy == CBORDuplicatePolicy.Disallow) { if (cbor.ContainsKey(key)) { throw new CBORException("Duplicate key already exists: " + key); } } cbor[key] = value; } return(cbor); } if (hasBigAdditional) { throw new CBORException("Length of " + CBORUtilities.BigIntToString(bigintAdditional) + " is bigger than supported"); } if (uadditional > Int32.MaxValue) { throw new CBORException("Length of " + CBORUtilities.LongToString(uadditional) + " is bigger than supported"); } if (PropertyMap.ExceedsKnownLength(, uadditional)) { throw new CBORException("Remaining data too small for map length"); } for (long i = 0; i < uadditional; ++i) { ++this.depth; CBORObject key = this.Read(null); CBORObject value = this.Read(null); --this.depth; if (this.policy == CBORDuplicatePolicy.Disallow) { if (cbor.ContainsKey(key)) { throw new CBORException("Duplicate key already exists: " + key); } } cbor[key] = value; } return(cbor); } if (type == 6) // Tagged item { ICBORTag taginfo = null; var haveFirstByte = false; var newFirstByte = -1; if (!hasBigAdditional) { if (filter != null && !filter.TagAllowed(uadditional)) { throw new CBORException("Unexpected tag encountered: " + uadditional); } int uad = uadditional >= 257 ? 257 : (uadditional < 0 ? 0 : (int)uadditional); switch (uad) { case 256: // Tag 256: String namespace this.stringRefs = this.stringRefs ?? (new StringRefs()); this.stringRefs.Push(); break; case 25: // String reference if (this.stringRefs == null) { throw new CBORException("No stringref namespace"); } break; case 28: case 29: this.hasSharableObjects = true; break; } taginfo = CBORObject.FindTagConverterLong(uadditional); } else { if (filter != null && !filter.TagAllowed(bigintAdditional)) { throw new CBORException("Unexpected tag encountered: " + uadditional); } taginfo = CBORObject.FindTagConverter(bigintAdditional); } ++this.depth; CBORObject o = haveFirstByte ? this.ReadForFirstByte( newFirstByte, taginfo == null ? null : taginfo.GetTypeFilter()) : this.Read(taginfo == null ? null : taginfo.GetTypeFilter()); --this.depth; if (hasBigAdditional) { return(CBORObject.FromObjectAndTag(o, bigintAdditional)); } if (uadditional < 65536) { int uaddl = uadditional >= 257 ? 257 : (uadditional < 0 ? 0 : (int)uadditional); switch (uaddl) { case 256: // string tag this.stringRefs.Pop(); break; case 25: // stringref tag return(this.stringRefs.GetString(o.AsEInteger())); } return(CBORObject.FromObjectAndTag( o, (int)uadditional)); } return(CBORObject.FromObjectAndTag( o, (EInteger)uadditional)); } throw new CBORException("Unexpected data encountered"); }
private object TranslateEnum(Type clrEnumType, object member) { return(DataUtilities.ConvertToEnum(clrEnumType, member)); }
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// <summary> /// 14-Oct-13 - New method to log the page request information in the database ... /// </summary> public static void LogPageRequestInDatabase(ConfigurationInfo ci, string applicationName, string aspSessionID, string uniqueSessionID, string pageURL, DateTime pageRequestTime, double serverProcessingMS, int currentUserID, string ipAddress) { bool success = false; DatabaseWrapper dbInfo = null; try { //_____ Check for a null configurationInfo or dbConInfo object if (ci == null || ci.DbConInfo.NAME == null) { Logger.LogError(200, "Error inserting the PageRequest log into the database - null configurationInfo found, probably because of an application reset or session timeout."); } else { // 3-Mar-2016 - ignore specific IP addresses (e.g. robots like the UptimeRobot), as these are artificially bloating the logs with limited utility! if (ipAddress == null || AddressesToIgnore.Contains(ipAddress) == false) { //_____ Check for s***e data and make it blank if so, so it doesn't kill the database ... applicationName = (applicationName == null) ? "" : applicationName; aspSessionID = (aspSessionID == null) ? "" : aspSessionID; uniqueSessionID = (uniqueSessionID == null) ? "" : uniqueSessionID; pageURL = (pageURL == null) ? "" : pageURL; //_____ Connect to the database ... dbInfo = new DatabaseWrapper(ci); dbInfo.Connect(); //_____ Create the table if it does not already exist string createTableSQL = @" CREATE TABLE " + logTN + @" ( ID int NOT NULL Auto_Increment, PRIMARY KEY(ID), Application_Name VARCHAR(255), INDEX Application_Name(Application_Name), Session_ID_ASP VARCHAR(50), INDEX Session_ID_ASP(Session_ID_ASP), Session_ID_Unique VARCHAR(50), INDEX Session_ID_Unique(Session_ID_Unique), Page_Name VARCHAR(255), INDEX Page_Name(Page_Name), Page_URL LONGTEXT, Page_Request_Date DATETIME, INDEX Page_Request_Date(Page_Request_Date), Server_Render_Speed DOUBLE, INDEX Server_Render_Speed(Server_Render_Speed), Current_User_ID INT, INDEX Current_User_ID(Current_User_ID), IP_Address VARCHAR(20), INDEX IP_Address(IP_Address) ) ENGINE=MyISAM; "; if (dbInfo.TableExists(logTN) == false) { dbInfo.ExecuteSQL(createTableSQL, ref success); } //_____ Parse the page name string pageName = ""; { // remove the ?...... page params string[] bits1 = pageURL.Split(new string[] { "?", "&" }, StringSplitOptions.None); string[] bits2 = bits1[0].Split(new string[] { "/", "\\" }, StringSplitOptions.None); pageName = bits2[bits2.Length - 1]; } //_____ Build the SQL and run the insert ... StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(); sql.Append("INSERT INTO " + logTN + " (Application_Name, Session_ID_ASP, Session_ID_Unique, Page_Name, Page_URL, Page_Request_Date, Server_Render_Speed, Current_User_ID, IP_Address ) VALUES ("); sql.Append(DataUtilities.Quote(applicationName) + ", "); sql.Append(DataUtilities.Quote(aspSessionID) + ", "); sql.Append(DataUtilities.Quote(uniqueSessionID) + ", "); sql.Append(DataUtilities.Quote(pageName) + ", "); sql.Append(DataUtilities.Quote(pageURL) + ", "); sql.Append(DataUtilities.Quote(DateTimeInformation.FormatDatabaseDate(pageRequestTime, true, true)) + ", "); sql.Append(serverProcessingMS + ", "); sql.Append(currentUserID + ", "); sql.Append(DataUtilities.DatabaseifyString(ipAddress, false)); sql.Append(");"); int numInserts = dbInfo.ExecuteSQL(sql.ToString(), ref success); if (success == false) { Logger.LogError(201, "Error inserting the PageRequest log into the database - check the detailed log for details."); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.LogError(202, "Error inserting the PageRequest log into the database: " + ex.ToString()); } finally { if (dbInfo != null) { dbInfo.Disconnect(); } } }
public long InsertToMainServer() { GetData Data = new GetData(); Dictionary <string, string> summary = Data.SummaryData; Dictionary <string, string> interchange = Data.InterchangeData; Dictionary <string, List <string> > coal = Data.CoalData; Dictionary <string, List <string> > wind = Data.WindData; Dictionary <string, List <string> > biomass = Data.BiomassData; Dictionary <string, List <string> > hydro = Data.HydroData; List <Dictionary <string, List <string> > > gas = Data.GasData; long currentTime = DateTime.Now.Ticks; InsertToServer db = new InsertToServer(); SelectFromServer selectDb = new SelectFromServer(); DataUtilities util = new DataUtilities(); util.DbMigrate(); long pK = db.InsertMain("main_table", currentTime); if (pK > 0) { Console.WriteLine(pK); } else { Console.WriteLine("FAIL FAIL FAIL"); } foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <string> > entry in coal) { db.InsertFuelRecord("coal_table", pK, entry.Key, entry.Value[0], entry.Value[1], entry.Value[2]); } foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <string> > entry in wind) { db.InsertFuelRecord("wind_table", pK, entry.Key, entry.Value[0], entry.Value[1], entry.Value[2]); } foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <string> > entry in hydro) { db.InsertFuelRecord("hydro_table", pK, entry.Key, entry.Value[0], entry.Value[1], entry.Value[2]); } foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <string> > entry in biomass) { db.InsertFuelRecord("biomass_table", pK, entry.Key, entry.Value[0], entry.Value[1], entry.Value[2]); } foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> entry in summary) { db.InsertSummary("summary_table", pK, entry.Key, entry.Value); } foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> entry in interchange) { db.InsertSummary("interchange_table", pK, entry.Key, entry.Value); } for (int i = 0; i < gas.Count; i++) { switch (i) { case 0: foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <string> > entry in gas[i]) { db.InsertFuelRecord("simple_cycle_table", pK, entry.Key, entry.Value[0], entry.Value[1], entry.Value[2]); } break; case 1: foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <string> > entry in gas[i]) { db.InsertFuelRecord("cogeneration_table", pK, entry.Key, entry.Value[0], entry.Value[1], entry.Value[2]); } break; case 2: foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <string> > entry in gas[i]) { db.InsertFuelRecord("combined_cycle_table", pK, entry.Key, entry.Value[0], entry.Value[1], entry.Value[2]); } break; } } return(pK); }
private int GetChangedRecordCountManual(out string AMessage) { // For GL Batch we will get some mix of batches, journals and transactions // Only check relevant tables. List <string> TablesToCheck = new List <string>(); TablesToCheck.Add(FMainDS.ABatch.TableName); TablesToCheck.Add(FMainDS.AJournal.TableName); TablesToCheck.Add(FMainDS.ATransaction.TableName); TablesToCheck.Add(FMainDS.ATransAnalAttrib.TableName); List <Tuple <string, int> > TableAndCountList = new List <Tuple <string, int> >(); int AllChangesCount = 0; if (FMainDS.HasChanges()) { // Work out how many changes in each table foreach (DataTable dt in FMainDS.GetChanges().Tables) { string currentTableName = dt.TableName; if ((dt != null) && TablesToCheck.Contains(currentTableName) && (dt.Rows.Count > 0)) { int tableChangesCount = 0; DataTable dtChanges = dt.GetChanges(); foreach (DataRow dr in dtChanges.Rows) { if (DataUtilities.DataRowColumnsHaveChanged(dr)) { tableChangesCount++; AllChangesCount++; } } if (tableChangesCount > 0) { TableAndCountList.Add(new Tuple <string, int>(currentTableName, tableChangesCount)); } } } } // Now build up a sensible message AMessage = String.Empty; if (TableAndCountList.Count > 0) { int nBatches = 0; int nJournals = 0; int nTransactions = 0; foreach (Tuple <string, int> TableAndCount in TableAndCountList) { if (TableAndCount.Item1.Equals(ABatchTable.GetTableName())) { nBatches = TableAndCount.Item2; } else if (TableAndCount.Item1.Equals(AJournalTable.GetTableName())) { nJournals = TableAndCount.Item2; } else if (TableAndCount.Item2 > nTransactions) { nTransactions = TableAndCount.Item2; } } AMessage = Catalog.GetString(" You have made changes to "); string strBatches = String.Empty; string strJournals = String.Empty; string strTransactions = String.Empty; if (nBatches > 0) { strBatches = String.Format("{0} {1}", nBatches, Catalog.GetPluralString("batch", "batches", nBatches)); } if (nJournals > 0) { strJournals = String.Format("{0} {1}", nJournals, Catalog.GetPluralString("journal", "journals", nJournals)); } if (nTransactions > 0) { strTransactions = String.Format("{0} {1}", nTransactions, Catalog.GetPluralString("transaction", "transactions", nTransactions)); } bool bGotAll = (nBatches > 0) && (nJournals > 0) && (nTransactions > 0); if (nBatches > 0) { AMessage += strBatches; } if (nJournals > 0) { if (bGotAll) { AMessage += ", "; } else if (nBatches > 0) { AMessage += " and "; } AMessage += strJournals; } if (nTransactions > 0) { if ((nBatches > 0) || (nJournals > 0)) { AMessage += " and "; } AMessage += strTransactions; } AMessage += Environment.NewLine + Catalog.GetString("(some of the changes may include related background items)"); AMessage += Environment.NewLine; AMessage += String.Format(TFrmPetraEditUtils.StrConsequenceIfNotSaved, Environment.NewLine); } return(AllChangesCount); }
/// <summary> /// Saves the provided entity into the provided data store. /// </summary> /// <param name="entity">The entity to save to the data store.</param> /// <param name="handleReferences">A value indicating whether to delete old references and save new references.</param> public override void Save(IEntity entity, bool handleReferences) { using (LogGroup logGroup = LogGroup.StartDebug("Saving entity of type '" + entity.ShortTypeName + "'.")) { if (entity == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("entity"); } if (entity.ID == Guid.Empty) { throw new ArgumentException("entity.ID must be set."); } // Clone the entity so that it doesn't get bound to the store IEntity clonedEntity = entity.Clone(); Db4oDataStore store = (Db4oDataStore)GetDataStore(clonedEntity); if (store.ObjectContainer == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("The ObjectContainer has not been initialized on the '" + store.Name + "' data store."); } using (Batch batch = BatchState.StartBatch()) { if (EntitiesUtilities.IsReference(clonedEntity.GetType()) && DataAccess.Data.IsStored(clonedEntity)) { LogWriter.Debug("Existing reference found. Skipping save."); // Just skip the saving altogether, if the reference already exists } else { if (clonedEntity == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("entity"); } LogWriter.Debug("Entity type: " + clonedEntity.GetType().ToString()); LogWriter.Debug("Entity ID: " + clonedEntity.ID.ToString()); PreSave(clonedEntity, handleReferences); if (clonedEntity != null) { DataUtilities.StripReferences(clonedEntity); // Save the entity store.ObjectContainer.Store(clonedEntity); // Post save the original entity NOT the cloned entity PostSave(entity); store.Commit(); LogWriter.Debug("Entity stored in '" + store.Name + "' store."); } else { LogWriter.Debug("Cloned entity == null. Not stored."); } } } } }
public static Int32 FieldChangeAdjustment(Int32 ALedgerNumber, Int64 ARecipientKey, DateTime AStartDate, DateTime AEndDate, Int64 AOldField, DateTime ADateCorrection, bool AWithReceipt) { TDBTransaction Transaction = DBAccess.GDBAccessObj.BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted); GiftBatchTDS oldGiftDS = new GiftBatchTDS(); try { // find all gifts that need reversing. // criteria: // posted gift batches only // no adjusted/reversed gifts // date of gift batch in specified date range // recipient field is the old field string SqlStmt = TDataBase.ReadSqlFile("Gift.GetGiftsToReverse.sql"); List <OdbcParameter> parameters = new List <OdbcParameter>(); OdbcParameter param = new OdbcParameter("LedgerNumber", OdbcType.Int); param.Value = ALedgerNumber; parameters.Add(param); param = new OdbcParameter("StartDate", OdbcType.Date); param.Value = AStartDate; parameters.Add(param); param = new OdbcParameter("EndDate", OdbcType.Date); param.Value = AEndDate; parameters.Add(param); param = new OdbcParameter("RecipientKey", OdbcType.BigInt); param.Value = ARecipientKey; parameters.Add(param); param = new OdbcParameter("OldField", OdbcType.BigInt); param.Value = AOldField; parameters.Add(param); DBAccess.GDBAccessObj.Select(oldGiftDS, SqlStmt, oldGiftDS.AGiftDetail.TableName, Transaction, parameters.ToArray()); // load the gift and the gift batch records if they have not been loaded yet foreach (AGiftDetailRow giftdetail in oldGiftDS.AGiftDetail.Rows) { oldGiftDS.AGift.DefaultView.RowFilter = String.Format("{0} = {1} and {2} = {3}", AGiftTable.GetBatchNumberDBName(), giftdetail.BatchNumber, AGiftTable.GetGiftTransactionNumberDBName(), giftdetail.GiftTransactionNumber); if (oldGiftDS.AGift.DefaultView.Count == 0) { AGiftTable tempGiftTable = AGiftAccess.LoadByPrimaryKey(giftdetail.LedgerNumber, giftdetail.BatchNumber, giftdetail.GiftTransactionNumber, Transaction); oldGiftDS.AGift.Merge(tempGiftTable); } oldGiftDS.AGiftBatch.DefaultView.RowFilter = String.Format("{0} = {1}", AGiftTable.GetBatchNumberDBName(), giftdetail.BatchNumber); if (oldGiftDS.AGiftBatch.DefaultView.Count == 0) { AGiftBatchTable tempGiftBatchTable = AGiftBatchAccess.LoadByPrimaryKey(giftdetail.LedgerNumber, giftdetail.BatchNumber, Transaction); oldGiftDS.AGiftBatch.Merge(tempGiftBatchTable); } } DBAccess.GDBAccessObj.RollbackTransaction(); } catch (Exception) { DBAccess.GDBAccessObj.RollbackTransaction(); throw; } // we need to create a gift batch for each set of gifts with the same Currency, BankAccountCode, BankCostCentre, and Gift Type SortedList <string, GiftBatchTDS> NewGiftBatches = new SortedList <string, GiftBatchTDS>(); foreach (GiftBatchTDSAGiftDetailRow oldGiftDetail in oldGiftDS.AGiftDetail.Rows) { // get the gift batch row for this detail oldGiftDS.AGiftBatch.DefaultView.RowFilter = String.Format("{0} = {1}", AGiftTable.GetBatchNumberDBName(), oldGiftDetail.BatchNumber); AGiftBatchRow oldGiftBatch = (AGiftBatchRow)oldGiftDS.AGiftBatch.DefaultView[0].Row; GiftBatchTDS GiftDS = CreateNewGiftBatch(NewGiftBatches, oldGiftBatch, ADateCorrection); AGiftBatchRow giftbatchRow = GiftDS.AGiftBatch[0]; // get the gift row for this detail DataView v = oldGiftDS.AGift.DefaultView; v.RowFilter = String.Format("{0} = {1} and {2} = {3}", AGiftTable.GetBatchNumberDBName(), oldGiftDetail.BatchNumber, AGiftTable.GetGiftTransactionNumberDBName(), oldGiftDetail.GiftTransactionNumber); AGiftRow oldGift = (AGiftRow)v[0].Row; AGiftRow gift = GiftDS.AGift.NewRowTyped(); gift.LedgerNumber = giftbatchRow.LedgerNumber; gift.BatchNumber = giftbatchRow.BatchNumber; gift.GiftTransactionNumber = giftbatchRow.LastGiftNumber + 1; gift.DonorKey = oldGift.DonorKey; gift.DateEntered = ADateCorrection; giftbatchRow.LastGiftNumber++; GiftDS.AGift.Rows.Add(gift); if (!AWithReceipt) { gift.ReceiptLetterCode = "NO*RECET"; } // reverse the original gift GiftBatchTDSAGiftDetailRow detail = GiftDS.AGiftDetail.NewRowTyped(); DataUtilities.CopyAllColumnValues(oldGiftDetail, detail); detail.LedgerNumber = gift.LedgerNumber; detail.BatchNumber = gift.BatchNumber; detail.GiftTransactionNumber = gift.GiftTransactionNumber; detail.DetailNumber = gift.LastDetailNumber + 1; detail.GiftAmount = detail.GiftAmount * -1; detail.GiftAmountIntl = detail.GiftAmountIntl * -1; detail.GiftTransactionAmount = detail.GiftTransactionAmount * -1; gift.LastDetailNumber++; GiftDS.AGiftDetail.Rows.Add(detail); // create the detail for the corrected gift to the new field detail = GiftDS.AGiftDetail.NewRowTyped(); DataUtilities.CopyAllColumnValues(oldGiftDetail, detail); detail.LedgerNumber = gift.LedgerNumber; detail.BatchNumber = gift.BatchNumber; detail.GiftTransactionNumber = gift.GiftTransactionNumber; detail.DetailNumber = gift.LastDetailNumber + 1; detail.GiftCommentOne = String.Format(Catalog.GetString("posted on {0}"), oldGiftBatch.GlEffectiveDate.ToShortDateString()); gift.LastDetailNumber++; // TODO: calculate costcentre code from current commitment; this currently is done only at time of posting // detail.RecipientLedgerNumber = oldGiftDetail.RecipientLedgerNumber; // detail.CostCentreCode = oldGiftDetail.CostCentreCode; GiftDS.AGiftDetail.Rows.Add(detail); // TODO: how to make sure that the gl transaction is marked as System generated? avoid display on HOSA? // mark original gift detail as modified oldGiftDetail.ModifiedDetail = true; } TVerificationResultCollection VerificationResult; TSubmitChangesResult result = TSubmitChangesResult.scrOK; for (Int32 batchCounter = 0; batchCounter < NewGiftBatches.Count; batchCounter++) { if (result == TSubmitChangesResult.scrOK) { GiftBatchTDS GiftDS = NewGiftBatches.Values[batchCounter]; result = TGiftTransactionWebConnector.SaveGiftBatchTDS(ref GiftDS, out VerificationResult); } } if (result == TSubmitChangesResult.scrOK) { result = TGiftTransactionWebConnector.SaveGiftBatchTDS(ref oldGiftDS, out VerificationResult); if ((result == TSubmitChangesResult.scrOK) && (NewGiftBatches.Count > 0)) { return(NewGiftBatches.Values[0].AGiftBatch[0].BatchNumber); } } return(-1); }
/// <summary> /// Refresh the data in the grid and the details after the database content was changed on the server /// </summary> public void RefreshAllData(bool AShowStatusDialogOnLoad = true, bool AIsMessageRefresh = false) { TFrmRecurringGiftBatch myParentForm = (TFrmRecurringGiftBatch)ParentForm; // Remember our current row position int nCurrentRowIndex = GetSelectedRowIndex(); int nCurrentBatchNumber = -1; if ((myParentForm != null) && (myParentForm.InitialBatchNumber > 0)) { nCurrentBatchNumber = myParentForm.InitialBatchNumber; myParentForm.InitialBatchNumber = -1; } else if (AIsMessageRefresh) { if (FPetraUtilsObject.HasChanges && !myParentForm.SaveChanges()) { string msg = String.Format(Catalog.GetString("A validation error has occured on the Recurring Gift Batches" + " form while trying to refresh.{0}{0}" + "You will need to close and reopen the Recurring Gift Batches form to see the new batch" + " after you have fixed the validation error."), Environment.NewLine); MessageBox.Show(msg, "Refresh Recurring Gift Batches"); return; } nCurrentBatchNumber = 1; } else if (FPreviouslySelectedDetailRow != null) { nCurrentBatchNumber = FPreviouslySelectedDetailRow.BatchNumber; } TFrmRecurringGiftBatch parentForm = (TFrmRecurringGiftBatch)ParentForm; Cursor prevCursor = null; if (parentForm != null) { prevCursor = parentForm.Cursor; } else { prevCursor = this.Cursor; } parentForm.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor; if ((FMainDS != null) && (FMainDS.ARecurringGiftBatch != null)) { // Remove all data from our DataSet object - the grid will go empty! FMainDS.ARecurringGiftBatch.Rows.Clear(); } try { FPetraUtilsObject.DisableDataChangedEvent(); FMainDS.Merge(TRemote.MFinance.Gift.WebConnectors.LoadARecurringGiftBatch(FLedgerNumber)); // Now we can select the gift batch we had before (if it still exists on the grid) for (int i = 0; (i < FMainDS.ARecurringGiftBatch.Rows.Count); i++) { if (FMainDS.ARecurringGiftBatch[i].BatchNumber == nCurrentBatchNumber) { DataView dv = ((DevAge.ComponentModel.BoundDataView)grdDetails.DataSource).DataView; Int32 RowNumberGrid = DataUtilities.GetDataViewIndexByDataTableIndex(dv, FMainDS.ARecurringGiftBatch, i) + 1; nCurrentRowIndex = RowNumberGrid; break; } } ShowDetails(nCurrentRowIndex); UpdateRecordNumberDisplay(); TUC_RecurringGiftTransactions TransactionForm = parentForm.GetTransactionsControl(); if (TransactionForm != null) { parentForm.EnableTransactions(grdDetails.Rows.Count > 1); // if the batch number = -1 then this is not a valid instance of TUC_GiftTransactions and we do not need to refresh if (TransactionForm.FBatchNumber != -1) { TransactionForm.ShowStatusDialogOnLoad = AShowStatusDialogOnLoad; // This will update the transactions to match the current batch TransactionForm.RefreshData(); TransactionForm.ShowStatusDialogOnLoad = true; } } } finally { FPetraUtilsObject.EnableDataChangedEvent(); parentForm.Cursor = prevCursor; } }