Example #1
        protected override void PersistUpdatedItem(IDataTypeDefinition entity)
            //Updates Modified date and Version Guid

            //Look up parent to get and set the correct Path if ParentId has changed
            if (((ICanBeDirty)entity).IsPropertyDirty("ParentId"))
                var parent = Database.First <NodeDto>("WHERE id = @ParentId", new { ParentId = entity.ParentId });
                entity.Path  = string.Concat(parent.Path, ",", entity.Id);
                entity.Level = parent.Level + 1;
                var maxSortOrder =
                    Database.ExecuteScalar <int>(
                        "SELECT coalesce(max(sortOrder),0) FROM umbracoNode WHERE parentid = @ParentId AND nodeObjectType = @NodeObjectType",
                        new { ParentId = entity.ParentId, NodeObjectType = NodeObjectTypeId });
                entity.SortOrder = maxSortOrder + 1;

            var factory = new DataTypeDefinitionFactory(NodeObjectTypeId);
            //Look up DataTypeDefinition entry to get Primary for updating the DTO
            var dataTypeDto = Database.SingleOrDefault <DataTypeDto>("WHERE nodeId = @Id", new { Id = entity.Id });

            var dto = factory.BuildDto(entity);

            //Updates the (base) node data - umbracoNode
            var nodeDto = dto.NodeDto;


        protected override void PersistUpdatedItem(IDataTypeDefinition entity)
            entity.Name = EnsureUniqueNodeName(entity.Name, entity.Id);

            //Cannot change to a duplicate alias
            var exists = Database.ExecuteScalar <int>(@"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cmsDataType
INNER JOIN umbracoNode ON cmsDataType.nodeId = umbracoNode.id
WHERE umbracoNode." + SqlSyntax.GetQuotedColumnName("text") + @"= @name
AND umbracoNode.id <> @id",
                                                      new { id = entity.Id, name = entity.Name });

            if (exists > 0)
                throw new DuplicateNameException("A data type with the name " + entity.Name + " already exists");

            //Updates Modified date

            //Look up parent to get and set the correct Path if ParentId has changed
            if (entity.IsPropertyDirty("ParentId"))
                var parent = Database.First <NodeDto>("WHERE id = @ParentId", new { ParentId = entity.ParentId });
                entity.Path  = string.Concat(parent.Path, ",", entity.Id);
                entity.Level = parent.Level + 1;
                var maxSortOrder =
                    Database.ExecuteScalar <int>(
                        "SELECT coalesce(max(sortOrder),0) FROM umbracoNode WHERE parentid = @ParentId AND nodeObjectType = @NodeObjectType",
                        new { ParentId = entity.ParentId, NodeObjectType = NodeObjectTypeId });
                entity.SortOrder = maxSortOrder + 1;

            var factory = new DataTypeDefinitionFactory(NodeObjectTypeId);
            //Look up DataTypeDefinition entry to get Primary for updating the DTO
            var dataTypeDto = Database.SingleOrDefault <DataTypeDto>("WHERE nodeId = @Id", new { Id = entity.Id });

            var dto = factory.BuildDto(entity);

            //Updates the (base) node data - umbracoNode
            var nodeDto = dto.NodeDto;


            //NOTE: This is a special case, we need to clear the custom cache for pre-values here so they are not stale if devs
            // are querying for them in the Saved event (before the distributed call cache is clearing it)
