Example #1
        private static void CreateIndex(SearchServiceClient serviceClient)
            var indexDefinition = new Index
                Name   = IndexName,
                Fields = new[]
                    new Field("topicID", DataType.String)
                        IsKey = true, IsSearchable = false
                    new Field("forumID", DataType.Int32)
                        IsFilterable = true, IsSearchable = false
                    new Field("title", DataType.String)
                        IsSearchable = true, IsSortable = true
                    new Field("lastPostTime", DataType.DateTimeOffset)
                        IsSortable = true, IsSearchable = false
                    new Field("startedByName", DataType.String)
                        IsSortable = true, IsSearchable = true
                    new Field("replies", DataType.Int32)
                        IsSortable = true, IsSearchable = false
                    new Field("views", DataType.Int32)
                        IsSortable = true, IsSearchable = false
                    new Field("isClosed", DataType.Boolean)
                        IsSortable = false, IsSearchable = false
                    new Field("isPinned", DataType.Boolean)
                        IsSortable = false, IsSearchable = false
                    new Field("urlName", DataType.String)
                        IsSortable = false, IsSearchable = false
                    new Field("lastPostName", DataType.String)
                        IsSortable = false, IsSearchable = false
                    new Field("posts", DataType.Collection(DataType.String))
                        IsSortable = false, IsSearchable = true

        private static void CreateBookableIndex(SearchServiceClient serviceClient)
            var definition = new Index()
                Name   = "bookable",
                Fields = new[]
                    new Field("Id", DataType.String)
                        IsKey = true

                    new Field("Name", DataType.String)
                        IsSearchable = true, IsFilterable = true, IsFacetable = true

                    new Field("Tags", DataType.Collection(DataType.String))
                        IsSearchable = true, IsFilterable = true, IsFacetable = true

Example #3
        public static DataType ToAzureDataType(this Type type)
            if (type == typeof(string))
            if (type == typeof(bool))
            if (type == typeof(HexBigInteger))
            if (type == typeof(BigInteger))
            if (type.IsArray)
            if (type.IsListOfT())

Example #4
        private async static Task CreateItemsIndexAsync()
            // Create the Azure Search index based on the included schema
                var definition = new Index()
                    Name   = m_ItemsIndexName,
                    Fields = new[]
                        new Field("Id", DataType.String)
                            IsKey = true, IsSearchable = false, IsFilterable = false, IsSortable = false, IsFacetable = false, IsRetrievable = true
                        new Field("Tags", DataType.Collection(DataType.String))
                            IsKey = false, IsSearchable = true, IsFilterable = true, IsSortable = false, IsFacetable = false, IsRetrievable = true
                        new Field("SourceUrl", DataType.String)
                            IsKey = false, IsSearchable = false, IsFilterable = false, IsSortable = false, IsFacetable = false, IsRetrievable = true
                        new Field("Title", DataType.String)
                            IsKey = false, IsSearchable = false, IsFilterable = false, IsSortable = false, IsFacetable = false, IsRetrievable = true
                        new Field("ThumbnailUrl", DataType.String)
                            IsKey = false, IsSearchable = false, IsFilterable = false, IsSortable = false, IsFacetable = false, IsRetrievable = true
                        new Field("Description", DataType.String)
                            IsKey = false, IsSearchable = false, IsFilterable = false, IsSortable = false, IsFacetable = false, IsRetrievable = true
                        new Field("EntryType", DataType.String)
                            IsKey = false, IsSearchable = false, IsFilterable = false, IsSortable = false, IsFacetable = false, IsRetrievable = true
                        new Field("Language", DataType.String)
                            IsKey = false, IsSearchable = true, IsFilterable = false, IsSortable = false, IsFacetable = false, IsRetrievable = true
                        new Field("FruitionTime", DataType.Double)
                            IsKey = false, IsSearchable = false, IsFilterable = true, IsSortable = true, IsFacetable = false, IsRetrievable = true
                        new Field("Category", DataType.String)
                            IsKey = false, IsSearchable = true, IsFilterable = false, IsSortable = false, IsFacetable = false, IsRetrievable = true

                await m_SearchClient.Indexes.CreateAsync(definition);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine("Error creating index: {0}", ex.Message);
Example #5
        /// <summary>
        ///     Creates the index of the search.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="searchIndex">Index of the search.</param>
        /// <param name="serviceClient">The service client.</param>
        private static void CreateSearchIndex(string searchIndex, ISearchServiceClient serviceClient)
            var definition = new Index
                Name   = searchIndex,
                Fields = new[]
                    new Field("blogId", DataType.String)
                        IsKey = true
                    new Field("title", DataType.String)
                        IsSearchable = true,
                        IsFilterable = true
                    new Field("searchTags", DataType.Collection(DataType.String))
                        IsSearchable = true,
                        IsFilterable = true,
                        IsFacetable  = true

        public DataType GetType(string type)
            switch (type)
            case "System.List":

            case "System.Double":

            case "System.Boolean":

            case "System.DateTime":

            case "GeographyPoint":

            case "System.Int32":

            case "System.Int64":

            case "System.String":
            case "System.GUID":
Example #7
        public void CanUseAllAnalyzerNamesInIndexDefinition()
            Run(() =>
                SearchServiceClient client = Data.GetSearchServiceClient();

                Index index =
                    new Index()
                    Name   = SearchTestUtilities.GenerateName(),
                    Fields = new[] { new Field("id", DataType.String)
                                         IsKey = true
                                     } }.ToList()

                AnalyzerName[] allAnalyzers = GetAllExtensibleEnumValues <AnalyzerName>();

                for (int i = 0; i < allAnalyzers.Length; i++)
                    string fieldName = String.Format("field{0}", i);

                    DataType fieldType = (i % 2 == 0) ? DataType.String : DataType.Collection(DataType.String);
                    index.Fields.Add(new Field(fieldName, fieldType, allAnalyzers[i]));

Example #8
        public void SearchableCollectionFactoryMethodSetsAllProperties()
            var expectedField =
                new Field("test", DataType.Collection(DataType.String))
                IsKey          = true,
                IsRetrievable  = true,
                IsSearchable   = true,
                IsFilterable   = true,
                IsSortable     = false,
                IsFacetable    = true,
                Analyzer       = AnalyzerName.StandardAsciiFoldingLucene,
                SearchAnalyzer = null,
                IndexAnalyzer  = null,
                SynonymMaps    = new[] { "map" }

            var actualField =
                    name: expectedField.Name,
                    analyzerName: expectedField.Analyzer.Value,
                    isKey: expectedField.IsKey.Value,
                    isRetrievable: expectedField.IsRetrievable.Value,
                    isFilterable: expectedField.IsFilterable.Value,
                    isFacetable: expectedField.IsFacetable.Value,
                    synonymMaps: expectedField.SynonymMaps);

            Assert.Equal(expectedField, actualField, new DataPlaneModelComparer <Field>());
Example #9
        public static void CreateIndex(SearchServiceClient serviceClient, string indexName)
            if (serviceClient.Indexes.Exists(indexName))

            var definition = new Index()
                Name   = indexName,
                Fields = new[]
                    new Field("fileId", DataType.String)
                        IsKey = true
                    new Field("summary", DataType.String)
                        IsSearchable = true, IsFilterable = false, IsSortable = false, IsFacetable = false
                    new Field("keyPhrases", DataType.Collection(DataType.String))
                        IsSearchable = true, IsFilterable = true, IsFacetable = true

Example #10
        private Task CreateIndexAsync(string indexName)
            var suggester = new Suggester
                Name = "sg",
                //SearchMode = "analyzingInfixMatching",
                SourceFields = new List <string> {
                    "Name", "FacilityName"

            var definition = new Index
                Name   = indexName,
                Fields = new List <Field>
                    new Field("Id", DataType.String)
                        IsKey = true
                    new Field("FacilityId", DataType.Int32)
                        IsFilterable = true
                    new Field("Name", DataType.String, AnalyzerName.EnMicrosoft)
                        IsSearchable = true
                    new Field("Description", DataType.String, AnalyzerName.EnMicrosoft)
                        IsSearchable = true
                    new Field("FacilityName", DataType.String, AnalyzerName.EnMicrosoft)
                        IsSearchable = true
                    new Field("FacilityDescription", DataType.String, AnalyzerName.EnMicrosoft)
                        IsSearchable = true
                    new Field("Location", DataType.GeographyPoint)
                        IsFilterable = true
                    new Field("RoomCount", DataType.Int32)
                        IsFilterable = true
                    new Field("Images", DataType.Collection(DataType.String))
                        IsFilterable = false
                Suggesters = new List <Suggester> {

Example #11
        public void CanBuildComplexFieldViaFactoryMethod()
            var field = Field.NewComplex("test", isCollection: true, fields: new[] { subField });

            AssertIsComplex(field, "test", DataType.Collection(DataType.Complex));
            Assert.Collection(field.Fields, f => Assert.Same(subField, f));
 public static Index CreateTestIndex(string indexName) =>
 // This is intentionally a different index definition than the one returned by IndexManagementTests.CreateTestIndex().
 // That index is meant to exercise serialization of the index definition itself, while this one is tuned
 // more for exercising document serialization, indexing, and querying operations. Also, the fields of this index should
 // exactly match the properties of the Hotel test model class.
 new Index()
     Name   = indexName,
     Fields = new[]
         Field.New("hotelId", DataType.String, isKey: true, isFilterable: true, isSortable: true, isFacetable: true),
         Field.New("hotelName", DataType.String, isSearchable: true, isFilterable: true, isSortable: true, isFacetable: false),
         Field.NewSearchableString("description", AnalyzerName.EnLucene),
         Field.NewSearchableString("descriptionFr", AnalyzerName.FrLucene),
         Field.New("category", DataType.String, isSearchable: true, isFilterable: true, isSortable: true, isFacetable: true),
         Field.New("tags", DataType.Collection(DataType.String), isSearchable: true, isFilterable: true, isFacetable: true),
         Field.New("parkingIncluded", DataType.Boolean, isFilterable: true, isSortable: true, isFacetable: true),
         Field.New("smokingAllowed", DataType.Boolean, isFilterable: true, isSortable: true, isFacetable: true),
         Field.New("lastRenovationDate", DataType.DateTimeOffset, isFilterable: true, isSortable: true, isFacetable: true),
         Field.New("rating", DataType.Int32, isFilterable: true, isSortable: true, isFacetable: true),
         Field.New("location", DataType.GeographyPoint, isFilterable: true, isSortable: true),
         Field.NewComplex("address", isCollection: false, fields: new[]
             Field.New("streetAddress", DataType.String, isSearchable: true),
             Field.New("city", DataType.String, isSearchable: true, isFilterable: true, isSortable: true, isFacetable: true),
             Field.New("stateProvince", DataType.String, isSearchable: true, isFilterable: true, isSortable: true, isFacetable: true),
             Field.New("country", DataType.String, isSearchable: true, isFilterable: true, isSortable: true, isFacetable: true),
             Field.New("postalCode", DataType.String, isSearchable: true, isFilterable: true, isSortable: true, isFacetable: true)
         Field.NewComplex("rooms", isCollection: true, fields: new[]
             Field.NewSearchableString("description", AnalyzerName.EnLucene),
             Field.NewSearchableString("descriptionFr", AnalyzerName.FrLucene),
             Field.New("type", DataType.String, isSearchable: true, isFilterable: true, isFacetable: true),
             Field.New("baseRate", DataType.Double, isFilterable: true, isFacetable: true),
             Field.New("bedOptions", DataType.String, isSearchable: true, isFilterable: true, isFacetable: true),
             Field.New("sleepsCount", DataType.Int32, isFilterable: true, isFacetable: true),
             Field.New("smokingAllowed", DataType.Boolean, isFilterable: true, isFacetable: true),
             Field.New("tags", DataType.Collection(DataType.String), isSearchable: true, isFilterable: true, isFacetable: true)
     Suggesters = new[]
         new Suggester(
             name: "sg",
             sourceFields: new[] { "description", "hotelName" })
     ScoringProfiles = new[]
         new ScoringProfile("nearest")
             FunctionAggregation = ScoringFunctionAggregation.Sum,
             Functions           = new[]
                 new DistanceScoringFunction("location", 2, new DistanceScoringParameters("myloc", 100))
Example #13
        private static DataType GetDataType(Type propertyType, string propertyName)
            if (propertyType == typeof(string))
            if (propertyType.IsConstructedGenericType &&
                propertyType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(Nullable <>))
                return(GetDataType(propertyType.GenericTypeArguments[0], propertyName));
            if (propertyType == typeof(int))
            if (propertyType == typeof(long))
            if (propertyType == typeof(double))
            if (propertyType == typeof(bool))
            if (propertyType == typeof(DateTimeOffset) ||
                propertyType == typeof(DateTime))
            if (propertyType == typeof(GeographyPoint))
            Type elementType = GetElementTypeIfIEnumerable(propertyType);

            if (elementType != null)
                return(DataType.Collection(GetDataType(elementType, propertyName)));
            TypeInfo ti = propertyType.GetTypeInfo();
            var      listElementTypes = ti
                                        .Where(p => p != null)

            if (listElementTypes.Count == 1)
                return(DataType.Collection(GetDataType(listElementTypes[0], propertyName)));

            throw new ArgumentException(
                      $"Property {propertyName} has unsupported type {propertyType}",
        public static async Task <Index> GetBaseIndex(string name)
            var analyzerName = AnalyzerName.StandardLucene;

            return(await Task.FromResult(new Index
                Name = name,
                Fields = new List <Field>
                    new Field("created_at", DataType.DateTimeOffset)
                        IsFilterable = true,
                        IsRetrievable = true
                    new Field("id_str", analyzerName),
                    new Field("id", analyzerName),
                    new Field("text", analyzerName),
                    new Field("rid", analyzerName)
                        IsKey = true
                    new Field("people", DataType.Collection(DataType.String), analyzerName),
                    new Field("organizations", DataType.Collection(DataType.String), analyzerName),
                    new Field("locations", DataType.Collection(DataType.String), analyzerName),
                    new Field("keyphrases", DataType.Collection(DataType.String), analyzerName),
                    new Field("language", analyzerName),
                    new Field("user", DataType.Complex, new List <Field>
                        new Field("id", DataType.Int64),
                        new Field("id_str", analyzerName),
                        new Field("name", analyzerName),
                        new Field("screen_name", analyzerName),
                        new Field("location", analyzerName),
                        new Field("url", analyzerName),
                        new Field("description", analyzerName)
                    new Field("entities", DataType.Complex, new List <Field>
                        new Field("hashtags", DataType.Collection(DataType.Complex), new List <Field>
                            new Field("indicies", analyzerName),
                            new Field("text", analyzerName),
                        new Field("user_mentions", DataType.Collection(DataType.Complex), new List <Field>
                            new Field("id", DataType.Int64),
                            new Field("id_str", analyzerName),
                            new Field("indicies", DataType.Collection(DataType.Int64)),
                            new Field("name", analyzerName),
                            new Field("screen_name", analyzerName),
                    new Field("symbols", DataType.Collection(DataType.String), analyzerName),
                    new Field("urls", DataType.Collection(DataType.String), analyzerName)
        private static void CreateHotelsIndex(SearchServiceClient serviceClient)
            var definition = new Index()
                Name   = "hotels",
                Fields = new[]
                    new Field("hotelId", DataType.String)
                        IsKey = true, IsFilterable = true
                    new Field("baseRate", DataType.Double)
                        IsFilterable = true, IsSortable = true, IsFacetable = true
                    new Field("description", DataType.String)
                        IsSearchable = true
                    new Field("description_fr", AnalyzerName.FrLucene),
                    new Field("hotelName", DataType.String)
                        IsSearchable = true, IsFilterable = true, IsSortable = true
                    new Field("category", DataType.String)
                        IsSearchable = true, IsFilterable = true, IsSortable = true, IsFacetable = true
                    new Field("tags", DataType.Collection(DataType.String))
                        IsSearchable = true, IsFilterable = true, IsFacetable = true
                    new Field("parkingIncluded", DataType.Boolean)
                        IsFilterable = true, IsFacetable = true
                    new Field("smokingAllowed", DataType.Boolean)
                        IsFilterable = true, IsFacetable = true
                    new Field("lastRenovationDate", DataType.DateTimeOffset)
                        IsFilterable = true, IsSortable = true, IsFacetable = true
                    new Field("rating", DataType.Int32)
                        IsFilterable = true, IsSortable = true, IsFacetable = true
                    new Field("location", DataType.GeographyPoint)
                        IsFilterable = true, IsSortable = true

Example #16
 /// <summary>
 /// Get a Search Index for the Hotels sample data.
 /// This index is tuned more for exercising document serialization,
 /// indexing, and querying operations. Also, the fields of this index
 /// should exactly match the properties of the Hotel test model class
 /// below.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="name"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 private static Microsoft.Azure.Search.Models.Index GetHotelIndex(string name) =>
 new Microsoft.Azure.Search.Models.Index()
     Name   = name,
     Fields = new[]
         Field.New("hotelId", DataType.String, isKey: true, isFilterable: true, isSortable: true, isFacetable: true),
         Field.New("hotelName", DataType.String, isSearchable: true, isFilterable: true, isSortable: true, isFacetable: false),
         Field.NewSearchableString("description", AnalyzerName.EnLucene),
         Field.NewSearchableString("descriptionFr", AnalyzerName.FrLucene),
         Field.New("category", DataType.String, isSearchable: true, isFilterable: true, isSortable: true, isFacetable: true),
         Field.New("tags", DataType.Collection(DataType.String), isSearchable: true, isFilterable: true, isFacetable: true),
         Field.New("parkingIncluded", DataType.Boolean, isFilterable: true, isSortable: true, isFacetable: true),
         Field.New("smokingAllowed", DataType.Boolean, isFilterable: true, isSortable: true, isFacetable: true),
         Field.New("lastRenovationDate", DataType.DateTimeOffset, isFilterable: true, isSortable: true, isFacetable: true),
         Field.New("rating", DataType.Int32, isFilterable: true, isSortable: true, isFacetable: true),
         Field.New("location", DataType.GeographyPoint, isFilterable: true, isSortable: true),
         Field.NewComplex("address", isCollection: false, fields: new[]
             Field.New("streetAddress", DataType.String, isSearchable: true),
             Field.New("city", DataType.String, isSearchable: true, isFilterable: true, isSortable: true, isFacetable: true),
             Field.New("stateProvince", DataType.String, isSearchable: true, isFilterable: true, isSortable: true, isFacetable: true),
             Field.New("country", DataType.String, isSearchable: true, isFilterable: true, isSortable: true, isFacetable: true),
             Field.New("postalCode", DataType.String, isSearchable: true, isFilterable: true, isSortable: true, isFacetable: true)
         Field.NewComplex("rooms", isCollection: true, fields: new[]
             Field.NewSearchableString("description", AnalyzerName.EnLucene),
             Field.NewSearchableString("descriptionFr", AnalyzerName.FrLucene),
             Field.New("type", DataType.String, isSearchable: true, isFilterable: true, isFacetable: true),
             Field.New("baseRate", DataType.Double, isFilterable: true, isFacetable: true),
             Field.New("bedOptions", DataType.String, isSearchable: true, isFilterable: true, isFacetable: true),
             Field.New("sleepsCount", DataType.Int32, isFilterable: true, isFacetable: true),
             Field.New("smokingAllowed", DataType.Boolean, isFilterable: true, isFacetable: true),
             Field.New("tags", DataType.Collection(DataType.String), isSearchable: true, isFilterable: true, isFacetable: true)
     Suggesters = new[]
         new Suggester(
             name: "sg",
             sourceFields: new[] { "description", "hotelName" })
     ScoringProfiles = new[]
         new ScoringProfile("nearest")
             FunctionAggregation = ScoringFunctionAggregation.Sum,
             Functions           = new[]
                 new DistanceScoringFunction("location", 2, new DistanceScoringParameters("myloc", 100))
Example #17
        public override void Initialize(MockContext context)

            SearchServiceClient searchClient = this.GetSearchServiceClient();

            TargetIndexName = SearchTestUtilities.GenerateName();

            DataSourceName = SearchTestUtilities.GenerateName();

            var index = new Index(
                new Field("feature_id", DataType.String)
                    IsKey = true
                new Field("feature_name", DataType.String)
                    IsFilterable = true, IsSearchable = true
                new Field("feature_class", DataType.String),
                new Field("state", DataType.String)
                    IsFilterable = true, IsSearchable = true
                new Field("county_name", DataType.String)
                    IsFilterable = true, IsSearchable = true
                new Field("elevation", DataType.Int32)
                    IsFilterable = true
                new Field("map_name", DataType.String)
                    IsFilterable = true, IsSearchable = true
                new Field("history", DataType.Collection(DataType.String))
                    IsSearchable = true


            var dataSource =
                    name: DataSourceName,
                    sqlConnectionString: AzureSqlReadOnlyConnectionString,
                    tableOrViewName: AzureSqlTestTableName);

 public static Field ToAzureField(this SearchField f)
     return(new Field(f.Name.ToAzureFieldName(), f.IsCollection ? DataType.Collection(f.DataType.ToAzureDataType()) : f.DataType.ToAzureDataType())
         IsKey = f.IsKey,
         IsFilterable = f.IsFilterable,
         IsSortable = f.IsSortable,
         IsSearchable = f.IsSearchable,
         IsFacetable = f.IsFacetable,
Example #19
        public static SearchField ToSearchField(this Field field)
            Type type;

            if (field.Type == DataType.Boolean)
                type = typeof(Boolean);
            else if (field.Type == DataType.DateTimeOffset)
                type = typeof(DateTime);
            else if (field.Type == DataType.Double)
                type = typeof(double);
            else if (field.Type == DataType.Int32)
                type = typeof(Int32);
            else if (field.Type == DataType.Int64)
                type = typeof(Int64);
            else if (field.Type == DataType.String)
                type = typeof(string);
            else if (field.Type == DataType.GeographyPoint)
                type = typeof(Microsoft.Spatial.GeographyPoint);
            // Azure Search DataType objects don't follow value comparisons, so use overloaded string conversion operator to be a consistent representation
            else if ((string)field.Type == (string)DataType.Collection(DataType.String))
                type = typeof(string[]);
                throw new ArgumentException($"Cannot map {field.Type} to a C# type");
            return(new SearchField()
                Name = field.Name,
                Type = type,
                IsFacetable = field.IsFacetable,
                IsFilterable = field.IsFilterable,
                IsKey = field.IsKey,
                IsRetrievable = field.IsRetrievable,
                IsSearchable = field.IsSearchable,
                IsSortable = field.IsSortable
        public void ToAzureField_ConvertsToCollectionDataType()
            var eventSearchField = new SearchField("FieldA.Val")
                DataType     = typeof(string),
                IsCollection = true

            var azureField = eventSearchField.ToAzureField();

            Assert.Equal(DataType.Collection(DataType.String), azureField.Type);
        public static void ResetIndexes()
            SearchServiceClient serviceClient = GetServiceClient();

            if (serviceClient.Indexes.Exists(doc_index))

            var definition = new Index()
                Name   = doc_index,
                Fields = new[]
                    new Field("docId", DataType.String)
                        IsKey = true, IsFilterable = true
                    new Field("clientId", DataType.String)
                        IsFilterable = true, IsSortable = true, IsFacetable = true
                    new Field("docFileName", DataType.String)
                        IsFilterable = true,
                        IsSearchable = true,
                        IsSortable   = true
                    new Field("docUrl", DataType.String)
                        IsFilterable = true, IsSortable = true
                    new Field("content", DataType.String)
                        IsSearchable = true, Analyzer = AnalyzerName.EnMicrosoft
                    new Field("categories", DataType.Collection(DataType.String))
                        IsSearchable = true,
                        IsFilterable = true,
                        IsFacetable  = true
                    new Field("insertDate", DataType.DateTimeOffset)
                        IsFilterable = true,
                        IsSortable   = true,
                        IsFacetable  = true

        public void CanUseAllAnalyzerNamesInIndexDefinition()
            Run(() =>
                SearchServiceClient client = Data.GetSearchServiceClient();

                Index index =
                    new Index()
                    Name   = SearchTestUtilities.GenerateName(),
                    Fields = new[] { new Field("id", DataType.String)
                                         IsKey = true
                                     } }.ToList()

                AnalyzerName[] allAnalyzers = GetAllExtensibleEnumValues <AnalyzerName>();

                int fieldNumber = 0;

                // All analyzer names can be set on the analyzer property.
                for (int i = 0; i < allAnalyzers.Length; i++)
                    DataType fieldType = (i % 2 == 0) ? DataType.String : DataType.Collection(DataType.String);
                    index.Fields.Add(new Field($"field{fieldNumber++}", fieldType, allAnalyzers[i]));

                // Only non-language analyzer names can be set on the searchAnalyzer and indexAnalyzer properties.
                // ASSUMPTION: Only language analyzers end in .lucene or .microsoft.
                var allNonLanguageAnalyzers =
                    allAnalyzers.Where(a => !a.ToString().EndsWith(".lucene") && !a.ToString().EndsWith(".microsoft")).ToArray();

                for (int i = 0; i < allNonLanguageAnalyzers.Length; i++)
                    DataType fieldType = (i % 2 == 0) ? DataType.String : DataType.Collection(DataType.String);

                    var field =
                        new Field($"field{fieldNumber++}", fieldType)
                        IsSearchable   = true,
                        SearchAnalyzer = allNonLanguageAnalyzers[i],
                        IndexAnalyzer  = allNonLanguageAnalyzers[i]


Example #23
        private static Index GetDefinition(Type type)
            var properties = type.GetProperties().OrderBy(x => x.MetadataToken).ToArray();
            var fields     = new List <Field>();

            foreach (var propertyInfo in properties)
                var attributes = propertyInfo.CustomAttributes.ToArray();
                if (attributes.All(x => x.AttributeType != typeof(JsonIgnoreAttribute)))
                    DataType dataType;

                    if (propertyInfo.PropertyType.IsArray)
                        if (!TypeMapping.TryGetValue(propertyInfo.PropertyType.GetElementType(), out var arrayElementType))
                            throw new ArgumentException($"{propertyInfo.PropertyType.Name} is not supported");
                        dataType = DataType.Collection(arrayElementType);
                        if (!TypeMapping.TryGetValue(propertyInfo.PropertyType, out dataType))
                            throw new ArgumentException($"{propertyInfo.PropertyType.Name} is not supported");

                    var jsonProperty = propertyInfo.GetCustomAttribute <JsonPropertyAttribute>();

                    var field = new Field
                        Name         = jsonProperty != null ? jsonProperty.PropertyName : propertyInfo.Name,
                        Type         = dataType,
                        IsKey        = attributes.Any(x => x.AttributeType.Name == "KeyAttribute"),
                        IsSearchable = attributes.Any(x => x.AttributeType == typeof(IsSearchableAttribute)),
                        IsFilterable = attributes.Any(x => x.AttributeType == typeof(IsFilterableAttribute)),
                        IsFacetable  = attributes.Any(x => x.AttributeType == typeof(IsFacetableAttribute)),
                        IsSortable   = attributes.Any(x => x.AttributeType == typeof(IsSortableAttribute)),

            return(new Index()
                Name = type.Name.ToLowerInvariant(),
                Fields = fields.ToArray()
Example #24
        public void Create()
            Index index;
            var   iRepository = new SearchRepository.IndexRepository();
            var   indexAdd    = new Index()
                Name   = "telindex", //please be aware index name should contain only lowercase letters
                Fields = new[]
                    new Field("telNo", DataType.String)
                        IsKey = true
                    },                                                    // Id (IsKey = true) field should be edm.string !!
                    new Field("firstName", DataType.String)
                        IsSearchable = true, IsFilterable = true
                    new Field("lastName", DataType.String)
                        IsSearchable = true, IsFilterable = true, IsSortable = true, IsFacetable = true
                    new Field("telType", DataType.String)
                        IsSearchable = true, IsFilterable = true, IsSortable = true, IsFacetable = true
                    new Field("tags", DataType.Collection(DataType.String))
                        IsSearchable = true, IsFilterable = true, IsFacetable = true
                    new Field("locationMargin", DataType.Double)
                        IsSortable = true, IsFilterable = true
                    new Field("isPersonal", DataType.Boolean)
                        IsFilterable = true, IsFacetable = true

            Task.Run(async() =>
                index = await iRepository.CreateAsync(indexAdd);
Example #25
        public AzureSearchService(IOptions <SiteSettings> ss, ILogger log)
            if (ss.Value.SearchApiKey == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("AppSettings:SearchApiKey is not set");

            this._serviceClient = new SearchServiceClient(ss.Value.SearchName, new SearchCredentials(ss.Value.SearchApiKey));
            this._log           = log;
            this._index         = new Index()
                Name   = _buildIndexName,
                Fields = new[]
                    new Field("Id", DataType.String)
                        IsKey = true
                    new Field("Title", DataType.String)
                        IsSearchable = true
                    new Field("Parts", DataType.Collection(DataType.String))
                        IsSearchable = true
                    new Field("Json", DataType.String)
                        IsSearchable = false
                Suggesters = new List <Suggester>()
                    new Suggester("default", SuggesterSearchMode.AnalyzingInfixMatching, "Title", "Parts")
                CorsOptions = new CorsOptions(new List <string> {

            this._indexClient = this._serviceClient.Indexes.GetClient(_buildIndexName);
Example #26
        private static void CreateCarModelIndex()

            var index = new Index
                Name   = IndexName,
                Fields = new List <Field>
                    new Field("id", DataType.String)
                        IsKey = true, IsRetrievable = true
                    new Field("makerId", DataType.String)
                        IsFacetable = true, IsRetrievable = true
                    new Field("makerName", DataType.String)
                        IsSearchable = true
                    new Field("makerCountry", DataType.String)
                        IsFilterable = true
                    new Field("modelName", DataType.String)
                        IsSearchable = true
                    new Field("price", DataType.Double)
                        IsSortable = true, IsFilterable = true
                    new Field("features", DataType.Collection(DataType.String))
                        IsFilterable = true

Example #27
        public static void ReCreateIndex()
            // Delete and re-create the index
            if (serviceClient.Indexes.Exists(indexName))

            var definition = new Index()
                Name   = indexName,
                Fields = new[]
                    new Field("id", DataType.String)
                        IsKey = true
                    new Field("name", DataType.String)
                        IsSearchable = true, IsFilterable = false, IsSortable = false, IsFacetable = false
                    new Field("company", DataType.String)
                        IsSearchable = true, IsFilterable = false, IsSortable = false, IsFacetable = false
                    new Field("locationsId", DataType.Collection(DataType.String))
                        IsSearchable = true, IsFilterable = true, IsFacetable = true
                    new Field("locationsDescription", DataType.Collection(DataType.String))
                        IsSearchable = true, IsFilterable = true, IsFacetable = true
                    new Field("locationsCombined", DataType.Collection(DataType.String))
                        IsSearchable = true, IsFilterable = true, IsFacetable = true

Example #28
        private static void CreateIndex(SearchServiceClient serviceClient)
            var definition = new Index()
                Name   = "posts",
                Fields = new[]
                    new Field("guid", DataType.String)
                        IsKey = true
                    new Field("title", DataType.String)
                        IsSearchable = true, IsFilterable = true, IsRetrievable = true
                    new Field("content", DataType.String)
                        IsSearchable = true
                    new Field("description", DataType.String)
                        IsRetrievable = true
                    new Field("link", DataType.String)
                        IsRetrievable = true
                    new Field("category", DataType.Collection(DataType.String))
                        IsSearchable = true, IsFilterable = true, IsFacetable = true
                    new Field("pubDate", DataType.DateTimeOffset)
                        IsFilterable = true, IsRetrievable = true, IsSortable = true, IsFacetable = true

Example #29
        private static void AddCustomFormRecognizerSkill(ref Index index, ref Indexer indexer, ref Skillset skillset, AppConfig config, string modelId)
            var headers = new Dictionary <string, string>
                { "Content-Type", "application/json" }

            index.Fields.Add(new Field($"formHeight", DataType.Int32));
            index.Fields.Add(new Field($"formWidth", DataType.Int32));
            index.Fields.Add(new Field($"formKeyValuePairs", DataType.Collection(DataType.String)));
            index.Fields.Add(new Field($"formColumns", DataType.Collection(DataType.String)));
            indexer.OutputFieldMappings.Add(CognitiveSearchHelper.CreateFieldMapping($"/document/formHeight", "formHeight").GetAwaiter().GetResult());
            indexer.OutputFieldMappings.Add(CognitiveSearchHelper.CreateFieldMapping($"/document/formWidth", "formWidth").GetAwaiter().GetResult());
            indexer.OutputFieldMappings.Add(CognitiveSearchHelper.CreateFieldMapping($"/document/formKeyValuePairs", "formKeyValuePairs").GetAwaiter().GetResult());
            indexer.OutputFieldMappings.Add(CognitiveSearchHelper.CreateFieldMapping($"/document/formColumns", "formColumns").GetAwaiter().GetResult());

            // Create the custom translate skill
            skillset.Skills.Add(new WebApiSkill
                Description = "Custom Form Recognizer skill",
                Context     = "/document",
                Uri         = $"{config.FunctionApp.Url}/api/AnalyzeForm?code={config.FunctionApp.DefaultHostKey}&modelId={modelId}",
                HttpMethod  = "POST",
                //HttpHeaders = new WebApiHttpHeaders(), // This is broken in the SDK, so handle by sending JSON directly to Rest API.
                BatchSize = 1,
                Inputs    = new List <InputFieldMappingEntry>
                    new InputFieldMappingEntry("contentType", "/document/fileContentType"),
                    new InputFieldMappingEntry("storageUri", "/document/storageUri"),
                    new InputFieldMappingEntry("storageSasToken", "/document/sasToken")
                Outputs = new List <OutputFieldMappingEntry>
                    new OutputFieldMappingEntry("formHeight", "formHeight"),
                    new OutputFieldMappingEntry("formWidth", "formWidth"),
                    new OutputFieldMappingEntry("formKeyValuePairs", "formKeyValuePairs"),
                    new OutputFieldMappingEntry("formColumns", "formColumns"),
Example #30
 public Task StartAsync(IDialogContext context)
     SearchDialogIndexClient.Schema = new SearchSchema().AddFields(
         new Field[] {
         new Field()
             Name = "business_title", Type = DataType.String, IsFacetable = true, IsFilterable = true, IsKey = false, IsRetrievable = true, IsSearchable = true, IsSortable = true
         new Field()
             Name = "agency", Type = DataType.String, IsFacetable = true, IsFilterable = true, IsKey = false, IsRetrievable = true, IsSearchable = true, IsSortable = true
         new Field {
             Name = "work_location", Type = DataType.String, IsFacetable = true, IsFilterable = true, IsKey = false, IsRetrievable = true, IsSearchable = true, IsSortable = true
         new Field {
             Name = "tags", Type = DataType.Collection(DataType.String), IsFacetable = true, IsFilterable = true, IsKey = false, IsRetrievable = true, IsSearchable = true, IsSortable = false