Example #1
        private void dataGridView1_CellDoubleClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e)
            var    dialog = new MasterFile.Products();
            string code   = dataGridView1.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[colCode.Name].Value.ToString();
            var    dRow   = DataSupport.RunDataSet("Select * from base_product  join base_price on base_price.product_code = base_product.product_code  where base_price.product_code ='" + code + "'").Tables[0];

            if (dRow.Rows.Count > 0)
                foreach (DataRow row in dRow.Rows)
                    dialog.txtproductCode.Text      = row["product_code"].ToString();
                    dialog.txtCustCode.Text         = row["customer_code"].ToString();
                    dialog.txtDescription.Text      = row["description"].ToString();
                    dialog.dataGridView1.DataSource = DataSupport.RunDataSet("Select [uom],quantity,priceType,price from  base_price where product_code ='" + code + "'").Tables[0];
                var dt = DataSupport.RunDataSet("Select * from base_product  where product_code ='" + code + "'").Tables[0];
                foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
                    dialog.txtproductCode.Text = row["product_code"].ToString();
                    dialog.txtCustCode.Text    = row["customer_code"].ToString();
                    dialog.txtDescription.Text = row["description"].ToString();

            Products.mode = "update";
            dialog.txtproductCode.ReadOnly = true;
            dialog.txtCustCode.ReadOnly    = true;
Example #2
        private void dataGridView1_CellDoubleClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e)
            var dialog = new MAster.Customer();

            dialog.Mode = "updated";
            String code = dataGridView1.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[custCode.Name].Value.ToString();
            var    drow = DataSupport.RunDataSet("Select * from TransportCustomers where custCode = '" + code + "'").Tables[0];

            foreach (DataRow row in drow.Rows)
                dialog.txtTransport.Text = row["transport"].ToString();
                dialog.txtcustname.Text  = row["customer"].ToString();
                dialog.txtCode.Text      = row["custCode"].ToString();
                dialog.txtAddress.Text   = row["address"].ToString();
                dialog.txtcontact.Text   = row["contactNo"].ToString();
                dialog.txtpostCode.Text  = row["postalCode"].ToString();
                dialog.txtTin.Text       = row["tinNo"].ToString();
                dialog.txtDis1.Text      = row["discount1"].ToString();
                dialog.txtDis2.Text      = row["discount2"].ToString();
                dialog.txtDis3.Text      = row["discount3"].ToString();
                dialog.txtDis4.Text      = row["discount4"].ToString();
                dialog.txtDis5.Text      = row["discount5"].ToString();
                dialog.txtZone.Text      = row["zone"].ToString();
            dialog.txtAddress.ReadOnly  = true;
            dialog.txtcustname.ReadOnly = true;
            dialog.txtCode.ReadOnly     = true;
Example #3
        private void LoadData()
            DataTable dt = DataSupport.RunDataSet(@"SELECT Location, Product, Uom, lot_no[Lot No],Qty, Expiry, ''[Days To Expiry],expiry_status
                            FROM LocationProductsLedger
                            WHERE  qty >0 AND location !='RELEASED'
                            ORDER BY expiry ").Tables[0];

            foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
                DateTime expiry     = DateTime.Parse(row["Expiry"].ToString());
                DateTime today      = DateTime.Parse(DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString());
                var      total_days = ((int)expiry.Subtract(today).TotalDays).ToString();

                if (double.Parse(total_days) <= 0)
                    total_days = "EXPIRED";

                if (row["expiry_status"].ToString() != "")
                    total_days = row["expiry_status"].ToString();

                row["Expiry"]         = DateTime.Parse(row["Expiry"].ToString()).ToShortDateString();
                row["Days To Expiry"] = total_days;
            header_grid.DataSource = dt;
Example #4
 private void SalerProcessing_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
         var dt = DataSupport.RunDataSet("SELECT  customer FROM TransportCustomers ").Tables[0];
         txtSoldTo.DataSource    = dt;
         txtSoldTo.DisplayMember = "customer";
         txtSoldTo.ValueMember   = "customer";
         var dt = DataSupport.RunDataSet("SELECT product_id FROM Products").Tables[0];
         colCode.DataSource    = dt;
         colCode.DisplayMember = "product_id";
         colCode.ValueMember   = "product_id";
         var dt = DataSupport.RunDataSet("SELECT transport_id FROM TransportProviders").Tables[0];
         cbxWarehouse.DataSource    = dt;
         cbxWarehouse.DisplayMember = "transport_id";
         cbxWarehouse.ValueMember   = "transport_id";
         var dt = DataSupport.RunDataSet("SELECT warehouse_id FROM Warehouses").Tables[0];
         txtWarehouse.DataSource    = dt;
         txtWarehouse.DisplayMember = "warehouse_id";
         txtWarehouse.ValueMember   = "warehouse_id";
     txtSalesInvoice.KeyPress  += new KeyPressEventHandler(KeyBoardSupport.ForNumericOnly_KeyPress);
     cbxpriceType.SelectedIndex = 0;
     txtTypeStock.SelectedIndex = 0;
Example #5
 private void DeliveryProcessing_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
         var dt = DataSupport.RunDataSet("SELECT product_id FROM Products").Tables[0];
         foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
         var dt = DataSupport.RunDataSet("SELECT warehouse_id FROM Warehouses").Tables[0];
         foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
         var dt = DataSupport.RunDataSet("SELECT  customer FROM TransportCustomers ").Tables[0];
         foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
         var dt = DataSupport.RunDataSet("SELECT transport_id FROM TransportProviders").Tables[0];
         foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
     txtDrno.KeyPress += new KeyPressEventHandler(KeyBoardSupport.ForNumericOnly_KeyPress);
Example #6
    public static Dictionary <String, DataRow> BuildIndex(String SQLCommand, List <String> ColumnName, String seperator)
        DataTable table = DataSupport.RunDataSet(SQLCommand).Tables[0];
        Dictionary <String, DataRow> index = new Dictionary <String, DataRow>(table.Rows.Count);

        foreach (DataRow Row in table.Rows)
            String key = "";
            int    cnt = 0;

            foreach (String col in ColumnName)
                if (cnt == ColumnName.Count - 1)
                    key += Row[col].ToString().Trim();
                    key += Row[col].ToString().Trim() + seperator;

            index[key] = Row;
Example #7
        private void SaveData()
            ResolutionsWindow grandparent  = parent.parent;
            String            trans_source = grandparent.product_row.Cells["Trans"].Value.ToString();
            String            trans_id     = grandparent.product_row.Cells["Id"].Value.ToString();
            String            line         = grandparent.product_row.Cells["Line"].Value.ToString();

            int explanation_no = int.Parse(DataSupport.RunDataSet("SELECT COUNT(*)[count] FROM Resolutions WHERE trans_source = '" + trans_source + "' AND trans_id = '" + trans_id + "' AND line='" + line + "'").Tables[0].Rows[0][0].ToString());

            // Save Transaction
            String sql = DataSupport.GetInsert("Resolutions", Utils.ToDict(
                                                   "trans_source", trans_source
                                                   , "trans_id", trans_id
                                                   , "line", line
                                                   , "explanation_no", explanation_no
                                                   , "explanation", parent.txtExplanation.Text
                                                   , "charge_to", parent.txtChargeTo.Text
                                                   , "qty_resolved", parent.txtQtyToResolve.Text
                                                   , "resolved_by", parent.txtResolvedBy.Text
                                                   , "resolved_on", DateTime.Now

            DataSupport.RunNonQuery(sql, IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted);

            webBrowser1.DocumentText = webBrowser1.DocumentText.Replace("(issued on save)", trans_id + "-" + line + "-RS-" + explanation_no);
            btnPrintPreview.Text     = "Print";
            btnCancel.Visible        = false;
Example #8
        private void LoadTrips()
            DateTime start = DateTime.Parse(txtStart.Value.ToShortDateString());
            DateTime end   = DateTime.Parse(txtEnd.Value.ToShortDateString());


            var trip_dt = DataSupport.RunDataSet("SELECT * FROM Trips WHERE expected_start >= '" + start + "' AND expected_end >='" + start + "'").Tables[0];

            for (int i = 1; i < header_grid.Columns.Count; i++)
                var col = header_grid.Columns[i];

                foreach (DataGridViewRow row in header_grid.Rows)
                    var vehicle = row.Cells[0].Value.ToString();
                    var date    = DateTime.Parse(col.Name);

                    foreach (DataRow trip_row in trip_dt.Rows)
                        if (vehicle == trip_row["vehicle"].ToString() && date >= DateTime.Parse(trip_row["expected_start"].ToString()) && date <= DateTime.Parse(trip_row["expected_end"].ToString()))
                            row.Cells[col.Name].Value = trip_row["trip_id"];
Example #9
    public static string GetTripWMSSyncSQL(String trip_id)
        StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();

        result.AppendLine($"DELETE FROM ReleaseTripDetails WHERE trip = '{ trip_id }';");
        result.AppendLine($"DELETE FROM ReleaseTrips WHERE trip_id = '{ trip_id }';");

        DataSet set      = DataSupport.RunDataSet($"SELECT * FROM Trips WHERE trip_id = '{trip_id}'; SELECT * FROM TripOrders WHERE trip = '{trip_id}';");
        DataRow trip_row = set.Tables[0].Rows[0];

        Dictionary <String, Object> header = new Dictionary <string, object>();

        header.Add("trip_id", trip_id);
        header.Add("authorized_receiver", trip_row["in_charge"].ToString());
        header.Add("tms_name", DataSupport.GetTMSCode());

        result.Append(DataSupport.GetInsert("ReleaseTrips", header));

        foreach (DataRow row in set.Tables[1].Rows)
            Dictionary <String, Object> detail = new Dictionary <string, object>();
            detail.Add("trip", trip_id);
            detail.Add("order_id", row["order_id"].ToString());
            detail.Add("drop_sequence", row["drop_sequence"].ToString());
            result.Append(DataSupport.GetInsert("ReleaseTripDetails", detail));

Example #10
        private void dataGridView1_CellDoubleClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e)
            var    dialog = new MasterFile.addcustomer();
            string code   = dataGridView1.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[colCustCode.Name].Value.ToString();
            var    dt     = DataSupport.RunDataSet("Select * from base_customer where custCode = '" + code + "'").Tables[0];

            foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
                dialog.txtcustCode.Text = row["custCode"].ToString();
                dialog.txtcustName.Text = row["customer"].ToString();
                dialog.txtaddress.Text  = row["address"].ToString();
                dialog.txtbusiness.Text = row["businessStyle"].ToString();
                dialog.txtcontact.Text  = row["contactNo"].ToString();
                dialog.txtpostCode.Text = row["postalCode"].ToString();
                dialog.txttin.Text      = row["tinNo"].ToString();
                dialog.txtterms.Text    = row["terms"].ToString();
                dialog.txtdisc1.Text    = row["discount1"].ToString();
                dialog.txtdisc2.Text    = row["discount2"].ToString();
                dialog.txtdisc3.Text    = row["discount3"].ToString();
                dialog.txtdisc4.Text    = row["discount4"].ToString();
                dialog.txtdisc5.Text    = row["discount5"].ToString();
                dialog.txtzone.Text     = row["zone"].ToString();
            dialog.txtcustCode.ReadOnly = true;
            addcustomer.mode            = "update";
Example #11
        private void LoadRoutes()
            DateTime start = DateTime.Parse(txtStart.Value.ToShortDateString());
            DateTime end   = DateTime.Parse(txtEnd.Value.ToShortDateString());


            var route_dt = DataSupport.RunDataSet("SELECT * FROM RouteSchedules WHERE date >= '" + start + "' AND date <='" + end + "' ").Tables[0];

            for (int i = 1; i < header_grid.Columns.Count; i++)
                var col = header_grid.Columns[i];

                foreach (DataGridViewRow row in header_grid.Rows)
                    var vehicle = row.Cells[0].Value.ToString();
                    var date    = DateTime.Parse(col.Name);

                    foreach (DataRow route_row in route_dt.Rows)
                        if (vehicle == route_row["vehicle"].ToString() && date == DateTime.Parse(route_row["date"].ToString()))
                            row.Cells[col.Name].Value = route_row["route"].ToString();
Example #12
        private void product_CellDoubleClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e)
            String code = product.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[colProductCode.Name].Value.ToString();

            txtCode.Text        = null;
            txtDescription.Text = null;
            txtCategory.Text    = null;
            if (GetProduct(code))
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Codes.ToString()) || Codes.Equals(""))
                    var dRow = DataSupport.RunDataSet("Select * from products where product_id ='" + code + "'").Tables[0];
                    foreach (DataRow row in dRow.Rows)
                        txtCode.Text        = row["product_id"].ToString();
                        txtDescription.Text = row["description"].ToString();
                        txtCategory.Text    = row["category"].ToString();
                    tabControl1.SelectedTab = tabPage2;
                    tabControl1.SelectedTab = tabPage2;
                label9.Visible    = false;
                txtSearch.Visible = false;
Example #13
 private bool GetProduct(String Pcode)
         var dt = DataSupport.RunDataSet("select * from itemPrice i join products p on i.productID = p.product_id join uom U on i.uom = u.uom join priceType t on i.priceTypeId = t.priceTypeId where i.productID = '" + Pcode + "'").Tables[0];
         if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
             foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
                 txtCode.Text             = row["product_id"].ToString();
                 txtDescription.Text      = row["description"].ToString();
                 txtCategory.Text         = row["category"].ToString();
                 dataGridView1.DataSource = DataSupport.RunDataSet("select qty,unitPrice,i.uom,i.priceTypeId from itemPrice i join uom U on i.uom = u.uom join priceType t on i.priceTypeId = t.priceTypeId where productId = '" + Pcode + "'").Tables[0];
             Codes = "";
             dataGridView1.DataSource = DataSupport.RunDataSet("select qty,unitPrice,i.uom,i.priceTypeId from itemPrice i join uom U on i.uom = u.uom join priceType t on i.priceTypeId = t.priceTypeId where productId = '" + Pcode + "'").Tables[0];
     { }
Example #14
    public static void UpdateOrderStatus(String release_id)
        var dt = DataSupport.RunDataSet("SELECT ORDER_ID[Order], drop_sequence[Drop], Status FROM ReleaseDetails WHERE release = @release_id ORDER BY drop_sequence", "release_id", release_id).Tables[0];

        foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
            String order_id = row["Order"].ToString();
            var    index    = dt.Rows.IndexOf(row);
            if (row["Status"].ToString() == "RELEASING")
                var remaining = int.Parse(DataSupport.RunDataSet("SELECT SUM(order_qty-scanned_qty)[remaining] FROM ReleaseDetailItems WHERE release = @release AND order_id = @order_id", "release", release_id, "order_id", order_id).Tables[0].Rows[0][0].ToString());
                if (remaining <= 0)
                    DataSupport.RunNonQuery("UPDATE ReleaseDetails SET Status='RELEASED' WHERE release = @release_id AND order_id = @order_id", "release_id", release_id, "order_id", order_id);
                    if (index == dt.Rows.Count - 1)
                        DataSupport.RunNonQuery("UPDATE Releases SET Status='RELEASED' WHERE release_id = @release_id", "release_id", release_id);
                        var next_row = dt.Rows[index + 1];
                        DataSupport.RunNonQuery("UPDATE ReleaseDetails SET Status='RELEASING' WHERE release = @release_id AND order_id = @order_id", "release_id", release_id, "order_id", next_row["Order"].ToString());

Example #15
        private void Returns_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
                var dt = DataSupport.RunDataSet("SELECT  custCode FROM TransportCustomers ").Tables[0];
                txtCustCode.DataSource    = dt;
                txtCustCode.DisplayMember = "custCode";
                txtCustCode.ValueMember   = "custCode";
                var dt = DataSupport.RunDataSet("SELECT product_id FROM Products").Tables[0];
                colCode.DataSource    = dt;
                colCode.DisplayMember = "product_id";
                colCode.ValueMember   = "product_id";
                cbxSalesman.DataSource    = DataSupport.RunDataSet("Select * from employees").Tables[0];
                cbxSalesman.ValueMember   = "employee_id";
                cbxSalesman.DisplayMember = "name";
                cbxwarehouse.DataSource    = DataSupport.RunDataSet("Select * from [TransportProviders]").Tables[0];
                cbxwarehouse.ValueMember   = "transport_id";
                cbxwarehouse.DisplayMember = "description";

Example #16
    public static DataRow GetProductFromBarcode(String barcode)
        // Search Default UOMs
        //    DataTable productsDT = DataSupport.RunDataSet("SELECT product_id[PRODUCT], ''[MATCHED_UOM], * FROM Products WHERE pc_barcode = '" + barcode + "' OR case_barcode = '" + barcode + "'").Tables[0];
        //    if (productsDT.Rows.Count > 0)
        //    {
        //        var row = productsDT.Rows[0];
        //        if (row["pc_barcode"].ToString() == barcode)
        //            row["MATCHED_UOM"] = "PCS";
        //        if (row["case_barcode"].ToString() == barcode)
        //            row["MATCHED_UOM"] = "CASES";
        //        return row;
        //    }

        // Search Other UOMs
            DataTable productsDT = DataSupport.RunDataSet("SELECT product[PRODUCT], uom[MATCHED_UOM], * FROM ProductUOMs WHERE barcode = '" + barcode + "' ").Tables[0];
            if (productsDT.Rows.Count > 0)
                var row = productsDT.Rows[0];

Example #17
        public void LoadData()
            DataTable dt = DataSupport.RunDataSet(@"SELECT *
                                                        SELECT trans_source[Trans], trans_id[Id],line[Line], detected_on[Detected], product[Product], uom[Uom], lot_no[Lot No], expiry[Expiry], location[Location] 
                                                        ,variance_type[Type], variance_qty [Qty]
                                                        ,variance_qty - ISNULL((SELECT SUM(qty_resolved) FROM Resolutions B WHERE A.trans_id = B.trans_id AND A.trans_source = B.trans_source AND A.line = B.line ),0)[Unresolved Qty]
                                                        FROM ForResolutions A
                                                        WHERE status = 'FOR RESOLUTION'
                                                    ) T 
                                                    WHERE [Unresolved Qty] >0 OR [Detected] >='" + DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-2) + "' ").Tables[0];

            foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
                row["Expiry"] = DateTime.Parse(row["Expiry"].ToString()).ToShortDateString();
            header_grid.DataSource = dt;

            foreach (DataGridViewRow row in header_grid.Rows)
                if (row.Cells["Unresolved Qty"].Value.ToString() == "0")
                    row.DefaultCellStyle.BackColor = Color.LightYellow;
        private void LoadOrders()
            orders_dict = new Dictionary <string, DataTable>();

            foreach (DataGridViewRow row in products_grid.Rows)
                String product = row.Cells["product"].Value.ToString();
                orders_dict.Add(product, DataSupport.RunDataSet(
                        P.order_id[Order ID]
                        , R.total_invoice_amount[Total Invoice Amount]
                        , R.client[Client]
                        , R.customer[Customer]
                        , P.qty[Qty Ordered]
                        , 'ACTIVE'[Status]
                         FROM PicklistDetails P
                        INNER JOIN ReleaseOrders R ON R.order_id = P.order_id 

                        WHERE product = '" + product + @"'
                          AND uom = '" + row.Cells["uom"].Value.ToString() + @"'
                          AND lot_no = '" + row.Cells["lot_no"].Value.ToString() + @"'
                          AND expiry = '" + row.Cells["expiry"].Value.ToString() + "'"
Example #19
    public static int HowManyPiecesInUOM(String product, String uom, int qty)
        int result = 0;
        //String sql = @"SELECT *,
        //        case_barcode
        //       ,
        //        CASE
        //           WHEN @uom='PCS'
        //         THEN  1
        //           WHEN @uom='PIECES'
        //         THEN  1
        //           WHEN @uom = 'CASES'
        //            THEN pcs_per_case
        //           ELSE
        //            (SELECT qty FROM ProductUOMs PU WHERE PU.product = L.product_id AND PU.uom = @uom )
        //        END
        //         [IN_PIECES]
        //        FROM Products L
        //        WHERE product_id = @product";
        String sql = @"SELECT qty [IN_PIECES]
                FROM ProductUOMs 
                WHERE product = @product AND uom = @uom";

        DataTable dt = DataSupport.RunDataSet(sql, "product", product, "uom", uom).Tables[0];

        result = int.Parse(dt.Rows[0]["IN_PIECES"].ToString()) * qty;
Example #20
    public static DataTable GetPickedItems(String picklist, String order_id)
        DataTable dt = DataSupport.RunDataSet(@"SELECT *
	                            SELECT *
	                              (SELECT  TOP 1 order_id 
		                            FROM ForResolutions B
		                            WHERE B.trans_id = A.picklist
		                              AND B.product = A.product
		                              AND B.uom = A.uom
		                              AND B.lot_no = A.lot_no
		                              AND B.expiry = A.expiry
	                            FROM PicklistDetails A
	                            WHERE picklist='"     + picklist + @"' AND order_id = '" + order_id + @"'
                            ) T 
                            WHERE exist IS NULL



Example #21
    public static int HowManyPiecesInWarehouse(String product_id)
        int       result = 0;
        String    sql    = @"SELECT *
                        ,CASE WHEN uom='CASES'
			                        THEN (SELECT pcs_per_case FROM Products WHERE product = product_id) * qty
	                          WHEN uom='PIECES'
			                        THEN qty
	                          WHEN uom='PCS'
			                        THEN qty
			                        (SELECT qty FROM ProductUOMs PU WHERE PU.product = L.product AND PU.uom = L.uom ) * qty
                        FROM LocationProductsLedger L
                        WHERE product= @product
                        AND available_qty >0 AND expiry_status IS NULL AND expiry > GETDATE()";
        DataTable dt     = DataSupport.RunDataSet(sql, "product", product_id).Tables[0];

        foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
            result += int.Parse(row["IN_PIECES"].ToString());
Example #22
        private void DeliveryRegister()
            System.Data.DataTable result = new System.Data.DataTable();
            result.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("dr", typeof(String)));
            result.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("drDate", typeof(DateTime)));
            result.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("poNo", typeof(String)));
            result.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("custname", typeof(String)));
            result.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("terms", typeof(String)));
            result.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("type", typeof(String)));
            DataRow resultRow = result.NewRow();
            var     dt        = DataSupport.RunDataSet("Select * from Global_drTrans where typeOfStock ='" + typeS.Text + "' and drDate between '" + from.Text + "' and '" + to.Text + "'").Tables[0];

            foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
                resultRow             = result.NewRow();
                resultRow["dr"]       = row["drNo"].ToString();
                resultRow["drDate"]   = row["drDate"].ToString();
                resultRow["poNo"]     = row["poNo"].ToString();
                resultRow["custName"] = row["custName"].ToString();
                resultRow["terms"]    = row["terms"].ToString();
                resultRow["type"]     = row["typeOfStock"].ToString();
            ReportDocument ReportDocs = new ReportDocument();

            ReportDocs = new Reports.Register.DrRegister();
            crystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = ReportDocs;
Example #23
    public static DataTable WhereAreProductsInWarehouse(String product, String uom)
        //DataTable result = new DataTable();
        //result.Columns.Add("location", typeof(String));
        //result.Columns.Add("lot_no", typeof(String));
        //result.Columns.Add("expiry", typeof(String));
        //result.Columns.Add("available_qty", typeof(int));

        //foreach(DataRow dRow in DataSupport.RunDataSet(String.Format(@"SELECT LPL.location, LPL.lot_no, LPL.expiry, (LPL.[available_qty]*PU.qty)available_qty
        //                FROM [LocationProductsLedger] LPL INNER JOIN [productuoms] PU ON PU.product = LPL.product AND  PU.uom = LPL.uom
        //                WHERE LPL.product = '{0}' AND available_qty > 0", product)).Tables[0].Rows)
        //    //DataRow tblRow = result.NewRow();
        //    result.Rows.Add(dRow);

        return(DataSupport.RunDataSet(String.Format(@"SELECT LPL.location, LPL.lot_no, LPL.expiry, (LPL.[available_qty]*PU.qty)available_qty
                        FROM [LocationProductsLedger] LPL INNER JOIN [productuoms] PU ON PU.product = LPL.product AND  PU.uom = LPL.uom
                        WHERE LPL.product = '{0}' AND available_qty > 0", product)).Tables[0]);

        //return DataSupport.RunDataSet(@"SELECT location, lot_no, expiry, available_qty
        //                FROM LocationProductsLedger
        //                WHERE  product = @product AND uom = @uom
        //                AND available_qty >0
        //                ORDER BY expiry DESC
        //                ", "product", product, "uom", uom).Tables[0];
Example #24
        private void SalesRegister()
            System.Data.DataTable result = new System.Data.DataTable();
            result.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("SI", typeof(String)));
            result.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("SIdate", typeof(DateTime)));
            result.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("PO", typeof(String)));
            result.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("custName", typeof(String)));
            result.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Terms", typeof(String)));
            result.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("totalAmount", typeof(Decimal)));
            result.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("type", typeof(String)));
            DataRow resultRow = result.NewRow();
            var     dt        = DataSupport.RunDataSet("Select * from Global_ProductTrans where typeOfStock ='" + typeS.Text + "' and siDate between '" + from.Text + "' and '" + to.Text + "'").Tables[0];

            foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
                resultRow                = result.NewRow();
                resultRow["SI"]          = row["siNo"].ToString();
                resultRow["SIdate"]      = row["sidate"].ToString();
                resultRow["PO"]          = row["poNo"].ToString();
                resultRow["custName"]    = row["custName"].ToString();
                resultRow["Terms"]       = row["terms"].ToString();
                resultRow["totalAmount"] = row["totalAmount"].ToString();
                resultRow["type"]        = row["typeOfStock"].ToString();
            ReportDocument ReportDocs = new ReportDocument();

            ReportDocs = new Reports.Register.SalesRegister();
            crystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = ReportDocs;
Example #25
 private void dataGridView1_CellValueChanged(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e)
         String code = dataGridView1.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[colCode.Name].Value.ToString();
         var    dt   = DataSupport.RunDataSet("select * from base_product where product_code = '" + code + "'").Tables[0];
         if (e.ColumnIndex == dataGridView1.Columns[colCode.Name].Index)
             foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
                 dataGridView1.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[colDescription.Name].Value = row["description"].ToString();
         if (e.ColumnIndex == dataGridView1.Columns[colUnit.Name].Index)
             dataGridView1.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[colDisc.Name].Value = 0;
             String unit = dataGridView1.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[colUnit.Name].Value.ToString();
             var    dts  = DataSupport.RunDataSet("select * from base_price where product_code ='" + code + "' and  uom ='" + unit + "' and priceType ='" + cbxPriceType.Text + "'").Tables[0];
             foreach (DataRow rows in dts.Rows)
                 dataGridView1.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[colPrice.Name].Value = rows["price"].ToString();
     { }
Example #26
        private void LoadData()
            txtProduct.Text  = product_row.Cells["Product"].Value.ToString();
            txtUom.Text      = product_row.Cells["Uom"].Value.ToString();
            txtLotNo.Text    = product_row.Cells["Lot No"].Value.ToString();
            txtExpiry.Text   = DateTime.Parse(product_row.Cells["Expiry"].Value.ToString()).ToShortDateString();
            txtLocation.Text = product_row.Cells["Location"].Value.ToString();

            txtSource.Text        = product_row.Cells["Id"].Value.ToString();
            txtDetected.Text      = DateTime.Parse(product_row.Cells["Detected"].Value.ToString()).ToShortDateString();
            txtVarianceType.Text  = product_row.Cells["Type"].Value.ToString();
            txtUnresolvedQty.Text = product_row.Cells["Unresolved Qty"].Value.ToString();

            String trans_source = product_row.Cells["Trans"].Value.ToString();
            String trans_id     = product_row.Cells["Id"].Value.ToString();
            String line         = product_row.Cells["Line"].Value.ToString();

            DataTable dt = DataSupport.RunDataSet(@"SELECT qty_resolved [Qty Resolved],resolved_on[Resolved On], resolved_by[Resolved By], charge_to[Charge To], Explanation 
                                                    FROM Resolutions
                                                    WHERE trans_source = '" + trans_source + @"'
                                                      AND trans_id = '" + trans_id + @"'
                                                      AND line = '" + line + @"'").Tables[0];

            header_grid.DataSource = dt;
Example #27
        private void product()
            var dt = DataSupport.RunDataSet("SELECT product_code FROM base_product").Tables[0];

            colCode.DataSource    = dt;
            colCode.DisplayMember = "product_code";
            colCode.ValueMember   = "product_code";
Example #28
 private void priceType()
         cbxpriceType.DataSource    = DataSupport.RunDataSet("SELECT * FROM Pricetype").Tables[0];
         cbxpriceType.DisplayMember = "priceType";
         cbxpriceType.ValueMember   = "priceTypeID";
Example #29
        private void btnExecute_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int       cycle_days      = int.Parse(txtCycleDays.Text);
            DataSet   set             = DataSupport.RunDataSet(@"SELECT * FROM locations; SELECT DISTINCT location, finished_on, cycle 
FROM PhysicalCounts INNER JOIN PhysicalCountDetails ON phcount = phcount_id
            DataTable locationsDT     = set.Tables[0];
            DataTable physicalCountDT = set.Tables[1];

            header_grid.Columns.Add("Location", "Location");
            header_grid.Columns.Add("Checked", "Checked Within " + cycle_days + " Day(s)? ");

            DateTime now   = DateTime.Parse(DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString());
            DateTime start = now.AddDays(-1 * cycle_days);
            DateTime end   = now.AddDays(cycle_days);

            for (DateTime i = start; i <= end; i = i.AddDays(1))
                var col = header_grid.Columns[header_grid.Columns.Add(i.ToShortDateString(), i.ToShortDateString())];
                if (i == now)
                    col.DefaultCellStyle.BackColor = Color.Orange;

            header_grid.Columns["Location"].Frozen = true;
            header_grid.Columns["Checked"].Frozen  = true;

            foreach (DataRow row in locationsDT.Rows)
                String  location_id  = row["location_id"].ToString();
                var     new_row      = header_grid.Rows[header_grid.Rows.Add(location_id)];
                Boolean within_cycle = false;

                for (int i = 2; i < header_grid.Columns.Count; i++)
                    String datetime = DateTime.Parse(header_grid.Columns[i].HeaderText).ToShortDateString();
                    foreach (DataRow pc_row in physicalCountDT.Rows)
                        if (pc_row["location"].ToString() == location_id && DateTime.Parse(pc_row["finished_on"].ToString()).ToShortDateString() == datetime)
                            new_row.Cells[i].Value = pc_row["cycle"].ToString();
                            within_cycle           = true;
                if (within_cycle)
                    new_row.Cells[1].Value             = "YES";
                    new_row.DefaultCellStyle.BackColor = Color.LightYellow;
                    new_row.Cells[1].Value = "NO";
Example #30
 public static DataTable WhereAreProductsInWarehouse(String product, String uom)
     return(DataSupport.RunDataSet(@"SELECT location, lot_no, expiry, available_qty
                     FROM LocationProductsLedger 
                     WHERE  product = @product AND uom = @uom
                     AND available_qty >0
                     ORDER BY expiry DESC
                     ", "product", product, "uom", uom).Tables[0]);