// Create Milling Elements from string Arr from Excel file
        public static DataStruct.RoadSection RoadSectionElementsBuilder(string[,] excelDataVariable)
            DataStruct.RoadSection roadSection = new DataStruct.RoadSection();

            // find dimensions of input arr
            int row = excelDataVariable.GetLength(0);
            int col = excelDataVariable.GetLength(1) - 1;

            for (int rows = 0; rows < row; rows++)
                string[] singleRow = new string[col + 1]; //temp variable to hold single row of input data; + 1 because of min milling depth acordint to Geomechanic rec
                int      columns   = 0;
                for (; columns < col; columns++)
                    singleRow[columns] = excelDataVariable[rows, columns]; // extract single row from input data to temp variable
                singleRow[columns] = excelDataVariable[rows, columns];
                DataStruct.Cross_section elementsFromSingleRow = ExtractMillingElementsFromSingleRow(singleRow);
        private static DataStruct.Cross_section ExtractMillingElementsFromSingleRow(string[] singleRow)
            List <DataStruct.MillingElement> singleRowMillingElements = new List <DataStruct.MillingElement>();

            int    rowLength = singleRow.GetLength(0) - 1; // - 1 to use old code and take min milling depth from geomechanic
            double station   = Convert.ToDouble(singleRow[0]);

            string profilName = singleRow[1];

            if (profilName == "10")

            int    iterationEnd             = (rowLength - 4) / 2 + 2 - 1;
            double crossSectionWidth        = Convert.ToDouble(singleRow[rowLength - 2]);
            double elementWidth             = crossSectionWidth / (iterationEnd - 2);     // distance between two points wiht elevation
            double projLayerThick           = Convert.ToDouble(singleRow[rowLength - 1]); // Thickness of project asphalt layers
            double allowableMinMillingDepth = 0;                                          // Min alloable milling depth according to geomechanic

            double.TryParse(singleRow[rowLength], out allowableMinMillingDepth);          //if thre is value take the value or just pass 0

            double leftEdgeProjectLevel = 0;
            double midProjectLevel      = 0;
            double rightProjectLevel    = 0;

            for (int i = 2; i < iterationEnd; i++)
                double existStartLevel;
                double projStartLevel;
                double existEndLevel;
                double projEndLevel;
                existStartLevel = Convert.ToDouble(singleRow[i]);
                projStartLevel  = Convert.ToDouble(singleRow[i + 5]);
                existEndLevel   = Convert.ToDouble(singleRow[i + 1]);
                projEndLevel    = Convert.ToDouble(singleRow[i + 6]);

                double elementStart = elementWidth * (i - 2) * (-1);

                List <DataStruct.MillingElement> tempListMillingElems = ConvertToMillingElemets(existStartLevel, projStartLevel,
                                                                                                existEndLevel, projEndLevel, elementWidth, projLayerThick, station,
                                                                                                profilName, elementStart, allowableMinMillingDepth);

                foreach (var item in tempListMillingElems)

                if (i == 2)
                    leftEdgeProjectLevel = projStartLevel;
                if (i == 4)
                    midProjectLevel = projStartLevel;
                if (i == 5)
                    rightProjectLevel = projEndLevel;

            // Element to return
            DataStruct.Cross_section tempCrossSection = new DataStruct.Cross_section(profilName, station, leftEdgeProjectLevel,
                                                                                     rightProjectLevel, midProjectLevel, crossSectionWidth, singleRowMillingElements);
            tempCrossSection.ProjLayerThick = projLayerThick;
