Example #1
        static void PrintSingleItem(int itemId, DataSourcesCollection sources, AttributeValues attributeValues)
            var loot = from s in sources
                       from l in s.Loot
                       where !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(l.ItemLink)
                       where (l.ItemLink.Contains("item:" + itemId.ToString() + ":") ||
                              l.ItemLink.Contains("currency:" + itemId.ToString() + "|")) ||
                       (itemId == 0 && l.IsCoin.HasValue && l.IsCoin.Value)
                       select l;
            var singleLoot = loot.FirstOrDefault();

            if (singleLoot == null)
                System.Console.WriteLine("No known item with item id '{0}'.", itemId);

            var item = ItemInfo.ParseItemString(singleLoot.ItemLink);

            System.Console.WriteLine("Loot Type: {0}, Id: {1}, Item Name: {2}", item.LinkType, item.Id, item.Name);
            //itemId = 6303;
            //itemId = 45191;
            //itemId = 82261;

            //int itemId = int.Parse(args[1]);
            var entropy = sources.EntropyOnItemId(item.Id);

            System.Console.WriteLine("Base entropy: {0}", entropy);

             * var informationGain = sources.InformationGainOnItemId(itemId, LootGainLib.Attribute.SourceName, null,
             *  attributeValues.ValuesMap[LootGainLib.Attribute.SourceName]);
             * System.Console.WriteLine("Information gain on source name: {0}", informationGain);
             * informationGain = sources.InformationGainOnItemId(itemId, LootGainLib.Attribute.ZoneName, null,
             *  attributeValues.ValuesMap[LootGainLib.Attribute.ZoneName]);
             * System.Console.WriteLine("Information gain on zone name: {0}", informationGain);
             * */

             * LootGainLib.Attribute bestAttribute;
             * object bestAttributeValue;
             * double bestInformationGain = sources.FindGreatestInformationGain(itemId, attributeValues,
             *  out bestAttribute, out bestAttributeValue);
             * System.Console.WriteLine("Completed finding greatest information gain.  Attribute {0} with value {1} at {2}.",
             *  bestAttribute.ToString(), bestAttributeValue, bestInformationGain);
             * */

            DecisionTreeNode rootNode = new DecisionTreeNode()
                Sources = sources,
                ItemId  = itemId,

            rootNode.CreateChildrenOnItemId(itemId, attributeValues);
Example #2
        static void PrintSingleSource(string sourceName, DataSourcesCollection sources)
            var singleSourceSources = from s in sources
                                      where s.SourceName == sourceName
                                      select s;
            var localSources = new DataSourcesCollection(singleSourceSources);

            var attributeValues = new AttributeValues();


            var allLoot = attributeValues.ValuesMap[LootGainLib.Attribute.Loot].Keys.ToList();

            System.Console.WriteLine("Loot for source '{0}' ({1} loot item(s); looted {2} time(s)).", sourceName, allLoot.Count, localSources.Count);
            foreach (int itemId in allLoot)
                PrintSingleItem(itemId, localSources, attributeValues);
Example #3
        public DataSourcesCollection Parse(string fileName)
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(fileName))
                throw new ArgumentNullException();

            if (!System.IO.File.Exists(fileName))
                throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("File '{0}' does not exist.", fileName));

            var        dataSources   = new DataSourcesCollection();
            DataSource currentSource = null;

            var simpleRegex  = new Regex(@"\s+""?([^""]*)""?, --");
            var reverseRegex = new Regex(@"\s+\[""?([^\]""]+)""?\] = ""?([^""]*)""?,");

            string line;
            var    state  = FileParserState.Begin;
            var    reader = new System.IO.StreamReader(fileName);

            while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null)
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(line))

                switch (state)
                case FileParserState.Begin:
                    if (line.StartsWith(@"LootGain_Data = {"))
                        //System.Console.WriteLine("Now in data.");
                        state = FileParserState.InData;

                case FileParserState.InData:
                    if (line.StartsWith(@"	[""sources""] = {"))
                        //System.Console.WriteLine("Now in sources.");
                        state = FileParserState.InSources;

                case FileParserState.InSources:
                    if (line.StartsWith(@"		{"))
                        //System.Console.WriteLine("Now in source.");
                        currentSource = new DataSource();
                        state         = FileParserState.InSource;

                case FileParserState.InSource:
                    if (line.StartsWith(@"		}"))
                        //System.Console.WriteLine("Done with source.");

                        state = FileParserState.InSources;

                    Match  match;
                    string text;

                    // Data version
                    match = simpleRegex.Match(line);
                    text  = match.Groups[1].Value;
                    currentSource.DataVersion = int.Parse(text);
                    if (currentSource.DataVersion != 6)
                        state = FileParserState.RunOutSource;
                        //System.Console.WriteLine("Found a source with an old data version.  Skipping.");

                    // Build
                    var nextLine = reader.ReadLine();
                    match = simpleRegex.Match(nextLine);
                    text  = match.Groups[1].Value;
                    currentSource.Build = text;

                    nextLine           = reader.ReadLine();
                    match              = simpleRegex.Match(nextLine);
                    text               = match.Groups[1].Value;
                    currentSource.Time = double.Parse(text);

                    nextLine = reader.ReadLine();
                    match    = simpleRegex.Match(nextLine);
                    text     = match.Groups[1].Value;
                    currentSource.PlayerName = text;

                    nextLine = reader.ReadLine();
                    match    = simpleRegex.Match(nextLine);
                    text     = match.Groups[1].Value;
                    currentSource.RealmName = text;

                    nextLine = reader.ReadLine();
                    match    = simpleRegex.Match(nextLine);
                    text     = match.Groups[1].Value;
                    currentSource.PlayerRace = text;

                    nextLine = reader.ReadLine();
                    match    = simpleRegex.Match(nextLine);
                    text     = match.Groups[1].Value;
                    currentSource.PlayerSex = int.Parse(text);

                    nextLine = reader.ReadLine();
                    match    = simpleRegex.Match(nextLine);
                    text     = match.Groups[1].Value;
                    currentSource.PlayerClass = text;

                    nextLine = reader.ReadLine();
                    match    = simpleRegex.Match(nextLine);
                    text     = match.Groups[1].Value;
                    currentSource.PlayerLevel = int.Parse(text);

                    nextLine = reader.ReadLine();
                    match    = simpleRegex.Match(nextLine);
                    text     = match.Groups[1].Value;
                    currentSource.InParty = string.Equals(text, "1");

                    nextLine             = reader.ReadLine();
                    match                = simpleRegex.Match(nextLine);
                    text                 = match.Groups[1].Value;
                    currentSource.inRaid = bool.Parse(text);

                    nextLine = reader.ReadLine();
                    match    = simpleRegex.Match(nextLine);
                    text     = match.Groups[1].Value;
                    currentSource.ZoneName = text;

                    nextLine = reader.ReadLine();
                    match    = simpleRegex.Match(nextLine);
                    text     = match.Groups[1].Value;
                    currentSource.SubZoneName = text;

                    nextLine = reader.ReadLine();
                    match    = simpleRegex.Match(nextLine);
                    text     = match.Groups[1].Value;
                    currentSource.PlayerSpecialization = int.Parse(text);

                    nextLine = reader.ReadLine();
                    match    = simpleRegex.Match(nextLine);
                    text     = match.Groups[1].Value;
                    currentSource.GuildName = text;

                    nextLine = reader.ReadLine();
                    match    = simpleRegex.Match(nextLine);
                    text     = match.Groups[1].Value;
                    currentSource.GuildLevel = int.Parse(text);

                    nextLine = reader.ReadLine();
                    while ((nextLine = reader.ReadLine()) != null)
                        if (nextLine.StartsWith(@"			}"))

                        match = simpleRegex.Match(nextLine);
                        text  = match.Groups[1].Value;
                        var quest = new Quest()
                            QuestId = int.Parse(text)

                    // skip currencies
                    nextLine = reader.ReadLine();
                    nextLine = reader.ReadLine();

                    // items
                    nextLine = reader.ReadLine();
                    while ((nextLine = reader.ReadLine()) != null)
                        if (nextLine.StartsWith(@"			}"))

                        var item = new Item();

                        nextLine      = reader.ReadLine();
                        match         = simpleRegex.Match(nextLine);
                        text          = match.Groups[1].Value;
                        item.ItemLink = text;

                        nextLine = reader.ReadLine();
                        match    = simpleRegex.Match(nextLine);
                        text     = match.Groups[1].Value;
                        if (!string.Equals(text, "nil"))
                            item.QuestId = int.Parse(text);

                        nextLine   = reader.ReadLine();
                        match      = simpleRegex.Match(nextLine);
                        text       = match.Groups[1].Value;
                        item.Count = int.Parse(text);

                        nextLine = reader.ReadLine();

                    // professions
                    nextLine = reader.ReadLine();
                    while ((nextLine = reader.ReadLine()) != null)
                        if (nextLine.StartsWith(@"			}"))

                        var profession = new Profession();

                        nextLine        = reader.ReadLine();
                        match           = simpleRegex.Match(nextLine);
                        text            = match.Groups[1].Value;
                        profession.Name = text;

                        nextLine = reader.ReadLine();
                        match    = simpleRegex.Match(nextLine);
                        text     = match.Groups[1].Value;
                        profession.SkillLevel = int.Parse(text);

                        nextLine = reader.ReadLine();
                        match    = simpleRegex.Match(nextLine);
                        text     = match.Groups[1].Value;
                        profession.MaxSkillLevel = int.Parse(text);

                        nextLine = reader.ReadLine();
                        match    = simpleRegex.Match(nextLine);
                        text     = match.Groups[1].Value;
                        profession.SkillModifier = int.Parse(text);

                        nextLine = reader.ReadLine();

                    // auras
                    nextLine = reader.ReadLine();
                    while ((nextLine = reader.ReadLine()) != null)
                        if (nextLine.StartsWith(@"			}"))

                        var aura = new Aura();

                        nextLine  = reader.ReadLine();
                        match     = simpleRegex.Match(nextLine);
                        text      = match.Groups[1].Value;
                        aura.Name = text;

                        nextLine  = reader.ReadLine();
                        match     = simpleRegex.Match(nextLine);
                        text      = match.Groups[1].Value;
                        aura.Rank = text;

                        nextLine   = reader.ReadLine();
                        match      = simpleRegex.Match(nextLine);
                        text       = match.Groups[1].Value;
                        aura.Count = int.Parse(text);

                        nextLine     = reader.ReadLine();
                        match        = simpleRegex.Match(nextLine);
                        text         = match.Groups[1].Value;
                        aura.SpellId = int.Parse(text);

                        nextLine = reader.ReadLine();

                        if (nextLine.Contains(@"[5]") && !nextLine.Contains(@"}"))
                            match       = simpleRegex.Match(nextLine);
                            text        = match.Groups[1].Value;
                            aura.Caster = text;

                            nextLine = reader.ReadLine();


                    nextLine           = reader.ReadLine();
                    match              = simpleRegex.Match(nextLine);
                    text               = match.Groups[1].Value;
                    currentSource.Guid = text;

                    nextLine = reader.ReadLine();
                    match    = simpleRegex.Match(nextLine);
                    text     = match.Groups[1].Value;
                    currentSource.SourceName = text;

                    nextLine = reader.ReadLine();
                    if (nextLine.Contains(@"[24]"))
                        match = simpleRegex.Match(nextLine);
                        text  = match.Groups[1].Value;
                        if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(text))
                            currentSource.SourceLevel = int.Parse(text);

                        nextLine = reader.ReadLine();

                    if (nextLine.Contains(@"[25]"))
                        match = simpleRegex.Match(nextLine);
                        text  = match.Groups[1].Value;
                        currentSource.SourceClass = text;

                        nextLine = reader.ReadLine();

                    if (nextLine.Contains(@"[26]"))
                        match = simpleRegex.Match(nextLine);
                        text  = match.Groups[1].Value;
                        if (!string.Equals(text, "nil") && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(text))
                            currentSource.SourceRace = int.Parse(text);

                        nextLine = reader.ReadLine();

                    if (nextLine.Contains(@"[27]"))
                        match = simpleRegex.Match(nextLine);
                        text  = match.Groups[1].Value;
                        if (!string.Equals(text, "nil") && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(text))
                            currentSource.SourceSex = int.Parse(text);

                        nextLine = reader.ReadLine();

                    if (nextLine.Contains(@"[28]"))
                        match = simpleRegex.Match(nextLine);
                        text  = match.Groups[1].Value;
                        currentSource.SourceClassification = text;

                        nextLine = reader.ReadLine();

                    if (nextLine.Contains(@"[29]"))
                        match = simpleRegex.Match(nextLine);
                        text  = match.Groups[1].Value;
                        currentSource.SourceCreatureFamily = text;

                        nextLine = reader.ReadLine();

                    while (true)
                        if (nextLine.StartsWith(@"		}"))
                            line = nextLine;

                        if (nextLine.Contains(@"[30]"))
                            match = simpleRegex.Match(nextLine);
                            text  = match.Groups[1].Value;
                            currentSource.SourceCreatureType = text;

                            nextLine = reader.ReadLine();
                        else if (nextLine.Contains(@"[32]"))
                            match = reverseRegex.Match(nextLine);
                            text  = match.Groups[2].Value;
                            currentSource.LootType = text;

                            nextLine = reader.ReadLine();
                        // loot
                        else if (nextLine.Contains(@"[33]"))
                            while ((nextLine = reader.ReadLine()) != null)
                                if (nextLine.StartsWith(@"			}"))
                                    nextLine = reader.ReadLine();

                                var loot = new Loot();

                                while ((nextLine = reader.ReadLine()) != null)
                                    if (nextLine.StartsWith(@"				}"))

                                    match = reverseRegex.Match(nextLine);
                                    string category = match.Groups[1].Value;
                                    text = match.Groups[2].Value;

                                    if (string.Equals(category, "itemLink"))
                                        loot.ItemLink = text;
                                    else if (string.Equals(category, "quantity"))
                                        loot.Quantity = int.Parse(text);
                                    else if (string.Equals(category, "isCoin"))
                                        loot.IsCoin = bool.Parse(text);
                                    else if (string.Equals(category, "looted"))

                                if (loot.IsCoin.HasValue && loot.IsCoin.Value)
                                    loot.ItemLink = "Coin";

                                // looted
                                //nextLine = reader.ReadLine();

                                //nextLine = reader.ReadLine();

                    //System.Console.WriteLine("Done with source.");
                    state = FileParserState.InSources;


                case FileParserState.RunOutSource:
                    if (line.StartsWith(@"		}"))
                        //System.Console.WriteLine("Done with source.");
                        state = FileParserState.InSources;
