private void ListBox_Drop(object sender, DragEventArgs e)
            DataSourceVariable d = e.Data.GetData(typeof(DataSourceVariable)) as DataSourceVariable;
            IList list           = this.ItemsSource as IList;

            if (d != null)
Example #2
        public virtual void TextBox_Drop(object sender, DragEventArgs e)
            string[]           formats    = e.Data.GetFormats();
            object             sourcedata = e.Data.GetData(formats[0]) as object;
            DataSourceVariable var        = sourcedata as DataSourceVariable;
            int curcursorpos = this.SelectionStart;                                //23Feb2017 saving it beacuse it is getting lost after running insert()

            this.Text           = this.Text.Insert(this.SelectionStart, var.Name); //23Feb2017 this.AppendText(var.Name);
            this.SelectionStart = curcursorpos + var.Name.Length;                  //23Feb2017 move the cursor to the end of the text that was just inserted.
        private void TextBox_DragOver(object sender, DragEventArgs e)
            string[]           formats    = e.Data.GetFormats();
            DataSourceVariable sourcedata = e.Data.GetData(formats[0]) as DataSourceVariable;

            if (sourcedata != null)
                e.Effects = DragDropEffects.Copy;
            e.Handled = true;
        private void ListBox_PreviewMouseLeftButtonDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
            DataSourceVariable data = GetDataFromListBox(this, e.GetPosition(this)) as DataSourceVariable;

            if (data != null)
                DragDropEffects effs = DragDrop.DoDragDrop(this, data, DragDropEffects.Move);
                if (effs == DragDropEffects.Move)
                    IList lst = this.ItemsSource as IList;
Example #5
        private void TextBox_DragOver(object sender, DragEventArgs e)
            // if ((AutoVar == false) && (BSkyCanvas.sourceDrag == (ListBox)sender)) e.Effects = DragDropEffects.None;
            // //else
            //// e.Effects = null != e.Data.GetData(typeof(object)) ? DragDropEffects.Move : DragDropEffects.None;

            //Added by Aaron
            //THis ensures that the move icon is displayed when dragging and dropping within the same listbox
            //If we are not dragging and dropping within the same listbox, the copy icon is displayed

            //if ((AutoVar == true) && (BSkyCanvas.sourceDrag == (ListBox)sender)) e.Effects = DragDropEffects.Move;
            //Added 10/19/2013
            //Added the code below to support listboxes that only allow a pre-specified number of items or less
            //System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult diagResult;
            //double result = -1;

            string[]           formats    = e.Data.GetFormats();
            DataSourceVariable sourcedata = e.Data.GetData(formats[0]) as DataSourceVariable;

            //Added 04/03/2014
            //If I highlight and drag something in a textbox to the textbox itself the application will hand
            //Allow drop isenabled on a textbox so there is nothing that prevents me from draging text in one textbox to another
            if (sourcedata == null)
                e.Effects = DragDropEffects.None;
                e.Handled = true;
            //BSky.Controls.filter f=new filter();
            //Added by Aaron 09/02/2013

            //Added code below to check filters when dragging and dropping

            e.Effects = DragDropEffects.Copy;

            // else e.Effects = DragDropEffects.Copy;
            // //else e.Effects = DragDropEffects.Move;
            // e.Effects = DragDropEffects.Copy;
            e.Handled = true;
        public virtual void TextBox_Drop(object sender, DragEventArgs e)
            // int selindex = 0;
            string[]           formats    = e.Data.GetFormats();
            DataSourceVariable sourcedata = e.Data.GetData(formats[0]) as DataSourceVariable;

            //txtCommand.Text = txtCommand.Text.Insert(txtCommand.SelectionStart, "{" + o.Name + "}");
            //this.Text = this.Text.Insert(this.SelectionStart, sourcedata.Name);
            //selindex = this.SelectionStart;
            //selindex = this.Text.Length;
            //this.Text = this.Text.Insert(selindex, sourcedata.Name);
            // this.SelectionStart = this.Text.Length;
            //  txt.
        //Added by Aaron 10/02/2015
        //The function checkIfAggregateOptionExists checks all the items within the target listbox looking to see if the user
        //has already selected the aggregate option
        public bool checkIfAggregateOptionExists(DragDropListForSummarize target, DataSourceVariable sourceitem, string functionName)
            string             aggregateFunction = "";
            int                count             = 0;
            int                i  = 0;
            DataSourceVariable ds = null;

            //bool retval = false;
            aggregateFunction = functionName + "(" + sourceitem.Name + ")";
            // target.ite
            count = target.ItemsCount;
            foreach (object obj in target.Items)
                ds = obj as DataSourceVariable;
                if (ds.XName == aggregateFunction)
                //else return false;
        public UAReturn RefreshDataset_old(ServerDataSource dataSource)//25Mar2013 refresh on new row added by compute
            UAReturn result = new UAReturn() { Success = false };
            if (true)//dispatcher.GetErrorText().Contains(BSky.Statistics.R.RService.RCommandReturn.Success))
                logService.WriteToLogLevel("GetColnames Start:", LogLevelEnum.Info);
                //Get matrix columns
                string subCommand = RCommandStrings.GetDataFrameColumnNames(dataSource);

                object colnames = dispatcher.EvaluateToObject(subCommand, false);
                string[] columnNames = null;//var columnNames = new string[] { "aaa", "bbb" };
                Type retType = colnames.GetType();
                if (retType.Name == "String[]")//for multicols
                    columnNames = (String[])colnames;
                else if (retType.Name == "String")//for single col
                    columnNames = new string[1];
                    columnNames[0] = (String)colnames;
                    return new UAReturn() { Success = false };

                logService.WriteToLogLevel("GetColnames End", LogLevelEnum.Info);

                logService.WriteToLogLevel("Get Max factor start", LogLevelEnum.Info);
                //maximum factors allowed
                object maxf = (getMaxFactors(dataSource));

                int mxf;//sym.AsInteger()[0];
                bool parseSuccess = int.TryParse(maxf.ToString(), out mxf);
                dataSource.MaxFactors = parseSuccess ? mxf : 40; //Hardcoded Default max factor count   //int.Parse(maxf.ToString());
                logService.WriteToLogLevel("Get Max factor end", LogLevelEnum.Info);

                int rowcount = GetRowCount(dataSource);//31Dec2014
                int columnindex = 1;
                foreach (object s in columnNames)
                    logService.WriteToLogLevel("Get Col Prop start : " + s.ToString(), LogLevelEnum.Info);
                    object resobj = GetColProp(dataSource, s.ToString()).SimpleTypeData;
                    object[] cprops = (object[])resobj;
                    logService.WriteToLogLevel("Get Col Prop end : " + s.ToString(), LogLevelEnum.Info);

                    logService.WriteToLogLevel("Set Col Prop start : " + s.ToString(), LogLevelEnum.Info);
                    DataSourceVariable var = new DataSourceVariable()
                        Name = s.ToString(),
                        Label = cprops[2].ToString(),
                        DataType = GetCovertedDataType(cprops[1].ToString()),
                        Measure = DataColumnMeasureEnum.Scale,
                        Width = 4,
                        Decimals = 0,
                        Columns = 8,
                        MissType = cprops[5].ToString(),
                        RowCount = rowcount //GetVectorLength(dataSource, s.ToString())
                        //factormapList = new List<FactorMap>()//17Apr2014
                    logService.WriteToLogLevel("Set Col Prop end : " + s.ToString(), LogLevelEnum.Info);

                    logService.WriteToLogLevel("Get-Set Col factors start : " + s.ToString(), LogLevelEnum.Info);
                    //uadatasets$lst$ added by Anil in following two
                    bool isfactors = (bool)dispatcher.EvaluateToObject(string.Format("is.factor({0}[,{1}])", dataSource.Name, columnindex), false);//is.factor(uadatasets$lst${0}[,{1}])
                    if (isfactors)
                    {    //(DataColumnMeasureEnum)Enum.Parse(typeof(DataColumnMeasureEnum), GetMeasure(dataSource, s.ToString()));
                        bool isOrdered = (bool)dispatcher.EvaluateToObject(string.Format("is.ordered({0}[,{1}])", dataSource.Name, columnindex), false);//is.ordered(uadatasets$lst${0}[,{1}])
                        if (isOrdered)
                            var.Measure = DataColumnMeasureEnum.Ordinal;
                            var.Measure = DataColumnMeasureEnum.Nominal; // default is set in above para which will be overwritten in this line if its factor type
                        //reading all levels/factors
                        object tempO = (object)GetFactorValues(dataSource, s.ToString()).SimpleTypeData;
                        if (tempO != null)
                            if (tempO.GetType().Name.Equals("String[]"))//tempO.GetType().IsArray)
                                string[] vals = tempO as string[];
                                var.Values.AddRange(vals);//adding all values to list
                            else if (tempO.GetType().Name.Equals("String"))
                                string vals = tempO as string;
                                var.Values.Add(vals);//adding all values to list
                                //some other unexpected type was returned in tempO.
                                //can print an error message here.
                                string[] charfactors = (tempO as SymbolicExpression).AsCharacter().ToArray();
                                var.Values.AddRange(charfactors);//adding all values to list
                    logService.WriteToLogLevel("Get-Set Col factors end : " + s.ToString(), LogLevelEnum.Info);

                    logService.WriteToLogLevel("Get-Set Col Missing start : " + s.ToString(), LogLevelEnum.Info);
                    if (!(var.MissType == "none"))
                        object tempObj = (object)GetMissingValues(dataSource, s.ToString()).SimpleTypeData;
                        if (tempObj != null)
                            double[] misval;
                            if (tempObj.GetType().Name.Equals("Double[]"))// (tempObj.GetType().IsArray)
                                misval = tempObj as double[];
                                foreach (double mv in misval)
                            else if (tempObj.GetType().Name.Equals("Double"))
                                double misvalue = (double)tempObj;
                                //some other unexpected type was returned in tempO.
                                //can print an error message here.

                                var.Missing.Add("");//adding blank
                        string misval = "none";
                    logService.WriteToLogLevel("Get-Set Col Missing end : " + s.ToString(), LogLevelEnum.Info);

                    logService.WriteToLogLevel("Get-Set others start : " + s.ToString(), LogLevelEnum.Info);
                    if (dataSource.Extension == "rdata")// if filetype is RDATA.
                        if (cprops[9].ToString() != "-2146826288")
                            var.Width = Int32.Parse(cprops[9].ToString());

                        if (cprops[10].ToString() != "-2146826288")
                            var.Decimals = Int32.Parse(cprops[10].ToString());

                        if (cprops[11].ToString() != "-2146826288")
                            var.Columns = UInt32.Parse(cprops[11].ToString());
                        ////////// Alignment  ////////////
                        if (cprops[6].ToString() == "-2146826288") cprops[6] = "Left";
                        DataColumnAlignmentEnum alignVal = (DataColumnAlignmentEnum)Enum.Parse(typeof(DataColumnAlignmentEnum), cprops[6].ToString());
                        if (Enum.IsDefined(typeof(DataColumnAlignmentEnum), alignVal))
                            var.Alignment = alignVal;
                            var.Alignment = DataColumnAlignmentEnum.Left;

                        var.Role = DataColumnRole.Input;// Role is not used, I guess, so 'if' is commented above
                    catch (ArgumentException)
                        //Console.WriteLine("Not a member of the enumeration.");
                        logService.WriteToLogLevel("Not a member of enum(Alignment) ", LogLevelEnum.Error);
                    logService.WriteToLogLevel("Get-Set others end : " + s.ToString(), LogLevelEnum.Info);

                    dataSource.RowCount = Math.Max(dataSource.RowCount, dataSource.Variables.Last().RowCount);

                result.Datasource = dataSource;
                result.Success = true;

            return result;
        private void removeVarGridVariable()

            IAnalyticsService analyticServ = LifetimeService.Instance.Container.Resolve<IAnalyticsService>();
            analyticServ.removeVargridColumn(delcolname, ds.Name);//removing R side
            //remove var in UI side datasets
            DataSourceVariable dsv = new DataSourceVariable();
            dsv = ds.Variables.ElementAt(delvarindex);
        void InspectBinding_Executed()
            CommonFunctions cf     = new CommonFunctions();
            InspectDialog   window = new InspectDialog();

            System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult result;

            //Added by Aaron 05/11/2014
            //Clearing up chainopen canvas as we are starting from a Blank Slate when ever we are inspecting a dialog
            //We alsodo it when we finish inspecting the dialog
            System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog dialog = new System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog();
            dialog.Filter = "Xaml Document (*.bsky)|*.bsky";
            result        = dialog.ShowDialog();
            object obj;
            string nameOfFile;

            if (result == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK)
                string xamlfile = string.Empty, outputfile = string.Empty;
                cf.SaveToLocation(@dialog.FileName, Path.GetTempPath(), out xamlfile, out outputfile);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(xamlfile))
                    FileStream stream = System.IO.File.Open(Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), Path.GetFileName(xamlfile)), FileMode.Open);

                    //FileStream stream = File.Open(Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), xamlfile,FileMode.Open);
                        //Added by Aaron 11/24/2013
                        //The line below is important as when the dialog editor is launched for some reason and I DONT know why
                        //BSKYCanvas is invoked from the controlfactor and hence dialogMode is true, we need to reset
                        BSkyCanvas.dialogMode = false;
                        obj = XamlReader.Load(stream);
                        //Added by Aaron 04/13/2014
                        //There are 3 conditions here, when I launch dialog editor
                        //1. The first thing I do is open an existing dialog. Chainopencanvas.count=0
                        //2. I have an existing dialog open and I click open again.  Chainopencanvas.count=2. The first dialog is empty as I clean the existing canvas and open a new one
                        //3. I hit new the first time I open dialogeditor and then I hit open. Again,Chainopencanvas.count=2. The first dialog is empty as I clean the existing canvas and open a new one

                        //The chainopencanvas at this point has 2 entries, one with an empty canvas as we have removed all the children
                        //the other with the dialog we just opened
                        //we remove the empty one
                        //if (BSkyCanvas.chainOpenCanvas.Count > 1)
                        //    BSkyCanvas.chainOpenCanvas.RemoveAt(0);
                        // 11/18/2012, code inserted by Aaron to display the predetermined variable list
                        BSkyCanvas canvasobj;
                        canvasobj = obj as BSkyCanvas;
                        BSkyCanvas.previewinspectMode = true;

                        //Added by Aaron 12/08/2013
                        //if (canvasobj.Command == true) c1ToolbarStrip1.IsEnabled = false;
                        //else c1ToolbarStrip1.IsEnabled = true;

                        //Added by Aaron 11/21/2013
                        //Added line below to enable checking of properties in behaviour.cs i.e. propertyname and control name in dialog
                        //editor mode to make sure that the property names are generated correctly
                        //  BSkyCanvas.dialogMode = true;

                        //Added 04/07/2013
                        //The properties like outputdefinition are not set for firstCanvas
                        //The line below sets it
                        // firstCanvas = canvasobj;
                        foreach (UIElement child in canvasobj.Children)
                            // Code below has to be written as we have saved BSKYvariable list with rendervars=False.
                            //BSKyvariablelist has already been created with the default constructore and we need to
                            //do some work to point the itemsource properties to the dummy variables we create
                            if (child.GetType().Name == "BSkyVariableList")
                                List <DataSourceVariable> preview = new List <DataSourceVariable>();
                                DataSourceVariable        var1    = new DataSourceVariable();
                                var1.Name      = "var1";
                                var1.DataType  = DataColumnTypeEnum.Numeric;
                                var1.Width     = 4;
                                var1.Decimals  = 0;
                                var1.Label     = "var1";
                                var1.Alignment = DataColumnAlignmentEnum.Left;
                                var1.Measure   = DataColumnMeasureEnum.Scale;
                                var1.ImgURL    = "../Resources/scale.png";
                                //  var1.ImgURL = "C:/Users/Aiden/Downloads/Client/libs/BSky.Controls/Resources/scale.png";

                                DataSourceVariable var2 = new DataSourceVariable();
                                var2.Name      = "var2";
                                var2.DataType  = DataColumnTypeEnum.Character;
                                var2.Width     = 4;
                                var2.Decimals  = 0;
                                var2.Label     = "var2";
                                var2.Alignment = DataColumnAlignmentEnum.Left;
                                var2.Measure   = DataColumnMeasureEnum.Nominal;;
                                var2.ImgURL    = "../Resources/nominal.png";

                                DataSourceVariable var3 = new DataSourceVariable();
                                var3.Name      = "var3";
                                var3.DataType  = DataColumnTypeEnum.Character;
                                var3.Width     = 4;
                                var3.Decimals  = 0;
                                var3.Label     = "var3";
                                var3.Alignment = DataColumnAlignmentEnum.Left;
                                var3.Measure   = DataColumnMeasureEnum.Ordinal;
                                var3.ImgURL    = "../Resources/ordinal.png";

                                BSkyVariableList temp;
                                temp = child as BSkyVariableList;
                                // 12/25/2012
                                //renderVars =TRUE meanswe will render var1, var2 and var3 as listed above. This means that we are in the Dialog designer
                                temp.renderVars  = false;
                                temp.ItemsSource = preview;
                            //Added by Aaron 04/06/2014
                            //Code below ensures that when the dialog is opened in dialog editor mode, the IsEnabled from
                            //the base class is set to true. This ensures that the control can never be disabled in dialog editor mode
                            //Once the dialog is saved, the Enabled property is saved to the base ISEnabled property to make sure that
                            //the proper state of the dialog is saved
                            //if (child is IBSkyEnabledControl)
                            //    IBSkyEnabledControl bskyCtrl = child as IBSkyEnabledControl;
                            //    bskyCtrl.Enabled = bskyCtrl.IsEnabled;
                            //    bskyCtrl.IsEnabled = true;
                        // subCanvasCount = GetCanvasObjectCount(obj as BSkyCanvas);
                        // BSkyControlFactory.SetCanvasCount(subCanvasCount);
                        // OpenCanvas(obj);
                        //Aaron 01/12/2013
                        //This stores the file name so that we don't have to display the file save dialog on file save and we can save to the file directly;
                        nameOfFile = @dialog.FileName;

                        //01/26/2013 Aaron
                        //Setting the title of the window
                        //Title = nameOfFile;
                        //Aaron: Commented this on 12/15
                        // myCanvas.OutputDefinition = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), outputfile);
                        //Aaron 01/26/2013
                        //Making sure saved is set to true as soon as you open the dialog.
                        // saved = true;
                        //Added code below to ensure that the RoutedUICommand gets fired correctly and the menu items under file and Dialog (top level menu items)
                        //are properly opened and closed
                        //   c1ToolbarStrip1.IsEnabled = true;
                        // CanClose = true;
                        // CanSave = true;
                        // window.Template = obj as FrameworkElement;
                        BSkyCanvas cs = obj as BSkyCanvas;
                        System.Windows.Forms.PropertyGrid CanvasPropertyGrid;
                        // window.CanvasPropHost = obj as BSkyCanvas;
                        CanvasPropertyGrid = window.CanvasPropHost.Child as System.Windows.Forms.PropertyGrid;
                        // window.CanvasHost.Child = obj as BSkyCanvas;

                        window.Template = cs;
                        CanvasPropertyGrid.SelectedObject = obj as BSkyCanvas;

                        window.Width = cs.Width + 20;
                        //   window.CanvasHost.Width = cs.Width;
                        //  window.CanvasHost.Height = cs.Height;
                        // window.Height = cs.Height + 200+80;
                        // Aaron
                        //Making the preview window a fixed size window
                        //  if (obj.GetType().Name == "BSkyCanvas") window.ResizeMode = ResizeMode.NoResize;
                        BSkyCanvas.previewinspectMode = false;
                        //Added by Aaron 05/11/2014
                        //Clearing up chainopen canvas as we are starting from a Blank Slate when ever we are inspecting a dialog
                        //We alsodo it when we finish inspecting the dialog
                    catch (Exception ex)

                // *******************************************************************************************************
                //Aaron 11/25/2012, the line below needs to be uncommented once the serialization issue is addressed with Anil
                // string xaml = GetXamlforpreview();
                //string xaml = GetXaml();

        public UAReturn RefreshDataset(ServerDataSource dataSource)//04Mar2015 refresh on new row added by compute
            UAReturn result = new UAReturn() { Success = false };
            if (true)//dispatcher.GetErrorText().Contains(BSky.Statistics.R.RService.RCommandReturn.Success))
                //Get matrix columns
                string subCommand = RCommandStrings.GetDataFrameColumnNames(dataSource);

                object colnames = dispatcher.EvaluateToObject(subCommand, false);
                //if colnames are null. Because we were unable to open the dataset because of any reason.
                if (colnames == null)
                    result.Success = false;
                    result.Error = "Error Opening Dataset.";
                    return result;

                //if colnames are duplicate then we dont load the dataset and show error message. Also we clean R
                if (isDuplicateColnames(colnames))
                    result.Success = false;
                    result.Error = "Dulicate Column Names in Dataset";
                    return result;
                if (colnames != null)
                    string[] columnNames = null;//var columnNames = new string[] { "aaa", "bbb" };
                    Type retType = colnames.GetType();
                    if (retType.Name == "String[]")//for multicols
                        columnNames = (String[])colnames;
                    else if (retType.Name == "String")//for single col
                        columnNames = new string[1];
                        columnNames[0] = (String)colnames;
                        return new UAReturn() { Success = false };

                    //maximum factors allowed
                    object maxf = (getMaxFactors(dataSource));
                    //sym = maxf as SymbolicExpression;

                    int mxf;//sym.AsInteger()[0];
                    bool parseSuccess = int.TryParse(maxf.ToString(), out mxf);
                    dataSource.MaxFactors = parseSuccess ? mxf : 40; //Hardcoded Default max factor count   //int.Parse(maxf.ToString());

                    int rowcount = GetRowCount(dataSource);//31Dec2014
                    int columnindex = 1;
                    SymbolicExpression symex = null;
                    foreach (object s in columnNames)
                        symex = dispatcher.EvaluateToSymExp(string.Format("UAgetColProperties(dataSetNameOrIndex='{0}', colNameOrIndex={1}, asClass=FALSE)", dataSource.Name, columnindex));
                        GenericVector gv = symex.AsList();

                        string colclass = dispatcher.RawEvaluateGetstring(string.Format("class({0}[[{1}]])", dataSource.Name, columnindex));//,true);
                        if (colclass == null)
                            colclass = "";

                        string lab = (gv[2] != null && gv[2].AsCharacter() != null && gv[2].AsCharacter()[0] != null) ? gv[2].AsCharacter()[0].ToString() : string.Empty;
                        DataColumnTypeEnum dtyp = (gv[1] != null && gv[1].AsCharacter() != null && gv[1].AsCharacter()[0] != null) ? GetCovertedDataType(gv[1].AsCharacter()[0].ToString()) : DataColumnTypeEnum.Character;
                        string mistyp = (gv[5] != null && gv[5].AsCharacter() != null && gv[5].AsCharacter()[0] != null) ? gv[5].AsCharacter()[0].ToString() : string.Empty;

                        DataSourceVariable var = new DataSourceVariable()
                            Name = s.ToString(),
                            Label = lab,
                            DataType = dtyp,
                            DataClass = colclass,
                            Measure = DataColumnMeasureEnum.Scale,
                            Width = 4,
                            Decimals = 0,
                            Columns = 8,
                            MissType = mistyp,
                            RowCount = rowcount //GetVectorLength(dataSource, s.ToString())


                        if (symex != null)

                            //if (gv.Length == 1)
                                ////Set Measure
                                switch (gv[7].AsCharacter()[0].ToString())
                                    case "factor":
                                        var.Measure = DataColumnMeasureEnum.Nominal;

                                    case "ordinal":
                                        var.Measure = DataColumnMeasureEnum.Ordinal;

                                        if(var.DataType == DataColumnTypeEnum.Character) //02Jun2015 treating "character" type as Nominal in UI. In R its not factor
                                            var.Measure = DataColumnMeasureEnum.Nominal;
                                        var.Measure = DataColumnMeasureEnum.Scale;

                                CharacterVector cv = gv[3].AsCharacter();
                                string[] vals = cv.ToArray();
                                if (vals != null && vals.Length > 0)
                                    if (vals.Length > 1)
                                        var.Values.AddRange(vals);//more than 1 strings
                                    else if (vals[0].Trim().Length > 0)
                                        var.Values.Add(vals[0]);//1 string

                                if (!(var.MissType == "none"))
                                    CharacterVector cvv = gv[3].AsCharacter();
                                    string[] misvals = cvv.ToArray();
                                    if (misvals != null && misvals.Length > 0)
                                        if (misvals.Length > 1)
                                            var.Missing.AddRange(misvals);//more than 1 strings
                                        else if (misvals[0].Trim().Length > 0)
                                            var.Missing.Add(misvals[0]);//1 string
                                    string misval = "none";


                        if (dataSource.Extension == "rdata")// if filetype is RDATA.
                            if (gv[9].AsCharacter() != null && gv[9].AsCharacter()[0].ToString() != "-2146826288")
                                var.Width = Int32.Parse(gv[9].AsCharacter()[0].ToString());

                            if (gv[10].AsCharacter() != null && gv[10].AsCharacter()[0].ToString() != "-2146826288")
                                var.Decimals = Int32.Parse(gv[10].AsCharacter()[0].ToString());

                            if (gv[11].AsCharacter() != null && gv[11].AsCharacter()[0].ToString() != "-2146826288")
                                var.Columns = UInt32.Parse(gv[11].AsCharacter()[0].ToString());

                            ////////// Alignment  ////////////
                            //logService.WriteToLogLevel("Get-Set Alignment start : " + s.ToString(), LogLevelEnum.Info);
                            string align = gv[6].AsCharacter()[0].ToString();
                            if (align == "-2146826288") align = "Left";
                            DataColumnAlignmentEnum alignVal = (DataColumnAlignmentEnum)Enum.Parse(typeof(DataColumnAlignmentEnum), align);
                            if (Enum.IsDefined(typeof(DataColumnAlignmentEnum), alignVal))
                                var.Alignment = alignVal;
                                var.Alignment = DataColumnAlignmentEnum.Left;

                            var.Role = DataColumnRole.Input;// Role is not used, I guess, so 'if' is commented above
                            //logService.WriteToLogLevel("Get-Set Alignment start : " + s.ToString(), LogLevelEnum.Info);
                        catch (ArgumentException)
                            logService.WriteToLogLevel("Not a member of enum(Alignment) ", LogLevelEnum.Error);

                        dataSource.RowCount = Math.Max(dataSource.RowCount, dataSource.Variables.Last().RowCount);

                    result.Datasource = dataSource;
                    result.Success = true;

                else // no need of this 'else' unless you want to put custom error message in result
            return result;
        // Aaron 09/02/2013
        //Modified the command to check for filters on drag and drop
        //the drag over command provides visible indication of whether you can drag and drop an item over the control
        //If e.Effects =DragDropEffects.Move you can move the item, if e.Effects = DragDropEffects.Copy you can copy
        //If e.Effects =DragDropEffects.None, you cannot do anything AND THE DRAG AND DROP TERMINATES. THE function ListBox_Drop is not called

        private void ListBox_DragOver(object sender, DragEventArgs e)
            // if ((AutoVar == false) && (BSkyCanvas.sourceDrag == (ListBox)sender)) e.Effects = DragDropEffects.None;
            // //else
            //// e.Effects = null != e.Data.GetData(typeof(object)) ? DragDropEffects.Move : DragDropEffects.None;

            //Added by Aaron
            //THis ensures that the move icon is displayed when dragging and dropping within the same listbox
            //If we are not dragging and dropping within the same listbox, the copy icon is displayed

            //if ((AutoVar == true) && (BSkyCanvas.sourceDrag == (ListBox)sender)) e.Effects = DragDropEffects.Move;
            //Added 10/19/2013
            //Added the code below to support listboxes that only allow a pre-specified number of items or less

            string[]           formats    = e.Data.GetFormats();
            DataSourceVariable sourcedata = e.Data.GetData(formats[0]) as DataSourceVariable;

            //Added 04/03/2014
            //If I highlight and drag something in a textbox and drag and drop to the variable list the application will hang
            //In code below I check whether sourcedata is of type datasource variable. If it is not, I drag allow the drop
            if (sourcedata == null)
                e.Effects = DragDropEffects.None;
                e.Handled = true;

            System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult diagResult;
            double result = -1;

            if (this.maxNoOfVariables != string.Empty && this.maxNoOfVariables != null)
                    result = Convert.ToDouble(this.maxNoOfVariables);
                    //Console.WriteLine("Converted '{0}' to {1}.", this.maxNoOfVariables, result);
                catch (FormatException)
                    diagResult = System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("An invalid value has been entered for the maximum number of variables in the destination variable list", "Error", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.OK, System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon.Question);
                catch (OverflowException)
                    diagResult = System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("An invalid value has been entered for the maximum number of variables in the destination variable list", "Error", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.OK, System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon.Question);
                if (this.ItemsCount == result)
                    e.Effects = DragDropEffects.None;
                    e.Handled = true;

            //BSky.Controls.filter f=new filter();
            //Added by Aaron 09/02/2013

            //Added code below to check filters when dragging and dropping
            bool filterResults = CheckForFilter(sourcedata);

            if (!filterResults)
                e.Effects = DragDropEffects.None;
                e.Handled = true;

            if ((BSkyCanvas.sourceDrag == (ListBox)sender))
                e.Effects = DragDropEffects.Move;
                e.Effects = DragDropEffects.Copy;
            // else e.Effects = DragDropEffects.Copy;
            // //else e.Effects = DragDropEffects.Move;
            // e.Effects = DragDropEffects.Copy;
            e.Handled = true;
        //public virtual bool CheckForFilter(object o)
        //    return true;

        //Aaron 09/12/2013
        //commented the lines above to change the virtual bool function to a non virtual function
        //commented the override in BSkySourceList

        public bool CheckForFilter(object o)
            //01/07/2013 Aaron

            //changed the if condition below from !base.Autovar to base.Autovar
            //Autovar = true means I am auromatrcally populating variables, also means its the source list
            //Aaron 03/31/2013 Autovar =true means that its the target and not the source

            //Aaron 09/03/2013
            //Commented the 2 lines below. This is becuase we are calling this functionwhen the source variable list is loaded
            //and also when you are dragging a source variable to a target or a source variable from target back to source
            //   if (base.AutoVar)
            //     return true;

            DataSourceVariable var = o as DataSourceVariable;
            double             result;
            bool dataresult    = false;
            bool measureresult = false;
            bool isdouble;

            switch (var.DataType)
            case  DataColumnTypeEnum.Character:
                if (Filter.Contains("String"))
                    dataresult = true;

            case DataColumnTypeEnum.Numeric:
            case DataColumnTypeEnum.Double:
            case DataColumnTypeEnum.Integer:
                //case DataColumnTypeEnum.Int:
                if (Filter.Contains("Numeric"))
                    dataresult = true;

            //08Feb2016 following Date and Logical code added
            case DataColumnTypeEnum.Date:
            case DataColumnTypeEnum.POSIXct:
            case DataColumnTypeEnum.POSIXlt:
                if (Filter.Contains("Date"))
                    dataresult = true;

            case DataColumnTypeEnum.Logical:
                if (Filter.Contains("Logical"))
                    dataresult = true;

            if (!dataresult)

            switch (var.Measure)
            case DataColumnMeasureEnum.Nominal:
                if (Filter.Contains("Nominal"))
                    if (nomlevels != "" && nomlevels != null)

                        isdouble = Double.TryParse(nomlevels, out result);

                        //Added by Aaron on 10/19/2013
                        //decremented the count by 1 to reflect the fact that var.values.count is one more than the
                        //expected number of levels to handle the .that we add in the grid so that users ca
                        if ((var.Values.Count - 1) == result)
                            measureresult = true;
                            measureresult = false;
                    measureresult = true;
                    measureresult = true;

            case DataColumnMeasureEnum.Ordinal:
                if (Filter.Contains("Ordinal"))
                    if (ordlevels != "" && nomlevels != null)

                        isdouble = Double.TryParse(ordlevels, out result);
                        if ((var.Values.Count - 1) == result)
                            measureresult = true;
                            measureresult = false;
                    measureresult = true;

            case DataColumnMeasureEnum.Scale:
                if (Filter.Contains("Scale"))
                    measureresult = true;

            case DataColumnMeasureEnum.String:     //05Feb2017
                if (Filter.Contains("String"))
                    measureresult = true;

            case DataColumnMeasureEnum.Date:     //08Feb2017
                if (Filter.Contains("Date"))
                    measureresult = true;

            case DataColumnMeasureEnum.Logical:     //08Feb2017
                if (Filter.Contains("Logical"))
                    measureresult = true;

        public virtual void ListBox_Drop(object sender, DragEventArgs e)
            string functionName;
            bool   doesAggOptionExist = false;

            string[] formats       = e.Data.GetFormats();
            int      firstpos      = 0;
            int      lastpos       = 0;
            bool     filterResults = false;

            //BSkyCanvas.destDrag = (ListBox)sender;
            //The code below disables drag and drop on the source list, added June 16th

            int destindex, i, j, sourceindex, noofitems;

            //object[] newlist =null;

            //Aaron Modified 11/04
            if (AutoVar == false && this == BSkyCanvas.sourceDrag)
                e.Effects = DragDropEffects.None;

            if (formats.Length > 0)
                object             sourcedata = e.Data.GetData(formats[0]) as object;
                ListCollectionView list       = this.ItemsSource as ListCollectionView;

                if (sourcedata != null)
                    //Soure and destination are different
                    if (this != BSkyCanvas.sourceDrag)
                        //Added by Aaron 07/22/2015
                        if (list.IndexOf(sourcedata) < 0)
                            //Added by Aaron 07/22/2015
                            //a dragdrop list class has a property summary control. This indicates that it is used
                            //in a summary control. If this is true, i have to prefix the variable name by the
                            //function name in the combo box
                            //if (this.summaryCtrl == true)
                            functionName = getFunctionFromComboBox();
                            DataSourceVariable ds = sourcedata as DataSourceVariable;
                            if (functionName != "asc")
                                ds.XName = functionName + "(" + ds.RName + ")";
                                ds.XName = ds.RName;
                            //ds.XName = functionName + "(" + ds.RName + ")";
                            //Added by Aaron 07/22/2015
                            //If I am moving the variable back from a drag drop that is associated with a summary control, I need to remove the sumarizing function
                            //if (BSkyCanvas.sourceDrag is DragDropListForSummarize)
                            //    DataSourceVariable ds1 = sourcedata as DataSourceVariable;

                            //    firstpos = ds1.Name.IndexOf(@"(");
                            //    lastpos = ds1.Name.IndexOf(@")");
                            //    ds1.XName = ds1.XName.Substring(firstpos+1, (lastpos - (firstpos+1)));

                            // list.AddNewItem(sourcedata);
                            // list.CommitNew();
                            //this.SelectedItem = d;
                            //e.Effects =  DragDropEffects.All;
                            //Check if the aggregate option is already present
                            functionName       = getFunctionFromComboBox();
                            doesAggOptionExist = checkIfAggregateOptionExists(this, sourcedata as DataSourceVariable, functionName);
                            DataSourceVariable ds = sourcedata as DataSourceVariable;
                            if (!doesAggOptionExist)
                                DataSourceVariable newds = new DataSourceVariable();
                                //31Jul2016 9:43AM :Anil: line will not work as we moved RNAME out of the Name property in DataSource:  newds.Name = ds.RName; //RName can support A.2 as col name
                                newds.RName     = ds.RName; //Anil: This fixes: 31Jul2016 9:43AM
                                newds.XName     = ds.XName;
                                newds.DataType  = ds.DataType;
                                newds.DataClass = ds.DataClass;
                                newds.Width     = ds.Width;
                                newds.Decimals  = ds.Decimals;
                                newds.Label     = ds.Label;
                                newds.Values    = ds.Values;
                                newds.Missing   = ds.Missing;
                                newds.MissType  = ds.MissType;
                                newds.Columns   = ds.Columns;
                                newds.Measure   = ds.Measure;
                                newds.ImgURL    = ds.ImgURL;
                                filterResults   = this.CheckForFilter(newds);
                                if (filterResults)
                                    if (functionName != "asc")
                                        newds.XName = functionName + "(" + newds.RName + ")";
                                        newds.XName = newds.RName;

                                    //newds.XName = functionName + "(" + ds.RName + ")";

                                // else
                                // {
                                //     invalidVars.Add(vInputList.SelectedItems[i]);
                                // }

                        //Aaron 09/11/2013 Commented 2 lines below
                        //   e.Effects =  DragDropEffects.None;
                        //02/24 Aaron
                        //This is to signify that since the source and destination are different, we have finished the copy.
                        //We will go back to the initiation of the drag and drop to see if the source needs to be removed or kept
                        // in the source listbox. This will be determined by the value of movevariables property
                        e.Effects         = DragDropEffects.Copy;
                        this.SelectedItem = sourcedata;

                    //The source and the destination are the same i.e. the target variable

                        object destdata = GetDataFromListBox(this, e.GetPosition(this)) as object;
                        if (destdata == sourcedata)
                        destindex = list.IndexOf(destdata);
                        noofitems = list.Count;
                        object[] newlist = new object[noofitems];
                        sourceindex = list.IndexOf(sourcedata);
                        if (destindex != sourceindex)
                            //This is the case of move to the end

                            if (destindex == -1)
                                for (i = 0; i < noofitems; i++)
                                    if (i == sourceindex)
                                        while (i <= (noofitems - 2))
                                            newlist[i] = list.GetItemAt(i + 1);
                                            i          = i + 1;
                                        newlist[i] = list.GetItemAt(sourceindex);
                                        i          = i + 1;

                                        newlist[i] = list.GetItemAt(i);
                            } //End of move to the end

                                if (destindex < sourceindex)
                                    for (i = 0; i < noofitems; i++)
                                        j = i;

                                        if (i == destindex)
                                            newlist[i] = list.GetItemAt(sourceindex);
                                            i          = i + 1;

                                            while (j < noofitems)
                                                if (j != sourceindex)
                                                    newlist[i] = list.GetItemAt(j);
                                                    i          = i + 1;
                                                j = j + 1;

                                            newlist[i] = list.GetItemAt(i);
                                } ////End when sourceindex > destindex

                                else if (sourceindex < destindex) //I have tested this
                                    for (i = 0; i < noofitems; i++)
                                        j = i;

                                        if (i == sourceindex)
                                            j = j + 1;

                                            while (i < noofitems)
                                                if (i == destindex)
                                                    newlist[i] = list.GetItemAt(sourceindex);
                                                    i          = i + 1;

                                                    newlist[i] = list.GetItemAt(j);
                                                    j          = j + 1;
                                                    i          = i + 1;

                                            newlist[i] = list.GetItemAt(i);

                                    //End of for loop
                                }  //end of destindex > sourceindex

                                //end of else if

                            //end of else

                            //End of the case move to end

                        //end of case destindex !=source index
                        if (list.IsAddingNew)

                        for (i = 0; i < noofitems; i++)

                        for (i = 0; i < noofitems; i++)
                        this.SelectedItem = sourcedata;
                        //02/24 Aaron
                        //This is to signify that since the source and destination is the same, we have performed a move
                        e.Effects = DragDropEffects.Move;

                    //end of source and destination and the same (target listbox

                //sourcedata |=null

            //formats.length >0
Example #15
        public override void BSkyBaseButtonCtrl_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            double maxnoofvars = 0;
            IEnumerable <IEnumerable <string> > permResult = null;
            int noSelectedItems = 0;
            int i = 0;

            System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult diagResult;
            List <string>      listOfPermutations = new List <string>();
            string             message            = "";
            DataSourceVariable o;

            //Aaron 09/07/2013
            //I had to use a list object as I could not create a variable size array object
            List <object> validVars   = new List <object>();
            List <string> invalidVars = new List <string>();

            //Added by Aaron 12/24/2013
            //You have the ability to move items to a textbox. When moving items to a textbox you don't have to check for filters
            //All we do is append the items selected separated by + into the textbox
            //We always copy the selected items to the textbox, items are never moved
            //We don't have to worry about tag

            //Destination is a BSkytargetlist
            noSelectedItems = vInputList.SelectedItems.Count;

            //Checking whether variables moved are allowed by the destination filter
            //validVars meet filter requirements
            //invalidVars don't meet filter requirements
            List <string> variableListForCombo = new List <string>();

            if (vTargetList != null)
                if (noSelectedItems == 0)
                    diagResult = System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("You need to select a variable from the source variable list before clicking the N Way interaction creator button", "Error", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.OK, System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon.Question);

                if (vTargetList.GetType().Name == "SingleItemList" && noSelectedItems > 1)
                    diagResult = System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("You cannot move more than 1 variable into a grouping variable list", "Error", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.OK, System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon.Question);

                //Added 10/19/2013
                //Added the code below to support listboxes that only allow a pre-specified number of items or less
                //I add the number of preexisting items to the number of selected items and if it is greater than limit, I show an error

                if (vTargetList.maxNoOfVariables != string.Empty && vTargetList.maxNoOfVariables != null)
                        maxnoofvars = Convert.ToDouble(vTargetList.maxNoOfVariables);
                        //Console.WriteLine("Converted '{0}' to {1}.", vTargetList.maxNoOfVariables, maxnoofvars);

                        // diagResult = System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("An invalid value has been entered for the maximum number of variables in the destination variable list" , "Message", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.OK, System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon.Question);
                    catch (FormatException)
                        diagResult = System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("An invalid value has been entered for the maximum number of variables in the target variable list", "Error", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.OK, System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon.Question);
                    catch (OverflowException)
                        diagResult = System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("An invalid value has been entered for the maximum number of variables in the target variable list", "Error", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.OK, System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon.Question);
                    if (maxnoofvars < (noSelectedItems + vTargetList.ItemsCount))
                        //e.Effects = DragDropEffects.None;
                        //e.Handled = true;
                        message    = "The target variable list cannot have more than " + vTargetList.maxNoOfVariables + " variable(s). Please reduce your selection or remove variables from the target list";
                        diagResult = System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(message, "Error", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.OK, System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon.Question);
                //System.Collections.IList <DataSourceVariable> variables = vTargetList.SelectedItems;

                object objspin = GetResource(ComboBoxForNWayInteraction);
                if (objspin == null || (!(objspin is BSkyNonEditableComboBox)))
                    MessageBox.Show("Unable to associate this N Way Interaction control with a non editable comboBox control on the same canvas, you must specify a non-editable combobox control");
                //If there are valid variables then move them
                BSkyNonEditableComboBox objCombo = objspin as BSkyNonEditableComboBox;

                string interaction      = objCombo.SelectedItem as string;
                int    interactionLevel = 0;
                //interactionLevel = Convert.ToInt32(interaction[0].ToString());
                switch (interaction)
                case "All 2 way":
                    interactionLevel = 2;

                case "All 3 way":
                    interactionLevel = 3;

                case "All 4 way":
                    interactionLevel = 4;

                case "All 5 way":
                    interactionLevel = 5;
                string[] permutationsAsString = null;

                if (noSelectedItems < interactionLevel)
                    string printString = string.Format("You need to select {0} or more variables for a {0} way interaction", interactionLevel);

                for (i = 0; i < noSelectedItems; i++)
                    DataSourceVariable var = vInputList.SelectedItems[i] as DataSourceVariable;

                permutationsAsString = variableListForCombo.ToArray();
                // permResult = GetPermutations(permutationsAsString, interactionLevel);
                permResult = Combinations(permutationsAsString, interactionLevel);
                string permutation = "";
                foreach (IEnumerable <string> itm in permResult)
                    List <string> set = itm.ToList <string>();
                    permutation = set.Aggregate((m, n) => m + ":" + n);

                int numberOfItems = listOfPermutations.Count;
                int y             = 0;

                DataSourceVariable inputVar = vInputList.SelectedItems[0] as DataSourceVariable;

                for (y = 0; y < numberOfItems; y++)
                    // newvar = inputVar.Name  + "^" + spin.text.Text;
                    //Preferred way

                    DataSourceVariable ds = new DataSourceVariable();
                    ds.XName     = listOfPermutations[y] as string;
                    ds.Name      = listOfPermutations[y] as string;
                    ds.RName     = listOfPermutations[y] as string;
                    ds.Measure   = inputVar.Measure;
                    ds.DataType  = inputVar.DataType;
                    ds.Width     = inputVar.Width;
                    ds.Decimals  = inputVar.Decimals;
                    ds.Label     = inputVar.Label;
                    ds.Alignment = inputVar.Alignment;

                    ds.ImgURL = inputVar.ImgURL;
                    validVars.Add(ds as object);

                // The code below unselects everything
                //The code below selects all the items that are moved
                //    vTargetList.SetSelectedItems(validVars);
                //Added by Aaron on 12/24/2012 to get the items moved scrolled into view
                //Added by Aaron on 12/24/2012. Value is 0 as you want to scroll to the top of the selected items
                //if (vInputList.MoveVariables)
                ////The compiler is not allowing me to use vInputList.Items.Remove() so I have to use ItemsSource
                //    ListCollectionView lcw = vInputList.ItemsSource as ListCollectionView;
                //    foreach (object obj in validVars) lcw.Remove(obj);
                // }
            //Added by Aaron 07/22/2015
            //This is a valid point

            //    vTargetList.AddItems(validVars);

            //    //The code below unselects everything
            //    vTargetList.UnselectAll();
            //    //The code below selects all the items that are moved
            //    vTargetList.SetSelectedItems(validVars);
            //    //Added by Aaron on 12/24/2012 to get the items moved scrolled into view
            //    //Added by Aaron on 12/24/2012. Value is 0 as you want to scroll to the top of the selected items
            //    vTargetList.ScrollIntoView(validVars[0]);
            //if (vInputList.MoveVariables)
            ////The compiler is not allowing me to use vInputList.Items.Remove() so I have to use ItemsSource
            //    ListCollectionView lcw = vInputList.ItemsSource as ListCollectionView;
            //    foreach (object obj in validVars) lcw.Remove(obj);
            if (vTargetList != null)

            //Added by Aaron 08/13/2014
            //This is for the case that I am moving a variable year to a target list that already contains year
            //validvars.count is 0 as I have already detercted its in the target variable. I now want to high light it in the targetvariable
            if (validVars.Count == 0)
                List <object> firstitem = new List <object>();

                if (vTargetList != null)
                    if (vTargetList.Items.Contains(vInputList.SelectedItems[0]))
            //If there are variables that don't meet filter criteria, inform the user
            if (invalidVars.Count > 0)
                string cantMove = string.Join(",", invalidVars.ToArray());
                System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult result = System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("The variable(s) \"" + cantMove + "\" cannot be moved, the destination variable list does not allow variables of that type", "Save Changes", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.OK, System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon.Question);
        public override void BSkyBaseButtonCtrl_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            double maxnoofvars     = 0;
            int    noSelectedItems = 0;
            int    i = 0;

            System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult diagResult;
            string             varList = "";
            string             message = "";
            DataSourceVariable o;

            //Aaron 09/07/2013
            //I had to use a list object as I could not create a variable size array object
            List <object> validVars   = new List <object>();
            List <object> invalidVars = new List <object>();

            //Added by Aaron 12/24/2013
            //You have the ability to move items to a textbox. When moving items to a textbox you don't have to check for filters
            //All we do is append the items selected separated by + into the textbox
            //We always copy the selected items to the textbox, items are never moved
            //We don't have to worry about tag

            //Destination is a BSkytargetlist
            noSelectedItems = vInputList.SelectedItems.Count;
            string newvar = "";

            //Checking whether variables moved are allowed by the destination filter
            //validVars meet filter requirements
            //invalidVars don't meet filter requirements

            if (vTargetList != null)
                if (noSelectedItems == 0)
                    diagResult = System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("You need to select a variable from the source variable list before clicking the move button", "Error", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.OK, System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon.Question);

                if (vTargetList.GetType().Name == "SingleItemList" && noSelectedItems > 1)
                    diagResult = System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("You cannot move more than 1 variable into a grouping variable list", "Error", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.OK, System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon.Question);

                if (noSelectedItems > 1)
                    diagResult = System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("You need to select 1 variable at a time to specify polynomial critera", "Error", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.OK, System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon.Question);

                //Added 10/19/2013
                //Added the code below to support listboxes that only allow a pre-specified number of items or less
                //I add the number of preexisting items to the number of selected items and if it is greater than limit, I show an error

                if (vTargetList.maxNoOfVariables != string.Empty && vTargetList.maxNoOfVariables != null)
                        maxnoofvars = Convert.ToDouble(vTargetList.maxNoOfVariables);
                        //Console.WriteLine("Converted '{0}' to {1}.", vTargetList.maxNoOfVariables, maxnoofvars);

                        // diagResult = System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("An invalid value has been entered for the maximum number of variables in the destination variable list" , "Message", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.OK, System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon.Question);
                    catch (FormatException)
                        diagResult = System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("An invalid value has been entered for the maximum number of variables in the target variable list", "Error", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.OK, System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon.Question);
                    catch (OverflowException)
                        diagResult = System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("An invalid value has been entered for the maximum number of variables in the target variable list", "Error", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.OK, System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon.Question);
                    if (maxnoofvars < (noSelectedItems + vTargetList.ItemsCount))
                        //e.Effects = DragDropEffects.None;
                        //e.Handled = true;
                        message    = "The target variable list cannot have more than " + vTargetList.maxNoOfVariables + " variable(s). Please reduce your selection or remove variables from the target list";
                        diagResult = System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(message, "Error", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.OK, System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon.Question);

                object objspin = GetResource(TextBoxForpolynomialOrder);
                if (objspin == null || (!(objspin is BSkySpinnerCtrl)))
                    MessageBox.Show("Unable to associate this polynomial control with a Spinner control on the same canvas, you must specify a spinner control");
                //If there are valid variables then move them
                BSkySpinnerCtrl spin = objspin as BSkySpinnerCtrl;
                // IList<DataSourceVariable> Items = new List<DataSourceVariable>();
                List <DataSourceVariable> Items    = new List <DataSourceVariable>();
                DataSourceVariable        inputVar = vInputList.SelectedItems[0] as DataSourceVariable;
                int  polynomialdegree         = Int32.Parse(spin.text.Text);
                int  startingpolynomialdegree = 1;
                bool itemIsInTarget           = false;
                //Lets say the degree of the polynomial is 4, so engine^4, then we need to add
                //I(engine^4) and I(engine^3) and I(engine^2) and I(engine^1)
                //Now if you add I(engine^5), only I(engine^5) should be added as I(engine^4) are already there
                while (polynomialdegree != 0)
                    newvar = "I(" + inputVar.Name + "^" + startingpolynomialdegree + ")";
                    //Preferred way
                    DataSourceVariable ds = new DataSourceVariable();
                    ds.XName     = newvar;
                    ds.Name      = newvar;
                    ds.RName     = newvar;
                    ds.Measure   = inputVar.Measure;
                    ds.DataType  = inputVar.DataType;
                    ds.Width     = inputVar.Width;
                    ds.Decimals  = inputVar.Decimals;
                    ds.Label     = inputVar.Label;
                    ds.Alignment = inputVar.Alignment;
                    ds.ImgURL    = inputVar.ImgURL;

                    if (vTargetList.ItemsCount == 0)
                        foreach (DataSourceVariable obj in vTargetList.Items)
                            if (obj.RName == ds.RName)
                                itemIsInTarget = true;
                        if (!itemIsInTarget)

                    polynomialdegree         = polynomialdegree - 1;
                    startingpolynomialdegree = startingpolynomialdegree + 1;
                    itemIsInTarget           = false;

                //Added by Aaron on 12/24/2012 to get the items moved scrolled into view
                //Added by Aaron on 12/24/2012. Value is 0 as you want to scroll to the top of the selected items
                if (Items.Count != 0)
                // Added by Aaron 06/09/2020
                // We will never remove the variable being moved from the source variable list
                // if (vInputList.MoveVariables)
                ////The compiler is not allowing me to use vInputList.Items.Remove() so I have to use ItemsSource
                //    ListCollectionView lcw = vInputList.ItemsSource as ListCollectionView;
                //    foreach (object obj in validVars) lcw.Remove(obj);
                // }
            //Added by Aaron 07/22/2015
            //This is a valid point

            //    vTargetList.AddItems(validVars);

            //    //The code below unselects everything
            //    vTargetList.UnselectAll();
            //    //The code below selects all the items that are moved
            //    vTargetList.SetSelectedItems(validVars);
            //    //Added by Aaron on 12/24/2012 to get the items moved scrolled into view
            //    //Added by Aaron on 12/24/2012. Value is 0 as you want to scroll to the top of the selected items
            //    vTargetList.ScrollIntoView(validVars[0]);
            if (vInputList.MoveVariables)
            //The compiler is not allowing me to use vInputList.Items.Remove() so I have to use ItemsSource
                ListCollectionView lcw = vInputList.ItemsSource as ListCollectionView;
                foreach (object obj in validVars)
            if (vTargetList != null)

            //Added by Aaron 08/13/2014
            //This is for the case that I am moving a variable year to a target list that already contains year
            //validvars.count is 0 as I have already detercted its in the target variable. I now want to high light it in the targetvariable
            if (validVars.Count == 0)
                List <object> firstitem = new List <object>();

                if (vTargetList != null)
                    if (vTargetList.Items.Contains(vInputList.SelectedItems[0]))
            //If there are variables that don't meet filter criteria, inform the user
            if (invalidVars.Count > 0)
                string cantMove = string.Join(",", invalidVars.ToArray());
                System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult result = System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("The variable(s) \"" + cantMove + "\" cannot be moved, the destination variable list does not allow variables of that type", "Save Changes", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.OK, System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon.Question);
        //bool committedVarCell = false;
        private void variableGrid_CommittingEdit(object sender, DataGridEndingEditEventArgs e)
            //if (committedVarCell)
            //    e.Cancel = true;
            //    return;
            //committedVarCell = true;
            // //on cell Edit and clicking elsewhere gives the info about edited cell
            List<string> colLevels = null;
            string cellVal = variableGrid.CurrentCell.Text;//eg..Male or Female
            string cellValue = cellVal != null ? cellVal.Replace("'", @"\'").Replace("\"", @"\'") : string.Empty;
            //string cellValue = cellVal != null ? cellVal.Replace("'", @"\'") : string.Empty;
            if (cellValue == null || cellValue.Trim().Length < 1) //Do not create new variable row if variable name is not provided
                //method1 variableGrid.RemoveRow(variableGrid.CurrentRow.Index);

            //rowid = variableGrid.CurrentCell.Row.DataItem.ToString();//eg..gender // should be captured when we click on cell
            string colid = variableGrid.CurrentCell.Column.Header.ToString();//eg..Label
            switch (e.Column.Name)
                case "Name":
                case "DataType":
                    if (colid.Equals("DataType")) colid = "Type"; // colid must match with R side property name. Else it will not work
                    if (cellValue.Equals("String")) cellValue = "character";
                    if (cellValue.Equals("Numeric") || cellValue.Equals("Int") || cellValue.Equals("Float") || cellValue.Equals("Double")) cellValue = "numeric";
                    if (cellValue.Equals("Bool")) cellValue = "logical";
                case "Width":
                case "Decimals":
                case "Label":
                case "Values": 
                    colid = "Levels"; // "Levels"  new property name in R code

                case "Missing":
                case "Columns":
                case "Alignment": 
                    colid = "Align"; // "Align" new property name in R code
                    C1.WPF.DataGrid.DataGridComboBoxColumn col = e.Column as C1.WPF.DataGrid.DataGridComboBoxColumn;
                    C1.WPF.C1ComboBox combo = e.EditingElement as C1.WPF.C1ComboBox;
                    string value = combo.Text;
                case "Measure":
                    colLevels = getLevels();

                case "Role":


            ///// Modifying R side Dataset ////////
            IAnalyticsService analyticServ = LifetimeService.Instance.Container.Resolve<IAnalyticsService>();
            if (rowid == null)//new row
                int rowindex = 0;//variableGrid.CurrentRow.Index;
                string datagridcolval = ".";//default value for new col in datagrid view.
                // add new row cellValue is new colname
                analyticServ.addNewVariable(cellValue, datagridcolval, rowindex, ds.Name);

                //// Insert on UI side dataset ///
                DataSourceVariable var = new DataSourceVariable();
                // string RecCount = (this.Variables.Count + 1).ToString();//add 1 because its 0 based
                // int insertrowindex = variableGrid.SelectedIndex;
                 var.Name = cellValue; //////// Check Problem for manually appending new Var at the end
                //this.Variables.Insert(rowindex, var);
                //DS.Variables.Insert(rowindex, var);//one more refresh needed. I guess
            {//edit existing row
                UAReturn retval = analyticServ.EditVarGrid(ds.Name, rowid, colid, cellValue, colLevels);
                retval.Success = true;
                ///08Jul2013 Show Error/Warning in output window if any.
                //if (retval != null && retval.Data != null)
                //    SendErrorWarningToOutput(retval);
            //variableGrid. = cellValue;
            //MessageBox.Show("[R:"+rowid + "] [C:" + colid + "] [V:" + cellValue + "] [DS:" + ds.Name+"]");
            ds.Changed = true;
            if (e.Column.Name.Equals("Name"))
            //arrangeVarGridCols();//rearrange the var-grid cols

        private void variableGrid_BeginningNewRow(object sender, DataGridBeginningNewRowEventArgs e)
            //int curRowindex = variableGrid.CurrentRow.Index;
            DataSourceVariable var = new DataSourceVariable();
            //string RecCount = (this.Variables.Count + 1).ToString();//add 1 because its 0 based

            string varname = "newvar";
            int rowindex = variableGrid.SelectedIndex;

            //checking duplicate var names
            foreach (DataSourceVariable dsv in this.Variables)
                varname = "newvar" + varcount.ToString();
                if (dsv.Name == varname)
            var.Name = varname;
            var.Label = varname;

            IAnalyticsService analyticServ = LifetimeService.Instance.Container.Resolve<IAnalyticsService>();
            analyticServ.addNewVariable(var.Name, ".", rowindex + 1, ds.Name);

            this.Variables.Insert(rowindex, var);
            DS.Variables.Insert(rowindex, var);//one more refresh needed. I guess

            ds.Changed = true;
        private void _deleteVar_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)

            MessageBoxResult result = MessageBox.Show("Do you want to delete variable?", "Confirmation", MessageBoxButton.YesNo, MessageBoxImage.Question);
            if (result == MessageBoxResult.Yes)
                DataSourceVariable var = new DataSourceVariable();
                int rowindex = variableGrid.SelectedIndex;
                //var.Name = "accid";
                variableGrid.RemoveRow(rowindex);//two things .grid remove UI dataset side remove. third is R side remove
                // renumberRowHeader(); //not required. I guess automatically handeled by RemoveRow() above.
                ds.Changed = true;

        private void _insertNewVarAtEnd_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            DataSourceVariable var = new DataSourceVariable();
            //string RecCount = (this.Variables.Count + 1).ToString();//add 1 because its 0 based

            string varname = "newvar";
            int rowindex = Variables.Count;// variableGrid.SelectedIndex;

            //checking duplicate var names
                varname = "newvar" + varcount.ToString();
            } while (this.Variables.Contains(varname));
            var.Name = varname;
            var.Label = varname;

            IAnalyticsService analyticServ = LifetimeService.Instance.Container.Resolve<IAnalyticsService>();
            analyticServ.addNewVariable(var.Name, ".", rowindex + 1, ds.Name);

            this.Variables.Insert(rowindex, var);
            DS.Variables.Insert(rowindex, var);//one more refresh needed. I guess

            ds.Changed = true;
Example #21
        public override void BSkyBaseButtonCtrl_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            double maxnoofvars     = 0;
            int    noSelectedItems = 0;
            int    i = 0;

            System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult diagResult;
            string             varList = "";
            string             message = "";
            DataSourceVariable o;

            //Aaron 09/07/2013
            //I had to use a list object as I could not create a variable size array object
            List <object> validVars   = new List <object>();
            List <object> invalidVars = new List <object>();

            //Added by Aaron 12/24/2013
            //You have the ability to move items to a textbox. When moving items to a textbox you don't have to check for filters
            //All we do is append the items selected separated by + into the textbox
            //We always copy the selected items to the textbox, items are never moved
            //We don't have to worry about tag

            //Destination is a BSkytargetlist
            noSelectedItems = vInputList.SelectedItems.Count;
            string newvar = "";

            //Checking whether variables moved are allowed by the destination filter
            //validVars meet filter requirements
            //invalidVars don't meet filter requirements

            if (vTargetList != null)
                if (noSelectedItems == 0)
                    diagResult = System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("You need to select a variable from the source variable list before clicking the nesting control", "Error", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.OK, System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon.Question);

                if (vTargetList.GetType().Name == "SingleItemList" && noSelectedItems > 1)
                    diagResult = System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("You cannot move more than 1 variable into a grouping variable list", "Error", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.OK, System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon.Question);
                if (noSelectedItems > 1)
                    diagResult = System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("You need to select 1 variable at a time from the source variable list to specify a nested effect. You have more than 1 variable selected in the source variable list", "Error", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.OK, System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon.Question);

                //Added 10/19/2013
                //Added the code below to support listboxes that only allow a pre-specified number of items or less
                //I add the number of preexisting items to the number of selected items and if it is greater than limit, I show an error

                if (vTargetList.SelectedItems.Count > 1)
                    diagResult = System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("You need to select 1 variable from the source variable list and 1 variable from the target variable to specify a nested effect. You have more than 1 variable selected in the target variable list.", "Error", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.OK, System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon.Question);

                if (vTargetList.SelectedItems.Count == 0)
                    diagResult = System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("You need to select 1 variable from the source variable list and 1 variable from the target variable to specify a nested effect. The target variable list is empty. You need to add a variable to the target variable list and then create a nested effect.", "Error", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.OK, System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon.Question);

                if (vTargetList.maxNoOfVariables != string.Empty && vTargetList.maxNoOfVariables != null)
                        maxnoofvars = Convert.ToDouble(vTargetList.maxNoOfVariables);
                        //Console.WriteLine("Converted '{0}' to {1}.", vTargetList.maxNoOfVariables, maxnoofvars);

                        // diagResult = System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("An invalid value has been entered for the maximum number of variables in the destination variable list" , "Message", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.OK, System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon.Question);
                    catch (FormatException)
                        diagResult = System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("An invalid value has been entered for the maximum number of variables in the target variable list", "Error", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.OK, System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon.Question);
                    catch (OverflowException)
                        diagResult = System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("An invalid value has been entered for the maximum number of variables in the target variable list", "Error", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.OK, System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon.Question);
                    if (maxnoofvars < (noSelectedItems + vTargetList.ItemsCount))
                        //e.Effects = DragDropEffects.None;
                        //e.Handled = true;
                        message    = "The target variable list cannot have more than " + vTargetList.maxNoOfVariables + " variable(s). Please reduce your selection or remove variables from the target list";
                        diagResult = System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(message, "Error", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.OK, System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon.Question);

                DataSourceVariable inputVar = vInputList.SelectedItems[0] as DataSourceVariable;

                // vTargetList.ItemsSource

                ListCollectionView temp;
                temp = vTargetList.ItemsSource as ListCollectionView;
                int selectedIndex = 0;
                selectedIndex = vTargetList.SelectedIndex;
                int count = vTargetList.ItemsCount;

                for (i = 0; i < count; i++)

                ListCollectionView lcw = vTargetList.ItemsSource as ListCollectionView;
                foreach (object obj in validVars)

                DataSourceVariable ds = validVars[selectedIndex] as DataSourceVariable;

                // DataSourceVariable ds = preview[index] as DataSourceVariable;

                //DataSourceVariable ds = new DataSourceVariable();
                newvar       = inputVar.Name + "(" + ds.Name + ")";
                ds.XName     = newvar;
                ds.Name      = newvar;
                ds.RName     = newvar;
                ds.Measure   = inputVar.Measure;
                ds.DataType  = inputVar.DataType;
                ds.Width     = inputVar.Width;
                ds.Decimals  = inputVar.Decimals;
                ds.Label     = inputVar.Label;
                ds.Alignment = inputVar.Alignment;

                ds.ImgURL = inputVar.ImgURL;
                validVars[selectedIndex] = ds;

                // vTargetList.ItemsSource = preview;
                // validVars.Add(ds as object);
                // vTargetList.AddItems(validVars);

                // vInputList.SelectedItems[i]
                //    validVars.Add(vInputList.SelectedItems[1]);

                //The code below unselects everything
                //      vTargetList.UnselectAll();
                //The code below selects all the items that are moved
                //    vTargetList.SetSelectedItems(validVars);
                //Added by Aaron on 12/24/2012 to get the items moved scrolled into view
                //Added by Aaron on 12/24/2012. Value is 0 as you want to scroll to the top of the selected items
                //  vTargetList.ScrollIntoView(validVars[0]);
                //if (vInputList.MoveVariables)
                //The compiler is not allowing me to use vInputList.Items.Remove() so I have to use ItemsSource
                //  ListCollectionView lcw = vInputList.ItemsSource as ListCollectionView;
                //foreach (object obj in validVars) lcw.Remove(obj);
            //Added by Aaron 07/22/2015
            //This is a valid point

            //    vTargetList.AddItems(validVars);

            //    //The code below unselects everything
            //    vTargetList.UnselectAll();
            //    //The code below selects all the items that are moved
            //    vTargetList.SetSelectedItems(validVars);
            //    //Added by Aaron on 12/24/2012 to get the items moved scrolled into view
            //    //Added by Aaron on 12/24/2012. Value is 0 as you want to scroll to the top of the selected items
            //    vTargetList.ScrollIntoView(validVars[0]);

            /* if (vInputList.MoveVariables)
             * //The compiler is not allowing me to use vInputList.Items.Remove() so I have to use ItemsSource
             * //{
             *  ListCollectionView lcw = vInputList.ItemsSource as ListCollectionView;
             *  foreach (object obj in validVars) lcw.Remove(obj);
             * //} */
            if (vTargetList != null)

            //Added by Aaron 08/13/2014
            //This is for the case that I am moving a variable year to a target list that already contains year
            //validvars.count is 0 as I have already detercted its in the target variable. I now want to high light it in the targetvariable

            /*  if (validVars.Count == 0)
             * {
             *   List<object> firstitem = new List<object>();
             *   firstitem.Add(vInputList.SelectedItems[0]);
             *   if (vTargetList != null)
             *   {
             *       if (vTargetList.Items.Contains(vInputList.SelectedItems[0]))
             *       {
             *           vTargetList.SetSelectedItems(firstitem);
             *           vTargetList.Focus();
             *       }
             *   }
             * } */
            //If there are variables that don't meet filter criteria, inform the user
            if (invalidVars.Count > 0)
                string cantMove = string.Join(",", invalidVars.ToArray());
                System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult result = System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("The variable(s) \"" + cantMove + "\" cannot be moved, the destination variable list does not allow variables of that type", "Save Changes", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.OK, System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon.Question);
        private DataRow GetDataTable(DataColumn dataColumn, string tableText, string pattern, Dictionary <string, string> formatStrings, DataRow[] rows, DataTable table)
            pattern = string.Empty;

            IVariable var = (IVariable)this.Context.GetVariable(dataColumn.ColumnName);

            if (var != null)
                if (var.VarType == VariableType.DataSource || var.VarType == VariableType.DataSourceRedefined)
                    formatStrings.TryGetValue(var.Name, out pattern);
                    tableText = "Defined";
                //tableText = "Defined";
                var = new DataSourceVariable(dataColumn.ColumnName, DataType.Unknown);

            DataRow row = table.NewRow();

            if (
                this.Context.CurrentRead != null &&
                this.Context.CurrentRead.IsEpi7ProjectRead &&
                this.Context.CurrentProject.Views.Exists(this.Context.CurrentRead.Identifier) &&
                Epi.Fields.Field field = this.Context.CurrentProject.Views[this.Context.CurrentRead.Identifier].Fields[var.Name];
                if (field is FieldWithSeparatePrompt)
                    row[ColumnNames.PROMPT] = ((FieldWithSeparatePrompt)field).PromptText;
                    row[ColumnNames.PROMPT] = var.PromptText;
                //Fiexes for Issue: 943
                if (field.FieldType.ToString() == MetaFieldType.Checkbox.ToString())
                    row[ColumnNames.FIELDTYPE] = "Checkbox";
                    row[ColumnNames.FIELDTYPE] = field.FieldType.ToString();
                row[ColumnNames.PROMPT] = var.PromptText;
                if (var.VarType == VariableType.Permanent)
                    row[ColumnNames.FIELDTYPE] = var.DataType.ToString();
                    if (this.Context.DataSet.Tables.Contains("output"))
                        row[ColumnNames.FIELDTYPE] = GetVariableType(this.Context.DataSet.Tables["output"].Columns[var.Name].DataType.ToString());
                        row[ColumnNames.FIELDTYPE] = var.DataType.ToString();

            row[ColumnNames.VARIABLE] = var.Name;

            row[ColumnNames.FORMATVALUE] = pattern;
            row[ColumnNames.SPECIALINFO] = var.VarType.ToString();
            row[ColumnNames.TABLE]       = tableText;

            //  table.Rows.Add(row);
