public List<DataObjectSessions> GetBySessionTitle() { int currentCodeCampYearId = Utils.GetCurrentCodeCampYear(); List<DataObjectSessions> DataTemplateODSList = null; string cacheName = String.Format("{0}-{1}", Utils.CacheSessionsAllByTitle, currentCodeCampYearId); if (HttpContext.Current.Cache[cacheName] == null) { var conn = new SqlConnection(connectionString); conn.Open(); DataTemplateODSList = new List<DataObjectSessions>(); SqlDataReader reader = null; string sqlSelectString = @"SELECT dbo.Sessions.SessionLevel_id, dbo.Sessions.Username, dbo.Sessions.title, dbo.Sessions.description, dbo.Sessions.approved, dbo.Sessions.createdate, dbo.Sessions.updatedate, dbo.Sessions.AdminComments, dbo.Sessions.InterentAccessRequired, dbo.Sessions.LectureRoomsId, dbo.Sessions.SessionTimesId, FROM dbo.Sessions WHERE CodeCampYearId=@CodeCampYearId ORDER BY dbo.Sessions.title"; //"SELECT SessionLevel_id,Username,title,description,approved,createdate,updatedate,AdminComments,InterentAccessRequired,LectureRoomsId,SessionTimesId,id FROM [dbo].[Sessions] "; var cmd = new SqlCommand(sqlSelectString, conn); cmd.Parameters.Add("@CodeCampYearId", SqlDbType.Int, 4).Value = Utils.GetCurrentCodeCampYear(); reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); try { while (reader.Read()) { int sessionlevel_id = reader.IsDBNull(0) ? 0 : reader.GetInt32(0); string username = reader.IsDBNull(1) ? "" : reader.GetString(1); string title = reader.IsDBNull(2) ? "" : reader.GetString(2); string description = reader.IsDBNull(3) ? "" : reader.GetString(3); bool approved = reader.IsDBNull(4) ? false : reader.GetBoolean(4); DateTime createdate = reader.IsDBNull(5) ? DateTime.Now : reader.GetDateTime(5); DateTime updatedate = reader.IsDBNull(6) ? DateTime.Now : reader.GetDateTime(6); string admincomments = reader.IsDBNull(7) ? "" : reader.GetString(7); bool interentaccessrequired = reader.IsDBNull(8) ? false : reader.GetBoolean(8); int lectureroomsid = reader.IsDBNull(9) ? 0 : reader.GetInt32(9); int sessiontimesid = reader.IsDBNull(10) ? 0 : reader.GetInt32(10); int id = reader.IsDBNull(11) ? 0 : reader.GetInt32(11); var td = new DataObjectSessions(sessionlevel_id, username, title, description, approved, createdate, updatedate, admincomments, interentaccessrequired, lectureroomsid, sessiontimesid, id); DataTemplateODSList.Add(td); } // DataTemplateODSList is sorted by title that could have funny stuff in it so need to resort with nimas stuff DataTemplateODSList = Utils.SortSessionsByCleanTitle(DataTemplateODSList); } finally { if (reader != null) reader.Close(); } conn.Close(); conn.Dispose(); HttpContext.Current.Cache.Insert(cacheName, DataTemplateODSList, null, DateTime.Now.Add(new TimeSpan(0, 0, Utils.RetrieveSecondsForSessionCacheTimeout())), TimeSpan.Zero); } else { DataTemplateODSList = (List<DataObjectSessions>) HttpContext.Current.Cache[cacheName]; } return DataTemplateODSList; }
public List<DataObjectSessions> GetByTrack(int trackId) { List<DataObjectSessions> DataTemplateODSList = null; int currentCodeCampYearId = Utils.GetCurrentCodeCampYear(); string cacheName = String.Format("{0}-{1}-{2}", Utils.CacheSessionsGetByTrackWithParams, trackId, currentCodeCampYearId); if (HttpContext.Current.Cache[cacheName] == null) { var conn = new SqlConnection(connectionString); conn.Open(); DataTemplateODSList = new List<DataObjectSessions>(); SqlDataReader reader = null; const string sqlSelectString = @"SELECT dbo.Sessions.SessionLevel_id, dbo.Sessions.Username, dbo.Sessions.title, dbo.Sessions.description, dbo.Sessions.approved, dbo.Sessions.createdate, dbo.Sessions.updatedate, dbo.Sessions.AdminComments, dbo.Sessions.InterentAccessRequired, dbo.Sessions.LectureRoomsId, dbo.Sessions.SessionTimesId, FROM dbo.SessionTimes INNER JOIN dbo.Sessions ON ( = dbo.Sessions.SessionTimesId) WHERE dbo.Sessions.CodeCampYearId = @CodeCampYearId AND IN (SELECT TrackSession.SessionId FROM TrackSession WHERE TrackId = @trackid) ORDER BY dbo.SessionTimes.StartTime "; //"SELECT SessionLevel_id,Username,title,description,approved,createdate,updatedate,AdminComments,InterentAccessRequired,LectureRoomsId,SessionTimesId,id FROM [dbo].[Sessions] "; var cmd = new SqlCommand(sqlSelectString, conn); cmd.Parameters.Add("@CodeCampYearId", SqlDbType.Int, 4).Value = Utils.GetCurrentCodeCampYear(); cmd.Parameters.Add("@trackid", SqlDbType.Int).Value = trackId; reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); try { while (reader.Read()) { int sessionlevel_id = reader.IsDBNull(0) ? 0 : reader.GetInt32(0); string username = reader.IsDBNull(1) ? "" : reader.GetString(1); string title = reader.IsDBNull(2) ? "" : reader.GetString(2); string description = reader.IsDBNull(3) ? "" : reader.GetString(3); bool approved = reader.IsDBNull(4) ? false : reader.GetBoolean(4); DateTime createdate = reader.IsDBNull(5) ? DateTime.Now : reader.GetDateTime(5); DateTime updatedate = reader.IsDBNull(6) ? DateTime.Now : reader.GetDateTime(6); string admincomments = reader.IsDBNull(7) ? "" : reader.GetString(7); bool interentaccessrequired = reader.IsDBNull(8) ? false : reader.GetBoolean(8); int lectureroomsid = reader.IsDBNull(9) ? 0 : reader.GetInt32(9); int sessiontimesid = reader.IsDBNull(10) ? 0 : reader.GetInt32(10); int id = reader.IsDBNull(11) ? 0 : reader.GetInt32(11); var td = new DataObjectSessions(sessionlevel_id, username, title, description, approved, createdate, updatedate, admincomments, interentaccessrequired, lectureroomsid, sessiontimesid, id); DataTemplateODSList.Add(td); } } finally { if (reader != null) reader.Close(); } conn.Close(); conn.Dispose(); HttpContext.Current.Cache.Insert(cacheName, DataTemplateODSList, null, DateTime.Now.Add(new TimeSpan(0, 0, Utils.RetrieveSecondsForSessionCacheTimeout())), TimeSpan.Zero); } else { DataTemplateODSList = (List<DataObjectSessions>)HttpContext.Current.Cache[cacheName]; } return DataTemplateODSList; }
public List<DataObjectSessions> GetByPrimaryKeySessions(int searchid) { var conn = new SqlConnection(connectionString); conn.Open(); var DataTemplateODSList = new List<DataObjectSessions>(); SqlDataReader reader = null; string sqlSelectString = "SELECT SessionLevel_id,Username,title,description,approved,createdate,updatedate,AdminComments,InterentAccessRequired,LectureRoomsId,SessionTimesId,DoNotShowPrimarySpeaker,SponsorId,id FROM [dbo].[Sessions] WHERE CodeCampYearId=@CodeCampYearId AND id = @searchid "; var cmd = new SqlCommand(sqlSelectString, conn); cmd.Parameters.Add("@searchid", SqlDbType.Int, 4).Value = searchid; cmd.Parameters.Add("@CodeCampYearId", SqlDbType.Int, 4).Value = Utils.GetCurrentCodeCampYear(); reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); try { while (reader.Read()) { int sessionlevel_id = reader.IsDBNull(0) ? 0 : reader.GetInt32(0); string username = reader.IsDBNull(1) ? "" : reader.GetString(1); string title = reader.IsDBNull(2) ? "" : reader.GetString(2); string description = reader.IsDBNull(3) ? "" : reader.GetString(3); bool approved = reader.IsDBNull(4) ? false : reader.GetBoolean(4); DateTime createdate = reader.IsDBNull(5) ? DateTime.Now : reader.GetDateTime(5); DateTime updatedate = reader.IsDBNull(6) ? DateTime.Now : reader.GetDateTime(6); string admincomments = reader.IsDBNull(7) ? "" : reader.GetString(7); bool interentaccessrequired = reader.IsDBNull(8) ? false : reader.GetBoolean(8); int lectureroomsid = reader.IsDBNull(9) ? 0 : reader.GetInt32(9); int sessiontimesid = reader.IsDBNull(10) ? 0 : reader.GetInt32(10); bool doNotShowPrimarySpeaker = reader.IsDBNull(11) ? false : reader.GetBoolean(11); int sponsorId = reader.IsDBNull(12) ? 0 : reader.GetInt32(12); int id = reader.IsDBNull(13) ? 0 : reader.GetInt32(13); var td = new DataObjectSessions(sessionlevel_id, username, title, description, approved, createdate, updatedate, admincomments, interentaccessrequired, lectureroomsid, sessiontimesid, doNotShowPrimarySpeaker, id) {SponsorId = sponsorId}; DataTemplateODSList.Add(td); } } finally { if (reader != null) reader.Close(); } conn.Close(); return DataTemplateODSList; }
public List<DataObjectSessions> GetByPKID(Guid userGuid) { int currentCodeCampYearId = Utils.GetCurrentCodeCampYear(); List<DataObjectSessions> DataTemplateODSList = null; string cacheName = String.Format("{0}_{1}-{2}", Utils.CacheSessionsByUserGuid, userGuid.ToString(), currentCodeCampYearId); object o = HttpContext.Current.Cache[cacheName]; if (o == null) { using (var conn = new SqlConnection(connectionString)) { conn.Open(); DataTemplateODSList = new List<DataObjectSessions>(); // const string sqlSelectString = @" // SELECT SessionLevel_id, // Username, // title, // description, // approved, // createdate, // updatedate, // AdminComments, // InterentAccessRequired, // LectureRoomsId, // SessionTimesId, // id // FROM Sessions // WHERE CodeCampYearId=@CodeCampYearId AND (Username IN (SELECT Username FROM Attendees WHERE (PKID = @PKID))) // ORDER BY Username"; const string sqlSelectString = @" SELECT SessionLevel_id, Username, title, description, approved, createdate, updatedate, AdminComments, InterentAccessRequired, LectureRoomsId, SessionTimesId, id FROM Sessions WHERE CodeCampYearId = @CodeCampYearId AND Id IN ( SELECT SessionId FROM SessionPresenter WHERE AttendeeId = ( select Id from Attendees WHERE PKID = @PKID ) ) ORDER BY Username"; //"SELECT SessionLevel_id,Username,title,description,approved,createdate, //updatedate,AdminComments,InterentAccessRequired,LectureRoomsId, //SessionTimesId,id FROM [dbo].[Sessions] WHERE id = @searchid"; using (var cmd = new SqlCommand(sqlSelectString, conn)) { cmd.Parameters.Add("@PKID", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier).Value = userGuid; cmd.Parameters.Add("@CodeCampYearId", SqlDbType.Int, 4).Value = Utils.GetCurrentCodeCampYear(); using (SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader()) { try { while (reader.Read()) { int sessionlevel_id = reader.IsDBNull(0) ? 0 : reader.GetInt32(0); string username = reader.IsDBNull(1) ? "" : reader.GetString(1); string title = reader.IsDBNull(2) ? "" : reader.GetString(2); string description = reader.IsDBNull(3) ? "" : reader.GetString(3); bool approved = reader.IsDBNull(4) ? false : reader.GetBoolean(4); DateTime createdate = reader.IsDBNull(5) ? DateTime.Now : reader.GetDateTime(5); DateTime updatedate = reader.IsDBNull(6) ? DateTime.Now : reader.GetDateTime(6); string admincomments = reader.IsDBNull(7) ? "" : reader.GetString(7); bool interentaccessrequired = reader.IsDBNull(8) ? false : reader.GetBoolean(8); int lectureroomsid = reader.IsDBNull(9) ? 0 : reader.GetInt32(9); int sessiontimesid = reader.IsDBNull(10) ? 0 : reader.GetInt32(10); int id = reader.IsDBNull(11) ? 0 : reader.GetInt32(11); var td = new DataObjectSessions(sessionlevel_id, username, title, description, approved, createdate, updatedate, admincomments, interentaccessrequired, lectureroomsid, sessiontimesid, id); DataTemplateODSList.Add(td); } } finally { if (reader != null) reader.Close(); } } } conn.Close(); HttpContext.Current.Cache.Insert(cacheName, DataTemplateODSList, null, DateTime.Now.Add(new TimeSpan(0, 0, Utils.RetrieveSecondsForSessionCacheTimeout())), TimeSpan.Zero); } } else { DataTemplateODSList = (List<DataObjectSessions>) HttpContext.Current.Cache[cacheName]; } return DataTemplateODSList; }
public List<DataObjectSessions> GetAllSessionsByUsername(string usernameForSessions) { List<DataObjectSessions> DataTemplateODSList = null; int currentCodeCampYearId = Utils.GetCurrentCodeCampYear(); string cacheName = String.Format("{0}-{1}-{2}", Utils.CacheSessionsByUsername, usernameForSessions, currentCodeCampYearId); if (HttpContext.Current.Cache[cacheName] == null) { var conn = new SqlConnection(connectionString); conn.Open(); DataTemplateODSList = new List<DataObjectSessions>(); SqlDataReader reader = null; string sqlSelectString = @" SELECT SessionLevel_id, Username, title, description, approved, createdate, updatedate, AdminComments, InterentAccessRequired, LectureRoomsId, SessionTimesId, id FROM Sessions WHERE CodeCampYearId=@CodeCampYearId AND (Username = @Username) Order By title"; //"SELECT SessionLevel_id,Username,title,description,approved,createdate, //updatedate,AdminComments,InterentAccessRequired,LectureRoomsId, //SessionTimesId,id FROM [dbo].[Sessions] WHERE id = @searchid"; var cmd = new SqlCommand(sqlSelectString, conn); cmd.Parameters.Add("@Username", SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = usernameForSessions; cmd.Parameters.Add("@CodeCampYearId", SqlDbType.Int, 4).Value = Utils.GetCurrentCodeCampYear(); reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); try { while (reader.Read()) { int sessionlevel_id = reader.IsDBNull(0) ? 0 : reader.GetInt32(0); string username = reader.IsDBNull(1) ? "" : reader.GetString(1); string title = reader.IsDBNull(2) ? "" : reader.GetString(2); string description = reader.IsDBNull(3) ? "" : reader.GetString(3); bool approved = reader.IsDBNull(4) ? false : reader.GetBoolean(4); DateTime createdate = reader.IsDBNull(5) ? DateTime.Now : reader.GetDateTime(5); DateTime updatedate = reader.IsDBNull(6) ? DateTime.Now : reader.GetDateTime(6); string admincomments = reader.IsDBNull(7) ? "" : reader.GetString(7); bool interentaccessrequired = reader.IsDBNull(8) ? false : reader.GetBoolean(8); int lectureroomsid = reader.IsDBNull(9) ? 0 : reader.GetInt32(9); int sessiontimesid = reader.IsDBNull(10) ? 0 : reader.GetInt32(10); int id = reader.IsDBNull(11) ? 0 : reader.GetInt32(11); var td = new DataObjectSessions(sessionlevel_id, username, title, description, approved, createdate, updatedate, admincomments, interentaccessrequired, lectureroomsid, sessiontimesid, id); DataTemplateODSList.Add(td); } } finally { if (reader != null) reader.Close(); } conn.Close(); HttpContext.Current.Cache.Insert(cacheName, DataTemplateODSList, null, DateTime.Now.Add(new TimeSpan(0, 0, Utils.RetrieveSecondsForSessionCacheTimeout())), TimeSpan.Zero); } else { DataTemplateODSList = (List<DataObjectSessions>) HttpContext.Current.Cache[cacheName]; } return DataTemplateODSList; }
public List<DataObjectSessions> GetAllSessionsBySessionId(int sessionId) { var sqlConnection = new SqlConnection(connectionString); sqlConnection.Open(); var DataTemplateODSList = new List<DataObjectSessions>(); SqlDataReader reader = null; string sqlSelectString = @" SELECT Sessions.SessionLevel_id, Sessions.Username, Sessions.Title, Sessions.description, Sessions.Approved, Sessions.Createdate, Sessions.Updatedate, Sessions.AdminComments, Sessions.InterentAccessRequired, Sessions.LectureRoomsId, Sessions.SessionTimesId, FROM Sessions LEFT OUTER JOIN SessionTimes ON (Sessions.SessionTimesId = SessionTimes.Id) WHERE Sessions.Id = @id "; // @" //SELECT SessionLevel_id, // Username, // title, // sessions.description, // approved, // createdate, // updatedate, // AdminComments, // InterentAccessRequired, // LectureRoomsId, // SessionTimesId, // //FROM Sessions, // SessionTimes //WHERE (Sessions.SessionTimesId = AND // (Username IN (SELECT Username FROM Sessions, dbo.SessionTimes WHERE ( // = @id))) //ORDER BY StartTime"; //"SELECT SessionLevel_id,Username,title,description,approved,createdate, //updatedate,AdminComments,InterentAccessRequired,LectureRoomsId, //SessionTimesId,id FROM [dbo].[Sessions] WHERE id = @searchid"; var cmd = new SqlCommand(sqlSelectString, sqlConnection); cmd.Parameters.Add("@id", SqlDbType.Int).Value = sessionId; //cmd.Parameters.Add("@CodeCampYearId", SqlDbType.Int, 4).Value = Utils.GetCurrentCodeCampYear(); reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); try { while (reader.Read()) { int sessionlevel_id = reader.IsDBNull(0) ? 0 : reader.GetInt32(0); string username = reader.IsDBNull(1) ? "" : reader.GetString(1); string title = reader.IsDBNull(2) ? "" : reader.GetString(2); string description = reader.IsDBNull(3) ? "" : reader.GetString(3); bool approved = reader.IsDBNull(4) ? false : reader.GetBoolean(4); DateTime createdate = reader.IsDBNull(5) ? DateTime.Now : reader.GetDateTime(5); DateTime updatedate = reader.IsDBNull(6) ? DateTime.Now : reader.GetDateTime(6); string admincomments = reader.IsDBNull(7) ? "" : reader.GetString(7); bool interentaccessrequired = reader.IsDBNull(8) ? false : reader.GetBoolean(8); int lectureroomsid = reader.IsDBNull(9) ? 0 : reader.GetInt32(9); int sessiontimesid = reader.IsDBNull(10) ? 0 : reader.GetInt32(10); int id = reader.IsDBNull(11) ? 0 : reader.GetInt32(11); var td = new DataObjectSessions(sessionlevel_id, username, title, description, approved, createdate, updatedate, admincomments, interentaccessrequired, lectureroomsid, sessiontimesid, id); DataTemplateODSList.Add(td); } } finally { if (reader != null) reader.Close(); } sqlConnection.Close(); return DataTemplateODSList; }
private List<DataObjectSessions> GetAllSessions(int sessionTimesIdExclude) { // no cache here because this is private and called by the other public methods using (var conn = new SqlConnection(connectionString)) { conn.Open(); var DataTemplateODSList = new List<DataObjectSessions>(); SqlDataReader reader = null; string sqlSelectString = @"SELECT dbo.Sessions.SessionLevel_id, dbo.Sessions.Username, dbo.Sessions.title, dbo.Sessions.description, dbo.Sessions.approved, dbo.Sessions.createdate, dbo.Sessions.updatedate, dbo.Sessions.AdminComments, dbo.Sessions.InterentAccessRequired, dbo.Sessions.LectureRoomsId, dbo.Sessions.SessionTimesId, FROM dbo.Sessions INNER JOIN dbo.SessionTimes ON (dbo.Sessions.SessionTimesId = WHERE dbo.Sessions.CodeCampYearId=@CodeCampYearId AND dbo.Sessions.SessionTimesId <> @TimeSessionIdExclude ORDER BY dbo.SessionTimes.StartTime"; //"SELECT SessionLevel_id,Username,title,description,approved,createdate,updatedate,AdminComments,InterentAccessRequired,LectureRoomsId,SessionTimesId,id FROM [dbo].[Sessions] "; var cmd = new SqlCommand(sqlSelectString, conn); cmd.Parameters.Add("@TimeSessionIdExclude", SqlDbType.Int).Value = sessionTimesIdExclude; cmd.Parameters.Add("@CodeCampYearId", SqlDbType.Int, 4).Value = Utils.GetCurrentCodeCampYear(); reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); try { while (reader.Read()) { int sessionlevel_id = reader.IsDBNull(0) ? 0 : reader.GetInt32(0); string username = reader.IsDBNull(1) ? "" : reader.GetString(1); string title = reader.IsDBNull(2) ? "" : reader.GetString(2); string description = reader.IsDBNull(3) ? "" : reader.GetString(3); bool approved = reader.IsDBNull(4) ? false : reader.GetBoolean(4); DateTime createdate = reader.IsDBNull(5) ? DateTime.Now : reader.GetDateTime(5); DateTime updatedate = reader.IsDBNull(6) ? DateTime.Now : reader.GetDateTime(6); string admincomments = reader.IsDBNull(7) ? "" : reader.GetString(7); bool interentaccessrequired = reader.IsDBNull(8) ? false : reader.GetBoolean(8); int lectureroomsid = reader.IsDBNull(9) ? 0 : reader.GetInt32(9); int sessiontimesid = reader.IsDBNull(10) ? 0 : reader.GetInt32(10); int id = reader.IsDBNull(11) ? 0 : reader.GetInt32(11); var td = new DataObjectSessions(sessionlevel_id, username, title, description, approved, createdate, updatedate, admincomments, interentaccessrequired, lectureroomsid, sessiontimesid, id); DataTemplateODSList.Add(td); } } finally { if (reader != null) reader.Close(); } conn.Close(); return DataTemplateODSList; } }