/// <summary>
 /// Collect the metadata from the data model.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="state">The generic thread start parameter.</param>
 void CalculateMetadata()
     // Copy the values from the data model into the metadata.
     DataModel.EntityRow entityRow = DataModel.Entity.EntityKey.Find(this.EntityId);
     this.CreatedTime  = entityRow.CreatedTime;
     this.ModifiedTime = entityRow.ModifiedTime;
 /// <summary>
 /// Handles a change to a Entity row.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sender">The Object that originated the event.</param>
 /// <param name="entityRowChangeEventArgs">The event arguments.</param>
 void OnEntityRowChanged(Object sender, DataModel.EntityRowChangeEventArgs entityRowChangeEventArgs)
     // We're only interested in changes that affect this Entity.  When the created or modified dates change, update the related properties in the MVVM.
     if (entityRowChangeEventArgs.Action == DataRowAction.Change)
         DataModel.EntityRow entityRow = entityRowChangeEventArgs.Row;
         if (entityRow.EntityId == this.BlotterId)
             this.CreatedTime  = entityRow.CreatedTime;
             this.ModifiedTime = entityRow.ModifiedTime;
 /// <summary>
 /// Handles a change to a Entity row.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sender">The Object that originated the event.</param>
 /// <param name="entityRowChangeEventArgs">The event arguments.</param>
 void OnEntityRowChanged(Object sender, DataModel.EntityRowChangeEventArgs entityRowChangeEventArgs)
     // We're only interested in changes that affect this Entity.
     if (entityRowChangeEventArgs.Action == DataRowAction.Change)
         DataModel.EntityRow entityRow = entityRowChangeEventArgs.Row;
         if (entityRow.EntityId == this.EntityId)
             this.CreatedTime  = entityRow.CreatedTime;
             this.ModifiedTime = entityRow.ModifiedTime;
Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Create an debt working order.
        /// </summary>
        void CreateDebt()
            // All orders get a unique identifier.
            Guid workingOrderId = Guid.NewGuid();

            // These records provide the starting point for generating the orders.
            DataModel.BlotterRow blotterRow      = DataModel.Blotter.BlotterKey.Find(generatorInfo.BlotterId);
            DataModel.UserRow    userRow         = DataModel.User.UserKey.Find(generatorInfo.UserId);
            DataModel.CountryRow unitedStatesRow = DataModel.Country.CountryKeyExternalId0.Find("US");
            DataModel.StatusRow  statusRow       = DataModel.Status.StatusKey.Find(StatusCode.New);

            // Generate the settlement currency
            DataModel.EntityRow   usdEntityRow          = DataModel.Entity.EntityKeyExternalId0.Find("USD");
            DataModel.SecurityRow settlementCurrencyRow = DataModel.Security.SecurityKey.Find(usdEntityRow.EntityId);

            // The orders are an even mix of Buys and Sells.  Most positions are long.
            Boolean  isBuy    = random.Next(2) == 0;
            Boolean  isLong   = random.Next(4) != 0;
            SideCode sideCode = isBuy && isLong ? SideCode.Buy : !isBuy && isLong ? SideCode.Sell : isBuy && !isLong ? SideCode.BuyCover : SideCode.SellShort;

            DataModel.SideRow sideRow = DataModel.Side.SideKey.Find(sideCode);

            // Find a random debt position that is unique to this blotter.
            DataModel.SecurityRow securityRow = null;
            while (securityRow == null)
                // Select a random debt instrument for the next order.
                DataModel.DebtRow debtRow = DataModel.Debt[random.Next(DataModel.Debt.Count - 1)];

                // Only generate orders for positions that are unique to this blotter.
                Position position = new Position(debtRow.DebtId, sideCode);
                if (!positionSet.Contains(position))
                    securityRow = debtRow.SecurityRowByFK_Security_Debt_DebtId;

            // These orders will not match by default.  We need to turn them on manually.
            DataModel.CrossingRow crossingRow = DataModel.Crossing.CrossingKey.Find(CrossingCode.NeverMatch);

            // Select a random Time In Force for this order.  Most orders are Day orders but occationally we'll generate a GTC just to keep it interesting.
            TimeInForceCode timeInForce = random.Next(4) == 0 ? TimeInForceCode.GoodTillCancel : TimeInForceCode.Day;

            DataModel.TimeInForceRow timeInForceRow = DataModel.TimeInForce.TimeInForceKey.Find(timeInForce);

            // Generate the trade and settlement dates based on the current time and make sure it doesn't fall on a weekend.
            DateTime tradeDate      = DateTime.Now;
            DateTime settlementDate = DateTime.Now;
            TimeSpan oneDay         = TimeSpan.FromDays(1.0);

            for (Int32 dayIndex = 0; dayIndex < 3; dayIndex++)
                settlementDate += oneDay;
                if (settlementDate.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Saturday)
                    settlementDate += oneDay;
                if (settlementDate.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Sunday)
                    settlementDate += oneDay;

            // This will generate random matching preferences for the orders for demonstrating the matching box capabilities.
            Boolean isBrokerMatch      = random.Next(20) == 0;
            Boolean isHedgeMatch       = random.Next(15) == 0;
            Boolean isInstitutionMatch = true;

            // This randomizes the random matching patterns.  Every now and then, don't match with anyone.
            if (random.Next(5) == 0)
                isBrokerMatch      = false;
                isHedgeMatch       = false;
                isInstitutionMatch = false;

            //  <transaction>
            XElement elementTransaction = new XElement("transaction");


            //    <method name="StoreWorkingOrder">
            XElement elementWorkingOrder = new XElement("method", new XAttribute("name", "StoreWorkingOrder"));


            //      <parameter name="blotterKey" value="EMERGING MARKETS BLOTTER" />
                new XElement("parameter",
                             new XAttribute("name", "blotterKey"),
                             new XAttribute("value", blotterRow.EntityRow.ExternalId0)));

            //      <parameter name="configurationId" value="US TICKER" />
            elementWorkingOrder.Add(new XElement("parameter", new XAttribute("name", "configurationId"), new XAttribute("value", "CUSIP")));

            //      <parameter name="createdTime" value="5/6/2012 5:27:56 PM" />
            elementWorkingOrder.Add(new XElement("parameter", new XAttribute("name", "createdTime"), new XAttribute("value", DateTime.Now.ToString("G"))));

            //      <parameter name="crossingKey" value="NEVER MATCH" />
            elementWorkingOrder.Add(new XElement("parameter", new XAttribute("name", "crossingKey"), new XAttribute("value", crossingRow.ExternalId0)));

            //      <parameter name="externalId0" value="{bab88942-5c4e-440a-a352-c8e9b00fec12}" />
            elementWorkingOrder.Add(new XElement("parameter", new XAttribute("name", "externalId0"), new XAttribute("value", workingOrderId.ToString("B"))));

            //      <parameter name="isBrokerMatch" value="false" />
            elementWorkingOrder.Add(new XElement("parameter", new XAttribute("name", "isBrokerMatch"), new XAttribute("value", isBrokerMatch)));

            //      <parameter name="isHedgeMatch" value="false" />
            elementWorkingOrder.Add(new XElement("parameter", new XAttribute("name", "isHedgeMatch"), new XAttribute("value", isHedgeMatch)));

            //      <parameter name="isInstitutionMatch" value="true" />
            elementWorkingOrder.Add(new XElement("parameter", new XAttribute("name", "isInstitutionMatch"), new XAttribute("value", isInstitutionMatch)));

            //      <parameter name="modifiedTime" value="5/6/2012 5:27:56 PM" />
            elementWorkingOrder.Add(new XElement("parameter", new XAttribute("name", "modifiedTime"), new XAttribute("value", DateTime.Now.ToString("G"))));

            //      <parameter name="orderTypeKey" value="MKT" />
            elementWorkingOrder.Add(new XElement("parameter", new XAttribute("name", "orderTypeKey"), new XAttribute("value", "MKT")));

            //      <parameter name="securityKeyBySecurityId" value="ODP" />
                new XElement("parameter",
                             new XAttribute("name", "securityKeyBySecurityId"),
                             new XAttribute("value", securityRow.EntityRow.ExternalId4)));

            //      <parameter name="securityKeyBySettlementId" value="USD" />
                new XElement("parameter",
                             new XAttribute("name", "securityKeyBySettlementId"),
                             new XAttribute("value", settlementCurrencyRow.EntityRow.ExternalId0)));

            //      <parameter name="settlementDate" value="5/9/2012 5:27:56 PM" />
            elementWorkingOrder.Add(new XElement("parameter", new XAttribute("name", "settlementDate"), new XAttribute("value", settlementDate.ToString("G"))));

            //      <parameter name="sideKey" value="SELL" />
            elementWorkingOrder.Add(new XElement("parameter", new XAttribute("name", "sideKey"), new XAttribute("value", sideRow.ExternalId0)));

            //      <parameter name="statusKey" value="NEW" />
            elementWorkingOrder.Add(new XElement("parameter", new XAttribute("name", "statusKey"), new XAttribute("value", statusRow.ExternalId0)));

            //      <parameter name="timeInForceKey" value="DAY" />
            elementWorkingOrder.Add(new XElement("parameter", new XAttribute("name", "timeInForceKey"), new XAttribute("value", timeInForceRow.ExternalId0)));

            //      <parameter name="tradeDate" value="5/6/2012 5:27:56 PM" />
            elementWorkingOrder.Add(new XElement("parameter", new XAttribute("name", "tradeDate"), new XAttribute("value", tradeDate.ToString("G"))));

            //      <parameter name="userKeyByCreatedUserId" value="DEV KAPOOR" />
                new XElement("parameter",
                             new XAttribute("name", "userKeyByCreatedUserId"),
                             new XAttribute("value", userRow.EntityRow.ExternalId0)));

            //      <parameter name="userKeyByModifiedUserId" value="DEV KAPOOR" />
                new XElement("parameter",
                             new XAttribute("name", "userKeyByModifiedUserId"),
                             new XAttribute("value", userRow.EntityRow.ExternalId0)));

            // This will generate between one and three source orders for the working order.  Source orders are a blocking concept.  You can get several orders for
            // the same security on the same side for the same price.  When this happens, it is much more efficient to block them as a single order and execute them
            // as a single order and allocate them back to the original orders when the order is done.
            Int32 sourceOrderCount = random.Next(1, 3);

            for (Int32 sourceOrderIndex = 0; sourceOrderIndex < sourceOrderCount; sourceOrderIndex++)
                // This creates a unique identifier for the source order.
                Guid sourceOrderId = Guid.NewGuid();

                // This generates a random quantity for the order between 100 and 10,000 shares.
                Decimal orderedQuantity = Convert.ToDecimal(random.Next(1, 100)) * 100.0M;

                //    <method name="StoreSourceOrder">
                XElement elementSourceOrder = new XElement("method", new XAttribute("name", "StoreSourceOrder"));

                //      <parameter name="configurationId" value="US TICKER" />
                elementSourceOrder.Add(new XElement("parameter", new XAttribute("name", "configurationId"), new XAttribute("value", "CUSIP")));

                //      <parameter name="createdTime" value="2012-05-06T17:27:56.2658093-04:00" />
                elementSourceOrder.Add(new XElement("parameter", new XAttribute("name", "createdTime"), new XAttribute("value", DateTime.Now)));

                //      <parameter name="externalId0" value="{3c69e0a0-3316-4499-a7b1-6dda5a058837}" />
                elementSourceOrder.Add(new XElement("parameter", new XAttribute("name", "externalId0"), new XAttribute("value", sourceOrderId.ToString("B"))));

                //      <parameter name="modifiedTime" value="5/6/2012 5:27:56 PM" />
                elementSourceOrder.Add(new XElement("parameter", new XAttribute("name", "modifiedTime"), new XAttribute("value", DateTime.Now.ToString("G"))));

                //      <parameter name="orderedQuantity" value="4300.0" />
                elementSourceOrder.Add(new XElement("parameter", new XAttribute("name", "orderedQuantity"), new XAttribute("value", orderedQuantity)));

                //      <parameter name="orderTypeKey" value="MKT" />
                elementSourceOrder.Add(new XElement("parameter", new XAttribute("name", "orderTypeKey"), new XAttribute("value", "MKT")));

                //      <parameter name="securityKeyBySecurityId" value="ODP" />
                    new XElement("parameter",
                                 new XAttribute("name", "securityKeyBySecurityId"),
                                 new XAttribute("value", securityRow.EntityRow.ExternalId4)));

                //      <parameter name="securityKeyBySettlementId" value="USD" />
                    new XElement("parameter",
                                 new XAttribute("name", "securityKeyBySettlementId"),
                                 new XAttribute("value", settlementCurrencyRow.EntityRow.ExternalId0)));

                //      <parameter name="settlementDate" value="2012-05-09T17:27:56.2528086-04:00" />
                elementSourceOrder.Add(new XElement("parameter", new XAttribute("name", "settlementDate"), new XAttribute("value", settlementDate)));

                //      <parameter name="sideKey" value="SELL" />
                elementSourceOrder.Add(new XElement("parameter", new XAttribute("name", "sideKey"), new XAttribute("value", sideRow.ExternalId0)));

                //      <parameter name="statusKey" value="NEW" />
                elementSourceOrder.Add(new XElement("parameter", new XAttribute("name", "statusKey"), new XAttribute("value", statusRow.ExternalId0)));

                //      <parameter name="timeInForceKey" value="DAY" />
                    new XElement("parameter",
                                 new XAttribute("name", "timeInForceKey"),
                                 new XAttribute("value", timeInForceRow.ExternalId0)));

                //      <parameter name="tradeDate" value="5/6/2012 5:27:56 PM" />
                elementSourceOrder.Add(new XElement("parameter", new XAttribute("name", "tradeDate"), new XAttribute("value", tradeDate.ToString("G"))));

                //      <parameter name="userKeyByCreatedUserId" value="DEV KAPOOR" />
                    new XElement("parameter",
                                 new XAttribute("name", "userKeyByCreatedUserId"),
                                 new XAttribute("value", userRow.EntityRow.ExternalId0)));

                //      <parameter name="userKeyByModifiedUserId" value="DEV KAPOOR" />
                    new XElement("parameter",
                                 new XAttribute("name", "userKeyByModifiedUserId"),
                                 new XAttribute("value", userRow.EntityRow.ExternalId0)));

                //      <parameter name="workingOrderKey" value="{bab88942-5c4e-440a-a352-c8e9b00fec12}" />
                    new XElement("parameter",
                                 new XAttribute("name", "workingOrderKey"),
                                 new XAttribute("value", workingOrderId.ToString("B"))));
Example #5
 internal AssetNetworkItem(AssetNetworkCollection owner, DataModel.EntityRow entityRow)
     // The new instance is populated with data from the data model.
     this.Copy(owner, entityRow);
Example #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Copies the information from the data model into the item.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="owner">The owner collection.</param>
        /// <param name="entityRow">The record in the data model that contains the information for this item.</param>
        protected void Copy(AssetNetworkCollection owner, DataModel.EntityRow entityRow)
            // Validate the parameters
            if (owner == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("owner");
            if (entityRow == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("entityRow");

            // Copy the basic information out of the data model.  These statements will also cause the NotifyPropertyChange event to fire.
            this.DateCreated     = entityRow.CreatedTime;
            this.DateModified    = entityRow.ModifiedTime;
            this.EntityId        = entityRow.EntityId;
            this.Name            = entityRow.Name;
            this.TypeDescription = entityRow.TypeRow.Description;
            this.TypeId          = entityRow.TypeId;

            // Create properties from the metadata associated with this entity.
            foreach (DataModel.PropertyStoreRow propertyStoreRow in entityRow.GetPropertyStoreRows())
                // Copy the viewer property.
                if (propertyStoreRow.PropertyId == PropertyId.Viewer)
                    this.Viewer = new Uri(Encoding.Unicode.GetString(propertyStoreRow.Value as Byte[]), UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute);

                // Copy the data property.
                if (propertyStoreRow.PropertyId == PropertyId.Data)
                    this.Data = propertyStoreRow.Value as Byte[];

            // This will disassemble the icon and give us the basic image sizes supported by the application framework.
            Dictionary <ImageSize, ImageSource> images = ImageHelper.DecodeIcon(Convert.FromBase64String(entityRow.ImageRow.Image));

            this.SmallImageSource      = images[ImageSize.Small];
            this.MediumImageSource     = images[ImageSize.Medium];
            this.LargeImageSource      = images[ImageSize.Large];
            this.ExtraLargeImageSource = images[ImageSize.ExtraLarge];

            // The next part of the copy operation involves recursing into the children and copying, moving or removing the items to reflect the current hierarchy.
            // This query is the meat of recursing into the hierarchy.  This will create a sorted array of all the child items of this node.
            var children = from entityTreeItem in entityRow.GetEntityTreeRowsByFK_Entity_EntityTree_ParentId()
                           where entityTreeItem.EntityRowByFK_Entity_EntityTree_ChildId.IsContainer == true
                           orderby entityTreeItem.EntityRowByFK_Entity_EntityTree_ChildId.Name
                           select entityTreeItem.EntityRowByFK_Entity_EntityTree_ChildId;

            DataModel.EntityRow[] childArray = children.ToArray <DataModel.EntityRow>();

            // This list is part of a MVVM.  Since this collection is designed to be bound to the user interface, it is important not to wipe it clean and rebuild
            // it each time something changes.  The main idea of this algorithm is to find out what children are new, what children need to be updated and what
            // children need to be deleted without disturbing the other children.
            Int32 sourceIndex = 0;
            Int32 targetIndex = 0;

            while (targetIndex < this.Children.Count && sourceIndex < childArray.Length)
                // The names of the node (within the scope of their parent node) is unique, just like a file system.  If the list of new children doesn't match up
                // with the list provided by the data model, then we will insert, update or delete the list in order to reconcile the differences.
                AssetNetworkItem    targetItem = this.Children[targetIndex] as AssetNetworkItem;
                DataModel.EntityRow childRow   = childArray[sourceIndex];

                // Items no longer in the data model are deleted from the list.  Items that are already in the list have their contents copied (including children)
                // and new items are created (including their children) and added to the list.
                switch (String.Compare(targetItem.Name, childRow.Name, true, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture))
                case -1:

                    // Remove children no longer in the data model.
                    AssetNetworkItem removedItem = this.Children[targetIndex] as AssetNetworkItem;

                case 0:

                    // Copy items that are already in the list.
                    targetItem.Copy(owner, childRow);

                case 1:

                    // Add new items (and their children) when they aren't in the list.
                    AssetNetworkItem addedItem = new AssetNetworkItem(owner, childRow);
                    this.Children.Insert(targetIndex, addedItem);

            // This covers the case where there were several children added to the list after the last item in the existing list.  In this situation there is
            // nothing left to reconcile, just a bunch of new items to be concatenated to the current list of children.
            while (sourceIndex < childArray.Length)
                AssetNetworkItem assetNetworkItem = new AssetNetworkItem(owner, childArray[sourceIndex]);

            // The next part of the copy operation involves recursing into the children and copying, moving or removing the items to reflect the current hierarchy.
            // This query is the meat of recursing into the hierarchy.  This will create a sorted array of all the child items of this node.
            var leaves = from entityTreeItem in entityRow.GetEntityTreeRowsByFK_Entity_EntityTree_ParentId()
                         where entityTreeItem.EntityRowByFK_Entity_EntityTree_ChildId.IsContainer == false
                         orderby entityTreeItem.EntityRowByFK_Entity_EntityTree_ChildId.Name
                         select entityTreeItem.EntityRowByFK_Entity_EntityTree_ChildId;

            DataModel.EntityRow[] leavesArray = leaves.ToArray <DataModel.EntityRow>();

            // This list is part of a MVVM.  Since this collection is designed to be bound to the user interface, it is important not to wipe it clean and rebuild
            // it each time something changes.  The main idea of this algorithm is to find out what leaves are new, what leaves need to be updated and what
            // leaves need to be deleted without disturbing the other leaves.
            Int32 sourceLeavesIndex = 0;
            Int32 targetLeavesIndex = 0;

            while (targetLeavesIndex < this.Leaves.Count && sourceLeavesIndex < leavesArray.Length)
                // The names of the node (within the scope of their parent node) is unique, just like a file system.  If the list of new leaves doesn't match up
                // with the list provided by the data model, then we will insert, update or delete the list in order to reconcile the differences.
                AssetNetworkItem    targetItem = this.Leaves[targetLeavesIndex] as AssetNetworkItem;
                DataModel.EntityRow leafRow    = leavesArray[sourceLeavesIndex];

                // Items no longer in the data model are deleted from the list.  Items that are already in the list have their contents copied (including leaves)
                // and new items are created (including their leaves) and added to the list.
                switch (String.Compare(targetItem.Name, leafRow.Name, true, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture))
                case -1:

                    // Remove leaves no longer in the data model.
                    AssetNetworkItem removedItem = this.Leaves[targetLeavesIndex] as AssetNetworkItem;

                case 0:

                    // Copy items that are already in the list.
                    targetItem.Copy(owner, leafRow);

                case 1:

                    // Add new items (and their leaves) when they aren't in the list.
                    AssetNetworkItem addedItem = new AssetNetworkItem(owner, leafRow);
                    this.Leaves.Insert(targetLeavesIndex, addedItem);

            // This covers the case where there were several leaves added to the list after the last item in the existing list.  In this situation there is
            // nothing left to reconcile, just a bunch of new items to be concatenated to the current list of leaves.
            while (sourceLeavesIndex < leavesArray.Length)
                AssetNetworkItem assetNetworkItem = new AssetNetworkItem(owner, leavesArray[sourceLeavesIndex]);
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a data model entry for the given path element.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parentItem"></param>
        /// <param name="path">The full file name of the document to be loaded.</param>
        /// <param name="externalDocument">The properties used to build the document.</param>
        static void CreateDocument(AssetNetworkItem parentItem, String path, DocumentProperty externalDocument)
            // The general idea here is to create the data structure that will be passed to the server to create the documents.  Once built, the same data is used
            // to modify the client side so it will look like the file was imported instantaneously. If the operation to add the document fails, then we will undo
            // the transaction but most of the time it will just look zippin' quick.  This is list of metadata properties used to create the document.
            List <PropertyStoreInfo> propertyStoreList = new List <PropertyStoreInfo>();

            // Each document requires an image so we can display an icon on the directory page.  The icon used for the documents is acquired from the type
            // information (each type is associated with an icon).
            DataModel.TypeRow typeRow = DataModel.Type.TypeKey.Find(externalDocument.typeId);

            // IMPORTANT CONCEPT: In order to create the document on the client side, we need to have unique identifiers.  These unique identifiers will be passed
            // to the server when it is time to create the document and all the records that go with it (metadata, entity tree, etc.).  If the operation is not
            // successful, then we roll back this transaction and all these records will go away, but if the operation is successful, then we'll get back the
            // actual database record which will, by virtue of having the same identifiers created here, update these records with the actual server information
            // (most importantly, we'll get back a RowVersion and all the other server-side defaults).
            CreateDocumentInfo createDocumentInfo = new CreateDocumentInfo();

            createDocumentInfo.EntityId       = Guid.NewGuid();
            createDocumentInfo.EntityTreeId   = Guid.NewGuid();
            createDocumentInfo.Name           = Path.GetFileName(path);
            createDocumentInfo.ParentEntityId = parentItem.EntityId;
            createDocumentInfo.TypeId         = typeRow.TypeId;

            // If a viewer has been specified for this file type, then create a metadata property for the viewer.
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(externalDocument.ViewerUri))
                PropertyStoreInfo viewerPropertyInfo = new PropertyStoreInfo();
                viewerPropertyInfo.PropertyStoreId = Guid.NewGuid();
                viewerPropertyInfo.PropertyId      = PropertyId.Viewer;
                viewerPropertyInfo.Value           = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(externalDocument.ViewerUri);

            // This will create a metadata property for the data that goes with an item.  In this case, the data is the file contents.
            PropertyStoreInfo dataPropertyInfo = new PropertyStoreInfo();

            dataPropertyInfo.PropertyId      = PropertyId.Data;
            dataPropertyInfo.PropertyStoreId = Guid.NewGuid();
            using (FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
                MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream();
                DirectoryPage.Copy(fileStream, memoryStream);
                Byte[] buffer = new Byte[memoryStream.Length];
                Array.Copy(memoryStream.GetBuffer(), buffer, memoryStream.Length);
                dataPropertyInfo.Value = buffer;

            // Package the properties up in an array.
            createDocumentInfo.Properties = propertyStoreList.ToArray();

            // At this point, we have enough data to create the document on the server.  We could quit now and just send the message off to the server and wait for
            // the server to update the client with the newly created document.  However, this involves a lag time which can be noticable on public systems.  To
            // make it look like the operation was instantaneous, we're going to create the document on the client side.  If the server accepts the web service
            // call, then all this data will be overwritten by the actual server version.  If the operation fails, all this data will be rolled back.
            DataModel.EntityRow entityRow = DataModel.Entity.NewRow() as DataModel.EntityRow;
            entityRow.EntityId     = createDocumentInfo.EntityId;
            entityRow.CreatedTime  = DateTime.Now;
            entityRow.ImageId      = typeRow.ImageId;
            entityRow.Name         = createDocumentInfo.Name;
            entityRow.ModifiedTime = DateTime.Now;
            entityRow.RowVersion   = 0;
            entityRow.IsContainer  = false;
            entityRow.TypeId       = createDocumentInfo.TypeId;

            // This will create the client side version of all the properties associated with this document.
            foreach (PropertyStoreInfo propertyStoreInfo in createDocumentInfo.Properties)
                DataModel.PropertyStoreRow viewerPropertyRow = DataModel.PropertyStore.NewRow() as DataModel.PropertyStoreRow;
                viewerPropertyRow.EntityId        = createDocumentInfo.EntityId;
                viewerPropertyRow.PropertyId      = propertyStoreInfo.PropertyId;
                viewerPropertyRow.PropertyStoreId = propertyStoreInfo.PropertyStoreId;
                viewerPropertyRow.RowVersion      = 0;
                viewerPropertyRow.Value           = propertyStoreInfo.Value;

            // Finally, we need a relation built between the parent container and this document.
            DataModel.EntityTreeRow entityTreeRow = DataModel.EntityTree.NewRow() as DataModel.EntityTreeRow;
            entityTreeRow.ParentId     = parentItem.EntityId;
            entityTreeRow.ChildId      = createDocumentInfo.EntityId;
            entityTreeRow.EntityTreeId = createDocumentInfo.EntityTreeId;
            entityTreeRow.RowVersion   = 0;

            // The object will be added to the common data model from a background thread.
            ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(DirectoryPage.CreateItemThread, createDocumentInfo);
Example #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates orders in the simulated order book.
        /// </summary>
        private static void OrderHandler()
            // This thread will create orders in the simulated order book from destination orders placed in the queue.  This thread
            // is necessary due to the locking architecture that prevents accessing the data model during a commit operation (which
            // is where the event indicating a new or changed destination order originates).
            while (MarketSimulator.IsBrokerSimulatorThreadRunning)
                // This thread will wait here until a destination order is available in the queue.
                DataModel.DestinationOrderRow destinationOrderRow = MarketSimulator.orderQueue.Dequeue();

                // The code that adds an order to the simulated book must have exclusive access to the simulated data model.
                lock (MarketSimulator.syncRoot)
                    // The primary data model needs to be accessed also for ancillary data associated with the new order.
                    using (TransactionScope transactionScope = new TransactionScope())
                            // This context is used to keep track of the locks aquired for the ancillary data.
                            DataModelTransaction dataModelTransaction = DataModel.CurrentTransaction;

                            // Lock the destination order.
                            destinationOrderRow.AcquireReaderLock(dataModelTransaction.TransactionId, DataModel.LockTimeout);

                            // Lock the Security.
                            DataModel.SecurityRow securityRow = destinationOrderRow.SecurityRowByFK_Security_DestinationOrder_SecurityId;
                            securityRow.AcquireReaderLock(dataModelTransaction.TransactionId, DataModel.LockTimeout);

                            // The working order row must be locked to examine the flags
                            DataModel.WorkingOrderRow workingOrderRow = destinationOrderRow.WorkingOrderRow;
                            workingOrderRow.AcquireReaderLock(dataModelTransaction.TransactionId, DataModel.LockTimeout);

                            // Lock the Entity.
                            DataModel.EntityRow entityRow = securityRow.EntityRow;
                            entityRow.AcquireReaderLock(dataModelTransaction.TransactionId, DataModel.LockTimeout);

                            // Calculate the quantity executed on this order (some orders are created with executions, such as crossed orders.)
                            Decimal quantityExecuted = 0.0M;
                            foreach (DataModel.ExecutionRow executionRow in destinationOrderRow.GetExecutionRows())
                                quantityExecuted += executionRow.ExecutionQuantity;

                            // The simulated order is added to the book.  This collects all the information required to simulate the execution of this order.
                            DataSetMarket.OrderRow orderRow = MarketSimulator.dataSetMarket.Order.NewOrderRow();
                            orderRow.BlotterId          = destinationOrderRow.BlotterId;
                            orderRow.DestinationOrderId = destinationOrderRow.DestinationOrderId;
                            orderRow.OrderTypeCode      = OrderTypeMap.FromId(destinationOrderRow.OrderTypeId);
                            orderRow.QuantityOrdered    = destinationOrderRow.OrderedQuantity;
                            orderRow.QuantityExecuted   = quantityExecuted;
                            orderRow.SideCode           = SideMap.FromId(destinationOrderRow.SideId);
                            orderRow.Symbol             = securityRow.Symbol;
                            orderRow.TimeInForceCode    = TimeInForceMap.FromId(destinationOrderRow.TimeInForceId);

                            // Adding the first order to the simulated order book will enable the simulation thread to begin processing the orders.  The order
                            // simulation thread will continue until the book is filled.
                            if (MarketSimulator.dataSetMarket.Order.Count == 1)
                        catch { }

                        // The locks are no longer required.
Example #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Simulation of brokers executing destination orders.
        /// </summary>
        private static void SimulateBroker()
            // This will seed the random number generator.
            Random random = new Random(DateTime.Now.Millisecond);

            // An instance of the data model is required to update it.
            DataModel dataModel = new DataModel();

            // This set of claims gives the current thread the authority to update the price table.
            List <Claim> listClaims = new List <Claim>();

            listClaims.Add(new Claim(Teraque.ClaimTypes.Create, Teraque.Resources.Application, Rights.PossessProperty));
            listClaims.Add(new Claim(Teraque.ClaimTypes.Update, Teraque.Resources.Application, Rights.PossessProperty));
            listClaims.Add(new Claim(Teraque.ClaimTypes.Read, Teraque.Resources.Application, Rights.PossessProperty));
            ClaimSet adminClaims = new DefaultClaimSet(null, listClaims);
//			Thread.CurrentPrincipal = new ClaimsPrincipal(new GenericIdentity("Broker Service"), adminClaims);

            // Every execution requires a user identifier (the user who created the execution) and the broker who executed the
            // trade.  These values are hard coded at the moment but should be more intelligently assigned in the future.
            Guid userId   = Guid.Empty;
            Guid brokerId = Guid.Empty;

            // Operating values are required for the simulation that come from the data model.
            using (TransactionScope transactionScope = new TransactionScope())
                // The middle tier context allows ADO operations to participate in the transaction.
                DataModelTransaction dataModelTransaction = DataModel.CurrentTransaction;

                // The broker for all the executions is hard coded.
                DataModel.EntityRow brokerRow = DataModel.Entity.EntityKeyExternalId0.Find(new object[] { "ZODIAC SECURITIES" });
                brokerRow.AcquireReaderLock(dataModelTransaction.TransactionId, DataModel.LockTimeout);
                brokerId = brokerRow.EntityId;

                // The user who creates these executions is hard coded.
                DataModel.EntityRow userRow = DataModel.Entity.EntityKeyExternalId0.Find(new object[] { "ADMINISTRATOR" });
                userRow.AcquireReaderLock(dataModelTransaction.TransactionId, DataModel.LockTimeout);
                userId = userRow.EntityId;

                // The data model doesn't need to be locked any more.

            // This thread will run until an external thread sets this property to 'false'.
            while (MarketSimulator.IsBrokerSimulatorThreadRunning)
                // Wait for orders to show up in the simulated order book.

                // The simulator parameters need to be locked for each batch of simulated price changes.

                    // This will select a random price in the table and change the price by a random amount.
                    if (MarketSimulator.dataSetMarket.Order.Rows.Count > 0)
                        // Select a random row from the order book.
                        int orderIndex = random.Next(MarketSimulator.dataSetMarket.Order.Rows.Count);
                        DataSetMarket.OrderRow orderRow = MarketSimulator.dataSetMarket.Order[orderIndex];
                        if (orderRow.IsBusy)
                        orderRow.IsBusy = true;

                        // This transaction is required to add the new execution.
                        using (TransactionScope transactionScope = new TransactionScope())
                            // The middle tier context allows ADO operations to participate in the transaction.
                            DataModelTransaction dataModelTransaction = DataModel.CurrentTransaction;

                            // This will simulate a random selection of a price change is quoted. The 'quoteColumn' variable can be
                            // used to reference the selected quote from any price row.  Below, a random row will be selected for
                            // the price change.
                            int actionTypeIndex = random.Next(Enum.GetValues(typeof(ActionType)).Length);
                            switch ((ActionType)Enum.GetValues(typeof(ActionType)).GetValue(actionTypeIndex))
                            case ActionType.Execute:

                                // This creates a random execution of the remaining shares on the order.
                                DateTime dateTime         = DateTime.Now;
                                Guid     blotterId        = orderRow.BlotterId;
                                Decimal  quantityLeaves   = orderRow.QuantityOrdered - orderRow.QuantityExecuted;
                                Decimal  quantityExecuted = quantityLeaves <= 100 ?
                                                            quantityLeaves :
                                                            Convert.ToDecimal(random.Next(1, Convert.ToInt32(quantityLeaves / 100.0M))) * 100.0M;
                                DataSetMarket.PriceRow priceRow =
                                    MarketSimulator.dataSetMarket.Price.FindByConfigurationIdSymbol("US TICKER", orderRow.Symbol);
                                Decimal executionPrice = 0.0M;
                                if (priceRow != null)
                                    executionPrice = orderRow.SideCode == SideCode.Buy || orderRow.SideCode == SideCode.BuyCover ?
                                                     priceRow.BidPrice :
                                Guid executionId        = Guid.NewGuid();
                                Guid destinationOrderId = orderRow.DestinationOrderId;

                                // When the order is completed, it is removed from the order book.  When the order book is empty, the thread goes to sleep
                                // until another thread puts something in the order queue.
                                orderRow.QuantityExecuted += quantityExecuted;
                                if (orderRow.QuantityOrdered == orderRow.QuantityExecuted)
                                    if (MarketSimulator.dataSetMarket.Order.Count == 0)

                                if (quantityExecuted > 0)



                            // This will commit the changes to the order book.

                        // This allows another thread to work the order.
                        orderRow.IsBusy = false;

                // This allows other threads the chance to run.
Example #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates prices using a United States ticker.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="symbolIndex">The index to use to find the symbol.</param>
        /// <param name="symbolKey">The symbol key.</param>
        /// <param name="currencyIndex">The index to use to find the currency.</param>
        /// <param name="currencyKey">The currency key.</param>
        /// <param name="quote">The quote used to update the price.</param>
        static void UpdatePriceBySymbolCurrency(
            DataModel.IEntityIndex symbolIndex,
            Object[] symbolKey,
            DataModel.IEntityIndex currencyIndex,
            Object[] currencyKey,
            Quote quote)
            // The current transaction and the target data model is extracted from the thread.
            DataModelTransaction dataModelTransaction = DataModel.CurrentTransaction;
            TenantDataModel      tenantDataSet        = dataModelTransaction.TenantDataModel;

            // This will find the currency of the quote.
            DataModel.EntityRow currencyEntityRow = currencyIndex.Find(currencyKey);
            if (currencyEntityRow == null)
                throw new FaultException <RecordNotFoundFault>(new RecordNotFoundFault("Entity", currencyKey));
            currencyEntityRow.AcquireReaderLock(dataModelTransaction.TransactionId, DataModel.LockTimeout);
            if (currencyEntityRow.RowState == System.Data.DataRowState.Detached)
                throw new FaultException <RecordNotFoundFault>(new RecordNotFoundFault("Entity", currencyKey));
            Guid currencyId = currencyEntityRow.EntityId;

            // This will find the security using the external identifier.
            DataModel.EntityRow securityEntityRow = symbolIndex.Find(symbolKey);
            if (securityEntityRow == null)
                throw new FaultException <RecordNotFoundFault>(new RecordNotFoundFault("Entity", symbolKey));
            securityEntityRow.AcquireReaderLock(dataModelTransaction.TransactionId, DataModel.LockTimeout);
            if (securityEntityRow.RowState == System.Data.DataRowState.Detached)
                throw new FaultException <RecordNotFoundFault>(new RecordNotFoundFault("Entity", symbolKey));
            Guid securityId = securityEntityRow.EntityId;

            // If the price record exists, then update it.  If it doesn't exist then create it.
            Object[]           priceKey = new Object[] { securityId, currencyId };
            DataModel.PriceRow priceRow = DataModel.Price.PriceKey.Find(priceKey);
            if (priceRow == null)
                priceRow.AcquireReaderLock(dataModelTransaction.TransactionId, DataModel.LockTimeout);
                if (priceRow.RowState == System.Data.DataRowState.Detached)
                    throw new FaultException <RecordNotFoundFault>(new RecordNotFoundFault("Price", priceKey));